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Vinylizer PRO - User Manual

Vinylizer PRO - User Manual
AlexB Vinylizer PRO
Library for Nebula3 audio plugin
Library Creator: Alessandro Boschi
Release Date: 1!"11
Co#yri$ht "11 Alessandro Boschi! All Ri$hts Reser%ed!
1. Introduction
&elco'e and than( you )or #urchasin$ the Vinylizer PRO library #ro$ra's )or *ebula!
*o+ you ha%e one o) the best #ro)essional hi$h ,uality audio so)t+are! - ha%e s#ent countless hours to de%elo#
these no-co'#ro'ise #ro$ra's to $i%e you only the best analo$ sound and the )eel as close as #ossible to the
real deal! - ho#e that 'y #ro$ra's +ill hel# you to 'a(e better and #ro)essional ' en/oyin$ yoursel)!!!
Because: 0ound 1irst 2
-) you ha%e any trouble +ith 'y so)t+are #lease do not hesitate to contact 'e: sales3alessandroboschi!eu
2. System Requirements
- -ntel or AMD CPU based PC or MAC co'#uter
- 4"MB )ree dis( s#ace
- *ebula or *ebula5 +ith installed co''ercial license
1or the best results and lo+ CPU load it6s reco''ended to use the *ebula5Core-- 7re%erb7 instance!
3. End ser !icense A"reement
8he custo'er #urchases the ri$ht to license the use o) the #ro$ra's9 not the actual o+nershi# o) a co#y o) the
#ro$ra'! 8he #urchaser o) this library is )ree to use these *ebula Preset Pro$ra's )or '$9 re'$9
'asterin$9 #re'asterin$9 editin$9 and +hate%er it ta(es to 'a(e their recordin$s as $reat as the #resets can hel#
the' to be! Only the actual #urchaser o) the library 'ay use this library! 8hat 'eans no sharin$ or resell! 8he
cost is 'ini'al9 and $oes to hel# 'e to continue creatin$ the ne.t release:s; :
-6' not a bi$ co'#any but a sin$le #erson9 so e%ery sale is i'#ortant 2
-) you #urchase this library9 do not share it: reco''end it 2 &ith each release there +ill be )ree release #resets!
8his #ro$ra'-library is )or re$istered *ebula Co''ercial users only2
Do <iancarlo and 8ea' at Acustica Audio the sa'e res#ect o) #urchasin$ a le$iti'ate co#y o) *ebula! 8he cost
is the best deal on the #lanet9 and they +or( tirelessly on this #ro/ect!
Users are not #er'itted to re-release9 co#y9 u#load9 'irror lin(s to this library9 and it 'ay not under any
circu'stances be re#ac(a$ed or included in other release collections +ithout e.#ress consent by it6s o+ner:
Alessandro Boschi!
8he user is )ree to edit and sa%e ne+ #resets )or their o+n use9 and not to distribute to others! -) you 'a(e an
alteration to a #reset that you li(e and )ind it use)ul9 #lease sa%e it as a ne+ #reset )or your o+n use!
8han( you
Vinylizer PRO - User Manual
#. Inst$ll$tion
= Please install the last release o) *ebula Plu$in >
1or PC Users:
Use the included installer to select your ?nebulate'#re#ository )older to install the collection there! Or9 you can
si'#ly co#y all 7n#7 )iles to your *ebula 7Pro$ra's7 )older and co#y all 7n%7 )iles to your 7Vectors7 )older!
1or Mac Users:
Co#y all 7n#7 )iles to your *ebula 7Pro$ra's7 )older and co#y all 7n%7 )iles to your 7Vectors7 )older!
&ith the *ebula bro+ser you6ll )ind the 7V*L7 )older then you can na%i$ate into the 7@@7 :@@91(Az; and 7BC7
:BC(Az; sub)olders +ith 7)ull7 :basic; and 7se7 :s#ecial edition; sub)olders!
- -n the *ebulaDs MA08 #a$e itDs better to set the RA8E C*V at 5""'s or 'ore to load correctly the library!
%. A&out t'e ori"in$l '$rd($re
-t6s a little collection o) the best %inyl #layers: )ro' a 6@" $ra'o#hone9 an old 6F" #layer9 t+o %inta$e 6G" #layers
+ith tube and solid state9 t+o 'odern #layers +ith tube and solid state and a %inta$e 6C" Hu(eBo.! 8he entire
#ath has been sa'#led9 )ro' the #ic(u# to )inal a'# sta$e9 and so'e sa'#les +ith dust9 scratch9 hu'9 'otor
and noise ha%e been recorded and edited!
). *'e s$m+lin" +rocess
Care)ully sa'#led +ith all natural i'#er)ection and nuance by 'ysel) - -6' o%er 1F years e.#erienced in
electronics and audio en$ineerin$ - in #ro)essional recordin$ studio +ith hi$h ,uality audio and di$ital cables9
'aster $rade to# notch con%erters +ith audio le%els #er)ectly 'atched and calibrated at @@91(Az and BC(Az
sa'#le rate! Precisely #ro$ra''ed +ithout nor'alizin$ or other destructi%e di$ital #rocessin$!
,. *'e +ro"r$ms
8he basic #ro$ra's ha%e 7)ull7 har'onic and dyna'ic contents as the ori$inal hard+are9 t he 7se7 #ro$ra's are
CPU )riendly +ith less and di))erent har'onic contents but +ith )ull dyna'ic as the basic %ersion! *obody +ith
I$olden earsJ +ill say they sound e.actly li(e the basic %ersion9 but they still sound $reat and are %ery usable!

