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PAU Practice Examination (Murcia)


If you’ve been feeling depressed recently, this could be due to (1) the weather. Every
winter, a number of people (between 1 to 9 percent of the US population) suffer from a
condition called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), also known as winter depression or the
winter blues.
As days become shorter, many people experience mild “winter blues”, with symptoms
such as fatigue, a desire to eat more, and an increased vulnerability to infection. With the
coming (2) of spring, these symptoms disappear. But some people, 70 to 80% of them women,
are so affected by the lack of sunlight that they become unable to function. They experience
severe *disruptions in eating and sleeping patterns, mood changes, extreme loss (3) of energy
and depression.
SAD is not a new phenomenon. In the 6th century AD, symptoms of winter depression
among Scandinavians were noted (4) by a scholar called Jordanes. Even today, SAD is most
commonly found in locations further away from the equator and nearer to the poles – up to
20% of Swedes may be affected. However, SAD was not diagnosed as a medical condition
until the mid-1980s.
No one is certain what causes the condition, but some researchers believe that SAD is
related to a disruption of our internal body clock. This “clock” controls the secretion of
hormones that affect our daily functioning. Without sufficient sunlight, the clock does not reset
itself. As a result, we may feel sleepy or hungry at inappropriate times, or suffer from mood
changes. Luckily, most sufferers respond to light therapy, which involves exposure to super-
bright light bulbs as a supplement (5) to weak winter sun. These may be fitted inside a light-
box, which is placed in front of the user, or in the visor of a cap, which is worn by sufferers for
half an hour a day.

*disruption: the interruption of normal activity




1. Link each of the words or expressions listed below with one word or expression in the
column (as numbered in the text) [1 mark]. Please copy the correct pair of words on your
answer sheet, e.g. ‘due to and …’

reduction because of arrival addition identified

due to (1) and …

coming (2) and …
loss (3) and …
noted (4) and …
supplement (5) and …
2. Reading comprehension

2.1 Choose the best option [0.75 marks]. Please copy the complete correct option on your
answer sheet.

- The symptoms of SAD were unknown before the second half of the twentieth century.
- SAD sufferers in northern locations are often advised to move to countries nearer to the
- The most effective treatment for SAD is to wear a cap with a special visor while sitting in
front of a light box.
- Symptoms of SAD can range from very mild to completely incapacitating.

2.2 Choose the best option [0.75 marks]. Please copy the complete correct option on your
answer sheet.

- Our internal body clock is controlled by hormones.

- Our internal body clock needs a certain amount of sunlight to reset itself.
- Our internal body clock resets itself when we feel hungry or sleepy.
- Our internal body clock has been proved to be connected to SAD.

3. Complete the sentences using information from the text [2 marks]. It is important that
phrases from the text are not reproduced literally, unless this is unavoidable.

a) Mild “winter blues” …

b) For some people, the lack of sunlight …
c) Our daily functioning …
d) It is fortunate that light therapy …

4. Complete with one or more adequate words [1.5 marks]. Do not copy the complete text on
your sheet, only the letter – (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f) – followed by the word or words that you
find suitable for the gap. It is important that phrases from the text are not reproduced literally.

For many years, my mother … (a) suffer … (b) winter blues. Every year, she became very …
(c) and … (d) not eat or sleep well. But luckily, her doctor recognised that these were
symptoms of SAD and arranged for appropriate treatment. Now, when winter begins, she
receives light therapy for half an hour each day and … (e), she can now function normally
throughout the winter … (f).

5. What symptoms do people with SAD have, and how can they be cured? (25-50 words)
[2 marks]. You are expected to draw information from the text, but please use your own words.

6. From information in the text, it seems that many people become mildly depressed in the
winter. Do you like winter or do you prefer another season of the year? Why? (25-50 words)
[2 marks]. Express your own ideas by using your own words.

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