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Rough out lay for the introduction kit

Table of contents

Table of content 1

Welcome letter 2

About Development Action Awareness 5

Programs 6

Shakti – A Program for Women Empowerment by

Training them in Handicrafts (Livelihoods)

Sanskar- A Program for Youth Awareness and Education

Srishti- Responsible Rural Tourism Program

Volunteer Programs

A. Internships
B. Service learning

Our Board and post holders

Assistance form Abroad/Abroad Affiliations

Site team


Contact Details
Welcome letter

Heartiest greetings to all of you people who have taken the time out form your daily life
and have a look at the Introduction kit of Development Action Awareness.

I wish to start this Introduction kit with one simple sentence from the Upanishad (Old
Indian Text) "Tat Tvam Asi" meaning "That Thou art". There is no other, we all are
simply human being and all of us deserve to be treated in the same way, no religion, cast,
culture. Gender, age should make any difference to it.

The best way to start any thing is when we are also aware of the end and also endless,
which in the language of development is also called sustainability. Keeping the same in
mind Development Action Awareness welcomes you all in its journey which is endless
and still not tiring, not tiring as it is rewarding.

Working as development professional/social worker in India can be one of the most

disturbing, changing but yet the most delighting and satisfying experiences of one’s life.
During one’s time here it is definite to find things that irritate surprise, confront, and
transform an individual. Many may find oneself questioning, and constantly
reevaluating, definitions of “social work” “volunteerism” and “service”.

For those who decide to loose themselves in the service of others, India is the most
appropriate destination. The number of voluntary organizations in India has grown
substantially and India is welcoming to international volunteers. One remarkable aspect
of a volunteer program is that the positive relationship between a volunteer and his/her
host organization can catalyze tremendous positive change, in both the organization and
the volunteer. However, India can be a place where international volunteers and host
organizations can find it quite difficult to relate to one another, for reasons other than

Recognizing this fact Development Action Awareness launched internship program in

Udaipur, Rajasthan with the objectives of:

A. Create opportunities for volunteers to work with leading sustainable development

organizations, community associates and businesses with an objective to provide
foundation for building a career in development policy and practice;
B. Provide advance training to people in the area of appropriate technologies;
environment; governance; health; human rights; livelihood; micro finance;
women empowerment; and youth and education.
C. Support the organizations with human and financial resources.
Development Action Awareness act as a bridge between an international volunteer and
a host organization with a commitment to make the experience positive, enduring and a
learning one for every one who is involved. Our thorough application and selection
process (for volunteers, host organizations and host families), systematic program
structure and stringent monitoring and evaluation systems facilitate an effective and
efficient program management during and after the internship program.

If you are amongst few who wish to see India from different eyes, feel delighted,
experience the break down and finally reconstruct yourself stronger and wiser, you will
find Development Action Awareness there to assist you in creating sustainable
partnerships for a better tomorrow.

Wishing to be connected and work with some of those who have the capacity to realize
that it’s in giving that you really get.


Development Action Awareness Team

Udaipur, Rajasthan (India)
About Development Action


In the last few years while working for some of the most efficient NGO’s of Udaipur
district I came to know about the poor standard of education in the city, the youth of the
city were naïve about the importance of the education. The situation was the same with
the people of the villages.

It was interesting enough to notice the fact that this attitude of ignorance about education
was not just in the rural area but also the urban area’s, specially those area’s where there
low income group people are living, the slams of Udaipur and the near by villages are full
of these kind of population.

Looking at the life style and the pain which these people have to live with I decided to
make a team of people from different backgrounds, diversified thinking and infinite idea
so we can with stand this evil of unawareness and illiteracy.

In Development Action Awareness there are people from the corporate background and
also those who have been working in the development sector for more then 22 yrs, people
who are involved with the media and also the people who are related with defense. When
the diversities in life come close it is called development, when there is an association of
several, certain is the Action and the achievement. Societies is complex and so are the
evils in it and when we can discuses these variations, where we can visualize these
different compounds such place is the Lab of invention of sustainability.

Here at the Development Action Awareness we work for one of the basic things which
makes us human; here we work on the issues related with awareness and education, with
the focus on the age group 15 to 25 on the issues related to gender, sexual reproductive
health, differences in the body which come with the age and other social issues like cast,
religion and sex.

