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Friday, June 13, 2014

International maritime news for seafarers
Southeast Asia becomes hub of global pirate
attacks: UNITAR report
Southeast Asia has become the world's hotsot for irate attac!s after an international
clamdown slashed the number of hi"ac!in#s off the coast of Somalia, a $% a#ency said
on &hursday'
In 2013, 2( boats were attac!ed in the western Indian )cean, but none ta!en cati*e in
the re#ion, the $% Institute for &rainin# and +esearch ,$%I&A+- said in a reort' $ntil
January 2011, Somali irates had held .3/ hosta#es and 32 boats, some onshore and
others on their *essels'
0&here has been a si#nificant reduction in the number of irate attac!s durin# 2013, to the
e1tent one can claim they ha*e almost stoed,0 $%I&A+ said after its fi*e2year study'
Attac!s in the 3orn of Africa siralled from the early 2000s, with irates hi"ac!in# car#o
shis and ta!in# crews risoner for months and e*en years' 4uch of the reduction in
attac!s is down to the international fleet that has started to atrol the 5ulf of Aden and
Indian )cean, and many merchant *essels ha*e started !eein# armed #uards onboard'
Attac!s ha*e also become far less se*ere, with incidents in*ol*in# roc!et2roelled
#renades fallin# from 43 in 2011 to "ust three last year' At the same time the irates'
ransom haul fell from $S6 170 million in 2011 to $S6 /0 million the followin# year' &hey
are also stic!in# much closer to shore, with the a*era#e raid ta!in# lace less than 70!m
from the coast in 2013, a 8uarter of their ran#e three years earlier'
4eanwhile, iracy has sur#ed in Southeast Asia, articularly in the maritime tradin# hub
of the 4alacca Straits between 4alaysia and Indonesia' Attac!s in the re#ion toed 170
in 2013 after startin# an uward trend since 2010, said $%I&A+' 09iracy in the 4alacca
Strait continues to be a ma"or disruter for safe routes in the eastern Indian )cean,0 said
the a#ency'
In 4ay, the International 4aritime :ureau said that there had been 23 actual or attemted
attac!s in Southeast Asian waters between January and 4arch, mainly off Indonesia'
$%I&A+ stressed that iracy was li!ely to become e*en worse in the re#ion as the centre
of #ra*ity of #lobal shiin# continues to shift towards Asia' 0;ith chan#in# climatic
conditions at hi#h latitudes and medium2to2low2income countries in Asia e1eriencin# the
lar#est #rowth er caita, additional transort routes may be e1lored,0 it added'
In total, the ;orld :an! estimates that iracy costs the #lobal economy rou#hly $S6 1(
billion er year in increased trade costs' &he amount 0dwarfs the estimated $S6 73
million a*era#e annual ransom aid since 2007,0 the ban! said in a 2013 reort' ,AF9-
Immediately after an une*entful ort dearture and feelin# confident with the #ood
weather, the master decided to let #o of the tu# early'
A tan!er had dischar#ed arcels of car#o at a ort in the 4iddle <ast and was outbound
throu#h a narrow channel' In #ood weather conditions and an ebbin# tide, the ilot
decided to disembar! at the ort's brea!water and dismissed the tu#, about three nautical
miles short of the official osition'
)nce ast the brea!water, the *essel turned to ort and the master ordered the
helmsman to maintain a headin# alon# the dred#ed channel' &he local chart also warned
of anomalies due to dred#in#'
&he master ordered a small course alteration to ort to account for an offset' At about the
same time, the master noticed a small fishin# boat oeratin# on the left side of the
4eanwhile, the helmsman was ha*in# difficulty alterin# course and increased to ten
de#rees of ort rudder' Shortly, the *essel be#an turnin# raidly to ort and the master
noticed that 30 de#rees of ort rudder had been alied' 3e ordered 'hard to starboard'
and, 30 seconds later recorded that the swin# to ort had stoed' 3owe*er, he realised
that if he allowed his *essel toswin# bac!, he would collide with the boat' =onse8uently,
he ordered full astern ower and let the ort anchor #o'
&he *essel came to rest with its forward art on soft sand' &he fishin# boat assed
without ma!in# contact'
&he ilot disembar!ed si#nificantly ahead of the official boardin# osition, immediately
rior to a difficult manoeu*re in comle1 tidal conditions and left without #i*in# any further
&he master allowed his *essel to mo*e to the ort side of the channel, desite the
