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Jannary 2005
University a f the Philippines Diliman
Frepared by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic AWairs
part of this publication may be reproduced or bans nl i ~d in any form or by
. r d electronic or mechanical, now knowh or heretofore invented, inclur
January 2005
University of the Philippines
D i l h , Quezon City
* -
Man& Update 2005 contains guidelines and
relevant to the faculty which were culled h m the
the Board of Regents, decisions of the University
rnmittee, and memoranda from System
since December 2003 when the Faculty Manual was last
e he s inadvertently missed in the 2003 Manual are
~vi &mwd their sourms areitdicii printed in bold
a d the paes of pe r t ba g l p g r t i ~ ~ in Faculty
indiaared fbr accmte"ct~s~-ref-chg.
I -
- I
...................................... 1.0 GOVERNANCE AND ADmTRATI o N 1
................. 1.3 Organizational Structure of the University of the Philippines 1
. 1.3.4 Ctfficialf of Collegeflnits ..... ,.. .................................................. 2
Dean ............................................................................................ 2
Assistant to the Dean or Director ................................................... 4
. .
................................................................................ Assistant Char 5
4.0 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILmS .............................................. : ....... 6
......................................................................................... 4.2. Teaching Load 8'
4.2.2 Compu fation of Teaking Load ....... .. ......................................... 8
4.5 Attendance in Classes ................................. . . A . .............................. I 0
T E m AND SEPARATION FROM SERVICE ...................... ., ..... I 1
5.1 Appointments ............................................................... I 1
5.1.1 General Guidelines .................................................................... 11
3.1.2 Minimurn QwI@cations per Rank ............................................. : ... 13
5.1.4 Role oflcademic Persome E Committees ................................... 15
c . University Academic Personnel and Fell owship Committee ....... 15
5.2 Promotions ............................................................................................. 16
5.2.1 CriteriaforFromoti on. ................................................................. 16
5.3 Appointment to Sped5c Ranks and Tenure ................... .. .................. 17
.................................................................... 5.3.2 Assistant Pp.afessurs. 22
5.5 Extension of Service in the University ........................................... 24
5.5.1 Beyond the CompuIso~ Retirement Age of 65 ............................. 24
6.0 FACULTY PRIVILEGES ....... .... ................................................... 26
6.1 Study Privileges for Faculty Members Not on Leave ............................ 26
6.1. I Full-Time Faculty Members ......................................................... 26
. .
6.2 Leave Pr~v~leges ........ . . . . . . . . ..................................................... 2 7
6.2.1 Sf* Leave ................................................................................... 27
6.2.9 Eeme Without Pay ........................................................................ 29
......... ................. 6.8 privileges of Retired-FacuIty Members . . . . . .....acu...... 30
.... 7.0 FACULTY BENE'IFITS AND WEWARE .......................ARE............. .... 32
7.4 UP Benefits and Welfare .................................. .................... 32
7.4.7 Loyalty Aw a d . ............................................................................. 32
8.0 HONORS AND RECOGNJTION .................... ,,. ............................ 3 4
............... ............... . 8.1 Professorial Chair Awards and Facuhy Grants ... 34
8.1. I Professorial Chair Awarak (in ~arhsfie&) ............................ 35
8.1.2 General Education (GE) Chair A w d ................ . , . ......... 37
8.1.3 Facul fv 'Grant Awmd ................................................................. 3 8
Chapter 1 Governance and Admmisiraiion
:&&- .I
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rn=&&& .
. UP-
? , - 0
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
The D m is @p@te.d by the Board of Regents upon
r&o'mxnendi&iofi Of&@ dliaidlor and kfrq President of University.
S/He shall act as.-pqsiig QBC* of tk @c@ty of the college or school,
as pioWe.d fir. by the d&r of i$e University $ystein, a d exercise
such other admi ni shi ve duties -whi~h the Board of Regmts, on
~c o mwdi t i o n of 'the ~PlWd&t of -the Uni~et:sity @m:em, may
presb&be. No Dean shall' sew9 as is&ernic head of any departq&t or
division in his?her colleie .or sch~01. BornArt. 801
The tm of dffice of d De8hs shall .be M e (3) years h m the date
of their ,apwintbent without prejudice to reappointment aad until their
SU~GBSSWS &dl.&ve been ap~ppihted; Ppu~i&ia,~Th@ they may serve for
two (2) t d m ~ hA the aggregate; h i d e d Mbe~',. That only in highly
e~cep- t i o~~~cases shall they be ,aoi+ed rn a$4tipnal term or tern.
mom dtt. 79; amesjded. at t h e BQR> me&@: 77@',- J i 31, jP69; 828,
Nqv. 27, 1972; $2 ? ! ; Dec, J1, 1972; 101 8, 2kpt. 22, 1988; IQZ@, Apr. 2j5,
19'89; 1i 2$~, J U! ~ 30, I9B; d JI.T?, D ~ C . 18,r99a]
B u s are bke ' 6 b ~ ~ [ dirskbtmbr~~~ i3%, &. lZnjiters&p
orga&&n setyt5rg as khe Zjhh b w e n f i i ~ m~~Bgejitcirity md
$&@&Mi, OF ilk@' mr l ~~~i ?, mi b~xiu-tm rp1'e cdlI& : a d Uh&ersify
HPL~@P&~, on b e o&sr, As such,
dgdH nr@ be sgnsWe
the nee& of i%sfac&y -em mdihr ititeti!& bfde shdenZlry .
that* $he cohge se& u- sen@. it 6 inpmtivc $&ai she &i cur
ack~~wiedged mdem'c kadm tp~# , @I vrgqiz@rnal Seader .who
knows haw to r n ~ h a l resowres b@h from w W j ~ and o d e of
the Unhrsi&. For these r~wons, b e pi oqs for ihe mZc~t&h of rr
di m should begin with &r mnstituency irflecteeliunk
The process of sebcting the bun of a cd&ge starts widh the
,Co&gpr eomtituenfr r#i&i@g the cdfleg1'tr plans, program,
gfobkmr and prioritim fir the R& 3 3 yeah. TE2 ebM$itu&hfs
Chapter 1 Governance and Adninistration
should forge a. CQmmmS. an t h d ~ e~p~&b.ItS of& new d m lrrtd
what rari be dune r&ldlhtiEuf& dun'iagpfhe ir;exf d$tmm
A Nominutio~ Coaut~i&e (NC) s h d ca~duet a n omindon
proc&s that wil~'take~into ,considerbtion &e plrrhs und qedaTibns
of the coliege, insure the rpam*mnrnpardic@abr*bn of the canz&amts
and preseve the dignity of the nomhees.
The process s h d start at leusi three (3) honths before the
expiration of the fern of the incumbeni. The entire pmms (up fo
the submisswn t i the President) should be completed nt C a r t one (I)
wn t h b@ore the ettd afthe term of the incumbent.
b. Alternative w y s /1182"8 B ~ R meethg, May 2 7,2004]
In response to mznrtiag criti&m on the pracess currenrCy
being followed (see a above), ihefdlowiqg afterna%ve ways were
1) A search procexs managed by the college
The Chamellor shall mot constitute the Search C o d &
Instead thk collegt! ~171 mnnage fhe process. It will i - h
nominees followkg a procedure crcceplable to its co&uenk
The Chancellor chooses from imwng the nominees md sub&
hf i e r rew~nmehdation to the President and the B o d
2) No bearch process f s co~ducfed However, a college may sub&
the name of a mmhee unaplimusly apeed on by #e fuw.
These two <altern~'ves &ere to the prhc@k of sw-
determinatiun since the colleges are allowed to -for
themelves who the nrombws should be. At the same t k e a does
nat totally mclude the U9. Administration from t h e m since
the Chancellor is EaUowed to choo$e from among W found
oecepfable by the c&fibuenfs.
No procedure fkat ik not acceptabk tb the rvill be
allowed A fill rep& m the processar thw *be e@h& s hd be
subntitted to the Board The colleges1 e q m qm some
baxhfor any modifiahahoa that i~ being can&mph&aa &? &g
However, while the d&i& of tha wrrr be kji. fo the
hdhidual colleges, the*& d e a n m-tts& WL& fke Board
UP13 hcdty Manual Update 2005
The W~ ~ I I (LAB&i9taiit to the C ~ ~ ~ F ~ * W B R abobhed, instehd the uAssishnt
C W posi&mw&alrlished in the ll78'h MR me w&; Jim: \2gL'), 2004. Thus,
@I & ,4 ,,- . tern. %- .. , uA$$&t4@tt ,$g khe Chair" PbpJrId be delpted .from u&ssijltant to ihe
Ilkq; ~ i r e e ku or chair" d geetion tJ. 4 Of l i aIs of ~ o ~ t & ~ n i & on pages
s 2. 3 of FRcCNQ M~nual2003.
hhtmrt fo the Deun or Dir!edor ~970" &OR meeting, dug. 30,19841
The qemi @ l3ke$oy may appoint iw.,assistmt pmvi&d that the unit
has twenp-five
or' more rkgiigr facul@~M ~nibrs -md/or one
h ~ f l d ~ d (1%); ~ I E ~ W . om- hoher ass!s& may also be appointed,
if the n-ef of'reg~lar f&ul&/sstaff members is fify (50) or more
a d o r IWO h ~ f l h d (200) e t majors pfouided that -an associate
&addeputy director M not be& ~ mme s d d .
%e i eqof offi ~e of the ,&sistant to the ~ d k c t o r shall be
d~t &i ndbf fhe 'i@mh&t deans@rqfors. The ae&iment to said
pdsition SW not entt'd orid id -th exphri0~1 ~e t- of the
b~umbmt dmm/ ~~c hr d. . .. QZ ,hidm resiptionksyaratim ,>> 4t from the
.EXCGJ~< as .@eckG@ in 'fhe p&p& 'iniipe&atgly f0110- the
creation d the pasitions bf hsdc3ag D' * BepbQ-D&&t~s, Assistant
b tha Dean, &tan$ to the dire&m 'and ~ppdhtment .thereto shall be
qubj@ci to. @e appf@ by @e Cbqellor; Provided, That the authority
delegated to the Chancellor shall be withbut pmjMce to the authority
delegated to the WW 8iw.k~ of tbe Gglkge of Arts and Letters,
c0, U. e~ of Science and College ~f Sg4J Sciqkq and Philosophy to
appoint- their respective assi ht s, subject to the rules prescribed in the
reoxgiw@tio~ .af >@e fw Cdbgq, d &@ Scbces in Diliman
into: theAthree af~rem~enti~aed ~ ~ U e g e s .
ma-@ 'Ehe 'frea %&es &d 'won %@dhuienddbn of the De,m
aWor D*&&r ,,md WE c'dm&ce -of.'be Cb&dl bi , 'the President
m y mate an addittodl posigon of -&wc$a'te Dedn in my academic
unit or &pW ~kator"' in ady b@iE& or -tididfig'g&Wmtute -and
appm,va my appointmat t hmt ~ ~~~twithstmdb9g the foegoing de s .
NQ ddnktrative sW f~e,g@&d-to .my pasiEiotl g e a M by &e
President 0r the Chancellor. 197bh BOR Dleeringi Alrg. 34. I984]
Cbpm 1 Governance and ddhi ni s~rati ~n
The foIIowiug nee bf, new guideWm mi :&&e I - ? f appdIxB;ed th
Seetion 1.3.4 t?@&B of CoIi~geflnih on Mga 13' df ~ a o d b Wnwd 2003.
