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English Standard and Advanced HSC Trial Paper 1 2011

Total Education 2011 - 2 -

Section I
15 marks
Attempt Question 1
Allow about 40 minutes for this section
Answer the question in a writing booklet.
In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:
demonstrate understanding of the way perceptions of belonging are shaped in and through
describe, explain and analyse the relationship between language, text and context
Question 1 (15 marks)
Examine Texts one, two, three and four carefully and then answer the questions on page 7.
Text one Visual text
Pennant Presentation, Alfred Fletcher
Question 1 continues on page 3
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Question 1 (continued)
Text two Prose fiction Seeing is Redeeming
English. Last class of the day. He sat in his corner, back against the wall. Next to him was the
window, thrown wide open in a desperate hope of finding a cooling breeze. All around him,
gossiping adolescents with no interest in their education were laughing, talking and, in the
case of a group of boys up the front, playing a rowdy game of cards.
Two girls, one with bleached blonde hair, the other with an unnaturally dark tan, sat at the
table to the left of him, their hair immaculately straightened and makeup flawless. Smiling
confidently and occasionally tossing their hair over their shoulders as they spoke, their glossy
lips shone softly in the sunlight streaming through the open window. A perfect image of
perfect people.
What was wrong with them? Was there absolutely no difficulty present in their lives? Was
choosing their hairstyle the hardest decision they had to make each day? An intense,
uncontrollable feeling rose up in him, a sensation felt many times before. Anger at their
simplistically perfect lives, the peace they seemed to live with each day. No real fears, no
insecurities. Were they even human?
He adjusted his baseball cap, pulling it down and tucking his large ears underneath it, hiding
them from view. Just the kid in the corner.
Thats who hed always be. He wouldnt let himself become anything more. He just couldnt
let them in. If he didthey would see everything.
Scars that just wouldnt heal.
They wouldnt understand.
He looked without focus at the book spread open on his table, the words on the page blurred
smudges. One dayone day hed get the hell out of here. Never come back. Never think
about these people and their stupid faultless, uncomplicated lives again.
Staring down at his book, wafts of conversation from the table with the two girls drifted over
him. I mean, he saw me in trackpants, cringed the blonde. You have no idea how
humiliating it was. As if on cue, the other girl gushed with sympathies and reassurance.
Its okay, Ill bet you still looked totally hot anyway.
Question 1 continues on page 4
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Question 1 (continued)
What was truly humiliating, he thought with gritted teeth, was that while some people cruised
through life like cars on a highway, others were left barely hanging on, trying to clean up
from the aftershock of blunders of the past. Where was the justice in that?
He turned his attention to outside the window. To the far right was the harsh grey brick wall
of the maths classrooms, and to the left, a large patch of weeds. Absentmindedly gazing at the
weeds, it was a while before he noticed a flash of colour amongst the bland, tangled mess of
leaves and vines. His forehead crinkled in confusion as he leaned out of the window to catch a
glimpse of the odd sight.
It was a sunflower. A lone sunflower among a mass of smothering, interwoven weeds.
Though frail, barely seeming to be solidly rooted in the ground, there is was. A vulnerable,
imperfect, damaged flower. Still growing despite being smothered, nearly crushed, by the
And without warning, the deep anger inside him minutely subsided. It was as though, for the
first timehe understood.
I seriously dont care what anyone thinks about me, said the blonde from the table to the
left, staring at herself in the reflection of her compact mirror, pouting her lips as she painted
them with more lip gloss. I seriously dont.
And in that moment, he looked at the girl. But this time, for the first timehe saw her. Saw
beyond the slathered on layers of makeup. Beyond the coats of mascara and the plastered on
smile. Beyond the faade she had tried to make everybody believe was truly her. He saw the
veiled, unutterable pain in her eyes, the insecurity that had shouldered away joy. But instead
of seeing her for the fraud that she was, he felt this unbreakable connection to her. Though
they had never spoken to each other before, it was like he had known her all his life. Because
of what he saw in those murky eyes
Scars that just wouldnt heal.
Question 1 continues on page 5
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Question 1 (continued)
Text three Poem
Jangling Memory
Heavens above! here's an old tie of your--
Sea-green dragons stamped on a golden ground.
Ha! Ha! Ha! What children we were in those days.
Do you love me enough to wear it now?
Have you the courage of your pristine glories?
Ha! Ha! Ha! You laugh and shrug your shoulders.
Those were the days when a new tie spelt a fortune:
We wore it in turn--I flaunted it as a waist-belt.
Ha! Ha! Ha! What easily satisfied babies.
"I think I'll turn it into a piano duster."
"Give it to me, I'll polish my slippers on it!"
Ha! Ha! Ha! The rag's not worth the dustbin.
"Throw the shabby old thing right out of the window;
Fling it into the faces of other children!"
Ha! Ha! Ha! We laughed and laughed till the tears came!
Question 1 continues on page 6
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Question 1 (continued)
Text four Cartoon
Question 1 continues on page 6
Public Domain images