re8uirements of =)>+<5s and the resence of the small boat ahead on the ort side'
&he master did not monitor and was not aware of the helmsman's resonse to his orders'
&he helmsman alied ma1imum ort rudder without further instructions from the master'
6esite members of the brid#e team comletin# resource mana#ement trainin#, the
lessons learned were not alied on this occasion' Source: UK MAIB
Ne" composite rules for lighter# faster ships
o$ car%s
A =omosite +ules $date ;or!#rou has made recommendations for udatin# >loyd's
+e#ister's ,>+- SS= =omosite +ules, considerin# the #rowth in the use of comosites in
the last two decades' &he wor!#rou is consistin# of Secial Ser*ice =raft and comosite
materials e1erts from >+ and 4A+&<='
<1erts belie*e that the u#raded SS= =omosite +ules will encoura#e shibuilders to
manufacture li#hter, faster, more fuel2efficient and en*ironmentally2friendly *essels with
cuttin# ed#e technolo#y'
;ith the recommendations of the wor!#rou, a series of archaic and out2of date
re8uirements has already been remo*ed from the SS= =omosite +ules'
&et cruiser crashes ba$k
A "et cruiser, enroute for 4acao from 3on# ?on#, crashed the ban! in 4acao on Friday,
woundin# more than 20 eole'
&he 4acao 9olice said that the airshi, oerated by 3on# ?on#2based Shun &a! 3oldin#s
>imited, hit the southern emban!ment near 4acao's )uter 3abuor terminal at around
@A30am ,local time-' A ress release issued by Shun &a! said that 22 of the 220
assen#ers onboard sustained minor in"uries and all of them were sent to hosital for
4eanwhile, the maritime authorities and the olice launched the "oint rescue efforts after
the incident' )fficials from 4acao's 4arine and ;ater :ureau told Binhua that all those
in"ured ha*e left the scene' 4acao, =hina's secial administration at the southern ti of
the mainland, has seen a number of airshi accidents o*er the ast years'
Fi$$ish 'essel ru$s agrou$% at (apellskar
)arbour i$ S"e%e$
A Finnish assen#er2car#o *essel ran onto roc!s at the ?aells!ar 3arbour in Sweden on
&hursday mornin#, with 1/( assen#ers and 30 crew onboard'
&he Finnish shiin# comany Finnline's assen#er *essel ran a#round at the harbour
about @0!m north of Swedish caital of Stoc!holm' &he *essel left %aantali in Finland on
;ednesday e*enin# and was due to arri*e in Sweden when it met with the accident'
Accordin# to Finnlines, no one was hurt or in dan#er'
A reresentati*e of the comany told Binhua that the #roundin# was caused by a
technical failure of the *essel's main en#ines, addin# that the harbour is articularly
shallow' 6i*ers were insectin# the *essel's hull in order to e*aluate the dama#e' It is
difficult to estimate how lon# the wor! will ta!e, accordin# to the shiin# comany'
*oast +uar% faults captai$# o"$er for Bou$t,
A $S =oast 5uard ,$S=5- in*esti#ation faults the catain and mana#ement of a relica
1(th2century shi for sailin# into 3urricane Sandy in oor conditions and with an
ine1erienced crew'
&he shi san! off =ae 3atteras, %orth =arolina, in )ctober 2012' )ne crewmember died
and =atain +obin ;albrid#e was lost at sea and is resumed dead'
&he reort, released on &hursday, says that the 34S :ounty )r#anisation chose to meet
only the minimum standards of a recreational *essel, not tou#her re8uirements of a
assen#er craft' &he reort recommends $S=5 leadershi re*iew olicy on the staffin#
and oeration of such show *essels'
&he three2mast shi was built for the 1@/2 film 04utiny on the :ounty0, starrin# 4arlon
:rando' &he shi also aeared in one of the 09irates of the =aribbean0 mo*ies' ,A9-
(e$,a$ coastal isla$%s threate$e% b, sea le'el
4illions of inhabitants alon# the ?enyan coastal stri mi#ht relocate elsewhere as climate
chan#e2induced sea le*el rise threatens to submer#e islands, #o*ernment officials ha*e
Judi ;a!hun#u, the =abinet Secretary for <n*ironment, ;ater and %atural +esource,
said that coastal towns and *illa#es ris! bein# inundated due to risin# water le*els'
0?enya is not an e1cetion in the effects of risin# sea le*el and associated wa*e erosion'
+esearchers ha*e confirmed a 2'2mm rise of Indian )cean waters annually,0 she told
Sea!in# at the e*ent in the =oastal town of ?ilifi, ;a!hun#u noted that climate chan#e
threatens the multi2million2dollar marine ecosystem' &he e*ent mainly focused on the
imacts of climate chan#e on oceans' 5o*ernment officials, researchers and
