Contents:: Structure of Enterprise-Specific Travel Policy

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SAP AG 1999
Concepts for Reproduction of Enterprise-Specific Travel
Defining Trip and Class Rules
Creating Travel Profiles
Structure of Enterprise-Specific
Travel Policy
SAP AG AC275 7-1
SAP AG 1999
Reproduce the travel regulations used in an
enterprise in the system
At the conclusion of this unit, you ill !e a!le to:
Structure of Enterprise-Specific
Travel Policy: "nit #!$ectives
SAP AG AC275 7-2
SAP AG 2003
Course #vervie Diagram
Course #vervie
#vervie of Travel Planning
Entry and Approval of
Travel Re%uests and Plans
&ntegration of Travel Planning and
Travel E'penses
R(C Destination
Travel Planning )aster Data
Structure of Enterprise-Specific
Travel Policy
Reproduction of Agreements ith
Travel Service Providers
Process Control
Authori*ation )anagement
SAP AG AC275 7-3
SAP AG 1999
The enterprise has, for e'ample, esta!lished travel
regulations for the folloing areas:
There are different regulations for different groups
of persons+
The regulations are to !e stored time-dependently+
(or trips to certain regions, only certain flight,
room, and car rental classes may !e !oo,ed+
The classes that may !e !oo,ed depend also on
the duration of the flight or stay+
Structure of Enterprise-Specific
Travel Policy: -usiness Scenario
SAP AG AC275 7-4
SAP AG 2003
SAP AG AC275 7-5
SAP AG 2001
Travel Policy Travel Profiles
= Enterprise-specific rules for the use of travel
Travel policies .trip rules/ are stored in the R01 Travel Planning
System in travel profiles.
Travel profiles are fle'i!le instruments for dealing ith policies
depending on user groups+
These include, among other things:
Trip segments and destinations .cities, regions, countries/
Classes .flight, hotel and car rental classes/
Trip duration
Defaults in travel profiles can
override personal
preferences .such as room
SAP AG AC275 7-6
SAP AG 2003
2Define trip rule2:
Short name3
2Set alloed entries for
trip rule2:
4here, or from here to
4ith hich provider3
Trip Rules: 45ERE )ay 45&C5 Provider -e
DE &T Provider A
DE 6- Provider (
Provider R
Provider 7
DE SE Provider S
Provider 8
Rule A
Rule -
Rule C
Trip rule
= An enterprise-specific regulation that specifies the usage of a trael serice categor! "flight# hotel#
car rental$ an% the possi&le proi%ers %epen%ing on the trip %estination'
(he trip rule ealuates an% prioriti)es the results returne% to SAP (rael Planning &! an
aaila&ilit! *uer! in an e+ternal reseration s!ste,' -t is not use% as a filter during the aaila&ilit!
-n Custo,i)ing for SAP (rael Planning !ou specif! the trip rules for flight# hotel# an% car rental
-n the respectie Custo,i)ing actiit! Define Trip Rule for <Flight, Hotel, Car rental># !ou
specif! the short na,e an% the %escription of the rules' -n the actiities Set Allowed Entries for
Trip Rule <Flight, Hotel, Car Rental> !ou specif! /hich proi%er ,a! &e &oo.e% in /hich region
or for /hich route'
(he trip rules are groupe% later - together /ith class rules an% priorities - in profiles that !ou
assign to specific traelers ia their personnel nu,&ers'
SAP AG AC275 7-7
SAP AG 2003
Class Rules: 4hich C8ASS for 4hich D"RAT&#93
(light duration : ; h !usiness class
(light duration : ; h first class
5otel stay : ; days Standard
5otel stay : ; days 5igher standard
"sage : ; days Small car
"sage : ; days Economy car
2Define class rules2:
Short name3
<Set alloed entries for class rule2
5o long is flight time 0
hotel stay 0 car usage 3
4hich class is alloed hen3
Class rule
Class rule
Class rule
car rental
Class rule
= An enterprise-specific rule that controls the selection of trael serices per e,plo!ee
A class rule %efines serice classes "such as roo, classes or flight ca&in classes$ per trael serice
categor! that can &e &oo.e% &! a traeler %epen%ing on %uration'
Example: (he traelers in group 0 are suppose% to choose the flight class 1 "&usiness$ for all
flights that ta.e longer than four hours' -f no &usiness class flights are aaila&le# first class flights
are to &e allo/e%' (o %o this# !ou hae to ,a.e the follo/ing settings2
Class rule: 1 "1usiness$ 3,ust alrea%! hae &een create% in the actiit!