Development Action Awareness’s goal is also to make a positive impact on the

community projects driven by non governmental organizations, promoting cross cultural
experiences and strengthening of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in India.

Our various programs envision at providing support to community and grassroots

organizations with human, financial and technical assistance with an objective to increase
the capacities of the local communities and organizations to facilitate development in the
most effective and efficient way.

Development Action Awareness, a non-profit and non governmental organization owes

its genesis to the efforts of young, committed and like minded professionals who share a
common vision and mission towards positively affecting lives of the vulnerable and
marginalized sections of the society.


DAA reflects and shares a vision of “an equal and just society, no boundaries just
balance, where the vulnerable and marginalized sections of the society effectively
participate in the development process leading to control over their resources”.


To promote understanding of issues related to health, education, gender equity, and

socio- economic development through awareness generation and capacity building

Our Aim

1. Positive Ambition
2. Positive Assertion
3. Positive Alteration.

Our Actions

1. Compassionate
2. Cooperative
3. Communal.

Focus Areas

1. Micro Finance, Micro Enterprise and Livelihoods

2. Human Rights
3. Environment, Sustainable Agriculture and Appropriate Technologies
4. Women Empowerment
5. Youth and Education
6. Health
7. Organizational Development
Our programs

1. Shakti – A Program for Women Empowerment by Training them in

2. Sanskar- A Program for Youth Awareness and Education.
3. Srishti- Responsible Rural Tourism Program
4. Volunteer Programs
A. Internships
B. Service learning
Shakti – Women Empowerment through Livelihoods

In Hindu Philosophy there are two energies behind everything. Behind this life and
creation, behind development which is complete and balanced in the true sense there are
always two energies working together. One which is called the Shiva, the male parts of
the energy and the Shakti the inseparable other part which makes things more in the right

Shakti means the power to create and in this program we are aiming at making the
wonderful women of rural India powerful and capable to be on there own, making them
self sufficient and self dependent through training them in various handicrafts.
DAAwill 1st identify some women from a similar back ground who has already got
training to make handicrafts products and then she will start training the women of the
target area. Some one who has emerged from the same background knows how difficult it
is to learn some thing new with the existing set of responsibilities and pressure from the
family and so she will be able to motivate them in a better way and also she will be a
good example to tell the rest of them, if she can do it then why can’t they?

Every household, irrespective of its rural/urban status or its economic status has a set of
consumption and investment needs which call for access to funds, which are substantial,
unlike what we may expect. It is rare that the poor family has enough funds available to it
when many of these occasions arise. There are a variety of ways through which the poor
try to meet these needs: They save; they borrow; they sell/mortgage assets like land,
livestock, valuables, etc. The first two mechanisms represent the two major financial
services that are required by the poor – that of saving and credit. Recognizing the
significance of varied needs, Development Action Awareness envisaged Self Help
Livelihood Group (SHLG) based financial services program focusing on rendering
saving, credit and insurance services to women.

The envisioned livelihoods intervention “Shakti” aims at providing sustainable

solutions for better livelihood opportunities and economic empowerment through
improved financial inclusion of rural women who are either engaged or wishes to be
engaged in productive activities.

Salient features of “Shakti” are:

Vision: An equitable, engendered and economically sustainable society in the era of


Mission: To contribute to economical empowerment of the excluded and marginalized

sections of the society, through enhanced and improved access to mainstream finance and
sustainable livelihoods.

Project Area: The envisioned livelihood development program will be in the three
villages of Havala, Badgoun and Bedla. The program will start with the village of
Badgoun and then with the development of resources it will spread to these other 2

Target Groups: The project focuses on the women of these villages of the age group
between 25 to 45 , this age group is selected as these are the women who are already
beyond there adolescence and married and for them to start looking ay afresh options
which they can get through education is not so easy.

The major target beneficiaries are women belonging to the marginalized sections of the


Stage 1: Pre Formation Activities – Village Meetings

Stage 2: Pre Formation Activities - Sensitization & Motivation about SHLG

Stage 3: Formation of Self Help Livelihood Groups

Stage 4: Formulating rules & regulations for effective functioning of the SHLG

Stage 5: Operationalization of Self Help Livelihood Groups

Stage 6: Development of Internal Monitoring and Rating Mechanisms

Stage 7: Development of business plans for livelihood enhancement.

