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Deltalab - Introduction

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Braking roller bench EX1100/EX1110 Page 1

EX1100 and EX1110

Photo of bench EX1100

Deltalab - Introduction
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Braking roller bench EX1100/EX1110 Page 2

Braking roller

The R7500 BRAKING ROLLER can be integrated in an assembly of material intended for the
storage and gravity displacement of pallets.
The principle of this type of storage is described by the drawing below:
1- The pallets are arranged in roller corridors inclined towards the LOADING AREA
(pallet 6 on the drawing)
2- If the corridor is empty, the pallet descends the slope and arrives at the limit stop
(position of pallet 9)
3- The next pallets follow the same course and stop against the preceding pallet to form
a waiting line (pallet no. 8 stops against no. 9, no. 7 against no. 8, no.6 against no. 7)
4- To unload a pallet, e.g. no. 4, the limit stop which holds no. 4 is freed by blocking no. 3
pallet, no. 4 moves to the limit stop at the end of the corridor (vertically above no.
10). The pallet can then be removed at the UNLOADING AREA.
This is illustrated by pallet 5.

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Braking roller bench EX1100/EX1110 Page 3

Principle of gravity displacement storage

The speed of the pallets descending by gravity in the storage corridors, of which the gradient is
3.5%, accelerates naturally during their route. In addition, the weight of the pallets may reach
1200 kg. When the corridor is empty, the first pallet runs throughout the length of the
corridor (may be as much as 10 m) before it reaches a limit stop.
One can easily imagine that allowing such a heavy pallet to take on an uncontrolled speed
constitutes a significant danger for people situated around the storage zone.

The R7500 roller is a centrifugal brake. It regulates a large range of loads from 50 kg to 1200
kg, at 0.3 m/s maximum on an incline suitable for the load (generally 3.5%) i.e. an incline of 2.
The main function of this mechanism is therefore to regulate the speed, or to stabilize the
speed of the pallet.
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Braking roller bench EX1100/EX1110 Page 4

Presentation of the braking roller bench EX1100 and the valisette
The roller of the type 7302 is a mechanical system which is positioned in the dynamic storage
corridors. Its aim is to control the gravitational speed of the loads transported. This roller can
be used to slow down loads weighing between 35 kg to 1000 kg.

The EX1100 bench is composed of a section of storage corridor, (1300 mm in length) consisting
of two rails of rollers and equipped with a braking roller.
The inclination of the corridor can be adjusted between 0 and 6 by steps of 1. A pallet which
can be loaded with weights of 1 Kg (5 positions for 10 Kg = 50 Kg), moves in the storage corridor.

Several sensors evaluate the performance of the braking roller during normal functioning:
- a rotation speed sensor for the roller drum;
- a speed sensor for the translation of the pallet;
- an extensometric sensor allows the recording of the normal and tangential load of the
pallet/roller contact
These recordings allow the analysis of the dynamic contact phenomenon between the roller and
the pallet.
A dedicated software controls these acquisitions in real time.

This bench is therefore an ideal and original support for the study of the
dynamic of solids

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Braking roller bench EX1100/EX1110 Page 5

Examples of measurements carried out

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Braking roller bench EX1100/EX1110 Page 6

The technological wealth of the support means that this PW series has multiple
- characterize the behavior of the linear contact between the braking roller
and the surface of the pallet (sliding, normal and tangential loads,) ;
- carry out dynamic modeling of the fall of the pallet with the aid of the basic
principle of dynamics;
- carry out energy modeling with the aid of the theorem of kinetic energy and
assess the energy of the braking roller system (how the kinetic energy of
the pallet is dissipated) ;
- carry out and analyze the measurements (kinematic and load) with the aid of
an efficient acquisition device and compare them with the results of the model.

Key words
Kinematic of solids, dynamic of solids, the law of friction between solids (Coulomb),
epicycloidal gear train, centrifugal brake, Willis equation, basic principle of dynamics,
kinetic energy theorem

The table below shows that all the centers of interest approached, enable an in-
depth study of the dynamic and energy aspects of solids as part of the program for
BTS, CPGE PSI and PT classes .

N TP Centres of interest

Part concerned
TP 1 Kinematic of solids. Rolling without
sliding. Willis equation
Valisette EX1110
TP 2

Simple dynamic modeling. Basic
principle of dynamics. Kinetic energy
Valisette EX1110
TP 3 Resistance of materials. Elasticity.
Dimensioning parts
Valisette EX1110.
RDM Le Mans
TP 4 Dynamic modeling. Contacts. Sliding
friction coefficient. Measurements
Valisette EX1110
TP 5 Improved dynamic modeling. Braking
efficiency. Graphic and analytical
study. Measurements.
Valisette EX1110 and
bench EX1100
TP 6 Evaluation of the friction induced by Bench EX1100
Deltalab - Introduction
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Braking roller bench EX1100/EX1110 Page 7

the carrying rollers. Measurements
TP 7 Research and evaluation of the energy
losses in the braking and carrying
roller systems. Measurements
Bench EX1100
TP 8

Characterization of the braking
roller/pallet contact. Sliding and RSG.
Measurement of the normal load N and
the tangential load T.
Bench EX1100
TP 9

Volume modeling of the braking roller
Dynamic simulation of the braking
Influence of the various parameters.
Solidworks and Meca3D

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