Define Class Rule for Flight4
Min. flight dur. in h: 54255
light !a"in rule: 1usiness67irst 3for ,ore infor,ation on flight ca&in rules# see 71 8elp
for the fiel%'4
#$$m !lasses an% !ar rental !lasses are enterprise%spe!ifi! classifications' (he! are create% &!
assigning one or ,ore roo, t!pes or ehicle classes that are %ifferentiate% accor%ing to in%ustr!
stan%ar%s in an e+ternal reseration s!ste,' 9ou %efine the enterprise-specific roo, an% car rental
classes# &efore !ou e%it class rules# in the -:G &! choosing Travel Planning aster Data
(ravel Servi!e Provider "see ;nit 6$'
SAP AG AC275 7-<
SAP AG 2003
Trip and Class Rules: (light
(rip an% class rules for flight2
-n this step# !ou %efine flight-specific trip rules for !our enterprise'
9ou can also influence *uer! results &! , the appropriate settings in the step Flight"
Availa#ilit$ %uer$ Control&
(his step is re*uire% onl! if the s!ste, %oes not %ispla! flights for the airline !ou re*ueste% for a
particular route /hen !ou carr! out a flight aaila&ilit! *uer!'
SAP AG AC275 7-=
SAP AG 2003
Trip and Class Rules: 5otel and Car Rental
(rip an% class rules for hotel an% car rental2
-n this step# !ou %efine hotel-specific trip rules for !our enterprise' -n the follo/ing sections# !ou can
%eter,ine in greater %etail the characteristics of the trip rules that are %efine% here'
Restri!t Hotel Chains or Car Rental Co'panies for Availa#ilit$ %ueries( -n this step# !ou can li,it
the proi%ers for the releant trael serices for the trips rules that hae alrea%! &een %efine%' 9ou
li,it proi%ers &ase% on location' -n other /or%s# !ou can %efine hotel chains or car rental co,panies
per countr!# region# or -A(A location# /hich are to &e consi%ere% as input para,eters in an
aaila&ilit! chec.'
SAP AG AC275 7-15
SAP AG 2003
Travel Policy
SAP AG AC275 7-11
SAP AG 2003
Trip Activity Types
Trip Activity Types
Customer visit
(rip actiit! t!pes are a%%itional criteria for %etaile% representation of trael policies in Custo,i)ing
for SAP (rael Planning'
(he actiit! t!pes for (rael Planning %o not necessaril! hae to correspon% /ith the actiit! t!pes
for (rael >+penses'
-n Custo,i)ing for (rael :anage,ent !ou can assign the (rael Planning trip actiit! t!pes to
those in (rael >+penses' (his supports integration /ith (rael >+penses' -n other /or%s#
assign,ent is re*uire% to ,a.e the correct receipts an% per %ie,s aaila&le to the auto,atic trael
e+pense report'
9ou configure these settings in the -:G &! choosing )ntegration of Travel Planning and Travel
E*penses an% Define Assign'ent of Travel E*pense T$pe to Travel Serv& Prov Categor$&
SAP AG AC275 7-12
SAP AG 2003
Priorities and Their Consideration in Dialog
5ighest priority
)edium priority
Reason re%uired
9ot alloed
8ist of Availa!le (lights 8ist of Availa!le (lights
Top priority
Reason re%uired
(Define priorities)
(Define message
treatment of priorities)
Availa!ility 7uery in the Application
Travel )anager 0 Planning )anager
(or e'ample:
Top priority:
Highest priority
Selected priority:
Reason required
Subsequent activity:
Reason (text
Dialog !o' ith te't editor appears
-n the -:G actiit! Define Priorities# !ou specif! /hich priorities there shoul% &e in the s!ste,'
