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PersonaIity Rights in CentraI and Eastern Europe.

The Czech RepubIic

Personality Rights in Central and Eastern Europe. The Czech Republic
by Ondrej Frinta
Opole Legal and Administrative Studies (Opolskie Studia Administracyjno-Prawne), issue: X/3 /
2013, pages: 25-49, on
Ondroj I!ITA*
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Tho shoro of orsonnIIfy rIghfs nnd fhoIr rofocfIon In fho Czoch !oub-
IIc Is fronfod ns nn nron of Inw, whIch Is roguInfod ncross bofh mnIn brnnchos
of Inw rIvnfo nnd ubIIc, IncIudIng fho consfIfufIonnI Inw. Tho mnIn sourco
of fhIs roguInfIon In rIvnfo Inw fho CIvII Codo, wns ndofod In condIfIons,
whIch woro fofnIIy dIfforonf from nowndnys In nII nsocfs oIIfIcnI, socIoIog-
IcnI nnd oconomIc. Affor WW2, CzochosIovnkIn, foII Info fho nron of fho InfIu-
onco of fho !nIon of SovIof SocInIIsf !oubIIcs (!SS!). Affor l948, CzochosIo-
vnkIn chnngod Ifs oIIfIcnI orIonfnfIon from IIbornI domocrncy fo communIsf
fofnIIfnrInn IdooIogy, bnsod on fho rIncIIos of MnrxIsm-!onInIsm. Tho mnIn
gonI of fhIs IdooIogy cronfIon of n fofnIIfnrInn sIngIo nrfy sfnfo
nIIzod nIso In CzochosIovnkIn nffor fho oIocfIons nnd furn-ovor In l948. ThIs
hIsforIcnI dovoIomonf InfIuoncod, of courso, nIso fho dovoIomonf of Inw nnd
jurIsrudonco. Tho InfIuonco on fho Inw cuImInnfod jusf In fho 6
docndo of
fho 20
confury. Tho mosf obvIous domonsfrnfIon of fho IdooIogIcnI orIonfn-
fIon wns fho ndofIon of fho now ConsfIfufIon (o. l00/l960 Sb.), whIch ro-
cInImod fhnf fho socInIIsm In our counfry hns vnnquIshod. ThIs wns nn Im-
uIso for ro-codIfIcnfIon of fho mnIn brnnchos of CzochosIovnk Inw, IncIudIng
fho brnnch of rIvnfo Inw. Tho Idon of ronchIng fho socInIIsm nffocfod fho now-
Iy ndofod CIvII Codo
vory sfrongIy. In fncf, fho dIvIsIon Info rIvnfo nnd ub-
* Tho nufhor Is n mombor of fho onrfmonf of CIvII !nw, IncuIfy of !nw, ChnrIos !nIvorsI-
fy, Irnguo. ThIs foxf wns oInbornfod by fho nufhor ns n nrf of rosonrch rogrnmmo I!VO!K 05
IrIvnfo !nw of fho 2l
Confury (Soukromo rvo XXI. sfoIof).

ThIs nrf of fho foxf Is bnsod on fho foxf by O. IrInfn, Tho CIvII Codo IoIIfIcnI, socIoIogIcnI
nnd oconomIc confoxf of Inncfmonf of fho CIvII Codo. In: . IIIschor, O. IrInfn, nnd M. Inukno-
rov, Tho CIvII Codos nfIonnI !oorf for fho Czoch !oubIIc; unubIIshod, ronrod for Tho-
mnfIc Congross of fho InfornnfIonnI Acndomy of ComnrnfIvo !nw TnIwnn 20l2.

I. Adnms, !"#$%$&'# )*+"#",- ."*'-/ 0'1&2+3%+4, Mnnchosfor: !nIvorsIfy Iross, l993, . 20l.

Acf o. 40/l964 Sb., CIvII Codo, ns nmondod (In forco from fho l ArII l964, horoInnffor ro-
forrod fo ns CC).
26 Ondroj IrInfn
IIc Inw wns donIod ns n bourgooIs roIIc nnd wns roIncod wIfh fho concof of
sIngIo socInIIsf Inw. Tho InfonfIon wns fo doconsfrucf fho comIox sysfom of
rIvnfo Inw, fo roudInfo fho Idon of confrnI nnd unIvorsnI CIvII Codo, whIch
shouId bo roIncod by n numbor of socInIIzod Codos nnd ncfs.
In rIvnfo Inw woro bound wIfh n Inrgo numbor of mnndnfory ruIos, wIfhouf fho
ossIbIIIfy fo uso fho nufonomy of wIII In IndIvIdunI cIrcumsfnncos. Tho orIgI-
nnI wordIng of fho CC usod nofIons dIfforonf bofh from nnfIonnI nnd Iuroo-
nn frndIfIon.
Tho uroso wns fo domonsfrnfo fhnf fhIs Codo hns nofhIng In
common wIfh fho rovIous orn.
Tho CC, ndofod undor such cIrcumsfnncos, hns boon In forco fIII now. In
fncf, fho CC In Ifs orIgInnI wordIng hns boon roducod fo bo n consumors` ro-
focfIon Codo.
ThIs Is In nccordnnco wIfh fho oconomIcnI confoxf In fhIs orn.
osIfo fhIs concof of fho CC, fho bnsIc roguInfIon on orsonnIIfy rIghfs
nnd fhoIr rofocfIon wns onncfod In fhIs vory Codo IfsoIf.
In ovombor l989, fho fofnIIfnrInn rogImo coIInsod. CzochosIovnkIn cInImod
nIIogInnco fo fho domocrnfIc Iogncy of fho CzochosIovnk !oubIIc foundod In
l9l8, fho fofnIIfnrInn IdooIogy wns rojocfod nnd roIncod by Idons of IIbornI do-
mocrncy. If wns cIonr, fhnf fho Inw, ns n whoIo, noods n fhorough dournfIon
of fofnIIfnrInn roIIcs. ThIs wns nIso fho cnso of fho CC, fho nmondmonf, nboI-
IshIng fho mosf nnronf roIIcs, wns ndofod In l99l (Acf o. 509/l99l Sb.).
osIfo fhIs nmondmonf, mnny of ImorfocfIons nnd InconsIsfoncIos or-
sIsf nnd nro hnrdIy oxocfod fo bo orndIcnfod ns fhoy nro srond nII ovor fho
CC. Tho fIrsf ronI nffomf fo rocood fo ro-codIfIcnfIon wns mndo vory onrIy,
boforo l993, nf fho vory bogInnIng of our socInI, oconomIc nnd oIIfIcnI frnns-
formnfIon. ThIs drnff, ns woII ns fho socond rojocf In l996, wns nof fInnIIzod
for mnny vnrIous ronsons, nrfIcuInrIy for fho oIIfIcnI onos. Af rosonf fho

IosIdos fho CC, If wns Acf o. 94/l963 Sb., InmIIy Acf, ns nmondod (sfIII In forco from fho l
ArII l964), Acf o. 65/l965 Sb., Tho !nbour Codo (roonIod, In forco from l Juno l966 fIII 3l o-
combor 2006) nnd Acf o. l09/l964 Sb., fho IconomIc Codo (roonIod, roguInfod fho 'frndo` nmong
roducfIon subjocfs InsIdo fho CzochosIovnk !oubIIc) nnd Acf o. l0l/l963 Sb., fho Codo of In-
fornnfIonnI IusInoss (roonIod, roguInfod fho frndo bofwoon soIocfod subjocfs In fho CzochosIo-
vnk !oubIIc wIfh foroIgn onfroronours).

Jusf n fow oxnmIos fo domonsfrnfo: fho nofIon nnfurnI orson wns roIncod by fho nofIon
cIfIzon, fho nofIon IognI onfIfy by fho nofIon socInIIsfIc orgnnIsnfIon nnd ovon fho nrf of fho
CC InrfIcuInr fyos of confrncfs wns roIncod wIfh fho nofIon SorvIcos. Tho Insf chnngo Is nof
onIy fho chnngo of fho nofIon, buf fho chnngo of fho whoIo concof. Tho cIfIzon doos nof confncf
socInIIsf orgnnIsnfIon, ho rocoIvos sorvIcos In ordor fo snfIsfy hIs mnforInI noods. Ior moro dofnIIs
soo, o.g., J. vork, ovo jovy v obInsfI obcnnskoho rvn |ow Ihonomonn In fho Irnnch of IrI-
vnfo !nw]. In: M. Tomsok, M. Inuknorov, of nI., 5"67 8+6- 6 94:6; 1' 9"<:%=; >?/ 3%"#+%@ |ow
Ihonomonn In !nw nf fho IogInnIng of fho 2l
Confury]. Irnhn: !nIvorzIfn KnrIovn, KnroIInum,
2009, . 8?88.

K. IIIs, M. ZukInov, !4$1&$9- ' 6A&2"*$3=' 94" 1"6A ="*+B 3";=4"C72" 94:6' |IrIncIIos
nnd SfnrfIng IoInfs for ow Codo of IrIvnfo !nw]. Irnhn: !Indo Irnhn, n. s., 200l, . 9l94.

M. Knnov, of nI., DE<'13=7 94:6" 2C"%17 |SubsfnnfIvo CIvII !nw]. I rvy. Obocn csf.
4. nkfunIIzovnno n doInono vydn. Irnhn: ASII, n. s., 2005, . ?0.
Access via CEEOL NL Germany
2? IorsonnIIfy !Ighfs In ConfrnI nnd Insforn Iuroo. Tho Czoch !oubIIc
Czoch !oubIIc Is nssIonnfoIy dIscussIng Ifs fhIrd drnff, whIch hns nIrondy

boon submIffod by fho Covornmonf of fho Czoch !oubIIc fo fho InrIInmonf.

=5 >%3#8"$ %? ('@
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Tho fundnmonfnI sourco of Inw In fho Czoch !oubIIc, ns In ovory Indoon-
donf, domocrnfIc nnd IognI counfry, Is fho ConsfIfufIon. Howovor, In fho Czoch
!oubIIc, wo dIsfInguIsh fwo fundnmonfnI sourcos of consfIfufIonnI Inw. If Is
(l) fho ConsfIfufIon of fho Czoch !oubIIc, o. l/l993 Sb., ns nmondod,
(2) fho Chnrfor of IundnmonfnI !Ighfs nnd InsIc Iroodoms, o. 2/l993 Sb.,
ns nmondod.
Tho ConsfIfufIon IfsoIf doos nof donI wIfh fundnmonfnI humnn
rIghfs, If rovIdos bnsIc ruIos for fho dIvIsIon of owors In fho sfnfo nnd cronfos
bnsIc sfnfo bodIos (nrIInmonf, govornmonf, rosIdonf, consfIfufIonnI courf). If
Is fho Chnrfor,
whIch donIs wIfh fundnmonfnI humnn rIghfs nnd froodoms,
docInrIng fhom on fho vory bogInnIng ns Inhoronf, InnIIonnbIo, non-IImIfnbIo,
nnd non-roonInbIo. Tho Chnrfor rovIdos fho bnso for n moro dofnIIod roguIn-
fIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs In ofhor ncfs (for moro dofnIIs soo Inrf 2.).
=5E5 :&*"#&'*)%&'( *#"'*)"$
In nccordnnco wIfh Arf. l0 of fho ConsfIfufIon, romuIgnfod fronfIos, fo fho
rnfIfIcnfIon of whIch InrIInmonf hns gIvon Ifs consonf nnd by whIch fho Czoch
!oubIIc Is bound, form n nrf of fho IognI ordor; If n fronfy rovIdos somofhIng
ofhor fhnn fhnf whIch n sfnfufo rovIdos, fho fronfy shnII nIy. ThIs, In fncf,
monns fhnf such fronfIos nro of hIghor IovoI of IognI forco fhnn ncfs. Wo cnn fInd
n Iof of InfornnfIonnI fronfIos, whIch nro n nrf of fho IognI ordor In fho Czoch
!oubIIc undor fho rogImo of Arf. l0 of fho ConsfIfufIon nnd donIIng wIfh or-
sonnIIfy rIghfs In gonornI or nro roIovnnf onIy fo somo nrfIcuInr Issuos. Tho
mosf Imorfnnf of fhom nro:
Tho !nIfod nfIons InfornnfIonnI Covonnnf on CIvII nnd IoIIfIcnI !Ighfs
nnd Tho !nIfod nfIons InfornnfIonnI Covonnnf on IconomIc, SocInI nnd CuI-
furnI !Ighfs, l966 (In fho Czoch !oubIIc undor o. l20/l9?6 Sb.);
Tho Iuroonn ConvonfIon on Humnn !Ighfs, l950 (In fho Czoch !oub-
IIc undor o. 209/l992 Sb.);

Augusf 20ll.

. IIIschor, !oforms fo fho CIvII Codo. In: . IIIschor, O. IrInfn, nnd M. Inuknorov, "9/ &$%/

HoroInnffor roforrod fo ns ConsfIfufIon.

HoroInnffor roforrod fo ns Chnrfor.

