Ask Mort 6

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ASK MORT . . .

By Mort Smith

It’s in God’s Hands they maintain their poise and attempt to week. When my car broke down I prayed
reach a solution by garnering facts bear- and asked you for help and you did not
Attorney’s Question ing upon the questions prompted by the help me. Why did you let me down?”
My client is charged in a capital case. problem. Our clients, on the other hand, God looked at the preacher and said
Whenever my mitigation specialist or I are often not as academically developed “What do you mean I let you down? I
try to discuss my client’s life with him or as their lawyers, so they revert to what sent you a camel, a motorcycle and a
his family, they become very guarded, they’ve been taught while growing up. helicopter.”
often saying, “Don’t worry, it’s in God’s This often results in accepting every
hands.” How do I deal with this without scripture as a literal account of an event
offending their religious sensibilities? in biblical times. Carefully I say that When I meet with clients and they tell me
those who put religion first and rely upon that the case is in God’s hands and that if
the literal esoteric interpretation of cer- they pray everything will be all right, I
tain scriptures sometimes overlook the agree with them. I explain that they are
Well, there are two topics I try to avoid
blessings and miracles placed at their correct when they tell me that it is in
when I deal with clients and witnesses:
feet. They unknowingly question and God’s hands. I explain to them that the
politics and religion. It is too easy for
doubt the very God they worship. fact that I am sitting there with them is
those discussions to morph into argu-
ments. And, since my sole purpose for proof that God has sent them someone
interviewing witnesses is to extract infor- who will call upon his God given skills to
mation, the last thing I want to do is I’m reminded of a story I heard growing represent them to the fullest. I explain to
cause them to shut down thinking that I up. A minister had been invited to preach them that I fully believe I am the yielded
am a heathen. at a church in another state. The only vessel through which God will work and
problem was that the preacher needed to that they should continue to pray, but
drive across the dessert to get to the town most important, have faith and trust that
where the church stood. So while driving the God they worship will work through
Clients who are detained in pretrial facili-
across the hot dessert, the minister’s car me to help them.
ties find they have more time on their
overheated and stopped. Standing along-
hands than they once had. Much of this
side his car in the hot sun, he began to
time is used to reflect upon, among other
pray. He prayed for God to get him to I firmly believe that God puts us in places
things, religion. A deep sense of remorse
safety. In his heart he heard God’s an- and positions throughout our lives for
and regret befalls our clients and they fall
swer. He then felt assured that God reasons specific to our calling. From
back upon the teachings they received as
would get him to safety and all would be widget makers to rocket scientists, we all
youngsters. They reflect back to a time
well. Along came a fellow riding a share the ability to call upon some prior
when there was a Bible in every room of
camel. He offered the minister a ride and learning experience to use in order to
the house and they went to church every
the minister declined, stating that he had help fine tune our skills so that we can
Sunday and Bible study every Wednes-
prayed and God would rescue him. Be- competently represent our clients.
day. Their family and friends visit them
sides, he did not wish to mess up his nice
at the county jail and begin to see a hope-
suit by riding on that filthy animal. After
ful transformation in them. Mothers
a time, a motorcycle gang rode by. They Mort Smith, M.A. is an Illinois Licensed
breathe a sigh of relief that their child has
stopped and offered the preacher the only Private Detective who specializes in
finally found God, prays daily, and, if
available seat, which happened to be on a criminal defense investigations. He is
given just one more chance, will be a
chopper driven by a very large bearded also the Associate Director of the De-
God fearing Christian and a good citizen.
biker named Big Melvin. The preacher fense Investigator Certification Program,
declined, stating that he is a man of God Center for Justice in Capital Cases at the
and that he could not be seen riding into DePaul University College of Law. Mort
Clients believe in the power of prayer and
town with hoodlums. Lastly, an air traf- can be reached at 708/612-9722 or
we must respect their belief system. I’ve
fic helicopter arrived. The traffic re-
often noticed that sometimes a person
porter pleaded with the preacher to get in
simply prays for a miracle and then
and be taken to safety. The preacher
stands back awaiting the miracle. When
declined, saying he had prayed and that
that miracle does not happen, they either
is was in God’s hands.
become despondent or rationalize that it
was not God’s will. It appears that the
client refuses to do anything beyond the
Well, after some time the heat overtook
prayer, believing that the prayer in and of
the preacher and he passed on. Next we
itself is enough. This is especially diffi-
see him standing before God in heaven.
cult for members of the defense team.
He was a bit confused. He said to God,
Lawyers are people of strong intellect,
“Lord I served you well. I prayed every-
and when confronted with a problem that
day and went to church several times a
calls for the use of reasoning capabilities,

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