Technical Specs Ethanol Sugauli - Final

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Doc No.

: GDP/EPC-BI D-E/09-10/026(F)
Date : J une 8, 2009
Assign No. : GPD/SDE/HPCL/08-09/045
Date : September 12, 2008
60 KLPD Capacity Ethanol Plant
Village Sugauli, District East Champaran, Bihar
Technical Specifications
Prepared For
Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd. (HPCL)
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
Petroleum House, 17, Jamshedji Tata Road,
Mumbai 400 022
Prepared By
MITCON Consultancy Services Ltd. (MITCON)
Kubera Chambers, Shivajinagar
Pune - 411 005
June, 2009
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Doc No. : GDP/EPC-BI D-E/09-10/026 (F)
Date : J une 8, 2009
Assign No. : GPD/SDE/HPCL/08-09/045
Date : September 12, 2008
60 KLPD Capacity Ethanol Plant
Village Sugauli, District East Champaran, Bihar
Chapter No. Title Page No.
1. Intent of Specifications 1
2. Project information 2
3. Design Basis, Scope of Supply, Services & Terminal
3.1 Design Basis 5
3.2 Scope of Supply 12
3.3 Services 15
3.4 Terminal Points 15
4. Technical Specifications 18
4.1 Juice Concentration 18
4.2 Syrup Bulk Storage 19
4.3 Juice Handling & Pasteurization 19
4.4 Continuous Fermentation 20
4.5 Multi-pressure Vacuum Distillation 23
4.6 Molecular Sieve Dehydration 28
4.7 Alcohol Storage 29
4.8 Utility 31
4.9 Water Treatment Plant 32
4.10 Condensate Polishing Unit 32
4.11 Piping & Fittings 33
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Doc No. : GDP/EPC-BI D-E/09-10/026 (F)
Date : J une 8, 2009
Assign No. : GPD/SDE/HPCL/08-09/045
Date : September 12, 2008
60 KLPD Capacity Ethanol Plant
Village Sugauli, District East Champaran, Bihar
Chapter No. Title Page No.
5. Spent Wash Treatment 35
5.1 Bio-methanation 35
5.2 Evaporation 36
5.3 Composting 39
6. Electrical Distribution System 44
6.1 General Design Basis 44
6.2 Scope of Work 49
6.3 Diesel Generating Set 50
7. Control & Instrumentation System 52
7.1 Process Control Philosophy 52
7.2 Parts Interchangeable 52
7.3 Security 53
7.4 Spare Philosophy 53
7.5 System Specifications 53
7.6 Operator Interface 55
7.7 Operator cum Engineering Station 55
7.8 Other Hardware Requirements 56
7.9 Instrument List 58
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Doc No. : GDP/EPC-BI D-E/09-10/026 (F)
Date : J une 8, 2009
Assign No. : GPD/SDE/HPCL/08-09/045
Date : September 12, 2008
60 KLPD Capacity Ethanol Plant
Village Sugauli, District East Champaran, Bihar
Chapter No. Title Page No.
8. Civil Works 63
8.1 Major Civil Works 63
8.2 Design Data 64
8.3 System Description & Specification 64
8.4 Design Criteria 65
8.5 Foundations 66
8.6 Machine Foundations 66
8.7 General Design Considerations 69
8.8 Design of Miscellaneous Items 73
8.9 Architectural Concepts & Design 74
8.10 Construction 77
8.11 Effluent Treatment Plant 82
8.12 Buildings & Civil Works 83
8.13 Important & Common Notes 90
9. Fire Fighting & Protection 92
9.1 General 92
9.2 Basic Fire Fighting System 92
9.3 Fire Water Piping 96
9.4 Valves 96
10. Spares 97
11. Inspection & Testing 98
12. Drawings, Data & Information 99
13. Guaranteed Performance Parameters 100
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Doc No. : GDP/EPC-BI D-E/09-10/026 (F)
Date : J une 8, 2009
Assign No. : GPD/SDE/HPCL/08-09/045
Date : September 12, 2008
Appendix No. Title
I Process Flow Diagram
II Product Specifications
III Design Basis
IV Scope of Work
V Other Inputs & Specifications
VI List of Approved Makes
VII Drawings to be Submitted by the Tenderers
VIII General Guidelines for Erection & Commissioning
IX General Construction Specifications
X Data Sheets for Electrical Distribution System to be submitted by
XI List of Workshop Equipment
XII Preliminary Plant Layout, Integrated Sugar, Ethanol & Cogen Power
XIII Terms & Conditions for Erection & Commissioning
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 1
Intent of Specifications
The main intent of the specifications has been to define the equipment, electrical,
auxiliaries and civil works for the proposed 60 KLPD capacity ethanol plant including
spent wash treatment with bio-methanation / evaporation & bio-composting, envisaging
latest and commercially proven technologies, being set up co-extensively with 3500 TCD
capacity sugar plant and 20 MW high efficiency grid connected cogen power plant, at
Sugauli in East Champaran district of Bihar State.
The ethanol plant component will include all equipment, associated systems, electrical
distribution system, instrumentation and control, piping and auxiliaries, civil works,
treatment of spent wash including biogas digesters / evaporation and bio-composting, etc.
The intent of the specifications also has been to achieve continuous and efficient
operations throughout the operation of the ethanol plant for 270 days, 130 season days
and 140 off season days based on own molasses and 50% mixed juice transferred from
the sugar plant.
The main goals set are as under:
(a) Providing specific equipment, associated systems, electrical distribution system
and associated civil wor ks, mainly to achieve the tar geted production rate,
optimum fermentation / distillation / dehydration efficiencies and lowest steam
and power consumption of the ethanol plant, as well as achieve continuous
(b) The design basis for selection of all equipment will consider average 60 KLPD,
on 24 hr basis and 270 days annual operation, based on own molasses and 50%
mixed juice transferred from the sugar plant (The provision for adding on ENA
plant later on should be considered).
(c) Achieving targeted electricity consumption for the ethanol plant and associated
spent wash treatment facility of 400 kWh / KL and total steam consumption of 8
TPH / KL during cane crushing season.
(d) Ensuring targeted biogas generation from the digesters (for supply of biogas to
cogen power plant of 16.67 Nm3/KL ethanol manufacture), 250 / 100 BOD /
COD after evapor ation and tar geted bio-composting production, meeting the
BSPCB / CPCB / MoEF norms.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 2
Project Information
Name and Address : DGM (Pipeline Projects)
M/s. Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd.
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
8, Shoorji Vallabhdas Marg
Ballard Estate, Mumbai 400 001
Ph : 022 2263 7153, 2265 4110 (D)
Fax : 022 2263 7184
E-mail :
Project Site : Near Village Sugauli,
District East Champaran, Bihar
Constitution & Type : A Government of India Enterprise
Project Title : Engineeri n g, P r ocu r emen t , Con s t r u ct i on &
Commissioning of Ethanol Plant & spent wash
treatment / bio-composting facility at the Project Site
EPC Consultant : MITCON Consultancy Services Ltd.
" Kubera Chambers" , 1
Shivajinagar, Post Box No. 923,
PUNE-411005, (INDIA)
Ph. No.: 020 2553 3309 / 2553 4322
Fax No.: 020 2553 0305 / 2553 3206
Products : Absolute alcohol or ethanol
(co-extensively with 3500 TCD sugar & 20 MW Co-
generated Power plants)
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Project overview : This EPC bid is invited for design, engineering,
manufacture, procurement, supply, transportation to
site, transit and storage, insurance, storing at site,
project management, civil works, mechanical works,
el ect r i ca l wor ks a n d I & C wor ks, er ect i on ,
installation, testing, commissioning, performance
testing, putting into successful commercial operation
a nd ha ndi ng over of 60 KLPD et ha nol pl a nt ,
associated spent wash treatment through digesters
a n d eva por a t i on , f ol l owed by bi o-composting
facility as specified.
Installed Capacity : 60 KLPD ethanol for 270 days operation on 50%
mixed juice and molasses available from the sugar
Site location : Near Sugauli town
Distance from nearest town /
: Sugauli, 2 Km
Di s t a n c e f r om n e a r e s t
railway station
: Sugauli, 0.5 Km
Motihari, 25 Km
Distance from nearest airport : Patna, 185 Km
Distance from nearest water
: Gandak River, 2 km
Distance from nearest BSEB
EHV substations
: Sugauli, 33 KV (2 Km) & Motihar i (132 KV), 25
Annual Rainfall : 1241 mm
Ambient air temperature
Data for Seismic Design : Zone IV
Relative Humidity : 70% (average)
Climatic Conditions : Tropical, dry & arid
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Design wind pressure : In accordance with provisions of Indian Standards
Design c o o l i n g wa t e r
: 32
Soil characteristics at site :
Iso-ceramic level (No. of
stormy days/year)
: 20
Construction power & water : Construction power and water is in the scope of EPC
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 3
Design Basis, Scope of Supply, Services & Terminal points
3.1 Design Basis (Also refer Appendix III)
3.1.1 The proposed ethanol plant will have manufacturing capacity of 60 KLPD,
with 99.8% purity by volume and 1.6 KLPD impure spirit of 95% purity
by volume. The ethanol plant will be provided required steam and power
from cogen power plant for 270 operating days, 130 season days & 140
off-season days.
3.1.2 Ethanol plant will operate on 50% mixed juice diverted from the sugar plant
& available molasses during season & on stored concentrated syrup &
saved molasses during off-season. The required quantity of mixed juice
will be used for ethanol manufacture during season & the balance will be
converted into concentrated syrup & stored for off-season requirements.
3.1.3 Out of 1750 TPD mixed juice diverted to ethanol plant, 50% or 875 TPD
will be used for ethanol manufacture during season & balance 50% or 875
TPD will be concentrated & stored for off-season requirement. One MT of
mixed juice will generated about 56.81 Ltrs of ethanol, hence with 875
TPD mixed juice about 49.71 KL of ethanol per day will be manufactured.
3.1.4 With 95% maximum utilization of the ethanol plant, 57 KL per day ethanol
will be manufactured both during 130 season days & 140 off-season days.
3.1.5 Hence, for balance requirement of ethanol manufacture of 7.29 KL per day,
molasses available from sugar process during season will be used. With
40% fermentable sugar in molasses, one ton of molasses will yield 227.24
lit of ethanol. Hence, for 7.29 KLPD balance ethanol manufacture,
molasses requirement will be 32.08 TPD.
3.1.6 Out of total molasses generation of 84.88 TPD (1750 TCD x 4.85%) will
yield required per day, 32.08 TPD will be used for ethanol manufacture in
season & 52.8 TPD or 6864 MT of molasses will be saved for off-season
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
3.1.7 The concentrated syrup of 875 TPD or 113750 MT during 130 season
days will be used for 140 off-season days. Hence, based on 56.81 ltrs
ethanol manufacture per MT of concentrated syrup, 46.16 KLPD ethanol
will be manufactured from stored concentrated syrup for 140 off-season
days. The balance quantity of 10.84 KLPD (57 KLPD @ 95% maximum
utilization 46.16 KLPD) ethanol will have to be manufactured from
saved molasses.
3.1.8 F or 10.84 KLPD ethanol manufactur e, 47.70 TPD molasses will be
required. For 140 off-season days, total molasses requirement will be 6678
MT. Wi t h sa ved mol a sses of 6864 MT, t h e of f -season molasses
requirement will be easily met.
3.1.9 The over all design par ameter s of the ethanol plant ar e given in the
following table:
Item Ethanol Plant
(on Mixed Juice /
Own Molasses
during season &
Conc.Syrup / saved
molasses during off-
1 Cane crushing, TCH 146
2 No. of hrs. per day 24
3 Cane Crushing per day, TPD 3500
4 No. of gross season days 130
5 Annual Cane crushing, MT 455000
6 Screened mixed juice to Ethanol (50%),
7 Screened mixed juice used during
season, TPD (50% of diverted mixed
8 Screened mixed juice concentrated per
day during season, TPD (50% of
diverted mixed juice)
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item Ethanol Plant
(on Mixed Juice /
Own Molasses
during season &
Conc.Syrup / saved
molasses during off-
9 No. of days of operation of Ethanol
- Own molasses & Cane juice
- Saved molasses & Con. Syrup
10 Fermentable sugar content, % W by W 10
11 Fermentable sugar concentration in
juice, % W by W
12 Ethanol capacity, KLPD 60
13 Maximum capacity utilization, %
14 Molasses Generation, % cane 4.85
15 Molasses Production, TPD (MT) 84.88
16 Filter cake, % cane 3.5
17 Filter cake production, TPD (MT) 61.25
18 Ethanol recovery, liters / MT of
19 Ethanol recovery, litres /MT of cane
20 Steam requirement, TPH (@ 8 Kg/cm2)
- Season (ethanol manufacture &
syrup concentration)
- Off-season (ethanol manufacture)
21 Power requirement, MW
- Season
- Off-season
22 Water requirement, KL/ KL of Ethanol
- Season
- Off-season
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item Ethanol Plant
(on Mixed Juice /
Own Molasses
during season &
Conc.Syrup / saved
molasses during off-
23 Spent wash generation per lit of Ethanol
with evaporation, Ltr/KL
24 Total spent wash generation per annum,
KL (270 days)
25 Annual Compost Production, MT (at 1:2
ratio of press mud / filler material)
3.1.10 The ethanol manufactur e fr om diver ted mixed juice & molasses will
involve state of the art technologies like continuous / batch fermentation,
multi pressure vacuum distillation & molecular sieve dehydration system.
These systems will ensure optimum utilization of raw materials i.e. mixed
juice / concentrated syrup & molasses, highest yields & lowest steam,
power & water consumptions. The in-built automation system will ensure
optimum manpower required for operation of the plant.
3.1.11 The etha nol pla nt will involve differ ent sections including juice
pasteurization & concentration, syrup & molasses bulk storage, continuous
fermentation, multi pressure distillation, molecular sieve dehydration,
effluent & water treatment plant, ethanol storage, misc. laboratory &
workshop, etc.
3.1.12 The mechanical design basis is indicated below:
For design of static equipment like fermentors, pre-fermentors etc.
the following factors have been taken into consideration:
(a) Wind pressure = 150 Kg/m2
(b) Seismic factor = 0.04 As per Indian Standards
The Seismic factor Alpha = 0.04 corresponds to Zone 4 as per
Indian Standards 1893
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
The static equipment like SS fermentors will be designed generally
as per API 650.
All equipment will be supported laterally to the structural members
and no dir ect load due to wind and seismic for ces have been
consider ed. All tanks like F er mentor s, Beer well etc will be
supported / rested using civil foundations.
Specifications of the material of construction for the equipment
will be as per generally ASTM 240 for stainless steel sheets and
coils. Mater ial of constr uction for Copper column tr ays, body
flanges for columns.
The material of construction of all body flanges and bolts will be
CS and gaskets will be EPDM.
All pressure vessels like distillation columns, condensate pot, etc.
will be generally designed as per ASME Sec. VIII Div. I.
All distillation columns will be supported laterally to the structural
members and no direct load due to wind and seismic forces have
been considered.
All shell & tube type heat exchangers will be generally designed as
per TEMA C.
The baffle thickness in case of above heat exchangers is restricted
to2/ 3 mm.
Hydro testing of critical equipment wherever applicable will be
carried out at our fabrication facility before dispatch.
Piping and valves specification will be gener ally as per ANSI
Pipes - CS ANSI B 36.10 SS 304 ANSI B 36.19
Flanges - ANSI B 16.5, 150 # and Stubend - MSSP 43 TYPE
Instrumentation specification will be generally as per ISA.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
The following are the design standards used for the equipment for
- Pressure Vessels and distillation columns as per ASME
- Storage tanks as per API
- Heat Exchangers as per TEMA
- Piping and valve as per DIN/JIS
- Instruments as per ISA.
3.1.13 Design consideration for selection of electrical equipment, power supply &
power distribution are indicated below:
Ambient temperature : 50 C
Humidity : 90%
Altitude : >1000 M above MSL
System Fault Level :
: 50 kA for 1 Sec. for 415V system
: 9 kA for 1 Sec. for lighting circuits
415 V + 10%, 50Hz + 5 %, 3 Phase for power distr ibution
available from cogen power plant to ethanol plant
415 V + 10% , 50Hz + 5 %, TPN for plant load operating at
415V supply
Control voltage 110V AC, 50Hz for MCCs and PCCs
Power Supply for Tripping and Closing Circuits of Circuit
breakers : 110 V, D.C.
415 V power supply will be given to Ethanol Plant Switchboard
located at cogen power plant. F ur ther downstr eam power
distribution will be in the scope of EPC contractor for ethanol
230 V Single phase power supply shall be derived through Phase
& Neutral for single phase power consumer in the ethanol plant, if
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
3.1.14 Effluent Treatment
The spent wash generated in the ethanol plant will be treated in following
stages, to meet the BSPCB / CPCB / MoEF norms. :
1) Bio-methanation The spent wash from the ethanol plant will be
passed through bio-methanation pr ocess to gener ate bio-gas and
reduce the BOD / COD to the targeted levels.
2) 4 effect evaporation - The spent wash after bio-methanation will be
passed through a multiple effect evapor ator system in which heat
recovered from one effect is used to concentrate spent wash in second
effect evaporator with continuous recirculation of concentrated spent
wash with in the system until desired concentration is obtained. This
entire concentration process will be carried out under vacuum leading
to less consumption of steam and maximum concentration of spent
wash with in less period of time.
3) Bio-composting - Composting is a biological process in which organic
matter is degraded under controlled conditions. It involves microbial
The mixing of concentrated spent wash from evaporation plant and
press-mud (50-70% moisture) will be carried out in trenches with the
help of excavator -cumloader for mixing, tur ning, loading and
unloading of compost material. Addition of cow dung will provide
bacterial culture required for composting.
3.1.15 Fire Fighting & Protection
Fire protection system to be offered based on site plan. The system is
designed as per International rules (NFPA) & equivalent standards. List of
NFPA-10- Standard for portable Fire Extinguishers.
