Pre-Interview Test (Pit) : Sr. No. Name of School Name of Programme Duration PIT Type Format Mumbai Campus

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The Pre-Interview Test (PIT) and Personal Interview for all the shortlisted candidates for all the programmes offered from all the four TISS campuses will be held
centrally in the Mumbai Campus The PIT will be for !" Mar#s and the time alloted is upto $! minutes
Name of School Name of Programme Duration PIT Type Format
School of Social
Children and Family 20 minutes GD A group discussion (GD !ill "e conducted as part of the #$% process for all
candidates appearing for admission to all the Social Work programmes in the
&um"ai Campus' %he discussion is scheduled prior to the personal inter(ie! and
lasts for 20 minutes' %he group discussion !ill "e conducted !ith mem"ers
num"ering "et!een )*12 candidates' %he candidates !ill "e sho!n a photograph
!ith a caption for discussion' %he purpose of the discussion is to assess the
candidates kno!ledge+ sensiti(ities and understanding of current social issues' $t
also assess the communication and people skill of candidates !hen they interact
!ith peers'
2 Criminology and ,ustice 20 minutes GD
- Community .rganisation and De(elopment
20 minutes GD
/ Disa"ility Studies and Action 20 minutes GD
0 Dalit and %ri"al Studies and Action 20 minutes GD
1 &ental 2ealth 20 minutes GD
3 #u"lic 2ealth 20 minutes GD
) 4i(elihoods and 5ntrepreneurship 20 minutes GD
6 Women Centred #ractice 20 minutes GD
12 School of
&anagement and
4a"our Studies
&'A' $n Glo"alisation and 4a"our -0 minutes 5ssay*
Candidates !ill "e gi(en a choice of t!o topics from !hich they !ill ha(e to
attempt one essay' %hey !ill "e e7pected to complete the essay in -0 minutes and
the !ord limit is 000 !ords' Candidates !ill "e e7pected to !rite the essay in
5nglish' %he focus of the e(aluation !ill "e on content+ analysis and clarity'
Candidates cannot carry any reading material !ith them into the e7am hall'
Some illustrati(e essays are also pro(ided here' 8indly note that these are
Name of School Name of Programme Duration PIT Type Format
illustrati(e essays only' %hey are "roadly indicati(e of the le(el of a!areness and
analysis e7pected from participants' Candidates are encouraged to !rite the
essays using their o!n perspecti(es and theoretical standpoints they may "e
a!are of'
Sample Quetion!
1' %he linkages "et!een employment in the informal economy and po(erty
2' Gender and informal employment
-' Challenges in organising the unorganised
/' $nternational 4a"our .rganisation and the rights of !orkers
1- School of
&anagement and
4a"our Studies
&'A' $n 2uman 9esources &anagement and
4a"our 9elations
-0 minutes 5ssay*
Candidates !ill "e gi(en a choice of t!o topics from !hich they !ill ha(e to
attempt one essay' %hey !ill "e e7pected to complete the essay in -0 minutes'
Candidates !ill "e e7pected to !rite the essay in 5nglish' %he focus of the
e(aluation !ill "e on content+ analysis and clarity' Candidates cannot carry any
reading material !ith them into the e7am hall' Some illustrati(e essays are also
pro(ided here' 8indly note that these are illustrati(e essays only' %hey are
"roadly indicati(e of the le(el of a!areness and analysis e7pected from
participants' Candidates are encouraged to !rite the essays using their o!n
perspecti(es and standpoints they may "e a!are of'
Sample Quetion!
