Effective Pages

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ecLive Facebook pages

OU can creaLe righL now
by Dana vanDen Heuvel
principal, MarkeLingSavanL Croup
l'n as nuch a fan of sone of Lhe awesone Facebook pages creaLed for
Lhe world's Lop brands like SLarbucks, Craniun, Threadless and Harley-Da-
vidson, buL whaL abouL for Lhe resL of us who don'L have LhaL kind of budgeL
or, frankly, Lhe "need" for Lhe level of sophisLicaLion LhaL Lhose brands have
applied Lo Lheir pages. We |usL need sone solid design, sone creaLiviLy
and an overall engaging experience.
Here is a lisL of 7 pages LhaL l'n l fan of for |usL LhaL sorL of Lhing. These are
page designs and ideas LhaL are wiLhin reach of nearly every business wiLh-
ouL Lhe need for Lhousands of dollars in Facebook developnenL. WheLher
you're a snall business or a nega-enLerprise, Lhere are ideas here for you!
7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com
|ake Nona Fools .................................... 2
Ocean CiLy Maryland ............................... 3
AGCO .................................................. 4
AJ Bonbers ......................................... 6
Sainsbury's .......................................... 7
Jo Lo Go Coffee ...................................... 8
Queens Museun of ArL ........................... 9
Recap: Top 23 ldeas! ............................ 10
AbouL Lhe auLhor ..................................13
Aside fron Lhe facL LhaL Lhese guys need Lo updaLe Lheir welcone page Lo
conply wiLh Facebook's new 520px page size fornaL, Lhese guys have a
greaL, sinple and engaging welcone page LhaL does exacLly whaL iL's sup-
posed Lo!
These guys also do sone GREAT audience involvenenL, such as Lhis phoLo
LhaL goL 90 COMMENTS! when Lhey asked people Lo "Lag" Lhenselves in
Lhe phoLo based on where Lhey'd like Lo be in Lhe pool for Lhe "Friday Fool
FarLy". They also answer any quesLion LhaL cones in abouL pools, nainLe-
nance, safeLy and so on. They've posiLioned Lhenselves as an ouLsLanding
resource in Lheir area for pool upkeep.
ln facL, Lhey've been so successful on Facebook LhaL Lhey've received one
of Lhe coveLed Facebook business sLickers!
Lake Nona Pools
CreaLe an inviLing welcone page
CreaLe "Facebook riLuals" LhaL engage your audience daily or weekly
Answer quesLions
Be helpful Lo engage your audience on Facebook.
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#+% 0$
7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com
Yes, you're correcL, Lhis is a Facebook page for a nunicipaliLy, and iL's one of Lhe
nore inLeresLing one's l've seen. For sLarLers, Lhey have a greaL welcone page
LhaL Lhey roLaLe seasonal inages Lhrough and have used sone sinple Facebook
ConnecL Lrickery Lo geL Lhe "like" and connenL funcLionaliLy enbedded righL on
Lhe welcone page.
They also have a very well Lrafficked and engaging posL wall where Lhey answer
quesLions, ask quesLions and generally sLir up inLeresL in Ocean CiLy! They are
posLing as nany as a few Lines a day on happenings in Lhe Lown and garner a
significanL nunber of connenLs and likes on each posL, furLher spreading Lheir
Their phoLo page is ouLsLanding. They have over 1200 user subniLLed phoLos.
Think abouL whaL kind of "virLual Lravel brochure" LhaL nakes! Your conpany/
ciLy/deparLnenL couldn'L possibly capLure all of Lhe exciLing nonenLs LhaL are
possible when people inLerface wiLh your brand. This is Lruly a greaL exanple of
leLLing your cusLoners do your narkeLing for you!
Ocean CiLy Maryland
lnLegraLe Facebook ConnecL on your websiLe and Facebook page
SusLain a consisLenL and "ofLen as your audience finds inLeresLing" conLenL
publishing reginenL
Do everyLhing you can Lo encourage phoLo posLing fron fans, cusLoners and
everyone who experiences your brand
Share as nany of Lhose phoLos as you can in your own Facebook posLings
)*+& -./
#+% 0$
7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com
This has Lo be one of ny favoriLe Facebook pages, and iL's noL |usL
because a few friends run iL. l've always loved LracLors and AGCO
Laps inLo Lhe enoLional aspecLs of Lheir cusLoners' aLLachnenL Lo
Lheir farn nachinery in a way LhaL few B2B conpanies have done Lo
daLe. While Lhe AGCO Facebook siLe is a collaboraLive efforL, Lhere
are sone really solid Lhings going on here LhaL you can learn fron
and enulaLe.
AGCO does a greaL |ob of keeping Lheir page "profile picLure" in Lhe
upper lefL updaLed and relevanL based on whaL's going on wiLh Lhe
brand. More Lo Lhe poinL, Lhey design iL so LhaL Lhe Lhunbnail in-
age (which is a derivaLive of Lhe large 200 x 600px inage) always
represenLs Lhe brand. RighL now Lhey have a blog conLenL running
LhaL Lhey're pronoLing on Facebook and across Lheir social nedia
channels. AGCO also does a super |ob of keeping up wiLh answering
quesLions LhaL are posLed and offering guidance Lo Lheir Facebook
Flexing Lhe nuscle of Lheir Facebook Labs, AGCO also keeps Lheir
7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com
Make Lhe nosL of your "Fage profile picLure" in Lhe upper lefL you've goL 200 x 600 pixels
iL's ofLen wise Lo use as nuch of LhaL digiLal real esLaLe as you can
Mirror your Facebook page Lo reflecL your offline and oLher social nedia narkeLing efforLs
and canpaigns
Answer any and all quesLions LhaL cone in Lhrough your page
Encourage fan phoLos, connenL on Lhen and nake fan engagenenL a cenLral conponenL
of your Facebook presence
ALLend Lrade shows wiLh sLill and video canera in hand and inLerview your cusLoners, dis-
LribuLion parLners and everyone in beLween nake Lhen slighLly fanous by posLing on
Facebook and encourage sharing
SusLain a consisLenL and "ofLen as your audience finds inLeresLing" conLenL publishing regi-
Use your Labs wisely. AGCO nakes excellenL use of Lhe Facebook Labs feaLuring everyLhing
fron new producL launches Lo conLesLs Lo inLegraLing Lhe blog and video conLenL
Share phoLos as ofLen as you can in your own Facebook posLings
)*+& -./
#+% 0$
Facebook audience currenL by leveraging Lhe power of Lhe Labs Lo puL infornaLion on new
producLs and feaLures LhaL would likely be of greaL inLeresL Lo Lheir fans which nighL oLherwise
geL losL on a large corporaLe websiLe.