The es#&&knt d f the po&ba 4p&s'~&itew* &yz &of @*
ofthe C54~kikthnf ti, the Ch&"position in O.P. ~h'& srrbikct lo
the f o f f ~ ~ h g eoadWns:
Those &a. cuPseMJ"' +&@d rr&~&dg&+lo h e ~ ~ & ! j : j p @ b skslf
be ~lluwed i o stay M ~l h 2 the. sad of their tww. l'k&g&, M
couege 8h.n be o~owrd to fill up irkc podtioa of & h s L the
UPD'hmBy Manual Update 2005
~ee-foliowing ntw guidelines on mihimmu expa&tiohs for each fat*
r d ~ ~ ~ i ~ d j are .inchbed in he:. hifrodycti'onb of Chapter 4
Dp1fi9 and Responsibilities of Faculty Members on page 36 of Faculty
Gad +2@63*
The Uhivefsity of the- Philipghes as the doi i ' & P%&g ihstitu~on
devoted higher educatio% .research,, :and d&mity s-e bears a
special responsibility in that reg&. [Resobaer~g 1Peo~:gmjziptg ( k ~ ,Zhriversip of
the Phi@@#elr iMo ?the Uri h~~si @ aft& Irhi7dpPines &dmi 82@ BO&?meeding,
Dec. 21, 19721 'Thus, UP faculty rnembem are schql@q .who are: able to
integrate tbacfig, research, h d a broad appreciatioa of extension work,
into the spwific contows of their respective Edds and dis~i:~lhes. from
UPD F-ilceclp WorbAbp, No$. $-7,3001]
Once appaWd- to a rmk, .tha JUE* member is qpecfed to :tqack as
well as poss56Cew buWw, aprodrbtdhw recgrd afrdrmearch ar creative work,
and engage actively hi @v& $lid serve the Unbrsity a~i d the larger
e o m~ mi t ~ . Tke foIhwiti# ate the &iinum mpecthtiofi$ for each ramk:
Born Shaping our Induiwnal Fwiwt: A 1Fialemettt on Fa* Tenure, Rmk
and Prot&~tLp~ WJ@scern Manual Sk& 2, 0l?I?AA1 ZUO4J
- Musf show uttd~rstdfidihg of di%~&h&Z~&~ntent by handling
at ,lead two di#edcolgrs& while an Instrwtot
- Admf ep1~01 in IUZ appropdat fe p&raat~p~ogram ftoirt
rq>&a&le imfii:utioh f.i+ecopized by the 'Dn(wm&) and must
fiieisb fke prograhi witkitt bke period prescrfbed by the
- Mlrsaprod&~e eaduute work of bc~e@tdlfle Qtiali@; t?~1~#~fice
ofpromise rnacsf"seZ'resent
- Must be irivohwd Eh &parfeefit udvi ti ks sach &JaeuSty
meetings; c~mm$t t ~an&re~&brai i udal i Vi l rh~ work
- AflcstPosse& tie~&mic integrify andprofe$sional ethics
hs ht a~t Professor
- Murf have leust an M S degree md musd have started
Pkl k studies (or equivalent terminal degree) andfln&hed the
program within the period prescribed by the Universiiy
Chapter 4 Dqitim and Responsibilitia of Fuculp Members
- Quati@ of work in graduate studies must be: abwe average;
capacity to sustain i n e e c t u g o mwi bk evident
- Must maintain ieffer ihon scrtifncbo~ feuching evulunii~n
bmed on stude~t andor fmuw peer feedhdck, teaching
partjiulb, md other evidence
- Must eHgage in research or creative wark at least as member
of a research or creative project team
- Must prrblish or pro4uce creative work rlf the quaiiw and
quantity necessary to s a w the stpnhrds f ~ r tenure and
prommmun arrd in the required capmcity (as lead author or co-
autkkor or co-ere&r of e r d v e work)
- Must show c o ~ e p ~ t to the Heparimefit, college, and
U~iversity by continrsedpariic@ation &a urnit activities
- Must partic@& in externion actr'jzjtier
Associate Proflessor
- Must have a Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree'
- Musf maintain excelleat teachi~eg record
- Mwt sustain inQkcf~ral- prnductivity by confirsued
p&&&-o~ in reputubk refereed academie or Iikrmy vefitrar
far the q&uhtmcreaLbe-work- in the vismI.and perfmtuizg
- Must be act$@ imoiii'ed* &aWi sdt i on ad~ishg
- Mmt mefator yuufiger f&u& 5~ boak teaching and reseal&
- Musd develop a culture of research not on@ by udvising
graduate students and mentoring younger faculty, but akho by
brhging them into research projects and heeireg them
- Must demomfrata commhenf to the Univerxi@ by
meP?rbersilip ' an& partic@abion in depmt w~hoIIegd
Universiv c-ees when and where possible
- Must a c k l y engage in extension work
In excqtional eases, the expectath of a PhD, for the ranks of Assoeirm mdj M
Profasor muy be subsdhted by a superior record'of publicly mdhbk scRo&w& of
c r e h work
- ht&t ~nht di px WEE&W &at h$: weord, as ~ i d wc e d by
iari&&ve @prodche$ t@ #@ch&ag &g -&F@I&B arrd a
g&&)~dly accepted rep ut&n fap stinuhdii student interm
ht [ ka~$ng
- Mrcst m&$dn l ~ l acfivegub~hhirrg c m e ~ ar the gg~(ivlaIewt
tmrnnre of df@&e .&iuf 2n ihe 0fZsI hi& sfrive for peak
h?&#&-&h & @e~l'&*- mQ?&t
- M& b e t 4 d B e*twc 2 <-genee in tembing3 resemc~,
lirtd &e 6y 6ehg a' tole modd and rri'eiifog, and by
pdhkg me h CQH~~AJCBWE~ strWeftpr &igher,'lmeIs of
- Must mm%ie kd&*.Sm the profiisi~n axti bring hofior fa
the UM~W~SJ@
- M&'f&e ache pad ire exfensfon work or pqf om weli as cwr
a d ~ @& Wr
Tzl the perCorm&m of their duti~s, &cu1ty -m&m&fs enjoy academic
fieedom. While academic fieedom gives the fuulty rnefikrs the right to
teach the subject Of &eir spi&tiok aoowding to their best lights,
W o r n in the dx@ice of suhje- f bi meat6h'~d inqkstigation~, zid to
ho~d a d to express-ideas they believe to be fi&t3 f i t , dl t y members are
eQ-ed to thth 'dM& msdf kd By1 Uav&sity rules and
The following indq&& addf'tland hfomatiah on graduaie courses (bold,
bIi&&d goSa1% of &liotior h, b-3 add 'b-41 etld s~&sedes Section
825'8 CBhpmr)dbn ,of ~e6hiM on pages 40-211 of#hcnlty Mnnnal
4.2.2 Coq&ug&n of Teachhg Laad [104tfh BUR meetiq, Mm. 224 1992;
OP mmn no. 40, Jdy 21, 1992; 1091" BUR ftpeeting Oct. 24, 2995: OP
nhww no. I.IN-QM8, Mm. 9,2004; E~EG Corn mt?ethg, .May 28, 20w
a Undergthate courses
' p&~&irn (Refer to page3 57-40 iofFacSUrty gQ'03)
The fallowing 'bcIude;s revisions on iacd and h t ~ h " o " d l . ~ P e l s and
~ ~ ~ @ t i ~ ~ L ~ ~ ~ ? ; T : E i ; f l trh9tiIs Of facWi mwbm .yjth ghmilpistratbe
lad @$~, . ~t &y@ p~l?tipns of. Sem54i sk; .mi sgpm.fid@.e~tion . v.s9+Lb , ,' *45
h&~'drmce h Ciweg$mpag&~ $.@e E~aclp%@ hdrlntlal2003..
Faculty members are cxpe-d to meef thieir classes as schedule& during
the ee8Wrftkm. ~%adm l e m hay be taken only. d&g the regular
vaCatidn pedo& o f k ~ ~ +e mi t y . ,&ow ;4i.t 2257 -
A 'facdq member may, however, b belowed to go'pn &oid detail to
attend confgqces, q p i mr s and the like, or serve as ,consultant ,or
p = r a , $hrhtg a,:gemergtwif &e.tqtal am;ount- of ?lass niissed is
? -,
not more
BmY& of & . - ydf ~&&fi-&@&.~h= '&:&&fig dhhg~ar
The f . . df $~e@bi i - i j i Q$~g~~l i p & &$i$ & e L M be absent,
piam. tha d p tripr:&3W&@~@r s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P ~ ~ ~ @ ? ! @ P ~ ~ shonld
-bs.withmu& *. ~ ~ n & . @ ~ ~ a ~ . ~ ~ L & ~ . k , , A- e vc l %dt p memb* h
rqqvemd tQ the clas%, a wrif&n,:c@om&. i# this, effect should
acaompany G ~ i c a t i o n for trave~ or ieaue.
>~e-Dkpatbi-t C W m d .unit b~ad or Dew, &odd see. 10 it that @
mmgeramtfg:br $ u h $ f ~ X;@&as ot &aJc&@ ul&@ afe orjmpJ1e.d with
in od&@ ek&that the sdms are not shrt~ha&~d.
3Qa 1tsw1 q pussib&, h c d md ~ H & ~ u ~ ~ Q J B ( L ~ t ra~eL should mt be
@&&ldi &&rg reglistramd8ys;the:first. two (2) t v ~ k s ofclashes, and
-ti'on'&ys; ~ ~ ' k k d i g , 3004J
Faculty @ernbas wifh a.&&&@d~e looyl~ltould limit the durutio~i
&eZitP d. a$ l o , Hbl ' - m: Man M e n 03) wmkipng dig?
@-P o~c~itpbu~~)$er~semesb; P6meedsprg; J J I ~ $J~*MwJ
The foliowing includes additional information on appointments *Id,
italicized portions bf Section 5.1.1 a-b) and supersedes Section 5.1.1
*era2 Guidelines on pages 53-54 of Faculty Manual 2003,
** m &m-h*
a, The usual eduwtbnul
. , - I . '.,
- gh,D. or & equivalent
, , , a , , # . . p-'**Y .-;;
m " , 4 4 ' 8 . . .
b. ~rco&&ees for ;he p6sidi~k s~oddpxtlfirably not Lave failing
grades. ~ a l u c a S mg A0 160, Series I9 703
' '&' M appointmehts to the faculty shall be made st r i ct l y on the basis of
, :,
:merit. No religious test shdl be applied, nor &all the religious
opinions or dl i at i ons of the instructors of the University be a
matter of examination or inquiry. [Art. 157]"
Hbwev&, faculty members assimed to teach suhf&% for
licensm examinations on al l professions shall be holders of valid
ce&~&s of re@styatiodi,r~fessidnd licenses. and professional
ideh&catioii b e , br wecia1 temporary permits, or a valid
'r'L"''" certi~cate of qdbrpetency for t4e profession issued by the
'-' fl*' Ptof~ssi~nal Rk@kf%dd . ~mmi ssi oh. @on, RA. 8981, PRC
il;(. (1 hd4 MOdmi121fi;Dh &' ' @@@
the emdidate and such other matters which
d e s of the University. [Art, 15m -
I 4
b 4
N~P;@ !b prohibit& insofar i l ~ admitidative lddthes ~onikaohing
p~-&6f!m mmmied. [Set. 49, P.D. 8071
Chapter 5 Faculty Appointment, Promotion; Tenure,
and Sep'aration from Service
1. In dl app~intmenb to &e positions of lecturers, senior lecfmers, or
lectuters in:& University, nominees who are connected
with other branches of the Government shall present written permits
%om the dbparhietit'.head miXciMe& &d shLl state the total number
of hours a week they are t e ~ ~ h schdof s. [An: 161, m d e d
nt 75#* BOR meetingI h e 15, i967 dnd 8 4 9 BOR meeting, App, 25,
19 741
The following set of new grtidebesr will be h~r M as 5.1.2 Minimum
Qu n i ~ l . a ~ n s p ~ r Rank of Section 5.1 Appointmen& om page 55 of Faculty
Manad 2003. SubseqwentZy, the nnmberhig of s'estions will have to be
changed accordingIy.
5.1.2 Mhimc~pli QuaCE~ea#iomper Rank morn Shaping our Im&rriiond
'Futscre: A Statement on FtwICIfY Tenure, Rank and P r o ~ n , iXP
$ydem Maaual Series 2, O W M , 2UOdJ
The following are the minimum qual~f?cah'uns according to faculfy
rank. All candidates for original qpdinhnent shall possess desirable
acudermc, colIegiaI, and professio~cal qualities such as academic
bt egra, pmfesswprul ethics, &dicated s e M e $0 the unit and the
University, and co)rtmhent to acudemic exceI1~~0ca
a, Instruetor
ApproprWe undergraduate degree arrd gmd schoI& record
~ n t d l e c ~ a l competmce fo teach introductoty caumes
Good teaching potentid izr man$fested by sample ledures or
teaching demnstration
Motivation to undmtuke gruduafe COMLFES, md p&nW for
success iit graduate a i e s
b. Asshtanb Pmfesssr
~ ~ ~ r o ~ r i d e MSM degree or equivalent &gree
Competence in teaching, as widmmd by sirrdewf duahahon a d
other parameters, or very good teaching ptknfial m neanifsted
by sampk lecf1cm o~ teaching dew-# in the care of
candidates for original qpaintmmt fa t hi ~ runk
Ability to undertake r m e h or cr~& work in vkud and
performileg urfs of credible qml@va prefmaB@ with at lenst one
research publication as sole OF kud author i~ reputable refereed
UPD ~&1ty &land Upate 2005
c: &so&at& lsiiafisbr
Appropr+& PU. OF ~q&&nt degree*
*m B<~:&@,.s&- if@&*p@rmtatl~~ , .,
High& pMucrdve and sustained pxBLic&~~ record or
eq&t$eptf we&e OM@# that .is recagctized ' &v $&e& b ~ t k
mi& *@we?j heB & <a*&@g~ emfribU&Opts to
dhe.a&m@m& ~ k m m W g e
.A@&~-@Wi&&@~tt: @ ~d&zMhc &@gi$ mil, U~i%ersiQ
nflaftxdn9 mkttib~ wr k
<a Bema. m&b~ of ,@p Lst ~&p& pf pr~#"siun;al
&~IIdci$ dcie&~'e -&fe&@, mIIeg&&yd, mil ssersrke to the
Unnkemi& F
' b excq3wnal the doctoral d e e d for Associate aitdfrm Piofa$or ramh may be
~rchi@&d &y a rewrd nf public& avaiiable sckohrb or creative work judged by peers fa
be of supmior qualily.