Sanskar- A Program for Youth Awareness and Education

The word Sanskar have originated from the Sanskrit word Samskaram which means
accomplishment. In this program we will make the youth of the nation complete in there
understanding, so that they can reach the stars. We will give them the light of education,
the eyes of awareness so that they can look at there well trained hands and discover
what they are capable of creating.

If we look at the facts about the literacy ration of the nation then these numbers are
nothing less then depressing. India in general and Rajasthan in particular is suffering and
the number of educated masses is very less. In the year 1981 the percentage of educated
population in the country was just over 40% and in 2001 still it was at a very
disappointing 65% mark. The case with our state of Rajasthan is worse here in the yr
1981 the percentage educated people was 30% and in 2001 it came up to 60% which still
is far from being satisfactory.

Just like any thing else this issues of less percentage of literacy we have to focus on the
youth. We all have to be responsible and as educated citizens we should understand this
grave grievance. This issue of illiteracy can be solved when we will start looking at the
youth and make them capable with our compassion to look unto us for there day today
issues. We strongly believe to make some one understand any thing we have to 1st related
with them. 1st comes the connection and then communication which eventually leads the
youth towards being the true leaders of the nation.

Our program Sanskar will work in following stages –

Stage 1- The 1st stage of the program will be about rediscovering our self, we at Develop
Action Lab will go to the identified area and talk and spend time with the people and try
to life in there own structure to know why still there is no craving for education and why
still the social evils exists there. In the 1st stage there will be no effort to tell them about
what we have for them or what we wish to share with them, here all we will do is to
understand there life style by living it and experiencing it.

Stage 2- In the second stage of the program we will start talking about the social evils,
issues like cast, evils which comes out of the dead and rotten culture, gender and greed of
men in the society. Even in the second stage we will not try to tell them what we think
but will start to talk more and more about these things and make them realize how unjust
they are. There will be talks and discussions on all these issues but the focus will be still
on listening.

Stage 3- Now that the whole area is familiar with the team of Development Action
Awareness and we will be in a situation to have a free conversation with the youth who
have been in contact with us all this time. Now we will be able to really relate with the
youth. In this stage we will introduce some games and activities which will tell them
about the social evil in detail, which they are already aware of and after these games/
activities there will be talks and discussions and debates about what one should do in
certain situations. There will be games where they will have to make there own chooses
as aware is some things with which we make right choices. More things and props will be
introduced to the youth so there mind will be triggered more and more and they will start
seeing there on there own with out any help and suggestion.

Stage 4- During this stage we will establish one formal center within the area. This will
be preferably the house of participant who is willing to be the area representative.

Stage 5- Now we will be working with a group of youth which is aware and responsible.
And also ready to take the responsibility to make a progressive society. We will be
working with a group of fine young girls and guys who are ready for formal education.
During this stage we will have a formal education facility for as many youngsters as we
can. We will encourage the youth to go to the school in the area and try to enforces the
schools and try to provided them with some facilities from our side. We will also try to
create a small library and a silent and peaceful place where those who are interested can
come and study. Renowned people from the field of education will also come there to
make the youth aware of all the available options which they have in front of them, for
there bright future, to tell them about various schemes of the government about

Stage 6- Vocational training will be conducted; these training will be on the basis of the
preference of the youth of the area and also the job opportunities available for these
training in that area.

Stage 7- A placement cell will be made. A regular member/youth that is interested and
capable would be elected to organize and look for the job opportunities for all the
educated and trained youth of the area. The placement cell would also keep in touch with
the livelihood sector/ department of various leading NGO which are working in the area.

Project area – it would be the village of Badgoun to start with and then the same
program would be taken to the villages of Bedla and Havala.

Target group – this program focuses on the under privileged youth of the village area
between the age group 15 to 25 yrs.


1. Youth will be able to see there society as it is with the good and bad sides and so
will also be able to make positive changes in it.
2. Youth will be educated and so will be able to take better care of themselves and
there families.
3. With the additional vocational training they will have better chances of getting
jobs and living happily.
4. These youngsters when will be educated then they will spread the light of
awareness and education to all they will come in touch with and it will be a chain
reaction, we will make sure to tell the people coming into the center to spread the
word about the center and the importance of education.
5. Educated and aware youth when will become parents they will take care of there
kids in the same way and thus the whole population will become more and more
educated and aware.