7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com
AJ Bonbers is Lhe besL burger |oinL in Milwaukee. Feriod. While Lhey are "huge on Four-
square" Lheir Facebook presence is preLLy adnirable as well. These guys have done
a greaL |ob of inLegraLing Foursquare and "locaLion based narkeLing" inLo Lheir overall
online sLraLegy. They also have a rock solid (albeiL a biL nore conplex) inLegraLion LhaL
brings Lheir websiLe conLenL inLo Lhe siLe Lhrough "More AJB" Lab on Facebook and offer a
link Lo Lheir gifL card siLe Lhrough Facebook as well. lf you did noLhing buL fan AJ Bonb-
ers on Facebook, you'd be in Lhe loop on everyLhing Lhey do. Specials, nedia nenLions,
cool fan updaLes and |usL abouL everyLhing LhaL happens in Lhe resLauranL nakes iL onLo
AJ 8ombers
Make Facebook a one-sLop-shop for everyLhing LhaL
anyone could wanL Lo know abouL your business.
Make sure everyLhing (nenu, hours, locaLion, phone)
is on Lhe page Lo nake iL easy for Lhen Lo find you
and do business wiLh you.
MenLion your oLher producLs and prograns (like gifL cards) on Facebook Labs.
lnLegraLion locaLion narkeLing inLo your online (and offline, Lhrough window sLickers
and such) sLraLegy Lo encourage visiLorship and Lo nake each visiL naLLer LhaL nuch
nore (Lurning your besL, nosL connecLed paLrons in a "daily viral visiLors")
Mirror your web page in a Facebook Lab
ShouL ouL Lo and connecL your besL fans by Lheir TwiLLer handles (add Lhose Lo your
cusLoner daLabase!)
)*+& -./
#+% 0$
7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com
Sainsbury's is a UK grocery sLore chain LhaL's done a few really cool Lhings wiLh Lheir Facebook page. They
have one of Lhe besL welcone pages l've seen in a long Line (LhaL changes wiLh Lhe seasons) and nake iL a
poinL Lo answer nearly every quesLion posed on Lheir page. Fans know LhaL Lhey can geL a response fron Lhe
brand using Facebook.
Make an AWESOME welcone page Lo geL
poLenLial fans hooked on Lhe innense val-
ue LhaL you deliver Lhrough your page
lf your organizaLion relies aL all on any
"how-Lo"infornaLion, creaLe and hosL videos Lo share wiLh fans. Sainsbury's
uses Lheir kiLchen faciliLies Lo shooL video of Lhings LhaL Lhey'd be doing
anyway (LesLing recipes and preparing deli food) LhaL fans will also find
Answer every quesLion. Sainsbury's is consLanLly noniLoring Lheir Facebook
page for quesLions & connenLs and nakes a poinL Lo geL in Louch wiLh
fans who have concerns or quesLions, ofLen answering Lhen publically (as
shown above) and soneLines privaLely as well.
MenLion your oLher acLiviLies in Lhe connuniLy on your page
)*+& -./
#+% 0$
7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com
l use Lhis exanple in alnosL every one of ny social nedia classes as an il-
lusLraLion of a brand LhaL's gone all Lhe way wiLh Lhe concepL of Lhe "siLeless
web" in LhaL Lhey've goLLen rid of Lheir websiLe and run Lhe web presence for
Lhe business using a conbinaLion of Facebook, Google naps, Scribd.con
and oLher lighLweighL and low cosL apps. Jo To Go does a good |ob of keep-
ing up wiLh sone regular posLs on Facebook abouL happenings aL all of Lheir
locaLions. They have also snarLly leveraged Lhings like Google naps Lo nap ouL Lhe locaLions of Lheir sLores.
One area LhaL Lhey have developed LhaL nany resLauranLs and reLailers on Facebook have noL is Lheir Reviews
secLion. They have several reviews, sone posiLive and sone negaLive, buL Lhey've noL responded Lo a single
one. We generally reconnend responding, and doing so quickly, as sone of Lhe oLher exanples in Lhis posL do
wiLh connenLs on Lheir pages.
Jo Lo Co Coee
Replace your websiLe, or even nake your nexL nicro-siLe ouL of Facebook
lnLegraLe oLher cloud apps Lo augnenL Lhe Facebook funcLionaliLy as needed, such
as Scribd.con and Google Apps
SoliciL reviews fron paLrons on Facebook (and anywhere else LhaL nakes sense
for LhaL naLLer!) and respond Lo Lhose (boLh posiLive and negaLive) Lo bolsLer Lhe
connuniLy around Lhe reviews.
Offer deals, specials and oLher incenLives Lo Facebook fans. AnoLher coffee shop/
resLauranL, Lhe DesserL Gallery in HousLon, has sone greaL, proven resulLs in Lhis
case sLudy on how valuable Lheir Facebook fans are Lo Lheir esLablishnenL
)*+& -./
#+% 0$
7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com
Every non-profiL and connuniLy organizaLion Lhrives on aLLenLion and in Lhe case
of a venue like Lhe Queens Museun of ArL, visiLorship. l love how Lhese guys re-
ally rock Lhe evenLs feaLure in Facebook. They have over 140 evenLs lisLed! These
guys are also really consisLenL abouL Lheir updaLes on evenLs, iLens of inLeresL Lo
fans, connuniLy happenings LhaL Lheir fans nighL be inLeresLed in and so on.
Queens Museum o ArL
FosL daily, or even a few Lines a day. Keep
iL focused on Lhings LhaL are of relevance and
value Lo your audience.
EvenLs! FosL all of Lhen. lf you have soneLhing going on, puL iL on Face-
book. Facebook evenLs show up for your fans on Lhe righL hand side of Lhe
page when you inviLe Lhen, so keep posLing Lhose evenLs!
Use Lhe ExLended lnfo Lab Lo share even nore infornaLion and background
abouL your organizaLion.
Use phoLos exLensively. The nore visual your producL or service, Lhe nore
you should use Facebook's phoLos conponenL (or inLegraLe wiLh Flickr or
anoLher phoLo sharing siLe) Lo geL Lhe visual nessage across.
)*+& -./
#+% 0$
7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com
LeL's Recap.
These are sone exanples LhaL l LhoughL were boLh snarL AND approachable sLuff LhaL can be
done by alnosL any business wiLh Lheir Facebook page. WhaL snarL exanples have you seen?


