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Video 1: Transcript: Detailed Explanation & Icons

1. Download & Install the Software from the link:
2. Run it ( Any problem can be referred to PM Wiki :
3. Check Do Not show the message again
4. Give User: admin, Password: admin and then Login(language must be selected to default English)
5. Go to Designer Tab
6. Click on New to start a new Process(Give Name, Description & Category)
7. You go to the Designing Screen
8. In the Designer Page: Right Click and Add Task
9. Routing Rules: Sequential Connects 2 tasks in order
10. Selection Routing Rules: To help End-Users Manually Select which task to be manually done next. Only
one option needs to be chosen but the user get the option of which one to choose. This is mainly done
when there is a fork in the process.
11. Evaluation Routing Rule:
Similar to the Selection Routing Rules
But here there would be evaluation as per pre-set conditions
Evaluation done automatically and not by the end user
Click on the Rhombus to set condition
1. @@Approved == Yes
2. @@Approved == No
N.B: Here you can add new conditions like when to end or any other option
12. Parallel Routing Rule: Allows you to fork your process into parallel processes. All the parallel tasks must
end for the next task to begin.
13. Parallel by Evaluation Routing Rule:
Similar to Parallel Routing Rule but here an evaluation is to be carried on.
Click on Rhombus to fill the criteria
1. @@Amount > 1000
2. @@Amount > 2000
3. @@Amount > 3000
14. Join: To join the parallel tasks into one task.
15. Looping: Drag and drop the Evaluation Routing Rule Icon Twice and join one task from one and join itself
from another. So here if one condition is satisfied it will go to the new task otherwise the same task will
be repeated. Here by clicking on the rhombus one can give END condition also. In this way END point can
be inserted into the middle of the process.
16. Ending Points:
Drag and Drop the End Point Icon on the tasks after which you want to end.
You can have multiple Ending Points.
Even you can have ending points at the middle of the process.
This can be done Inserting Evaluation after clicking the Rhombus icon of the Evaluation
Any Evaluation can have an extra condition of End of the Process
17. Start Point:
The Start point is generally given to the task from which the work needs to be started.
There can be multiple starting points.
The user will be prompted in the User Case Screen regarding the choosing of from which task to
start from.
Video 2: Dynaforms
These are Process maker version of Web form. These are user interface of Process Maker. These are created by
Process Maker administrator. They are customizable, robust & dynamic.
18. After a Process is designed with tasks and flows, Click Dynaforms tab
19. Click New
20. Select Blank Dynaform and fill up the name..Keep the type as Simple & Then Save & Open
21. You will be in the Dynaform Editor and in that the top toolbar provides you with all the necessary for the
22. Click on T icon to give the Title
23. The Field Name is the unique to the whole Process Type and Label is displayed
24. Click on S icon to give the SubTitle and this helps to work on the sections of the Dynaform and works on
the same principle of the Title Field
25. Click on the Text Field to enter the area for your end-user to enterMaintain a naming convention.
Here in the Field Name enter the naming convention for your future reference and in the label enter the
text the user will see.
26. In the behaviour section we can look and restrict the options
27. These above options are also available to us in currency and percentage boxes
28. Then click save with the text box
29. Dropdown boxes are used in order to let the user choose from a set of predetermined options.
30. In the options give the value fields and options and these will be used later for routing purposes
31. The above things will be reflected in the Dynaform
32. For more info :
33. After completing the Dynaform add a Submit button by clicking on the submit button, this will help the
user to save the data and proceed on with the other processes
34. Preview This helps you to see what the end-user can see
35. XML, HTML & JavaScripts Allows you to modify your form even further by the 3 programming languages
36. Fields Handler Helps you to edit and rearrange the form by an easy to use drag and drop option
37. Properties Helps to change the properties of the entire form
38. Conditions Editor Helps you to take the customization to another level by allowing you to which field to
hide and which field to show

Video 3: Webform Grid
This is helps to gather infor arranged in rows and columns. Thses are embedded in normal dyanforms but need to
create them separately.
1. Same way as the Dynaform Create a Dynaform with the option as GRID instead of Normal, here the
number of options will reduce for the GRID Dynaform, but still features some of the normal dynaform
2. Creating Textfield in this Dynaform is similar to the Normal Dynaform, but when we save it it saves as the
field is replicated 5 times. Once the Dynaform is complete end-users will have multiple options to enter.
When done click on save and exit the editor.

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