1' $mpact of 5conomic 9eforms on $ndia:s gro!th'
2' Social $ne;uality contri"utes to criminal "eha(iour'
-' Foreign Direct $n(estment and $ndian 9etail Sector < $ssues and Challenges
/' Synergy "et!een =usiness and Society is panacea for de(elopment'
1/ School of
&anagement and
4a"our Studies
&'A' $n Social 5ntrepreneurship -0 minutes 5ssay*
Candidates !ill "e gi(en a choice of t!o topics from !hich they !ill ha(e to
attempt one essay' %hey !ill "e e7pected to complete essay in -0 minutes'
Candidates !ill "e e7pected to !rite essay in 5nglish' =e precise and focus on
the highlighted issues>;uestions' ?our ans!ers !ill "e e(aluated on analysis+
fresh thinking and logical e7pression of thoughts' ?ou are e7pected to !rite
simple language !ith strong arguments'
Sample Quetion!
Name of School Name of Programme Duration PIT Type Format
1' 9ele(ance of 9ight to 5ducation Act in the socio*economic de(elopment of
the country@ Do entrepreneurs ha(e any role to play@ Comment'
2' %he rate of la"or migration from rural areas to ur"an areas is increasing
continuously' What kind of social pro"lem they create and can entrepreneurs
initiate any inter(ention@
-' %echnologies are not used in the $ndian society for social change+ comment
!ith ade;uate e7planation'
/' Comment on the rele(ance of Women 9eser(ation =ill+ !hy it is needed or
not needed and !hy political parties are not a"le to reach at consensus on
this@ Can there "e any alternate to this =ill@
10 School of 2ealth
Systems Studies
&aster of 2ealth Administration /0 minutes 5ssay*
%!o topics !ill "e gi(en out of !hich the candidate is e7pected to !rite an essay
not e7ceeding 1000 !ords in /0 minutes'
11 School of 2ealth
Systems Studies
&aster of 2ospital Administration /0 minutes 5ssay*
%!o topics !ill "e gi(en out of !hich the candidate is e7pected to !rite an essay
not e7ceeding 1000 !ords in /0 minutes'
13 School of 2ealth
Systems Studies
&aster of #u"lic 2ealth in Social
/0 minutes 5ssay*
%!o topics !ill "e gi(en out of !hich the candidate is e7pected to !rite an essay
not e7ceeding 1000 !ords in /0 minutes'
1) School of 2ealth
Systems Studies
&aster of #u"lic 2ealth in 2ealth #olicy+
5conomics and Finance
/0 minutes 5ssay*
%!o topics !ill "e gi(en out of !hich the candidate is e7pected to !rite an essay
not e7ceeding 1000 !ords in /0 minutes'
16 School of
&'A' $n De(elopment Studies /0 minutes 5ssay*
%he Written %est !ill "e of /0 minutes and candidates !ill "e re;uired to ans!er
t!o ;uestion out of three ;uestions' %he Written %est is aimed at e(aluating the
Comprehension+ 4ogical Writing Skills and Sensiti(ity to!ards issues'
20 School of
&'A' $n Women:s Studies /0 minutes 5ssay*
%he candidate !ill "e asked to !rite an essay and also ans!er to ;uestions
follo!ing a te7t selection+ reflecting the candidate:s critical analytical skills and
social sensiti(ity+ in particular to gender issues'
21 School of
&'A' $n 5ducation (5lementary /0 minutes 5ssay*
%he candidate !ill "e re;uired to !rite an essay for 1000 !ords on any one of
the three topics gi(en' %he topic !ill re;uire the student to reflect on an
educational issue of contemporary rele(ance'
Name of School Name of Programme Duration PIT Type Format
22 School of &edia
and Cultural
&'A' $n &edia and Cultural Studies /0 minutes 5ssay*
%he !ritten test for &A (&edia and Cultural Studies !ill consist of 2 ;uestionsA
Buestion 1 (candidates to ans!er one out of - options gi(en+ ma7imum length
000 !ords in(ol(es commenting critically on a statement+
e'g' Glo"alisation is a threat to $ndian Culture'
Buestion 2 (candidates to ans!er one out of - options gi(en+ e7pected length
300*1000 !ords in(ol(es !riting a story for !hich the first sentence is gi(en'
%he story should reflect the contemporary socio <political*economic realities and
should "e engaging to the reader' %he candidate may "ring in additional elements
such as characters+ locations and e(ents' e'g' After 3 years in Cail+ Arun started his
Courney home'
2- School of 2a"itat
&'A'>&'Sc'in Climate Change and
Sustaina"ility Studies
/0 minutes 5ssay*
$n addition to ;ualifying in the Common 5ntrance %est at the $nstitute 4e(el+
students seeking admission for the &'A'>&'Sc' #rogram in Climate Change and
Sustaina"ility Studies !ill ha(e to appear for a pre*inter(ei! test and a
personal inter(ie! !hich !ill "e held on the same day "y the Centre for Climate
Change and Sustaina"ility Studies' %he pre*$nter(ie! test !ill test the "asic
kno!ledge of students in the field of climate change and sustaina"le
de(elopment' $t !ill also test the students: analytical a"ilities'%he pre*inter(ie!