9$: 12 ;0'+(
. Make an AWESOME welcone page Lo geL poLenLial fans hooked on Lhe innense value LhaL you
deliver Lhrough your page CreaLe "Facebook riLuals" LhaL engage your audience daily or weekly
2. Answer any and all quesLions LhaL cone in Lhrough your page. Sainsbury's is consLanLly noniLor-
ing Lheir Facebook page for quesLions & connenLs and nakes a poinL Lo geL in Louch wiLh fans who
have concerns or quesLions, ofLen answering Lhen publically and soneLines privaLely as well.
3. Be helpful Lo engage your audience on Facebook.
4. lnLegraLe Facebook ConnecL on your websiLe and Facebook page
5. SusLain a consisLenL and "ofLen as your audience finds inLeresLing" conLenL publishing reginenL
7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com
6. Do everyLhing you can Lo encourage phoLo posLing fron fans, cusLoners and everyone who ex-
periences your brand
7. Share as nany phoLos as you can in your own Facebook posLings
8. Make Lhe nosL of your "Fage profile picLure" in Lhe upper lefL you've goL 200 x 600 pixels iL's
ofLen wise Lo use as nuch of LhaL digiLal real esLaLe as you can
9. Mirror your Facebook page Lo reflecL your offline and oLher social nedia narkeLing efforLs and
0. Encourage fan phoLos, connenL on Lhen and nake fan engagenenL a cenLral conponenL of
your Facebook presence
. ALLend Lrade shows wiLh sLill and video canera in hand and inLerview your cusLoners, disLribu-
Lion parLners and everyone in beLween nake Lhen slighLly fanous by posLing on Facebook and
encourage sharing
2. Use your Labs wisely. AGCO nakes excellenL use of Lhe Facebook Labs feaLuring everyLhing
fron new producL launches Lo conLesLs Lo inLegraLing Lhe blog and video conLenL
3. Share phoLos as ofLen as you can in your own Facebook posLings
4. Make Facebook a one-sLop-shop for everyLhing LhaL anyone could wanL Lo know abouL your busi-
ness. Make sure LhaL everyLhing (nenu, hours, locaLion, phone # everyLhing!) is on Lhe page Lo
nake iL easy for Lhen Lo find you and do business wiLh you.
5. MenLion your oLher producLs and prograns (like gifL cards) on Facebook Labs.


