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Matteo Ghirardini 5ai

Home automation (also called domotics) refers to building automation, specializing in
the specific automation requirements of private homes and in the application of
automation techniques for the comfort and security of its residents.The main difference
between building automation and home automation is the human interface that mainly
must be easy to use, picture based and ergonomic.
In the maority of the installations rooms can sense not only the presence of a person
but !now who that person is and set her appropriate lighting, temperature and music"T#
ta!ing into account day of wee!, time of day, and other factors.
$ther automation system can include a security camera system, a energy saving setting
when the house is empty, a fridge or pantry inventary to order or notify humans when
one product is no more available as also a temperature automation that uses air
conditioning or radiators.
The three main parts of a domotics system are%
'ser friendly devices that are mainly used to set a part of the system as the person
requires, are called controllers% the tablets, smartphones, wall touch(screens and
remote controllers where a software or a dedicate operating system allows to set the
*utomatic systems for detection of factors, are e+amples of sensors% ,assive infrared
sensors, )mo!e sensors, -otion detecting cameras, ./I0 sensors, -agnetic sensors,
Infrared sensors, ./ sensors, 1ight sensors, Temperature and humidity sensors and
also all that devices that can as us feel a change of 2human( sense3 factor.
The parts of the system that phisically operate to change situations, e+amples of
actuators are% motorized shutters, motorized doors, air conditioning fan speed(
tempetature changers, lamp relays, automatic timers, alarm sirens, light dimmers and
also all the devices that can change situations.
Matteo Ghirardini 5ai
To operate together these systems must be interconnected, and there are also many
ways to connect them.
4ired% a secure connection made to avoid loss of data, mainly digital trasmissions.
(&able(coa+ial or twisted(pair)
($ptical fiber
4ireless% a clean way to avoid the wires use but also more disturbed and dangerous.
(4i(/i 5luetooth 6,.)('-T) Infrared
Advantages and Disadvantages
5etween the advantages we can find%
#ersatility% 7ou can have the controls in areas not permitted by traditional systems.
)afety% * safe system created to be automatized also in case of intrusions or fire and
water problems.
/itness% * home automation system is suitable for any building, whether new or old, and
you can use the e+isting wiring with small modifications or integrations.
.emote control% 7ou can manage your home automation system remotely or from a
/le+ibility% The system is constructed to operate although there is a fault in one of the
devices. This depends on the fact that the system is constructed with logical
8nergy saving% The automation allows different ways to save energy by managing the
efficiency of the devices that ma!e up the system. 8ach sector can be safely disabled or
5etween the disadvantages we can find%
&osts% *n home automation system in naturally more e+pensive that a normal one but
using energy saving it will be cheaper in energy ta+.
)pecialization% There are not many operators that are able to operate in the home
automation sector.
0isinformation% The home automation system is not already well !now as a way to safe
time and money.
Matteo Ghirardini 5ai

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