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Abasiophilia: love of (or sexual attraction to) people who are lame or crippled

and/or who use leg braces or other orthopaedic appliances

Agalmatophilia: sexual attraction to statues or mannequins or immobility
Algolagnia: sexual pleasure from pain
Acrotomophilia: sexual attraction to amputees
Andromimetophilia: sexual attraction towards female-to-male transsexuals
Apotemnophilia: sex arousal associated with being, becoming, or being perceived
as an amputee
Asphyxiophilia: sexual arousal from self-strangulation
Autagonistophilia: sexual arousal from being on stage or on camera
Autassassinophilia: sexual arousal from staging one's own murder
Autoerotic asphyxiation: sexual arousal from self-induced asphyxiation to the po
int of near unconsciousness
Autogynephilia: a male's sexual arousal in response to the image of himself as f
Autonepiophilia: sexual arousal from impersonating and being treated like an inf
Autopedophilia: sexual arousal from the thought or image of one's self as a chil
Bestiality: sexual attraction to animals
Bestiosexuality: sexual attraction to animals
Biastophilia: sexual arousal from assault and rape
Chremastistophilia: sexual arousal from being robbed or being held
Chronophilia: sexual attraction to a partner of a widely differing chronological
Coprophilia: sexual attraction to (or pleasure from) feces
Cratophilia: sexual attraction to strength
Diaperism: sexual interest in wearing diapers
Erotic asphyxia: sexual attraction from asphyxia (also called "breath control pl
ay" or "strangulation"), including autoerotic asphyxiation
Erotophonophilia: lust murder; These people are dangerous. They are sexually aro
used by attempts not just thoughts of killing someone.
Eructophilia: sexual attraction towards belching or belch-like sounds
Exhibitionism: the recurrent urge to or enacting of exposing one's genitals to u
nsuspecting, nonconsenting persons; also, sexual arousal by engaging in sexual b
ehavior in view of third parties
Fetishism: sexual interest in nonliving objects
Formicophilia: sexual attraction to smaller animals, insects, etc. crawling on p
arts of the body
Frotteurism: sexual arousal from the recurrent urge or behavior of touching or r
ubbing against a non-consenting person
Gerontophilia: sexual arousal from significantly older partners
Gynandromorphophilia: sexual attraction to women with penises, men cross-dressed
as women, or male-to-female transsexuals
Gynemimetophilia sexual attraction towards male-to-female transsexuals
Hebephilia: sexual attraction to pubescent children
Homeovestism: sexual arousal by wearing the clothing emblematic of one's own sex
Hybristophilia: sexual arousal to people who have committed crimes, in particula
r cruel or outrageous crimes; Sexual relations with a convicted criminal.
Infantophilia: sexual attraction to children five years old or younger
Infanitilism: sexual pleasure from dressing, acting, or being treated as a baby
Kleptophilia: (or kleptolagnia) sexual arousal from stealing
Klismaphilia: sexual pleasure from enemas
Lactaphilia: sexual arousal from human milk
Lust murder: sexual arousal from committing (or trying to commit) murder
Macrophilia: sexual arousal involving domination by giants, primarily giant wome
Mammaphilia: (also mammagynophilia, mastofact) sexual arousal from the breasts o
f a woman
Masochism: the recurrent urge or behavior of wanting to be humiliated, beaten, b
ound, or otherwise made to suffer
Menophilia: sexual arousal from menses or menstruating women
Morphophilia: sexual preference for individuals with a particular body shape and
Mucophilia: sexual arousal from human mucus
Mysophilia: sexual attraction to soiled, dirty, foul or decaying materials
Narratophilia: sexual arousal in the use of dirty or obscene words to a partner
Nasophilia: sexual arousal from touching the nose of a person
Necrophilia: sexual attraction to corpses
Nepiophilia: sexual attraction to infants
Olfactophilia: sexual stimulus with smells or odors
Osmolagnia: sex arousal from odors
Osphresiolagnia: sexual arousal dependent on smells or odors
Ozolagnia: sexual arousal dependent on smells or odors
Ondinism: (also undinism) sexual attraction to urine
Partialism: exaggerated sexual interest in a non-genital very specific body part
Peodeiktophilia: sexual arousal from exposing one's penis
Pedophilia: (British spelling: paedophilia) sexual attraction to prepubescent ch