(he priorities that are %efine% then for, a ,o%ule in the construction of the trael profiles "-:G
actiit! Evaluate Results of Availa#ilit$ %ueries$'
-n the -:G actiit! Define Rea!tions to Provider and Class Sele!tion, !ou can then specif! ho/ the
s!ste, shoul% react in the (rael Planning %ialog if the specifie% priorit! is co,plie% /ith or not'
(he follo/ing s!ste, responses are possi&le2
Success ,essage
-nfor,ation ,essage
>rror ,essage
?eason "te+t$ (e+t e%itor for entering e+planation
?eason "co%e$
9ou specif! s!ste, ,essages %epen%ing on the user group'
SAP AG AC275 7-13
SAP AG 1999
Travel Profile
Time limita!le
Travel Profile .=/
Priority Trip
SAP AG AC275 7-14
SAP AG 1999
Travel Profile .>/: A Complete Set of Rules and
Priorities - E'ample
Travel Profile DE?A88
Provider A alloed
for region Europe
.trip rule/
trip activity type
Class - is alloed
from @A:@@ h
.class rule/
Compliance ith
rules has Priority =
9on-compliance triggers message =>1
.as an error message, for e'ample/
trip activity type
Customer visit
trip activity
(efiniti$n $f travel profiles
(he trael profile contains a grouping of trip an% class rules# priorities an% trip actiit! t!pes that
hae &een %efine% &eforehan%' -t is assigne% to in%ii%ual e,plo!ees "ia infot!pe 5475$ or ia
feature (?@CP'
All regulations store% in the trael profile are auto,aticall! consi%ere% in aaila&ilit! *ueries an%
trip &oo.ings for the releant traeler'
Time )imitati$n
9ou can i,pose ti,e li,its on groupings /ithin a trael profile' (his has the a%antage that !ou can
easil! store changes in trael regulations /ithin a profile /ithout causing oer/riting of the profile'
(hus# the auto,atic change fro, rule A to rule 1 is effecte% an% the changes are %ocu,ente%
historicall! in the s!ste,'
SAP AG AC275 7-15
SAP AG 2003
Configuring Price-Controlled Availa!ility 7ueries
-est-price flight
Pro!ider" A( .Air (rance/
Geographi#a$ origin" Paris
Geographi#a$ destination" 5am!urg
Se$e#tion #riteria" Consider
(light recommendation (light recommendation
for Paris-5am!urg route
-n the -:G actiit! Define +ehavior for Pri!e and Availa#ilit$ %uer$, !ou can control the Best-price
flight function' As a re,in%er2 ia the &est-price *uer!# the user is sho/n the four ,ost econo,ical
flights for the re*uire% route'
9ou hae to then actiate the settings for the price-controlle% aaila&ilit! *uer! in the -:G step
Define Pri!e and Availa#ilit$ Strategies' (his gies users the opportunit! to further li,it their search
for the ,ost econo,ical flights aaila&le'
Ahile %oing this# !ou can set the follo/ing para,eters an% others in Custo,i)ing2
Actiation of the price-controlle% aaila&ilit! *uer!
Consi%eration or e+clusion of certain proi%ers
Consi%eration of %irect flights
9ou can ,a.e these entries %epen%ent on certain flight routes an%6or flight classes'
9ou can also set a ti,e li,it for the settings of the price-controlle% aaila&ilit! *uer!'
7or ,ore infor,ation# see the -:G %ocu,entation for this step'
SAP AG AC275 7-16
SAP AG 2003
Travel Profile .1/: Assignment of the 5otel Catalog
Definition of the hotel catalog Assignment of catalog hotels
to travel profile
If activity at location !