Chapter 5 Famlq Appointmem, Promotion. Tenure,
and Stparutionf)om Service
* Vice Chancellor for Auahdc Affairs, Ex 'oflcia Chair
Vice Chancellor for Administration, Ex oficio Vice-Chair
-0 Director, Head of Secretwid
2 representatives exh h m the 4 curriculum cluslers
The following includes additional information on APRC members (bold,
italicized portions of Section 5.1.4 c-2 an'd c-3) and supersedes Section
5.1.4 c University Academic Pwmnnel md ~euowskip Cornminee on pages
59-60 of Faculty Manual 2003.
5.1.4 Role of Academic Perso~t~el C~nimiHees [E.O. no. 6, Wce of the .
~residens, W, Aug. 5, 1970; &i&d hy E0. no. 9, Ofice af the
Presidenk UP,d ug. 31,1970; I 1~9'k BOA meefing, l&r, 21,2002]
a. Department Acadedc Persomnd c o d w e b (DAPC)
No revisions (Refer to pages 57-5 8 of Faculty Ma nd 2003)
b. College Academic Pemonltxel Committea (CAPC)
No revisions (Refer to page 59 of Faculty Manual 2003)
c. University Academic Penonhe1 md Fellowship Committee
(APFC) @ec. Corn. meethg, Dec. 3, 2002; OC memo nu, ERR 02-098,
Oct I&, 22002; from &cusSiot~lr dwhg the ~UPZ) ComJerence ort
Academic Maitagement Feb. 7-8, 20Q4; OC &m n ; ~ . 'BRR-04-019,
Feh 14,20041
1) Functions
The APFC shall review, evaluate and endorse to the
Cbandlw r6comendations h m academic units with regard to
the following:
Appointment, tonma and promotions of facaty and REPS
(salary gade i 8 andabove)
Award of local a d f0;r;eign fellowships, study leaves, special
details, professorial chairs, and faculty grants
Financial assistance for participation in conferences, seminars,
workshops, a d W g programs
other related fhctiotlr &sigaed by the Eh@icellor
2) Membership
b) Urppbl e. bf look&@ b&ohd.the &p&ent, mHega4 \or cluster
As s geaerd F&, d e c ~ ~ ~ e c t i ~ d d i o n s of the MFC are
arhd, . @& consensus: &id lrepf fht~ugh vudiiig. In cases ,where voting
nury && fo be t ~ o f f d $6 (lu?f~&vihg s h @ be ~bireped: ,@m
&w@. @e. @!!!! Euz1f&ee.m Ac&rrtk.Maruz~c~t an Feb.
7-8, a0w; oemm rra ~ - & 4 ! ~ E*.,
bj the BEP6 e,, qf Me APFC may votr? on& sir cuses
%voL@g thFmP$i '
The following include additional information on promotion (bald,
italicized portions of Section 52.1) and supersedes Section 5.21 Criftria
for Promotion on page 62 of Faculty Manual 20U3.
5.2 Promotion
5.2.1 Criteria for Promtion
Promotion ~flers an ~pparfuni@ to recognize flee achievements
and good works of the faculty over a period of &
In determining promotions in the faculty, careful consideration shall
be given to tbe following factors: teaching ability of the candidate,
research competence and productivity, scholarly performance,
dedication to service, positive evidence of educational interest and
marked academic growth, moral integrity, and good persod character
and conduct. @om Art. J 741
Chapter 5 F a c a r I p d p ~ ~ W ~ ~ R~rnOtion, T-
d ~ 8 8@&i#ri#r~$~m ser~i~e
Promotion implied selectivity and choice; it is a m i d f m ' d c ,
scholarly, and professiod accomphhehtS, mt? fur seniority nor
length of service.
Individual units. may impose more &eent standard: ..as loqg as
these are consistent with the intent and hmework of the vystem-wide
standards, applied consistently within the unit and made clear to the
unit' s faculty.
Units ate advhd tu specifjr their promotian requiremen& (in
writing) for @e guidaprce of the facul@ based on the principla,
genetui evduafion cr hi a and procedures and indibat@rs on pages
20-26 of Shapingt aur IrntP&~sI Future: A Statement of Fuc-
Tern we, Rank and JVorvnbtion, UP S)wteM 1Mak~aI Si des 2, O W ! ,
20fl4. A separate set of gui dchs ffbr promofion of faulty
admin~trators i5 on pages 27-30 of the System Manual.
The following includes additional infomation on tenure (bold, italicbed
portions af Section 5 3 ) and supersedes Section 5.3 Ap p u h ~ W~ t to
Specifi Ranks u~td Tenure on page 63 of FacaIty ManuaI 2003,
5.3 Appointment to Spec& 'Ranlcs and Tenure
Tenure or penhanency i s granted to a faculty member who meets the
requirements for the position to yhich s / h is being appointed after a trial
period in accordance with the rules and standards set by the University.
r Meaning and Purpose of Tetture Nrom Skapirrg our I n ~ ~ * o ~ d
F w e : A Statejnent on. Fa d & Tenere, Bank and Promotion, UP
astern Man& Series 2, O M , 2004j
- Meaning of Tenure
Tenure h the right of a fa&@ i neder to corttinuous
epnpkoyment u@il she refires, volunhri[y leaves ihe U.-
or h dismbsedJor .cause? It is apact betweeh the Uniwrsify and
the facnl@ member, in whkh the U~i vms@ agrear to guarantee
the acu&mh medurn and economic secwie of the fae-
member and prowid&'ispluc& of work for teaching md sctrolb&
a e Wm, ahd &e mr?lber agrees fo underfak the
fmdiorms us best as she can md fo fuI@ll other urrfrfdro
- nal
tespop~sibilii'i&. As such, tenure b the starb; not ~e d of an
~ C U &M~ C career; a reqonsibil*, not un alhhmmt d l b
exempts the tenured faculty mtembmfiom periotk
(2) ca&]$@e @
h@Lg uf .Wide& '&ruugli compe@nf
i@@~&eMtWXe"" &?kg (ti] ' ~ ~ 8 &g e d f scheduled egelasde~
;h;- && &-g ' pd*?g&eIf w@&blc for
~11su2tMcmf f$ girep@in& se&m& for class and
tmeQ&g competently sad &$I we& as s& c-09; (G) spivhg
CO~~QA@. $ O iiraprq~ feughi~g perfarmnt~rle, kdepSng vp
@h k &' d e Wd $ ~ ~ & &d,''temh,hg mr hh in the
a* q&&@ pe@g.d$i pitd
$0 i:i?Jr@ct qirs6 d&ef~p&htj.
Chapter 5 Facrrlv dppoiniment, Promotion, Tenure,
and Separatiufifrorn Service
(4) rendering service to the U~kersify and the larger
comuni @ by (a) engaging in acbfvities that enrich tka
Uhiversb 5 a&dbm*c l@; (B) mdertakikg public sewice
projects thrat &prove the quati@ of I@, address
c mt e mp o r ~ problems of society, or generally raise the
we me of the commzini@ at large
The ten wed faculty who recommend tmure equal& skure the
burden of reqonsibiliry. Th q mmf:
(I) uphold ac&mk freedom, whkh requirm that faculty
appointmen$ are M e sowoh academic grom&-
p e r f o mc e i i ~ tkachhg, ri?sm~& and dension,
potential 40 c i i wks e ' rd fhie &?@the, and ethical
co~fduct'af fhe prifeksibi~ '
(2) lyp& striiegeplt sfmd~r& f~ m@w&g the qu- of the
~zpplicant for 1rppofmtm5 xeappaikmefif, mii tenme
(3) create an hfeIlec&al ertv&mepte. ifha# sup~of.fs open
, ofid free ifiqt&y, iacluding tkafreed~m fo cbzper, in the
spirit of Iemitig ands&olamhip
[4) satisfy the ~&imuh @ref~rab@ b&er than the
minjmlrm) qectations of faculv from fenur+bruck
faculty members
UPD Faculty MmmI Update 2005
~ n i t F may impose ,high@ r~quiidmdi p r ~ W i ~&' m
w a v d $ the C~Uegg~ He Ck mt c ~l l ~~, fhoe Pk&. f w, @ a
Board of Begenlr. [IOI? ROR wering, D~ee 8,19bgj Dnhs rm,
- -
i ' - - ---' - -
- I :-
im k&y& ,&id'ep%&q jag. - :. . . : .
~~eM~Fw~~afi P. a3q;
, , , &pmwG&aw5@&*,q~, .iai,w- o. ...:.... < . . . . . v 8 :,: .-.. >: - , , ,
, i , X%' ,:: 7
w q u ~ , ; , ,
, .bp-*&&,, , . - " .. . . ~+: q i i ! , - $ &, r ~~
: r , ,' ',," .,:
; -we#- . . -, r. -.- - .,.- - $ ,,, , - . , ,. .
.k+, , " ' - ,
* &- +> -
: , ,
. - . . .
UPD Faculty ~ W I Update 2005
howevm, advhed to put heir procedures nnd teqtn'remerr& iit 1,
wrfipbg so us fa guide teflure-ftack and tenwed faculjr dike,
ensure tlratpo~i~i& are followed, minimize conflict, and fueBate
the rev few aid ihproveme~f ofpolkies andproi.esses.
[For details ah fenuretrack~psiti~m, mn-tenure fiack positions md
~vfdeitce of merit, nnd malwaiion process for renewal; refff to,pagm 5-14
of Shupiitg our Im&trfbhal Ftrime: A statement on Fa e w TeHure,
Rank und Promotion, UP System Mami Serhes 2 , 0 WAA, 20047
The criteriq for tenure set by the Univecsity ,ensum that each faculty
satisfactorily pe~%oms bislber teaching duties as well as contribute to the
pool of knowledge in hidher chosen field or cis~ipline. The inextricable
link between teaching and researchfaeative worklextemion, which is an
essential r e q we n t for huJ t y promotioa must also be reflected in the
p t of tenure.
[Refer also to Ssctio# 1.2 Qfher T m and Conditions of Apyointment, ofthis
The folllowing includes additionid information on appointment (bold,
italicized poxtiom of Section 5.3.2 c) and tenure (bold, italicized portions
.of Section 5.3.2 el. These saperslede Section 5.3.2 Assistant Professors on
pages 65-66 of Faculty Manna1 2003.
a. No person without a graduate or professiod degree shall be initially
appointed to the rank of Assistant Professor.
b, The initial appointment in the University to the rank of Assistant
Professor shall be temp<raq in character, renewable every year for a
period not exceeding t . e (3) years.
e. A faculty member with a PhD. from a reputable university
accepted as a lateral entrant shall k given the minimum rank of
Asshtanf Professor 3. Higher rank shall be given for additional
uchikvemep~fs such as good prior experience in teachhtg and
scholarly pa blicahns or the equivalent in' eredive work11 18dh
BOR me&g, July 22,201kCI
Chapter 5 Faculty Appaintment, Promotion, T e e ,
and %epmah"onfiom mice
d. Such appointment shall automatieally terminate at thie 6hd of
We-year ~~k r i o d unless the kss:s't8nt .Professm is giv& tmwe as
proHded in paqt at h (e) below.
e. The minimum qualificat30m for ten* shdl be the f01Iowing. Units
may impose stricter standards.
r ~t least a master% or equivalent degree nr a professional
'Satisfactory orsbetkr teac'hing prfotmance; and
Sole or kead, authodp of a refereed j o d article @sal or
i nt ernat i d) or ':,a@e=d~- publioatiop ,by a ~ecognkd
academic publisher or ligraq publishe~ in the' w e of Iiterw
work; or in the, fjeld of visual arts, creative vork that was
exhibited hnd juried, or a similar re+quiremeat in music and
other performing arts.
