Maritime News: Paris Mou Committee Approves New Performance Lists

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Monday, June 16, 2014

International maritime news for seafarers
Paris MoU committee approves new
performance lists
The Paris MoU Committee has approed the 201! inspe"tion results and adopted new
performan"e lists for fla#s and $e"o#nised %r#ani&ations' These lists will ta(e effe"t from
1 July 2014'
The )*hite, +rey and ,la"( -*+,. /ist) presents the full spe"trum, from 0uality fla#s to
fla#s with a poor performan"e that are "onsidered hi#h or ery hi#h ris(' It is 1ased on the
total num1er of inspe"tions and detentions oer a !2year rollin# period for fla#s with at
least !0 inspe"tions in the period'
%n the )*hite, +rey and ,la"( list) for 201! a total num1er of 34 fla#s are listed5 46 on
the )*hite list), 16 on the )+rey list), and ten on the ),la"( list)'
The )*hite /ist) represents 0uality fla#s with a "onsistently low detention re"ord'
Compared with last year, the num1er of fla#s on the )*hite /ist) has in"reased 1y 1 fla#
to a total num1er of 46 fla#s' 7ew on the )*hite /ist) are 8a&a(hstan, 9audi :ra1ia and
9wit&erland, whi"h were still on the )+rey /ist) last year'
;ran"e has 1een pla"ed hi#hest on the list in terms of performan"e'
The ne<t in line of the 1est performin# fla#s in 201! are 7orway, 9weden, =enmar( and
Italy, a Paris MoU Committee press release read'
;la#s with an aera#e performan"e are shown on the )+rey /ist)' Their appearan"e on
this list may a"t as an in"entie to improe and moe to the )*hite /ist') :t the same time
fla#s at the lower end of the )+rey /ist) should 1e "areful not to ne#le"t "ontrol oer their
ships and ris( endin# up on the ),la"( /ist) ne<t year'
%n this year>s )+rey /ist) a total num1er of 16 fla#s is re"orded, the same as in the year
1efore' 7ew on the )+rey /ist) are +eor#ia, /e1anon, 9aint 8itts and 7eis, /i1ya and
:l1ania, whi"h were last year still on the ),la"( /ist)'
The poorest performin# fla# is the United $epu1li" of Tan&ania -hi#h ris(., followed 1y
?onduras, =omini"a, and To#o -medium to hi#h ris(.'
: fla#>s ran(in# is ta(en into a""ount when tar#etin# ships for inspe"tion and ships flyin#
fla#s listed on the ),la"() and )+rey) list are lia1le for 1annin# from the re#ion after
multiple detentions'
: 1rea(down of "ommuni"ations 1etween a tu# "rew and the @essel Traffi" 9ystem
operator worsened the effe"ts of a lost "ar#o of spud piles'
: !!2metre tu# was towin# a 2!m 1ar#e loaded with an off2shore Aa"(2up unit alon# a
essel traffi" separation s"heme'
=urin# the towin# operation, one spud pile on the 1ar#e "ame loose, lowered itself, hit the
sea1ed and 1ro(e off' /ater that afternoon, another spud pile "ame loose and lowered
itself to the sea1ed, resultin# in the 1ar#e runnin# a#round' :fter an unsu""essful attempt
to repair the Aa"(2up unit holdin# the spud pile, the se"ond spud pile, in"ludin# a pontoon,
1ro(e off' The tu# "rew 1elieed that 1oth spud piles and the pontoon were lost and were
lyin# on the sea1ed'
:1out three hours after the loss of the se"ond spud pile, a "ontainer ship passed 1y the
area and "ollided with one of the spud piles' The spud pile penetrated the essel>s hull
a1oe the waterline and fore"astle de"(' The "rew was not aware of the hull dama#e until
early ne<t mornin#' The ship was transferred to another port for repairs'