test !ill "e follo!ed "y a personal inter(ie!' Students performance on "oth the
pre*inter(ie! test and the personal inter(ie! !ill "e e(aluated>marked together'
2/ School of 2a"itat
&'A'>&'Sc' Disaster &anagement /0 minutes 5ssay*
Section 1A 00 marks
Section 2A 10 marks
Section -A -0 marks
Section 1 (one or t!o !ords ans!er and Section 2 (one or t!o lines ans!er are
aimed to pro"e the su"Cect interest>kno!ledge>intelligence>a!areness in
particular discipline at "asic le(el'
Section - (100*200 !ords is aimed to assess the analytical and !riting skills'
Name of School Name of Programme Duration PIT Type Format
20 School of 2a"itat
&'A'>&'Sc' Dr"an #olicy and Go(ernance /0 minutes 5ssay*
$n addition to ;ualifying in the Common 5ntrance %est at the $nstitute 4e(el+
students seeking admission for the &'A'>&'Sc' #rogram in Dr"an #olicy and
Go(ernance !ill ha(e to appear for a pre*inter(ie! test and a personal
inter(ie! !hich !ill "e held on the same day "y the Centre for Dr"an #olicy
#lanning and Go(ernance+ School of 2a"itat Studies' %he pre*$nter(ie! test !ill
test the "asic and general kno!ledge of students relating to the field of ur"an
policy and go(ernance' $t !ill also test the students: analytical a"ilities' %he pre*
inter(ie! test !ill "e follo!ed "y a personal inter(ie!' Students performance on
"oth the pre*inter(ie! test and the personal inter(ie! !ill "e e(aluated>marked
21 School of 2a"itat
&'A'>&'Sc' $n Water #olicy and Go(ernance /0 minutes 5ssay*
$n addition to ;ualifying in the Common 5ntrance %est at the $nstitute 4e(el+
students seeking admission for the &'A'>&'Sc'#rogramme in Water #olicy and
Go(ernance !ill ha(e to appear for a pre*inter(ie! test and a personal inter(ie!
!hich !ill "e held on the same day "y the Centre for Water #olicy+ 9egulation
and Go(ernance+ School of 2a"itat Studies' %he pre*$nter(ie! test !ill test the
general kno!ledge and domain kno!lege of students relating to the field of
!ater policy and go(ernance' $t !ill also test the students: comprehension skills+
analytical a"ilities and !riting skills' %he pre*inter(ie! test !ill "e follo!ed "y a
personal inter(ie!' Students performance on "oth the pre*inter(ie! test and the
personal inter(ie! !ill "e e(aluated>marked together'
23 School of 2a"itat
&'A'>&'Sc' $n 9egulatory Go(ernance /0 minutes 5ssay*
$n addition to ;ualifying in the Common 5ntrance %est at the $nstitute 4e(el+
students seeking admission for the &'A'>&'Sc' #rogramme in 9egulatory
Go(ernance !ill ha(e to appear for a pre*inter(ie! test and a personal inter(ie!
