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Project Title, Proponent, and Intended Beneficiaries

Project title: Community-based Rehabilitation Programs for Persons With
Type and Numer of
Tar!et Beneficiaries
Persons with Disabilities
Male: Female:
$eo!rap%ic &e!ion's: Region IV-A
Pro(ince: ue!on
Baran!ay: Pobla"ion IV
City')unicipality: #iaong
Proponent Or!anisation: $ethsaida C$R %er&i"es for the Disabled' In"(
*ddress: )* Mayo %t( Pobla"ion IV #iaong' ue!on
P%one: +,-./ 0*0-,1-2 3 +,-./ )..-*41.
Email: bartimaeus"enter5yahoo("om
Contact person: Re&( $en6amin R( 7ugo
)oile Numer: 89)4.)9214.49
SECTION +. Project ,escription
+.1 Proponent Bac-!round.
$ethsaida was established in .,,) at #iaong' ue!on( #he mandate is to hel: the
"hildren3:ersons with disabilities to be"ome :rodu"ti&e in the "ommunity by building an
in"lusi&e so"iety in Region IV-A that in"ludes PWDs and marginali!ed se"tor( ;ur mission also
is to strengthen :artnershi: with different sta<eholders in building an in"lusi&e so"iety( ;ur
a::roa"h is through "ommunity-based rehabilitation( At :resent' we ser&e :ersons with
disabilities in the town of Dolores' #iaong' %an Antonio' Candelaria' %ariaya' =u"ena and
>uma"a( We ha&e *' 02* :ersons with disabilities :artner who are re"ei&ing our ser&i"es through
"ommunity-based rehabilitation :rograms' su"h as: 7ome-tutorial' :hysi"al thera:y' medi"al
mission' :ro&ision of assisti&e de&i"es' organi!ing li&elihood :rogram and others( We also ha&e a
%P?D s"hool $artimaeus Center for Alternati&e =earning Center that "aters hearing im:aired
students' IDs' and "ases of Cerebral Palsy and Autism(
+.+ Project Bac-!round.
At :resent' we "ater PWDs in the town of Dolores' #iaong' %an Antonio' Candelaria'
%ariaya' =u"ena and >uma"a( We ser&e *' 02* PWD :artners who are re"ei&ing our ser&i"es
through "ommunity-based rehabilitation :rograms' su"h as: 7ome-tutorial' :hysi"al thera:y'
medi"al mission' :ro&ision of assisti&e de&i"es' organi!ing li&elihood :rogram and others( We
ha&e C$R "oordinators that do field &isits and "ondu"t C$R in ea"h towns( We ha&e 6ust
"ondu"ted ears"reening to the De:?d <inder and >rades * and . :u:ils in the towns of Dolores'
%an Antonio' #iaong' Candelaria' and %ariaya( We ser&ed more than fifteen thousand +*2',,,/
:u:ils in the abo&e-mentioned :la"es(
+.0 Project Ojecti(es.
#he :ro6e"t should in the long run:
*( Pro:el the e@isting "ommunity-based rehabilitation :rograms of $ethsaidaA and'
.( Pro&ide dire"t assistan"e to PWD "lients in a form of ser&i"e i(e( home tutorials'
:ro&ision of assisti&e de&i"es' thera:y and others(
+.1 Proposed )et%ods.
;ur C$R in the .
Distri"t of ue!on +Dolores' %an Antonio' #iaong' Candelaria'
%ariaya' =u"ena City' and >uma"a/' has been e@isting for ** years( #o start with' we "ondu"ted
:artnershi: forum in the =>B that led to the "reation of Muni"i:al Coun"il on Disability Affair'
of whi"h the mayor is the "hair:erson' $ethsaida as se"retary' &i"e-"hair:erson and all =>B
de:artment heads and PWD :resident as members' while %angguniang $ayan is in-"harged to
so"ial ser&i"e( After forming the "oun"il' monthy meeting is held to address issues and "on"ern
of PWDs( Annual :lan is "reated to be in"luded in =>B annual budget( As member of the
"oun"il' we :ro:osed :rogram through "ommunity-based rehabilitation su"h as: data gathering'
organi!ing PWD' :arents of PWD' and "a:a"ity building for the strengthening of se"tors( We
ensure that sta<eholder has a :art in the de&elo:ment of the se"tor( Resour"es ha&e to be ta<en
from the "ommunity through the "ontribution of the sta<eholders( As the :rimary su::ort grou:'
:arents of "hildren with disabilities ha&e to be "a:a"itated to do C$R wor< in the "ommunity(
#he C>; should su:er&ise the :arents to sustain the C$R :rogram taught to them by the C$R
"oordinator( #raining and seminar is an on going :ro"ess to the :arents' PWD' ser&i"e :ro&ider
and other sta<eholders( From #uesday to Friday' C$R "oordinators &isit the assigned :la"e to
"ondu"t C$R( Monday is reser&ed for meeting' :lanning' e&aluation and bonding among staff(
#he budget we reDuested will be utili!ed for training' for :arents' DP;' $7W' as well as
"ontinuous ad&o"a"y to the lo"al go&ernment unit in the im:lementation of C$R in =>B'
a""essibility law' mandates' PWD affairs offi"e "reation' and dire"t ser&i"e to the "hildren with
disabilities' in the form of home tutorial' :hysi"al thera:y' medi"al assistan"e and missions' and
other in the s:an of *. months( C$R is sustainable if the sta<eholder in the "ommunity is
in&ol&ed' su::orti&e and :arti"i:ati&e in the :rogram(
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