NFPA -11 - Standard for Low expansion foam system
NFPA-13 Standard for sprinkler system installation.
NFPA -14 - Standard for the installation of Standpipe, Private Hydrant
& Hose System.
NFPA -15 Standard for water spray system
NFPA -24 Private Fire Service mains & their appurtenances.
NFPA -30 Flammable & combustible Liquids Code
NFPA -72 National Fire Alarm Code
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
3.2 Scope of Supply (Also refer Appendix IV)
3.2.1 General
The scope of wor k will include design, engineer ing, manufacture / procure,
supply, erection and commissioning of equipment, associated systems, internal
electrical distribution system and associated civil works for the entire ethanol
plant and associated spent wash treatment / bio-composting facility, as detailed
hereunder for achieving the guaranteed performance parameters specified for each
section and for steam & power consumptions. The Contractor will also need to
complete all associated electrical, mechanical and instrumentation work required
for installation, commissioning of the entir e equipment, and pr oving the
performance at site.
The Contractor will be responsible for providing an efficient, reliable and state of
art technology equipment. The specifications in this section, attempt to define the
scope and specifications. However , the onus of pr oviding the appr opr iate
equipment and auxiliaries for successful commissioning, performance proving
and operation, entirely rests with the Contractor.
The scope of work for the equipment, associated systems and civil works covered
under the specifications will include, but not limited to the following.
(a) Design, engineering, supply, fabrication, manufacture / procure, assembly,
shop testing and inspection at manufactur er ' s wor ks, er ection and
(b) Providing all labourers, materials and equipment for testing at shop / site,
as required.
(c) All spare parts required for the commissioning.
(d) Spare parts required for two (2) years of trouble free operation
(e) Special tools and tackles r equir ed for oper ation and maintenance,
inspection, and repair of the equipment / systems offered.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
The specifications are intended to cover the design, engineering, manufacture /
procure, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of the entire ethanol plant
and associated spent wash tr eatment / bio-composting equipment, associated
systems, electrical distribution system, necessar y piping / suppor ts / valves /
instruments, DCS based control & instrumentation system, necessary structures
and civil works.
Supplies and services shall be rendered in conformity with proven engineering
pr inciples, taking into account the cur r ent state of the ar t technology. The
requirements of the contract must be fulfilled in its entirety.
The supplies and services within the scope shall be rendered inclusive of all
appliances and interconnecting arrangements with other supplies, necessary for
installation of all accessories and for satisfactory operation, maintenance and
The scope of supply and services shall include all necessary work and supply of
equipment and material whether mentioned in these specifications or not, but
which are necessary for the satisfactory, reliable, safe operation, maintenance and
required for achieving guaranteed performance parameters.
Any equipment, devices or material even if not included in this EPC bid, but
found necessary for the safe and satisfactory functioning of the unit under this
EPC bid, shall be supplied, erected and commissioned by the Contractor at no
extr a cost to the Owner , as though, such equipment, mater ial or wor k wer e
originally specified and formed part of the scope of work.
3.1.2 Major Equipment
(a) J uice concentration plant, syrup bulk storage, juice pasteurization plant,
continuous fer mentation section, multi-pressure distillation section,
molecular sieve dehydration plant, water treatment plant, alcohol storage
section, inter connecting piping & accessor ies and miscellaneous like
weigh bridge, laboratory, workshop, etc.
(b) Bio-methanation plant including bio-gas digester, de-gasing pond, lamella
clarifier, gas holder, central agitator, lateral agitator, over / under pressure
release device, flare burners, safety & security devices, spent wash pumps,
sluge r ecycling pumps, bio-gas blower s, inter connecting piping &
accessories, electrical control panel and cabling, instrumentation, etc.
(c) Eva por a t i on pl a nt for spent wa sh a ft er bi o-methanation including
evaporator calendria, flash vessels, vacuum / feed / recycle-cum-forward
pumps and motor s, pr e-heaters, surface condensers, internal piping &
valves, electrical panel & cabling, instrumentation, etc.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
(d) Composting plant for treatment of spent wash after evaporation to meet
the BSPCB / CPCB / MoEF norms including aerotillers, tractors with
hydraulic blades, trolley with creeper gear box, HDPE piping & spraying
uni t , J CB ma chi nes, pumps, motor s, electr ical panel & cabling,
interconnecting piping & accessories etc.
(e) Steam and power consumption reduction equipment for achieving the
related guaranteed performance parameters.
3.1.3 Electrical Distribution System
11 KV feeders from cogen power plant, all internal electrical distribution system
within the ethanol plant for 11 KV, 440 V systems including distribution
transformers, power & cont r ol cables, accessor ies, ear thing & lightening
protections, all mandatory safety devices, instrumentation, illumination, etc. will
be included in the contractor s scope.
3.1.4 Control & Instrumentation
All necessary control & instrumentation equipment for efficient operation of the
pr oposed ethanol plant and associated spent wash treatment / bio-composting
equipment, associated systems and electrical distribution system or otherwise for
the entire ethanol plant, will be in the scope of the Contractor.
3.1.5 Civil Works
All necessary civil works including foundations, structural, earth work, etc.
r equir ed for installation of the pr oposed ethanol plant equipment, associated
systems and electrical distribution system will be in the scope of the Contractor.
3.1.6 Fire Fighting & Protection
Fire protection system shall be provided for the above plant as per the design
basis. Scope of work includes design, engineering, supply of equipments and
components r equir ed for fir e pr otection system for all ar eas as per system
mentioned below. Following works are also to be included in the scope.
Construction of firewater storage tanks
Construction of fire pump house
Earthing of equipments
Erection of fire fighting piping & equipment
Any type of civil work
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
3.3 Services
3.3.1 Design and Engineering
(a) Preparation of design calculations and detailed drawings
(b) Preparation of BOQ
(c) Preparation of manufacturing drawings
(d) Preparation of quality assurance and inspection plans and implementation
(e) Preparation of schedule for site testing and commissioning.
3.3.2 Erection and Commissioning
(a) Inspection of civil work in foundations, trenches and allied jobs.
(b) Unloading, unpacking, shifting to locations, positioning, aligning and
fixing of equipment which are included in contract
(c) Pre-commissioning checks.
(d) Commissioning , testing and trials runs and performance proving
(e) Completion of documentation and records.
3.3.3 Statutory Approvals
(a) Obtaining approvals on drawing and designs from local authorities, as
(b) Arranging inspections and approvals for commissioning of plant electrical
from Local authorities and Chief Electrical Inspector.
(c) All approvals from Government agencies are in the scope of the Tenderer.
3.3.4 Inspections / Review Meetings
(a) Making the arrangements for periodical and final inspection of all major
equipment at own or sub-contractor s works.
(b) Attending the periodical review meetings at site or at the agreed locations.
3.4 Terminal Points
3.4.1 Screened & Mixed Juice
From the discharge end of juice mass flow meter (after proportioning device &
juice transfer pumps, including valve), located in the milling section of the sugar
plant for transfer of 50-45% of juice to ethanol plant
3.4.2 Raw water
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
At the specified intake point at the raw water storage tank outlet header located in
the sugar plant
(Contractor s scope cover s suitable raw water transfer pumps & accessories,
pipeline from main reservoir up to ethanol plant, spent wash tr eatment / bio-
composting facility and internal water storage / distribution, including all fittings /
supports / valves, etc.)
3.4.3 Steam supply
At the LP header of cogen power plant located at 1.5 m level beside the
powerhouse building, towards the sugar plant side.
(Contractor s scope covers LP steam pipeline from LP header of cogen power
plant up to ethanol plant / spent wash distribution and bio-composting facility and
internal distribution pipelines, including all flanges, valves, accessories, supports,
3.4.4 Power supply
At 2 nos. 11 KV feeders identified in 11 KV switchboa r d in cogen pla nt TG
(11 KV (UE), XLPE insulated Aluminium conductor cables from cogen power
plant up to the ethanol plant, 11 KV / 440 V distribution transformers and 440 V
inter nal power distr ibution system including r elated panels / switchboar ds /
starters / cables / protections, and related distribution system including panels /
switchboards / starters / cables / protections, etc. & all earthing will be in the
contractor s scope).
3.4.5 Compressed air
Necessary size compressor & accessories, distribution header & pipelines, valves,
fittings, etc. required for the sugar plant included in the contractor s scope.
3.4.6 Molasses
At the delivery header of the molasses transfer pumps, near the molasses storage
tank located in sugar plant, for tr a nsfer of mola sses to ethanol plant (the
contractors scope covers pipeline, fittings, valves, etc. from molasses transfer
pumps up to storage tanks in ethanol plant and further distribution within).
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
3.4.7 Steam Condensate
At the outlet header of steam condensate transfer pumps, including valve, located
in the ethanol plant.
3.4.8 Filter Cake
At the discharge chute end, below the vacuum filters located in the sugar plant,
for transfer to bio-composting facility
3.4.9 Ethanol
At the outlet of positive displacement flow meter of ethanol bulk storage tanks
3.4.10 Effluent
Bio-composting facility based on treated spent wash in the bio-methanation &
evaporation plants meeting the BSPCB / CPCB / MoEF norms.
3.4.11 Civil Works
Entire civil works & structural in the ethanol plant and spent wash treatment / bio-
composting facility area will be in the Contractor s scope.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 4
Technical Specifications
4.1 Juice Concentration Section For Off-Season Storage
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
1. 5 Effect Evaporators Shell & Tube and
forced circulation
type, with 200 m2
heat transfer area
SS 304 1 Set
2. Vapour- Liquid
vertical type, 4 m3
SS 304 1 Set
3. Recirculation cum
Transfer Pump
Centrifugal type,
with 150 m3/hr
Wetted parts
SS 304
1 for
4. Final Condenser Shell & Tube type,
with 300 m2 heat
transfer area
SS 304 1
5. Syrup Intermediate
Storage Tank
vertical type, with
20 m3 capacity
SS 304 1
6. Syrup Transfer Pump Centrifugal type,
with 35 TPH
Wetted parts
SS 304
7. Condensate
Collection Tank
vertical type, with
2 m3 capacity
SS 304 1
8. Condensate Transfer
Centrifugal type,
with 10 m3/hr
Wetted parts
SS 304
9. Vacuum Pump Water Ring type,
with 350 m3/hr
CI 1+1
10. Piping & Valves,
Suitable As required Lot
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
4.2 Syrup Bulk Storage Section
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
1. Syrup / Molasses
tank with accessories
like Cooling system,
Vent, Drain, etc.
Cylindrical type,
with 8000 m3
M.S. 7
2. Molasses Pit Rectangular
Underground type,
with 100 MT
3. Syrup/Molasses
Gear / Lobe type,
with 35 TPH
C.I. 1+1
4. Syrup/Molasses Filter Basket strainer
SS 304 1+1
4.3 Juice Handling & Pasteurization
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
1. Juice Holding Tank Cyl i n d r i c a l /
Verti c a l t y p e ,
w i t h 4 0 m 3
SS 304 1
2. Juice Transfer Pump Centrifugal type,
wi t h 3 5 TP H
Wetted Parts :
SS 304
1+ 1
3. Juice pasteurizer PHE type Plates: SS316 1+1
4. Juice Cooler PHE type Plates: SS316 1+1
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
4.4 Continuous Fermentation Section
4.4.1 Syrup Handling Section
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
1. Syrup Receiving Tank Cylindrical /
vertical, conical
bottom type, with
3 m3 capacity
MS 1
2. Weighed Syrup Tank Cylindrical,
vertical, flat
slopping bottom
type, with 60 m3
MS 1
3. Syrup Weighing
Load cell type,
with 3 MT
-- 1
4. Weighed Syrup Pump Gear type, with 15
TPH capacity
CI 1+1
4.4.2 Yeast & Fermentation Section
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
1 Culture Vessels
With air sparger,
heating & cooling
vertical & jacket
type, with
capacities 0.2 m3,
1 m3 & 5.5 m3
SS 304 1 Set
2 Culture Vessel
Transfer pump
Trolley Mounted
type, with 5 m3/hr
Wetted Parts
3 Pre Fermenter along
with Air Sparger &
Broth Mixer
vertical, conical
bottom type, with
50 m3 capacity
SS 304
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
4 Pre Fermenter
Recirculation pump
Centrifugal type,
with 25 m3/hr
Wetted Parts
5 Fermenter with
Sparger, & safety
system, Broth Mixer
vertical, Conical
Bottom type, with
350 m3 capacity
SS 304 Minimum
6 Fermented Wash
PHE type Plates: SS
7 Fermenter
Re circulation Pump
Centrifugal type,
with 250 m3/hr
Wetted Parts
Spare in
4.4.3 Wash Clarification Section
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
1 Wash Settling Tank Cylindrical,
vertical, Conical
Bottom type, with
225 m3 capacity
SS 304 1
2 Sludge Settling Tank Cylindrical,
vertical, Conical
Bottom type, with
60 m3 capacity
SS 304 1
3 Sludge Trough Cylindrical,
vertical type, with
0.5 m3 capacity
SS 304 2
4 Sludge transfer Pump 2 m3/hr capacity Wetted Parts
5 Wash Holding Tank Cylindrical,
vertical, conical
bottom type, with
350 m3 capacity
SS 304 1
6 Fermented Wash Feed
Centrifugal type,
with 30 m3/hr
Wetted Parts
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
4.4.4 Utility & Chemical Dosing Section
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
1. Air Blowers Water Ring type,
with 350 Am3/hr
SS 304 2 + 1
2. Air Filter HEPA type SS 304 1
3. CO2 Scrubber Sieve trays type,
with 800 mm
diameter having 6
nos. trays
SS 304 1
4. Acid Dosing tank Cylindrical,
vertical type, with
1 m3 capacity
MS 1
5. Acid Dosing pump Centrifugal type,
with 1 m3/hr
Alloy 20 1+1
6. Antifoam dosing tank Cylindrical,
vertical type, with
1 m3 capacity
SS 304 1
7. Antifoam dosing
Gear type, with 1
m3/hr capacity
SS 304 1+1
8. Nutrient Dosing Tank
with Agitator
vertical type, with
2 m3 capacity
SS 304 1
9. Nutrient Dosing Pump Centrifugal type,
with 2 m3/hr
Wetted Parts
10. PF & Fermenter
cleaning nozzles
-- SS 304 6
11. CIP Tank Cylindrical,
vertical type, with
10 m3 capacity
SS 304 1
12. CIP Pump Centrifugal type,
with 15 m3/hr
SS 304 1+1
13. Piping, Valves
and instrumentation
-- -- LOT
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
4.5 Multi-pressure Vacuum Distillation
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
1. Analyzer Column
Rh Grid Trays
type, with 2000
mm diameter, 20
no. of trays and
750 mm tray
SS 304
SS 304
2. Degasifying Column
Sieve Trays type,
with 1250 mm
diameter, 6 no. of
trays and 750 mm
tray spacing
SS 304
SS 304
3. Rectifier Column
Bubble Cap Trays
type, with 1500
mm diameter, 72
no. of trays and
250 mm tray
SS 304
SS 304
4. Aldehyde Column
Bubble Cap Trays
type, with 1600
mm diameter, 30
no. of trays and
300 mm tray
SS 304
SS 304
5. Analyser
(Beer Heater)
Shell & Tube,
Horizontal type,
with 75 m2 heat
transfer area
having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304
SS 304
6. Analyser
Shell & tube,
Horizontal type,
with 75 m2 heat
transfer area
having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304
SS 304
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
7. Analyser
Shell & Tube,
Horizontal type,
with 7 m2 heat
transfer area
having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304
SS 304
8. Analyser Reboiler Shell & Tube,
Vertical type, with
230 m2 heat
transfer area
having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304
SS 304
9. Aldehyde Condenser
Shell & Tube,
Horizontal type,
with 35 m2 heat
transfer area
having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304
SS 304
10. Aldehyde Condenser
Shell & Tube,
Horizontal type,
with 7 m2 heat
transfer area
having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304
SS 304
11. Analyser Reboiler
Vent Condenser
Shell & Tube,
Horizontal type,
with 10 m2 heat
transfer area
having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304
SS 304
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
12. Rectifier PCV
Shell & Tube,
Horizontal type,
with 3 m2 heat
transfer area
having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304
SS 304
13. Rectifier Reboiler Shell & Tube,
Horizontal type,
with 180 m2 heat
transfer area
having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304
SS 304
14. Analyzer Condenser
vertical type with
1 m3 capacity
SS 304 1
15. Rectifier Reflux Tank Cylindrical,
Vertical type, with
1 m3 capacity
SS 304 1
16. RS Intermediate tank Cylindrical,
Vertical type, with
1 m3 capacity
SS 304 1
17. Steam Condensate
Vertical type, with
2 m3 capacity
SS 304 1
18. FW Preheater PHE type SS 316 Plates 1+1
19. Rectifier Feed
PHE type SS 316 Plates 1
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
20. RS Cooler Shell & Tube,
Vertical type with
35 m2 heat
transfer area
having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304
SS 304
21. IS Cooler Shell & Tube,
Vertical type with
3 m2 heat transfer
area having 25.4
mm OD tube, 3000
mm long
SS 304
SS 304
22. FO Coolers Double Pipe type SS 304 2
23. FO Decanter Cylindrical,
vertical type
SS 304 1
24. Analyser Bottom
Centrifugal type,
with 30 m3/hr
SS 304 1+1
25. Analyzer Condensate
Centrifugal type,
with 7 m3/hr
SS 304 1+1
26. Rectifier Bottom
Centrifugal type,
with 5 m3/hr
SS 304 1+1
27. Rectifier Reflux Pump Centrifugal type,
with 18 m3/hr
SS 304 1+1
28. Steam Condensate
Centrifugal type,
with 7 m3/ hr
SS 304 1+1
29. RS Transfer Pump Centrifugal type,
with 3 m3/hr
SS 304 1+1
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
30. Vacuum Pump Centrifugal type,
with 350 Nm3/hr
CI with SS
304 internal
31. Cold Water Overhead
Vertical type, with
40 m3 capacity
M.S. 1
32. Hot Water Tank Cylindrical,
Vertical type, with
2 m3 capacity
M.S. 1
33. Siphon, Manometer
Bottles, Vapour
Bottles, Mixing
Standard SS 304 Lot
34. Piping & Valves Wi t h s t a n d a r d
SS 304 & MS Lot
35. Instrumentation PLC system with
control valves,
pressure &
Standard Lot
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
4.6 Molecular Sieve Dehydration
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
1. Molecular Sieve
Bed With
desiccant- 3A and
4.25 m3 capacity SS 304 2/3
2. Evaporation
900 mm dia. with 25
no. of trays
SS 304 1
3. Regeneration
127 m2 heat transfer
area having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304 1
4. Feed Preheater 14 m2 heat transfer
area having 25.4mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304 1
5. Product Condenser 40 m2 heat transfer
area having
25.4mm OD tube,
3000 mm long
SS 304 1
6. Regeneration
6 m2 heat transfer
area having
25.4mm OD tube,
3000 mm long
SS 304 1
7. Regeneration
PHE type SS 304 1
8. Dry Ethanol Cooler 28 m2 heat transfer
area having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304 1
9. Superheater 11 m2 heat transfer
area having 25.4 mm
OD tube, 3000 mm
SS 304 1
10. Evaporation
Column Reboiler
44 m2 heat transfer
area having
25.4 mm OD tube,
3000 mm long
SS 304 1
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
11. D r y E t h a n o l
Product Drum
0.8 m3 capacity SS 304 1
12. Regeneration Drum 0.8 m3 capacity SS 304 1
13. Vacuum
Standard SS 304 1 or
14. Regeneration Pump 45 m3/hr capacity CF8 1+1
15. Product Pump 3 m3/hr capacity CF8 1+1
16. P r oces s P i pi n g,
V a l v e s a n d
--- SS 304 Lot
4.7 Alcohol Storage Section
Item of
Material of
1 Ethanol Storage
Vertical Cylindrical
type of 700 m3
M.S. 3
2 Rectified Spirit
Storage Tank
Vertical Cylindrical
type of 700 m3
M.S. 1
3 Impure Spirit
Storage Tank
Vertical Cylindrical
type of 100 m3
M.S. 1
4 Fusel oil Storage
Vertical Cylindrical
type of 10 m3
M.S. 1
5 Ethanol Day
Vertical Cylindrical
type of 75 m3
M.S. 3
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
6 SDS Tank Vertical Cylindrical
type of 100 m3
M.S. 1
7 Vent condenser Shell & Tube Heat
Exchanger type, with
heat transfer area of
3 m2
M.S. 4
8 Fire Arrester Standard type SS 304 9
9 Ethanol transfer
Centrifugal type of
40 m3/hr capacity
Wetted part SS 2+2
10 RS Transfer Pump Centrifugal type of
20 m3/hr capacity
Wetted part SS 1+1
11 IS Transfer Pump Centrifugal type of
20 m3/hr capacity
Wetted part SS 1+1
12 FO Transfer Pump Centrifugal type of
10 m3/hr capacity
Wetted part SS 1+1
13 SDS Tank Transfer
Centrifugal type of
15 m3/hr capacity
Wetted part SS 1+1
14 Ethanol Flow Meter Positive
displacement type
flow meter of 40
m3/hr capacity
SS 304 1
15 IS Flow Meter Positive
displacement type
flow meter of 20
m3/hr capacity
SS 304 1
16 Piping & Valves As per standard -- Lot
17 Instrumentation Local instruments
like pressure gauges
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
4.8 Utility
4.8.1 Cooling Water System
A) For Fermentation & Pasteurization Section
Item of
Material of
1. Cooling Tower for
( Delta T= 2 deg C)
500 m3/hr capacity Wood 1
2. Cooling water
Recirculation pump
Centrifugal type,
with 500 m3/hr
C.I 1 + 1
3. Piping & valves As per Design MS Lot
B) For Distillation & Dehydration Section
Item of
Material of
1. Cooling Tower
( Delta T= 6 deg C)
300 m3 capacity Wood 1
2. Cooling water
Recirculation pump
300 m3/hr capacity C.I 1 + 1
3. Piping and valves As per Design MS Lot
C) For Juice Concentration Section
Item of
Material of
1. Cooling Tower
( Delta T = 10 deg
725 m3 /hr capacity Wood 1
2. Cooling water
Recirculation pump
725 m3/hr capacity C.I 1 + 1
3. Piping and valves As per Design MS Lot
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
4.8.2 Instrument Air System
Item of
Material of
1. Instrument Air
With adequate
CI 1+1
2 Air Dryer for
With adequate
Silica /
refrigerant type
4.9 Water Treatment Plant
Sr. No. Description Qty.