Question 1 continues on page 7
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In your answer you will be assessed on how well you:
demonstrate understanding of the way perceptions of belonging are shaped in and
through texts
describe, explain and analyse the relationship between language, text and context
Question 1 (continued)
Text one Visual text
(a) How does the photograph show the value of belonging to a social group? 2
Text two Prose fiction
(b) Analyse how language is used to represent the protagonists disassociation
from the class.
Text three Poem
(c) Heavens above! Heres an old tie
Explore how the tone reflects the speakers changed view of the tie.
Text four Cartoon
(d) Discuss how the cartoon suggests belonging can affect individuality. 3
Texts one, two, three and four Visual text, Prose fiction, Poem and Cartoon
(e) Collectively these texts present a range of emotions associated with
Select at least THREE of these texts and compare their presentation of the
emotions associated with belonging.
End of Question 1
English Standard and Advanced HSC Trial Paper 1 2011
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Section I
Question 1
Criteria Marks
Explains with detail and reference to specific visual features how the
photograph shows the value of belonging to a social group
Explains with some understanding how the photograph shows the value
of belonging to a social group
Answers could include:
Positioning in a huddle/circle, wearing of a uniform symbol of unity/togetherness
Juxtaposition with attitude between parents and children parents: dismissive, inattentive,
arms crossed children: pondering significance, attentive, together
Body language of children sharing important moment of recognition
Heads down/facial expressions absorbed in banners, value and interest
frame shows it is valued perhaps on display
Criteria Marks
Analyses effectively with aptly chosen textual reference how language
is used to represent the protagonists disassociation from the class
Explains with textual reference how the language is used to represent
the protagonists disassociation from the class
Describes with limited textual reference how the language is used to
represent the protagonists disassociation from the class OR describes
the protagonists disassociation from the class
Answers could include:
Compounding rhetorical questions
Emotive language negative about others (gossiping, simplistically)
Short sentences creating an abrupt tone
Mocking tone - the false perfection of the others
Use of ellipsis
Repetition one day, never
Criteria Marks
Identifies the writers tone and explains how it reflects a changed view 2
Identifies the writers tone OR explains the changed view 1
Answers could include:
Past value vs present disregard/amazement
Nostalgic Those were the days
Fond reflection with sense of loss We laughed and laughed till the tears came
Playful exclamation marks, Ha! Ha!...
Mocking I think Ill turn it into a piano duster
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Criteria Marks
Analyses effectively with aptly chosen textual reference how the
cartoon suggests belonging can affect individuality
Explains with textual reference how the cartoon suggests belonging can
affect individuality
Describes with limited textual reference how the cartoon suggests
belonging can affect individuality
Answers could include:
Symbol of uniform no individuality
Marching in unison arrogant, unkind, unnatural (uncreative)
Lack of individual identity revealed in soldiers same facial features, expression, height
Fear of others belonging is intimidating, power from group
Arrogance/power misuse disregard for others who are well-dressed and even children
Fear in the public scrambling, hiding under hats, facial expressions no confidence to
express themselves individually
Harsh pen strokes criticism of lack of individuality/misuse of power
Criteria Marks
Compares skilfully how three/four texts represent a range of emotions
associated with belonging
Discusses three/four texts insightfully, supporting comments with well-
chosen reference
Explains how texts effectively represent a range of emotions associated
with belonging
Discusses texts soundly, supporting comments with appropriate
Describes a range of emotions associated with belonging shown
Makes some textual reference
Answers could include:
Text 1 Emotions
Symbol of unity children gathered in circle
Facial expressions and body language pondering of achievement/medal
Body language of parents not paying attention, arms crossed, not interacting
Symbol of chain division between those who belong and those who dont
Text 2 Emotions
Isolation/loneliness (not belonging)
Stress/humiliation - Pressure to conform
Fear (not belonging)
Anger (not belonging)
English Standard and Advanced HSC Trial Paper 1 2011
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Compounding rhetorical questions What was wrong with them?
Truncated sentences Fears. Failures
Repetition and cyclic structure Fears. Failures
Juxtaposition his corner contrasted with the sunlight that hits the girls
Description He sat in his corner, back against the wall
Ellipsis If he didthey would see everything
Simile like cars on a highway
Symbolism of the sunflower
Personification shouldered away joy
Text 3 Emotions
Exclamation marks Heavens above!
Repetition Ha! Ha! Ha!
Rhetorical questions Do you love me enough to wear it now?
Nostalgic tone Those were the days
Playful interaction through speech I think Give it to me
Text 4 Emotions
Symbol of uniforms
Body language of soldiers heads held high, tight facial expressions, stiff body
Body language of citizens slumped, hiding under hats, positioned on edges of frame
Use of shading suggesting frantic escape
Size of soldiers in contrast to citizens

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