!hich !ill "e held on the same day "y the Centre for Water #olicy+ 9egulation
and Go(ernance+ School of 2a"itat Studies' %he pre*$nter(ie! test !ill test the
general kno!ledge and domain kno!ledge of students relating to the field of
regulatory go(ernance' $t !ill also test the students: comprehension skills+
analytical a"ilities and !riting skills' %he pre*inter(ie! test !ill "e follo!ed "y a
personal inter(ie!' Students performance on "oth the pre*inter(ie! test and the
personal inter(ie! !ill "e e(aluated>marked together'
Name of School Name of Programme Duration PIT Type Format
2) Centre for 2uman
&'A' Applied #sychology ( SpecialiEation in
Counseling #sychology
/0 minutes 5ssay*
%he #re*$nter(ie! test+ follo!ed "y the inter(ie!+ of the selection process for
&'A' Applied #sychology ("oth specialiEations !ill "e a u"#ect pecific
$ritten tet of %& mar'+ !hich !ill consist of t!o parts' %he test !ill "e the
same for "oth MA Applie( Pychology ) Speciali*ation in Clinical
Pychology + MA Applie( Pychology ) Speciali*ation in Counelling
1' %here !ill "e ,- mar' tet on "aic concept of pychology' %his !ill
"e to assess su"Cect kno!ledge in psychology' %he sylla"us for the
su"Cect kno!ledge test !ill "e dra!n from "asic concepts such as
emotion+ moti(ation+ learning and memory+ intelligence+ personality+
"iological "asis of "eha(ior+ "asic concepts in de(elopmental psychology+
"asic concepts in social psychology+ "asic concepts in psychological
assessment+ and "asic concepts in a"normal psychology'
2' %here !ill "e a comprehension passage !ith specific ;uestions !hich
need to "e ans!ered+ for ,, mar'' %his !ill help assess !riting skills+
comprehension a"ilities+ and social sensiti(ity and a!areness'
-' %he !ritten test !ill "e follo!ed "y Peronal$ /PI0 for 1%
mar'' %he #$ !ill assess su"Cect kno!ledge+ moti(ation for applying
for the course and the specialiEation+ sensiti(ity+ preparation for the
inter(ie! in terms of "ackground and e7tra reading+ a!areness a"out the
course re;uirements + specifically related to the populations that each
specialiEation !ill "e focusing on+ field e7posure if any+ and long term
goals of applicants'
/' $f candidates apply for "oth specialiEations in the &'A' Applied
#sychology program+ they ha(e to indicate their preference at the time of
application' %he preference indicated "y the applicant !ill "e kept in
mind !hile dra!ing up the merit list'
0' %here !ill "e separate merit lists dra!n up for "oth specialiEations'
1' Where there is an o(erlap of names in "oth &'A' Applied #sychology
lists+ (iE' Clinical #sychology and Counseling #sychology+ the applicants:
stated preference !ill "e considered+ freeing up a position on one list'
26 Centre for 2uman
&'A' Applied #sychology ( SpecialiEation in
Clinical #sychology
/0 minutes 5ssay*
Name of School Name of Programme Duration PIT Type Format
-0 Sir Dora"Ci %ata
&emorial 4i"rary
&aster of 4i"rary and $nformation Science /0 minutes 5ssay*
%he #re*$nter(ie! %est consists of a Written %est' $t !ill contain
essay type ;uestions' .ut of eight ;uestions+ candidate is re;uired to
attempt any fi(e ;uestions' %his !ill contain ;uestions to test the
a!areness of candidate a"out the contemporary issues likeA $nternet and
education+ 8no!ledge &anagement+ Digital Di(ide+ e*4earning+ 4i"raries
and Society+ Social media+ etc
-1 School of 4a!+
9ight and
.ne year &aster of 4a!s in Access to
/0 minutes 5ssay*
%he Candidates !ill "e re;uired to !rite an essay of a"out 2000 !ords on a
contemporary legal issue follo!ed "y a personal inter(ie!'