If activity " at location S
If activity # at location $
5otel A
5otel -
5otel C
5otel D
5otel E
5otel A
5otel -
5otel C
5otel D
5otel E
5otel (
5otel 6
5otel 5
*M+ a!ti,it- Define Assignment of Travel Profiles to Hotel Catalog Items:
(he assign,ent of catalog hotels to trael profiles is mandat$r- if !ou /ant to use the hotel catalog'
A!tivit$ t$pe( 7or /hich trip actiities shoul% this catalog hotel &e %ispla!e% in an aaila&ilit!
,o!ation( 7or /hich %estinations shoul% this catalog hotel &e %ispla!e% in an aaila&ilit! *uer!B
Class rule( Ahich roo, class shoul% &e &oo.e% in this hotel for a specific profileB
.etting up a h$tel !atal$g
9ou co,pile the hotel catalog in -:G actiit! Define Enterprise"Spe!ifi! Hotel Catalog "&!
choosing Travel Planning aster Data Travel Servi!e Provider Hotels Hotel Catalog$'
(he hotels !ou create there are %ispla!e% first in aaila&ilit! *ueries' -f no roo,s are aaila&le in the
catalog hotels# the user can s/itch to a Standard -uer$ in the connecte% reseration s!ste,
"see ;nit 3$'
./it!hing the h$tel !atal$g $n $r $ff
9ou actiate the hotel catalog for each in%ii%ual user group "-:G actiit! Define +ehavior for
Pri!e and Availa#ilit$ %ueries$' 9ou can also further %ifferentiate ho/ the list of catalog hotels
shoul% &e %ispla!e%' 7or ,ore infor,ation# see the 71 8elp in the sa,e -:G actiit!'
SAP AG AC275 7-17
SAP AG 2003
5otel: 5otel0Room Selection Control
5otel Rates
5otel Catalog
Trip Rules
% &asiest #ontro$ 'ethod
() spe#ia$ #o'pany rates exist
a!ai$a*i$ity query to R+3,
() no spe#ia$ #o'pany rates exist
auto'ati# standard query
-o di))erentiation per user group or
tra!e$ pro)i$e possi*$e
.o'p$ian#e /ith regu$ations during se$e#tion+
*oo0ing is guaranteed, *y1passing is
Assign'ent o) a hote$ to an (A2A
$o#ation other than one de)ined in
reser!ation syste'
% 3i))erentiation !ia tra!e$ pro)i$e
Greater 'aintenan#e e))ort required
Hote$ #ata$og #an *e s/it#hed on or o))
!ia grouping
Recommended in #ase you /or0 /ith parti#u$ar hote$
#hains )or parti#u$ar $o#ations or regions4
5otel0 5otel0
Room Room
Control Control
3epending on the reser!ation syste' on$y a 'axi'u' o)
three a##o''odation #o'panies #an *e #onsidered )or ea#h
a!ai$a*i$ity #he#04 5ou ha!e to ta0e this into a##ount during
'aintenan#e6 as i) a user7s !a$ues ex#eed the run ti'e6 the
syste' pro'pts you )or the a##o''odation #o'panies that
shou$d *e #onsidered4
(here are arious /a!s of repro%ucing the in-house trael regulations regar%ing h$tels in SAP (rael
Control ia trip rules
Control ia h$tel !atal$g
Control ia enterprise%spe!ifi! h$tel rates
7or the hotel sector# SAP reco,,en%s controlling co,pliance /ith trael regulations &! ,aintaining
a h$tel !atal$g' -n connection /ith the reseration s!ste, A:AC>;S this has a clear a%antage
co,pare% /ith control &! ,eans of trip rules2
8o/eer# !ou can also control selection &! configuring the -:G actiities Restri!t Hotel Chains for
Availa#ilit$ %ueries an% Restri!t Providers for Availa#ilit$ %ueries# an% there&! initiall! represent
!our enterpriseDs preferre% hotel chains in the aaila&ilit! %ispla!'
