Under The Influence

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Charlotte Charlie Crawford is practically the definition of a nerd. She gets extraordinary grades,
works at her familys comic book store, and most importantly, she never gets into troubleever.
Hunter Greene is supposedly the epitome of a bad-boy. He gets into fights, is on a first name
basis with the school principal, and most importantly, he is infamous for breaking the rules. When
Charlie is assigned to be Hunters tutor, she doesnt think she will be able to handle him and his
antics. But after the two warm up to each other, Charlie realizes that Hunter isnt at all who
everyone else thinks he is. High school life is going to be one tumultuous roller coaster ride for
Charlie and Hunter, but together they might be able to make it through what could be the ride of
their livesespecially since theyll be under each others influences.

I had a feeling Id find you here. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the chair across the
table from where I was sitting being pulled out, swiftly turned around, and straddled. I didnt even
have to look up from my History textbook to know who it was. I could tell solely by the voice that it
was my brother, Scott.
An exaggerated Shhh! was aimed at my brother, and it had come from one of the few other
students that spent their lunch period in the library, studying or reading.
I used my index finger to mark the paragraph I was just reading so when I continued to read, it
would easy to pinpoint exactly where I left off. I finally glanced up and caught my brother rolling his
eyes at whoever just shushed him. His arms were resting on the back of the chairone on top of
the other, almost like he was crossing themand his head was propped up on his arms. Scott
stared at me, probably waiting for my reaction.
Scott, what are you doing here? I whispered. It wasnt every day that my twenty-two year old
brother came to visit me at school.
An amused grin lit up his face. Are you
He sighed. Are you reading you History textbook? For fun? Scott asked incredulously, trying
his best to tone down his naturally loud voice. Before I knew what he was doing, Scott flipped to
the front cover just to check, and his lips pulled into a broad smirk. You are!
I looked down instead of at my brother, because getting caught reading a textbook when it
wasnt actually necessary wasnt the coolest thing to be caught doing, if you know what I mean.
What? No Im not! I replied a little too quickly. I was a terrible liar and we both knew it. I, um, I
have a test next period.
Uh huh, he said dubiously.
I wasnt reading it for fun. I was reading itfor lack of better things to read. Now that was true.
What? Learning new things wouldnt hurt.
I could tell he was trying to stifle a laugh. You are such a nerd, he said, smirking teasingly at
I couldnt help but grin at him. He just had that effect on people. Then, I realized that he was
acting like his regular, carefree self. It had been a while since he cracked a grin, and to be honest,
I started to miss his smile. He hadnt been the same after the accident.
I noticed that when he smiled, his hazel eyes twinkled. I always found it weird how I had Dads
looks and Scott had Moms, but when it came to our personalities, it was quite the opposite.
What and youre not? Last time I checked, I wasnt the one who stayed up late, bidding on a
special edition Green Lantern lantern on eBay. My brother was the only person I ever talked to
like that. Becausewell, because he was my brother.
He furrowed his eyebrows, considering it. Touch, he conceded.
So, um, what are you doing here?
He placed a solid green lunchbox on the table in front of me. You left your lunch at home. I
knew that if I didnt bring it, you wouldnt eat the whole day. Scott was probably right about that. I
didnt bring any extra money. And I didnt exactly have any friends that I could bum some food off
Thanks, I said sheepishly. I pulled the PB&J sandwich I packed this morning out of my
lunchbox, along with a juice box. I took a huge bite of my sandwich and chewed slowly, finally
feeling satisfied after not eating the whole day. It wasnt my fault I woke up late and skipped
breakfast. Okay, maybe it was
Whoa, slow down there. The sandwich isnt going anywhere, you know. Scott laughed.
I gulped it down after chewing thoroughly, and held the sandwich out to Scott. Want some? I
He just shook his head and watched in amusement as I continued to scarf down my food like I
hadnt eaten in a week.
Hey, shouldnt you be at the comic book store? I questioned, raising an eyebrow. The only
reason I asked was so that he would stop staring at me. It made me uncomfortable when
someone watched me eat. It was awkward too.
Its Monday, he answered simply.