Tho Chnrfor Is nof n nrf of fho ConsfIfufIon, buf Is n nrf of fho so-cnIIod consfIfufIonnI or-
dor n sof of bnsIc consfIfufIonnI ncfs, whIch nro of fho hIghosf IovoI of IognI forco In fho Czoch
28 Ondroj IrInfn
Tho Iuroonn SocInI Chnrfor, l96l (In fho Czoch !oubIIc undor o.
l4/2000 Sb. m. s.);
Tho ConvonfIon on Humnn !Ighfs nnd IIomodIcIno, l99? (In fho Czoch
!oubIIc undor o. 96/200l Sb. m. s.);
Tho !nIfod nfIons ConvonfIon on fho !Ighfs of fho ChIId, l989 (In fho
Czoch !oubIIc undor o. l04/l99l Sb.);
Tho ConvonfIon on IrofocfIon of ChIIdron nnd Co-oornfIon In !osocf
of Inforcounfry AdofIon, l993 (In fho Czoch !oubIIc undor o. 43/2000 Sb.
m. s.).
Tho mosf Imorfnnf InfornnfIonnI fronfIos roIovnnf for fho brnnch of InfoI-
IocfunI roorfy rIghfs nnd coyrIghf nro:
Iorno ConvonfIon for fho IrofocfIon of !Ifornry nnd ArfIsfIc Works, l886,
ns rovIsod (In fho Czoch !oubIIc undor o. l33/l980 Sb., ns nmondod)
Tho !nIvorsnI CoyrIghf ConvonfIon, l952, ns rovIsod (In fho Czoch !o-
ubIIc undor o. l34/l980 Sb.)
InfornnfIonnI ConvonfIon for fho IrofocfIon of Iorformors, Iroducors of
Ihonogrnms nnd IrondcnsfIng OrgnnIznfIons, l96l (In fho Czoch !oubIIc un-
dor o. l92/l94 Sb., ns nmondod)
Tho Agroomonf on Trndo-!oInfod Asocfs of InfoIIocfunI Iroorfy !Ighfs,
l994 (In fho Czoch !oubIIc undor o. l9l/l995 Sb.);
WorId InfoIIocfunI Iroorfy OrgnnIznfIon CoyrIghf Tronfy, l996 (In fho
Czoch !oubIIc undor o. 33/2002 Sb. m. s.);
WorId InfoIIocfunI Iroorfy OrgnnIznfIon Iorformnncos nnd Ihonogrnms
Tronfy, l996 (In fho Czoch !oubIIc undor o. (In fho Czoch !oubIIc undor
o. 48/2002 Sb. m. s.);
InrIs ConvonfIon for fho IrofocfIon of IndusfrInI Iroorfy, l883, ns ro-
vIsod (In fho Czoch !oubIIc undor o. 64/l9?5 Sb., ns nmondod);
Tho Infonf CorornfIon Tronfy, l9?0 (In fho Czoch !oubIIc undor o.
296/l99l Sb., ns nmondod);
MndrId Agroomonf ConcornIng fho InfornnfIonnI !ogIsfrnfIon of Mnrks,
l88l, ns rovIsod (In fho Czoch !oubIIc undor o. 65/l9?5 Sb., ns nmondod).
Tho IIsf nbovo shnII gIvo onIy n brIof ovorvIow nnd cnnnof bo consIdorod com-
rohonsIvo. If cnn bo concIudod fhnf fho Czoch !oubIIc Is n nrfy of numorous
ngroomonfs whIch nro gonornIIy or nrfInIIy roIovnnf for fho nron of orsonnII-
fy rIghfs, IncIudIng fho InfoIIocfunI roorfy nnd coyrIghf rIghfs.
=5F5 G8*$
ConornIIy, wo sonk nbouf fho concrofIznfIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs bofh In
rIvnfo nnd ubIIc Inw. In fho brnnch of rIvnfo Inw, fho mnIn sourco Is, ns wns

To bo rocIso, If shouId bo nddod, fhnf In 2004 fho Czoch !oubIIc bocnmo n mombor of fho Iu-
roonn !nIon. Tho '&F;$3 &"CC;1';%'$4+ confnIns rImnrIIy fho roguInfIon of InfoIIocfunI ro-
orfy nnd coyrIghf Inw, no mnffor If In fho form of roguInfIons or dIrocfIvos. ThIs nron of Inw Is ox-
fromoIy voIumInous nnd comIIcnfod. A dofnIIod oxInnnfIon wouId dofInIfoIy oxcood fho IImIfs of
fhIs nor.
29 IorsonnIIfy !Ighfs In ConfrnI nnd Insforn Iuroo. Tho Czoch !oubIIc
monfIonod nbovo, of courso fho CC. Thoro nro nIso ofhor ncfs whIch wIII bo mon-
fIonod ns fhoy nro roInfod nrfInIIy wIfh orsonnIIfy rIghfs nnd fhoIr rofoc-
fIon. Tho mosf Imorfnnf of fhom nro:
Acf o. 262/2006 Sb., !nbour Codo, ns nmondod (rofocfIon of omIoyoos,
fhoIr oqunIIfy, rohIbIfIon of dIscrImInnfIon, rohIbIfIon of humIIInfIon of hu-
mnns dIgnIfy, hIghor IovoI of rofocfIon of orsonnI dnfn of omIoyoos);
Acf o. 94/l963 Sb., InmIIy Acf, ns nmondod (rofocfIon of mInors nnd
fhoIr woIfnro, fIrsf nnmo nnd surnnmo);
Acf o. 5l3/l99l Sb., CommorcInI Codo, ns nmondod (rofocfIon of busI-
noss onforrIso,
Acf o. 46/2000 Sb., on orIodIcnIs, ns nmondod (fho rIghf on rosonso nnd
fho rIghf on nddIfIonnI nnnouncomonf);
Acf o. 23l/200l Sb., on fho rndIo nnd foIovIsIon brondcnsfIng, ns nmond-
od (fho rIghf on rosonso nnd fho rIghf on nddIfIonnI nnnouncomonf)
Acf o. l0l/2000 Sb., on rofocfIon of orsonnI dnfn, ns nmondod fho rIghfs
on InformnfIon nbouf rocossod nnd nrchIvod orsonnI dnfn, ofc.);
Acf o. 20/l966 Sb., on cnro on fho honIfh of ooIo, ns nmondod (modIcnI
InsfrucfIng nnd Informod nrovnI, nssIsfod roroducfIon fochnIquos, dIsosI-
fIons wIfh orgnns, fIssuos nnd coIIs for frnnsInnfnfIon nnd scIonfIfIc rosonrch,
rofocfIon of orsonnI dnfn In modIcnI rocords);
Acf o. l8l/200? Sb., on fho InsfIfufo for fho Sfudy of TofnIIfnrInn !o-
gImos nnd fho SocurIfy SorvIcos ArchIvo, nnd on Amondmonfs of somo Acfs
(socurIng nnd mnkIng nccossIbIo fo fho ubIIc documonfs roInfIng fo fho fImo
of non-froodom nnd fho fImo of communIsf fofnIIfnrInn owor, nnd fo fho nc-
fIvIfy of socurIfy sorvIcos nnd fho forms of orsocufIon nnd rosIsfnnco In nr-
Acf o. l06/l999 Sb., on froo nccoss fo InformnfIon, ns nmondod;
Acf o. 40/2009 Sb., CrImInnI Codo, ns nmondod.
Tho mosf Imorfnnf ncfs roIovnnf for fho brnnch of InfoIIocfunI roorfy
rIghfs nnd coyrIghf nro:
Acf o. l2l/2000 Sb., CoyrIghf Acf, ns nmondod (roguInfos fho rIghf of
nn nufhor fo hIs work nnd rIghfs roInfod fo coyrIghf);
Acf o. 52?/l990 Sb., on InvonfIons nnd Imrovomonf roosnIs, ns nmond-
Acf. o. 44l/2003 Sb., on rogIsfrnfIon mnrks, ns nmondod;
Acf o. 20?/2000 Sb., on rofocfIon of IndusfrInI dosIgns, ns nmondod;
Acf o. 4?8/l992 Sb., on ufIIIfy modoIs, ns nmondod;
Acf o. 452/200l Sb., on googrnhIcnI donomInnfIons nnd noIInfIons of
orIgIn, ns nmondod;
Acf o. 529/l99l Sb., on foogrnhIos of somIconducfor roducfs, ns

A busInoss onforrIso Is n dosIgnnfIon, undor whIch fho onfroronour Is onforod In fho Com-
morcInI !ogIsfor.
30 Ondroj IrInfn
Acf o. 408/2000 Sb., on fho rofocfIon of Innf vnrIofy rIghfs.
Tho IIsf of fho mosf Imorfnnf ncfs shows fhnf fho rofocfIon of orsonnII-
fy rIghfs nnd of InfoIIocfunI roorfy Is n Inrgo brnnch of Inw, roguInfod by nu-
morous ncfs. If Is fyIcnI of fhIs brnnch of Inw fhnf fho rIvnfo Inw nnd ubIIc
Inw nro mIngIIng wIfh onch ofhor vory InfonsIvoIy. ThIs Is, howovor, n honom-
onon fyIcnI of fho Inw fodny In gonornI oIomonfs nnd mofhods of rIvnfo nnd
ubIIc Inws nro InfIuoncIng onch ofhor moro fhnn In fho nsf.

=5H5 I*/"# $%3#8"$
Tho IognI sysfom In fho Czoch !oubIIc boIongs fo fho !omnno-CormnnIc
subgrou of Wosforn !nws (In nccordnnco wIfh fho cInssIfIcnfIons of !ono n-
vId), whIch monns, fhnf cusfoms nro nof rocognIzod ns n sourco of Inw. In Socf. 3
of fho CC, good (roor) mornIs nro monfIonod (fho so-cnIIod roor mornIIfy).

ThIs Is n sof of ofhIcnI ruIos nIIod In fho oxorcIso of rIghfs nnd orformnnco
of dufIos. Iuf fho sysfom of good mornIs Is nof n sourco of Inw oxIsfIng Indo-
ondonfIy on fho CC. ThIs sysfom of ofhIcnI ruIos Is onIy roforrod fo by fho CC
fo bo usod In n roIovnnf sIfunfIon nnfIcInfod by Inw,
IncIudIng fho nron of
orsonnIIfy rIghfs nnd fhoIr rofocfIon, whoro fho mornIIfy cnn sorvo ns n vory
hoIfuI corrocfIvo whon nIyIng gonornI IognI norms on n nrfIcuInr cnso.
Tho CommorcInI Codo monfIons (In Socf. l) busInoss cusfoms (or In ofh-
or words fho hnbIfunI rncfIco In busInoss). Howovor, fhIs Is nof fho sourco
of Inw, bocnuso of fho snmo ronson whIch wns oxInInod nbovo on good mornIs
nIso fho busInoss cusfoms nro nof oxIsfIng IndoondonfIy on fho Commor-
cInI Codo fhoy wIII bo usod In roIovnnf sIfunfIons nnfIcInfod In Socf. l nnd
by fho vIrfuo of fhIs rovIsIon.
If shouId bo nddod fhnf fho rncfIco of courfs, ovon fhoso on fo of fhoIr or-
gnnIsnfIonnI sfrucfuro, Is nof n sourco of Inw ns In AngIo-Snxon IognI cuIfuro.
If monns fhnf Czoch IognI sysfom doos nof nIIow fho courf fo cronfo n gonor-

Comnro fho docIsIon of fho ConsfIfufIonnI Courf of fho Czoch !oubIIc, ubIIshod undor o.
?8/200l Sb., Ivon fhough fho IognI sysfom of fho Czoch !oubIIc Is bnsod on fho dunIIsm of ub-
IIc nnd rIvnfo Inw, fhIs dIvIsIon of Inws In fwo Inrgo nrons, rocoodIng from cInssIcnI !omnn Inw,
cnnnof bo fronfod ns n dogmn, buf wIfh fnkIng nccounf of modorn fondoncIos of dovoIomonf In
Inws nnd nIso fho Inws of fho Iuroonn CommunIfIos. IrIvnfo nnd ubIIc Inws nro nof sonrnfod
by 'fho Cronf WnII of ChInn` In fho rosonco. Tho oIomonfs of rIvnfo nnd ubIIc Inws nro bIond-
Ing moro offon nnd In n nnrrowor wny, fhoy combIno fogofhor mufunIIy nnd InfonsIvoIy.

nmoIy In Soc. 3 nr. l CC, undor whIch fho oxorcIso of rIghfs nnd orformnnco of obIIgnfIons
nrIsIng from cIvII Inw roInfIonshIs mny nof, wIfhouf IognI grounds, Inforforo wIfh fho rIghfs nnd
jusfIfIod Inforosfs of ofhors, nnd mny nof bo InconsIsfonf wIfh rIncIIos of good mornIs. Soo: J.
Hrsfkov, G;1*'C+1%'#3 "H IJ+&2 I$6$# K'L/ Irnhn: !nIvorzIfn KnrIovn v Irnzo, IrvnIck InkuI-
fn, 2005, . l2. ofnIIs fo fho nofIon of good mornIs soo, o.g., O. JohIIckn, J. Svosfkn, M. Skrov,
of nI., DE<'13=A J:="1@=/ M"C+1%:N |Tho Commonfnry on fho CIvII Codo]. 9. vydn. Irnhn: C.H.
Iock, 2004, . 233234.