In merltorium k & , tha Mi d e nt M&yt icpoh the request of the
uha, grcnf fuc@ on tenure track, Wku By ik$&rch 2003 ar& in bhe
final year oJ the " u p ~ ~ u t pe&d RAM Mq 31, 20B4 to meet the
puhlicaftaftiin Peq;EIiFemrit for bmure. Hbwever? fQeuI@ who are nod in
the fmal yenr of the qwr-tw~r-outperiod ar of March 2003 shdL cum&
with the fmwe reij&lern&#h within the prescribed p &I ~ l & BOR
meeting, Mar. 27,20031
[Art. I?& amended at &3dh BUR meeting, June 24 1973; 1017~ BOR
meeting, Bet. 8, 1988; 115@ BOR meeting dug. 3Q 2001; 116p BOR
heetihg, M&* 27, ZO&; 1188 BOB e f n g , J+ 2i, ZUM]
-For '.the StcHZol -df Ec o ndd, the m u m pedbd of temporary
appointnieflt As%%= %&&ior 5s $"ur [,qyears. At the ehd of this
maxbum period, either the qphtment t endat es or the appointee
must be prorribted t ~' i Wo&e ProfessoP'~W-t&iUre. Tbi'5 - d e shall be
observed fm as longdk&e Schc~cil mhtin'ues b 'hire faculty members
already S t h Ph.D. [?&& BOR meeiing; Nov. 23; 19891 -
UPD Faculty Man& Update 2005
The~fqllowTa:hghcludea @deli~&.~on tip@a,$$meiitt .beppd xetiqmept age
@old, it~tli&ed po*ns of Section 55.1) and &persedw Sedion 5.5.1
Bqartd the Comp~dIsoQ ReBrkmdt Age af 65 page 69 of Fahllty
M a d 2OO3r
5.5 Extension of Service in the, Jniv&&&
BUR may eirtend the tenm of huliy mmb~rs6f the Udversity
beyond the. age; of skty-fix~ (6fj3 any other p~Gsion of law to the
contrary f i o t w i t b s ~ ~ 04 ~~ommnda t i on of the President of the
'UniverkityI: &henwet in %i s hr bpU6n their seW&s a e sp&falfy
n&d; Provi&& &asvip.eri That no ..extension o5 s-4~ &dl be made
beyinid &c: ~$g&b$~s W~[ ?O] ? $~c&pi, 6* paragriizph k, of UP Cb t e r ]
Even the
powg Q;Ffhe'Wd to extend &dty appdiniments
'm the &tc@d&ry W&e&%t h& of 65 yq&s bwt be avidid of onIp.
sp-1y and shodd not be for granted by the unirs. Deans,
direa0r.s ~f &*c, q& .h@q@t &@q a advised to
&ew me ag4e qroae.of Pheif, *ye 32.i&&y &d ~ f i d l Y pl& tfie
h d t y e~nyl &~f && f 0 r . h &&&rpa~pqs. I& highly
justifiable oatp ~ q w p &J$ w ~ ~ 5-t bo , asojded, such as
,:@en &the m W q 65 bwp, $lls iq &e $ a e of a semester, al l
c ~ h ~ ~ s d . q wed$ MI@ &e..@li>l$s.s ,-lY +ni&. JOC memo no.
98-247, June 18, 19981
f of fmcuIQ m m b m who have
pzq Qe' co~sidered o q in
sad be fhq 3praJess~L"s' doh$iitli~g
e ~nt vema that pI;r$&& s h d r out
dove Be rest. .@&. g m - @ & f ~ nucy b p - i ~ tlreft~q af Jwds e ihat is
yet &&he& DI M wwt~& i n an i ffs&&~t ' proj ~et on
wh&h the s t @p qf $&, &&&. ma re@, pa&uM& an
intekq@.@ co&W*~ @( @me qf +wad. c~ul&iiqfo or
fund&@ ir ,at ~ k a &, &ere&re'a reeagnition of the
faculty's outstanding arrd.ongaf@ &qib&fi to Nte ~q&m(ty.
In Iigbf of these bwk wa- prGc@Im, dke fu#flwhg gddd%e$
shall mera the ,@emion off@@y apph,$piqfit &&nd.m$rem~nf age
J [lrs ~ ~ ~ ' f i e c t i n ~ ~ JUQ 22,2084j:
a. Thej Wi !i !~fj on fm dhe , Ww&&. ~ f ' &r ' ~ q p ~ h ~ m d shall be
p ~ h d & academic (ii~~ha'figl aad fiutprbwr@y for the purpose of
chapter 5 Radfy dppPointment, Promtion, Te~ure,
and SeparationjFom Service
b A &it ah@ requmfs the &ension of reti'ted facuI.fy 4ppo"hime~rf
shall sptcifi the c b ~ ~ u f 2 0 k or q & e ihe l i pi i t will loie when a
pariicuhrfmt.& rnewhr riZir~~,fd&wa'~ng the desc&tion ih th*
paragrqh a b m~
c. Should ?he &mQrt of a reijredfgcu& member's appoirttment be
aecessag to kew the grbdka~e progrli~ mat, thti &quest for
denswn dal l be conridered in the interart of eurtentiy enrolled
graduate studen&, &specially those at the flmes~d$seIrt@*on stage;
provided, however, tk&t ndpi;l&siri f i ~ t&& grhrdurife program is
S W ~ ~ H ~ M UH,@ s&h tim aai..&@ &p e mt ~ t . o ~ , ~ n & &eIops the I
reqarhite number of qualajTed Ph.D. f a c d ~ ,
d The ~~haQenrie unit shall also ,&dfcate who among the prmenf staff
are b e i q trained to fidch the co-me@) ap13'tciken these facut@
members cw be expected to take over the coumefs).
R Co ~ * ~ o u s reappoitiftwnt of a r&eH fdc* &M&r over a
stretch of two (2) years is cause fbr the Conshnshflaent University to
review the academic uniYf sd@qg pattern md faculty
developmeet ptun, and take the agproprs'tate nieasures to emure that
q e @e dmorigprese@ a~a&& sf af f h 6ehg devekoped
$ Fncrqlrry members Wia tiire 65 ia them middeaf the siwestrn muy be
mte~ded &-I the eied of the sewester or ucadgmik year 10 enable
them to comple~theh iegching*aPrd ather d6iCig&aa~ns.
W D Fwd@ Manual Update 2Q05
The following additional information on enrolment (bold, italicized
portions of Section 6.1.1 c) is appended to Setion 61.1 Full-fime Fac-
Members on page 74 of Faculty Manual 2003.
6.1. Study PriviIeges far Faculty Members Not on Leave
6.1.1 FuII-Time Faculty MemBers (permaptenf or temporary, replar
incnmben fs ar substitutes)
a StudyEnroIment privilege
No revisions @efm to paBs 7 1-72 of Faculty Manual 2003)
b. Study load reduction or Study Load Credit (SLC)
No revisions (Refer to pages 72-74 of Faculty Manual 2003)
c E#r@ye< @,@i& qf the UP ~ & ~ ~ [ I B ~ s * BOB meegt~g, l ug. 27,
1992; 118p~0l l wee&#, Me 2%, 28~1
The r u b for st&ju, ifad of mftcur& st@,- tiqoPtgl pibers, tkaf
the r~Ilege H)U w thefac- rnewkr wiU study $ bpprowd at d
Ieveh up to tke CISart~elE~i. To emure ffi'crt faculty,kmbers who
do itut h UPpp&~ui repufabk Phiiippina wiwrsiths? the
foElowing gm.&Iiites sh@ apply -to thow m locd peHowship, full
sbu@,leme-Wk and W h t t z g p y , madpads dudy lo& reduc6ioh.
1) h-bkcsdhg k ~heai i hy for iAe Iln&e&)y~
wmb m fjlnm regional- 'ultjts who plan to sbu@ lacitkly are
advised tb appty ipr theflrst iptsfmce laf the largef UP campuxes
where t hq will be exposed to a dxexennf academic efivironmmL
(Faculty mmbms 18ho obtai~ed their PhD. de&mlocally in
the dastfZve years, die enmuraged to qpby fur a pos&-B~cturd
grant in a fore@ u~krnsi ty through the System Faeuf@
Developmeit f Progrm).
2) If the pmgrmn fi NUT avaiiable at UP, the progrmi oflered by
the ulcer locd &nibrers$ mmt nonefh~less be good Reduced
load for s t ~d p shall be allowed
3) If distance u~rVor jifiaficial consfrainpofr prevent the faculty
member from stuIsj,hg in another UP catriph and the program
Chapter 6 Fa* PriviIega
in the lbml univeftiq is godd, reduced had for study in the
ofker udversity m y be allowed
4) A
grarbuate prigrant is one:
that me& the standarcls of the dhcipline;
that applies a selective admissions policy;
whose fac- have an acceptable PhD. and pcrbEic&m
prof& in the d&cipline; aalfd
r whose research facilities ehable paikuatle b e 1 research.
A CBED Centeu of Excellence or Development that me&
these requiremeit& shall be am acceptable unit.
5) The departmepzt (institube, divhwit) and t h ~ college s h d
primarily be rtsportsbble for scrutimkkg the' record of other
Phil@phe univm& where their faculty plan to studj~
The following kcludes additional information on study leave privileges
(bold, italicized portions of 'Section 6.2.1-2) on page 77 of Facnlty Maaaal
6.2 Leave Privileges
6.2.1 Study L m e [83@ BOR meeting, dug. 34 1973; 973& BOR meeting,
Nav. 29, f 984; 1106' BOR meeting, Mk . 6, 1997; Resolution No. 432,
GSIS B o d meeting, Oct. 20, 1998; amended at 1149 BUR meeting,
Mq 26,2000J
a. Study leave with pay
I) Qualfdcations
No revisions (Refer to pages 75-77 of Fzulty Manual 2003)
2) Privileges b-
Faculty members on 111 study leave with pay or an fellowrhip
shall enjoy the following privileges:
Full de-loading h m regular faculty duties
Full faculty salary and other benefits for regular f d t y in
active service (including eligibility for promotions)
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
.a. f QWQ '~&v&.(ofidui@o?s %&&tg%y &ad. hhdhheous fees
iexwpt SWtnt.:fiwd 4 . i 4 . ~ 8 j ~ e q j t y - ~ ~ s s provided
skdy load is a p v 6 d ly the f*ylty ~ ~ + $ e r ' s graduate
&iset a d dq&&&&&:
0- fighh to sd- sllit69c wdv 6iEEig.b6. desk space (for
local- FeMW; t&' '&a &t&i't. M?aBl&y;q bur no hr&m
a or $sser@fi%~ MbW&'e j be @%ted subject to
& k h ~ : d + & e & f t G , the a~&&ftity of h a s
mil a e ' b y ' f h e CbanwIlm @using the leave with pay,
a - ~ g ~ ~ r ~ v ~ ~ & ! y & @ fm.)
- The facrrEty mmb m OF REPS are a* sfw@ &we or
specid. through $t$owsksk@ ~m&t : adad dher
fop& of swot sd a sppmbrhng hstitup-k @g.,
po+a 2bi&&~;~j lo~kie$&~ I"@mWmJo ~ul#r&lit,
- THcy .me a d ',#he #W&&ipbV through dthe
endmm@nP iry reeoMwmrEation offhe Wivcm&
Chapter 6 Faculty Privileges
The folIowing includes additional information on leave without pay while
pursuing graduate studies (bold, italicized portions of Section 6,2.9) and
supersedes 6.2.9 Leave Withod Pay on pages 87-88 of FacuHy Manual
6.2.9 Leave Without Pay [Art. 239; mended at these BOR meetings: 82@,
Dec. 21, 1972; 38Th, Apr. 24, 1986; 110@, Mm 6, 1997; Resolution No.
432, GSIS Board meeting, Oci. 20, 1998; ~ I ~ ~ B O R meeting, Mar. 27,
2003; Art, 240; amended at 7p BOR meeting, Jon. 20, 1967; ld06A BOR
meeting, Mar. 6,1997; OSU memo m. 1WYG0440, Ju& 9,20041
The Chancellor may, upon recommendation of the Dean or head of
office, grant leave of absence without pay not to exceed one (1) year at
a time, provided it does not go beyond two (2) consecutive years, the
absence to be planned in advance so as not to interfere with the work
schedule of the University. If the faculty has a temporary appointment,
the leave may be granted ONLY FOR THE PURPOSE OF STUDY, in
which case the existing rules on study leave shall apply. Failure to
report back to UP shall be considered absence without leave.
It shosrld, however, be no fed that any st& leave or special detail
on oficial time withod pay gram fed to faculty members and research,
exfe&n and prufeswnal stuff (REPS] whike pursuing grnduafe
stdies in the country or abroad in ppumuit of the University 's f ucdy
and stafl development program k considered active service to the
UniversiQ and, thus, computed as an integral part of their total
service record in UP. 111 0@ BUR meeting, Mar. 6,1997; OSU memo pro.
MJG0440, Jidy 9,20041 .
The phrme 'Whout pay" aflled to stud$ leave or special &tail
assipmemt is an internal mechanism adopied by the Unbersify fo
enable it to pursue ifs p r o g r m withorcf additional cost to the
Un iversiQ.
Any member of the academic staff, officer, or employee of the
University System shall be dropped fiom the service for unexplained
absence for at least thirty (30) days after the expiration of the period of
the leave granted.
[Refer to Section 212 Leaves and Specat Detail of Chapter 10 Conduct,
Restrictions md DhcipIiPre]
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
The foIlowing includes additional privileges of retired faculty members
(bold, italicized portions of Section 6.8) and supersedes 6.8 Privileges of
Retired Facidq Members on page 91 of Faculty Manual 2003.
6.8 Privileges of Retired Faculty Members (Art. 205; Art. 227; amended at
these BOR meetings: 70&, Jan. 111, 1963; 76fh, Dec. 19, 1967; 849': Apr.