1. Chemical Dosing System 2 Nos.
2. Raw Water Pump 2 Nos.
3. Sand Filter 1 No.
4. Activated Car bon Filter 1 No.
5. Softener 1No.
6. Inter Connection Piping 1 Lot
7. Rota meter s 3 Nos.
4.10 Condensate Polishing Unit
Sr. No. Description Qty.
1 Screen for Separation 1 No.
2 Settling tank 1 No.
3 Equilization Tank 1 No.
4 Feed Pump 2 Nos.
5 Reactor with Flar e Stack & Sludge r ecir culation system 1 No.
6 Secondar y Aer ation system with Tank & Agitator 1 No.
7 Clarifier 1 No.
8 Clor ination / Ozonation Dosing System 1 No.
9 Sand Filter 1 No.
10 Activated Car bon Filter 1 No.
11 Inter Connection Piping 1 Lot
12 I nstr umentation & MCC & electr icals Lot
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
4.11 Piping & Fittings
4.11.1 Piping MOC For Fermentation Section
Sr. No. Service MOC
1. Antifoam solution AISI 304
2. Enzymes and Chemicals AISI 304
3. Carbon dioxide AISI 304
4. Concentrated Sulphuric acid MS
5. Cooling water MS
6. Flour Slurry AISI 304
7. Fermented Wash AISI 304
8. Instrument air AISI 304
9. Low pressure steam (Non IBR) MS Heavy Class
10. Nutrient Solution AISI 304
11. Process air AISI 304
12. Process water MS
4.11.2 Piping MOC For Distillation Section
Sr. No. Service MOC
1 Fermented Wash line to distillation AISI 304
2 Analyzer, Pre Rectification vapor
/ reflux line
AISI 304
3 Purifier, Rectification, va por , /
reflux line
AISI 304
4 F usel Oil Conc. Column vapor /
reflux line
AISI 304
5 ENA Copper
6 Impure Spirit / Technical Alcohol SS 304
7 Fusel Oil SS 304
8 Liquid Separator SS 304
9 Gas Separator SS 304
10 Column Siphon AISI 304
11 Vapor bottles Copper (for Copper
SS 304 (for SS
12 Water & Steam MS (as per ASTM A
13 Instrument air SS 304
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
4.11.3 Piping Specs For Fermentation & Distillation Section
Sr. No. Pipe MOC Sch. No /
Class / Thk
1 SS 304 (upto 50 NB) Sch 10
2 SS 304 (above 50 NB) Sch 5
3 Mild Steel (upto 150 NB) B-Class (IS 1239)
4 Mild Steel (150 NB - 450 NB) 4.8 mm
5 Copper 1.2 mm
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 5
Spent Wash Treatment
5.1 Bio-methanation
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
1. Raw Spent Wash
Settling Tank (5 Day
Storage Tank)
Civil Pit type with
250 micron HDPE
and brick lining on
earthen embankment
with Brick
2. Biomethanated
Spent Wash Holding
Tank (2 Day Storage
Civil Pit type with
250 micron HDPE
and brick lining on
earthen embankment
with Brick
3. Concentrated Spent
Wash Holding Tank
(2 Day Storage
Civil Pit type with
250 micron HDPE
and brick lining on
earthen embankment
with Brick
4. Raw Spent Wash
feed Pump
Centrifugal type SS 304 1+1
5. Bio-methanated
Spent Wash feed
Centrifugal type SS 304 1+1
6. Degassing Pond Cylindrical / vertical
MS + Epoxy 1
7. Clarifier Pack of plates type MS + Epoxy 1
8. Biodigester with
Agitators, safety
systems, support,
ladders etc.
Cylindrical / vertical
MS + Epoxy 1
9. Gas Holder Cylindrical / vertical
type with RCC Tank
MS 1
10. Biogas Blower Twin Lobe type - 1+1
11. Flare Burner Mechanical type - 1
12. Flame Arresters - 2
13. Sludge recycle
Suitable SS 316 1+1
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
14. Process Water Pump Centrifugal type SS 304 1+1
15. Piping, Valves
and instrumentation
- - LOT
16. MCC & Electricals
with Plant & Yard
- - LOT
5.2 Evaporation
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
1. Heat exchanger for
Effect I
Falling Film Type AISI 304 Shell
with AISI 316
ERW Tubes &
C.S. Flanges
2. Heat exchanger for
Effect II
Falling Film Type AISI 304 Shell
with AISI 316
ERW Tubes &
C.S. Flanges
3. Heat exchanger for
Effect III
Forced Circulation
AISI 304 Shell
with AISI 316
ERW Tubes &
C.S. Flanges
4. Heat exchanger for
Effect IV
Falling Film Type AISI 304 Shell
with AISI 316
ERW Tubes &
C.S. Flanges
5. Heat exchanger for
Effect V
Suitable AISI 304 Shell
with AISI 316
ERW Tubes &
C.S. Flanges
6. Surface condn. For
Shell & Tube Type AISI 304 Shell
with AISI 316
ERW Tubes &
C.S. Flanges
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
7. Va p o u r L i q u i d
Separator I
Vertical Type AISI 304 1
8. Va p o u r L i q u i d
Separator II
Vertical Type AISI 304 1
9. Va p o u r L i q u i d
Separator III
Flashing Type AISI 304 1
10 Va p o u r L i q u i d
Separator IV
Vertical Type AISI 304 1
11 Va p o u r L i q u i d
Separator V
Suitable AISI 304 1
12 Pre-heaters Shell & tube type AISI 304 Shell
with AISI 316
ERW Tubes &
C.S. Flanges
13 Re-heaters Shell & tube type AISI 304 Shell
with AISI 316
ERW Tubes &
C.S. Flanges
14 Thin Slop Holding
Tank cum
Evaporator Feed
-- AISI 304 1
15. Product Tank -- AISI 304 1
16. Process Condensate
-- AISI 304 1
17. CIP Tank -- AISI 304 1
18. Insulation As per standard
design guidelines
Mineral Wool
with 22 gauge
19. Feed Pump Centrifugal type with
Wetted Part
20. E f f e c t I
Re c i r c u l a t i o n /
Transfer pump.
Centrifugal type with
Wetted Part
21 E f f e c t II
Re c i r c u l a t i o n /
Transfer pump.
Centrifugal type with
Wetted Part
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
22 E f f e c t III
Re c i r c u l a t i o n /
Transfer pump.
Centrifugal type with
Wetted Part
23. E f f e c t IV
Re c i r c u l a t i o n /
Transfer pump.
Centrifugal type with
Wetted Part
24 Process Condensate
Centrifugal type with
Wetted Part
25. Vacuum pump Water ring type with
C.I. Body
Wetted Part
26. CIP Pump Centrifugal type with
Wetted Part
27. Piping, Valves and
Standard Standard LOT
28. CIP Nozzles Standard Standard LOT
29. Instrumentation
A. Steam
Control Loop
B. Vacuum
Control Loop
C. Level Control
D. Feed Flow
E. Product
Control Loop
F. Temp
G. Temperature
H. Pressure
PLC based
Control system
with SCADA
(Included in
offered with
Main Plant
1 No.
1 No.
4 Nos.
1 No.
1 No.
1 No.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Item of Equipment Outline
Material of
30. Insulation (Wherever
required from
process point of
50 mm thick Mineral
Wool with 22 SWG
AL cladding
31. MCC & Electr ica l
for evaporation
Standard Standard LOT
1. The mater ial of constr uction of flanges and nut bolts for heat
exchangers will be Carbon Steel & Gaskets will be NBR / EPDM /
2. All tubes will be Electric Resistance Welded types.
3. The equipment specifications given ar e tentative and the exact
specifications will be confirmed only after discussion with client as per
his requirement & detailed engineering.
5.3 Composting
5.3.1 Land Preparations & Formalities
a) Preparation of Plan and demarcation of Land.
b) Contour Survey of Land with 1.0 meter interval.
c) Location map showing I dentification of the pr oximity of other water
bodies with in 1 KM radius from proposed Area.
d) Map with Wind direction.
e) Soil testing report containing.
Co-efficient of Permeability.
Angle of Repose.
Hydraulic Gradient.
Sieve analysis.
f) Process flow sheet along with input of spent wash and characteristic of
compost material after treatment.
g) Approval of BSPCB/ CPCB for the drawing.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
5.3.2 Composting Yard
a) Cleaning, leveling and compaction of soil.
b) Providing spraying and pipe line network as per design, using HDPE pipe
(max pressure 6kg/cm
inclusive of all accessories (i.e. Tees, J oints,
Flanges, Valves, Reducers and Non return valves etc.)
c) Excavation of trenches to lay the pipes up to optimum required depth.
d) Providing and laying of 250 micron thick HDPE sheet inside the prepared
e) Laying of pipe line with proper cushion.
f) Backfilling and compaction of excavated earth after laying the pipes.
g) Providing brick on edge lining over HDPE sheet for bottom surface &
joints will be filled in with fine sand. The bricks are laid in blocks of 5 mtr
square. There will be gap of 150 mm between two blocks which will be
filled with PCC 1:3:6 proper curing is required.
h) Pr oviding and laying Main header 110 mm OD, HDPE pi pe of
i) Providing and Laying Distribution line of 110 mm OD, HDPE pipe of
j) Providing and fixing Chamber outlets 63 mm OD HDPE pipe of 6kg/cm
pressure with butterfly/ Ball valve and quick release coupler.
k) Provision of 30m long fire hose ( ISI mark) with SS 304 adaptor hose
shank at both ends for auto spraying, suitable for above Quick release
coupling for online filling.
l) Providing and constructing Round / Square chambers pre cast / in situ as
per design. (Chamber dia of 800 mm and depth as required as per ground
5.3.3 Leachate Management System
a) Excavation for Gutter and leachate collection pit.
b) Design the profile of Gutters and construction of collection pit in flat
brick in Cement mortar in 1:5 ratio and maintain slope as required.
c) Formation of bunds as per design.
d) Providing pathways in flat brick lining in between gutter and bund.
e) Net fi n i sh ed pl a st er i n cemen t mor t a r 1: 4 for t h e collection pit
f) Green belt will be developed all along the boundary of compost yard and
lagoon to control the issue of foul odor .
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
5.3.4 Lagoons (30 Days Storage Capacity)
(Consider production of spent wash as 350 m
per day)
a) Excavation of Soil and preparation of land.
b) Providing impervious soil bund wherever necessary as per design.
c) Preparation of embankment in Black cotton soil for all four sides in 1:2
slopes, while preparation of embankment proper compaction will be done.
d) Providing and laying of 250 micron thick HDPE sheet inside the prepared
e) Providing brick lining over HDPE sheet for bottom and slopes, lining will
be filled in cement mortar 1:5 with pointing.
f) Construction of toe wall to avoid underscoring of the embankment during
heavy rains.
g) Lagoon bottom and embankment top will be provided with bricks on edge
and joint to be filled in fine (sieved) sand.
h) Two coat of tar epoxy paint (120 micron total) will be provided at the
bottom of the lagoon.
i) Pr ovision of fencing ar ound the Lagoon to pr event tr espasser s and
wandering animals, with RCC poles and barbed wires.
5.3.5 Laboratory Shed (4m X 4m size)
a) The Laboratory shed will be provided to facility for maintain the check
over the samples of spent wash and compost.
b) I t will have 2.5 mtr s height br ick wall, plaster ed fr om both sides and
remaining height will be provided with suitable grill. The sizes of this
should be 4 mtrs x 4 mtrs and height of 3.75 mtrs.
c) Shed should have locking arrangement.
5.3.6 Garage Shed (5m x 4m size)
a) The Garage shed will be provided for parking and work shop facility.
The size of this shed should be 5mtrs x 4 mtrs and height of 4.5 mtrs.
b) It will have brick wall of 230 mm thk up to 1 meter height, plastered from
both side and above wall grill or sheet cladding will be provided, roofing
with GI sheet will be considered.
c) It should have one side open and three sides closed.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
5.3.7 Shed for Compost Enriching & Packing
a) Pr oviding of shed of 8m x 4m with height of 4.5 meter in size for
production of Enriched compost manure and packing facility.
b) The shed should have wall of 230 mm thick up to 1 meter height and
above the wall with sheet cladding and grills, the floor of shed should have
plane finish surface in Plane cement concrete.
c) The supplier should provide bagging and packing machinery required for
the packing of enriched compost manure.
d) Providing and fixing pulverizer and screens for grading of manure.
e) Any other facility required for the effective packing of the manure.
5.3.8 Specification For Wind Row Turner Machine
a) A Machine to be supplied for effective mixing of press mud and spent
wash. This machine should provide adequate aeration for mixture.
b) A separator tractor driven machine should be considered.
c) The machine should have following minimum parts such as,
d) A r ot a r y Dr u m ma de ou t of M. S. sea ml ess pi pe h a vi n g pr oper
arrangement of blades. It should be provided with epoxy paint.
e) Stainless steel pipe with nozzles of exact size for effective spraying of
spent wash. (Minimum nozzles should be 12-14 no.)
f) Stainless steel (SS304) tank of 4 m
capacity for storage of spent wash
mounted on M.S. frame with machine.
g) Specify the mixing capacity of machine. (Min 1000MT/hr is must.)
h) Specify type and capacity of tractor required for drive of the machine. A
cost should be mentioned separately, so, factory may supply this on there
i) Specify diesel consumption per hour.