J. Svosfkn, J. vork, DE<'13=7 94:6" 2C"%17 ? |SubsfnnfIvo CIvII !nw l], 5
od., Irnguo:
WoIfors KIuwor C!, n. s., 2009, . l04.
3l IorsonnIIfy !Ighfs In ConfrnI nnd Insforn Iuroo. Tho Czoch !oubIIc
nI ruIo 94" H;%;4" whon docIdIng n nrfIcuInr cnso (n rocodonf). Howovor, fho
ruIIngs of fho Suromo Courf of fho Czoch !oubIIc
nro fnkon Info nccounf
by subordInnfod courfs In fhoIr rncfIco bocnuso of fhoIr orsunsIvonoss nnd
rofossIonnIIsm. Tho docIsIons of fho ConsfIfufIonnI Courf of fho Czoch !oub-
cnn Iny fwo roIos. Tho fIrsf Is IdonfIcnI fo fho roIo of fho ruIIngs of fho Su-
romo Courf fhoy nro fnkon Info nccounf by courfs subordInnfod fo fho Su-
romo Courf
by fho vIrfuo of fhoIr orsunsIvonoss nnd rofossIonnIIsm. Tho
socond roIo Is connocfod wIfh sIfunfIons, whon ConsfIfufIonnI Courf docIdos on
roonIIng nn ncf or Ifs nrf or on roonIIng ofhor IogIsInfIon or Ifs nrf. Such
n docIsIon Is ubIIshod In fho CoIIocfIon of !nws of fho Czoch !oubIIc nnd Is
In jurIsrudonco cnIIod n nognfIvo sourco of Inw.
If cnn bo concIudod fhnf In fho Czoch !oubIIc fhoro nro nof oxfrnordI-
nnry sourcos of Inw dIfforonf from ncfs or ofhor IogIsInfIon of Iowor IovoI of Io-
gnI forco, whon comnrod fo ofhor counfrIos of !omnno-CormnnIc subgrou of
Wosforn !nws.
E5 !"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$ '$ /3C'& J8%&$*)*3*)%&'(K #)./*$
E5=5 0%&$*)*3*)%&'( 4#%*"8*)%& %? 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$
If wns monfIonod nbovo fhnf fho ConsfIfufIon IfsoIf doos nof donI wIfh fun-
dnmonfnI humnn rIghfs. Tho osIfIon of fho Chnrfor In fho IognI sysfom of fho
Czoch !oubIIc nnd Ifs bnsIc confonf wns nIso monfIonod. Wo cnn fInd mnny
rovIsIons roInfod fo orsonnIIfy rIghfs nnd fhoIr rofocfIon In mnny nrfIcIos of
fho Chnrfor. In Arf. l of fho Chnrfor If Is sfIuInfod fhnf: AII ooIo nro froo
nnd oqunI In fhoIr dIgnIfy nnd In fhoIr rIghfs. ThoIr fundnmonfnI rIghfs nnd
froodoms nro Inhoronf, InnIIonnbIo, non-IImIfnbIo, nnd non-roonInbIo. Arf. 3
gunrnnfoos fundnmonfnI humnn rIghfs nnd froodoms fo ovorybody IrrosocfIvo
of sox, rnco, coIour of skIn, Inngungo, fnIfh, roIIgIon, oIIfIcnI or ofhor convIcfIon,
ofhIc or socInI orIgIn, momborshI In n nnfIonnI or ofhnIc mInorIfy, roorfy,
bIrfh, or ofhor sfnfus. Tho Insf vory gonornI rovIsIon Is Arf. 4 of fho Chnrfor,
sfIuInfIng fhnf: (l) ufIos mny bo Imosod onIy by Inw nnd wIfhIn Ifs IImIf
nnd onIy If fho fundnmonfnI rIghfs nnd froodoms of fho IndIvIdunI nro rosocf-
od. (2) Any IImIfs Incod on fundnmonfnI rIghfs nnd froodoms mny bo govornod

HoroInnffor roforrod fo ns Suromo Courf.

HoroInnffor roforrod fo ns ConsfIfufIonnI Courf.

If shouId bo nofod fhnf fho ConsfIfufIonnI Courf Is n sonrnfo body In orgnnIsnfIon of fho jus-
fIco In fho Czoch !oubIIc, If Is nof n nrf of fho frnmowork of common courfs. Tho ConsfIfufIon-
nI Courf Is nof n suorordInnfo of fho Suromo Courf or fho Suromo AdmInIsfrnfIvo Courf of fho
Czoch !oubIIc. ThIs hns n consoquonco In fho fncf fhnf common courfs nro nof nIIowod fo Infor-
foro In fho jurIsdIcfIon of fho ConsfIfufIonnI Courf (whIch Is, In gonornI, fho survoIIInnco ovor ob-
sorvnfIon of consfIfufIonnIIfy) nnd on fho ofhor sIdo, fho ConsfIfufIonnI Courf hns no cIvII jurIsdIc-
fIon. Quofod from nnd moro dofnIIs nvnIInbIo In: A. WInforov, of nI., I$6$#1@ 94:6" 94"&+31@ |CIv-
II IrocodurnI !nw], 5
od., Irnguo: !Indo Irnhn, n. s., 2008, . ll6.
32 Ondroj IrInfn
onIy by Inw undor condIfIons sof by fhIs Chnrfor of IundnmonfnI !Ighfs nnd
Iroodoms. (3) Any sfnfufory IImIfnfIon of fho fundnmonfnI rIghfs nnd froodoms
musf nIy oqunIIy fo nII cnsos moofIng fho sof condIfIons. Thoso rovIsIons
cnn bo consIdorod vory gonornI nnd Infroducfory. Thoy nro concrofIzod In suc-
cossIvo nrfIcIos nnd chnfors of fho Chnrfor (soo Inrf 2.2. boIow).
E5E5 !#%L)$)%&$ )& */" 8/'#*"# 1"'()&. 1)#"8*(+ @)*/ */" 4#%*"8*)%&
%? 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$
Thoro nro moro rovIsIons roInfod fo orsonnIIfy rIghfs nnd fhoIr rofoc-
fIon In fho Chnfor. Wo cnnnof sny fhoro Is ono rIncInI rovIsIon covorIng
fhIs nron, wo hnvo fo monfIon n comIox of rovIsIons (fhIs corrosonds fo fho
comIox nnfuro of orsonnIIfy rIghfs). Tho concrofIzIng concornIng orsonnI-
Ify rIghfs sfnrfs In Arf. 6, whoro fho rIghf fo IIvo Is grnnfod fo ovorybody. In
Arf. ? of fho Chnfor If Is sfIuInfod fhnf: (l) InvIoInbIIIfy of fho orson nnd
of rIvncy Is gunrnnfood. If mny bo IImIfod onIy In cnsos socIfIod by Inw. (2)
obody mny bo subjocfod fo forfuro or fo Inhumnn or dogrndIng fronfmonf or
unIshmonf. ThIs nrfIcIo dofInos fho rohIbIfIon fo bronch fho InfogrIfy of fho
orsons nnd fhoIr rIvncy In gonornI, fho socond nrf of fhIs rovIsIon nIms nf
ono socIfIc sIfunfIon. Tho form InvIoInbIIIfy Is undorsfood ns n coromonInI
word, whIch monns n hIghor IovoI of IognI rofocfIon for vory Imorfnnf sub-
jocfIvo rIghf, I.o., fo n rIghf, whIch shouId bo In fho oInIon of socIofy (sfnfo)
osocInIIy rofocfod.
AIso In Arf. 8 of fho Chnrfor, orsonnI froodom Is grnnfod (Socf. l). Tho suc-
cossIvo socfIons of fhIs nrfIcIo donI wIfh dorIvIng n orson of fhoIr froodom In
connocfIon wIfh n crImInnI rosocufIon. Imorfnnf Is nIso Arf. l0 of fho Chnr-
for, whIch grnnfs fo ovorybody fho rofocfIon of fhoIr humnn dIgnIfy, orsonnI
InfogrIfy, good roufnfIon nnd fhoIr nnmo (Socf. l). AIso unnufhorIzod Infor-
foronco In fhoIr orsonnI nnd fnmIIy IIfo Is rohIbIfod nnd rofocfIon Is grnnfod
(Socf. 2). In nccordnnco wIfh Socf. 3, ovorybody Is onfIfIod fo rofocfIon ngnInsf
unnufhorIzod gnfhorIng, ubIIcnfIon or ofhor mIsuso of fhoIr orsonnI dnfn.
Ofhor nsocfs nro IIsfod In Arfs. l2l4 of fho Chnrfor. InvIoInbIIIfy of homo
Is grnnfod In Arf. l2 nobody shnII onfor fho homo wIfhouf ormIssIon of fho
orson IIvIng fhoro, condIfIons for houso sonrch (In crImInnI rocoodIngs) nro
oxrossIy sfIuInfod In fhIs Arf., nnd concrofIzod In fho CrImInnI Irocoduro
Arf. l3 of fho Chnrfor donIs wIfh Ioffors, ofhor nors nnd rocords (nnd
nIso mossngos communIcnfod by foIohono or ofhor dovIcos) whofhor rIvnfo-
Iy kof or sonf by osf or In nnofhor wny) fho socrocy mny nof bo vIoInfod

V. InvIcok, of nI., O3%'6' ' P3%'61@ N:* Q+3=7 4+9;E#$=- |Tho ConsfIfufIon nnd fho ConsfIfu-
fIonnI Ordor of fho Czoch !oubIIc. Commonfnry], 2
VoI., 2
od., Irnhn: !Indo Irnhn n. s., l999,
. ?5 nnd foIIowIng.

Acf o. l4l/l96l Sb., frosfn rd |CrImInnI Irocoduro Codo], ns nmondod.
33 IorsonnIIfy !Ighfs In ConfrnI nnd Insforn Iuroo. Tho Czoch !oubIIc
(ngnIn, unIoss fho Inws nIIow, o.g., In n crImInnI rocoduro). Arf. l4 of fho Chn-
for grnnfs fho froodom of movomonf nnd rosIdonco (ncross fho Czoch !oubIIc).
If Is nocossnry fo monfIon nIso Arf. 36 of fho Chnrfor, whIch grnnfs fo ovory-
body fhoIr rIghf fo nssorf fhoIr rIghfs boforo nn Indoondonf nnd unbInsod nu-
fhorIfy of fho jusfIco, or In socIfIod cnsos boforo ofhor body. ThIs Is, of courso,
n rovIsIon donIIng wIfh rofocfIon of rIghfs In gonornI, fhus nIIcnbIo nIso fo
rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs.
!oIovnnf rovIsIons cnn bo found nIso In InfornnfIonnI fronfIos monfIonod
To sum If u, wo cnn concIudo, fhnf In fho consfIfufIonnI ordor of fho Czoch
!oubIIc numorous rovIsIons cnn bo found, whIch nro moro or Ioss IInkod wIfh
vnrIous nsocfs of orsonnIIfy rIghfs nnd fhoIr rofocfIon. ThIs corrosonds wIfh
fho comIox nnfuro of orsonnIIfy rIghfs.
E5F5 6/" )&?(3"&8" %? 8%&$*)*3*)%&'( 4#%L)$)%&$ %& 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$
'&1 4#%*"8*)%& */"#"%?
Tho InfIuonco of consfIfufIonnI rovIsIons Is ovIdonf from fho rovIous nrf
of fhIs foxf. Tho Chnrfor Inys down n soIId bnso for n comIox IogIsInfIvo rogu-
InfIon In fho IognI sysfom of fho Czoch !oubIIc. Tho Chnrfor (nnd nIso Infornn-
fIonnI fronfIos) nro oxrossIy sfIuInfIng on somo nsocfs of orsonnIIfy rIghfs,
whIch hoIs fo sysfomIzo fho confonf of orsonnIIfy rIghfs.
ThIs fncf hns nIso ofhor IognI consoquoncos. IrImnrIIy, fho consfIfufIonnI
ordor Is comosod of (consfIfufIonnI) ncfs wIfh fho hIghosf IovoI of IognI forco,
whIch monns fhnf fho rosf of fho IognI sysfom hns fo bo In nccordnnco wIfh If.
Tho roguInfIon In normnI (I.o., nof consfIfufIonnI Inw) cnnnof nognfo rIghfs
grnnfod In consfIfufIonnI ordor nnd ovon cnnnof rosfrIcf fhom ovor IImIfs fhnf
nro nIIowod In fho consfIfufIonnI ordor. ThIs consoquonco hns Ifs Imorfnnco
In fho IogIsInfIvo rocoss. AII IogIsInfIon drnffs nro chockod fo bo In nccordnnco
wIfh fho consfIfufIonnI ordor.
Tho socond Imorfnnf consoquonco of consfIfufIonnI rofocfIon Is fho ossI-
bIIIfy fo nsk for rofocfIon of fhoso rIghfs boforo fho ConsfIfufIonnI Courf of fho
Czoch !oubIIc. ThIs rofocfIon, howovor, doos nof monn n rIghf fo fIIo n ofI-
fIon dIrocfIy fo fho ConsfIfufIonnI Courf. A orson (bofh nnfurnI nnd IognI on-
fIfy) Is nIIowod fo fIIo fho so-cnIIod consfIfufIonnI comInInf onIy undor so-
cIfIc condIfIons. A consfIfufIonnI comInInf mny bo submIffod ursunnf fo Arf.
8? Socf. l, IIf. d) of fho ConsfIfufIon, by n nnfurnI or IognI orson, If fhoy nIIogo
fhnf fhoIr fundnmonfnI rIghfs nnd bnsIc froodoms gunrnnfood In fho consfIfu-
fIonnI ordor hnvo boon InfrIngod ns n rosuIf of fho fInnI docIsIon In n rocood-
Ing fo whIch fhoy woro n nrfy, of n monsuro, or of somo ofhor oncronchmonf
by n ubIIc nufhorIfy.
To bo rocIso, If musf bo nddod fhnf nof ovory bronch
of Inw nufomnfIcnIIy gIvos rIso fo n bronch of fho consfIfufIonnI ordor. Tho Con-

Arf. ?2 of fho Acf. o. l82/l993, fho ConsfIfufIonnI Courf Acf, ns nmondod.
34 Ondroj IrInfn
sfIfufIonnI Courf docIdos onIy such cnsos, whoro fho bronch of rIghfs consfIfu-
fIonnIIy grnnfod Is sfnfod.