Srishti- Responsible Rural Tourism Program

Our rural tourism program showcases the rural life, art, culture and heritage at rural
locations, thereby benefiting the local community economically and socially as well as
enabling interaction between the tourists and the locals for a more enriching tourism
experience. It is essentially an activity which takes place in the countryside and is multi-
faceted entailing farm/agricultural tourism, cultural tourism, nature tourism, adventure
tourism and eco-tourism in its gamut.

What is included in the program?

• Pick up facility by our representative at the air port/ train station;

• Orientation about the program
• Transport Support through out the program
• A welcome kit with a number of things which will be useful in the villages and
also rural clothing which is made under our women empowerment program.
• Lodging and boarding (in Hotel/guest house in rural locations or host families as
desired by the participants) through out the program.
• Exposure to the rural life with a number of participative activities along with the
villagers, giving the participants the feeling of actually being some one from the
same area.
• Some Basic lessons in the local handicrafts and also an opportunity to enjoy the
local cultural dances and learning the way in which a villager celebrates.
• Horse safaris and rides around the village and the woods on bullock cart or camel
• Visit to the local fort and other historical places
• Breakfast and lunch will be provided by us.
• Cooking classes will be there so participants can have the real taste of food which
has been eaten by the Indians all these yrs, you will find it totally different then
the one you have tasted so far in the hotels.

What is not included in the program?

• Travel to India;
• Visa cost ;
• Insurance costs;
• In-country transport other then the program (except airport pick up and program
related travel)
• Expenditure towards shopping or buying extra meals which are not a part of the

Lodging and Boarding

Our program offers wide variety of lodging and boarding options for the participants.
These include options to stay in comfortable and hygienic hotels/guest houses in the rural
areas or tents/houses of rural host family.
Program Fees

The Fees for a single day trip will be

$55/ea. for a group of 3 to 4 people
$45/ea. for a group of 4 to 8 people

The Fees for 2 days trip will be

$110/ea. for a group of 3 to 4 people
$90/ea. for a group of 4 to 8 people

The Fees for a three day trip will be

$150/ea. for a group of 3 to 4 people
$120/ea. for a group of 4 to 8 people

What you will contribute?

Our rural tourism program is unique and responsible towards the local community. A
large portion of revenue generated through the program is invested in.

• Improved housing including sanitation facilities for the host families.

• Investment in renewable energy and environmental friendly equipments like solar light
panels, solar cookers, smokeless stoves, bio gas plants etc.
• Promotion of organic farming in the host family.
• Improvement of the surroundings of the village including activities like landscaping,
development of parks, fencing, compound wall etc.
• Illumination in the village.
• Improvement in solid waste management and sewerage management.

What Will You Experience?

Rural tourism program would be an exciting but learning experience for the participants.
This would be a life time opportunity to witness rural life, art, culture and heritage, work
with local community members like farmers and women and contribute towards the
development of a rural community economically, socially and culturally.

Volunteer Programs

With DAA the students/volunteers from abroad can work on more then a few programs,
in some cases it can be a project with and in some other cases the it can be projects with
the partner organizations.
About Internship Program

Our internship program is linked to a number of Non Governmental Organizations -

NGOs, with whom we develop internships to cater to the specific challenges these
organizations face, while benefiting the communities they partner. The volunteers partake
in projects developed and operated by a local partner organization and earn experience by
actively participating in developing communities for a better world while getting an
opportunity for cultural exchange.

The Placements are specially developed according to the volunteer's abilities and interests
and organization’s requirements. They are ideal for those who are keen to become a
partner of a development project. Our internship program takes place in the city of
Udaipur in Rajasthan where we have developed partnerships with non governmental


To support development projects and international volunteer programs that make a

positive impact on local organizations, promote cross cultural learning and strengthen
non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in India.