School of 9ural
School of 9ural
School of 9ural
School of 9ural
&'A' Social Work in 9ural De(elopment
&'A' $n De(elopment #olicy+ #lanning+ and
&'A' $n Social 5nterpreneurship
&'A' Sustaina"le 4i(elihoods+ Fatural
9esources &anagement and Go(ernance
/0 minutes 5ssay*
%his !ill "e a descripti(e test aimed at assessing the candidatesG a!areness on
current issues related to rural de(elopment' %he candidates are e7pected to
display the follo!ing in their !riting'
Cogniti.e 'illA $ncludes aspects such as a!areness+ perception+ reasoning+ and
final conclusion on the topic>issue'
Analytical 'illA $ncludes the a"ility to (isualiEe+ articulate+ apply logical
thinking and suggest solutions to sol(e a gi(en pro"lem'
Communication 'illA $ncludes the a"ility to !rite and e7press his>her o!n
ideas and (ie!s in simple+ clear and correct 5nglish and "e a"le to elicit the
interest of the reader'
Aptitu(eA 57pressing the interest+ capacity+ and a"ility to !ork for and !ith the
marginalised and the disad(antaged communities'
Name of School Name of Programme Duration PIT Type Format
-1 &'A'in 9ural De(elopment and Go(ernance /0 minutes 5ssay*
Candidates appearing for the &'A' 9ural De(elopment and Go(ernance
programme of %$SS 2ydera"ad are e7pected to !rite t!o ans!ers of 000 !ords
each' Candidates !ill "e gi(en a choice of four ;uestions' %he ans!ers !ill "e
assessed for clarity in !riting and understanding of the su"Cect'
&'A' $n 5ducation
&'A' $n #u"lic #olicy and Go(ernance
&'A' $n Women:s Studies
&'A' $n De(elopment Studies
/0 minutes
/0 minutes
/0 minutes
/0 minutes
Candidates appearing for the &'A' $n 5ducation programme of %$SS 2ydera"ad
are e7pected to !rite t!o ans!ers of 000 !ords each in 5nglish' Candidates !ill
"e gi(en a choice of four ;uestions' %he ans!ers !ill "e assessed for clarity in
!riting and understanding of the su"Cect'
Candidates appearing for the &'A' $n #u"lic #olicy and Go(ernance programme
of %$SS 2ydera"ad are e7pected to !rite t!o ans!ers of 000 !ords each in
5nglish' Candidates !ill "e gi(en a choice of four ;uestions' %he ans!ers !ill "e
assessed for clarity in !riting and understanding of the su"Cect'
Candidates appearing for the &'A' $n Women:s Studies programme of %$SS
2ydera"ad are e7pected to !rite t!o ans!ers of 000 !ords each in 5nglish'
Candidates !ill "e gi(en a choice of four ;uestions' %he ans!ers !ill "e
assessed for clarity in !riting and understanding of the su"Cect'
Candidates appearing for the &'A' $n De(elopment Studies programme of %$SS
2ydera"ad are e7pected to !rite t!o ans!ers of 000 !ords each in 5nglish'
Candidates !ill "e gi(en a choice of four ;uestions' %he ans!ers !ill "e
assessed for clarity in !riting and understanding of the su"Cect'
Name of School Name of Programme Duration PIT Type Format
/1 &'A' in 5n(ironment+ 5cology+ and
Sustaina"le De(elopment
/0minutes 5ssay*
#rospecti(e students !ill ha(e to attempt an essay on a ;uestion a"out ecological
and en(ironmental issues in the country' %he e7aminers are looking for the
studentGs grasp o(er de(elopmental issues and the !ay of articulation through the
en(ironmental and ecological lens'
/2 Social Work in Community .rganiEation H
De(elopment #ractices
/0minutes 5ssay*
%here !ill "e a common ;uestion for all four thematic specialiEations !ithin the
&A Social Work theme' %he four thematic specialiEations areA /a0 Pu"lic health:
/"0 Community organi*ation an( (e.elopment practice: /c0 Couneling an(
/(0 2i.elihoo( an( entrepreneurhip' $n ans!ering the essay+ the prospecti(e
students should concentrate on contemporary social issues in the country and
gi(e perspecti(es on ho! these issues could "e addressed'
/- Social Work in 4i(elihoods and
/0minutes 5ssay*
%here !ill "e a common ;uestion for all four thematic specialiEations !ithin the