25, 1974; 93?, Mar, 5, 1981; 101?, Dec. 8, 1988; 1 0 4 3 ~ ~ dug 29, 1992;
OWA memo no. MVG-03-59, June 11, 2003; I ~ ~ ~ ~ B O R meeting, May 27,
Retired faculty members shall:
be issued UP Retiree I.D. Card (marked "Retired''), similar to the
Senior Citizen's I.D., that is effective for life;
enjoy University library privileges;
receive, upon quest, publications of the University which are
furnished to the faculty, generally;
be given University andlor Campus newsletters (e.g., UP Newsletter,
UP Forum, Update);
be invited to attend in major University programs and activities;
be exempted from tuition and miscellaneous f e s as students and
auditors in University courses, seminars, workshops etc., provided
regular personnel in the service also enjoy these privileges;
enjoy an extension of their leave privileges (LC, teacher's leave in
the case of faculQ members not covered by c~rnulative leave and
curtsdatiafave leave in the case of adminha&*ve person~lel and other
staflmembers not belongihg to the frtc-, as well as in the case of
fac~l& members cwered by cmulsfive leave, e.g., those h.ulding
administrative positjom). 11182"~ BOR niedng, Mky 2 7,2004J
The atension of swh authorized leave privileges shall take
e f f e retroactively in the care of personnel whu are saiM in the
service as of the dote this polky is ahpied and serving the
Universiw mder ape extension of service @ L, beyond coqul;sory
retirement age): tM is, the eflectivity of this r hi l ege dal l
refr~ae$ to the date they aitaiaed their respective 69 birfhdays*
The misting rules guverni~g the grant of ewm~Iative leave to
faculty members under cerfain conditiup~s shall mntinue to be in
Chapter 6 Faculty Privileges
force also in the case of those serving under an extension of
service beyond compuho y retirement age.
be entitled to a waiver of sure@ obligatiom for faculty who availed
of scholamhips here and abroad 1109dR BOR meeting, Sepi. 28,1995;
OSU memo no. MVG-04-41, July 15,2004j
In approving this policy, the Board of Regents considered that it
is not fair that those who signed ns guarantors out of concern for
colleagues who were pursuing gradaate studies abroad, withont
expectnth of gain and benefits, should be penalized for the
failure of the scholaps to return and serve out their obligutwrts.
These individuals signed those contract. simply to facilitate
dep&ure of colleagues without expectation of gain and benefa.
Most were i~ fact chairs and the most senior facul@ looked up to
them for sappurr and encouragement. It is not fair that they are
penalized for failure of the scholars 60 return and serve out their
o bligutions.
The policy under current Iaw and jurisprudence is to recognize
the entidcement of retirees or retiring government employees to
their retirement beneJits because from said funds they can seare
the sustenance they need when they are no longer gainfully
Upon request of the Dean of a colIege or school, a retired University
officer or faculty member may be detailed, with the faculty's consent,
by the President or Chancellor to some pending academic project or
program or a special activity of the college or school concerned. [Arr.
Dependents of UP retirees may be given study privileges subject to
conditions stated in Chapter 7 Faculty Benefits and Welfare, Section
4.1 b Stu@ Privileges of Non-Earning Dependents of UP Retirees.
Moreover, a retiredfaculty with the rank of Professor may be appointed
Professor Emeritus based on the conditions stated under Article 207 of
the University Code.
UPD Faculty Manual Update ZOOS
The word NOT is inserted as a correction on second paragraph of Section
7.4.7 d. The following supersedes Section 7.4.7 Loyalty Award on pages
118-119 of Faculty Manual 2003.
7.4 UP Benefits and Welfare
7.4.7 Loyalty Award [CSC Resolution No. 020295, CSC Memorandum
Circular No. 06, s. 20021
This award is granted to an employee of the government who has
completed at least ten (10) years of continuous and satisfactory service
to the particular government offrce granting the award. The following
policies apply:
a. A loyalty award is granted to all officials and employees in
government, including those . in state universities and colleges
(SUCs) and government-owned and controlled corporations
(GOCCs) with original charter, who rendered ten (10) years of
continuous and satisfactory service in the government.
b. The particular agency where the employee or official completed the
ten (10) years of continuous and satisfactory service shall grant the
c. An official or employee who incurred an aggregate of not more than
50 days authorized vacation leave without pay within the 10-year
period shall be considered as having rendered continuous service for
purposes of granting the loyalty award.
In the same way, an official or employee who incurred an aggregate
of not more than twenty-five (25) days authorized vacation leave
without pay within the 5-year period may qualify for the 5-year
milestone loyalty award.
d. Effective January 1, 2002, continuous and satisfactory services in
government for purposes of granting loyalty award shall include
services in one (I) or more government agencies without any gap.
Services rendered in other government agencies prior to January 1,
2002 shall NOT be considered for purposes of granting loyalty award.
Chapter 7 Faculty Benefds and Werfare
e. The awardee shall receive a loyalty memorabilidsouvenir as follows:
10 and 15 years.
20 and 25 years
30,35, and 40 years
bronze service pin
silver service ring
gold service medallion
or other rnemorabilia~souvenir as may be provided in the agency's
Program on Recognition and Incentives for Service Excellence
f, In addition to the loyalty memorabilidsouvenir, a cash gift which
shall not be less than PHP500.00 but not more than PHP1,000.00 for
every year of service shall be given to qualified officials or
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
The following supersedes Sections 8.1. Professorial Chairs and 8.2 Faculty
Grmts on pages 122-129 of Faculty Manual 2003.
8.1. Professorial Chair Aivardr and Faculty Gra~tts f1179tk BOR meeting,
FeA 26,20041
Professorial Chair Awards and Facdfy Grmi Awards are f or m of
recognirwn for achievement in fJte academe. They are granted to
members of the facul& at the derfiary level who have dhtinguished
themselves in the mC& they represent. Professorial chair awards are
supported by speciul endowmen& There are two (2) catego&s of
profesorial chair awards: Professorid Chair Awar& in various freIds
and Prufessorial Chair Awards in General Edsrcath (GE Chair
A wards).
The following guidelines apply fo cover dl misting profmsorial chair
and faculty grant awardk. As emphasized in the guidelines, a
professorial chair or a faculty grant is an award to recogaize
achievement in fhe various fie[& or discclines a ~ d gene& education.
a the Award is not aubo~nabic for facul@ menobers of certain rank, but is
given only aper a thorough screening process emanating from the
departmend and college; and
b. the sole basis of the A ward is merit, as prescribed by the guidelines.
The authority to establhh Chairs shall continue to rest with the Board
of Regen& upon recommendation of tke President. The President shall
cofifirm professorial chair awardees, while the Chancellor shall approve
faculty grant awardees. Tke nature of the Chair and F a me Grana as
competitive awards and fhe practice of adminktering them shall be as
a A wardees shall receive a Certificate of Award from the Chancellor in
the case of CU Chairs and Faculty Grunts, and from the Presidefit in
the case of System Chairs.
6. In keeping with the nature of the Chair and Faculty Gran b as awards
- as recognition of outstanding achievement - emphasis shall be
placed on the criteria and eligibili~ for the Awards.
Chapter 8 Honors and Recognition
8.1.1 Professorial Chair Awar& (in variousfielh)
These are Awarih e s f dl he d to recognize achievement of faculty
members in the arts and humanifies, social sciettces and philosophy,
mathemath, natural sciences and fechnulugy and general educathn,
The Awards aim to encourage the fucul& to advance knowledge and
learning in fh e- various fields and disciplines.
a Criteria and EligibiIity
1) Professorial Chair Award recipients shall be selected from
among the regular members of the faculty, iincludifig those on
sabbatical, with the rmk of Assistant Professor or higher. In
addition, the recipient should have shown outstapzding
achievement in the following:
Teaching. Master of the subject, conscientious in preparation
for teaching, explains well and clearly, earns respect of
students on account of intellecttla~ superio*;
intellectual produciivity. Active in scholarship; publkhes ipl
academic venues or, in visual and performing arls, exhibits or
performs actistic work; contributes to the body of knowledge;
Service to the University and the larger eomupnify.
Participates in University committees and activities, helps
strengthen the imtitution, emgages in public service.
2) Faculty members rat the pre-eollegiae level who taught regular
courses at the tertiary level in the last two (2) years immediate&
preceding the Award may be considered for the Award,
provided they s a w the criteria above.
3) No limit shall be placed on the number of times a faculw
member may receive the Award, the sole basis of the Award
being merit, provided only orae (I) Award is given at a time to a
faculty memher.
6. Selection
1) The Dean shall announce to the faculty three (3) months before
January 1 or July 1 the number of slois available for the Award
at the CU and System l mL
2) Nmi af i ons for the Award muy be made by any member of the
faculty (including the Chair and the Dean). All nominations
shall be evaluated by the Departmental Academic Personnel
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
Committee (or ifs equivalent in colleges which have no
departmends) and the Chair and their recomrtse~datioizs
submitted to the College Academic Personnel Cumiitee
3) The CAPC and the Dean shall submit to the Chancellor the
recomp12endatwns for the grant of the Award.
4) Fur System-wide Chairs, the nomination my be initiated by the
department, through the chairperson; by. the College, through
the Dean; or by the Academic Person~tel and Fellowship
Committee (APE) or the CU Committee opi PPofessorhl
Chairs, thvougk the VCAA and the Ck&ceilor. The Presidemt's
Committee on Profemricrl Chairs and Faculfy Granfs, whose
members are appointed by the President, shall waLuQbe the
nominations and recommend the caitdidates to the President.
c. Grunt of the Award
1) All recommendations for the Award shall be submitted to the
2) No person may be granted more than one (1) Professorial Chair
Award wakin a calendar year.
Awardees s h d receive a Letter of Award, not an appointment.
[OC memo no. ERR-04-086, Apr. 15, 30#1 Each Professorial Chair
Award carries with i d a cash award the amount of which is
approved by the BUR.
e. Date of Award
The award dates shall be on the la of January or July.
f: Efleetivify
These guidelines shall apply to Chairs awarded from January
2004 mtd shall supersede existittg policiedguidelines inconsktent
with the above guidelines.
g. AcRnowledgement of Professorial Chair donors (OC memo no. ERR
04-055, Apr. 29,20081
Professorial Chair holders are encouraged fo send letters of
acknowdedgement to their respective donors, possibly with some
Chapter 8 Honors and Recognition
feedback as how the professorial chair has cuntribsrfed to their
professional growth, and that of specij7cJieIds of dudy.
Colleges are likewke enjoined to be in constant touch wMt
Profmsorial Chair donors. Inviting them or their representatives to
attmd professorial chair lectures is the University's way of making
donors aware of how their support to the academe i s highly valued
8.1.2 General Education (GE) Chair A wards
The GE Chairs are System-wide Professorial Chair Awards granted
to faculg members to recognize achievement in promoting the objectives
of the General Educafiorz Program, contributing to the philosophy or
practice of general educafwn, and encouraging faculty do apply
pedagogical innovQdions toward the attainment of the goals of the
a Criteria and EligibiMy
1) Rect'pien fi of a Professorial Chair Award in General Education
shlrll be selected from among the regular members of the
facuity, hc l ~di ng those on sabbatical, with the rank of Assistant
Professor or higher. In addition, the candidate should have
taught a GE course for at leust one (I) semester in the year prior
to the Award
2) A faeulg member selected for the GE Chair Award must be arp
txcellenb teacher, able to match the broad grasp of the subject
with kidher particular q e r h e . Attention shall be given to the
candidate's ability to instill in student. a desire for learning.
3) No Limit shall be placed OH the number of times a faculty
member may receive the Award, the sole basis of the Award
being merit, provided only one (1) award is given af a time to a
faculty member.
1) The WAA shall announce the number of awards tat least four
(4) months prior to fhe grant of the Awards.
2) In addition to the usual procedure for selecting professorhl
chair awardees, nom'ttatwns for the GE Chair may emanate
from the GE Committee or a similar body created by the
ChanceMor at the Corssrituend Univemiby level for the purpose of
overseeing and ~actl&ing the GE Program
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
3) At the System level, the GE Council shall evaluate the
nominations of the Constituent Universities md recornmemi rhe
awardees to the President.
4) All other rules and procedures pertaining to the selection of
professorial ckair awardees that are nut incumistent with the
above shall rrpply to the GE Chairs.
c. Grant of Award
1) All recommeradations for the Award shall be s u b d e d to the
2) No pemon may be grmfed mr e thah one (1) Professorial Chair
Award within a calendar year.
d. Al~lou~lt of the Award
Awardees shall receive a Letter of Award, not an appointment, [OC
memo no. ERR-04-046, Apr. 15, 20041 Each Profssotial Chair Award
carries with it a cash award the amount of which is approved by the
em DateofAward
The award dates shall be on the I~ of January or July.
f. Eflectiv*
These guidelines shall apply to GE Chairs awarded from January
2004 and shall supersede exirting policies/guidelines on GE Chairs
inconsisdent with the abwe guidelines.