Alternatiel!# !ou can also control co,pliance /ith hotel regulations ia enterprise%spe!ifi! h$tel
rates. As soon as !ou store entries in the -:G step Define Enterprise"Spe!ifi! Hotel Rates, /hen the
s!ste, perfor,s an aaila&ilit! *uer! for specific locations, it chec.s to see if special negotiate%
rates e+ist' -f special rates %o e+ist# the reseration s!ste, returns onl! hotels /ith these special rates
to SAP (rael Planning'
SAP AG AC275 7-1<
SAP AG 2001
Assignment of Travel Profiles to Travelers
&nfotype @;B@
(2ra!e$ Pro)i$e
(eature TRCCP
8rgani9ationa$ 2ra!e$ Pro)i$es
(2ra!e$ P$anning
TRCCP #rgani*ational Travel Profiles .Travel Planning/
-"DRS Company code
SAP A+6+ .-"DRS @@@=/

Personnel area

DE@= Personnel area DE@=
Travel Profile
Travel Profile EFG
0ssignment $f tra,el pr$files
9ou can assign trael profiles to e,plo!ees in t/o %ifferent /a!s2
1ia inf$t-pe 0470 2Travel Profile3
Assigna&le per in%ii%ual e,plo!ee
(i,e-li,ita&le per in%ii%ual e,plo!ee
1ia feature T#1C4 2Organizational travel profiles (Travel Planning)
Assigna&le per organi)ational unit
7eature (?@CP onl! &eco,es actie if n$ trael profile has &een store% for the releant e,plo!ee in
infot!pe 5475 "(rael Profile$'
SAP AG AC275 7-1=
SAP AG 2003
TRCCP #rgani*ational Travel Profiles .Travel Planning/
-"DRS Company code
SAP A+6+ .-"DRS @@@=/
@@@> 3
Personnel area
@= 3
Personnel area @=
(eature TRCCP
Standard travel profile
-#ARD Travel profile for mem!ers of the !oard
@> 3
Personnel area DE@=
C#9S Travel profile for consultants
SAP A+6+ .-"DRS @@@=/
(he feature (?@CP is represente% as a %ecision tree an% is use% to assign a trael profile to
e,plo!ees "=traelers$' (he trael profile is assigne% per organi)ational unit accor%ing to the highest
leel of the co,pan! co%e' (he organi)ational units are %erie% fro, the structure store% in
Ergani)ation :anage,ent'
-n the su&%iision sho/n a&oe# a dar. !olor = organi/ational !riterion an% a light !olor 0 possi#le
value for the !riteria' (he follo/ing assign,ent results2
All e,plo!ees in co,pan! co%e 5551 an% personnel area 51 are gien the STA1DARD travel
All e,plo!ees in co,pan! co%e 5551 an% personnel area 52 are gien the C21S3,TA1TS travel
All e,plo!ees in co,pan! co%e 5552 are gien the E+ER 2F THE +2ARD travel profile&
(he assign,ent of the trael profile using feature (?@CP is ali% $nl- if there is n$ entr! in
infot!pe 5475 "travel profile$'
9ou set up the feature (?@CP in Custo,i)ing for (rael Planning &! choosing Travel Poli!$ -F
Travel Profiles -F Assign Travel Profiles&
SAP AG AC275 7-25
SAP AG 1999
Reproduce the travel regulations used in an
enterprise in the system
Fou are no a!le to:
Structure of Enterprise-Specific
Travel Policy: "nit Summary
SAP AG AC275 7-21
SAP AG AC275 7-22
6nit: .tru!ture $f!ifi!