Vinylizer PRO - User Manual
-. Audio c'$r$cteristics
-n the )ollo+in$ dia$ra's you can see the )re,uency and 8AD res#onse:
Vinta$e 0olid 0tate
Vinta$e 8ube
Vinylizer PRO - User Manual
Modern 0olid 0tate
Modern 8ube
Vinylizer PRO - User Manual
.. Preset list:
8he V*L PRO library includes 1@ di))erent #ro$ra's:
1ull #ro$ra's 1"(
V*L <ra' : 1B@"s $ra'o#hone
V*L Old : 1BF"s #layer
V*L HBo. : 1BC"s Hu(eBo.
V*L Vnt 0ol : 1BG"s #layer solid state
V*L Vint 8ub : 1BG"s tube
V*L Mod 0ol : "1"s #layer solid state
V*L Mod 8ub : "1"s #layer tube
se #ro$ra's F(
V*L <ra' se : 1B@"s $ra'o#hone
V*L Old se : 1BF"s #layer
V*L HBo. se : 1BC"s Hu(eBo.
V*L Vnt 0ol se : 1BG"s #layer solid state
V*L Vint 8ub se : 1BG"s tube
V*L Mod 0ol se : "1"s #layer solid state
V*L Mod 8ub se : "1"s #layer tube
sa'#les at @bit
Vinylizer PRO - User Manual
1/. se0
Hust insert the instance o) *ebula #lu$in in your trac(s choosin$ the #ro$ra' that you #re)er! Lou can use the
sa'#les to $i%e 'ore realis' at your trac(s!
Use your ears and not *ebula 'eters!
8he #ro$ra's are unity $ain! Lou can Idri%eJ the a'# sta$e usin$ the 'ain I-n#ut controlJ :1; o) *ebula instead
to use the 7Dri%e )ader7 :; +hich a))ects the har'onic contents in an unnatural +ay9 but suitable i) you loo( )or
an e))ect! Please lea%e untouched the A88CM9 REL0 and L-ND8 controls :5;!
-) your DA& is not so #o+er)ul you can render or )reeze the trac(s!
-) you +ant renderin$ your trac(s +ith *ebula6s #resets9 - stron$ reco''end the *R<U- PRO by Oabu(o+s(i
)ro' *ebulaP8ools )oru':
8han( you9 all the best 2

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