5.3.9 General Note
a) All the drawings will be approved by Factory or their consultant before
starting of work. The responsibility to get approval from Govt. Authority
will be with contractor.
b) The structural & RCC design should be made by renowned structural
designer and it should be made on STAD III Program. If required the
contractor may have to provide the design calculations.
c) The contractor / supplier will have to follow all safety norms on site.
They must provide safety equipment to their workers, engineers like safety
shoes, helmets, safety nets, safety belts etc. Contractor will also provide
adequate facility for workers accommodation like toilets, drinking water,
crche etc.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
d) Contr actor / Supplier will also have to pr ovide infor mation on WCA,
Insurance Policy for material, equipment, P.F etc.
e) Contr actor / supplier will give oper ation and tr ial of machine with
spraying system at least for continuous 60 days.
f) Contractor / supplier should provide manual for running of the plant. He
will also give training to factory workers for minimum period of 15 days.
g) It will be sole responsibility of contractor / supplier to satisfy BSPCB
officials about the effective management of spent wash.
h) The plant should be able to consume minimum of 350m
spent wash
produced in a day.
i) The contractor / supplier should provide a pump and a spent wash (HDPE)
pipe line from the 5 days lagoons located near the distillery plant at a
distance of 800 meters. Also quote cost of this pipe line per running meter
basis in case of any decrease or increase of length of the pipe line.
j) The contractor / supplier should provide compost culture free of cost
dur ing 60 da ys tr ia l oper a tion. They should a lso quote r a te a nd
consumption per day of culture separately.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 6
Electrical Distribution System
6.1 General Design Basis
6.1.1 Design Criteria in Equipments / Power Distribution
a. All Busbars shall be Air insulated and of ALUMINIUM. Busbar size shall
be selected based on Temperature limit of 85 C at Busbar for the rated
b. Power Cables (HV & LV) shall be XLPE ar mour ed ALUMI NI UM
conductors above and including 6 sq. mm. size. Power cables including
and less than 4 sq. mm. shall be copper conductor.
c. Squir r el Cage Motor s up to 15 KW shall have automatic DOL Starter
suitable for operating from MCC, DCS and PB Station near Motors.
d. Motor rating above 15 KW up to 200KW shall be with Automatic Star
Delta Starter suitable for operating from MCC, DCS and PB Station
near Motors.
e. Motor rating above 200KWshall be operated with Soft Starter suitable for
operating from starter, DCS and PB Station near Motors. Starter shall have
bypass contactor with AC3 rating.
f. VFD shall be provided as per the functional requirement.
g. Following spare feeders shall be considered in Power Distribution
- In 11 KV Switchboard - 1 No. Transformer feeder
- In Cogen Aux. L. T. Panel - As per SLD
- Panels in other areas including PCC / MCC / DB - 1 No. of Each
h. MCC shall be floor mounted self supporting, dust and vermin proof, fixed
type construction.
i. Power Control Center (PCC) shall have Switch Disconnector Fuse up to
630A and above 800A these shall have Manually operated Draw Out
(MDO) type ACB. ON indication shall be provided on outg oing feeders.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
j. Motor Control Center (MCC) shall have Switch Disconnector Fuse unit,
Contactor and Bimetallic Over Load (O/L) relay for starters. Starters on
MCCs shall have ON & TRIP indication. The selection of switchgear
components shall be minimum with one stage higher than Type II
co ordination as per IS 13947
k. Motor protection shall be provided in ACVF Drives & Soft Starters, as
inbuilt protection functions.
l. Rating of Switchboard incomer ACB/SDF shall be 1.2 times the operating
load current. Protection & Indication (For HV Switch board)
m. Flameproof equipments such as Push Button Stations, junction boxes,
Lighting Switches, L lighting Fixtures etc shall be considered with
hazardous area classification in Ethanol plant.
n. Push Button Station with Shr ouded type actuator for ON push
button, Lockable Mushroom type actuator for OFF Push button with
Aluminum die cast enclosure shall be provided. Push Button Station
for Motors above 15KW rating shall be provided with suppressed
scale Ammeter . Push Button Station for VFD shall have Speed
Setting Potentiometer and speed indicator in addition to Push Buttons
and Ammeter
6.1.2 Power & Distribution Transformer
The following criteria shall be applicable for the sizing of Transformer
a) Total Connected Load shall be calculated based on Motor List.
b) Oper ating Load shall be calculated excluding Standby Loads and
equipment for maintenance such as Crane.
c) Load Factors shall be considered on Operating Loads according to
Load Factor to consider shall be as below:
- Motor Loads with DOL / S/D Starter / Soft Starters :
- Motor Loads with VFDs 0.75
- Lighting Loads : 1.0
- Utility Plug Sockets : 0.5
- Cranes, winches etc. : 0.1
d) Average Power Factor 0.8 shall be considered to arrive at KVA.
e) Equipment Efficiency shall be considered 90% as average.
f) On such Calculated load + 20% Margin shall be considered.
g) If necessary percentage impedance shall be increased more than the
impedance indicated in IS to limit 415 V side Fault Level to 50KA for
1 sec.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
6.1.3 Power Factor Improvement
a) Plant PF shall be required to improve above 0.95
b) This is achieved by providing:
Capacitors across HV Motors as per recommendation of manufacturer.
Provide Automatic Power Correction Panel with required no. of APP
type capacitor banks in 415V PCC in Cogen Plant, Sugar Plant and
Distiller y plant. I n Sugar Plant fixed type capacitor s can be
connected additionally near MCC with appropriate capacitor duty
contactor and FSU feeder in MCC.
c) To determine number of capacitors following consideration be given
Operating KW & Average operating P.F.
Drive with VFD shall maintain P.F. above 0.95. These loads shall not
to be considered for deciding capacitor rating.
6.1.4 LV Power Control Centre (PCC)
The following points shall be considered while designing and selection of
Incomers : D.O. 3-Pole ACB
Emer gency Power
Supply Feeder
: D.O. 4-Pole ACB
Outgoing Feeders : SDF up to 630 A
: MDO Type ACB Above 800A
b) BUSBARS Color Coded Sleeved Aluminum
Bus bar Size shall be selected as per following
Continuous current carrying capacity as per the
Rated Current of Incomer
Temperature Rise Limit
Short Circuit Withstand Capacity
6.1.5 Motor Control Centre (MCC) :
The following points shall be consider ed while designing & selecting
a) Incomer
- MDO ACB above 800 A up to 2000 A
Fixed Switch Fuse Disconnector up to 630 A
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
b) Outgoing
Feeders shall be comprising of:
Switch Fuse Disconnector
Thermal Overload Relay
Timer in case of Star Delta Starters
Push Buttons
Indicating Lamps
c) Bus bar Above 125A rating
d) Control
- Plant shall be capable of operation from MCC, DCS
located at Centr al Contr ol Room or locally fr om
Push Button Station near motor.
- It will be possible to start the Motor locally through
enable command from PLC.
- P. F . a n d KW pa r a met er of I n comer sh a l l be
communicated to PLC.
- ON/ OFF Status of the Motor shall be communicated to
e) Provision
o f Spare
I n MCC total 10% spar e feeder s shall be pr ovided,
depending on feeder ratings in MCC following feeders
shall be provided.
6.1.6 LV Bus Ducting
Bus duct up to 3200A shall be CRCA enclosure with color coded sleeved
Aluminum bus bar. Short circuit rating shall be 50KA, 1 sec.
6.1.7 Battery & Battery Charger
a) Battery: - VRLA Maintenance Free
- Capacity shall be determined by total operating load
& 20% margin
- AH shall be determined for 8 hour backup time
b) Battary :
Float and Float cum Boost with 20% capacity
c) DCDB : Built in with Batter y char ger panel with I ncomer as
MCCB & Outgoing as MCB
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
6.1.8 Grounding / Earthing System & Lightening Protection
a) Earthing shall be done according to IS 3043 1987.
b) Earthing shall be carried out by G.I. Strips & Wires. Earth Electrodes
shall be G.I . Plate type & Pipe type as per r equir ement. However,
Transformer Neutral will be connected to G.I. Earth Electrode through
Copper Strip.
c) Total Resistance of Earthing system shall be Less than one ohm.
d) Plant shall be protected against lightning according to IS 2309-1989.
6.1.9 Cables
The following consideration shall be given for Cable Sizing and Selection on
Nominal Current Capacity
a) Ambient Temperature in Air/Ground
b) Continuous Load Current
c) Short Circuit Withstand Capacity
d) Voltage Drop at the Starting of Motor limited to 15% & 5% at Steady
state up to motor terminals.
e) Deration Factor due to type of Laying & Grouping.
f) Generally Power and Control cables shall be stranded.
g) XLPE insulated cables upto & including 4 shall be with stranded
copper conductors. Cables of 6 & above size shall be with Al.
6.1.10 Cable Trays, Accessories & Support
a) Generally Cable trays shall be prefabricated Hot Dip Galvanized Iron
b) Cable Trays shall be run in Vertical formation as far as possible.
c) HV & LV Power Cables shall have separating distance of 300mm
d) Separ ating distance between Power and Contr ol cable shall be
e) Instrument cables & screened shall run on perforated cable tray having
300 mm separating distance of 300 mm.
6.1.11 Illumination System
a) The Lux Level in various indoor areas shall be as per IS. In plant
areas, the lighting shall be provided as per functional requirement.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
b) HPMV Well Glass with integral control gear box fittings (IP55)
shall be provided in plant areas. Industrial FL. Lamp fittings will
be pr ovided in sub station and other indoor areas. Mirror Optic
fixtur es shall be pr ovided in CCR. I n outdoor ar eas HPSV Lamp
fixtures (IP 55) shall be provided.
c) The lighting shall be catered by Main Lighting DB. LDB & SLDB
connected by Al. conductor cables. The Emer gency power supply
from 415V DG set will be made available to lighting transformer in
case of failure of power
6.1.12 HV & LV Motors
Motors shall be as per IS 325. LV motors shall be IP 55 degree of protection
and for HV motors the degree of protection shall be IP 55 (CACA). Motors
shall have insulation of class F and temperature rise limit of class B. Motors
shall be designed with 50 C ambient. F lame pr oof Enclosur e shall be
provided for motors where ever required.
6.2 Scope of Work
In line with the overall battery limits for the ethanol plant and associated spent
wash treatment / bio-composting facility and particularly for the electrical power,
the Tenderers will have to consider following in the scope of work for electrical
distribution system:
415 V Cable from cogen power plant 415 V distribution board up to ethanol
plant 11 KV switchyard.
415 V panel compr ising of VCB, CTs / PTs, meter s, protective relays,
required cables and terminations, etc.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
415 V distr ibution networ k withi n t h e ethanol plant including main
distr ibution panel, incoming / out going cables / bus bar s, CTs / PTs,
protection relays, annunciator, indicating lamps, push buttons, DCDB, battery
& charger, safety devices, distribution boards, incoming / outgoing cables,
indicating lamps, push buttons, etc. for all drives.
Pr ovision of flame pr oof equipment including flame pr oof push button
stations, junction boxes, lighting fixtures, starters, etc. wherever needed as per
the statutory requirements will be provided.
High mast lighting fixture with 30 m high tower including cradle, motor
operated mechanism, 8 nos. 400 W, metal halide lamps total 2 nos. to be
installed at designated places as advised by Owner with all electr ical
Lightening protection for buildings in ethanol plant area as per IS 2309.
6.3 Diesel Generating Set For Emergency Electrical Power Supply
One No: 150 kW rating diesel set with 0.80 power factor shall be installed for the
ethanol plant.
The diesel generating set shall be continuously rated comprising multiple
cylinder diesel engine having necessary protections such as low lube oil
pressure trip, high engine temperature trip, over speed trip etc. and shall be
fitted with speed control knob speedometer, hour meter battery charging meter,
oil pressure and temperature gauges, radiator etc.
The diesel engine shall be coupled with suitable alter nator capable of
developing continuously the rated power at 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz at normal
voltage of 440 V AC. Alternator to be suitable for voltage range of 440 V AC
and conforming to IS-4722 specifications. The alternator shall be fitted with
minimum one ETD in each phase for ther mo pr otection of the alter nator
windings. The alternator shall be designed for an ambient temperature of 45 deg.
C. The alternator shall be self excited and self regulated.
The diesel set shall be complete with base fr ame, couplings, one M.S.
fabricated, diesel service tank of 10 HL capacity, inter-connecting piping, D.C.
storage battery and self starting mechanism for starting of engine.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
One 2 mm thick for the back side and 1.6 mm thick for the other sides cold
rolled sheet steel fabricated floor mounted, dust and vermin proof panel for the
diesel set shall be provided. The panel shall be fitted with air circuit breaker,
over current relay, earth fault relay, reverse power relay, over voltage relay, reed
type frequency meter, neutral isolating switch, three phase 4 wire unbalanced
energy meters, kW meter, 3 phase power factor meter, 3 nos. ampere meters,
one no voltmeter with selector switch, ON-OFF indicting lamps.
The panel shall have neutral and phase bus bars of electric grade (EC-91E)
aluminum and shall be designed to withstand symmetrical short circuit current
of 35 KA (RMS) for one second. The panel shall be designed for an ambient
temperature of 45 Deg C the operating temperature of the bus bars shall not
exceed 85 Deg. C. All the meters shall be class 1.50 per cent accuracy and shall
conform to IS-1248 specifications. All the meters shall be square type of 100 mm
sq. with 90 per cent deflection Inter connecting electrical cable 3 cores from the
diesel set to the main distribution panel and to the auxiliary panel changeover
switch shall be provided.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 7
Control & Instrumentation System
7.1 Process Control Philosophy
PLC is a micr opr ocessor /micr o contr oller based system having functional
distribution, data base distribution associated with software and hardware. PLC
system is used widely in industrial automation where we have to monitor the
pr ocess and contr ol as per our need. The system is equipped with following
processing modules connected to it. The automation indicated below will have DCS
Control system
The closed loop control, interlock, sequence controls and data acquisition are
performed in the control system.
Communication system
Pentium computer (IV as a minimum) is used to download the software, ladder
logic, and other programs to communicate with PLC on proprietary network. These
computers will also act as an operator station for man machine interface. Computers
shall be provided with monitors, printers, mouse and keyboard and standard
7.2 Parts Inter-changeability
In order to minimize spare part-stocking requirements the PLC may offer high
degree of interchange ability.
The system incorporates modular design using plug in assemblies.
It may be possible to modify application software on line.
Univer sal r emovable ter minal str ips shall be used to connect field wir ing to
individual circuit board assemblies.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
7.3 Security
Password security is provided for at least for three different level of access.
Memor y pr otect key switch is t h er e t o pr event alter ation of pr ogr am and
configuration data through interface device.
7.4 Spare Philosophy
Provision of connecting I/O cards as spare.
Provision of spare wired slots to accommodate I/O modules for future expansion.
7.5 System Specification
System hardware
The system offers following subsystems connected to it.
- Communication within PLC system
- The system is reliable, high speed, and peer-to-peer communication.
- Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) used for all data communication on this link.
- The BUS of IEEE standard and of latest version.
- The BUS system capable of being extended through a connection of Modem.
- PLC is provided with Ethernet port to communicate with any other third party
- Ethernet card of 32-bit PCI card
- Communication with external device through TCP / IP protocol.
Power supply module
The system power supply suitable for 220 V AC UPS, 50 Hz, Single-phase
operation. Power supply module are having fuses rated suitably for the nominal
current requirements. Power supply is of SMPS type and delivers DC voltage levels
required for the system operation.
Digital input module
Digital input module is used to convert external binary signal (potential free) from
field to internal signal level of PLC.
Each input is isolated and be provided with individual fuse.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
All cards is reported on computer monitor
LED indications are provided for fault status indication on the front of individual
module (channel wise).
Digital output modules
Digital output module converts the internal voltage level of PLC in to external
binary signal level required to operate actuating / indicating devices.
Digital output module sources current while energizing field outputs. Potential free
contacts made available for start / stop signal.
DO is protected with short circuit protection.
Each output is isolated and provided with individual fuses.
All cards status is reported on computer monitor
Analog input module
Analog input modules are used to accept field analog signals.
Modules is accepting 4-20 ma, 1-5 V DC signals and pr ovide power to field
Analog output module
Analog output modules are used to give input to the final control elements.
AO modules provide isolation to all channels.
Processor module
The processor module is data acquisition and control processor system. The
processor is of microprocessor based (Intel 80486/equivalent/better) and CPU shall
be of 32 bits with floating point arithmetic calculation with math co-processor.
Processor unit access system I/O modules through local I/O bus. This module shall
have capability to implement logic scheme.
Long life lithium battery can be used to maintain the contents of CMOS RAM. 30%
memory shall be provided for application I/O after final commissioning of system.
CPU can be programmed by external PC via communication bus.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
7.6 Operator Interface
The operator interface with PLC is through PC. The PC can also be used for control
and monitoring of plant.
PCs can be provided with following peripherals
- Monitor (Monitor shall be of 17 size and Pixel resolution shall be 1024 x
768 or better)
- Printer (One no. for logging of alarm and shall be 132 column dot matrix)
- Key board (104 keys keyboard shall be provided)
- Mouse (three-button mouse shall be provided)
7.7 Operator Cum Engineering Station
Operator cum engineering station can be used for engineering as well operator
function in addition to the operator stations specified above. Selection of operator
/ engineering function can be selectable by password. The engineering station
offered may have provision for performing the following engineering functions.
Database configuration including configuration of all displays and loops
Automatic downloading of the configurations in each system.
Configuration of various control functions or control blocks to implement
various control strategies and downloading the same into the control
Confi gur a t i on/ r econfi gur a t i on of a l a r m set t i ngs, t hei r va l ues,
addition/deletion of alarm from groups, controller tuning like changing
P,I,D values, dead time values etc.
Defining the key lock functions or engineer keyboard functions.
On-line compilation of all types of dynamic graphic displays.
Plant/group alarm inhibits function.
Start/stop of each system, including printers.
Enabling/disabling of different instruments/ peripheral connected to the
Preparation and compilation of logs/reports/ historical trend points.