Specific Objectives of the programs

The specific objectives of the program are to:

• Create opportunities for volunteers to work with leading sustainable development

organizations, community associations and businesses, and to provide a foundation for
building a career in development policy and practice;

• Provide advanced training to people in the areas of community development; women’s

empowerment; sustainable agriculture and environment; business development and micro
finance; youth and education; health; and human rights;

• Support organizations through provision of human and financial resources.

What Is Included in Program?

• Development of the internship program together with the partner organization;

• Week-long orientation on development issues in India and information about getting
around the city, guides, listings, tips, maps, health issues and safety;
• Initial support to locate public transportation means to and from the project;
• Donation to the partner organization;
• Airport pickup by our representative;
• Lodging and boarding throughout program with a host family or guest house;
• Workshops on development and project management issues;
• Cultural events through out the program;
• Language sessions;
• Rural tourism experience once in the program;
• Assistance in the case of emergencies.

What Is Not Included in Program?

• Travel to India;
• Visa costs;
• Insurance (Volunteers should buy their own health and travel insurance);
• In-country transport other than program (except airport pickup and rural tourism visit);

Lodging and Boarding

Participants are lodged with wonderful host families which have been identified and
selected through a tough screening process. All our families are located in pleasant
colonies of the town and are in close proximity to the supermarket, drugstore, bakery,
health clinic, and easy public transportation. Participants also have a choice to stay in a
guest house managed by our organization. With home stay, both the participants and the
hosts make a commitment to try to create a lasting relationship. Home stays are designed
to allow our participants and family to learn and share their language and culture with
each other. Home stay is intended to totally immerse the participants in a culture and
language different from his/her own.

While staying with the host family/guest house a participant would be provided with:

• A private room with an attached bathroom;

• Three meals a day; and
• An opportunity to live closely with the family and understand the Indian culture and
family system.

Program Fees and Dates

Fees start at $1700 for first four weeks or shorter periods with additional $400 for every
month. It is not necessary to send any payment in advance. The volunteers may begin
their placement only once they have paid the program fee in full/part and in cash upon
The programs take place all year round, but arrival days are set to help us organize airport
pick- ups, accommodations and placements. Volunteers should arrive on any Saturday.
Program Structure

Orientation: Our internship program begins with a week long orientation which serves
as an introductory guide to the internship experience. Through a series of workshops,
language lessons, field/NGO visits, interactive presentations and cultural practices an
• Gain a general understanding regarding concepts and best practices in the field of
sustainable development;
• Learn the fundamentals of cultural immersion, safety and security, transportation,
logistics and program itinerary which will facilitate integration into everyday life;
• Explore the relationship between NGO’s and the community and intern’s role
within this framework;
• Introduce skills which will be employed during the internship to analyze and
evaluate the needs of the host organizations and how to incorporate theories of
sustainable development within this structure; and
• Understand responsibility towards host family, organization and DAA.

Workshops: Volunteering with DAA offers a learning experience through series of

workshops conducted with the support of experienced faculties and development
professionals. Likely issues which would be discussed during the workshops are
Development Issues in India, Sustainable Development, Project Proposal Writing, Project
Monitoring and Evaluation, Religion and Caste Issues in India, Governance in India and
many more.

Weekly Language Sessions: Interns have an opportunity to attend weekly Hindi lessons
during the internships. The idea is to equip them with basic skills for an effective
immersion in the program.

Weekly Cultural Events: One of the highlights is the inclusion in weekly cultural saga
of the land. Interns will have an opportunity to part take in folk dances, puppet shows,
Bollywood movies night, marriages, traditional and Indian food cooking classes and
more throughout the program for a complete cultural immersion.

Weekly Meetings: Weekly meetings are staged to have a close interaction about work
and family issues and arrive at solutions in case of any problem.

Field Visits: Field visits are integral part of the program. While working with the host
organization frequent field visits would be undertaken with a possibility of over nights to
develop a realistic insight into the development work NGOs are doing.

Responsible Rural Tourism Visit: Responsible Rural Tourism visit is staged as a mid
term opportunity to move out of work situation, have fun, reflect on work done so far and
suggestions to further improve upon. Retreat would take place in rural tourism sites at
different locations in Rajasthan.
Final Evaluation: A final evaluation session would take place at the end of internship.
Exit interviews, internship reports and dinner would be the key features of the event.

