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Solid-state relay

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A solid-state relay (SSR) is an electronic switching device that switches conduction states when a small
external voltage is applied along its n-type and p-type junctions. SSs consists of a sensor which
responds to an appropriate input !control signal", a solid-state electronic switching device which
switches power to the load circuitry, and a coupling mechanism to ena#le the control signal to activate
this switch without mechanical parts. $he relay may #e designed to switch either A% or &% to the load.
't serves the same function as an electromechanical relay, #ut has no moving parts.
Solid-state relays are composed of semiconductor materials, including thyristors and transistors, and
have current ratings that extend from a few microamps for low-power packages up to around a hundred
amps for high-power packages. $hey have extremely fast switching speeds usually ranging #etween ( to
()) nanoseconds and are not easily affected #y contact wear. Solid-state relays have several
shortcomings* a high suscepti#ility to damage !a relatively high vulnera#ility to overloads in comparison
to electromechanical relays"+ limited switching arrangements !S,S$ switching"+ a need for finer tuning
due to high -on- resistances.
( %oupling
. /peration
0 ,arameters
1 Advantages over mechanical relays
2 &isadvantages
3 'mages
4 See also
5 eferences
6 7xternal links
$he control signal must #e coupled to the controlled circuit in a way which provides galvanic isolation
#etween the two circuits.
8any SSs use optical coupling. $he control voltage energi9es an internal :7& which illuminates and
switches on a photo-sensitive diode !photo-voltaic"+ the diode current turns on a #ack-to-#ack thyristor,
S%, or 8/SF7$ to switch the load. $he optical coupling allows the control circuit to #e electrically
isolated from the load.
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A SS #ased on a single 8/SF7$, or multiple 8/SF7$s in a paralleled array, can work well for &%
8/SF7$s have an inherent su#strate diode that conducts in the reverse direction, so a single 8/SF7$
cannot #lock current in #oth directions. For A% !#i-directional" operation two 8/SF7$s are arranged
#ack-to-#ack with their source pins tied together. $heir drain pins are connected to either side of the
output. $he su#strate diodes are alternately reverse #iased to #lock current when the relay is off. When
the relay is on, the common source is always riding on the instantaneous signal level and #oth gates are
#iased positive relative to the source #y the photo-diode.
't is common to provide access to the common source so that multiple 8/SF7$s can #e wired in
parallel if switching a &% load. =sually a network is provided to speed the turn-off of the 8/SF7$
when the control input is removed.
/ne significant advantage of a solid-state S% or $'A% relay over an electromechanical device is its
natural tendency to open the A% circuit only at a point of 9ero load current. >ecause S%?s and $'A%?s
are thyristors, their inherent hysteresis maintains circuit continuity after the :7& is de-energi9ed until
the A% current falls #elow a threshold value !the holding current". 'n practical terms what this means is
the circuit will never #e interrupted in the middle of a sine wave peak. Such untimely interruptions in a
circuit containing su#stantial inductance would normally produce large voltage spikes due to the sudden
magnetic field collapse around the inductance. $his will not happen in a circuit #roken #y an S% or
$'A%. $his feature is called 9ero-crossover switching.
SSs are characterised #y a num#er of parameters including the reBuired activating input voltage,
current, output voltage and current, whether it is A% or &%, voltage drop or resistance affecting output
current, thermal resistance, and thermal and electrical parameters for safe operating area !e.g., derating
according to thermal resistance when repeatedly switching large currents".
Advantages over mechanical relays
8ost of the relative advantages of solid state and electromechanical relays are common to all solid-state
as against electromechanical devices.
Slimmer profile, allowing tighter packing.
$otally silent operation
SSs are faster than electromechanical relays+ their switching time is dependent on the time
needed to power the :7& on and off, of the order of microseconds to milliseconds
'ncreased lifetime, even it is activated many times, as there are no moving parts to wear and no
contacts to pit or #uild up car#on
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8iniature solid
state relay.
Solid state
/utput resistance remains constant regardless of amount of use
%lean, #ounceless operation
Co sparking, allows it to #e used in explosive environments, where it is critical that no spark is
generated during switching
'nherently smaller than a mechanical relay of similar specification !if desired may have the same
-casing- form factor for interchangea#ility".
8uch less sensitive to storage and operating environment factors such as mechanical shock,
vi#ration, humidity, and external magnetic fields.
Doltage;current characteristic of semiconductor rather than mechanical contacts*
When closed, higher resistance !generating heat", and increased electrical noise
When open, lower resistance, and reverse leakage current !typically EA range"
Doltage;current characteristic is not linear !not purely resistive", distorting switched
waveforms to some extent. An electromechanical relay has the low ohmic !linear" resistance
of the associated mechanical switch when activated, and the exceedingly high resistance of
the air gap and insulating materials when open.
Some types have polarity-sensitive output circuits. 7lectromechanical relays are not
affected #y polarity.
,ossi#ility of spurious switching due to voltage transients !due to much faster switching than
mechanical relay"
'solated #ias supply reBuired for gate charge circuit
Figher transient reverse recovery time !$rr" due to the presence of the #ody diode
$endency to fail -shorted- on their outputs, while electromechanical relay contacts tend to fail
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See also
Solid State elay 'nventor and 7arly ,atents
,ush-#utton telephone
(. !http*;;;vol<1;chpt<2;2.html"
!"ternal lin#s
A &% Fault ,rotection %ircuit for Audio Amplifiers
Solid state relay glossary of terminology !http*;;;li#rary;appnotes;solid-state-
Cational 'nstruments Solid State elays !http*;;;dev9one;cda;tut;p;id;1(.2"
Solid State elays vs 7lectromechanical elays !http*;;;appnote)1).asp"
etrieved from - state<relayGoldidH3.511)134 - http*;;;w;index.phpItitleHSolid -
%ategories* Solid state switches elay switches
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