Tra,el 4$li!-
T$pi!: Create a Class #ule and 0ssign it t$ an
Existing Tra,el 4r$file
At the conclusion of these e+ercises# !ou /ill &e a&le to2
1' Anal!)e an% change an e+isting trip rule
2' ;n%erstan% the effect of the changes in the
9ou /ill learn ho/ the trael regulations of an enterprise are
repro%uce% in the s!ste,'
7%' *mplementati$n +uide 2*M+3 f$r Tra,el 4lanning
After anal!)ing ho/ ,uch %ifferent routes are use%# !our co,pan!Ds trael
,anage,ent %epart,ent has %eci%e% to inclu%e onl! Gufthansa "G8$ in the trael
profile for national %estinations'
7urther,ore# on the &asis of an anal!sis of the Ger,an! H Iorth A,erica "an%
&ac.$ route the co,pan! has not e+ten%e% its contract /ith Continental Airlines
"CE$' -nstea%# an offer &! Air 7rance "A7$ has &een a%%e% to the progra,'
9ou hae &een as.e% to a%apt the e+isting trael profile JJKS(AIC to suit the
trael ,anage,ent %epart,entLs specifications'
7-1-1 Call the -:G actiit! et Allo!e" #ntries for Trip $%le for &light# ,a.e
the changes for the national trip rule for flight JJ KCE:# an% sae !our
7-1-2 -n the sa,e -:G actiit!# access the international trip rule JJK-I(# ,a.e
the re*uire% changes# an% sae !our entries'
JJ = Group nu,&er
SAP AG AC275 7-23
7%2 4lanning Manager: 4lan a Trip
(est !our Custo,i)ing settings &! creating a ne/ trael plan in the planning
,anager for roun% trips for the t/o routes ran7furt H Muni!h an% ran7furt H
5e/ 8$r7.
7-2-1 Create &oth trael plans "personnel nu,&er =<5JJ$'
(ates /ill "e supplied "- the instru!t$r.
7-2-2 Perfor, aaila&ilit! *ueries for the flights2
$r the a,aila"ilit- list9 pa- spe!ial attenti$n t$ the respe!ti,e !hanges
in the airlines displa-ed in the different pri$rities.
JJ = Group nu,&er
7%3 *mplementati$n +uide 2*M+3 f$r Tra,el 4lanning
9our co,pan!Ls trael ,anage,ent %epart,ent has %eci%e% to fl! onl! Gufthansa
for the routes fro, Ger,an! to South A,erica an% &ac.' >,plo!ees are allo/e% to
fl! &usiness class'
7-3-1 Call up the -:G actiit! Set Allowed Entries for Trip Rule for Flight an%
create an appropriate trip rule C>GAC>JJ "Ger,an!6Gatin
7'3'2 (hen %efine a ne/ ealuation criterion in the actiit! Deter'ine Evaluation
Criteria for %uer$ Results'
7'3'3 -n the actiit! Evaluate Availa#ilit$ %uer$ Results, use the appropriate class
rule for flights to assign a ne/ flight rule to !our trael profile S(AICKJJ'
7%4 Tra,el Manager: 4lan a Trip
(est !our Custo,i)ing settings &! & a flight for an appropriate connection
"for e+a,ple# for Sao Paulo# ?io %e Maneiro# 1uenos Aires# Gi,a or other
%estinations in South A,erica$'
JJ = Group nu,&er
SAP AG AC275 7-24
6nit: .tru!ture $f!ifi!
Tra,el 4$li!-
T$pi!: Create a Class #ule and 0ssign it t$ an
Existing Tra,el 4r$file
7%' *mplementati$n +uide 2*M+3 f$r Tra,el 4lanning
7ro, !our user ,enu# choose C%stomizing C%stomizing - Pro'ect
Anal(sis )oto Displa( AP $eference I*)'
-n the -:G# choose &inancial Acco%nting Travel *anagement
Travel Planning Trip $%les an" Profiles Trip an" Class $%les
Trip an" Class $%les for &lights &light Trip $%les.
Clic. to call the actiit! Define Trip $%les# cop! the entr! JJKCE:# an%
a%% the follo/ing alue2
Provider !ode(Gufthansa "G8$
Confir, !our entr! &! choosing Enter' (he initial ie/ reappears' Io/
%elete the original entr! JJKCE: an% sae !our entries'
Select the t/o entries JJK-I( /ith the proi%er na,e Continental "CE$#
%elete the,# an% sae !our entr!'
