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Article : Your 7 Days Program To Positive

I'm sure you have a bright idea hidden somewhere in the back of your mind
that you ust can't wait to test out! "f course you're not the only one with the
bright idea! #o what motivates you to churn those creative$ or even ins%iring
uices to its utmost flavor&
It's always best to set u% a %ersonal goal where you can accom%lish the most
in record time$ maybe like mowing the lawn in an hour before the big game on
T'! A correct and %ositive attitude in whatever you do will make things easier$
and even enoyable!
(ere are some ti%s to make it through the week even if you're ust sitting in
your favorite couch! An idea takes time to form in your head and is always at
work while you are busy sitting!
(aving a bit of %ositive thinking can hel% you reali)e things that are never
thought %ossible! Thinking big is indeed the American *ay and that what
made our country %ros%erous!
+lick (ere

,! Take %assionate action towards living your life by design! Talk is chea%!
Action - de%osits in the bank of a %assionately authentic future! *ithout it$
%assion is void!
This is a %erfect where dreams are made of where you start by
tinkering with your mind$ then with your hands! And if the idea weakens$ you
can always go back to it later until you finish it!
/! +ommit to yourself as well as those you love to create %owerfully a life you
can love! Instead of reacting$ commit to creating from your heart and soul$ out
of love rather than fear! The American Dream will always be there$ but a dream
will still be a dream without motion! 0e ama)ed as the transformation begins!
1! 2ecogni)e and embrace the thought that each moment is %erfect regardless
of its outcome! 3very time you hit on something that may a%%ear too e.treme$
why not give it a shot and see if it will work! You will be sur%rised to see of
there are other ways to get the task done in time! If you are not %leased with
the outcome$ decide to use that moment to learn from and make the
a%%ro%riate shift!
7 Days Program To Positive Thinking
+lick (ere

4! Dwell com%letely in a %lace of gratitude! 5earn to utili)e what you have in
your hands and make use of it in the most constructive way! #li%%ing into
neediness will become less of a habit when you re%eatedly shift towards
gratitude$ away from %overty consciousness!
6! 7se a Passion 8ormula of 2ecogni)e92eevaluate92estore in %lace of the
#houlda9*oulda9+oulda whirlwind! The former is based in increased
knowledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack! As
you face %eo%le or tasks that may seem harder than scaling the summit of the
(imalayas$ allow yourself to reali)e that the task is ust as im%ortant as giving
out orders to your subordinates! You would rather be richly %assionate:
;! <ee% humor at the forefront of thought$ laughing at and with yourself when
%ossible! You may find yourself =uite entertaining when you loosen u%: I am
yet to see a comedian ever go hungry even though his okes are as 'old as
great>grandma'! 5ife has so much to offer to allow you to mo%e around in self
%ity! (umor is very attractive$ very %assionate: life>giving!
7 Days Program To Positive Thinking
+lick (ere

7! 0elieve that you are the architect of your destiny! ?o one can take your
%assionate future from you e.ce%t for you: +reate your life authentically! As
long as there's still breath in your body$ there is no end to how much you can
accom%lish in a lifetime! The conce%t of thinking big is all about enoying your
work$ which would lead to celebrate a discovery that is born within your
hands! *atch everything flow into %lace with %erfect$ %assionate %recision!
It's interesting how %eo%le get wallowed u% by something trivial as learning to
use a com%uter$ when nowadays that to% com%uter com%anies are
manufacturing software that even the kids can do it! I don't mean to be
condescending$ but that's the idea of not having any %ositive thinking in your
life>you'll ust end u% as a dim bulb in a dark corner! #o instead of subecting
yourself to what you will be doomed for$ make your %ath by taking the first
ste% with a %ositive attitude!
7 Days Program To Positive Thinking
+lick (ere

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7 Days Program To Positive Thinking

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