conser*ationists noted that climate chan#e threatens the sur*i*al of ?enyan la!es and
0=redible scientific findin#s ha*e re*ealed that an increase of 30cm is caable of causin#
the submer#ence of 4ombasa and 1.C of coastal areas' It is estimated that 2/.,000
eole will be at ris! of coastal floodin# by 2030, if no deterrent measures are ut in
lace,0 stressed ;a!hun#u'
?enya has an e1ansi*e coastline that is the bedroc! of tourism and fishin# industries'
+aid oulation #rowth, urbanisation and climate chan#e ha*e osed new challen#es to
li*elihoods alon# the /00!m ?enyan coastline' 3e noted that floodin# has become a
recurrent henomenon in many coastal towns than!s to risin# temeratures' 0?enya has
not only e1erienced a rise in sea le*el but also the e1ansion of inland la!es due to
increased water *olumes causin# submer#ence of ad"acent areas,0 ;a!hun#u told the
She also said fresh water la!es ha*e recorded a rise in water le*els' ?enya is si#natory to
the international con*ention on rotection of oceans and marine life' ;a!hun#u
reaffirmed the #o*ernment's commitment to rotect marine ecosystems from industrial
ollution and o*er2e1loitation' 0;e must ta!e resonsible actions to reduce #lobal
warmin# and enhance sound mana#ement of marine resources,0 she stressed'
9rincial Secretary of the ?enyan 4inistry of <n*ironment +ichard >esiyame said that
climate chan#e has worsened o*erty, loss of rare habitats and diseases alon# the
?enyan coast' 0&here is need to sensitise communities on actions that would minimise
imacts of climate chan#e on marine ecosystem' $ncontrolled emissions and human
encroachment threaten fisheries and tourism in the ?enyan coast,0 said >esiyame'
Seafarers A"are$ess -eek
Seafarers Awareness ;ee! is an annual camai#n to raise awareness of the #lobal
deendence on seafarers and the sea'
&his year's camai#n is callin# on seafarers 2 ast and resent 2 to send in a selfie and
#i*e a face bac! to what is often seen as a faceless industry' It is bein# searheaded by
Jac! of all maritime2trades 4onty 3alls, who is a former =ommando, fisherman, di*er, &D
resenter and maritime e1ert'
Seafarers can submit their selfies throu#h &witter, usin# EAllAtSea, on the Seafarers
Awareness ;ee! Faceboo! a#e, or by emailin# "ac!wFacceleris2mc'com' 3ay
Roaste% cor$ "ith basil.shallot 'i$aigrette
It will ta!e "ust 17 minutes to reare the ure summer recie' &he item is basically a
simle combination of roasted corn and a basil *inai#rette, which has a fresh fla*our'
3 cus of fresh corn !ernels
2tbs of e1tra2*ir#in oli*e oil
1H4 cu of fresh basil ,choed-
1tbs of minced shallot
1tbs of red2wine *ine#ar
1H4ts of salt
Freshly #round eer'
Method: 9reheat the o*en to 470 de#rees Fahrenheit'
&oss the corn and ure oil to coat it and sread out on a lar#e ba!in# sheet' :a!e, stirrin#
once, until some !ernels be#in to become brown or for about 20 minutes'
=ombine basil, shallot, *ine#ar, salt and eer in a medium bowl'
%ow add the corn and toss it to coat' Ser*e warm or cold or after !eein# it in refri#erate
for u to one day'
Tomato / basil fi$ger sa$%"ich
&omato and basil fin#er sandwich is another delicious summer dish' A smear of reduced2
fat mayonnaise and a little fresh basil allow erfectly rie tomatoes to shine' It will ta!e
only 10 minutes to reare the dish'
4 slices whole2wheat bread
(ts of reduced2fat mayonnaise ,di*ided-
4 thic! tomatoes ,sliced-
4ts of fresh basil ,sliced-
1H(ts of salt
1H(ts of freshly #round eer
Method: =ut the bread into rounds sli#htly lar#er than the tomato with a biscuit cutter'
Sread each slice with 2ts of mayonnaise' &o it with tomatoes, basil, salt and eer'
And now ser*e it with fruit "uice'
Market snapshot: 11:30 GMT
Dry Index BDI 939 -34
Capesize Index BCI 179 -7
!ana"ax Index B!I #3$ -43
%&pra"ax Index B%I 7#0 -14
'andysize Index B'I 4#$ -4
(e) *ork +Th& C,s-
./n C&rren0y 1%D in ./n
in 1%D C&rren0y
Britain +!o&nd- 12#33# 02$940
Canada +Do,,ar- 02913 1203$$
China +*&an- 021#03 #2130
4&ro 123$#$ 02737
India +5&pee- 0201#9 $923$0
Indonesia +5&piah- 02000034 1133#200
6apan +*en- 0200933# 1012#700
(or)ay +7rone- 021#71 $29349
!hi,ippines +!eso- 0203 432300
!o,and +8,oty- 0239$ 320300
5&ssia +5&9,e- 0209 34230
%in/apore +Do,,ar- 023013 12479
1kraine +'ry:nia- 0203$3 112#$9$

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