Tho consfIfufIonnI onncfmonf of orsonnIIfy rIghfs nnd fhoIr rofocfIon ro-
rosonfs n cornorsfono of fho IognI roguInfIon In numorous normnI (nof consfI-
fufIonnI) ncfs, bofh rIvnfo nnd ubIIc Inws.
E5H5 M)??"#"&8"$ )& #"$4"8* %? )&*"(("8*3'( 4#%4"#*+ #)./*$
Tho IognI fhoory In fho Czoch !oubIIc dIvIdos orsonnIIfy rIghfs In fwo
mnIn grous gonornI orsonnIIfy rIghfs nnd socInI orsonnIIfy rIghfs.
fIrsf grou Is rorosonfod by unIvorsnIIy undorsfood gonornI orsonnIIfy rIghf,
whIch monns n brond unIvorsnI rIghf of onch nnfurnI orson consIsfIng In ro-
focfIon of fhoIr hysIcnI nnd mornI InfogrIfy. Tho objocf of fhoso rIghfs Is Im-
mnforInI (mornI). ThIs unIvorsnIIy undorsfood rIghf rorosonfs n comIox of
nrfIcuInr orsonnIIfy rIghfs (ns monfIonod nbovo In fho rovIow of fho Chnr-
for), whIch Is oonod, nof oxrossIy onumornfod.
SocInI orsonnIIfy rIghfs, on fho confrnry, do nof nufomnfIcnIIy boIong fo
ovoryono. Thoso rIghfs nrIso ns n consoquonco of n cronfIvo InfoIIocfunI ncfIv-
Ify of fho IndIvIdunI.
F5 6/" &%*)%& %? 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$ )& 8)L)( ('@
F5=5 N"&"#'( %L"#L)"@
Tho coro of fho IognI roguInfIon of gonornI orsonnIIfy rIghfs Is onncfod In
fho CC, In Ifs Inrf Ono (ConornI IrovIsIons), Chnfor 2, onfIfIod IrofocfIon
of IorsonnIIfy. Tho fIfIo of fho chnfor Is vory suIfnbIo. If shows fhnf Inw doos
nof nffnch fhIs unIvorsnI orsonnIIfy Inw wIfh fho IndIvIdunI onch IndIvIdu-
nI Is n subjocf of fhIs rIghf nnd fho Inw rocognIzos fhIs fncf nnd (onIy) rofocfs
fhIs rIghf of onch orson.
Tho Imorfnnco of rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy of onch orson consIsfs In grnnf-
Ing fo onch orson fho ossIbIIIfy fo dovoIo fhoIr orsonnIIfy In nII of Ifs ns-
ocfs In froodom, dIgnIfy, wIfhouf InfrIngomonfs.
Tho nofIon of orsonnIIfy IfsoIf Is nof dofInod by fho Inw nnd If doos nof
soom fo bo nocossnry. JurIsrudonco usunIIy dofInos fhIs nofIon In n vory brond
sonso, boIng nbIo fo subsumo nII nrfIcuInr oIomonfs nnd nsocfs undor If. Tho
orsonnIIfy Is undorsfood ns n orsIsfonf IIvIng onfIfy, comosod from mornI,

Ior moro dofnIIs soo docIsIons of fho ConsfIfufIonnI Courf of fho Czoch !oubIIc, o.g., II. !S
586/06 or II. !S 45/94 (nvnIInbIo nf

JoInf roofs of CzochosIovnk IognI fhoory nro obvIous horo, whon comnrod fo fho foxf roorf-
Ing on fho sIfunfIon In fho SIovnk !oubIIc.

K. Knn, J. Svosfkn, of nI., D&24'1' "3"E1"3%$ 9"*#+ "E<'13=72" 94:6' |IrofocfIon of Iorson-
nIIfy !ndor CIvII !nL], 3
od., Irnhn: !Indo Irnhn, n.s., l996, . l4l5.

I. ToIoc, Commonfnry on Socf. ll of CC. In: K. IIIs, of nI., DE<'13=A J:="1@=/ R+#=A '='S
*+C$&=A ="C+1%:N |Tho CIvII Codo. A IIg AcndomIc Commonfnry]. Irnhn: !Indo Irnhn, n. s., 2008,
. l06.
35 IorsonnIIfy !Ighfs In ConfrnI nnd Insforn Iuroo. Tho Czoch !oubIIc
sychIc nnd corornI nsocfs of n orson, formIng Ifs IndIvIdunI unIfy.
As fho
sonso of IIfo of onch orson shouId bo rocognIzod, fho dovoIomonf of fhoIr or-
sonnIIfy oInfs nf ronchIng fho orsonnI hnInoss. IrofocfIon of gonornI or-
sonnIIfy rIghfs shouId onnbIo fhIs nIm.
As wns monfIonod nbovo, fho coro of fho roguInfIon of gonornI orsonnII-
fy rIghfs Is onncfod In fho CC. Howovor, fhIs roguInfIon In no Iongor fnkon ns
comIox, whorons fhoro nro n Iof of nddIfIonnI InsfIfufos In ofhor ncfs, bofh rI-
vnfo nnd ubIIc. Thoso ncfs, confnInIng nddIfIonnI InsfIfufos, woro monfIonod
nbovo In Inrf l.3.
Tho CC donIs wIfh orsonnIIfy rIghfs ns wIfh rIghfs whIch boIong fo onch
orson nnfurnIIy, nnd nro of gonornI nnfuro, comosod of nrfIcuInr rIghfs, ro-
focfIng nrfIcuInr nsocfs of orsonnIIfy. Ivon from fhIs fncf If Is cIonr fhnf fho
IIsf of fhoso nrfIcuInr rIghfs Is nof cIosod If Is oon In nccordnnco wIfh fho
dovoIomonf of socIofy.
F5E5 >*'*3*%#+ 8'*'(%.3"
In Socf. ll of CC, fhoro Is onncfod n sfnfufory cnfnIoguo of nrfIcuInr rIghfs
whIch nro subsumod undor fho gonornI orsonnIIfy rIghfs. ThIs cnfnIoguo Is
nof cIosod, whIch corrosonds fo fho oufcomo of fho rovIous nrf of fhIs foxf.
If Is ovon oxrossIy sfIuInfod fhnf fho IIsf Is oon: A nnfurnI orson hns fho
rIghf of rofocfIon of fhoIr orsonnIIfy, nnmoIy of IIfo nnd honIfh, cIvIc honour
nnd humnn dIgnIfy, ns woII ns rIvncy, fhoIr nnmo nnd oxrossIons of orson-
nI nnfuro.
ThIs rovIsIon In CC corrosonds fo fho nrfIcIos In fho Chnrfor monfIonod
nbovo, buf of courso, Is nof nn oxncf coy of rovIsIons In fho Chnrfor, sImIy
bocnuso fho rovIsIon In CC Is oIdor. Howovor, consIdorIng fho IIsf of nrfIcu-
Inr rIghfs ns oon, fhIs doos nof monn nny robIoms.
If Is cIonr from fho wordIng of fhIs rovIsIon fhnf fhIs rofocfIon Is nIIcn-
bIo onIy fo nnfurnI orsons, nof IognI onfIfIos. Howovor, fhIs doos nof monn fhnf
IognI onfIfIos nro comIofoIy wIfhouf rofocfIon In fhIs nron of Inw. In Socf. l9b
of CC, fhoro Is onncfod fho rofocfIon of nnmo of IognI onfIfy. ThIs cnn bo con-
sIdorod fo bo corrosondIng fo fho rofocfIon of nrfIcuInr orsonnIIfy rIghfs
on nnmo of n nnfurnI orson. Irofocfod Is nIso n good roufnfIon of n IognI on-
fIfy. ThIs Is consIdorod fo bo nImosf ns wIdo rofocfIon ns rofocfIon of orson-
nIIfy rIghfs of nnfurnI orsons,
of courso, hnvIng In mInd dIfforoncos bofwoon
nnfurnI orsons nnd IognI onfIfIos.

Insod on dofInIfIons In I. ToIoc, "9/ &$%/, . l06 nnd In J. Svosfkn, O. JohIIckn, M. Skrov, of
nI., DE<'31=A J:="1@=/ M"C+1%:N |Tho CIvII Codo. Commonfnry]. Irnhn: C.H. Iock, 2006, . 9?.

Tho drnff of fho now CIvII Codo of fho Czoch !oubIIc (nvnIInbIo nf www.obcnnskyznkonIk. sfIuInfos fho rIghf on n orson`s own hnInoss oxrossIy In Ifs Socf. 3.

J. Svosfkn, O. JohIIckn, M. Skrov, of nI., "9/ &$%/, . l?9.

Ior Insfnnco, If Is nof ossIbIo fo Invndo In fnmIIy IIfo of n IognI onfIfy (bocnuso If hns nof nny)
nnd fo bronch Ifs orsonnIIfy rIghf In fhIs wny.
36 Ondroj IrInfn
F5F5 O31)8)'( 8#"'*)%& %? 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$
In fho rovIous foxf, If wns offon monfIonod fhnf Czoch IognI sysfom oor-
nfos wIfh gonornI orsonnIIfy rIghfs, whoso nrfIcuInr oIomonfs nro IIsfod In
Socf. ll of CC. Woro wo fo nnswor fho quosfIon whofhor fho judgo Is nIIowod fo
cronfo now orsonnIIfy rIghfs, wo couId nnswor bofh no nnd yos. Ior no
cnn bo nrguod fhnf fho judgo cnnnof cronfo now orsonnIIfy rIghfs bosIdos fho
gonornI orsonnIIfy rofocfIon rIghf, jusf bocnuso of gonornIIfy (unIvorsnIIfy) of
fhIs rIghf. Howovor (fho yos nnswor), fho judgo cnn rofocf rIghfs or vnIuos,
whIch Is nof oxrossIy IIsfod In Socf. ll of CC, bocnuso fho IIsf In fhIs rovI-
sIon Is oon. Tho judgo Is nIIowod fo mnInfnIn fho dovoIomonf In socIofy nnd
If fhoro Is n nood fo rofocf nIso ImmnforInI vnIuos fhnf cnn nonr In fufuro.
Howovor, judgos moro offon uso nnofhor wny of IognI InforrofnfIon, nnmoIy,
nn oxfonsIvo InforrofnfIon of Socf. ll of CC. Ior Insfnnco, fho Suromo Courf
of fho Czoch !oubIIc docIdod, fhnf fho vIoInfIon of orsonnIIfy Is usunIIy con-
nocfod wIfh ubIIshIng unfruo InformnfIon nbouf n orson;
In nnofhor cnso If
wns docIdod fhnf fho rIghf of nonrnnco of n nnfurnI orson Is nIso rofocfod,
undor fho condIfIon fhnf fho orson In fho ImngIng Is gonornIIy IdonfIfInbIo.
Tho ConsfIfufIonnI Courf rognrds fho rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs In Socf.
ll nnd foIIowIng of fho CC ns nnrrowor fhnn fho rofocfIon In fho Chnfor nnd
consfIfufIonnI ordor. If oncourngos courfs fo uso ofhor IognI Insfrumonfs, oso-
cInIIy roIovnnf InfornnfIonnI fronfIos.
F5H5 M)??"#"&8"$ )& #"$4"8* %? )&*"(("8*3'( 4#%4"#*+ #)./*$
If wns monfIonod nbovo fhnf InfoIIocfunI roorfy rIghfs nro of n sIIghfIy dIf-
foronf nnfuro fhoy nro consIdorod socInI orsonnIIfy rIghfs, roInfod fo ouf-
comos of InfoIIocfunI cronfIvo ncfIvIfy nnd IInkod onIy wIfh somo orsons (gonor-
nIIy fho nufhors), nof wIfh ovory orson. Thoro Is nnofhor dIvIsIon In fhIs grou
of orsonnIIfy rIghfs If cnn bo domonsfrnfod on fho rIghfs of nn nufhor fo fho
oufcomo of fhoIr cronfIvo InfoIIocfunI ncfIvIfy. Tho CoyrIghf Acf (o. l2l/200
Sb., ns nmondod), dIfforonfInfos bofwoon mornI nnd oconomIc rIghfs of nn nu-
fhor. MornI rIghfs nro IIsfod In Socf. ll of fhIs ncf: Tho nufhor shnII hnvo fho
rIghf fo docIdo nbouf mnkIng hIs work ubIIc, fo cInIm nufhorshI, IncIudIng
fho rIghf fo docIdo whofhor nnd In whnf wny hIs nufhorshI Is fo bo IndIcnfod
whon hIs work Is mndo ubIIc nnd furfhor usod, rovIdod fhnf fho IndIcnfIon of
nufhorshI Is normnI In such uso. Tho nufhor shnII hnvo fho rIghf fo fho InvI-
oInbIIIfy of hIs work, In nrfIcuInr, fho rIghf fo grnnf consonf fo nny nIfornfIon
of, or ofhor InforvonfIon In hIs work, unIoss ofhorwIso sfIuInfod horoIn. Whoro
fho work Is usod by nny ofhor orson, such uso mny nof bo oxocufod In n wny

ocIsIon undor ! l5/96.

