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Quizz chapter 2

Answer the following open questions:

1.-How is a system in thermal equilibrium?

2.- The unique variable that determined the thermal equilibrium is precisely

3.-Kinetic energy is related to
4.-What is the device designed to measure the temperature?
5. Heat and temperature are the same? Explain.
6.- Write the formula of heat
7.- C represents
8.-What is latent heat of fusion?

9.- What is latent heat of vaporization?

10.-What is a fuel?

Answer the following multiple choice questios
11.- The study of Heat in mechanical energy is called
a) Latent c) Energy d) Thermodynamic e) Temperature behavior

12.-It is define as the amount of matter enclosed between limits, real or imaginary:
a) System b) Comparison c) isobaric tool d) discontinuity
13.- All of them are combustion examples excepting
a) Breathing b) fireplace (with fire) c)smoking d)none of these
14.- At this temperature substance is transformed from the solid fhase to liquid phase or vice
a)Freezing point b)melting point c) boiling point
15.- The greater specific heat value a material has the _____________ the material gets heated.
a) easier b) harder
16.- In this process temperature remains constant, volume increases an pressure decreases
a) Isobaric b) Isochoric c) Isothermal d) Adiabatic
17. - In this process pressure remains constant , volume and temperature change
a) Isobaric b) Isochoric c) Isothermal d) Adiabatic
18.- - In this process pressure volume constant , pressure and temperature change
a) Isobaric b) Isochoric c) Isothermal d) Adiabatic
19.-In this process thermodynamic condition remains constant. There is no transference of heat.
a) Isobaric b) Isochoric c) Isothermal d) Adiabatic

20.-Produced work is always ___________ than the consumed energy
a) more b)less
21.-is it possible to build a machine that works with continuous motion?
a)no b) yes
22.-Mechanism of heat transfer through free electromagnetic waves that a body emits
continuously is in function of temperature and the nature of its surface.
A) convection b) radiation c)1
law of thermodynamics d)2
law of thermodynamics

23.- Process by which the heat is transfer through the real movement of the mass of material
medium, which movement caused by difference in density between in different regions of
A) convection b) radiation c)1
law of thermodynamics d)2
law of thermodynamics
24.- The heat that does not flow spontaneously from body with lower temperature to a body with
greater temperature.
A) convection b) radiation c)1
law of thermodynamics d)2
law of thermodynamics
25.- Adding heat to system is equal to change in internal energy plus work done by system.
A) convection b) radiation c)1
law of thermodynamics d)2
law of thermodynamics

Work relation exercise. Place the correct letter inside the parenthesis.
Question Option
26.- It is the scale to measure temperature in
USA, UK, etc ( )

27.- International scale to measure
temperature in the international system ( )

28.- 0 k (Kelvin)=

29.- 0C=

30.-the water freezing point is ( )

31.- Equation to change C to F

32.- This scale counts 0 as the temperature in
which a body cannot be equal to it or inferior.

33.- Coefficient of Lineal Thermal Expansion

34.- Volume expansion coefficient

35.- heat transfer equation

2. 32F
3. Fahrenheit
4. Q= (m)(c) ( T)
5. -273C
6. Celsius
7. 32F
8. 0C
9. 1.8 C + 32
10. Kelvin

1. How many calories are released when 80.0 g of water cools from 37.5 C to 22.5

2. What is the final temperature of the water when 0.500 kcal are added to 135.8 g of
water at 14.8 C?

3. A bar of lead (specific heat 0.030 cal/g-C) is cooled from 148.0 to 20.4 C. If this
releases 324.8 calories of heat, what is the bar's mass?

4. A 15.0 kg ball of lead (specific heat 0.030 cal/g-C) is cooled to 21.5 C with a loss
of 0.382 kcal of heat energy. What was the original temperature of the lead?How
many calories are needed to melt 150.0 g of ice at 0.0C? The heat of fusion of ice
is 1.44 kcal/mole.

5. How many grams of water can be condensed at 100.0 C by the removal of 500.0
cal of heat? the heat of vaporization of water is 9.7 kcal/mole.

6. How many calories of heat are absorbed when 15.0 g of lead at its melting point is
converted completely to a liquid at the same temperature? The heat of fusion of lead
is 5.9 cal/g.

1. How much energy is needed to change a 25.0 g ice cube at -10.0 C to steam at
110.0C? The specific heat of steam is 0.50 cal/g-C.

2. An 850.0 mg sample of lead is kept in a basement at 10.0 C . If 25.0 cal of heat
energy are supplied to it from a nearby furnace, will the sample melt completely?
Lead melts at 327C.

3. 0.500 kcal of heat energy are supplied to a 50.00 g block of lead at room
temperature (20.0C). What temperature and state will the lead reach? Lead melts at
327C and boils at 1750C.

4. A 2.50 kg sample of molten silver at its melting point of 961C is placed in a
container of liquid nitrogen (-195C). How much energy must be removed to bring
the solid silver down to the temperature of the N2 (l)?

5. Suppose there is a beaker containing 25.0 mL of methanol in front of you in the lab,
which is at about 20C. If you add 500 cal of heat energy, will it boil? The bp of
methanol is 65C. Assume 60% of the energy is "wasted" in heating the beaker, and
only 40% goes into heating the methanol. The density of methanol is 0.80 g/mL,
and its formula is CH

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