Application Process

Development Action Awareness has established a very thorough screening and

application process with the sole objective of arriving at a best fit for the volunteers, host
organizations and DAA. The steps involved in the process are outlined below:

Step 1: Volunteers apply by filling an application form.

Step 2: Site team reviews the application form and sends a Tentative Offer to the
applicant within three days .Tentative offers are a result of our regular meetings and
discussion with the partner organizations on potential internship projects and contains all
the necessary information about the organization, projects and its clients.

Step 3: Applicant approves the Tentative Offer and inform us within a week.

Step 4: Site team discuss the applicant’s profile with the host organization and
brainstorm possibilities of development projects for the intern. This is done within three
working days after the consent is received.

Step 5: Site team interviews the applicant and discuss projects and other important

Interview is conducted within 15 days.

Step 6: Site team prepares a Final Offer, Participant Contract, and Professional Standards
of Commitment, Host Family Information and Pre Departure Kit, and sends it to the
applicant within a week after the interview.

Step 7: Participant arrives on a fixed date and start the program after fulfilling important

About Service Learning

Service learning is a pedagogical strategy through which teachers incorporate community

based activities with academic curriculum. It is a multi-faceted strategy that encourages
students to be an active part in the learning process and provides an opportunity to re-
conceptualize their studies and to create a learning experience that strengthens ties
between schools and communities.
Service learning deals with satisfying academic needs of the students and provides them
an opportunity to gain civic mindedness and civic engagement and therefore, Community
Service is an integral part of any service learning experience and focuses specifically on
the needs aspect of the community.

Our Service Learning Program in India offers a wonderful opportunity to teachers and
students to be key actors in fulfilling development aspirations of the local communities.
Unlike our internship program which is linked with number of non governmental
organizations, the service learning program is linked directly with the community.
Students and teachers work directly with the community members to identify needs,
design projects to fulfill the identified needs, implement projects and create means for
monitoring and evaluation.

What Is Included In Program?

• Development of service learning program with community members;

• Orientation on development issues in India and local village issues;
• Lodging and boarding throughout program with a host family or guest house in rural
locations (as desired);
• Transportation support throughout;
• Donation for the project implementation;
• Airport pickup by our representative;
• Cultural events through out the program;
• Assistance in the case of emergencies.

What Is Not Included In Program?

• Travel to India;
• Visa costs;
• Insurance (Volunteers should buy their own health and travel insurance);
• In-country transport other than program (except airport pickup)

Lodging and Boarding

Participants have an option to select service learning programs in urban and rural
locations. (According to availability)
Subsequently, participants chose lodging and boarding either at host families in urban
areas or in hotels/guest houses at rural locations. Lodging and boarding arrangements are
made after thorough screening process and fulfill health and hygiene standards for a
comfortable stay.

Program Fees
Program fee starts at USD 1700 per participant for a One month service learning trip.
What Will You Experience?

Generally, our service learning programs will offer:

• Learning through active participation in service experiences,

• Opportunity for students to use skills and knowledge in real life situations,
• Learning beyond classrooms and conventional teaching methods like lecture,
discussions to move into the community,
• Fostering a sense of caring for others and encourage civic engagement and mindedness;
• Meeting community needs through the service project.

Technically, the service learning program would be an ideal hands-on experience and
would provide an opportunity to:

• Experience participatory rural appraisal tools to gather information;

• Undertake a relevant and authentic needs assessment;
• Plan a project based on needs assessment;
• Implement project with support of fellow participants and community members;
• Create and establish monitoring and evaluation systems;
Board Members

Samvit Audichya

A native of Rajasthan after doing his masters in economics from Pune University and
Ph.D. in HumanResource Management was working with corporate for 2yrs before he
finally decided to be in the development sector and so he reached where he belonged, in
one of the biggest and well known NGO’s in Rajasthan, Udaipur (Seva Mandir). There he
worked with the Youth Resource Centers and also made a module for gender and sexual
reproductive health awareness. Along with Seva Mandir he also started to work with a
travel company and help them making itineraries for there package tours. Other then Seva
Mandir he has also worked with a number of national and international social
organizations and helped them in there projects, this includes JJVS ( Jagaran Jan Vikas
Sameeti ) FSD ( foundation for sustainable Development) Pratham Seva Sansthan.

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