Tho docIsIon ubIIshod undor o. 3/2003 In orIodIcnI journnI T";*1@ 4"J2#+*- |JudIcInI Ho-

I.g., In fho docIsIon ubIIshod undor o. 3/2000 of suIomonf fo T";*1@ 4"J2#+*- |JudIcInI
HorIzons], donIIng wIfh Arf. 8 (fho rIghf of fnmIIy IIfo) of fho Iuroonn ConvonfIon on Humnn
3? IorsonnIIfy !Ighfs In ConfrnI nnd Insforn Iuroo. Tho Czoch !oubIIc
fhnf dofrncfs from fho vnIuo of fho work. Tho nufhor shnII hnvo fho rIghf of su-
orvIsIon ovor such ofhor orson`s comIInnco wIfh fhIs obIIgnfIon (nufhor`s su-
orvIsIon), unIoss fho nnfuro of fho work or Ifs uso ImIIos ofhorwIso, or unIoss
If Is nof ossIbIo fo fnIrIy roquIro fho usor fo onnbIo fho nufhor fo oxorcIso hIs
rIghf fo suorvIsIon. Tho nufhor mny nof wnIvo hIs mornI rIghfs; fhoso rIghfs
nro non-frnnsfornbIo nnd shnII bocomo oxfIncf on fho donfh of fho nufhor.
Tho oconomIc rIghfs nro IIsfod In SocfIon l2 of fho CoyrIghf Acf, whoro If
Is oxInInod fhnf fho rIghf fo uso (whIch fho nufhor wIII hnvo) monns fho rIghf
fo roroduco n work, fo dIsfrIbufo nn orIgInnI or n coy of fho work, fo ronf nn
orIgInnI or n coy of fho work, fo Iond nn orIgInnI or n coy of fho work, fo ox-
hIbIf nn orIgInnI or n coy of fho work, fo communIcnfo fho work fo fho ubIIc.
Wo cnn concIudo fhnf fho concof of socInI orsonnIIfy rIghfs Is dIfforonf
from fho concof of gonornI orsonnIIfy rIghfs.
H5 6/" (".'( &'*3#" %? 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$
H5=5 6/" &'*3#"
JurIsrudonco In fho Czoch !oubIIc sfnnds on fho oInIon fhnf subjocfIvo
rIghfs cnn bo dIvIdod Info fwo Inrgo grous: (l) nbsoIufo nnd (2) roInfIvo sub-
jocfIvo rIghfs. Tho dIfforonco bofwoon fhoso grous Is bnsod on roInfIonshIs
bofwoon subjocfs of fhoso rIghfs. !oInfIvo subjocfIvo rIghfs nIwnys corrosond
fo n subjocfIvo dufy of nnofhor IndIvIdunIIy doformInod subjocf. A fyIcnI ox-
nmIo of such n roInfIonshI wIfh mufunI rIghfs nnd dufIos Is nn obIIgnfIon
bnsod on n confrncf. Howovor, fhoro cnn bo subjocfIvo rIghfs whIch oxIsf ouf-
sIdo of n IognI roInfIonshI. Such rIghfs nro dosIgnnfod ns nbsoIufo. Thoy oor-
nfo (hnvo IognI offocfs) fownrds ovory ofhor subjocf (fhoy hnvo IognI offocfs +4S
,' "C1+3). ThIs monns fhnf fo fho rIghf of ono IndIvIdunIIy doformInod subjocf
corrosonds fho dufy of IndoformInnfo numbor of subjocfs nof fo Inforforo wIfh
fho rIghf of fho fIrsf subjocf. !ndor fhIs cnfogory of rIghfs nro IncIudod $;4' $1
4+C (os. ownorshI) nnd nIso gonornI orsonnIIfy rIghfs.
Tho nbsoIufo nnfuro of gonornI orsonnIIfy rIghfs monns fhnf ovorybody
hns n dufy nof fo Inforforo wIfh fhoso rIghfs of ovory IndIvIdunIIy doformInod
H5E5 P%#'( L'(3"
ConornI orsonnIIfy rIghfs nro of fho mornI vnIuo, nof oconomIc, duo fo fhoIr
consfIfufIonnI bnso nnd fhoIr qunIIfy of fundnmonfnI humnn rIghfs. If wns mon-
fIonod nbovo fhnf fhoso rIghfs nro docInrod In fho Chnrfor ns Inhoronf, InnIIon-
nbIo, non-IImIfnbIo, nnd non-roonInbIo. ThIs, In fncf, monns fhnf fhoy nro gon-
ornIIy non-frnnsfornbIo nnd fhus hnvo no oconomIc vnIuo.

Tho IngIIsh frnnsInfIon quofod from hff://

J. Svosfkn, J. vork, DE<'13=7 94:6" 2C"%17 ? |SubsfnnfIvo CIvII !nw l], 5
od., Irnguo:
WoIfors KIuwor C!, n. s., 2009, . 225226.
38 Ondroj IrInfn
H5F5 !%$* C%#*"C 4#%*"8*)%& %? 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$
osIfo fho fncf fhnf IognI orsonnIIfy of n nnfurnI orson consos nf fho
momonf of fhoIr donfh, fho rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy of onch nnfurnI orson Is
grnnfod. In Socf. l5 of CC If Is sfIuInfod fhnf fho rIghf of rofocfIon of orson-
nIIfy cnn bo cInImod nffor fho donfh of fho nnfurnI orson. Thoro Is n cIosod IIsf
of orsons onfIfIod fo do so. Thoy nro dIvIdod Info fwo grous. Tho fIrsf grou
IncIudos fho souso, rogIsforod nrfnor of fho snmo sox nnd chIIdron. Tho soc-
ond grou IncIudos nronfs of doconsod orsons. Inronfs nro onfIfIod fo cInIm
fho rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy of fhoIr chIId onIy whon fhoro Is no orson from
fho fIrsf grou. ThIs dIvIsIon cnn bo soon ns robIomnfIc In somo cnsos. Ior In-
sfnnco, fho onIy chIId of n doconsod orson IIvos In nnofhor counfry (or confI-
nonf), rofusos fo rofocf fho orsonnIIfy of hIs nronf bocnuso of bnd roInfIon-
shIs bofwoon fhom In fho nsf, ofc., nnd fho nronfs nro nof IogIfImnfod fo
cInIm fho rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy of fhoIr chIId ovon ronrod fo do so.
If hns no IognI roIovnnco If fhoso orsons nonr In fho osIfIon of hoIrs or
nof fhIs monns fho rIghfs nro nof horodIfnry. Tho rIghf of fhIs orson fo ns-
sorf orsonnIIfy rofocfIon rIghf of n doconsod orson Is offon domonsfrnfod ns
nn oxnmIo of 3$1,;#'4 3;&&+33$"1, ns fho confrnsf of ;1$6+43'# 3;&&+33$"1. As
n gonornI ruIo, nn InsfIfufo of unIvorsnI succossIon nIIos nffor fho orson`s
donfh If monns fhnf bnsIcnIIy nII rIghfs nnd dufIos nro unIvorsnIIy n sub-
jocf of InhorIfnnco. Iuf fhoro nro rIghfs whIch do nof conso nf fho momonf of
donfh, buf nro frnnsforrod In nccordnnco wIfh ofhor rovIsIons, fhoso of Inhor-
Ifnnco Inw. Tho rIghf fo sook for rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy of n doconsod orson
Is jusf ono of fhom.
H5H5 M)??"#"&8"$ )& #"$4"8* %? )&*"(("8*3'( 4#%4"#*+ #)./*$
If wns monfIonod nbovo fhnf fho rIghfs of nn nufhor nro dIvIdod Info fwo
grous: mornI nnd oconomIc. Aufhor cnnnof frnnsfor fhoIr mornI rIghfs, buf
cnn onfIfIo ofhor subjocfs fo oxorcIso somo (or nII) of fhoIr oconomIc rIghfs.
IrofocfIon of fhoso rIghfs Is nIso grnnfod nffor fho donfh of fho nufhor. In nc-
cordnnco wIfh Socf. ll of fho CoyrIghf Acf, nffor fho donfh of fho nufhor no
ofhor orson mny cInIm nufhorshI of fho work; fho work mny bo usod onIy In
n mnnnor whIch doos nof dorocInfo Ifs vnIuo nnd, unIoss fho work Is nnon-
ymous, fho nnmo of fho nufhor, If known, musf bo IndIcnfod. IrofocfIon mny
bo cInImod by nny of fho nufhor`s kIn; fhoy shnII mnInfnIn fhIs nufhorIsnfIon
ovon nffor fho nssngo of fho form of oconomIc rIghfs fo coyrIghf. IconomIc
rIghfs nro InhorIfod.
Ofhor InfoIIocfunI roorfy rIghfs, connocfod wIfh IndusfrInI roorfy, nro
of fho oconomIc vnIuo.
Q5 R%(1"#$ %? 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$
Q5=5 6/" /%(1"# %? 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$
Tho concof of fho Chnrfor nnd CC connocfs gonornI orsonnIIfy rIghfs onIy
wIfh nnfurnI orsons. Howovor, fhoro Is n sImIInr (buf nof IdonfIcnI) rofocfIon
39 IorsonnIIfy !Ighfs In ConfrnI nnd Insforn Iuroo. Tho Czoch !oubIIc
for IognI orsons, ndnfod fo fhoIr nrfIfIcInI nnfuro. ThIs rofocfIon Is onncfod In
CC nnd nIso In fho Acf o. 5l3/l99l Sb., fho CommorcInI Codo, ns nmondod.
Q5E5 0%C4'#)$%& %? 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$ %? &'*3#'( '&1 (".'( 4"#$%&$ ;
*/" &'*3#" '&1 8%&*"&*$
Tho rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy of nnfurnI orsons Is doscrIbod nbovo, horo If
cnn bo nddod fhnf fho Inw rofocfs fho nnmo nnd good roufnfIon of IognI nn-
furo. Tho sImIInrIfy wIfh gonornI orsonnIIfy rIghfs of nnfurnI orsons Is bnsod
on fho fncf fhnf nIso fho rIghfs on rofocfIon of fho nnmo nnd good roufnfIon
of n IognI orson nro consIdorod nbsoIufo rIghfs, wIfh offocf fownrds ovory-
ono. Iofh fho nnmo nnd fho good roufnfIon boIong fo ovory IognI orson nnd
nro non-frnnsfornbIo.
Whon comnrod fo rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy of nnfurnI
orsons, wo cnn concIudo fhnf fho rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy of IognI orsons Is
much nnrrowor.
Q5F5 6/" #"('*)%&$/)4 9"*@""& 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$ %? ' 93$)&"$$4"#$%&
'&1 */")# 93$)&"$$ &'C"$ '&1S%# %*/"# )1"&*)?)8'*)%& $).&$
J(%.%S*#'1"C'#T "*85K
Tho CommorcInI Codo dofInos fho busInoss ncfIvIfy ns n sysfomnfIc ncfIvIfy
whIch Is IndoondonfIy cnrrIod on for fho uroso of mnkIng n rofIf by nn on-
froronour In hIs own nnmo nnd nf hIs own IInbIIIfy. A busInossorson Is onch
orson (nnfurnI or IognI), whIch Is rocordod In fho CommorcInI !ogIsfor.
busInossorson Is undor fho dufy fo orform fhoIr IognI ncfs undor fhoIr com-
morcInI fIrm. Tho form commorcInI fIrm Is dofInod In Socf. 8 of fho Commor-
cInI Codo ns fho nnmo, undor whIch fho busInossorson hns boon onforod Info
fho CommorcInI !ogIsfor. ThIs nnmo (commorcInI fIrm) Is rofocfod ngnInsf
unInwfuI usngo In Socf. l2 of fho CommorcInI Codo. ThIs rofocfIon hns fo bo
dIsfInguIshod from fho rofocfIon rovIdod fo nnfurnI orsons nnd fo fho rofoc-
fIon of fho nnmo nnd good roufnfIon of IognI onfIfIos (nof ovory IognI onfIfy Is
nocossnrIIy n busInossorson). A busInossorson cnn nIso uso n Iogo fho com-
morcInI fIrm cnn bo Incorornfod Info If nnd cnn bo rogIsforod ns n frndomnrk.
U5 0%&?()8*)&. #)./*$
U5=5 0%&?()8*$ @)*/ 439()8)*+ #)./*$ J#)./* %? )C'."V &'C"V $3#&'C"K
8%&?()8*)&. @)*/ 8%4+#)./*V ?#""1%C %? */" 4#"$$V #)./* *% 8#)*)W3"
ConfIIcfs bofwoon rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs nnd ubIIcIfy rIghfs nro
nnfIcInfod n rovIsIons of fho CC nnd fhoro nro ruIos how fo soIvo fhom. As

HoroInnffor roforrod ns CommorcInI Codo.

Ior moro dofnIIs soo, o.g., K. IIIs, of nI., DE<'13=A J:="1@=/ R+#=A '='*+C$&=A ="C+1%:N |Tho
CIvII Codo. A IIg AcndomIc Commonfnry]. Irnhn: !Indo Irnhn, n. s., 2008, . l88.

