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1. Obesity is a major ............... concern in America today. It is especially painful in teens, when self-
image can be shaky. Often,.......... hae come to hate e!ercise because they see it as a competition
thing where their physical awkwardness dooms ............. to failure. "arents want to help, and yet
many........... good intentions actually lead to greater weight gain. #ow can parents their obese teens$
One answer is .............participation in an e!ercise program. Often obese ..................teens come from
obese . %hen parents pressure .............. to e!ercise, while themseles indulging in an unhealthy
lifestyle, resistance is normal. &amily participation ................make lifestyle changes more fun, and
therefore less odious. &or best................ , change should be gradual--sudden dies into any e!ercise
progam rarely lasts-- and the focus should be on fun, and ................ on weight control or fitness.
"arents ............ pick e!ercise that does not include a competitie element--such as swimming, ..........,
hiking or biking--since obese teens tend to shy away .......... competitie sports. 'iet changes such as
fewer empty calorie snacks and less fast food, should be undertaken gradually and by the whole
family as a key to .......... health--not only by the obese teen. (oo often when diet ............are applied
only to the child with the )problem), they can seem like depriation or een punishment.
%hen the whole ............... is inoled, and attention is moed away from weight-control, and onto
fitness, health choices can be fun ................ *mpowering.
+. %omen in ,hana
-ost women in ,hana, %est , hae always combined an actie role in the economy, mainly as
farmers and traders, with an actie role as wies and of large families. (raditionally, ............helped
their mothers at home and at work, but now children go to ......... and can.t help as . #ow do working
mothers in ,hana cope their responsibilities in the home and on the job now$ (his article.............. the
changes that are taking place ,hana today.
-ost............. in ,hana--the educated and the illiterate, the urban and rural, the ............. and old--
work to earn an income in ............ to maintaining their roles as housewies and mothers. (heir
reputation for economic independence, self-reliance, and..................l work is well-known and
Reading makes perfect
-ost of ,hana.s working .............. are farmers and traders. Only one woman in fie, or een , can be
classified as simply housewies. *en these women often .............. money by sewing or by baking
and cooking things to . (hey also maintain egetable gardens and chicken farms. Indeed, the woman
who depends entirely upon her................. for support is looked upon with disfaor.
#ow do these working mothers .......... with their multiple responsibilities in the home and on the job$
(raditionally, the............ of motherhood hae been shared. -others and sisters, grandmothers and
nieces, all helped to .................. the children and carry out daily tasks, .................. housework, trading,
and farming actiities. As the family grew, ................ brothers and sisiters also helped to care for the
younger ones and helped in the home.
(oday, with more children ............ to school, with more people moing away ................... their
traditional homes where support from their family would be proided, how ........ the mother cope
with her many responsibilities$ /ot only must she continue ...............her income-producing
actiities, but she must take on such heay, time-consuming housework such as carrying water and
firewood, grinding and pounding, along her fre0uent burden of pregnancy, nursing, baby and
1ome new ideas being tried. One of these is ................ planning to help reduce family si2e. ................
helpful solution is the day care center, but this is aailable mainly in ......................... areas, not in the
countryside, and usually the fees are too .............. for the poor. ,hanaians reali2e that more day care
centers are needed. ,hana today is looking..................... new ways to meet the needs of women and
their families so ...........................can continue to play their multiple roles in the .................. and in
the economy.
