Physics Paper Airplane Lesson Plan

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Title/Topic:__Paper Airplane Contest__ Grade Level:____6-8______

Common Core State Standard(s)/State Standards:

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.4 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific
words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 68 texts
and topics.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RST.6-8.7 ntegrate !uantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text
with a version of that information expressed visually "e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table#.
Learning o!ectives associated "it# CCSS/State Standards ($e%er to
Academic Lang&age o% 'o&r discipline):
$tudents will be able to%
&xplain the relevant principles of aerodynamics and how they relate to paper airplane
'ollaborate to construct a paper airplane model
dentify possible improvements on their model and express their ideas through post-activity
Se(&ence o% Lesson Plan:
(. )ttention *rabber% nternational paper airplane contest video +ed ,ull -aper .ings /.orlds
0inal1 in $al2burg ,&$3 40 on 5outube "(%(8#.
6. .e will explain to the class that we will be talking about aerodynamics and having a paper
airplane contest today. .e will write the main terms on the board and explain their meanings
aerodynamics, thrust, gravity, drag, and lift. .e will ask students to consider these factors during the
construction of their planes.
7. $tudents will use the materials provided to make a paper airplane with a partner at their table.
"4ne sheet of paper, which they may cut, but no other materials.#
8. 3eachers will split up, with one in the hall and one monitoring students still working on their planes.
$tudents will run two trials with their plane. 3hey will complete a distance trial, measuring the
distance their planes flew with meter-sticks and noting this number on the lab worksheet. 3hey will
also complete a time trial, recording the total amount of time their planes are in the air using a
9. $tudents will return to their seats when done. f they finish early, they may start on the homework
worksheet, which asks them to think of how they might improve on their plane design using the key
terms. 3he teachers will record the best scores on the board and determine a winning plane in each
$tudents will have met the ob:ectives if they properly record their time trials and can conceive
improvements for another plane using the aerodynamics terms.
)nstr&ctional reso&rces * materials &sed to engage st&dents in learning:
;esson plan idea% http%<<<teachers<article<national-paper-airplane-contest
)ttention grabber video% http%<<<watch=v>3h?@0-o8A7B

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