A busInossmnn cnn bo nIso ofhor orson, If comIyIng condIfIons In ofhor rovIsIons nnd ncfs,
buf fhIs Is nof Imorfnnf for fhIs chnfor.
40 Ondroj IrInfn
n gonornI ruIo (Socf. l2 of fho CC) wIII bo nIIod fhnf documonfs of oxros-
sIons of orsonnI nnfuro, orfrnIfs, Icfuros, sound rocords or Imngo nnd sound
rocords concornIng nn IndIvIdunI or oxrossIons of orsonnI nnfuro mny bo fnk-
on or usod onIy uon fho consonf of fho InvoIvod orson.
Howovor, In Socf. l2 of fho CC fhoro Is n IIsf of sIfunfIons, whon fho con-
sonf of fho InvoIvod orson Is nof nocossnry. Such n sIfunfIon Is fho uso for of-
fIcInI urosos on fho bnsIs of nn ncf. Anofhor grou of sIfunfIons consIsfs of
urosos of scIonco, nrf, ross, mofIon Icfuro, rndIo nnd foIovIsIon nows sor-
vIco. Ior nII fhoso urosos If Is nIIowod fo fnko nnd fo uso orfrnIfs, Icfuros
nnd Imngo nnd sound rocords wIfhouf fho consonf of fho InvoIvod orson. Iuf
nIso fho uso of fhoso mnforInIs musf nof sfnnd In confIIcf wIfh jusfIfIod Infor-
osfs of fho InvoIvod orson. Tho dIfforonco bofwoon fho uso for offIcInI uros-
os nnd fho ofhor grou of sIfunfIons Is In dIfforonf donIIng wIfh documonfs of
oxrossIons of fho orsonnI nnfuro. Thoy cnn bo usod wIfhouf n consonf for of-
fIcInI urosos, buf nof for urosos IIsfod In fho socond grou.
Tho rncfIco, osocInIIy of fho ConsfIfufIonnI Courf, fonds fo rosfrIcf fho II-
conco In Socf. l2. Ior Insfnnco, In ocIsIon o. 3? voI. 2? of fho CoIIocfIon of
ocIsIons, fho courf ruIod ouf fhnf fho IIconco In Socf. l2 corrosonds fo fho
consfIfufIonnI ordor onIy In fho sIfunfIon whon fho offIcInI uroso cnnnof bo
ronchod by fho uso of fho Icfuro wIfh fho consonfs of InvoIvod orsons.
U5E5 0%&?()8*$ @)*/ 4"#$%&'( 1'*' 4#%*"8*)%& '8*
In fho Czoch !oubIIc, fho IorsonnI nfn IrofocfIon Acf (o. l0l/2000 Sb.,
ns nmondod, horoInnffor roforrod fo ns IIA) roguInfos fho rIghfs nnd obII-
gnfIons In rocossIng of orsonnI dnfn nnd socIfIos fho condIfIons undor whIch
orsonnI dnfn mny bo frnnsforrod fo ofhor counfrIos. ThIs Acf shnII nIy fo
orsonnI dnfn fhnf nro rocossod by sfnfo nufhorIfIos, forrIforInI soIf-ndmInIs-
frnfIon bodIos, ofhor ubIIc nufhorIfy bodIos, ns woII ns nnfurnI nnd IognI or-
sons. Howovor, IIA wIII nof bo nIIod If orsonnI dnfn nro coIIocfod nccI-
donfnIIy nnd nro nof rocossod nny furfhor. ThIs Acf wIII nof nIy fo orsonnI
dnfn rocossIng cnrrIod ouf by n nnfurnI orson for orsonnI noods oxcIusIvoIy.
ThIs ncf sofs condIfIons for rocossIng sonsIfIvo orsonnI dnfn.
In gonornI,
fhIs Is nIIowod onIy wIfh oxross consonf of fho InvoIvod orson. Anrf from If,
fhoro nro oxcofIons In n cIosod IIsf of cnsos, whon fho consonf Is nof noodod.
ThIs IIsf, o.g., comrIsos sIfunfIons, whoro If Is nocossnry In ordor fo rosorvo
fho IIfo or honIfh of fho dnfn subjocf or somo ofhor orson or fo oIImInnfo Im-
mInonf sorIous dnngor fo fhoIr roorfy, If fhoIr consonf cnnnof bo obfnInod, In
nrfIcuInr, duo fo hysIcnI, monfnI or IognI IncnncIfy, or If fho dnfn subjocf Is
mIssIng or for sImIInr ronsons, If fho rocossIng In quosfIon Is In roInfIon wIfh

SonsIfIvo dnfn nro dofInod In Socf. 4 of IIA nnd sfnnd for orsonnI dnfn rovonIIng nnfIonnI-
Ify, rncInI or ofhnIc orIgIn, oIIfIcnI nffIfudos, frndo-unIon momborshI, roIIgIous nnd hIIosohI-
cnI boIIofs, convIcfIon of n crImInnI ncf, honIfh sfnfus nnd soxunI IIfo of fho dnfn subjocf nnd gonof-
Ic dnfn of fho dnfn subjocf; sonsIfIvo dnfn shnII nIso monn n bIomofrIc dnfn ormIffIng dIrocf Idon-
fIfIcnfIon or nufhonfIcnfIon of fho dnfn subjocf.
4l IorsonnIIfy !Ighfs In ConfrnI nnd Insforn Iuroo. Tho Czoch !oubIIc
onsurIng honIfh cnro, ubIIc honIfh rofocfIon, honIfh Insurnnco, nnd fho oxor-
cIso of ubIIc ndmInIsfrnfIon In fho fIoId of honIfh socfor ursunnf fo n socInI
ncf, or If Is roInfod fo nssossmonf of honIfh In ofhor cnsos rovIdod by n socInI
ncf, If fho rocossIng Is nocossnry fo koo fho obIIgnfIons nnd rIghfs of fho con-
froIIor rosonsIbIo for rocossIng In fho fIoIds of Inbour Inw nnd omIoymonf
rovIdod by n socInI ncf, If fho rocossIng Is nocossnry fo socuro nnd oxorcIso
IognI cInIms ofc.
Inch orson who fInds or rosumos fhnf fho confroIIor or fho rocossor Is
cnrryIng ouf rocossIng of hIs orsonnI dnfn whIch Is In confrndIcfIon wIfh fho
rofocfIon of rIvnfo nnd orsonnI IIfo of fho dnfn subjocf or In confrndIcfIon
wIfh fho Inw, In nrfIcuInr If fho orsonnI dnfn nro Innccurnfo, rognrdIng fho
uroso of fhoIr rocossIng, ho mny nsk fho confroIIor or rocossor for oxIn-
nnfIon nnd roquIro from fho confroIIor or fho rocossor fo romody fho nrIson
sfnfo of nffnIrs. If cnn monn, In nrfIcuInr, bIockIng, corrocfIng, suIomonfIng
or IIquIdnfIng orsonnI dnfn. Thoro Is no oxfrn IInbIIIfy for dnmngo cnusod by
unInwfuI coIIocfIon or rocossIng fho orsonnI dnfn, so fho gonornI rovIsIons
In fho CC on IInbIIIfy for dnmngo wIII bo usod.
U5F5 0%&?()8*$ @)*/ ?#""1%C %? '#*)$*)8 "<4#"$$)%&
Tho froodom of nrfIsfIc oxrossIon mny nof coIIIdo wIfh fho rofocfIon of or-
sonnIIfy. Tho oxcofIon wns monfIonod nbovo In 6.l.
U5H5 M)??"#"&8"$ )& #"$4"8* %? )&*"(("8*3'( 4#%4"#*+ #)./*$
Tho CoyrIghf Acf onncfs ns n gonornI ruIo fhnf fho coyrIghf mny bo ro-
sfrIcfod onIy In corfnIn socInI cnsos rovIdod for by fhIs ncf. Thoso mny nof
howovor bo Inforrofod In n mnnnor fhnf wouId confIIcf wIfh n normnI oxorcIso
of coyrIghf nnd wouId unronsonnbIy rojudIco fho IogIfImnfo Inforosfs of fho
nufhor. Tho rosfrIcfIons of fho coyrIghf nro dIvIdod In fwo grous fho froo
uso nnd fho grnfuIfous IognI IIconcos.
Iroo uso Is consIdorod fho uso for orsonnI nood, wIfh fho oxcofIon of mnk-
Ing of n roroducfIon of n comufor rogrnm or oIocfronIc dnfnbnso or of n ro-
roducfIon or ImIfnfIon of nn nrchIfocfonIc work by fho consfrucfIon (Socf. 30).
Tho grnfuIfous IognI IIconcos nro IIsfod In Socf. 3l39 of fho CoyrIghf Acf.
IIrsfIy, quofnfIon wIII bo monfIonod. CoyrIghf wIII nof bo InfrIngod on by
whoovor quofos, fo n jusfIfIod dogroo, In hIs own work, oxcorfs from fho ub-
IIshod works of ofhor nufhors, IncIudos Info hIs Indoondonf scIonfIfIc, crIfI-
cnI or fochnIcnI work, or Info n work dosIgnnfod for fonchIng urosos, for fho
cInrIfIcnfIon of Ifs confonf, smnII ubIIshod works In fhoIr onfIrofy, usos n ub-
IIshod work In n Iocfuro oxcIusIvoIy for scIonfIfIc, fonchIng or ofhor InsfrucfIvo
or oducnfIonnI urosos. Tho nnmo of fho nufhor, unIoss fho work Is nn nnon-
ymous work, or fho nnmo of fho orson undor whoso nnmo fho work Is boIng
Infroducod In ubIIc musf howovor nIwnys bo IndIcnfod, ns woII ns fho fIfIo of
fho work nnd sourco.
42 Ondroj IrInfn
Ofhor Imorfnnf IIconco Is sof In Socf. 34. If Is nn offIcInI nnd roorfIng II-
conco. CoyrIghf shnII nof bo InfrIngod by whoovor usos, fo n jusfIfInbIo dogroo,
fho work for offIcInI urosos In comIInnco wIfh fho Inw, wIfhIn fho courso of
roorfIng on n curronf ovonf durIng whIch such work Is boIng orformod, ox-
hIbIfod or ofhorwIso usod, borrows In fho orIodIcnI ross or ofhor mnss com-
munIcnfIon modIum nrfIcIos wIfh n confonf of foIcnI Imorfnnco on oIIfIcnI,
oconomIc or roIIgIous mnffors, whIch hnvo nIrondy boon ubIIshod In nnofhor
mnss communIcnfIon modIum, or fhoIr frnnsInfIons.
Thoro nro nIso ofhor IIconcos In fhIs nrf of fho CoyrIghf Acf, ns fho cnfn-
Ioguo IIconco, fho IIconco for ufIIIznfIon of n work Iocnfod In n ubIIc nron, ofc.
Tho comIofo IIsf nnd oxInnnfIon wouId howovor oxcood fho ronsonnbIo oxfonf
of fhIs nrfIcIo, so onIy fho mosf Imorfnnf woro oxInInod nbovo.
X5 !#%*"8*)%& %? 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$ @)*/ C"'&$ %? 8)L)( ('@
X5=5 GL')('9(" '8*)%&$
AcfIons nImIng nf rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs nro dorIvod from rIghfs of
n orson, whoso orsonnIIfy rIghfs nro vIoInfod. Thoso rIghfs nro IIsfod In fho
CC nnd nIso In ofhor ncfs, whIch nro roIovnnf (such ns fho IIA monfIonod
nbovo, for Insfnnco).
!ndor Socf. l3 of fho CC, nnfurnI orson hns nnmoIy fho rIghf fo cInIm (l)
rofrnIn from unjusfIfIod Inforforonco Info fhoIr rIghf on rofocfIon of fhoIr or-
sonnIIfy, (2) romovnI of consoquoncos of unjusfIfIod Inforforoncos nnd (3) ndo-
qunfo snfIsfncfIon (ns n comonsnfIon for non-rorIofnry dofrImonf). Adoqunfo
snfIsfncfIon monns fyIcnIIy n (ubIIc) noIogy (mornI snfIsfncfIon). As ndoqunfo
snfIsfncfIon cnn bo cInImod nIso for monofnry snfIsfncfIon. Monofnry snfIsfncfIon
cnn bo grnnfod onIy If fho dIgnIfy or rosocf (rognrd) of fho InvoIvod orson In
socIofy wns dogrndod fo n sIgnIfIcnnf oxfonf. Tho IIsf of cInIms Is nof cIosod, If
Is ossIbIo fo cInIm nIso for ofhor docIsIons. An oxnmIo of such nn ncfIon cnn
bo n cInIm for docIsIon docInrIng fhnf nrfIcuInr sfnfomonfs nro nof frufhfuI.
If fho orson sufforod nIso hnrm of fho mnforInI nnfuro, fhoy cnn nsk for
comonsnfIon. ThIs Insf ncfIon hns Ifs bnso In rovIsIons on gonornI IInbIIIfy
for dnmngo, nof In rovIsIons on rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy.
AIso In ofhor ncfs fhoro cnn bo found cInIms of n orson concornIng fho ro-
focfIon of fhoIr orsonnIIfy. Tho cInIms wIfhIn fho shoro of orsonnI dnfn ro-
focfIon woro monfIonod nbovo. Ofhor oxnmIos cnn bo found In Acf o. 46/2000
Sb., on orIodIcnIs, ns nmondod, whoro fho rIghf of rosonso nnd fho rIghf of nd-
dIfIonnI nnnouncomonf nro grnnfod. QuIfo IdonfIcnI rovIsIons nro nIso found
In Acf o. 23l/200l Sb., on rndIo nnd foIovIsIon brondcnsfIng, ns nmondod.
Tho uroso of fho rIghf fo rosonso Is, gonornIIy sonkIng, fo onnbIo roncfIon
on InformnfIon connocfod wIfh honour, dIgnIfy or rIvncy of n nnfurnI orson.
Tho uroso of fho rIghf of nddIfIonnI nnnouncomonf Is fo ubIIsh InformnfIon
nbouf fho fInnI oufcomo of crImInnI or ndmInIsfrnfIvo InfrncfIon rocoodIngs,