3. (RI/I(4 5O66*,*
(rinity 5ollege was 17 88888888888 by 1ir (homas "ope in 1999. A deout catholic with no
suriing children, (homas "ope saw the &oundation of an O!ford college as a means of +7
88888888888that he and his family would always be remembered in the prayers and masses of its
members. #e came from a family of small 37 8888888888888 in O!fordshire, trained as a lawyer, and
rose rapidly to prominence :7 888888888888 #enry ;III. As (reasurer of the 5ourt of Augmentations
he handled the estates of the monasteries 97 888888888888888 at the Reformation, and
Reading makes perfect
amassed a considerable personal <7 8888888888888. "ope was a discreet and trusted priy counsellor
of -ary (udor, and it was from -ary and "hilip that he =7 888888 6etters "atent and royal approal
for his new foundation. "ope died in 199>. Although his religious ?7 888888 were neer fully realised
- *li2abeth I had succeeded her sister and *ngland >7 8888888888 to the "rotestant faith -
nonetheless the memory of his name, like his college, has endured the fluctuating fortunes of oer :@@
years. #is wife, 6ady *li2abeth "ope, was a particularly influential 1@7 88888888888 in (rinity.s
early years. "ope.s foundation was for a "resident, twele &ellows and twele scholars, all supported
by the income from his 117 88888888888888 endowment of lands, and for up to twenty
undergraduates. (he &ellows, all men, were re0uired to take #oly Orders and remain unmarried. (he
5ollege 1tatutes set out rules for a simple monastic life of religious obserance and study. (he ,arden
was an informal groe of trees, mainly elms, amongst which the members of the 5ollege could 1+7
88888888888888 and meditate.
1 a7 founded b7 set c7 begin d7starting
+ a7 securing b7 ensuring c7 clinching d7 erifying
3 a7 owners b7 landowners c7 freeholders d7 mistresses
: a7 with b7 on c7 under d7 because
9 a7 dissoled b7 disintegrated c7 crumbled d7 withered
< a7 fortune b7 wealth b7 rich d7 money
= a7 inherited b7 conferred b7 receied d7 e!cepted
? a7 ideals b7 e!amples c7 belief d7 alue
> a7 rejoined b7 repeated c7 returned d7 reinstated
1@ a7 outline b7 symbol c7 shape d7 figure
11 a7 generous b7 generosity c7 bounty d7 teeming
1+ a7 prowl b7 walk c7 promenade d7 yomp
-ulligatawny 1oup
(his is a recipe that would hae been 17 88888888888 to all Aritons liing and working in the
Imperial Raj. Indeed the +7 88888888888 of Indian cooks, Aritish tastes and e!otic foods hae made a
lasting 37 88888888 on Aritish cuisine right down to the present day. /ew, strange and e!citing
ingredients would be used to :7 88888888888 and recreate familiar, edible and nutritious meals
Reading makes perfect
befitting the 97 8888888888 class that they had become. 6ack of refrigeration, a hot and humid
climate and unfamiliar cooking facilities would all <7 88888 to make cooking an een more =7
88888888888 prospect than it already would hae been. #oweer, the results of these intrepid
culinary e!plorers could often be an interesting ?7 88888888888 of *ast meets %est.
(wo and half pints of stock
= o2 coconut cream, cut into chunks
1 heaped teaspoon each ground cumin and coriander
1 teaspoon chilli powder Bflat or heaped7
1 small tin tomato puree
&laouring Ingredients
1-+ onions, chopped and fried in butter until brown
+ tablespoons chutney juice
a few cardamom seeds, lightly crushed
salt and freshly ground pepper
1immer all the basic soup ingredients >7 8888888888 for 19 minutes, then add all of any of the
flaouring ingredients to make the soup e!actly as you like it. 1@7 888888888888888 hot with bread.
1 a7 familiar b7 recogni2ed c7 renowned d7 noted
+ a7 merger b7 unite c7 combination d7 coalition
3 a7 impression b7 perception c7 erdict d7 opinion
: a7 attempt b7 try c7 seek d7 trial
9 a7 general b7 widespread c7 ruling d7 dominate
< a7 colluded b7 accessory c7 conspire d7 plan
= a7 e!hausted b7 mysterious c7 enigmatic d7 difficult
? a7 add b7 combine c7 addition d7 mi!
> a7 together b7 cooperation b7 unison d7 concurrent
1@ a7 sere b7 gie c7 accept d7 spoon

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