Calling of detailed self-diagnostic displays for maintenance aid.
Loading, editing, compiling and executing of all programs written using
high level languages supported by the system.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
7.8 Other Hardware Requirement
System cabinets
Control cabinets shall be free standing type with dimensions as required. The
vendor sh a l l en su r e t h a t a l l t h e equ i pmen t speci fi ed ca n be pr oper l y
accommodated in the respective cabinets and if necessary offer cabinets with
higher dimensions. All cabinets shall be of Rittal make.
Control Cabinet shall be completely metal enclosed. Control cabinet enclosures
shall provide a degree of protection not less than IP 40.
Control cabinet shall be free standing, floor mounting type and shall comprise of
rigid welded structural frames enclosed completely with specially selected smooth
finished, cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 2.5 mm all around.
There shall be sufficient re-enforcement to provide level surfaces, resistance to
vibration and rigidity during transportation and installation
All doors and removable covers shall be gasket all around with neoprene gaskets.
Ventilating louvers, if provided, shall have screens and filters. The screens shall
be made of either brass or SS wire mesh.
Control cabinets shall be suitable for floor mounting. Metal sills in the form of
metal channels properly drilled shall be furnished along with anchor bolts and
necessary hardware for mounting the cabinets. These shall be dispatched in
advance so that they may be installed and leveled when concrete foundations are
poured. Cabinets shall have additional rolled channel plinth at the bottom with
smooth bear ing sur face. Contr ol cabinets shall be fixed on the embedded
foundation channels with intervening layers of anti-vibration strips of at least
15mm thickness and made of shock absorbing materials
Cable entries to the cabinets shall be from the bottom. The bottom plates of the
cabinets shall be fitted with removable gland plates of adequate size for fixing the
cable glands. Cable glands shall be made of brass and shall be suitable for PVC
armored cables.
Equipment is mounted such that removal and replacement can be accomplished
individually without interruption of service to adjacent equipment. Equipment
mounted inside the cabinets is so located that terminals of adjacent devices are
readily accessible without the use of special tools.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Interior lighting & receptacles
Each cabinet is provided with a fluorescent lighting fixture rated for 240V, 1
pha se, 50 Hz supply for the inter ior illumina tion of the ca binet dur ing
maintenance. The fitting shall be complete with switch-fuse unit and the
respective cabinet door switch shall control the switching of the fitting.
Each cabinet shall be provided with a 240 V AC, 1 phase, 50 Hz, 5 Amps, 3 pin
receptacle switch mounted inside, at a convenient location.
OS shall perform the following functions.
- Operators functions
- Plant graphic display
- Alarm display
- Plant control/Operation display
- Logs and report generation
- Real time and historical trend display
All r elay logics, mathematical functions, Relational operations, Control station
operations, and Logical operations.
Complete electrification of plant including design, manufacture, procure, supply,
erection, testing & commissioning of MCC, electrical motors, all flameproof
equipments, power cables, control cables, instrument cables, lightening arrestor,
cable trays, local push button station for each & every pump, blower, vacuum
pump, agitator etc., lighting of all section of plant including light fitting, earthing
pits etc. It also includes cable laying, earthing of motors, MCC, push button
station etc.
In MCC, 3 No. vacant compartments suitable for HP starters shall be provided.
Panel MCC boxes should be as per I ndian Electr ic Rule (thickness) switch,
starter, relays, conductors, ACB etc. should of L&T/Siemens, Volt, Ampermeter
& energy meter for each panel should be of AE make. Copper thimbles only is to
be used. Earthing should be as per Indian Electrical Rule Standard only.
1. All the cables used for electrification shall be of Finolex/Asian/C.C.I. make
2. All lighting (Distillation & Warehouse) material should be flame proof and of
Philips or Crompton Greaves make only.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Insulation & Painting
Insulation for distillation columns & other related equipments & piping, CIP tank
etc. with Aluminium cladding if 22 G(As per IS code)
Painting as per the relevant code to all MS equipments, CS piping, Supports etc.
7.9 Instrument List
7.9.1 Fermentation Section
a) Temperature Senser & Transmitter
1 Fermentor
2 Fermentor
3 Fermentor
4 Fermentor
5 Fermentated Wash Out Temperature
6 Fermentated Wash Out Temperature
7 Fermentated Wash Out Temperature
8 Fermentated Wash Out Temperature
9 Prefermenter
10 Prefermenter
11 Cooling Water Supply Temperature
b) Magnetic Flow Meter with Transmitter
1 Fermented wash feed
2 Molasses To Fermenter
3 Molasses To Fermenter
4 Molasses To Fermenter
5 Molasses To Fermenter
6 Molasses To PreFermenter & Culture Vessels
c) Flow Indicator
1 Air to Culture vessels
2 Air to Pre-Fermenter
3 Air to fermenter 1
4 Air to fermenter 2
5 Air to fermenter 3
6 Air to fermenter 4
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
7 Process Water to fermenter 1
8 Process Water to fermenter 2
9 Process Water to fermenter 3
10 Process Water to fermenter 4
11 Process Water to co2 scrubber
12 Process Water to blower 1
13 Process Water to blower 2
14 Fermented Wash to Wash Settling Tank
d) Load Cell For Transmitter
1 Weight of molasses
e) Pressure Guages
1 Fermenter Recirculation Pump 1
2 Fermenter Recirculation Pump 2
3 Fermenter Recirculation Pump 3
4 Fermenter Recirculation Pump 4
5 Antifoam Dosing Pump 1
8 Antifoam Dosing Pump 2
9 Nutrient Dosing Pump 1
10 Nutrient Dosing Pump 2
11 Acid Dosing Pump 1
12 Acid Dosing Pump 2
13 CIP Pump 1
14 CIP Pump 2
15 Sludge Transfer Pump 1
16 Sludge Transfer Pump 2
17 Beer Feed Pump 1
18 Beer Feed Pump 2
19 Weighed Molasses Pump 1
20 Weighed Molasses Pump 2
21 Pre-fermenter Pump 1
22 Pre-fermenter Pump 2
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
7.9.2 Distillation Section
Pressure Gauges / Vacuum Gauges
1 Analyzer Bottom Transfer Pump
2 Analyzer Bottom Transfer Pump
3 Rectifier Reflux Pump
4 Rectifier Reflux Pump
5 Ana Cond Pump
6 Ana Cond Pump
7 RS Transfer Pump
8 RS Transfer Pump
9 Rectifier Bottom Transfer Pump
10 Rectifier Bottom Transfer Pump
Pressure Transmitter
1 Analyzer Column Bottom
2 Analyzer Column Top
3 Aldehyde Column Top
4 Rectifier Column Bottom
5 Rectifier Column Top
Temperature Sensors & Transmitters
1 Analyzer Column Bottom
2 Analyzer Column Top
3 Degasser Top
4 Aldehyde Feed Plate T-25
5 Aldehyde Column Top
6 Aldehyde Column Bottom
7 Rectifier Cum Exhaust column Bottom
8 Rectifier Cum Exhaust Column HFO
9 Rectifier Cum Exhaust Column LFO
10 Rectifier Cum Exhaust Column Top
11 Rectifier cum Exhaust column RS Draw
12 Fermented Wash Feed Temperature
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Flow Meter with Transmitter
1 FW feed to distillation
2 Steam to rectifier reboiler
3 Rectifier reflux flow
4 RS Draw
5 RS feed to MSDH
6 IS To storage
7 Ethanol Draw
Level Transmitter
1 Analyzer column bottom
2 Rectifier column bottom
3 Rectifier reflux Tank
4 Analyzer condensate Tank
5 RS Draw Tank
Safe and testers for ethanol, RS & Is control loops : 2 Nos.
7.9.3 Distillation Section
1 Analyzer column bottom level controller
2 Reflux tank level controller
3 Purifier bottom level controller
4 Rectifier cum exhaust column bottom level controller
5 Steam Flow Controller for Reboiler for Rectifier column
6 Fermentated Wash Flow controller
7 Steam flow Controller for Reboiler for Purifier Column
8 Rectifier column pressure controller
9 Analyzer column pressure controller
10 Rectifier column temperature controller
7.9.4 MSDH Section
1 Evaporation Column Bottom level controller
2 Super heater Steam Flow Controller
3 Regeneration Tank level Controller
4 Molecular Sieve Bed ON/OFF valves 8 nos.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
7.9.5 Utility Section
Pressure Gauges
1 Cooling Water Recirculation Pump for Fermentation
2 Cooling Water Recirculation Pump for Fermentation
3 Cooling Water Recirculation Pump for Distillation
4 Cooling Water Recirculation Pump for Distillation
5 Water Header
6 Steam Header
Temperature Sensors with Transmitter
1 Analyzer cond.-I cooling Water Out
2 Analyzer cond.-II cooling Water Out
3 Analyzer cond.-III cooling Water Out
4 Aldehyde condenser I cooling water out
5 Aldehyde condenser II cooling water out
6 Analyzer reboiler vent condenser cooling water out
7 Rectifier PCV Condenser
8 Steam Header
Note: There will be a common PLC to operate fermentation, distillation, and MSDH.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 8
Civil Works
Design philosophy and criteria for civil and structural construction at the project site for
ethanol plant and associated spent wash treatment / bio-composting facility area has been
indicated in the ensuing paragraphs.
8.1 Major Civil Works
a) Si t e cl ea r a n ce by r emovi n g & di sposi n g a n y i mpedi men t s for
commencing construction
b) Contour sur vey, soil testing, tests for ascer taining the soil bearing
capacity, water tables at site, wind direction etc.
c) Back filling and levelling, if required
d) Chain link/barbed wire fencing, gates, entrance arches etc., for ethanol
plant and other non-plant buildings within
e) Foundations for cooling system for ethanol plant
f) Foundations for equipment for 60 KLPD Ethanol plant and associated
spent wash treatment / bio-composting facility
g) Workers rest rooms, panel rooms, worker s rest room, first aid facility,
fire fighting facilities including sheds for fire tenders, foundations for
fire fighting equipments, pipe lines for fire fighting/fire hydrants etc. and
other auxiliary buildings
h) Buildings and structures
i) Non plant buildings such as canteen, laboratories, toilet blocks, effluent
treatment scheme
j) Water reservoir of adequate capacity
k) Foundations for molasses / treated mixed juice / ethanol storage tanks,
pumps, fuel conveyors, pipe racks, electrical equipment, pipe / cable
racks, water treatment equipment, etc. in ethanol plant area
l) Spent wash ponds, day collection sumps, composting yard, composting
field, HDPE pipe lines, panel rooms, sheds for equipments, sheds for DG
m) All internal roads to be of RCC and RCC approach roads to be provided
for all building / structures including green areas, road side drains,
culverts, pipelines and other provisions for street lighting, yard lighting,
area lighting, etc. within ethanol plant and associated spent wash
treatment / bio-composting facility area
n) Drainage channels, storm water drains, within ethanol plant
o) Underground cable & bus ducts, tunnel for fuel handling, trench for CW
piping, etc.
p) Earthing pits and earthing mats
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
q) Required plumbing and sanitary fittings & equipments.
r) Rain water harvesting, sewage treatment plant and green belt within
ethanol plant area
s) Pile foundation to be provided, if required, based on soil investigation
t) Landscaping for the total area available at site
u) All building and civil wor k commencement cer tificates, building
completion certificates, stability certificates, any other certificates as per
statutory requirements of the Bihar and the Central Government, NOC of
the BPCB, NOC of Airport Authority etc., all necessary permissions
from the statutory authorities.
v) All electrification and lighting
w) Fire fighting
8.2 Design Data
The following basic design criteria are used in the designs of various structures.
Soil bearing capacity (to be verified : 12 ton/m at 2 m from NGL
by bidder, prior to civil design)
Min grade of concrete for RCC works : M20
Grade of reinforcement steel : IS : 1786
Type of Cement : 43 grade Portland cement
All structural steel members : As per IS 800
Seismic zone of factory area : As per IS 1893-2002
Wind velocity & direction : Velocity : As per IS : 875
South-West (May- Sep),
North East (Oct Apr)
8.3 System Description & Specifications
8.3.1 Site Grading and Levelling
The site clearance and grading work has been considered only of the area
for the plant. The grading work will be done by cutting-filling balance
method and no earth will be transported from outside. All excavation and
back filling shall be in Contractor s scope. The contour survey and all
necessary surveys of the total area for the integrated plant shall be carried
out by the EPC Contractor.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
8.3.2 Plant Internal Roads & Culverts
Internal roads within the plant boundary and roads for access to equipment
and buildings will have to be provided. Layout of the roads will be based
on Plot Plan. Adequate turning space for vehicles will have to be provided
and bend r adii will be set accor ding to maximum vehicle speed of
20km/hour. Roads to be as short and straight as possible. All internal
roads shall be well designed RCC roads. All roads shall be designed as per
IEC 58. Wherever drains or other underground facilities cross the roads,
concrete pipe culverts class NP2 or NP 3 as required or RCC box culverts
shall be provided. Roads shall be provided with kerb stones and the same
shall be painted as per specification.
All plant roads will be constructed so as to permit transportation of all
heavy equipment. Internal roads will be minimum 6.0m wide.
8.3.3 Soil Investigation
Soil investigation will be done by EPC Contractor for the determination of
safe bearing capacities for the design of foundations for various structural
elements. Earth resistivity will be determined. If required and necessary,
pile foundation design shall be adopted for the major and cr itical
8.4 Design Criteria
The design criteria for various structures and structural elements will be as
8.4.1 Steel Framed Structures
The design of steel framed structures will be done by linear elastic method
as per the provision of IS: 800.
8.4.2 Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures
All reinforced concrete structures will be moment resisting frames along
both longitudinal & transverse directions. The suspended slab will be
considered as continuous over secondary beam and will not form part of
the framing system. However it will be considered to be transferring the
shear to the framing system. RCC structures/members will be designed as
per IS:-456 using limit state method.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
8.5 Foundations
All main plant structures i.e. Transformer Foundations, buildings and foundations
for the distillery/ethanol plant and machinery, all plant and non-plant buildings for
the integr ated plant and other Misc. Buildings will be suppor ted on RCC
foundation - isolated, combined or r aft and/or pile foundations. Machine
foundations for Compressors, BFP and misc. pumps and equipment foundations
will be supported on RCC foundations - Isolated or Block foundations and/or pile
foundations. Pile foundations will be pr ovided, if r equir ed, by the soil
investigation report.
The foundations will be designed for the most critical combination of forces and
moments, resulting from all the possible combinations of the various loading from
the str uctur al system. The effect of water table will be consider ed and the
foundation will be checked for overturning for minimum and maximum vertical
loads. There should be no uplift under any portion of the foundation for any
loading condition. The foundation sections will be sized and r einfor ced
adequately for bending moments and shear stresses. A levelling course of plain
cement concrete will be provided before casting the foundation.
8.6 Machine Foundations
This section outlines the design philosophy & construction aspect for foundations
for large equipment as follows:
a) All major foundations for the distillery and ethanol plant
b) Compressor foundations
c) All Miscellaneous machine foundations
A necessary requirement for all rotating machinery is that it should be properly
supported. Thus the foundation becomes an impor tant element of machine
installation. It has to resist both static and dynamic forces exerted by the machine
and transmit these to the ground. In doing so, it is responsible for smooth running
of the machine by ensur ing that amplitudes ar e limited to values that ar e
permissible for the machine and for local environment, including structures and
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
The foundation must have sufficient structural strength to withstand all applicable
forces and most severe combination of individual load cases that result in the
maximum foundation loading for any conceivable set of normal or abnormal
circumstances. Spring supported foundation shall be provided for low frequency
machines, wherever the same are required from technical consideration.
Design Parameters
The data required for the analysis and design of machine foundations may be
listed as under:
a) Loading diagram showing static and dynamic loads on the foundations, points
of application of loads, area over which these loads will be distributed etc.
b) Operating speed of the machine
c) Capacity or rated output of machine
d) Critical speeds of the machine
e) Geometric limitation
f) Opening limitations, depressions, projections etc.
g) Details including sizes and locations of anchor bolts, pipe sleeves, inserts,
embedded parts etc.
h) Layout and distribution of pipe lines, ducts etc. and their supporting details
i) Temperatures in various areas during operation
j) Mass moment of inertia
k) Allowable amplitudes at the machine bearing points, etc.
l) Tolerance in bearing and clearances of various components
The loads to be considered for analysis and design are:
a. Static loads of the stationary components of the entire assembly along with the
static weight of rotating parts.
b. Dynamic loads from start-up torque.
c. Loads on foundation resulting from admissible forces and moments of pump
d. Loads on pedestal top due to installation and maintenance.
e. Any other for ces/loa ds which equipment EPC Contr a ctor consider s
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Analysis & Design
The analysis and design of machine foundations will be carried out to ensure the
a) Compliance with the manufacturer s requirements.
b) No resonance phenomenon of a disturbing nature to machine operation should
exist at the normal running speed.
c) Calculations to be performed for dynamic as well as static cases for reinforced
concrete block type pedestal.
Foundation Sizing
The outline plan dimensions of foundations will be given by the machine EPC
Contr actor . The height of founda t i on wi l l be sel ect ed a ft er t a ki ng i nt o
consideration soil strata and operating level of the machine. The eccentricity of
common CG of machine and foundation with respect to the centroid of base
area/pile group should not exceed 3% of the corresponding base dimensions of the
In order to reduce the horizontal amplitudes, the height of foundation should be
selected as small as possible. A larger base dimension should be selected in the
direction of rocking moment, if any, acting on the foundation.
Compressor Foundation
The Compressor is a machine of reciprocating type. This is a low speed machine
and pr oduces unbalance for ces dur ing oper ation, causing vibr ation in the
foundation. Excessive foundation vibrations may cause settlement or damage to
the foundation-machine system and also a feeling of discomfort and uneasiness to
the personnel. Compressor foundation shall be isolated from the close slab and
other foundations
Vibrations are also transmitted through the ground. Ground vibrations may be
minimized by providing trenches all around the foundation up to a suitable depth.
