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Jerry Hernandez, Trombonist of the original band, by popular demand in May of 2008 restarted

Orquesta Dee Jay and is the urrent diretor and leader! The original band "as started ba# in $%&8
by 'eorge De Jesus a#a Dee Jay and "as one of the most popular s"inging (atin bands "ith some
of the youngest musiians in the (atin Musi industry of the )0*s! +e performed in all the top ,-.
nightlubs and big danes run by /alph Merado and Hetor Maisona0e! 1ome of the lubs "ere
The .heetah, The 2syho /oom, the .orso, the .asa 3lana and 4The 5illage 'ate6 "hih only
featured headliners and salsa legends of that era! 7n addition to our great performanes on the ,e"
-or# .lub and dane hall sene, "e also appeared on the Miguelito 5aldez T5 sho"!
.uban (atin musi produer /alph (e" "ho spo#e 8nglish ame on board and ni#ed named us
4(a Dee Jay6 "hih "as deri0ed from 4(a Orquesta Dee Jay6! Our first (2 42a 9lante .on (a
Orquesta Dee Jay6 "as reorded in $%)0 on M'M (atino and "as a big hit for us! :ppro;imately a
year later, "e reorded our seond album alled 4<orget it6 on (e"gas /eords "hih "as o"ned by
/alph (e" and 1ammy 5argas "ho later "or#ed for 1ony /eords! Our original (2s are no"
olletor*s items that go for up to =2>0! Orquesta Dee Jay*s musi is original, our arrangements
"ere reated from ?am sessions "e had before rehearsals! Than#s to the researh and promotions
performed on the 7nternet "e are no" featured on 0arious salsa "eb sites suh as hardsalsa!om in
,-., 3usa1alsa!om in <rane, :misalsala!om in .olombia and ountless others! +e "ere
reently also induted into 1alsa.lasia!om and featured in (atin 3eat Magazine <ebruary 0) and
Marh 20$2! +e are also in the July 200% issue of the Mambo 1ene Magazine! +e "ere reently
on 1onando 8l 1on on (a <amilia .osmo0ison on .able T5 "hih "as broadasted in @>) ities in
the A1 and .olombia! +e perform our first o0erseas sho" at <esti0al 1alsatongs in Marsielles
<rane in July 20$$! +e also performed at the ,e" -or# 7nternational 1alsa .ongres 1eptember
$st, 20$$ and the ,e" Jersey 1alsa .ongress in :pril 200%! +e ha0e a data base of o0er >000
names "orld"ide and an inreased follo"ing of daners, fans and olletors! Today*s band features
many seasoned musiians "ith an e;tensi0e history in 1alsa! +e ha0e one again gained popularity
"ith DJ*a, the Dane and .lassi 1alsa ommunity throughout the "orld! <ans are sreaming and
applauding the band and sho"ing up at all our sho"s! Buestion being as#ed at gigs by today*s
generation is +HO 71 TH:T 3:,DC They*re HOTD +here are you playingC -ou an no" "itness at
your 0enue the re0i0al of our inredibly energeti 1alsa Dura 3and #no"n as 4Jerry Hernandez y (a
Orquesta Dee Jay6! 2lease go to for pitures and 0ideos!
Orquesta Dee Jay has ?ust released 2 singles and "ill be elebrating E& years in 20$E! +e loo#
for"ard to hearing from you!
For Bookings
Jerry Hernandez
Jerry Hernandez y "a #r$%esta &ee Jay
Tres F Junior /i0era
2iano G 5itor 1antos
3ass G <ernando /entas
Timables G ,oel Otero
.ongas G ,oel Otero Jr!
3ongos G 2ozo
Trombone G 5itor 3aro
1inger G 1ammy /osa
Trombone, .oro, (eader and
Diretor G Jerry Hernandez
1inger G :ngel 5elez
.horus G Marel .astro
Trombone G 1am Myer
Trombone G Juan 2agan
Trombone FJerry Hernandez
(eader, Diretor H .horus
<esti0al 1alsa Tongs, <rane
,- 7nt! 1alsa .ongress 20$$
,J 7nt! 1alsa .ongress 200%
33 Iings
+inner*s .irle
'onzalez H 'onzalez
/oomser0ie ,-
+est 'ate (ounge
7guana (ounge
The Ta?
The 7mperial .lub
1outh 1treet 1eaport
.asa 2ortuguesa
+his#ey .afJ
3roo#lyn Museum
(atin Buarters
(orraine*s 3ar H 'rill

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