8.1.3 Faculty Gr a ~ t Awards 111 7p BOR meeting, Feb. 2 4 20041
Aside from Professorial Chair Awards, Faculty Grant Awards are also
given as recognitior~ for outstandiizg achievement usually to faculty of
lower rank The Chancellor shall approve the Fucul@ Grant Award
subject to the selectioiz process provided for Profmsoriul Chair Awarh;
provided that a faculty member who is grunted a Professorial Chair
Award may not be selected at the same t h e for a Fucult~ Grant Award
Any regular faculty member wi3h outsfandkg academic, teaching and
research credentids may be considered for the Award FucJty members
on sabbabical, or those on leave for more than three (3) months or on
secondment or detail with another agency may not be selected for the
Chapter 8 Honors and Recognition
award The amount of the Award shall be spec~ped Award dates shall be
on the I~ of January or Jab. -
The following sections on 8.3 Academic Dktinction Awards have been
revised. Please refer to the indicated pages of "In Support of a Culture of
Scholarship and Excellence: Faculby Developtnent, Gram&, and Awards",
UP System Manual Series 1, OVPAA, 2004, for the revisions.
8.3. Academic Distinction Awards
8.3.1 Internafwnal Pubi cahn Award (rPA)
For revisions, refer to pages 37-41 of "In Support of a Culture ... "
8.3.2 Internadionla1 A d fur the Arts
For revisions, refer to pages 42-44 of "'In Support of a Culture ... "
8.3.3 Guwad sa Nata fanging Publikasyon sa Filipino
For revisions, refer to pages 44-46 of "In Suppor f of a Culture ... "
8.3.4 President's Award for Innovation in Teaching
For revisions, refer to pages 46-49 of "In Support of a Culiure ... "
8.3.5 University Profssor Grant
For revisions, refer to pages 3 6-3 7 of "In Support of a Cube ... "
The following guidelines on the new Advanced TechnoIogy Award is
appended to Section 8.3. Academic Distinction Awarh on page 141 of
Faculty Manual 2003.
8.3.6 Advanced Technology Award 11I 78" BOR meeting, Jan. 29,20#]
The Award recognizes pion eerilzg and concrete techit ological
achieveinen& grid innovations. The underlying goal is b encourage
interest in creation and invention among faculty, REPS, and staB
a Scope of A ward
A maximum of two (2) lawards shall be given for a speciri
fechnological innovation in any discipline completed in the year
preceding the Award Broadly defined, technological innovation
includes any new or improved product, material, process, equipment
or system of scieittayi or techplical origin.
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
b. EligibiIiV
Full-time fact.&, REPS, laid staff, whether individuulIy or rcs a
group, may be nominated for the Award
c. Criteria
The basic criteria for evaluating entries include: s c i e ~f i c features
and techraicd merit, pioneering nature, applications lwzd pote~tial
impact on end-user.
I ) The candidates must submit a descr@tion of the entry,
explaining its primary function and featurm:
What it is, what it does, how a works
PPirscipls and theories involved
r How it compares with or improves on other current
Current or possible future applications; potential impact on
The write-~p, while intended for a technically liferate audience,
should maintain a readable style as that of ScientzjTx America~t,
Science, Technology Review or similar publications.
2) Documentary evidence to support the entry must be included,
e.g., citations, festimunids from wers, recummendatiums from
expert$ paten&, patent applications, relevant publications.
e. Selection process
Departments shall send their nominations to the Chancellor. The
screening process shall be two-tiered
1) At the campus level, the Cha~scelbr shalZform a committee to:
Screen out nominees whose i~tnov&'otts are weak or
lacking in technical me&; and
Prioritize all the rest.
2) The President shall create a System committee to recommend
the recipients 4 t h A w d The ~ommitdeh (and the President)
may interview the candidates and mk them to dentomtrade their
Chapter 8 Honors and Recognifion
3) Faculty may be awarded only once for the same innovrrdiott but
may qua113 for mother innovation.
f. Value of Award
The Award shall be given annually in the form of a spec@.i.d
amount to be divided equally in the case of a p u p . In the case of cu-
developed ou@srt, only UP faculty, REPS, and stag eligible for the
Award shall receive iL The Award will be given during the annual
A cademic Distinction ceremony.
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
The following sections on 9.1 ~ellowship/study Leave and 9.2 UP Creative
and Research Grants have been revised. Please refer to the indicated
pages of "In Support of a Cuhre of Scholarship and Excel ~e~ce: Faculiy
Development, Grants, and Awards", UP System Manual Series 1, OVPAA,
2004, for the revisions.
9.1. Fellowship/Study Leave
9.1.4 Doctoral Studies Fund
For revisions, refer to pages 3-6 of "In Support of a Culiure .. . "
9.1.5 Ph.D. Incentive Grant and Sandwich Program
For revisions, refer to pages 7- 12 of "In Sapport ofa Cultwe.. . "
9.2. UP Creative and Research Grants
9.2.1 Post-Doctoral Research Grant
For revisions, refer to pages 1 2- 14 of "in Support of a Culture,. . "
9.2.2 Tdhook Writing Grant
For revisions, refer to pages 27-32 of "In Support of a Culhrre ... "
9.2.3 Research and Creative Work Grant
For revisions, refer to pages 22-26 of "In Support of a Culture ... "
9.2.4 Support for International Publicarion of La e r a ~ Works
For revisions, refer to pages 30-32 of "In Support of a Culture ... "
9.2.5 Research I~tcentive for Lateral Entry Ph.D.s
For revisions, refer to pages 32-34 of "In Support of a Culture. .. "
The following guidelina on new Grants are appended to Section 9.2 UP
Creative and Research Grants on page 173 of Faculty Manual 2003.
9.2.6 GE Textbook Writing Grant under the GE Fund [1191" BOR
meeting, Dec. 10,2004]
The Grmt aims to encourage faculty uitdRl?PS to write tatbooks
in support of the General Educatiopz (GE) program of the University.
Chapter 9 lnce~ltives
b. Eligibility
I ) Regular, full-time faculty and REPS with the rank of Assistant
Professor and higher, who have taught a GE course for at lemt
two (2) semesters, may apply for the Grant.
2) Applicants must have excellent records as teachers of the GE
course for which the textbook is being proposed.
3) The track record of applicants in compkfing creatbdresearch
projects (whether UP-funded or not) shall be examined by the
screening eommiffees of the CU and the System Those with
poor track record shall not qualzfi for the Grunt.
4) Current recipients of a tatbook wriding or research grant from
#he System may ttof apply for thih Grant.
5) Applicants may apply individcrally or as a group. In the case of
a group, the total amount of the Grant shall be prorated
according ta the rank of the applicanfs and the proportion of
the work to be done by each.
c. Scope uf the Grant
1) The Grant shall support the writing of tatbooks for ofikialiy
approved GE courses. Textbooks, whether in print or electronic
form, shall refer to the main teachin @earning material which
presents the subject matter decfined by B e syllabus.
2) The textbook shall contain mainly the original work of the
author/$ but m y include supplemental readings &f necessary.
Generally, works that are mainly compilations of readings shall
not be supported by the Grant. Neither shall the Grant cover the
writing of lecture notes or workbooks.
3) The Grad shall not cover proposals for teaching materials such
as slides, powerpoint presentations, etc. imtended for spec~ri
topics of lessons only.
4) Neidher skull the Grant provide for publicatio~ or prod~ctiom
5) Priority shall be given to texthooks for which no good floreigtt
or local) textbooks or reference wt eri ah are available.
6) The G a t shall be for one (1) year and, in exceptional cases,
may be exfended up to six (6) months at most, which extension
must be justiped and proof of work thus far completed,
presented No addiiio~al funds shall be provided for the
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
d Contract rate
1) The contract rate is b a d on the total number of Lours
(estimated and expected by the OWAA) to be spent by a grantee
on the project mdtiplkd by ars "hourly rate" that depends ors
the gruntee's rank
2) The Grant ussumes that la facully member teaches/work;r 10.5
mrifkdyear, 22 workireg daydmu~th at 8 hourdday, which is
equivalent to 1,848 hours/yrr. An hourly rate is then obtained
By dividing the grantee's annual salag by total
teaching/working hours. This gives an hourly rate uf annual
salary/1,848 hours.
3) It is abo assumed that a grantee will work on the project for 3
kours/day, 33 days/month for 12 months. This amupits to 1,080
total hours of project work.
4) The contract rate, obtained by multiplying the total hours by the
hourly rate, shall amount to 1,080 hours x (annual sdary/1,848
hrs.), or approximafely 58percent (58%) of the annual salary.
1) Applicm fs shall submid an application containing their textbook
2). They shall lab0 state the number of semesters they have taught
the GE c o me fur whzkh they plan to wrife a t dbook and their
publicatiorts in that particular area, if any.
3) Their project must be oRe that can be completed in hvelve (12)
~n~nt hs. b
4) A budget need not be sabdtikcb; the applicant may use the
contract fee for whatever research purpose she deem
5) The proposal should have the endorseme~t of the unit's
textbook cummiftee or equivalent body and the department
Chair or Institube Director.
6) The reco~pcdi i zg CU sholl ascertain the applicant's track
record in completing research and ofher projec&
f; Procedure
1) Applications shall be sent to the CU screening camnitfee for
tatbook grants or for the GE Program The Committee shall
forward its recommendatiom to the WM, ranking them
Chapter 9 Incentives
according to the content and contribution of the proposal and
0th er relevant criteria
2) The WAA shall refer the CU proposals to the GE Council,
which shall evaluate the recommendations of the CUs and rank
the best according to merib. The Cosrncil may refer promising
proposals to the proponends for revision.
3) Approval of the recomntendufium shall come from the
President, the total number of grunts approved depending on
the availability of funds.
4) The WAA shall not i i successful applicants and advise them to
make arrangements with the OWAA for the contract and
release of funds.
5) The W ! shall likewise inform proponents whose prupusals
were not accepted and suggest improvemetits for future
g. Release of funds
1) The Grant shall be uwarded in the form of a research contract
indicating the purpose, expected osr$ut, and intellectual
properfy rights of the parties involved
2) FVty percmt (5d%) of the Grant shall be paid upon skning the
con track
3) The fmal installment of the Grant shall be released rafter the
manwcrjpt has passed a b h d review by two (2) referees.
h. Obligation of grantees
1) Grantees shall continue to perform their regular funcfiopts as
faculty or REPS during the grant period In no case shall the
faculry be given overload pay for the research. Should the
recipient resign before cumpleting the project, she shdl
n~tomaticully lose the Grant and return the amount unused
2) Grandees shall submil a mid-term report to the Chancellor s k
(6) months after the award commences and an acceptable
manuscript within two (2) months after the Grant en&.
3) IIP no case shall the Grant be rmiewed or an application from
the same gruntee be entertained for any other grant under the
Creative and Research Scholarship program until the fmal
mrzuscript in print or multimedia ih submitted to the VPA.4.
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
4) Grandees who fail to comply with the t erm of Be Gra~tt and
those whose grant3 are terminated for cause during the project
period shall return the full amount received Payments to the
Universiw shall be made in full in case of resignatwn or
refirernmi, and through salary ded~~t i uns in other cases.
Grantees shall abo be subject to other sartctiores prescyibed by
pertinent UniversiQ rules. Fmthermore, they shall be
disqualijiwrb from all UniversiQ grants.
i Review of output
1) Textbook manuscripts shall be reviewed by referees selected by
the W A If the referees find the outpd acceptable, the WAA
shalt release the balance of the Grant.
2) If the referee suggesb substantial revision, however, or raise
serious doubts about the qualify of the work, the WAA shall
pass on Be comments to the grantee and withhold the balance
of the Grant until the necessary revhhns are made.
3) Referees shall receive compensation for fkeir work depdi r z g
on the number of munuscript pages muluafed.
j. Intellectual Proper@ Rights
1) The UP Press shall have the first option on the munuscript
should the author wisk to publtsk ik
2) Should the result of the project be pdlikhed or publicly
presented or Ruhibited, the Uiiiversiby shall be acknowledged as
the source of the Grunt. University proviswns om inteliectsral
propee rights shall likewise be implemented
9.2.7 Wmhingbcn SyC@ Award for Bart General Education Learning
Muterihl fli91"' BUR meting, Dec, 10,2004]
To further srcpporf &e ongoing revifaliz~twtt of the General
Educutiors program, ou&tanding ikuciiinpfear~ling materials developed
by facd@ who kach GE courses shall be recognized and warded the
C' Washington SyCip Award for Best General Education Learning
a Purpose
The Award a i m to recognize excellent teaching anuor learning
materic~ls developed by fueul@ and staff for courses in the General
Educatiun (GE) program of the Uaiversio. The Award complements
Chapter 9 Incentives
the President's Award for Teaching Innovatbn by focusing on GE
instructional materials tlrut enhance the teachi& of GE courses,
support the liberal arts philosophy and objectives of the GE program,
and showcase the best of the University's teaching mission.
b. Eligibility
FulI-h*me faculty and REPS faculty who developed
teachingAeurning materials for GE courses they teach rnay be
nominated for the Award The Award may be given to an individual
or group; in the ladder casey all members of the team who developed
the materials shall be eligible, provided they are full-time stafl of the
c. Scope of the A ward
1) The Award covers original instructwnal (teaching or learning;)
materials developed by the nominee for u GE course.