&A Social Work theme' %he four thematic specialiEations areA /a0 Pu"lic health:
/"0 Community organi*ation an( (e.elopment practice: /c0 Couneling an(
/(0 2i.elihoo( an( entrepreneurhip' $n ans!ering the essay+ the prospecti(e
students should concentrate on contemporary social issues in the country and
gi(e perspecti(es on ho! these issues could "e addressed'
// Social Work in Counseling /0minutes 5ssay*
%here !ill "e a common ;uestion for all four thematic specialiEations !ithin the
&A Social Work theme' %he four thematic specialiEations areA /a0 Pu"lic health:
/"0 Community organi*ation an( (e.elopment practice: /c0 Couneling an(
/(0 2i.elihoo( an( entrepreneurhip' $n ans!ering the essay+ the prospecti(e
students should concentrate on contemporary social issues in the country and
gi(e perspecti(es on ho! these issues could "e addressed'
/0 Social Work in #u"lic 2ealth /0minutes 5ssay*
%here !ill "e a common ;uestion for all four thematic specialiEations !ithin the
&A Social Work theme' %he four thematic specialiEations areA /a0 Pu"lic health:
/"0 Community organi*ation an( (e.elopment practice: /c0 Couneling an(
/(0 2i.elihoo( an( entrepreneurhip' $n ans!ering the essay+ the prospecti(e
students should concentrate on contemporary social issues in the country and
Name of School Name of Programme Duration PIT Type Format
gi(e perspecti(es on ho! these issues could "e addressed'
&'A' in 4a"our Studies and Social Security
&'A' $n #eace and Conflict Studies
#rospecti(e students !ill ha(e to attempt an essay on the aspects of the organiEed
and unorganiEed sectors of the economy+ especially follo!ing the changes
"rought a"out after $ndiaGs li"eraliEation policies (in the 1660s'
/) Social Work in &ental 2ealth 20 minutes GD A group discussion (GD !ill "e conducted as part of the #$% process for all
candidates appearing for admission to all the Social Work programmes' %he
discussion is scheduled prior to the personal inter(ie! and lasts for 20 minutes'
%he group discussion !ill "e conducted !ith mem"ers num"ering "et!een )*12
candidates' %he candidates !ill "e sho!n a photograph !ith a caption for
discussion' %he purpose of the discussion is to assess the candidates kno!ledge+
sensiti(ities and understanding of current social issues' $t also assess the
communication and people skill of candidates !hen they interact !ith peers'
/6 Social Work in &ental 2ealth 20 minutes GD A group discussion (GD !ill "e conducted as part of the #$% process for all
candidates appearing for admission to all the Social Work programmes' %he
discussion is scheduled prior to the personal inter(ie! and lasts for 20 minutes'
%he group discussion !ill "e conducted !ith mem"ers num"ering "et!een )*12
candidates' %he candidates !ill "e sho!n a photograph !ith a caption for
discussion' %he purpose of the discussion is to assess the candidates kno!ledge+
sensiti(ities and understanding of current social issues' $t also assess the
communication and people skill of candidates !hen they interact !ith peers'
Name of School Name of Programme Duration PIT Type Format
00 Social Work in &ental 2ealth 20 minutes GD A group discussion (GD !ill "e conducted as part of the #$% process for all
candidates appearing for admission to all the Social Work programmes' %he
discussion is scheduled prior to the personal inter(ie! and lasts for 20 minutes'
%he group discussion !ill "e conducted !ith mem"ers num"ering "et!een )*12
candidates' %he candidates !ill "e sho!n a photograph !ith a caption for
discussion' %he purpose of the discussion is to assess the candidates kno!ledge+
sensiti(ities and understanding of current social issues' $t also assess the
communication and people skill of candidates !hen they interact !ith peers'

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