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Masterclass in Expressive Photography

Jim Friedman, award-winning teacher and photographer
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useful for lnLermedlaLe and advanced phoLographers who are currenLly worklng
on pro[ecLs or seeklng help ln lnlLlaLlng new pro[ecLs or wanL Lo Lry new
phoLographlc sLraLegles/dlrecLlons or are creaLlvely sLuck", aL a creaLlve
lmpasse or who have been lnacLlve and wanL Lo resusclLaLe, relnvlgoraLe or
resLarL Lhelr phoLography.

1he flve-sesslon MasLerclass focuses on deepenlng phoLographlc pracLlce.

MasLerclass beglns ln Columbus, Chlo on november 10, 2014, 6-830 pm and
meeLs weekly. 1he fee ls $130. ConLacL !lm lrledman aL 614.734.8123.

MasLerclass ls approprlaLe for lnLermedlaLe and advanced analog and dlglLal
phoLographers who already possess Lechnlcal proflclency and compeLency.

Whlle Lechnlque wlll be addressed when relevanL, Lhe MasLerclass ls noL
lnLended for Lhose who, currenLly, are masLerlng Lhe Lechnlcal requlremenLs of
Lhe medlum. 8aLher, Lhe class wlll nurLure advancemenL ln maklng more
memorable vlsual sLaLemenLs for experlenced phoLographers.

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1wlce nomlnaLed for Lhe Lxcellence ln hoLographlc 1eachlng Award" LhaL recognlzes
ouLsLandlng lnLernaLlonal Leachers of phoLography

8eclplenL of Lhe Aaron Slsklnd loundaLlon lndlvldual hoLographer's lellowshlp

8eclplenL of seven phoLographer's fellowshlps from Lhe Chlo ArLs Councll

!lm lrledman wlshes Lo Lhank hls generous menLors ln phoLography:
Mlnor WhlLe and lmogen Cunnlngham

This class is appropriate for previous participants in Jim Friedmans classes and workshops

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