Pedovestism: sexual arousal from imitating children in appearance
Pictophilia: sexual attraction to pictorial pornography or erotic art
Podophilia: sexual attraction to human feet
Renifleurism: sexual arousal in response to the smell of urine
Sadism: deriving pleasure, or in some cases sexual arousal from giving pain
Salirophila: sexual arousal by soiling (only the appearance of) the object of on
e's desired partner
Scatophilia: sexual arousal from involving feces
Scoptophilia: (or scopophilia) sexual preference for watching others masturbatin
g or having sex
Raptophilia: sexual preference for committing rape
Somnophilia: sexual arousal from sleeping or unconscious people;
The person can only maintain sexual arousal while having sex with someone who is
sleeping. If the person wakes up they loose interest.
Sthenolagnia: sexual arousal from the demonstration of strength or muscles
Stigmatophilia: sexual interest in piercings, tattoos
Symphorophilia: sexual arousal from disasters; Symphorphilia Natural disaster
s are sexually arousing.
Telephone scatologia: being sexually aroused by making obscene phone calls to st
Telephonicophilia: being sexually aroused by making obscene phone calls to stran
Transvestic fetishism: arousal from "clothing associated with members of the opp
osite sex."
Transvestophilia: sexual preference for a cross-dressered partner
Trichophilia: sexual arousal from hair
Troilism: (also spelled triolism) sexual interest in watching one's regular sexu
al partner having sex with a third party, usually unbeknownst to the third party
Urophagia: sexual attraction to consuming urine
Urophilia: sexual attraction to urine, including urinating in public, urinating
on others, and being urinated on by others
Vampirism: sexual arousal from drawing, sucking, or drinking blood
Vomerophilia: sexual attraction to vomit
Vorarephilia: sexual attraction to the idea of eating others or the idea of bein
g eaten by others; usually in one piece
Voyeurism: sexual arousal through secretly watching others in intimate situation
s, such as disrobing, being naked, or having sex
Zoophilia: sexual attraction to animals
Zooerastia: sexual attraction to animals
Zooerasty: sexual attraction to animals
Zoosadism: sexual gratification derived from causing pain and suffering to anima
Ephebophilia (youth) - A sexual attraction to a teenaged girl or boy who is not
at the legal age of consent. Differs from Pedophilia in that said girl or boy ha
s already reached and/or gone through puberty. "Those who like lolicon are proba
bly into ephebophilia, not pedophilia." 15-19 years.
Adolescentilism - The person is aroused by impersonating both the dress and beha
vior of an adolescent.
Andromimetophilia - A woman who is sexually aroused by impersonating a man. They
purposefully look like and act like a man.
Apotemnophilia - This person is sexually aroused by having a part of their body
amputated either by themselves or someone else. The memory of the amputation can
serve to arouse them for years. It is the act of having an extremity amputated
that is arousing; thus, they have to be awake during the process.
Autagonistophilia Unlike exhibitionism where the person intentionally expo
ses their genitals to an unsuspecting stranger, in this paraphilia the person cr
eates situations in which other people could see them in the nude if the person
wanted to. For example, it would be like leaving your curtains open and walking
around the house naked in hopes that someone would peep in the windows. It is th
e thought that someone may be watching that is sexually arousing.
Autassassinophilia - The person is sexually aroused by putting themselves in sit
uations in which they may be killed. They really have to feel they are in danger
in order to be sexually aroused. Unfortunately, many of them get killed in the
Biastophilia In this paraphilia the person is sexually aroused by the idea of
being raped. This is scripted and planned out ahead of time with a partner. The
person does not actually want to be raped by a strange.
Coprophilia Smearing human feces on yourself or having someone smear it on y
ou causing sexual arousal.
Sexual excitement from leather, skin, or fur.
Having sexual feelings toward shoes, feet, heels.
Being buried alive as a way to get off.
Melophilia The erotic worship of music.
Eremophilia The exceptional arousal within deserted places.

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