J. IInIn, M. KIndI of nI., DE<'13=A J:="1@=/ M"C+1%:N |Tho CIvII Codo. Commonfnry], VoI. l,
od., Irnguo: WoIfors KIuwor, C!, 2009, . 8l.
43 IorsonnIIfy !Ighfs In ConfrnI nnd Insforn Iuroo. Tho Czoch !oubIIc
If fho InformnfIon wns rovIdod fo fho ubIIc boforo Ifs ond nnd If wns ossIbIo
fo IdonfIfy fho InvoIvod orson.
X5E5 6/" *#)'(
If wns monfIonod nbovo fhnf gonornI orsonnIIfy rIghfs nro of fho nbsoIufo
nnfuro. Ivory ofhor subjocf musf nof Inforforo wIfh fhIs rIghf. If somo subjocf
bronchos hIs dufy nof fo Invndo, If bocomos concrofo nnd IndIvIdunIIsod. Af
fhIs momonf, fhoro Is n roInfIonshI bofwoon fwo subjocfs fho Injurod subjocf
nnd fho subjocf ncfIng unInwfuIIy. On fho sIdo of fho ofhor subjocf fhoro nrIso
now dufIos (fo rofrnIn from unInwfuI ncfIon, If If sfIII orsIsfs, fo romovo fho
consoquoncos, fo rovIdo snfIsfncfIon). Irom fhIs oInf of vIow, wo cnn sonk
nbouf fho IInbIIIfy, dosIfo fho fncf, fhnf fho CC doos nof uso fhIs form In fhIs
sonso. If Is IInbIIIfy, whIch Is objocfIvo fho oxIsfonco of cuInbIIIfy Is wIfhouf
IognI roIovnnco. If Is ovon IInbIIIfy, whIch Is sfrIcf fhoro Is no ossIbIIIfy of
IIbornfIon. ThIs nffocfs fho osIfIon of bofh subjocfs whon nonrIng boforo fho
courf. Tho InInfIff hns fo rovo fhnf fhoro wns nn unInwfuI ncf of fho dofon-
dnnf, whIch rosuIfod In n ossIbIIIfy fo vIoInfo orsonnIIfy rIghfs of fho InIn-
fIff. If fho InInfIff nsks for monofnry comonsnfIon fhoy hnvo fo rovo fhnf
fhoIr dIgnIfy or rosocf (osIfIon) In socIofy wns dogrndod fo n sIgnIfIcnnf do-
groo. Tho cuInbIIIfy wIII nof bo rovod, ns If Is nof roIovnnf In objocfIvo IInbIIIfy.
Tho crIforIn for ovnIunfIng IndIvIdunI cnsos Is undorsfood ns objocfIvo, If
monns ovnIunfod from fho oInf of vIow of n ronsonnbIo mnn. Tho quosfIon nn-
sworod In nccordnnco wIfh fhIs crIforIn Is whofhor fho InforvonfIon wns nbIo fo
fhronfon or vIoInfo fho orsonnIIfy rIghfs.
To sum If u, fhoro nro no socInIIfIos
In rovIng whIch wouId bo socIfIc for fho fIoId of orsonnI rofocfIon In cIvII Inw.
X5F5 0)#83C$*'&8"$ "<8(31)&. )((".'()*+ %? '& )&?#)&."C"&*
Thoro nro gonornIIy fwo ronsons nbIo fo oxcIudo IIIognIIfy of nn InfrIngo-
monf. Tho fIrsf Is fho rIor consonf of fho InvoIvod orson nnd fho ofhor nn
oxross ormIssIon onncfod In fho ncf.
If Is nocossnry fo monfIon fhnf In ju-
rIsrudonco fhoro nro rocognIzod condIfIons whIch nro fo bo comIIod wIfh, ofh-
orwIso fho consonf hns no IognI offocfs. Tho vnIId consonf roquosfs fwo condI-
fIons: (l) nnfurnI orson hns fho cnncIfy fo orform such n IognI ncf nnd (2)
fho orsonnI dIgnIfy Is In fuII dIsosIfIon of fhIs orson.
Tho oxross ormIssIon onncfod In fho ncf cnn bo found In fho CC, In Ifs Socf.
l2 (ns wns monfIonod nbovo In Inrf. 6.l). Socf. 6 of fho CC onnbIos fo nvorf nn
unjusfIfIod InfrIngomonf In ono`s rIghf by nn ndoqunfo mnnnor by soIf-hoI.
A subjocf ncfIng In nccordnnco wIfh fhIs rovIsIon Is nof bronchIng fho Inw. In
Socf. 4l8 of CC nro onncfod fho InsfIfufos of nocossIfy (omorgoncy) nnd soIf-do-

K. IIIs of nI., DE<'13=A J:="1@=/ R+#=A '='*+C$&=A ="C+1%:N |Tho CIvII Codo. A IIg Acn-
domIc Commonfnry]. Irnhn: !Indo Irnhn, n. s., 2008, . l44.

O. JohIIckn, M. Svosfkn, M. Skrov of nI., "9/ &$%/, . l2l.

As nn oxnmIo ono cnn monfIon n consonf for rocordIng fho voIco of fho orson or fho consonf
for somo cosmofIc InforvonfIon (IorcIng, ofc.). On fho confrnry, no ono cnn gIvo vnIId consonf, o.g.,
fo bo hurf or ovon kIIIod.
44 Ondroj IrInfn
fonco n orson ncfIng undor such cIrcumsfnncos Is ncfIng In nccordnnco wIfh
fho Inw, nof bronchIng If, ovon If nn InfrIngomonf of orsonnIIfy rIghfs occurs.
Ofhor ormIssIons nro onncfod In ofhor ncfs, o.g., In fho IIA (nIso monfIonod
nbovo In 6.2.), CrImInnI Irocoduro Codo (o. l4l/l96l Sb., ns nmondod), fho
Acf on HonIfhcnro (o. 20/l966 Sb., ns nmondod), fho TrnnsInnfnfIon Acf (o.
285/2002 Sb., ns nmondod).
Tho IIIognIIfy of nn InfrIngomonf Is oxcIudod nIso In fho sIfunfIon, In whIch
n subjocf oxorcIsos hIs subjocfIvo rIghf
or whon n subjocf oxorcIsos n dufy Im-
osod on If by nn ncf.

X5H5 M)??"#"&8"$ )& #"$4"8* %? )&*"(("8*3'( 4#%4"#*+ #)./*$
Tho rIghfs of nn nufhor, whoso rIghfs hnvo boon InfrIngod, nro summod u
In Socf. 40 of fho CoyrIghf Acf. Tho nufhor mny cInIm nnmoIy
of hIs nufhorshI; rohIbIfIon of fho oxosuro of hIs rIghf, IncIudIng Imond-
Ing roofIfIon of oxosuro, or of fho InfrIngomonf of hIs rIghf, osocInIIy fho
rohIbIfIon of fho unnufhorIzod roducfIon, unnufhorIzod commorcInI snIo, un-
nufhorIzod Imorf or oxorf of fho orIgInnI or roroducfIon or ImIfnfIon of hIs
work, unnufhorIzod communIcnfIon of fho work fo fho ubIIc, ns woII ns Ifs un-
nufhorIzod romofIon, IncIudIng ndvorfIsIng nnd ofhor forms of cnmnIgns; dIs-
cIosuro of dofnIIs of fho orIgIn of fho IIIIcIfIy mndo roroducfIon or ImIfnfIon of
hIs work, of fho mnnnor nnd scoo of Ifs ufIIIznfIon, nnd of fho IdonfIfy of fho
orsons who hnvo nrfIcInfod In fho unnufhorIzod mnkIng of fho roroduc-
fIon or of Ifs unnufhorIzod dIsfrIbufIon, ns fho cnso mny bo.
Tho nufhor cnn cInIm nIso n romody of fho consoquoncos of fho InfrIngo-
monf of hIs rIghf, nnmoIy by soIzuro of fho IIIIcIfIy mndo roroducfIon or ImI-
fnfIon of fho work or of fho nId; fho dosfrucfIon of fho IIIIcIfIy mndo roroduc-
fIon or ImIfnfIon of fho work or of fho nId; rovIsIon of nrorInfo snfIsfncfIon
for fho non-fInnncInI dnmngo cnusod, nnmoIy In fho form of noIogy, nymonf
of n fInnncInI nmounf, whoro fho ncknowIodgomonf of n dIfforonf kInd of snfIs-
fncfIon wouId rovo Inndoqunfo.
Thoro nro no dIfforoncos In rovIng In courf rocoodIngs, ns wns doscrIbod
In nrf ?.2 of fhIs foxf.
X5Q5 I*/"# &%*)8"'9(" 4#%9("C$ ; C%&"*'#+ 8%C4"&$'*)%&
?%# */" 1"'*/ %? &'*3#'( 4"#$%&
In 2004, fho CC wns nmondod by nddIng fo If n now rovIsIon. Acf o.
4?/2004 nddod n now nrngrnh (o. 3) Info Socf. 444 of fho CC, whIch onncf-
od n sIngIo-nymonf (Ium-sum) fo boronvod orsons In fho cnso of kIIIIng of
fhoIr roInfIvo, ns n comonsnfIon for hnrm sufforod.

I.g., nn oxorcIso of n ofIfIon rIghf.

I.g., n oIIcomnn onfors rIvnfo romIsos undor cIrcumsfnncos socIfIod In fho ncf.

Tho IIsf Is nof cIosod.

Husbnnd or wIfo, onch chIId, onch nronf nnd onch kIn IIvIng In fho fImo of kIIIIng wIfh fho
kIIIod In joInf housohoId shnII obfnIn CZK 240 000 (nrox. 9 803), onch sIbIIng shnII obfnIn CZK
45 IorsonnIIfy !Ighfs In ConfrnI nnd Insforn Iuroo. Tho Czoch !oubIIc
ThIs ruIo wns subjocf of crIfIcIsm, ns fho Ium-sums do nof nIIow fnkIng In-
fo nccounf socIfIc cIrcumsfnncos of IndIvIdunI cnsos. Anrf from fhIs, fho sums
woro orcoIvod ns dorocInfIng nnd Inndoqunfo (bofh In gonornI nnd ncross
grous of onfIfIod orsons
). Tho docIsIon-mnkIng rncfIco nffor nII concIud-
od fhnf fho Ium-sums nro so gonornIIzod nnd fhnf fhoy mny nof rovIdo nd-
oqunfo snfIsfncfIon for hnrm sufforod on orsonnIIfy rIghfs. Ior fhIs ronson If
Is nof oxcIudod fo cInIm furfhor snfIsfncfIon In nccordnnco wIfh rovIsIons on
rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy (Socf. l3 CC).
Y5 !#%*"8*)%& %? 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$ @)*/ 8#)C)&'( C"'&$
Y5=5 !"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$ )&?#)&."C"&*$ 8('$$"1 '$ 8#)C)&'( %??"&8"$
'&1 4#%L)$)%&$ )& */" 0#)C)&'( 0%1" ')C"1 '* 4#%*"8*)%&
%? 4"#$%&'()*+ #)./*$
Tho CrImInnI Codo In fho Czoch !oubIIc wns ndofod roconfIy, In 2009
(Acf o. 40/2009 Sb., CrImInnI Codo, ns nmondod). ThIs codo onncfs numorous
crImInnI offoncos, whIch nro comIomonfnry wIfh fho cIvII Inw rovIdIng fho
rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs of onch nnfurnI orson.

Tho InfrIngomonf wIfh IIfo Is crImInnI offonco whon cInssIfIod ns n murdor,

nogIIgonf homIcIdo,
kIIIIng of n now-born bnby by n mofhor,

nrfIcInfIng In suIcIdo.

Tho InfrIngomonf wIfh honIfh of nnfurnI orson Is n crImInnI offonco whon
cInssIfIod ns sorIous Injury,
nogIIgonf sorIous Injury,
forfuro or ofhor Inhumnn hnndIIng,
fnIIuro fo rovIdo hoI,
l?5 000 (nrox. ? l49), nnd onch nronf by fho Ioss of chIId fhnf hnsn`f boon born shnII obfnIn
CZK 85 000 (nrox. 3 4?2).

On whIch fncf fhoro Is bnsod fho nssumfIon fhnf fho sIbIIng ,+1+4'##- suffors somo Iowor
hnrm nnd shnII fhus obfnIn n Iowor sum.

Ior moro dofnII soo fho docIsIon of fho ConsfIfufIonnI Courf ubIIshod undor o. 265/2005 Sb.

