LTCi Life of Christ, End Semester Exam

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Life of Christ: End Semester Exam (202) page 1

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Life of Christ: End Semester Exam (202)

13th October 2014 0900-1200

Use only the space given for each answer.

% ______
Final Mark____

This exam is looking for clear, concise answers.

Use lists and bullet points where appropriate.
You may use your Bible in this exam.
Quoting relevant Biblical verses will gain you extra credit

Students Name:________________________________________________

Section 1 (20 marks)
Important: Answer only one of the three questions

1. Crucifixion has been described as the most horrible form of putting a person to death that has ever been devised. Describe from an historical perspective what the flogging and crucifixion of Jesus would probably have involved.
(20 marks)

2. Jesus often spoke in parables. Why do you think he used parables, what is
the advantage of using them? Give one example of a parable taught by Jesus
and explain it. (20 marks)

3. During his life on earth Jesus performed many miracles. Give three examples of miracles performed by Jesus; for each explain its significance and
give background information that might help people understand it more fully.
(20 marks)

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Section 2 - 46 marks
The following questions all involve you recalling what was taught during the
class sessions. (All the answers to these questions are found in the presentations shown in class which were available for all students).
1. The table below gives a brief chronology of the final hours in the life of Jesus Christ. Fill in the blanks - (10 marks)

1. ___________________________________________

After sundown

2. ___________________________________________


Thursday-Friday 4. ____________________________________________

Trial before Caiaphas

5. ____________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________

Early morning

7. ____________________________________________

8. ____________________________________________

Jesus returns to Pilate

Late morning / noon

9. ____________________________________



Near sundown

Jesus buried

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2. Jesus appeared to his disciples for a period of 40 days after his resurrection. Using the table below place the following events from that period in
the correct chronological order (where the number 1 is first and 8 is last)?
(8 marks)


Jesus appears to Cleopas and another disciple on the Emmaus Road

Peter and John have go to the tomb (after speaking with Mary) and
find it empty
The Great Commission is given
He appears to the 11 (including Thomas) in Jerusalem
Jesus ascends to heaven
A group of women come to the tomb around dawn and are met by
two young men, who in reality are angels, one of whom announces
the resurrection
Jesus appears to the 10 in the room in Jerusalem
Mary returns to the tomb after Peter and John have left - she sees
angels and Jesus (but at first thinks he is a gardener)

3. List five ways in which Jesus trained his disciples. Give a Biblical reference to justify each answer. ([1+1]x5 = 10marks)
1. _____________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________

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4. The table below offers a summary of some important events in the life of
Christ. Using 1 to represent the first event and 10 to represent the last,
place them in chronological order (10 marks)


Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem

Peter declares, You are the Christ
The second coming of Jesus
Judas betrays Jesus
Joseph, Mary and Jesus flee to Egypt
Simon and Andrew are called as disciples
Jesus feeds the 4000
The widow of Nains son is raised to life
Jesus works as a carpenter
Jesus feeds the 5000

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5. Locate the following places on the map provided (8 marks)

The Dead Sea
Sea of Galilee
Caesarea Philippi
The River Jordan


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