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Greenfields Primary School

Termly Overview
Year Six - Autumn 2014

Spellings: these will be given out each Monday and then tested on the following Friday.
Maths: a homework task will be set each Monday and needs to be handed in by the fol-
lowing Monday. The task may be paper-based, or on I am Learning.
Reading: children should be reading at least three times per week at home and this
should be recorded in their planner. Please refer to the Reading Focuses in the planner
for ideas for questions you could ask during home reading.
In our written work we will be covering a range of
genres, beginning with narrative mythical stories
based in Ancient Greece. We will learn a variety of
ways to effectively begin and end a story and will
also focus on the extended use of our special sen-
tences to improve the variety of our writing.
We will then move on to non-fiction writing - plan-
ning and presenting an argument: join Athens or
join Sparta!
The children will take part in a range of VSPAG
activities, aimed at improving Vocabulary, Spelling,
Punctuation and Grammar.
Each week the children will take part in guided or
independent reading sessions, which will improve
comprehension and also foster an enjoyment of
The children will share their work on the class
blogs - do leave them some comments, as writing
for a real audience is very motivating!
In Year Six, the children will not only learn a wide
range of new maths, but will also revise many of
the key essential areas.
There will be a major focus in the Autumn Term on
calculation: both mental and efficient written
methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and
division, in particular when dealing with decimal
Another major area of focus this term is on place
value, and being able to multiply and divide by mul-
tiples of 10, 100 and 1,000.
Know in detail the properties of 2D and 3D shapes
and be able to classify them appropriately.
Read and interpret scales on a range of measuring
instruments, recognising that the measurement
made is approximate and recording results to a re-
quired degree of accuracy; compare readings on
different scales, for example when using different
This terms topic is Earth and Space. A major part of this topic will be our trip to Think Tank in
Birmingham, where we will go in the Planetarium Experience, as well as many other parts of the
Children will learn about the comparative sizes of the Earth, Sun, Moon and the planets of our so-
lar system; they will plan an investigation to try to explain why we get night and day; they will learn
about the different phases of the moon and why this occurs; how the tilt of the planet affects
the seasons; and finally will look at how rockets travel into space, before designing and building
their own rocket!

This terms topic is the Ancient Greeks. We will begin by looking at the two sides of modern
Greece: the holiday destination and also some of the problems the country has experienced over
recent years.
We will then go back to Ancient Greece, looking at a range of different aspects, including: the An-
cient Greek alphabet, how the different city states were run, the rivalry and differences between
Athens and Sparta, Greek warfare, Greek food & everyday life, the battle of Marathon. We will
also hopefully have a Greek Day, where we will dress in traditional Greek clothes and try common
Greek foods, including the dreaded olives!

This terms Computing lessons will be fo-
cusing on Computer Networks. We will
discover how the internet works, includ-
ing how information is sent around the
world (and how long it takes), how search
engines work and what the roles of serv-
ers and routers are.

- We will be building up our physical skills
this term through football, basketball and
- We will also be attending swimming ses-
sions for ten weeks. The final session will be
Wednesday 19th November.

In art this term we will be looking at An-
cient Greek pottery, before designing our
own pots and constructing them from clay.
We will then decorate them in the Greek
DT will involve designing and constructing a
security system to protect the Greek pot-

In RE we will be considering how believers
regard God; looking at who, or what, God
is; the idea of the Trinity, and also the
values the children admire in themselves
and in others.
In PSHE, we will be writing manifestos be-
fore electing our new School and Eco

In French this term the children are
learning the names and places around
school, the names of lessons and how to
tell the time. They will also be filming a
short tour of the school in French on the

- Remember to keep an eye on the class
blog and leave a comment or two!
- Ask your children to log on to their I Am
Learning accounts at home to play online
learning activities at home!
Speak to your teacher if
you have forgotten your log-
on details!

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