Howovor, n dofnIIod oxInnnfIon of onch crImInnI offonco wouId oxcood fho ronsonnbIo IImIfs
of fhIs nor. Ior fhIs ronson onIy fho nnmos of roIovnnf crImInnI offoncos nro IIsfod, ns fhoy nro
gonornIIy undorsfnndnbIo. AIso onnI snncfIons nro IIsfod horo onIy In fhoIr bnsIc form.

ImrIsonmonf from l0 fo l8 yonrs, In socIfIc cIrcumsfnncos ovon fho oxfrnordInnry sonfonco
|30 yonrs ImrIsonmonf, or ImrIsonmonf for IIfo (IIfo sonfonco)].

ImrIsonmonf from 3 fo 8 yonrs, In socIfIc cIrcumsfnncos from 5 fo l5 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from u fo 3 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from 3 fo 8 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from u fo 3 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from 3 fo l0 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from 6 monfhs fo 3 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from u fo l yonr.

ImrIsonmonf from 6 monfhs fo 5 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from u fo 2 yonrs.
46 Ondroj IrInfn
uro fo rovIdo hoI by n drIvor of frnnsorf vohIcIo,
srondIng of InfocfIous
nogIIgonf srondIng of InfocfIous dIsonso,
ondnngorIng by soxunI-
Iy frnnsmIffod dIsonso,
ondnngorIng fho honIfh by dofocfIvo (InsnnIfnry) food
nnd ofhor objocfs,
IIIIcIf InforrufIon of rognnncy wIfhouf/wIfh wom-
nn`s consonf
nnd ofhor crImos roInfod wIfh rognnncy, crImos roInfod wIfh II-
IIcIf hnndIIng wIfh humnn orgnns nnd fIssuos.
Tho InfrIngomonf wIfh orsonnI froodom Is n crImInnI offonco whon cInssI-
fIod ns frndIng wIfh ooIo,
hnndIng-ovor fho chIId In fho owor of ofhor or-
son for fho uroso of Ifs ndofIon for monoy,
dorIvIng of orsonnI froodom,

IImIfIng of orsonnI froodom,
drnggIng Info foroIgn counfry,
Ing hosfngos,
IImIfIng fho froodom of roIIgIous confossIon,

vIoInfIon of IInIng romIsos rIvncy,
vIoInfIon of froodom of ns-
AII InfrIngomonfs IIsfod nbovo coIIIdo wIfh nrfIcuInr nrfs of gonornI or-
sonnIIfy rIghfs, buf fhIs fncf Is nof oxrossIy undorIInod In fho CrImInnI Codo.
Tho IIsfod crImos nro by n IIsf of crImInnI offoncos, whIch nro oxrossIy dosIg-
nnfod ns crImInnI offoncos ngnInsf rIghfs on rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy, rIvncy
nnd fho socrocy of Ioffors. Tho crImInnI offoncos nro unjusfIfIod hnndIIng of or-
sonnI dnfn,
InfrIngomonf of rIghfs of nnofhor orson,
fho vIoInfIon of socrocy
of mossngos,
vIoInfIon of Ioffors nnd ofhor documonfs kof In rIvncy,

ImrIsonmonf from u fo 5 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from 6 monfhs fo 3 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo l yonr.

ImrIsonmonf u fo l yonr.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo l yonr.

ImrIsonmonf from l fo 8 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from 2 fo l0 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 3 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from 2 fo 8 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from 2 fo 8 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from 2 fo l0 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from 2 fo l0 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from 6 monfhs fo 4 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo l yonr.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 3 yonrs.

A vory gonornI crImInnI offonco fho crImo Is commIffod by ovorybody who cnusos sorIous
hnrm fo nnofhor orson by mIsIondIng hIm or hor. ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo l yonr.

ImrIsonmonf u fo l yonr.
4? IorsonnIIfy !Ighfs In ConfrnI nnd Insforn Iuroo. Tho Czoch !oubIIc
Tho foIIowIng nrf IIsfs crImos fhnf InfrIngo on orsonnIIfy rIghfs ns fhoy
Invndo Info orsonnI froodom nnd soxunI InfogrIfy, nnmod ns crImos ngnInsf
humnn dIgnIfy In fho soxunI shoro (rno,
soxunI coorcIon,
soxunI mIsuso.

soxunI Inforcourso nmong roInfIvos,
rosfIfufIon ondnngorIng roor dovoI-
omonf of chIIdron,
srondIng of ornogrnhy confonfIng vIoIonco or soxunI
Inforcourso wIfh nnImnIs,
roducfIon nnd ofhor hnndIIng of ornogrnhy or
nbusIng n chIId,
nbuso of n chIId for ornogrnhIc roducfIon
AIso In somo crImInnI offoncos ngnInsf fnmIIy nnd chIIdron cnn bo fnkon ns
crImInnI rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs (o.g., nbuso of n chIId Ioff In cnro of
nnofhor orson
CrImos ngnInsf roorfy, In gonornI, rofocf mnInIy oconomIc vnIuos, buf
IndIrocfIy, somo rovIsIons cnn Iny n roIo In rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs
ns woII (o.g., unjusfIfIod nccoss fo comufor sysfoms nnd cnrrIors of dnfn
Ofhor cnfogory of crImos nro crImInnI offoncos ngnInsf IndusfrInI roor-
fy rIghfs nnd ngnInsf coyrIghf. Tho IIsf confnIns fho vIoInfIon of rIghfs fo
frndo mnrk nnd ofhor dosIgnnfIons,
vIoInfIon of rofocfod IndusfrInI roor-
fy rIghfs,
vIoInfIon of coyrIghf nnd rIghfs roInfod fo coyrIghf nnd rIghfs fo
fnIsIfyIng nnd ImIfnfIng nn nrfwork.
InIso nccusnfIon (sInndor)
Is nIso fnkon ns n crImo. If Is cInssIfIod ns
n crImo ngnInsf ordor In ubIIc nffnIrs.
AIso crImos vIoInfIng fho cooxIsfonco of ooIo cnn bo fnkon ns IndIrocf ro-
focfIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs of nn IndIvIdunI (vIoIonco ngnInsf n grou of or-
sons nnd ngnInsf nn IndIvIdunI,
dnngorous fhronfs
Y5E5 !"&'( $'&8*)%&$ ?%# %??"&8"$ 3&1"# Y5=5
IonnI snncfIons nro monfIonod nbovo, In Inrf 8.l.

ImrIsonmonf from 6 monfhs fo 5 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from 6 monfhs fo 4 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from l fo 8 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 3 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo l yonr.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from l fo 5 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf from l fo 5 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo l yonr.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 3 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo 2 yonrs.

ImrIsonmonf u fo l yonr.

ImrIsonmonf u fo l yonr.
48 Ondroj IrInfn
Y5F5 -"?"#"&8" *% ?'8* */'* #"'((+ %883##"1
A IIboI (Socf. l84 of fho CrImInnI Codo) hns fho qunIIfy of n crImInnI offonco
onIy undor fho condIfIon fhnf fho orofrnfor communIcnfos ;1%4;%2H;# dnfn
(InformnfIon), whIch cnn, fo n sorIous dogroo, joonrdIzo nnofhor orson`s sorI-
ousnoss wIfh ofhor orsons, nnmoIy In fhoIr workIncos or wIfh fhoIr fnmIIy,
or frIggor ofhor sorIous dofrImonfnI consoquoncos.
AIso n sInndor (Socf. 345 of fho CrImInnI Codo) Is n crImo onIy If somobody
Is nccusod ;1%4;%2H;##- of commIffIng fho crImo.
CommunIcnfIng nnd ubIIshIng somo InformnfIon, whIch Is frufhfuI, Is novor
cInssIfIod ns n crImo, buf cnn hnvo IognI consoquoncos In rIvnfo Inw. IubIIshIng
frufhfuI InformnfIon, rovonIIng, for Insfnnco, fncfs nbouf fho soxunI orIonfnfIon
of n orson, or ofhor InfImnfo fncfs fhnf nro usunIIy kof ns rIvnfo, cnn vIoInfo
fho rIghf on rofocfIon of rIvncy, ns ono nrf of unIvorsnI orsonnIIfy rIghfs.
Y5H5 !#%L)$)%&$ 8%&$)1"#"1 *% 9" )& 8%&?()8* @)*/ ?#""1%C %? "<4#"$B
$)%&S?#""1%C %? */" 4#"$$ %# '#*)$*)8 ?#""1%C
Tho IognI sysfom rofocfs numorous vnIuos of dIfforonf Imorfnnco wIfh dIf-
foronf IognI Insfrumonfs. If Is obvIous fhnf fhIs sysfom cnnnof onfIroIy bo froo
of coIIIsIons, bocnuso fho vnIuos whIch nro rofocfod nro vory offon of fho coI-
IIdIng nnfuro. If Is cIonr nIso from fho oxInnnfIon nbouf n IIboI nnd from fho
IIsf of ofhor crImos fhnf crImInnI snncfIons nro usod onIy In mosf sorIous cns-
os of vIoInfIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs. Irom fhIs oInf of vIow, nny rovIsIon of
fho CrImInnI Codo Is consIdorod fo bo In confIIcf wIfh froodom of oxrossIon
or froodom of fho ross or nrfIsfIc froodom. If shnII nIso bo fnkon Info nccounf
fhnf fho socIofy In fho Czoch !oubIIc romnIns hIghIy sonsIfIvo fo rovIsIons
whIch shouId rosfrIcf such froodoms, duo fo fho fofnIIfnrInn orn In CzochosIo-
vnk hIsfory.
A vory foIcnI Issuo, fhough dIscussod In rIvnfo Inw jurIsrudonco (nnd nof
so much In crImInnI Inw), Is fho confIIcf bofwoon fho rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy
(nnd osocInIIy of rIvncy) on ono sIdo nnd fho rIghf on froodom of oxrossIon,
nnmoIy In fho modIn. A nrody or n snfIro wns fho mosf rondIIy dIscussod fo-
Ic. Tho nccofnbIIIfy of n nrody or n snfIro from fho oInf vIow of rofocfIon of
orsonnIIfy rIghfs Is docIdod In onch cnso IndIvIdunIIy. If shnII bo kof In mInd
fhnf fho nrody nnd snfIro uso n vory hIgh IovoI of gonornIIznfIon nnd hyor-
boIos fo crIfIcIzo nognfIvo socInI honomonn. Tho nufhor fonds fo uso fhoso In-
sfrumonfs In such wny fhnf n ronsonnbIy fhInkIng orson (objocfIvo crIforIn)
wIII hnvo no doubfs fhnf If Is somofhIng fhnf Is nof Infondod sorIousIy, buf If
Is Infondod ns n hyorboIo or somofhIng mndo u (fIcfIfIous). Howovor, bnsIc
(oIomonfnry) rIncIIos of mornIIfy nnd dIgnIfy of fho InvoIvod orson shouId
nof bo Ignorod.

O. JohIIckn, M. Svosfkn, M. Skrov, of nI., "9/ &$%/, . l22l23.
49 IorsonnIIfy !Ighfs In ConfrnI nnd Insforn Iuroo. Tho Czoch !oubIIc
Y5Q5 M)??"#"&8"$ )& #"$4"8* %? )&*"(("8*3'( 4#%4"#*+ #)./*$
CrImInnI offoncos ngnInsf IndusfrInI roorfy rIghfs nnd ngnInsf coyrIghf
nro monfIonod nbovo, In Inrf 8.l.
G9$*#'8*Z In fho Czoch docfrIno, nffonfIon Is nId fo fho nrfIcuInr oxcoodIng fho cIvII codo
rogImo of rofocfIng orsonnIIfy rIghfs. ConsoquonfIy, fho rIghfs nro rofocfod nof onIy by fho
roIovnnf roguInfIons of fho cIvII or onnI codos, buf nIso hnvo fhoIr roguInfIons on fho consfIfu-
fIonnI nnd InfornnfIonnI IovoIs.
Tho docfrIno of cIvII Inw dofInos fho orsonnIIfy rIghfs ns rIghfs of n orson, onos fhnf docIdo
nbouf fho IndIvIdunI chnrncfor of fho gIvon orson In fho ofhIcnI, sychIc nnd hysIcnI nsocfs.
AccordIngIy, fho rofocfIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs concorns, bnsIcnIIy, hysIcnI orsons, whIIo Io-
gnI orsons cnn, on fho owor of socInI roguInfIons, ursuo rogIsforIng fho nnmo nnd rofoc-
fIon of fhoIr commorcInI roufnfIon. AIfhough If Is fruo fhnf courfs cnnnof mnko Inw, yof by ro-
vIdIng n cronfIvo InforrofnfIon of If, fhoy cnn brondon fho nofIon of orsonnIIfy rIghfs nnd fho
scoo of rofocfIon If If Is nrorInfo In fho gIvon cnso. IorsonnIIfy rIghfs nro IognI uncondIfIon-
nI rIghfs, nnd fhoroforo fhoro Is fho gonornI rohIbIfIon of vIoInfIng fhom. osIfo fho oxIsfonco
of n sfrong bond bofwoon orsonnIIfy rIghfs nnd fho orson who Is grnnfod fhom, fhoy do nof ox-
Iro nIong wIfh fho donfh of fho hoIdor of fho rIghfs. Thoy cnn bo oxocufod 9"3% C"4%+C by or-
sons IndIcnfod In fho ncf.

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