Miscellaneous Machine Foundations
For the large variety of other types of machines there are numerous foundation
designs and the most suitable one will depend on the particular application.
Foundations for pumps, etc. are usually in the form of solid block foundations,
resting on the undisturbed strata.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
At machine supports supported on the finished floors, floor may be thickened and
extra reinforcements provided. Also, the machines, which are almost vibration
fr ee and ar e ver y light to moder ately heavy, may be suppor ted in the above
manner . Rubber or neopr ene pads may have to be used under some of these
machines to reduce transmission of vibrations to the supporting floor.
8.7 General Design Considerations
The design of various civil and structural works will be done as per relevant
I ndian Standar d and sound engineer ing pr actices to meet the system and
functional requirements.
Design Loads: Design loads for all structures will be determined according to the
criteria described below.
Dead Loads: - Dead loads will consist of the weights of the structure and all
equipment of a permanent or semi-permanent nature including tanks, wall panels,
partitions, roofing, piping, drains, electrical trays, bus-ducts. Dead loads will be
determined using the weight from IS-875 (Part -1).
Live Loads:- Live loads will consist of uniform live loads and equipment live
loads. Uniform live loads are assumed unit loads which are sufficient to provide
for movable and tr ansitor y loads, such as the weight of people, por table
equipment and tools, equipment, or parts which may be moved over or placed on
floor s dur ing maintenance oper ations. These unifor m live loads will not be
considered on floor areas which will be permanently covered with equipment.
Equipment live loads are calculated loads based upon the actual weight and size
of the equipment and par ts to be placed on floor s dur ing dismantling and
maintenance or to be tempor ar ily placed on or moved over floor s dur ing
installation. F loor s and suppor ting member s which ar e subject to heavy
equipment live loads will be designed on the basis of the weight of the equipment
in addition to a uniform load of 500 kg/m, or specifically defined live loads,
whichever is greater. Each member in the floor which may carry these loads will
be designed for the heaviest piece or pieces of equipment arranged in the most
cr itical position. For loads caused by moving equipment over the floor for
installation, consideration will be given to the shoring of beams and floor from
floor s below. When moving equipment over floor s for insta lla tions a r e
considered, stress increases of 25 percent are permitted in beams and columns.
Wind Speed: The design wind speed will be based on IS: 875 (Part - 3). This
design wind speed will be used to determine wind loads for all structures.
Seismic Zone: As per IS: 1893-2002
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Design Loads
Dead Loads
Dead load will comprise of the following and will be computed as per IS: 875
(Part-1). Following will be considered for evaluation of dead loads:
i) An uniform 150/200 mm thick RCC slab wherever concrete floors are
ii) An uniform floor finish of 50 mm laid over RCC slab
iii) Other area flooring will consist of removable grating/chequered plate or
50 IPS.
iv) Beams & columns as per actual size
v) Wall/cladding loads
vi) Self weight of supporting structure/facilities
Imposed Loads
I mposed loads will include minor equipment loads, cable tr ays, small pipe
racks/hangers (not exceeding 250 Kg/m) and also loads dur ing er ection,
operation & maintenance.
Actual plant loads coming on the floor area occupied by the equipment will be
calculated and compared with the superimposed loads given above. Higher of the
two will be adopted for analysis and design.
Steam Piping Load
As per static/dynamic analysis for steam piping, the loads super imposed on
structure by piping hangers and at the restraint points will be considered as
a dvised by piping Contr a ctor . However , pipe dyna mic for ces at hanger
location/restraint points will be considered not to act simultaneously with seismic
forces in that plane.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Crane Loads
The frames will be analyzed for the maximum wheel loads when the lifted weight
is nearest to A row in one case and B r ow in another load case. The impact
f a ct or f or ver t i ca l l oa d wi l l be 25% f or cr a n e gi r der a n d 10% f or
columns/foundations as per provision of IS: 875 and lateral crane surge of 10% of
lifted weight and trolley weight will be considered in the analysis of the frame.
The longitudinal surge will be 5% of the static wheel load. Each of the crane
girders will be analyzed for the moving loads and for half the total surge loads on
each gantry girder.
Wind Loads
The basic wind pressure will be taken as IS: 875(Part-III) and combination of
wind loads with other types of loading will be done according to provision of
IS:875 (Part-V). The basic wind speed of 50m/sec. up to height of 10metres above
ground level.
Earthquake Load
As per IS: 1893, the seismic zone and basic horizontal seismic coefficient for this
plant location will be decided. The importance factor of not less than 1.50 will be
used to calculate base shear coefficient. The coefficient of soil-foundation
interaction will be not less than 1.0. Reduction in live loads is to be considered for
analysis accor ding to I S: 875. I n view of the asymmetr ical natur e of main
powerhouse, response spectrum method will be used for analysis.
Temperature Loads
The effect of temperature loads will be considered for design of the structural
frames. For temperature loading calculation the total temperature variation will be
considered as 2/3
of the average annual variation in temperature. The structure
will be designed to withstand str esses due to 50% of the total temper ature
variation. The structures will also be analyzed/checked for temperature effects in
the areas where the temperature rise is expected to be high.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Load Combinations
The following load combinations will be considered for finding out the critical
forces, moments and torsion on the structural elements.
i) DL + LL
ii) DL + LL + CLA + DLC CS
iii) DL + LL + CLB + DLC CS
iv) DL + LL + CLA + DLC CS TL
v) DL + LL + CLB + DLC CS TL
vi) DL + 0.5LL + K1(DLC) + K2(CLA)
vii) DL + 0.5LL + K1(DLC) + K2(CLB) + EL TL
vii) DL +LL + DLC + K3(CLA) K3(CS)+ WL1+TL
viii) DL +LL + DLC + K3(CLB) K3 (CS)+WL1+TL
ix) DL +LL + DLC + K3 (CLA) K3 (CS) WL2+TL
x) DL +LL + DLC + K3(CLB) K3(CS) WL2 TL
xi) DL +LL WL1 TL
xii) DL + LL WL2 TL
The following load combinations will be used for getting max. tension at column
base which will be used for the design of holding down bolts
i) 0.9DL EL
ii) 0.9DL WL1
iii) 0.9DL WL2
DL Dead load (comprising of only dead weight of structural members,
side cladding etc.)
LL Live load (including imposed load, plant loads & equipment loads)
TL Temperature load
DLC Dead load of crane bridge with impact
CLA Crane trolley + lifted weight nearest to A row column with impact
CLB Crane trolley + lifted weight nearest to B row column with impact.
CS Crane surge
EL Earthquake load
WL1 Wind load with internal suction of 0.2p
WL2 Wind load with internal pressure of 0.2p
K1 (DLC)Dead load of crane bridge without impact
K2 (CLA) Crane trolley without lifted weight with impact or (CLB)
K3 (CLA)Crane trolley + lifted weight with impact or (CLB)
K3 (CS) Crane surge for lifted weight.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Permissible Stresses
The permissible stresses will be as per relevant IS Code. An increase of 33.3% in
permissible stresses will be made wherever wind or earthquake load has been
considered with dead load and appropriate amount of live load. For secondary
effects without wind or earthquake load, permissible stress will be increased by
not more than 25%.
8.8 Design of Miscellaneous Items
8.8.1 Cable Trenches
The cable trenches and pre-cast removable RCC cover (with lifting arrangement)
will be constructed using RCC/Masonry work. The cable trench walls will be
designed for the following loads:
a. Dead load of 155 Kg/m length of cable support and 75 Kg on one tier at
the end.
b. Triangular earth pressure + uniform surcharge pressure of 2T/m.
c. Cable tr ench cover s will be designed for self-weight of top slab and
concentrated load of 200 Kg at center of span on each panel.
d. Cable trench crossing the road/rails will be designed for class AA loading
of IRC/relevant IS code and should be checked for transformer loading.
Suitable dr ainage ar r angement will be pr ovided to dr ain water fr om cable
tr enches. Cable tr enches will not be used as stor m water dr ains. The top of
trenches will be kept at least 50mm above the finished ground level. Trench wall
will not foul with the foundation. Suitable clear gap will be provided.
A clear (vertical) space of at least 200-mm will be available for each tier in cable
trench. From trench bed to lowest tier, a minimum clearance of 150 mm will be
available. The trench bed will have a slope of 1/500 along the run and 1/250
perpendicular to the run. All the construction joints of cable trenches i.e. between
base slab to base slab, the junction of vertical wall to base slab, from vertical wall
to wall and all the expansion joints will be provided with approved quality PVC
water stops of approx. 230 x 5 mm size for those sections where the ground water
table is expected to rise above the junction of base slab and vertical wall of cable
Cable trenches will be blocked at the ends if required with brick masonry in
cement sand mortar 1:6 plaster with 12mm thick 1:5 cement sand mortar.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
8.8.2 Drains
Adequate surface drainage system will be provided within the plant area. Design
will be done with obtained rainfall data and the storm water drainage system
designed, (Culverts, ditches, drains etc.) to accommodate the most intense rainfall
that is likely to occur over the catchments area in one hour period on an average
of once per ten year. The surface of the site will be sloped to prevent the ponding
of water.
The maximum velocity for pipe drains and open drains will be limited to 2.4m/
sec and 1.8m/ sec respectively. However, minimum non-silting velocity of 0.6
m/sec will be ensured. Longitudinal bed slope will not be milder than 1 in 1000.
Invert of the drainage system will be decided in such a way that the water can
easily be dischar ged above the High Flood Level (HFL) outside substation
boundary at suitable location and approved by Owner. Pumps for drainage of
water (if required) will be provided.
8.9 Architectural Concepts & Design
An Architectural Design Basis Report will be submitted to the Owner including
proposals for the following scheme components: shape, form, color, and basic
mater ials for inter ior and exter ior ar chitectur e along with an appr opr iate
landscaping scheme. All schemes will be supported by architectural statement
explaining the factors considered in the design.
EXTERI OR ARCHI TECTURE Gener a l design cr iter ia for the exter ior
architectural systems will be as follows:
8.9.1 Wall / Cladding System
All external walls of the building shall be 230 mm thick brick walls and internal
walls 230/115 mm thick br ick walls as per r equir ement in CM 1: 5. I nter nal
plastering shall be 12 mm thick using CM 1: 4 and external wall with CM 1: 4.,
20/25 mm thick and/or sand faced plaster or any other special finish if required,
115 wall shall be plastered with CM 1:3, 12 mm thick. Ceiling plastering shall be
6 mm thick with CM 1:3. Damp proof course 40 mm thick in PCC 1:2:4 using 6
mm down stone shall be provided in the external brick walls at grade level.
In order to quickly erect / complete the Distillery and Ethanol buildings, wall
cladding with Galvalume sheets may be examined above 5.0 m from ground level
and up to 5.0 m brick work can be adopted. Where ever advised, self supported
galvalume roofing could also be provided for the main plant buildings and other
non-plant buildings.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
8.9.2 Roof
As per details given in relevant sections.
8.9.3 Flooring & Floor Finish
The floor slabs will be designed as cast-in-situ RCC slabs with r emovable
shuttering unless mentioned otherwise. The nominal thickness of RCC slabs will
be 150/200 mm.
Floor finish of 50mm thickness will be provided over the RCC Slab as per finish
schedule wherever applicable. Type of floor finish will be as per the functional
requirements of different areas and facilities.
8.9.4 Roof Water Proofing Treatment Above RCC Roofs
Over the cast-in-situ roof slab, 50mm thick screed concrete (blended with water-
proofing admixture) will be laid. The final treatment will be heavy-duty type with
bitumen felts. For the pr ovision of handling of equipment on the r oof and
movement of personnel, tiles will be provided in place of pea gravel.
Roof slope of 1 in 75 will be provided in one direction in A-B bay and sloping
towards A-row. For other bays, roof slope of 1 in 100 will be provided in two
For rainwater down comers, heavy duty UPVC pipes will be used. Number and
sizing will be as per the relevant Indian Standard.
8.9.5 Windows, Ventilators
Window and Ventilator frames will be made of extruded aluminium, steel, or
other tried and proven material as per the schedule given earlier. Frames will have
a minimum depth of 38 mm and a minimum thickness of 3 mm. Ventilation
sections will be compatible with the frames providing a weather tight seal.
All aluminium windows shall be provided with MS grills of approved design and
all glazed windows to be provided with sun control film. All steel windows to be
provided with 12mm sq MS safety bars @ 100 mm c/c
All windows will be fully flushed and sealed for weather tightness.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
8.9.6 Doors
Pressed steel doors/ Aluminium doors will be provided as per the schedule given
earlier. Steel doors will be the hollow metal type, flush, 46 mm thick, insulated,
with formed hollow metal frames. The doors will be constructed from 1.3 mm
steel with an internally reinforced, insulated core. Frames will be constructed of
1.6-mm steel, welded, and ground smooth. Both doors and frames will be factory
galvanized or field painted.
Doors will have a glazed vision panel when required by door function. Glazing
will consist of tempered safety glass or wired glass.
Fire barrier doors, if any, shall be specifically designed steel doors with required
fire rating. The door, frame, and hardware will bear a certification label for the
class of opening and rating. Doors for fire exits will be secured with panic bars.
Solid core flush doors with both side veneer finish to be provided for housing and
other non-plant buildings as advised and specified.
8.9.7 Equipment Access Doors
Large access exterior doors will be vertical lift rolling shutter type, with weather
seals and windsocks. Components will be formed from galvanized steel, factory
primed, and field painted. Doors at high traffic areas will be motor-operated.
Doors will be manually operated where access is infrequent.
INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE: Interior architectural systems will conform to
the following general design criteria. Fire rated architectural system will be
provided when required by building or fire codes. All normal occupied areas will
be finished areas.
8.9.8 Painting
Inside masonry walls and ceilings of all buildings will be provided with white
wash, color wash, oil bound distemper, acrylic emulsion paint as per schedule
given earlier. Steel structures, doors, windows, steel rolling shutters, gangways,
stairways railing, grating rain water pipes etc. will be painted with synthetic
enamel paint.
8.9.9 Lighting
Lighting fittings and fixtur es will be pr ovided for pr oper illumination in all
buildings as per good engineering practice.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
8.9.10 Sanitary Facilities
Toilet and shower facilities will be provided for personnel in finished areas of all
major buildings and in other ar eas as deter mined by pr oject r equir ements.
Sanitary facilities fixture types will be so selected to provide a balance of local
and Western fixtures. Towel and waste receptacles will be recessed to the extent
possible. J anitor closets and cleaning material storage areas will be provided in
finished areas of all major buildings. The sewage from various locations will be
collected in septic tank. The capacity of the sewer age system, septic tank,
r equir ed gutter s, air vents, PVC piping, etc. will be calculated based on
manpower deployment of 500 personnel per shift.
All Architectural, Structural and RCC drawings and design calculations, shall be
supplied in triplicate to the Client and their Consultants, minimum 15 days prior
to construction of works at site, for approval purposes and only after approval, the
works shall be taken up at site. A soft copy of all such drawings and designs,
either by E-mail or by CD/DVD, shall also be pr ovided along with the har d
8.10 Construction
8.10.1 Concrete:
Reinforced concrete structures will be designed in accordance with the latest
version of IS: 456 Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete.
Water retaining RCC Structures will be designed in accordance to IS:3370: Code
of practice for concrete structures for the storage of liquids.
The grade of concrete for various structures will be as follows:
PCC below Foundations/Plinth Beams 1:4:8
PCC in base slabs for drains, water retaining structure etc. 1:3:6
PCC/RCC in grade slabs, pavements, plinth protection, etc M20
RCC in foundations and super structures M20
RCC for liquid retaining structures M25
RCC for T. G. Foundation M20
Minimum cement content shall be as follows:
M15 : 324 kg/m
M20 : 360 kg/m
M25 : 400 kg/m
1:3:6 : 216 kg/m
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
1:4:8 : 216 kg/m
1:5:10 : 130 kg/m
Grouting :
Non-shr ink flowable gr out shall be used for gr outing below base plate of
columns. For grouting of base of machine foundation high flowable strength
ready mixed non shrink grout shall be sued.
Type and grade of grouting for structural columns and equipment base shall be as
indicated. Crushing strength of the grout shall generally be one grade higher than
the base concrete. Minimum grade of grout shall be M30.
Nominal thickness of grouting shall be at least 50 mm for building columns and
pedestals of major equipments. For secondary posts, stair & ladder base, etc,
grouting shall not be less than 25 mm thick.
Reinforcing Steel:
Reinforcing steel will be High, Yield Strength Deformed bars conforming to IS-
1786 (Grade Fe 415).
Cement used in all concrete mixes will be Ordinary Portland cement/ Portland
Slag cement 43-Grade unless design requires a different type.
Fine aggregates will be clean natural sand. Coarse aggregates will be crushed
gravel or stone. All aggregates will meet the requirements of IS:383 - 1970.
1. Plasticizers and retarders will be used to control setting time and to obtain
optimum workability, if required.
2. Water: Clean water of potable quality will be used in all concrete mixes.
3. Mixes: A table will be supplied with the Design Intent Memorandum, which
classifies the proposed mixes into a general range of classes. The minimum
cement provided in concrete mixes will be as per the stipulations laid down in
IS: 456.
4. Secondary reinforcement : Polyester fibres will be used in cement mortar,
PCC, RCC, etc. to enhance / improve the performance of mortar / PCC / RCC
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Design Mix Tests:
1. Two sets of compression test samples, three samples per set, will be made from
each proposed concrete mix. One set of three samples will be tested at an age
of 7 days, and the other set will be tested at an age of 28 days. Tests will be in
conformity with IS:4031-1968.
2. Grade Slab: The existing earth fill will be thoroughly compacted, and provided
with 150 mm of boulder soling or brick aggregates, interstices filled with
small stones and sand. Floor paving will be of 100/150 mm thick in M-20
grade laid over the prepared surface.