Choose 1ew Entries2
Trip rule( JJK-I(
Provider !ode( A7 "Air 7rance$
4eographi!al t$pe( 2 "Countr!$
2rigin( C> "Ger,an!$
4eographi!al t$pe( 3 "Cross-countr! region$
Destination( IA: "Iorth A,erica$
Sae !our entries an% return to the initial ie/'
SAP AG AC275 7-25
Io/ select the entr! !ou hae Nust create%# choose Cop$# an% ,a.e the
follo/ing replace,ents2
4eographi!al t$pe( 3 "Cross-countr! region$
2rigin( IA: "Iorth A,erica$
4eographi!al t$pe( 2 "Countr!$
Destination( C> "Ger,an!$
Confir, !our entr! &! choosing Enter an% sae'
7%2 4lanning Manager: 4lan a Trip
-n the SAP :enu# choose Acco%nting &inancial Acco%nting Travel
*anagement Travel Planning Planning *anager Create Travel
Choose Flight an% enter the follo/ing2
Fro'( ran7furt 2#03
To2 Muni!h 2M6C3
5$te: (ates /ill "e supplied "- the instru!t$r.
Choose %uer$'
7ro, the list of aaila&le flights# !ou can see that onl! Gufthansa is
%ispla!e% for flights /ith the priorit! 1ational !o'pan$ poli!$'
Co not ,a.e an! ,ore entries# return to the flight re*uest# an% start the
Fro'2 ran7furt 2#03
To2 5e/ 8$r7 258C3
5$te: (ates /ill "e supplied "- the instru!t$r.
9ou /ill recogni)e the changes ,a%e to !our settings in the priorit!
)nternational !o'pan$ poli!$'
SAP AG AC275 7-26
7%3 *mplementati$n +uide 2*M+3 f$r Tra,el 4lanning
7-3-1 -n the -:G# choose &inancial Acco%nting Travel *anagement
Travel Planning Trip $%les an" Profiles Trip an" Class $%les
Trip an" Class $%les for &lights &light Trip $%les' Choose the actiit!
Define Trip $%les an% create a ne/ entr!2 C>GAC>JJ' >nter a %escription
fro, /hich !our group nu,&er can also &e i%entifie%'
7-3-2 -n the -:G# choose &inancial Acco%nting Travel *anagement
Travel Planning Trip $%les an" Profiles Trip an" Class $%les
Trip an" Class $%les for &lights &light Trip $%les' Choose the actiit!
Determine #val%ation Criteria for +%er( $es%lts' Create a ne/ rule &!
choosing the flight rule !ou %efine% earlier an% &! entering the follo/ing2
Proi%er co%e2 G8
Geographical t!pe2 2
Erigin2 C>
Geographical t!pe2 3
Cestination2 SA:
Cirect flight in%'2 Io restrictions
Cirection2 -n &oth %irections
7-3-3 -n the -:G# choose &inancial Acco%nting Travel *anagement
Travel Planning Trip $%les an" Profiles Travel Polic( Travel
Profiles Control an" #val%ation of Availa,ilit( +%eries' Carr! out the
actiit! #val%ate Availa,ilit( +%er( results an% in the Travel Profile fiel%#
enter the appropriate trael profile for !our group' Choose 1ew Entr$ an%
enter the follo/ing2
Actiit! t!pe2 Io %istinction
Categor!2 7light
(rip rule2 C>GAC>JJ
Class rule2 1usiness
Priorit!2 (op priorit!
Start %ate2 51'51'2553
7inish %ate2 31'12'====
Sae !our entries an% e+it the -:G'
SAP AG AC275 7-27
7%4 Tra,el Manager: 4lan a Trip
Choose the (rael :anager fro, the ,enu' Create a ne/ trael plan an%
test !our settings &! entering an appropriate %estination in South A,erica in
the %estination fiel%s "see e+ercise for e+a,ples$'
SAP AG AC275 7-2<

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