7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com
6. lnLegraLion locaLion narkeLing inLo your online (and offline, Lhrough window sLickers and such)
sLraLegy Lo encourage visiLorship and Lo nake each visiL naLLer LhaL nuch nore (Lurning your besL,
nosL connecLed paLrons in a "daily viral visiLors")
7. Mirror your web page in a Facebook Lab
8. ShouL ouL Lo and connecL your besL fans by Lheir TwiLLer handles (add Lhose Lo your cusLoner
9. Replace your websiLe, or even nake your nexL nicro-siLe ouL of Facebook
20. lnLegraLe oLher cloud apps Lo augnenL Lhe Facebook funcLionaliLy as needed, such as Scribed
and Google Apps
2. SoliciL reviews fron paLrons on Facebook (and anywhere else LhaL nakes sense for LhaL naL-
Ler!) and respond Lo Lhose (boLh posiLive and negaLive) Lo bolsLer Lhe connuniLy around Lhe reviews.
22. Offer deals, specials and oLher incenLives Lo Facebook fans. AnoLher coffee shop/resLauranL,
Lhe DesserL Gallery in HousLon, has sone greaL, proven resulLs in Lhis case sLudy on how valuable
Lheir Facebook fans are Lo Lheir esLablishnenL
23. lf your organizaLion relies aL all on any "how-Lo" infornaLion, creaLe and hosL videos Lo share
wiLh fans. Sainsbury's uses Lheir kiLchen faciliLies Lo shooL video of Lhings LhaL Lhey'd be doing any-
way (LesLing recipes and preparing deli food) LhaL fans will also find inLeresLing.


7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com
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Danas vision and insight into digital and thought leadership
marketing has been a signifcant contribution to our business.
He ofers not only the knowledge, but the systems to make online
marketing a natural extension of the work we do every day. I rec-
ommend him highly.
- Kyra Cavanaugh, Founder, Life Meets Work
Dana is one of those people who just gets it. His knowledge and
granular understanding of how blogs and social media can be
used as a marketing tool place him at the head of the pack in this
burgeoning feld. He was one of the blogging early adopters and
someone to whom I looked for insight and information.
- Paul Chaney, President, Radiant Marketing Group
Ive had the honor of working with Dana and found him to be a
forward-thinking visionary especially on subject matter pertain-
ing to interactive marketing. I turn to him not only for consulta-
tion on my own projects and challenges, but also to help enrich
AMA member benefts by providing information and insights to
our membership. I wouldnt hesitate to recommend him or work
with him again!
- Amy (Komenda) Zelenka, Marketing Manager, American
Marketing Association
7 eecLive Facebook pages OU can creaLe www.markeLingsavanL.com

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