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Will Tymon. AS Media. Evaluation.

In what ways does your media product use, develop and challenge form and conventions of media

On the front of my magazine is my main image that I used, I went for a medium close up so the
audience can see the body, shoulders and head. I also made sure that the image I used had a direct
mode of address to really capture the audiences attention. This is similar to the red magazine as
they have an image of Nicole Kidman which looks directly at the audience to attract their attention.
This is showing the target audiences that both magazines follow the codes and conventions of a
magazine. Also on my front cover at the top of my page I have my masthead which really stands out
to the target audience as its in a style of font that the target audience will recognise. That kind of
graffiti style writing is very appealing to the age group and it shows them who the magazine is aimed
Main image.
Will Tymon. AS Media. Evaluation.

at. The colour schemes of both magazines are consistent and follow the same pattern throughout
the page. I have chosen the colour purple on my magazine cover because its the main colour which
is associated with the college, this is not only attracting the attention of the students because its a
recognisable colour but keeping the house style consistent as well. This means that when the target
audience see the magazine they will know straight away that its the student central magazine. The
cover lines on both magazines are important because they will either draw the attention of the
target audience or lead them away, the Red magazine is more effective at this because it has some
star appeal in it with Nicole Kidman which automatically draws attention regardless of the cover
lines. However, as Student Central is a new magazine its down to the cover lines to attract the
audience, therefore I have chosen topics which they will find interesting e.g. sports teams and
revision tips. Both student central and Red magazine have used the rule of thirds to keep the
audience gripped to the magazine and makes them want to read whats inside. If the magazine
didnt have a rule of third it would be very boring for the customer and they would not want to buy
the magazine, so by using this they are keeping the target audience gripped as well as using the
codes and conventions.

Details about the stories on
the front cover.
Page numbers.
Will Tymon. AS Media. Evaluation.

The strapline of the contents page is very similar to that of the magazine cover in terms that it has
the title and logo of the school. Both my magazine and the glamour magazine have an image or
images on the side of the magazine, I have gone for a range of images because they give a little
insight to the audience as to whats inside the magazine. The glamour magazine uses one main
image that tells the audience what the article is and where they can find it in the magazine. Like the
images on the front cover two of my images use a direct mode of address as theyre looking straight
at the audience, however to have a range of images I chose a full body long shot so that the
audience can see how it relates to that particular article. Unlike the glamour magazine, my magazine
has images of some social media websites which the readers can use and become interactive with
the magazine online rather than just reading them. This is showing the magazine is more developed
than the glamour magazine because its a new convention that is appearing more and more in
magazines. Both my magazine and the glamour magazine have the same white background, this is
an effective technique thats been used because it allows the audience to focus on whats inside the
magazine rather than be distracted by a colourful background, so here in a way both magazines have
gone against the codes and conventions. The puff I have used on the magazine is effective because
its talking about the main story thats on the cover of the magazine, therefore I have put where you
can find it in a bigger font than the rest of the stories.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
When I first started to construct my magazine I went around the college taking pictures with my
mobile phone of where the location would be for the images I am using, I did not find this
challenging and I managed to get some good images for my location reccee. However when I
imported these images on to the computer and put them into photoshop I found this a little more
challenging but I did manage to get through it after a couple of attempts. When I was actually on
photoshop this was where I began to find things more challenging as I was struggling with editing
the pictures I imported, in particular my background image as I couldnt get it to go to the right size,
but when I found the lassoo tool I began to find things much easier and didnt need much more help
throughout the making of the front cover. I also found resizing the images without stretching them a
bit of a problem at the start but when I completed the first image and managed to get it the size I
wanted, I didnt have any trouble for any of the other images. I only used Dafont once throughout
the making of the magazine and that was for the masthead, I found this fairly simple but did need
reminding that you needed to print screen and paste the image rather than saving the text and
importing it. For the cover lines, puffs and contents page I used the text boxes that were provided on
photoshop to make it look that little older and professional. I wanted to do this because the
magazine is also aimed at parents/ guardians of the students at the college so if they see that kind of
graffiti like font, it wont be of any interest to them. I only made one adjustment to the background
image to make it black and white and I did need some help with this
because I had to separate the background from the main image.

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