Finishing Formed Surfaces:
1. Fins and other surface projections will be removed from all formed surfaces
except exterior surfaces that will be covered with earth back fill. Exterior
surfaces that will be exposed above grade and all interior surfaces, except
those not usually exposed to view, will be cleaned and rubbed. Rubbing will
produce a smooth, uniform surface free of marks, voids, surface glaze, and
discoloration. Rubbing will be done by hand with a carborandum stone using
only the mortar produced by the rubbing action and the application of water.
2. Projecting ends of all form ties will be removed. The resulting recesses will be
cleaned, wetted, and filled with patching mortar. Patches on rubbed surfaces
will match the texture of the adjacent concrete.
3. Plinth Protection: All buildings will be provided with 1000 mm wide and 100
mm thick plain cement concrete paving all around on the outside. The plinth
protection will be laid over prepared sub-grade and base formed with broken
bricks or rubble laid to a thickness of 75 mm.
Structural Elements :
Minimum thickness of structural element to be as follows:
Suspended flow sla b / r oof sla b / wa lkwa ys /
canopy slabs, etc
: 100 mm
Ground floor slab (non-suspended) : 150 mm
Water retaining slab / walls : 150 mm
Cable / Pipe Trenches / Under ground pit / Launder
walls and base slab
: 100 mm
All footing (including raft foundation) : 250 mm
Tapered footing : 150 mm
(Min. at edges)
Parapets / Chajjas : 75 mm
Pre-cast louvers / fins : 50 mm
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Pre-cast trench cover slabs / floor slabs / louvers : 75 mm
Paving : 150 mm
Basement walls and base slab : 150 mm
1. Concrete will be protected from loss of moisture for not less than 7 days after
the concrete is placed. Trowelled surfaces, except those that receive a separate
finish or coating, will be cured with a membrane curing compound. Float
finished surfaces, except those that receive a separate finish, may be cured
with either a membrane-curing compound or with water. Only water curing
will be used if the surface receives a separate finish.
2. Water Curing: Water saturation of concrete surfaces will begin as quickly as
possible after initial set of the concrete. Water curing will begin within 12
hours in dry weather and within 24 hours in damp weather. The rate of water
application will be regulated to provide complete surface coverage with a
minimum of runoff The application of water may be interrupted for surface
rubbing. The concrete surface will not be permitted to dry.
3. Damp proofing: Damp proof course in a thickness of 40mm and consisting of
cement concrete 1:2:4 with admixture of approved water proofing compound,
will be provided at plinth level for masonry walls in super structure.
4. Waterproofing: A waterproofing seal will be provided for structures where
applicable. Water-proofing will be carried out by a system duly approved by
the Owner/Engineer.
8.10.2 Steel
Structural Steel:-
Steel framed structures will be designed in accordance with IS:-800- Code of
Practice for Construction in steel adopting allowable stress design and plastic
design. In addition steel framed structures will be designed in accordance with the
criteria discussed in the following subsections.
Structural steel shapes, plates, and appurtenances for general use will conform to
Indian Standards IS:800 with a minimum yield strength of 250 MPa. Connection
bolts will conform to IS:-1367. Connections will conform to the latest version of
the Specification for Structural J oints. Welding electrodes will be as specified by
the AWS.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Mill test r epor ts or r epor ts of tests made by the fabr icator will be r equir ed
certifying that all material is in conformance with the applicable standards and
specifications. In addition, the fabricator will provide an affidavit stating that all
steel specified has been provided at yield stresses in accordance with the drawings
and the specification.
Minimum Heights for pedestals of Steel Columns :
Top of RCC foundation (pedestals) shall normally be kept at a height of 300 mm
above the floor level.
Other Pedestals and Foundations
Stairs and ladder pedestal : 200 mm above the finished floor
Equipment in open area : As required (300 mm min.)
Equipment in covered area : As required (150 mm min.)
Structures / Equipment supplied : As per ven dor s da t a su bj ect t o
minimum as specified above
In case the top of pedestal is kept at a lower level so that the column base plates
together with gussets and stiffener remains below finished floor level (FFL), the
column base as well as column section shall be encashed in concrete above FFL
as below:
Open area : 300 mm above FPL / FGL, whichever is higher
Covered : 150 mm above the FFL
8.10.3 Miscellaneous Metal Items
Steel Grating:
Steel gratings will be pressure locked grating manufactured with 40mmx 5mm
MS strips as longitudinal bearing strips (spanning the supports) and 25mm x 3mm
strips in transverse direction. The grating will be provided with a 40mm x 5mm
band all-round. The grating will be designed for 500kg/m2 loading and spans up
to 1500mm. Stair treads will also be made of steel grating with nosing.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Guard rail /Handrail:
Guard rail will be a two-rail system with the top rail 1000 mm above the walkway
surface and the intermediate rail 500 mm below the top rail. Guard rail post
spacing will be proportioned to the length of the protected horizontal opening, but
will not exceed 1200mm centr e-to-centr e of posts. Guar d r ail will be shop
fabricated for specific locations and field welded or bolted to the er ected
structural steel. Steel pipe will conform to IS-1151, Medium grade.
Anchor Bolts and Embedded Shapes:
Anchor bolts will confor m to I S: -5624. Embedded shapes and plates will be
galvanized where required. Anchor bolt assemblies will be galvanized where
required. Steel, which is not galvanized and will remain exposed, will be primed
with a primer paint.
8.10.4 Data to be submitted by Contractor with the bid
The Contractor to submit the integrated plant layout and sections, all plant and
non-plant buildings, layouts for the cooling systems, designs for the water supply
schemes etc., layout and sections for the distillery and ethanol plant including
areas designated for the effluent disposal and the schemes for the same, areas
designated for nursery etc. Contractor to also reflect water collection schemes,
water harvesting schemes, collection systems etc. Landscaping details shall also
be r eflected by the Contr actor on the layout. Contr actor shall also reflect
provisions for future expansion for all sections. The Contractor to also submit the
sizes considered for all buildings in the scope.
8.11 Effluent Treatment Plant
The distillery and ethanol project will have its own effluent treatment plant.
Effluent will be discharged by the Contractor at identified exits of the integrated
plant area. The discharged effluent will be oil free and meet or better the BPCB
norms. Part of the treated effluent will be pumped back to the Contractor to be
utilized for ash quenching and gardening in the integrated plant area. The ETP
will include the required storage area, aerators, dosing systems, sludge drying
beds, etc. based on the expected effluent quality and BPCB norms. The expected
quantity of effluent is to be detailed by the Contractor.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
8.12 Buildings & Civil Works
8.12.1 Juice Concentration Plant
The J uice Concentration Plant Building shall be approximately 12.00 meters wide
x 20.00 meters long with required eave height with multiple floor elevations and a
sloping roof. The building will have metallic siding for the roof and walls and
translucent fiberglass panels shall be provided as sky lights in the roof and a light
band (vertical/horizontal) around the perimeter of the building. The metallic
siding shall extend down to within 5 meter s of gr ade and ter minate. The
remaining 5 meters shall be brick masonry/concrete block with louver panels
installed. The roof is to be provided with suitable gravity vent to insure adequate
natural ventilation of the building. The building shall be designed to carry all
equipment loads and supports, to enable proper and safe operation. All floor
levels shall be galvanized steel grating/chequered plates (as required). Walkways
and platforms shall be provided for operational access to the sides, back and top.
The building shall be designed for installation of future equipments and for future
expansion. FFL shall be vaccum dewatering system flooring 150mm thk. M.S
railings shall be provided for all cut-outs, accesses and for the perimeter of the
plant at all levels.
8.12.2 Juice Pasteurization Plant
The J uice Pasteurization Plant Building shall be approximately 10.00 meters wide
x 10.00 meters long with required eave height with multiple floor elevations and a
sloping roof. The building will have metallic siding for the roof and walls and
translucent fiberglass panels shall be provided as sky lights in the roof and a light
band (vertical/horizontal) around the perimeter of the building. The metallic
siding shall extend down to within 5 meter s of gr ade and ter minate. The
remaining 5 meters shall be brick masonry/concrete block with louver panels
installed. The roof is to be provided with suitable gravity vent to insure adequate
natural ventilation of the building. The building shall be designed to carry all
equipment loads and supports, to enable proper and safe operation. All floor
levels shall be galvanized steel grating/chequered plates (as required). Walkways
and platforms shall be provided for operational access to the sides, back and top.
The building shall be designed for installation of future equipments and for future
expansion. FFL shall be vaccum dewatering system flooring 150mm thk. M.S
railings shall be provided for all cut-outs, accesses and for the perimeter of the
plant at all levels.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
8.12.3 Syrup Storage Section
The Syrup Storage Section shall be approximately 50.00 meters wide x 100.00
meters long with required eave height with single/multiple floor elevations and a
sloping roof. The building will have metallic siding for the roof and walls and
translucent fiberglass panels shall be provided as sky lights in the roof and a light
band (vertical/horizontal) around the perimeter of the building. The metallic
siding shall extend down to within 5 meter s of gr ade and ter minate. The
remaining 5 meters shall be brick masonry/concrete block with louver panels
installed. The roof is to be provided with suitable gravity vent to insure adequate
natural ventilation of the building. The building and foundations shall be designed
to carry all equipment loads and supports, to enable proper and safe operation.
All floor levels shall be galvanized steel grating/chequered plates (as required).
Walkways and platforms shall be provided for operational access to the sides,
back and top. The building shall be designed for installation of future equipments
and for futur e expansion. FFL shall be vaccum dewater ing system floor ing
150mm thk. M.S railings shall be provided for all cut-outs, accesses and for the
perimeter of the plant at all levels. Chain Link fencing to the designated areas
shall be provided as per proper excisable norms. Levelled platform for loading,
unloading shall be adjacent to the storage section.
8.12.4 Fermentation Section, Panel Rooms, Laboratory, etc.
The Fermentation Section shall be approximately 28.00 meters wide x 60.00
meters long with required eave height with single / multiple floor elevations and a
sloping roof. The building will have metallic siding for the roof and walls and
translucent fiberglass panels shall be provided as sky lights in the roof and a light
band (vertical/horizontal) around the perimeter of the building. The metallic
siding shall extend down to within 5 meter s of gr ade and ter minate. The
remaining 5 meters shall be brick masonry/concrete block with louver panels
installed. The roof is to be provided with suitable gravity vent to insure adequate
natural ventilation of the building. The building and foundations shall be designed
to carry all equipment loads and supports, to enable proper and safe operation.
All floor levels shall be galvanized steel grating/chequered plates (as required).
Walkways and platforms shall be provided for operational access to the sides,
back and top. The building shall be designed for installation of future equipments
and for futur e expansion. FFL shall be vaccum dewater ing system floor ing
150mm thk. M.S railings shall be provided for all cut-outs, accesses and for the
perimeter of the plant at all levels.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
A br ick masonr y/concr ete block with RCC slab at var ious levels, Electr ical
Equipment/Panel/MCC panel room building shall be incorporated adjacent to the
fermentation section building, which will be air conditioned. This building shall
also house the laboratory at the upper levels and the compressors the FFL.
Floor heights for the panel room shall not be less than 6m and the remaining
floor s not less than 4m. The building shall also house the offices for the
distillery/ethanol plant.
8.12.5 Distillation & MSDH Section
The Distillation and MSDH Section shall be approximately 25.00 meters wide x
25.00 meters long with required eave height with multiple floor elevations and a
sloping roof. The building will have metallic siding for the roof and walls and
translucent fiberglass panels shall be provided as sky lights in the roof and a light
band (vertical/horizontal) around the perimeter of the building. The metallic
siding shall extend down to within 5 meter s of gr ade and ter minate. The
remaining 5 meters shall be brick masonry/concrete block with louver panels
installed. The roof is to be provided with suitable gravity vent to insure adequate
natural ventilation of the building. The building and foundations shall be designed
to carry all equipment loads and supports, to enable proper and safe operation.
All floor levels shall be galvanized steel grating/chequered plates (as required).
Walkways and platforms shall be provided for operational access to the sides,
back and top. The building shall be designed for installation of future equipments
and for futur e expansion. FFL shall be vaccum dewater ing system floor ing
150mm thk. M.S railings shall be provided for all cut-outs, accesses and for the
perimeter of the plant at all levels.
A walkway connecting the fer mentation section and the distillation/MSDH
section shall be provided.
8.12.6 Alcohol Storage Section
The Alcohol Storage Section shall be approximately 35.00 meters wide x 60.00
meters long with required eave height with single/multiple floor elevations and a
sloping roof. The building will have metallic siding for the roof and walls and
translucent fiberglass panels shall be provided as sky lights in the roof and a light
band (vertical/horizontal) around the perimeter of the building. The metallic
siding shall extend down to within 5 meter s of gr ade and ter minate. The
remaining 5 meters shall be brick masonry/concrete block with louver panels
installed. The roof is to be provided with suitable gravity vent to insure adequate
natural ventilation of the building. The building and foundations shall be designed
to carry all equipment loads and supports, to enable proper and safe operation.
All floor levels shall be galvanized steel grating/chequered plates (as required).
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Walkways and platforms shall be provided for operational access to the sides,
back and top. The building shall be designed for installation of future equipments
and for futur e expansion. FFL shall be vaccum dewater ing system floor ing
150mm thk. M.S railings shall be provided for all cut-outs, accesses and for the
perimeter of the plant at all levels. Chain Link fencing to the designated areas
shall be provided as per proper excisable norms.
8.12.7 Workshop, Store Room, Weigh House Cabin
Wor kshop shall be appr oximately 10.0 meter s wide x 10.0 meter s long x 8.0
meter eave height with sloped r oof. The building should be adjacent to the
distillation plant. The building is designed to be a structural frame building with
one line of interior columns that shall serve as a crane column for the 10 meter
span overhead traveling crane on the building. Crane beams and crane rails shall
be installed on wall columns. The roof shall be either of truss or single beam
rafter construction. Adequate bracing is to be provided on all sides and roof of
the building for wind and equipment loads.
Store Building shall be approximately 10.0 meters wide x 10.0 meters long x 8.0
meter eave height with sloped roof. The building shall be designed as a portal
frame or rigid frame structure with no interior columns.
The Workshop and Store buildings will have metallic siding for the roof and walls
and translucent fiberglass panels shall be provided as sky lights in the roof and a
light band around the perimeter of the buildings. The metallic siding shall extend
down to within 5 meters of grade and the remaining 5 meters shall be brick
masonry/concrete block with louver panels installed. The roof is to be provided
with proper gravity vent to ensure adequate natural ventilation of the building
during operation and in the out of crop season.
The buildings shall have inbuilt racks for storage of materials, files, nuts/bolts etc.
Wei gh br i dge ca bi n of si ze 5m x 5m x 3m sh a l l be pr ovi ded a t t h e
distillery/ethanol plant entrance near the weigh bridge. The structure shall be RCC
slab, brick/block masonry, aluminium doors and windows, industrial flooring,
inbuilt rack facilities for record storage, ease of operation for recording and
issuing necessary slips etc. Sufficient storage space for records shall be provided.
Excise and allied offices shall be pr ovided at the entr ance to the Distiller y
/Ethanol Plant as laid down and as per the norms of the Factory Inspector and
Excise Department.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
8.12.8 Water Treatment Plant, Water Reservoir, etc.
This will consist of a partly underground/partly above ground water reservoir (1
no. approximately of required working capacity including fire water storage). The
wa ter r eser voir will be of RCC or ma sonr y constr uction with a dequa te
waterproofing & strength. PCC (1:3:6) paving will be provided in water treatment
area all around 1m. The raw water reservoir will have a partition for fire water
storage. Capacity of the water storage tank shall be finally confirmed before
construction as per the requirements for the Distillery/Ethanol plant. The water
reservoir shall be designed as an independent reservoir for the distillery/ethanol
plant and the capacity for the same shall be confirmed. The water reservoir shall
be designed for at least 4 days capacity.
8.12.9 Cooling Towers
Cooling towers (separate for each section) of required sizes and capacities shall be
provided for the distillery/ethanol plant. The structure could be masonry/RCC
structure. Required pump house with gantry facilities shall be provided adjacent
to the cooling tower. Epoxy waterproofing shall be adopted for the water holding
areas and the structures shall be made fully water-proof. Cooling towers shall be
designed for minimum dead water storage. Proper levels and slopes shall be
maintained at all locations. Location and orientation of the Cooling Towers shall
be such as to provide maximum contact with wind or to provide proper natural
8.12.10 Spent Wash Pipe Lines, Pipe Racks, Cable Trays, etc.
All molasses, steam, spent wash etc. pipe lines including piping and supporting
structures for the distillery/ethanol plant are covered under this section and shall
be considered by the EPC Contractor. The molasses pipe line from the molasses
tank to the distillery/ethanol plant including their foundations and supporting
structures ar e to be consider ed as also the steam, water pipe lines fr om the
boiler/water reservoir.
All piping pipe rack and misc. pipe racks will be latticed steel structure on RCC
foundations. At road crossing, the minimum clearance will be 7.5 m. Sleeper way
will be RCC foundation pr otr uding 500 mm above finished gr ade level for
support of piping and cable trays. The layout and sizing of the pipe racks and
sleeper ways to be based on the system requirements. Cable trays to be designed
above the pipe r acks and suitable walkways for inspection, maintenance and
repairs to be provided for all pipe racks and cable trays. Design of the pipe racks
shall be suitable for ease of erection of the various piping.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
8.12.11 Effluent Treatment Scheme (Composting Field, Bio-Gas Plant, etc.)
Suitable effluent treatment and disposal scheme for the Distillery/Ethanol plant
shall be submitted in detail along with the EPC tender documents. Details for the
development of the composting yard and field, area required as per BPCB norms,
wind rows, piping, nozzles, spraying facilities, leach collections pits, drains, panel
rooms, DG set and shed, all HDPE/PVC piping, pumping machineries etc. are to
be included in the EPC bid document and submitted along with the tender. Details
of the Bio-Gas plant alternatively should also be submitted along with the EPC
8.12.12 Internal Roads & Culverts
Internal roads shall be concrete/bitumen topped of sufficient widths as required,
on e wa y/ t wo wa y wi t h pr oper st r eet l i gh t i n g a r r a n gemen t s a n d gr een
zone/plantation in the centr e/ along the sides, with pr oper r oad side dr ains,
culver ts, pr ovision of pipes/ducts to car r y stor m water in separ ate ducts and
cables/pipes in separate ducts. Crossings, cul-de-sacs and dead ends shall be
properly planned for and provided. No roads shall be less than 6m in width. Roads
shall follow the specifications provided with the tender documents.