:uthorities did not esta1lish what te"hni"al "ir"umstan"es "aused the malfun"tion of the
lo"(in# pins holdin# the spud piles, "ausin# them to "ome loose and slide out of the
hydrauli" Aa"(2up unit'
The wear2and2tear of the lo"(in# pins, the manner in whi"h the spud piles were se"ured
and the manner in whi"h the 1ar#e was towed were fa"tors that li(ely "ontri1uted to the
The ineffe"tie "ommuni"ation 1etween the personnel mannin# tu# and the @essel Traffi"
9eri"e -@T9. left the @T9 operator with an in"omplete understandin# of the situation
releant to the tu# and 1ar#e' The predominant "ause of the ineffe"tie "ommuni"ation
was lan#ua#e 1arriers and poor audio 0uality on the @?; transmission'
The deelopin# "on"erns and priorities 1y the "rew of the tu# resulted in a situation where
they did not hae a full oeriew of the situation and thus they failed to ma(e an a""urate
report of the in"ident'
Ben thou#h the "rew on the tu# "ommuni"ated with the =anish :dmiral ;leet and the
@T9, there was no spe"ifi" information a1out the loss and none of the authorities 1e"ame
aware that the spud piles were lost' 9our"e5 =anish M:I,
New set of ates for Panama Canal e!pansion
sc"eme arrives
*or( on the Panama Canal B<pansion Pro#ram is nearin# "ompletion followin# the
deliery of a se"ond shipment of rollin# #ates for the Third 9et of /o"(s oer the
Port offi"ials said the shipment was deliered 1y a semi2su1mersi1le heay lift essel that
sailed off the Port of Trieste in the middle of last month' It "rossed the Mediterranean 9ea
and the :tlanti" %"ean 1efore arriin# at the Panama Canal>s :tlanti" side on 9aturday'
Panama Canal :uthority administrator Jor#e /uis CuiAano said the latest shipment is ital
to "ompletin# the esta1lishment of the Third 9et of /o"(s as it "ompletes half of the 16
#ates that will 1e set up in the area'
The third set of lo"(s for the proAe"t is e<pe"ted to 1e deliered 1y %"to1er this year,
a""ordin# to reports'
The e<pansion s"heme, whi"h is up for "ompletion in ;e1ruary 2014, is aimed at raisin#
the "apa"ity of the Panama Canal 1y "reatin# a new lane of traffi" to a""ommodate lar#er
ships' The proAe"t is 1ein# spearheaded 1y +rupo Unidos por el Canal'
#LCC rates at $%mont" low
Tonna#e oersupply and su1dued spot fi<ture a"tiity in the Middle Bast hae prompted
@/CC earnin#s to hit a nine2month low this wee('
+i1son said time "harter earnin#s of T=! frei#ht routes only stood at U9=14,400 per day
in the past wee(' The ship1ro(er also attri1uted the de"line to a redu"tion in @/CC spot
fi<tures, whi"h also resulted in T=! routes> earnin#s to slide in ;e1ruary and May'
:""ordin# to +i1son, tonna#e oersupply will li(ely affe"t the shippin# se#ment>s
reenues oer the "omin# months due to widespread low steamin#, as well as the
e<pe"ted deliery of 16 more @/CCs this year'
?oweer, there is hope for tan(er rates for @/CCs to re1ound on the 1a"( of an e<pe"ted
rise in #lo1al oil produ"tion and the #rowin# lon#2haul trade in :sia' +i1son said #lo1al oil
demand will #o up 1y two million 1arrels per day in the fourth 0uarter of the year as the
%r#anisation of the Petroleum B<portin# Countries is (een on rat"hetin# its output for the
said purpose'
Anal&st' So(t" C"ina Sea tra)e ro(tes safe
)espite rows
=espite territorial stand2offs 1etween China and other nations 1orderin# the 9outh China