2) The material may be print (e.g. textbooks, primary reference
ma feriah), electronidrn~Lmedia, or a combinIrhIrhon of both.
3) The material must have been wed for at Zemt one semester to
allow for appropriaie evaluation of eflectiveness.
4) The material must be a primary teaching or learnirsg resource
used substantial& throughout the course. Materihls produced
for single or limited number of lessons or lectures are not
5) A i?naximurn of two (2) awards shall be given for maderial
completed within the last two (2) years preceding the Award
6) FaculQY REPSy and stan may be awarded only ome for the
same material but may qualih for another material,
d Value of the Award
The Award, in the form of u speclyud amount to be divided equally
in the case of a groap, shall be gs'vele annually during the Academic
Distinction ceremony.
1) The nominee must submit a copy of the entry, together with a
write-up that addresses the fobwing:
why the material was developed and ifr development proeess;
pedagogical features of the work;
ko w the material en kances learning;
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
4 how the material is used h (and outside) the cl ~smom; md
a for electronic or mirlti-media maderials, a description of
softwar&tardware requirements.
2) Fact-sheet specihing:
GE course where material is wed; course syllQbtls;
supplementary materials wed together with the nominated
material; previous material used, if any; and
+ Semester when material was used; number of sections,
number of students, and professors yho wed the material.
3) To demonstrate the effeetive~ms of the material, nominees shall
present feedback from studen& and faculty members using the
material and other evidence of fke material's impact such as
resulks of special imtrumen& used for evaluation of the
I ) The material shall be judged primarily on its educational value
Innovation, high quality of content and design, functiond&v
and ease of use all contribute to superior pedagogical value.
2) The material must make bstru&'on better and more efictive in
t e r m of meeting course objectives.
3) The material must have significant impact on the kamittg
opportuaities, mperiences, and learning outcome of users.
g. Selection process
1) Depar fmenls shall send their nominations to the Chancellor. At
the campus level, the Chancellor shall form a commiitee to do
the follo wing:
Screen out norniplees whose maberink are keak or' lacking in
mrir, and
Prioritize the resL
2) The Chancellor shall send the CU recommendations fo the
WAA, who shall convene the GE Council (or a srcbcom~dYee
from among its members) to review fke CU recommendutiorss
and endorse the recipien& of the Award to the PresidenL The
screening body and fhe President may require an interview of
the nominees and a presentation especially in the case of
electron idmulti-media material.
Chapter 9 Incntives
h. Deadhe for nomination
The Ckaneellor shall forward to the VPAA the 1% of nominees and
necessav documentation by the last working day of November.
9.28 Sabbatical Research Grants [l18dh BOR meding, Mar 25,20041
The Gr a ~t provides financi~l msistance to faculty members on
sabbatical who intend to pursue research or creative work during the
period of their leave. It k equivalent to a Professorial Chair Award
a. Scope of Grant and Cmtracd Rate
I ) The Grant s h~l l be in the form of a researcWcreative work
contract in a spec if^ amount net of tax: The Grant shall Be
released upon signkg of conbract, provided that applicatwn fur
subbabical has been appruved
2) A total of three (3) awards shall be available annually.
6. Eligibility
1) Faculty members applying for sabbadicai for the prslpose of
research or creative work (incIudiag the writing of
textbookdch&pters of textbooks) in their discipline may apply for
the Grant.
2) Applicapldr who are applying for sabbatical for the f i t time
whose projects are not funded from other sources shall be given
c. Requirements and procedure
I ) Applicants shall submit through channels a descr@tion of the
proposed work and intended output. The scope of the project is
expected to be commensurate to the Grunt mount.
2) The CUs slralIprioritke all applications.
3) The System Committee on Research Granfr and Creahire Work
shall maluate the recommendations of CUs and rank the best
three based on meriL The President shnll havefiPtal approval.
4) The O W M deadline for all endorsed applications shall be
April 30 of the subbatiesl year (regardless of the period of
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
-- -
1 - :$?A. shall submit .the f i nd ou@ut to the O W A upon
- - - -
-- - -
-- -
- - - - - - qhwab dh@ @X the sabbatscd
- - -
- - -
- --
-- -
-- -
- -
- --
2) Gmntkts who fail to complj wibk the t er m of the Grant s h d
. -
- -
. . -
- -
rcfunr the full amount received. Furthermore, the$ s h d be
dkqualz#Z~d from all UniversIty grmts.
Shodd the result ef 81?1project be published or public& presented
or exhibited, the University shall be uckno~ !edged as the source of
Uie Grant. University provirions on inteilectud propem rights shall
Iika~ke b~ hpkmnted,
The following inchdes revishms md additional information on funding
source far attendante in conferences and the like (bold, italicized porliom
of Section 9.3.1 c) and supersedes Seefion 9.3.1 A&~dante in Cumfmences,
Seminars, Workshops on p. 173 of F a d e Manual 2003,
9.3 Other Incentive Schemes
9.3.1 Attendma? h Confemitcss, S d a r s , Workhps [94qh BOR
meeting, My 26, 1983; mended ai 99? BOR meeting, Nov. 28, 1986;
115p BOR meeting, My 24,200I; 115p BOR meeting3 l k ~ 19,2001;
11 6p BOR meeting* Feh 27,2200q
Conferences, seminars and worWops are usually of short duration,
but, especially when they take place abroad and involve the
presentation of papers, they can be of immense benefit to both the
facdty member and to the Universify. They can also serve as an
incentive for joining and staying within the ranks of the faculty,
therefore, provision is made for them.
a. Requirements - The.~following docufnents must be submitted
together with the application:
Invitation from the organization or agency sponsoring the
conference, meeting or workshop
Copy of abstract and paper to be presented, if paper presentor
Endorsement Qom the department chairIMtute director and
Chapter 9 Incentives
b. Entitlements
Salary for the duration of the Grant
Other forms of allowances allowed by the Philippine
Government for travel abroad, e,g ., pre-travel alIowance,
clothing allowance, subject to availability of funds, accounting
and auditing rules
c. Possible Funding Sources
1) Possible sources of support fur these activities are the Facuky
Developmen f Fund (FDFJLResewch Dissemirstatwn Grm t
(DG) for the fac- and the Administradive Development
Fund (ADF) for the non-fenching pemnrze1. The support gives
them the oppoHuniby for exposure and eventual collaboration
with colIeagues in the national and international academic
communities through paper presentation and attep~claitce.
litteraction of UP faculty and stuff with other nafioml and
international experts in the dgferent fields brings in new
knowledge and reduces the esfeets of inbreedi~g.
2) The Infernutional Linkages Fund which funds the membership
fees of the Univemity in international and regional associations
of universities and other expenses thai may be incurred by the
President or hMe r representative in attending the meetings of
these msociatioits.[ll5dA BOR meeting, May 24, 2001; 115y BOR
meetiag, Dec. 19,2001]
The Universify 's. involvement in international networks or
associations at en& beyond attendance of the President or
hisher representative in meetings. The Universiiy also
parhrhcipates in other s c t i v ~ s organized by these associations
such as conferences, workshops, vhiting lectureships and joint
research projec fi. Moreover, participation i~ not limited to the
President but lapc activity may i~volve participation of faculty,
stag, or students of the University.
The coverage of the International Linkages Fund is therefore
expanded to allow rsot only University officiaals, But also other
faculty, stag and students duly authorized by the President to
represent the University in the msociatiom' meetings and other
activities. [I I 6p BOR meding, Feb. 2 7,20031
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
The following includes revisions on the incentive scheme for
admmistrators (bold, italicized portions of the table) and supersedes
Section 9.3.3 Incentive Scheme fuk Admirnistrators on pages 176-178 of
Faculty Manual 2003.
9.3.3 Incentive Scheme for Administrators (1 161"' BUR meeting, Jui) 25,
2002; amended at 117? BOR meeting, Nov. 27, 2003; 1181~ BOR
meeting, Apr. Id, 20041
Faculty administrators are given, in addition to their salary,
entidements such as honorarium, administrative load credit,
representation, and transportation allowkces. These, however, have
been found to be inadequate considering the demands of administrative
positions. Furthermore, during the period of appointment, faculty
administrators are hardly abIe to pursue research activities. Since the
present promotion system assigns greater weight to scholarly activities
like teaching, research and publications, faculty administrators face the
prospect of lagging behind their co11eagues.
Recognizing the invaluable role of faculty administrators in the
attainment of the University's mission and realizing the need to entice
more qualified members of the faculty to accept administrative
assignment, the incentives shown on the following tabIe are granted.
In addition, a "Period for Re-energizing" i s granted to administrators
to enable them to take time off horn their routine functions and
responsibilities during the summer months, This period, which serves
to save administrator from burning out, may be done on a shifting
arrangement as decided by each unit. Entitled to this are the following:
[E. 0. no. 03-1 1, OP, Map 14,2003; OSU memo no. 03-22, Apr. 29, 20031
President Heads of Units
Vice Presidents Associate Deans
Chancellors Deputy Directors
Vice Chancellors College Secretaries
Deans Department Chairs
Chapter 9 Inc~ntives
Incentive Scheme for Administrators
[1177' BOR meeting, Nov. 27,20031
Vice Presidents
University Secretary
Assistant Vice Presidents
Assistant Secretary
University General Counsel
Board of Regents
Vice Presidents
University Secretary
Assistant Vice Presidents
Assistant Secretary
University General Counsel
Vice Chancellors
Research support for a paper or
creative work in the form of
research (dissemination) grant
every year during the term of
the faculty administrator
Funding Source
Administrative Position
Limited kanci d assistance for
the annual executive check-up
in any government hospital
iacluding PGH (1181"9 BOR
meeting, Apr. 16,20041
UP System
UP System
(for System
Constituent Unit
(for campus level
Vice Chancellors
Directors of System Offfices
(Admissions, CIDS, UP
Press, CWS)
Research support for a paper or
creative work in the form of
one (1) research
(dissemination) grant during
the term of the faculty
UP System (for
System Directors)
Constituent Unit
(for campus level
Faculty Administrators with
12-unit ALC applying for a
professorial chair
Requirement of research track
record in lieu of teaching
pedormance for eligibility for
the Chair except for GE
Chairs; removal of requirement
that faculty administrator must
teach while occupying the
Chair except for GE Chairs,
provided requirements are met
(read or published the Chair
UFD Faculty Manual Update 2005
The following set of new guidelines on Incentive Package for Visiting
Faculty t o UP Mindanao is appended to Section 9.3. Other Incentive
Schemes on page 177 of Faculty ~auui l 2003.
9.3.4 Incentive Package for Friifhg Faculty fo UP Mindanao [1152"d
BOR meeting, Jdy 26,2001; 116$4 BOR meeting, May 23,2002; 1166'
BOR meeting, Dee. 2, 2002, 1192~~ BOR meeting, Jan. 27,20051
Incentive package for visiting facul& to UP Mindanao from other
campuses, who will be assigned for at least one (1) semester but mot
more than two (2) academic years heludes $he foiiowing:
a F@y percent (50%) of the Basic annual salary (i R, immediately
prbr to assignmen f ) as incentive allmuarnce;
b. Free housing unit or actual rental cost not exceeding Php 5,000.00
monthly, excluding utilities, for a period not more t hm Mu (2)
c. A monthly allowmce of a f a d amunt for the spouse and
children under eighteen (18) years of age, as well as for parer& of
single faculty who are dependent on them for not mure than hvo
(2) years on condition that they join the faeulw member in UP
Mindan ao.
d Free relocation cost fo and from Davao City which shall include
transportation fare of the facdty and h Me r dependent; Provided,
that the relocation cost s kdI not exceed Php 10,000.00 to be
supported by ofl ci d receipfs;
R Five (5) free roundfrip traiwportation costs, to be enjoyed anytime
of the year; Provided3 that those who do not serve for the whole
year will have to reimburse the University of these transportutwn
f. Faculty who would ewentually decide to transfa to UP Mindanao
can on& enjoy a fatal of three (3) years incentive package,
inclusive of the two (2) year visiting professor privilege. They will
PUI longer enjoy their home visir allowance after the third year.
g This program k good OH& until A Y 20062007 unless rettewed
Chapter 10 Conduct, Restrictions, and Discipline
The following is a revision of Section 10.2.5 Abseme Without Leave on
page 183 of Faculty Manual 2003.
