Tanyinterview: Brata Hanggara Putra S1SIS110086 Sistem Informasi

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Brata Hanggara Putra

Answered : Excuse me sir, I want to propose the job to be a Editor
Magazine in this organization
Answered : Sure, let me introduce m sel! to ou"
Answered : M name is #rata $anggara %utra"
Answered : M nic& name is #rata, but usuall people call me Angga too"
Answered : I was born in '( o! )une '*+,"
Answered : I was born in #anjarnegara"
Answered : I-m ./ ears old sir"
Answered : M address in So&anandi 0illage, 12 34 15 ', #anjarnegara
Answered : I go to here b motorccle
Answered : Mabe about 46ilometres sir
Answered : 7suall about .3minutes sir
Answered : 8es, I ha0e ' sister, Sir"
Answered : M sister-s name is Azalia 9ahra
Answered : She is : ears old
Answered : 8es, I ha0e ' brother"
Answered : M #rother-s name is Indra Agil
Answered : $e is ., ears old"
Answered : $e was wor& in 2el&om Speed Instansion"
Answered : M ;ather-s )ob is retired emploees
Answered : $e is /( ears old
Answered : M Mother is $ousewi!e
Answered : M hobb are #rowsing the Internet and <istening the Music"
Answered : M 6indergarten is in the 26 Aisah, M %rimar School is in
the S=> ' So&anandi, M )unior $igh School is in the SM% > .
#anjarnegara, M Senior $igh School in SMA> ' #anjarnegara,
and M ?ollege in S2IMI6 2unas #angsa #anjarnegara"
Answered : M ?erti0icate is S' Sstem In!ormation
Answered : Actuall es, I-m mastering all Microso!t @Ace
Answered : I-m mastering Microso!t oAce, mastering Adobe %hotoshop
and ?orel =raw
Answered : I can-t concentrartion i! wor& in the crowded place
Answered : Actuall I can come wor& be on time
Answered : I &now !rom the ard0etising in the newspaper
Answered : IB0e wor&ed in a magazine printing as a laout designer
Answered : 2he reason is mabe this organization is the better than other,
and I will be a good Editor
Answered : >o matter $ow much sir
Answered :@&a, than&ou 0er much sir
Brata Hanggara Putra
A&sed : 8es %lease, can ou introducing oursel! CrstD
As&ed : So, what is our nameD
As&ed : 5hat is our nic& nameD
As&ed : @&, when was ou are bornD
As&ed : 5here was ou bornD
As&ed : So, how old are ouD
As&ed : 5here do ou addressD
As&ed : 5hat riding ou come hereD
As&ed : $ow !ar !rom our home to hereD
As&ed : $ow long time !rom our home to hereD
As&ed : =o ou ha0e sistersD
As&ed : 5ho is the nameD
As&ed : $ow old are herD
As&ed : And do ou ha0e #rothersD
As&ed : 5ho is the nameD
As&ed : $ow old are himD
As&ed : 5here he-s wor&D
As&ed : @&a, what is our !ather jobD
As&ed : $ow old are herD
As&ed : 5hat is our mother jobD
As&ed : 5hat is our $obbD
As&ed : ?an ou tell me $istor o! our educationD
As&ed : So, what is our certiCcateD
As&ed : So ou can mastering Microso!t oAceD
As&ed : 5hat is our greatest strengthD
As&ed : 5hat is our greatest wea&nessD
As&ed : ?an ou come wor& on timeD
As&ed : =o ou e0er wor&ed be!oreD
As&ed : 5here ou &now there are jobs hereD
As&ed : 5hat is our reason to wor& hereD
As&ed : $ow much salar ou wantD
As&ed : 5ell, I thin& enough, I would
consider to recei0e ou here

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