9ea, analysts say #oernments (now 1etter than to "ho(e off the trade shippin# routes
that are the life1lood of their e"onomies, :;P reported'
The es"alatin# disputes this year 1etween China and some of its nei#h1ours oer their
rial territorial "laims in the sea hae led to water "annons 1ein# fired in one hotspot area
and deadly anti2Chinese riots in @ietnam'
The Philippines has also sou#ht military help from the United 9tates in the fa"e of what it
"alls )1ullyin#) Chinese ta"ti"s, si#nin# a pa"t that will soon allow thousands of U9 troops
onto ;ilipino 1ases fa"in# the sea'
The worsenin# rows hae ineita1ly raised 0uestions oer whether they will impa"t the
sea>s shippin# lanes, whi"h are amon# the 1usiest in the world and see more than half of
all oil tan(er trade flow throu#h them'
,ut analysts 1eliee all nations inoled, parti"ularly China, will ensure that the diplomati"
and military manoeurin#s do not Aeopardise su"h an important e"onomi" lifeline'
)It>s not in China>s interests, and it>s not in the interests of Japan, 9outh 8orea or Taiwan,
to hae some sort of 1lo"(ade or disruption,) said Jayendu 8rishna, a 9in#apore21ased
analyst with industry "onsultan"y firm =rewry Maritime 9eri"es'
IM*' Pirates t"warte) +& Mala&sian Nav&
The International Maritime ,ureau -IM,. has announ"ed a re"ent pirate atta"( in the
9outh China 9ea that was thwarted 1y the Malaysian 7ay with the help of their
Indonesian and 9in#aporean "ounterparts'
7oel Choon#, head of the IM,>s 8uala /umpur21ased Pira"y $eportin# Centre, said the
atta"( on a tan(er happened late 9aturday'
The Malaysian for"es inter"epted the tan(er, promptin# the pirates to leae without
#ettin# the alua1les in the essel'
)The Malaysian nay 0ui"(ly dispat"hed a patrol 1oat and mana#ed to inter"ept the
tan(er' Pirates mana#ed to es"ape 1efore the arrial of the naal 1oat,) the IM, said'
P, a)opts new MLC for marine )ec- officers.
The Philippines> Maritime Industry :uthority -M:$I7:., in its Cir"ular 7o' 201421, has
adopted and issued the implementin# rules for the new Mana#ement /eel Course -M/C.
for marine de"( offi"ers and en#ineers, P7: reported'
The latter proision is in2line with the 2010 9TC* Manila :mendments' 9TC* refers to
9tandards of Trainin#, Certifi"ation and *at"h(eepin# for 9eafarers'
In the same ein, M/C leel marine de"( offi"ers and mana#ement leel marine en#ineer
offi"ers "ertified under 9TC* 163D as amended in 1664, "an start their updatin# pro"ess'
M:$I7: :dministrator Ma<imo MeAia Jr' said that the Cir"ular shall "oer and apply to the
followin# "ourses5 7ew M/C Course for marine de"( offi"ers in a""ordan"e with the 2010
9TC* Manila :mendments, 7ew M/C Course for marine en#ineer offi"ers in a""ordan"e
with the 2010 9TC* Manila :mendments, Updatin# Course for M/C marine de"( offi"ers
"ertified under the 9TC* >3D, as amended in 1664, and Updatin# Course for M/C marine
en#ineer offi"ers as "ertified under the 9TC* 3D, as amended in 1664'
S(rve& fin)s /#,0s Crewtoo as most pop(lar
maritime we+ site
: surey 1y ;uturenauti"s has la1elled the Crewtoo so"ial networ( 1y 8@? Industries,
In"' as the most popular maritime we1 site'
Crewtoo was the we1 site most isited 1y seafarers in the Crew Communi"ations 9urey
2014' Crewtoo "urrently has 104,000 mem1ers and "ontinues to #row, ma(in# it the