10.2 Restrictions
10.2.5 Absence Without Leave [98Th BOR meeting, Apr, 24, 1986; CSC
Memorandum Circular no. 12, s. 1994; OC memo no. ERR-04-059,
May 14,22004]
An omcer or employee who is continuowiy ahsent without approved
leave (A WOL) for at least thirty (30) working days shall be separated
from the service or dropped from the rolls without prior notice. AXWe
shall, however, be informed of herhis separation from the service nof
latter t h a ~ five (5) days from ifs eflectivity which s h d be sent to the
address appearing on herhis 2dl fdar or to kerhh last known address;
If the number of unauthorized absertces incurred is less than thirty
(30) working days, a written ~eturn-to- woik order shall Be served on
the official or employee ad h Me r last known address on record Failure
on hidher part to report for work within the period stated in the order
shall be vnlid ground to drop hi dher from the rolls. (As amended by
Resolutian No. 99-190 7 dated August 27,1999).
Deans, directors, and heads of units are directed to report to the
Human Resources Development Offxe the names of employees who
have been on A WOL for af leasf fifteen (15) days. The report must also
contain the details opt the nccountability of the employee concerned and
make further recommndafiopps on the stafus of employment for
reprimand, cutting of salary, filing of charges, dc.). [OC memo no. ERR-
04-059, May 14,20041
The following includes revisions and additional information on travel
authority (bold, italicized- portions of Section 10.2.10) and supersedes
Section 10.2.10 ~ o r e i ~ n TraveIs on page 185 of Faculty Manual 2003.
10.2.10 Foreign Travels [82IS' BOR meeting, June 29, 1972; Malacaiiang
memo. Oct. 20, 1999; OC memo pro. 03-91, Sept. 3, 2003; OC memo
no. ERR 04-088, Aug. 17,2004]
No faculty member shall be allowed to travel for more than a month
without prior clearance from academic responsibilities. Request for fravel
authority shall be eoptflned to those which are urgent and necessary,
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
with jusfrIficabtabtons clearly spelled u& [OC mmo no. ERR 04-088, Amg. 17,
Travel requiring Malacstiiang clearance should be requested as early as
possible. Malaca Aang requires a lead time of ten (1 0) working lirays prior
to the scheduled date of departure. The ten-day period shall be reckoned
from the date of receet of the travel proposuL Malacafiang returns travel
requests without action if papers are submitted less than ten (10) working
days before actual travel date. Without Malacaiiang action, travel shall not
be allowed. IOC memo pro. ERR 04-088, Aug. 17,20041
Malacanang clearance is required under the following situations:
a If government funds (except pre-travel expenses and clothing
allowance) will be used, and
If more than one (1) faculty members are going to the same
destination for the same purpose regardless of the source of funding.
Additional guidelines include the following: From OC memo pro. ERR
04-088, Aug. 1 7,20041
For requests with funding assistance which will have to go
through the proper approving authorities in the University, and
tr@s of more than fhirfy (30) calendar days, an udditioital ten (10)
working days aflowance will be necessary for processing by the
HRDO prior to submission to Malacaiang. Any request deemed
unable to beat the working deadline will be returned to the unit
wifhout action.
All travel propusah involving full or partial governmerat funding
shall be accompanied by an itemized stafemep1b of qcns es .
No request for additional travel apenses or allowances shall be
made once a travel aufhority has been issued by Malacanattg.
N o government of f ~i al or employee shall be allowed to leave at
their point of embarkaton wi$houf a duly issued travel author@v.
The C~mmission on Immigration and Depordatbn sees to if that
this requirement is strietly ePzforced
Requa& for travel ahor i w where nun-complhce with any or all
of the requiremenfs shall be dhapproved outright. No request for
reconsideration in such cases shall be entertained
Chapter 1 0 Conduct, Restrictiom, and Discipline
[See also Chapter 4 Duties and Responsibilities, Section 4.5 Attendance in
Classes and Chpt er 9 Itce~rtives, Section 3.1 Attendance in Conferences,
Seminars, Worhhops]
The fonowing restrictions on leaves and special detail (bold, italicized
Section 10.2.12) are appended to Section 10.2 Resfrictwns on page 186 of
Faculty Manual 2003.
10.2.12 Leaves and Speciul Detail
Ur~iversiiy policy provides that no more than the equhalent of
fifteen percent (1 5%) of the faculty muy be allowed to go on leave of
absence with puy at any given semester. The Executive Committee
likewise adopted a policy that leaves and special detail taken daring
the semester which skull 'amount to Cosing &em@ percent (20%) of
class meetings shall not be allowed Fast-tracking of class meetings
for fhe reason that the faculty member is leaving for abroad h
discouraged Fi~ally, leaves or special detail that start while the
semester is ongoing and end afieer the next semester has started are
not allowed FaculQ members should synchronize their leaves or
special detail with the stmestral schedule. [OC mmo so. ERR-03-091,
Sept. 3,20031
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
The following includes additional information on NSTP courses (bold,
italicized portions of Section 11.6.1 b-2) and supersedes Secfwrr 11.61 6-2
Nalional Service Training Program (IVSTP) on pages 234-235 of Faculty
Manual 2003.
11.6 Academic Load
11.6.1 Undergraduate
a. Academic unit requirements
No revisions (Refer to page 233 of Faculty Manual 2003)
b. Other requirements
1) Physical Education (PE)
No revisions (Refer to page 234 of Faculty Manual 2003)
2) National Service Training Program (NSTP) [R A. 9163, NSTP Act
of ZOOl ]
The National Service 'Training Program Act of 2001 @.A:
9163) was enacted in response to public clamor for reforms in the
Reserved Officers Training Corps (ROTC) Program. This Act
aarms that the prime duty of the government shall be to serve
and protect its citizens. In turn,-it shall be the responsibility of all
its citizens to defend the security of the State; thus, the
government may require each citizen to render personal, military
or civil service. In the pursuit of these goals, the youth shall be
motivated, trained, organized, md mobilized in military training,
literacy, civic welfare, and other similar endeavors in service to
the nation.
The NSTP is a program aimed at enhancing civic
consciousness and defense preparedness in the youth by
developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing
training in any of its program components. Its various
components are specially designed to enhance the youth's active
contribution to the general welfare of the nation.
All male and female students enrolled in any baccalaureate or
in at least two (2)-year technicaVvocationa1 or associate courses
are r e q~r e d to complete the equivalent of two (2) semesters of
Chapter 1 1 Academic information
any one of the NSTP components listed below as a requisite for
- Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)
- Literacy Training Service (LTS)
- Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS)
Under the NSTP law, state universities are required to offer
ROTC and at least one other NSTP component. Furthermore, for
NSTP courses, schooIs may collect not more than 50% of the
current basic Euition.
While the NSTP law requires the courses as a requisite for
graduation, it does not make reference as to when students should
enrol in these courses. Thus, these can be taken anytime before a
student graduates.
Students who finished all their academic requirements on or
before the second semester of AY 2001-2002 but who were not
graduated because they lacked the required ROTC subjects
maybe graduated as of znd semester 2001 -2002, after application
for graduation and without the required one-year residence prior
to graduation [ I 1 61" BOR meeting, July 25, 20021
NSTP Course Load Credit
Cofleges/snifs are ahwed to implement the c o m p e n
of loud credit based on the following in the meantime that &
actual requireme~fS of the course Lave not been fn@
assessed Colleges may Inter on propose a formula based am
their experiences in handling the course* [OC menw nu. ERR-
03-091, Sept. 3,20031
Class size Size multiplier
Credit Load
UPD Faculty Manual Update 2005
Hunoraria for NSTP/CWTS
Honoraria for faculfy members handling NSTP/C WTS
courses should be charged against NSTP collections, not
against the overload budgea [Exec Cum meeting, Apr.l4,2204]
a ~nsuranee for' NSTP Studeitls
The Ulsiversiry has pre-gual ~fd insurance providers for
students ertrolled in NSTP/CWTS courses (Note: Insurance is
required under the NSTP law.) Thus, eflective Srsrnrraer 2004,
st~derah (on& those taking NSTP(CWTS coursa) will be
assessed for insura~ee.[Exec. Corn meeting, Apr. 14,2004J
The following includes additional reference source (1179~ BOR meeting,
Feb. 26,2004) on the qualitative grade and supersedes Section IJ.15.1 a
Grade for come work on page 280 of Faculty Manual 2003.
11.15 Grades
11 J5.1 Grading System
a. Grade for course work
The work of students shall be rated at the end of each
semester/trimester/tem in accordance with the following grading
system: (Art. 369; 2Th UC meeting, Dec. 14, 1991; 11 7p BOR meeting,
Feb. 26,2004*]
1.0 Excellent 2.5 Satisfactory
1.25 . 2.75
1.5 Very Good 3 Pass
1.75 4 Conditional
2.0 Good 5 Fail
2.25 h c Incomplete
However, some subjects are graded as follows:
H - Honors
P - Pass
F - Fail
The change was apprwed by the UP Dilimrrn Universily Council at its 2y
met i ng on Dec. 14,19991. Hawever, this was not forwarded do the 3OR until its
11 7p rneeti~g on Feb. 26,2004 for appravnl
Chapter 1 1 Academic information
The work of special students or students on audit may be reported
at the end of the semester as "S" (Satisfactory) or "U"
(Unsatisfactory). [I 3#' UC meeting, Sept. 11, 19371
The qualitative grades will not be used in computing GWA, but
will be used only to break a tie in the ranking of students. (32"d UC,
Aug, 14, 19931
The foIIowing includes additional information on recommended attire
during commencement exercises (contaiaed in the last paragraph) in
Section 11.23 Academic Costume on pages 301-302 of Padty Manad
Cmdidntes fir graduation with degrees or tiff w which req+ zm lereF
than four (4) pars of collegiate imtmction shd be Ecluipd p u
acad&~& cosfumes during the baccdaureate &pe arid C -
exercises in wrdzmce wiih the de s and r eguk hs of
[rn. 4221
'She sablay is the oaeid a~aden6~ cashme of
in I990 as m a b mf v e ta the western c8p+md
. .
during commencement exereism md o&a oEci$d '
. . .'i
Urlivwsity, it yas oficially idopted in 2000 and i t s a d d m
2001 [7L"d UC meeting, D;ec 6, 2000: &eo. a m rllee&&;Feh. .2l9 2001,- 7p
K meetin& Feb. 28,20QIJ h o d on the fol l ohg mncept*:
Afig sdi wg "sdbldy" 'a dumtukoy six dri ng kamawbopag
W01'apb nu simple njpnit .efegaa% mg pacm$, rrmlwog sa
hf wm at pi~~puImufim tg mamahdz'ng grgrwo rta s&a ping
fagapagdugtong ~g bukas na b&gi no m a k a p n , Bi hg
padiwa nmgmguhufugm din mag .salitmg rkablay"
Qwtimbmar I-mbIagr) M p mm hapaglaIag~ ng hiiag~tmg
b g q J gay rig &la 0 buotait, sa Balikat ng $&a waring fads
ngp@pahaIaga 0 pugpipif sgm sa wdbing bugq.
' SakiIi, A., Ang Sablay, 2002 Commencement Program, UPD Information Office
UPD F d t y Manual Update 2005
Aplg sablay ay hango sa kusuotang "mulong". Ito ay
kafongi-tun@ at angbp sa mga pormal no pagdiriwang gaya
ng pagdiriwang ptg pagtatqpos ng mag-amal. Naibabagay ito
sa mga pormal na hsuotang Pilipiplo gaya ng barong,
mahabang gown o kinaona.
Aplg kuluy na maroon at Berde ciy kulay ng ating
pamantman. Ang kulay nu ginto ay kulay ng mataas na
pamantayan rag ahikain at karunupagan nu isinusulong ng
Pa ma n t m. Ang katuiubong Iedra nu 3 ad V na galing sa
sinaunung "buybayin" o bt i fi kan ay ang katumbas ng "U" at
"P " nu initial ng sting Unibersidad Ang pakurbang disenyo
na rnistulung hagong sib01 na halaman na fiiitatawag nu "ukkil"
o "&it" ay summagisag sa masining nu hlturang Pilipino at
sa pagpapahalaga sa kalikasan. Ang iba pang mga desenyong
pang-geometrikal gaya ng zigzag at diamond ay karaniwan
nang bahagi ng mga palamuti sa masining na rnga kagamitan
ng mgu kattktubong Pilipino mula sa Batanes hanggang Tawi-
tawi. Ang pagkakaayos ng mga ifo ay ml oy- t hy at ang paulit-
ulif na mga elemento ng desenyo ay summagisag sa ugraayan ng
sambayanan at daluyan ng kultura at halaman.
In addition to wearing the oflcial sablay, it ik recommended that the
sablay be worn Byfemules wearing a midi or a long plain ecru dress or
gown, but NOT those wearing s mini skirt For males, the formal ecru
barong and dark pan& and shoes nre recommended (OC memo no. ERR-
04-023, Feb. 23,2004]

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