Drains and culverts shall be designed as per requirements and as specified in the
other sections. Side water drains and storm water drains shall be connected to the
water harvesting scheme. Proper provisions shall be carried out especially at
crossings, cable crossings etc. Drains shall as far as possible be trough type RCC,
with sufficient depths and proper slopes in conjunction with the total scheme
worked out for the site. Pipes for drains could also be used with provision for
proper inspection and maintenance at regular intervals. As far as possible, drains
and cable trenches shall not be planned side by side.
8.12.13 Fencing & Gates
Fencing for the distillery/ethanol plant shall be as required as per excise norms
with openings as required by excise norms. Fencing shall be masonry wall upto
600mm above NGL with barbed wire/chain link fencing above and of a minimum
height of 2.1m above NGL. Y shaped angles with barbed wire rounds shall be
provided at the top of the fencing necessarily. Gates to be sliding type electrically
operated and all gates to have provision of man gates within the gates. Gates shall
be minimum 2m height. Gates shall be of various widths as per requirement,
however not less than 6m in width.
Main gate will be provided at the plant entry and will be of minimum 2 m height
and 6 m width. The main gate will be motor ized and oper ated thr ough the
security cabin.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
8.12.14 All Machinery Foundations
Foundations for the distillery/ethanol plant would comprise of foundations for the
various tankages, foundations for the various equipments in all the sections,
pumps, compressors, DG sets, pipe rack foundations, water treatment plant etc.
required for the 60 KLPD ethanol plant.
8.12.15 Evaporation Section
The Evaporation Section (if required) shall be of appropriate size with multiple
floor elevations and a sloping roof. The building will have metallic siding for the
roof and walls and translucent fiberglass panels shall be provided as sky lights in
the r oof and a light band (ver tical/hor izontal) ar ound the per imeter of the
building. The metallic siding shall extend down to within 5 meters of grade and
terminate. The remaining 5 meters shall be brick masonry/concrete block with
louver panels installed. The roof is to be provided with suitable gravity vent to
insure adequate natural ventilation of the building. The building and foundations
shall be designed to carry all equipment loads and supports, to enable proper and
safe operation. All floor levels shall be galvanized steel grating/chequered plates
(as required). Walkways and platforms shall be provided for operational access to
the sides, back and top. The building shall be designed for installation of future
equipments and for future expansion. FFL shall be vaccum dewatering system
flooring 150mm thk. M.S railings shall be provided for all cut-outs, accesses and
for the perimeter of the plant at all levels.
8.12.16 Spent Wash Ponds, Day Holding Tanks, etc.
Spent wash ponds as r equir ed by the BPCB nor ms and other settling tanks
including the day holding tank shall be of required capacity and as laid down in
the specifications along with this tender. Brick on edge to be preferred for the
floor and side walls of the ponds.
8.12.17 Lighting & Electrification
All yard and other areas lighting and electrification shall be considered within the
EPC Contract. Electrification and lighting for the plant and all areas covered
under the ethanol plant including street lighting are to be included. Lighting and
electrification shall be as per proper accepted norms of illumination and as per IS.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
8.12.18 Cable Trenches / Drains
Cable tr enches for the MCC panel r ooms and at other locations will be
rectangular reinforced concrete structures of approx. 1m width and 1m depth
(sizes may vary as per sections). They will be covered either by pre-cast concrete
covers or by chequered plate covers. Cable pull pits of approx. 1x1x2m deep will
be provided at suitable locations.
All paved and unpaved sur face in the distiller y/ethanol plant ar ea will be
adequately drained with drainage system for effluent/ rain water/ fire water/
washing water . Open sur face dr ains will be pr ovided with br icks of class
designation 50 or locally good quality brick in cement mortar 1:4 including 100
mm thick bed concrete of grade 1:3:6 and 12 mm thick cement plaster 1:4 with a
floating coat of neat cement inside the drains without any cover. Manholes will be
made of reinforced concrete and contain silt traps. Storm water drains will collect
all surface water from roofs of the buildings and from paved and unpaved areas as
applicable. The drains from proposed plant area will be connected to the main
drains r unning all along the r oads and or to the effluent tr eatment plant, as
8.12.19 Fire Fighting
EPC Contractor shall include all provisions for fire fighting including providing
the water lines (preferably along the roads and in the storage areas etc.) as per
proper norms and as required by the Factory Inspector and Excise Department.
This shall include all provisions required for the same.
8.13 Important & Common Notes
The sizes of buildings and areas are tentative and may vary as per the final
engineer ing and machiner y layouts and r equir ements of the EPC
Contr actor , which shall be got appr oved fr om the Client and their
Consultants prior taking up any work at site.
Landscaping details shall be submitted along with the layouts and got
approved from the Client and their Consultants prior taking up any work at
EPC Contractor to verify availability of land as per the records of the
Client and carry out their independent surveys for the land as per the Land
records statement.
The FFL/Plinth levels shall be verified by the EPC Contractor and shall
necessarily be above the HFL at site.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Water harvesting details and scheme shall be worked out and approved
from the Client and their Consultants for all sections and shall necessarily
be incorporated in the integrated plant.
Sites in possession of the Archeological department shall be identified and
shall be protected and maintained in proper manner as per the Statutory
norms of the Archeological Department.
Places of wor ship within the site need to be identified and shall be
properly protected and maintained at all locations. The layout shall reflect
all such locations and the means of protection to be adopted for these
8.14 The construction specifications have been given in Appendix - VI I I .
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 9
Fire Fighting & Protection
9.1 General
The Pla nt is consider ed a s (Extr a ha za r d gr oup I I ) a s per NF P A -14
9.2 Basic Fire Fighting System
1. Hydrant System
2. Hose reel system
3. Portable fire extinguishers
4. Medium Velocity water spray system
5. Foam Protection System
6. Fire Detection & Alarm system
9.2.1 Hydrant System Hydrant System shall be provided for the areas as mentioned under
clause 2.0. Hydrant system consists of a large network of pipe laid
underground (min. 0.8 M below grade for general area & 0.9 mtr. for
r oad cr ossing ar ea), which feeds pr essur ized water to number of
hydrant valves or hydrant with monitor. The hydrants will be located above ground & type of hydrant should be
wet barrel type with 6 connection to the fire main. No block valve is
considered above ground at the base of hydrant. Monitor are specified in accordance with NFPA & mounted above the
wet barrel hydrant with 4 connection to hydrants. Foam cum water
type monitors are considered for Alcohol storage area protection. Spacing & location of hydr ants will be as per NF PA 24 or local
a ut hor i t y r ul es. Ma xi mum di st a nce bet ween t wo hydr a nt s i s
considered 45 mtr. as per standard practice. Hose box near field hydrant shall store 1 nos. of 2 X 30 mtr. Length
F ir e hoses, 1 Nos. of 1 dia x 30 mtr . F ir e hose, one no 1
adjustable fog & straight stream nozzle, 2 & 1 adaptor, 2 nos.
universal hose spanner wrench for 2 & 1 & 2 nos. of coupling
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
93 Hose box are signed with safety signs in accordance with BS 5499
part-1. For protection of column, High structure, & storage tank area, suitable
master stream or hydrant with water monitor are considered. For protection of upper floor areas inside the Distillation MSDH unit
standpipes system are considered. Standpipe shall be provided near the
staircase with internal house box, suitable for storing two nos. of 15.0
mtr. 38mm dia hose pipes, one no. of branch pipe with solid stream
nozzle equipped with shutoffs, two house wrench, two hose wrench,
two hose coupling qasket. Each standpipe is to be sized for a minimum flow of 380 ipm at 6.9 bar
(g) inlet pressure. The fire water network shall be designed on the basis of following:
A. The firewater network around a risk area shall be sized for the
maximum firewater flow demand for the risk area i.e. combined
water requirement for all water based extinguish system.
B. Velocity in the pipeline shall not exceed 5 m/s. Pipe fr iction
shall be determined on the basis of Hazen and willians formula.
C. Post indicator type cut of valves shell be located in the network
in such a way that a pipe run can be insolated for maintenance
and at the same time ensuring that fire water is available on at
least two sides of any risk area through the pressurized network.
D. Hydrant monitors guards are to be considered for hydrants
where these are subject to vehicle damage or mechanical damage
near roadways, access ways.
E. The guar ds ar e to be section of 4 sch 40 pipes, filled with
concrete & set in concrete. The top of the pipe is to be at least 0.9
mtr, above grade & the bottom at least 1.2 mtr. below grade.
F. Guards are to be painted with a reflective paint (Yellow & Black
G. The design pressure of pipeline shall be 12.0 bar (g).
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
H. The minimum pressure required at each hydrant point shall be
6.9 bar (g).
I. One no. of El. Motor dr iven pump capacity 273 M3/hr (1250
GPM), Head 70 mtr. head is considered as main fire pump &
similar capacity of diesel engine driven pump is considered as
standby fire pump.
J. One no. El. Motor pump capacity 10.8 M3/Hr, 70 mtr. head is
considered for pressurization of system.
K. As per NFPA-14, 2 hrs of firewater storage required for the
system, hence total 550 M3 water storage shall be provided by
the client. The stor age shall be exclusively for fir e fighting
system & sha ll be stor ed in two equa l compa r tment type
9.2.2 Hose Reel System
First aid hose reels shall be provided inside process area & service floor area for
internal protection. Tapping for hose reels shall be taken from standpipe system.
9.2.3 Portable Fire Extinguishers
a. Adequate number of portable fire extinguishers of dry chemical (ABC
powder) type, carbon-di- oxide type & foam type are to be consider for the
open plant area & inside building at places where the fire hazards could
potentially arise.
b. NFPA 10 code are used to finalize the type, accessories, size, number &
location of fire extinguishers.
c. All the portable fire extinguishers used to be listed & approved type.
d. Fire extinguishers located outdoors is kept by cabinets. The location of all
fire extinguishers is signed with safety signs in accordance with BS 5499
part 1.
e. In portable type extinguishers (hand held type) 4.5 Kg capacity Co2 type
extinguisher, 9 ltr. capacity Foam type & 5.0 kg. Capacity DCP type fire
extinguishers are considered.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
f. For trolley mounted DCP type fire extinguisher capacity is considered
22.5.7 Kg.
9.2.4 Medium Velocity Water Spray System
For exposure protection of anhydrous Alcohol storage tanks, manual medium
velocity spray system shall be provided on each alcohol storage tank as per NFPA
Water spray shall be applied to vessel surface at a net rate of not less then 0.25
gpm/ft2 (10.2 ipm/m2) of exposed surface
A typical medium velocity water spray system consist of:
A quick opening valve located at suitable distance from the hazard area.
GI CS piping on down stream of quick opening valve, branched off into rings,
branches etc.
Medium velocity spray nozzles on GI piping and located in such a way that the
desired spray pattern is obtained and the protected area is wetted with the required
flow rate per sq. m of area.
Tapping for MVWS systems piping shall be taken from firewater hydrant mains.
For process unit area in MSDH section automatic type medium velocity water
spray system is considered to exposure protection of all those area where alcohol
is flowing liquid.
For automation of MVWS system electric operated deluge valves is considered.
The automatic MVWS system includes:
Detection nozzles (QBD) for detection of fire or any other detection system shall
be designed in accordance with NFPA 72.
Electrical trim kit of deluge valve for automatic operation of deluge valve.
Deluge valve control panel with associated cabling.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
9.2.5 Foam System
Manual foam systems are considered for anhydrous Alcohol Storage tank.
Foam pourer & foam solution piping are considered for all the storage tanks as
per NFPA 11.
Individual foam piping is considered for each foam pourer at each tank. Foam
inlet couplings are considered at near road edge by which foam solution are to be
supplied inside the tank through Mobile foam tender or mobile foam units.
9.2.6 Fire Detection & Alarm System
Fire detection & alarm system shall be microprocessor based with addressable
detectors as per NFPA 72 requirements. The system shall transmit one common
signal to emergency control panel located in the main fire station. Addressable
manual call points shall be provided at suitable location in the plant area to
activate the alarm signal in case of fire.
Detection system shall be capable to automatically operate MVWS system.
Addr essable smoke detector s ar e consider ed for the a ll pr ocess a r ea i. e.
Fermentation, Distillation & MSDH section admin. Building etc. Manual call
points are considered at all strategic points (entry / exit areas) & anhydrous
Alcohol storage section.
9.3 Fire Water Piping
i. Underground firewater mains are considered as per ASTM A53 Gr. B with
ii. Firewater main size is to be not less 6 (152 mm) dia. However connection to
hydrant or fire monitor lateral are considered at least 4 dia.
iii. Above ground fire water pipes required for standpipe system, hose reel system
& MVMS systems are considered of A53 Gr.B Galvanised.
iv. For Standpipe system pipe size shall be considered to be 4 dia.
9.4 Valves
The cut off valves shall be butterfly valves, generally conforming to API 609 and
shall be listed & approved type. All cutoff valves are considered as post-indicator
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 10
The spar es r equir ed for er ection & commissioning will be made available by the
appointed EPC contractor. List of spares required for 2 year s of oper ation will be
submitted along with the EPC bid and the cost will be included.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 11
Inspection & Testing
The Contractor will submit Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) and inspection schedule for
the equipment covered in this bid for approval, w1thin 15 days of Letter of Intent (LoI).
The Owner or r epr esentatives of the Owner will attend these inspections at the
Contractor s or sub-contractor s works and / or give waiver.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 12
Drawings, Data & Information
The Contractor will submit list of documents, data & drawings to the Owner for the
equipment covered under this section, defining the category like approval or information,
within 15 days of LoI. The Owner or representatives will approve the list accordingly.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Chapter 13
Guaranteed Performance Parameters
Distillery capacity
65 KLPD Total Spirit (95%V/V)
60 KLPD Ethanol (99.8% V/V)
Impure spirit ( 2.5 %) : 1.6 KLPD (95% V/V)
Inputs Qty. Specifications
During season
1 Efficiencies & Yield Fermentable Sugar : 10% w/w
A F er menta tion Efficiency : 90.0%
B Distillation efficiency : 98.5%
C Dehydration Efficiency : 99.5%
D Yield per Ton of J uice : 60 Litres Total spirit of 95.0 % v/v
56.81 Litres Ethanol of 99.8 % v/v
2 Steam (Total) Dry, Saturated @ 3.5 kg/cm
At the inlet of respective header
A Juice Pasteurization 24
0.4 Kg/Lit of Ethanol
B Wash to RS
Multipressure Distillation
115 TPD 1.9 Kg/Lit of Ethanol
C RS to Ethanol
Mol. Sieve Dehydration
0.6 Kg/Lit of Ethanol
D Juice Concentration 210 TPD 3.5 Kg/Lit of Ethanol
E Spent Wash Evaporation 108 TPD 1.8 Kg/Lit of Ethanol
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
3 Raw Water (Total) M
/day Raw water will be treated to get
process & soft water
A Process Water for fermentation
& other utility purpose
Filtered, Free from sludge, sand,
algae, E coli
B Soft Water for Cooling Tower
Make-up, Vacuum Pump etc
Hardness less than 5 ppm
TDS less than 50 ppm.
Chloride content less than 25ppm.
4 Electricity 960 KW 415 V, 50 Hz, 4 wire supply
A Syrup Storage ---
B Juice Conc. Plant 120 KW
C Juice handling 10 KW
D Fermentation 200 KW
E Distillation 40 KW
F Mol. Sieve Dehydration 15 KW
G Alcohol storage 15 KW
H Utility section 225 KW
I Bio-methanation 75 KW
J Evaporation 150 KW
K Condensate Polishing Unit 80 KW
L Water Treatment Plant 30 KW
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
Inputs Qty Specifications
During off-season
1 Efficiencies Fermentable Sugar : 35% w/w
A F er menta tion Efficiency : 90.0%
B Distillation efficiency : 98.5%
C Dehydration Efficiency : 99.5%
D Formula for Yield
Sugar Content in kg X 0.511 X Eff
X Eff
X Eff
0.795 X Alcohol Concentration in v/v
Fermentation Efficiency in %
Distillation Efficiency in %
Effm Dehydration Efficiency in %
2 Steam (Total) Dry, Saturated @ 3.5 kg/cm
At the inlet of respective header
A Wash to RS
Multipressure Distillation
115 TPD 1.9 Kg/Lit of Ethanol
B RS to Ethanol
Mol. Sieve Dehydration
0.6 Kg/Lit of Ethanol
C Spent Wash Evaporation 108 TPD 1.8 kg/lit of Ethanol
3 Raw Water (Total) M
/day Raw water will be treated to get
process & soft water
A Process Water for fermentation
& other utility purpose
Filtered, Free from sludge, sand,
algae, E coli
B Soft Water for Cooling Tower
Make-up, Vacuum Pump etc
Hardness less than 5 ppm
TDS less than 50 ppm.
Chloride content less than 25ppm.
EPC Bid Document for Ethanol Plant at Sugauli, Dist. East Champaran, Bihar, Technical Specifications
4 Electricity 845 KW 415 V, 50 Hz, 4 wire supply
A Syrup Storage 15 KW
B Juice Conc. Plant ---
C Juice handling ---
D Fermentation 200 KW
E Distillation 40 KW
F Mol. Sieve Dehydration 15 KW
G Alcohol storage 15 KW
H Utility section 225 KW
I Bio-methanation 75 KW
J Evaporation 150 KW
K Condensate Polishing Unit 80 KW
L Water Treatment Plant 30 KW
Parameters for Condensate Polishing Unit :
Quality of water required after treatment which is to be used as cooling tower make-up
PH 7 to 7.5
Temperature Deg.C Ambient
COD PPM < 100
BOD PPM < 10

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