lar#est online networ( dedi"ated to seafarers'
The so"ial networ( 1e"ame a popular we1 site for seafarers sin"e it allows them to
intera"t with fellow seafarers aside from #ettin# maritime2related news' The result of the
;uturenauti"s surey was another positie deelopment for Crewtoo, whi"h was founded
less than two years a#o'
8@? Media +roup mana#in# dire"tor Mar( *oodhead has wel"omed the oerwhelmin#
response for Crewtoo' )*e are thrilled to hae 1een named 1y an independent surey of
mariners as their faorite maritime we1site' It reinfor"es to us how important it is for
mariners to feel a sense of "ommunity while at sea,) he said'
Port of 1in-o(
The Port of Ein#(ou is lo"ated in the proin"e of /iaonin#, People>s $epu1li" of China'
The port is the se"ond2lar#est port in the north2eastern part of the Chinese mainland' It is
also the tenth2lar#est nation2wide'
The "omple< in"ludes two separate do"(land areas, the Ein#(ou old port at the mouth of
the /iao $ier, and the ,ayu0uan port lo"ated dire"tly on /iaodon# ,ay on the ,ohai
The terminal is a maAor import fa"ility for north2eastern China and parts of Inner Mon#olia
with an annual trade olume of more than 21 million metri" tons that are handled ia its
23 shippin# 1erths'
Prin"ipal port a"tiities in"lude #rain, "oal, steel and minerals, and ehi"le imports' The
port also handles up to 240,000 TBU per year'
$ier and "oastal trade hae e<isted in Ein#(ou sin"e 12D0 :=,1ut international shippin#
"ommen"ed only in 1D4D with Ein#(ou>s desi#nation as a Treaty Port under the Treaty of
TianAin' Thereafter, the first shippin# do"( was opened at the mouth of the /iao $ier in
In 2011, state operators of +uan#&hou Port in +uan#don# Proin"e and Ein#(ou Port
si#ned a#reement on wor(in# to#ether on promotin# shippin# seri"es' :""ordin# to the
a#reement, +uan#&hou Port +roup and Ein#(ou Port +roup will ma(e the most out of
their faoura1le "onditions in south and northeast re#ion' The two ports see #reat
potential in the "o2operation in the shippin# of steel, #rain, automo1ile, oil and "oal' They
are also hi#hly "omplementary in their mar(et and "ar#o sour"es' This report said the
soon2to21e2"ompleted 7ansha +rain Terminal will further 1oost the "ooperation 1etween
the two ports'
In 201!, Ein#(ou port posted a year2on2year 6'DF in"rease in "ontainer throu#hput to
2'6D million TBU in the first half of the year, refreshin# the port>s half2year "ontainerised
olume re"ord, a""ordin# to Ginhua news wire'
%erall import and e<port "ar#o olume in"reased 10'3F to 166'! million tonnes in the
9in"e the start of the year, the port authority has wor(ed "losely with other "ustoms
1ran"hes to enhan"e the "learan"e effi"ien"y and 1oost its deelopment, the report said'
Market snapshot: (June 16)
Dry Index BDI 880 -26
Capesie Index BCI 16!" -#"
$ana%ax Index B$I "&2 -&0
'upra%ax Index B'I (&0 -8
)e* +ork (,ri C-s)
,.n Curren/y 0'D in ,.n
in 0'D Curren/y
Britain ($ound) 116!6" 01"8!"
Canada (Do--ar) 01!211 1108"(
China (+uan) 011610 6120!"
2uro 11#"## 01(#8!
India (3upee) 010168 "!16(00
Indonesia (3upiah) 0100008& 118&0100
Japan (+en) 0100!802 10210100
)or*ay (4rone) 011668 "1!!&&
$hi-ippines ($eso) 010228 &#18800
$o-and (5-oty) 01#286 #10&00
3ussia (3u6-e) 0102!1 #&1#!16
'in.apore (Do--ar) 01(!!! 112"02
0kraine (7ry8nia) 0108"2 111(##"

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