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Schedule St Peter – St Paul Russian Orthodox Church

Moscow Patriarchate Representation

The Twenty Eighth Sunday Harold’s Cross Rd., Dublin 6W, Ireland
after Pentecost
Sunday, December 20 , 20 20 December 2009
9.00 Confessions and 9.00 The Venerable Nilus
Divine Liturgy of Stolben Island ( 1554)
in Dublin and Cork. .

The Conception by
the Righteous Anna of
the Holy Theotokos
Tuesday, December 22 , 22
9.00 Mattins and 9.00
Divine Liturgy. .

Holy Martyr Eustratius with .

other Martyrs
Saturday, December 26 , 26
9.00 Confessions and 9.00
Divine Liturgy
in Galway and Belfast. .
18.00 Vigil Service and 18.00
Confessions. .

The Twenty Ninth Sunday

after Pentecost. Sunday of .
the Holy Forefathers .
Sunday, December 27 , 27
9.00 Confessions and 9.00
( 1554)
Divine Liturgy
in Dublin and Stradbally. .
20 2009 .

Tel: (353)1-4969038, Fax: (353)1-4640976,

Banking: AIB Bank, sort code 93 12 68, account 18106032, Charity: CHY14529
Very Rev Fr. Michael Gogoleff, tel.: (44) 1225-858792 , fax: (44) 1225-852211,
76 Dovers Park Bathford BA1 7UE
, ,
Rev Dr. George Zavershinsky, mobile tel.: (353) 087-9845907, e-mail:
Rev Fr. Nikolay Evseev, mobile tel.: (353) 086-1009531, e-mail:
1 4
From the Epistle of Apostle . . From the Gospel according to -
Paul to Colossians (1:12-18). (1:12-18). St. Luke (6:17-23). (6:17-23).
Brethren, give thanks to the Fa- , - At that time, Jesus came down , -
ther who has qualified us to be with apostles and stood on a level , -
place with a crowd of His disci- , ,
partakers of the inheritance of the
, - ples and a great multitude of peo-
saints in the light. He has deliv- ple from all Judea and Jerusalem,
ered us from the power of dark- and from the seacoast of Tyre and ,
ness and conveyed us into the - Sidon, who came to hear Him and -
be healed of their diseases, as well , -
kingdom of the Son of His love, , as those who were tormented with
in whom we have redemption unclean spirits. And they were ; . -
through His blood, the forgiveness healed. And the whole multitude ,
, - sought to touch Him, for power
of sins. He is the image of the in-
- went out from Him and healed
visible God, the firstborn over all . ,
them all. Then He lifted up His
creation. For by Him all things , eyes toward His disciples, and
, : -
were created that are in heaven ; , said: “ Blessed are you poor, For
, -
yours is the kingdom of
and that are on earth, visible and . -
, - God.Blessed are you who hunger
invisible, whether thrones or do- , . -
: , now, For you shall be filled.
minions or principalities or pow- ,
Blessed are you who weep now,
, , For you shall laugh. Blessed are . , -
ers. All things were created
,- you when men hate you, And
through Him and for Him. And , -
when they exclude you, And re-
He is before all things, and in ; - vile you, and cast out your name , ,
Him all things consist. And He is as evil, For the Son of Man’s , -
, .
the head of the body, the church, sake. Rejoice in that day and leap .
; - - for joy! For indeed your re- ,
who is the beginning, the firstborn
ward is great in heaven, For in
from the dead, that in all things , ,
like manner their fathers did to .
He may have the preeminence. . the prophets. .
2 3
From the Epistle of Apostle . . raise us up with Jesus, and will
Paul to Corinthians present us with you. For all things .
(2 Cor. 4:6-15). (2 . 4:6-15). are for your sakes, that grace, ,
Brethren, the God who com- , , having spread through the many, -
manded light to shine out of dark- , - may cause thanksgiving to
ness, has shone in our hearts to abound to the glory of God. .
give the light of the knowledge of - From the Gospel according to -
the glory of God in the face of Je- . - St. Luke (17:12-19). (17:12-19).
sus Christ. But we have this treas-
At that time, as Jesus entered a , -
ure in earthen vessels, that the ex-
, certain village, there met Him ten ,
cellence of the power may be of
, men who were lepers, who stood
God and not of us. We are hard- -
. - afar off. And they lifted up their
pressed on every side, yet not , -
, ; voices and said, “Jesus, Master,
crushed; we are perplexed, but not -
, have mercy on us!” So when He
in despair; persecuted, but not for-
saw them, He said to them, “Go, : !
saken; struck down, but not de- ; ,
; , show yourselves to the priests.” . , :
stroyed — always carrying about
in the body the dying of the Lord And so it was that as they went, , -
Jesus, that the life of Jesus also they were cleansed. And one of . , -
may be manifested in our body. them, when he saw that he was
- . , ,
For we who live are always deliv- healed, returned, and with a loud
. - , ,
ered to death for Jesus’ sake, that voice glorified God, and fell
down on his face at His feet, giv- ,
the life of Jesus also may be
, , ;
manifested in our mortal flesh. So ing Him thanks. And he was a Sa-
then death is working in us, but maritan. So Jesus answered and .
, said, “Were there not ten
life in you. And since we have : -
the same spirit of faith, according , cleansed? But where are the nine? ? ?
to what is written, “I believed . , , Were there not any found who
and therefore I spoke,” we also : returned to give glory to God ex-
, - cept this foreigner?” And He said , -
believe and therefore speak,
knowing that He who raised , , , to him, “Arise, go your way. Your ? : , ;
up the Lord Jesus will also faith has made you well.” .

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