Oh. Just from those two words, I knew exactly why he wasnt at work. Crawford Comics wasnt
open on Mondays. It was open every other day of the weekeven on the weekendsso Mondays
were everyones day off. Well, everyone that worked there, which was really only Scott and myself.
Charlie, is this how you spend your lunch period? Theres thing called a cafeteria, its where you
eat and, you know, socialize, Scott said, putting extra emphasis on the last word of the sentence.
I know, Scott. And if I wanted it eat in the cafeteria, Id eat in the cafeteria.
So why arent you?
For someone who aspired to be a lawyer, my brother wasnt always the sharpest crayon in the
box, if you knew what I meant. Because I dont want to, I drawled out so slowly that each word
practically became a sentence on its own.
Dont want to socialize, or dont want to eat in the cafeteria?
I shrugged. I dont know. Both. Whats the difference?
Whats the difference? Scott scoffed dramatically. Cmon, Charlie, do you even try to make
friends? I wasnt entirely sure if he was just joking or he wanted a real answer.
That was rhetorical! He rolled his eyes at me. You know that forever alone meme on the
internet? Yeah, thats you.
Wow. Thank you. What an honor, I deadpanned. No, really, you are too kind.
You need to get out more. Seriously, go to a few parties, make some friends, get a boyfriend,
maybe. I dont know. Ladies and gentleman, advice from my oh-so-loving brother. Hed like to
thank the Academy. Although, he had a lot of friends, so I guess I had to give him credit for that.
And for Petes sake, stop reading textbooks in your free time. He sighed and reached across
the table to flip the textbook shut with a loud thud. I gasped softly, startled by the sudden noise.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Scott muttered under his breath. Charlie, you need to get a life. He
sounded like he was only half-joking this time.
I have
I meant a social life, he interjected. I really hated my brothers pep talks. It was at times like
these where I wished my parents were still around. Their talks were faster and more efficient. And
I didnt feel so indignant after.
Scott, I can take care of myself and make my own decisions. Im not a kid.
He raised his hands in the universal sign of surrender while trying to hold back a grin. I never
said you were. I was just trying to help, okay, Little Miss Grown-Up?
My friends and I We just grew apart, thats all, I lied. I scoffed internally. Grew apart? More
like I grew distant and they didnt want to deal with me anymore.
Sure. He could tell I was lying, but (thankfully) dropped the subject. Hey, did I tell you that one
of my friends Iced me at the comic book store?
Iced you? I arched an eyebrow.
Yeah. Youve never heard of Icing someone? The bemused expression on my face mustve
told that I had never in fact heard of Icing before. He explained what it meant and told me about
this stupid game involving Smirnoff Ice and stupidity (and usually frat boys) and after that, I just
tuned his voice out. I pretended to listen, though, occasionally nodding my head or offering an Ah,
thats cool or Mmhmm.
We continued talking about everything and nothing until the bell rang and everyone else in the
library scrambled to get to their classes.
Scott rose up from his chair slowly and reached over the table to ruffle my hair. See you at
home, Charlie. He shot me a grin and started to stride out of the library, and then abruptly
stopped and turned to face me again. Remember: No. More. Reading. Textbooks. For. Fun.
I rolled my eyes and nodded.
Seeming satisfied enough with my response, Scott chuckled light-heartedly and left the library.
Quickly, I shoved my half-eaten sandwich back into my lunchbox and gathered up all my
belongings. On the way out, I tossed my empty juice box into the recycling bin right outside the
library. I rushed through the crowded hallway, pushing past people and dodging the throngs of
students that were filing in the hall from the cafeteria.
I knew how nerdy it sounded, but I didnt want to be late to class. My attendance record was
pretty much perfect, and I wasnt changing that now.
When I finally reached my locker, I hurriedly entered the combination and the lock popped open.
I traded my lunchbox for books, binders and whatever else I needed for my afternoon classes. I
spared a glance down at my watch. Five minutes left until Biology officially started. And it was on
the other end of the school. Great.
I took a few calming breaths. It was okay. I had plenty of time, I assured myself.
Briefly glancing at the small mirror I had taped to the inside of my locker, right under where my
schedule was, I noticed how messy my straw-coloured hair was, probably from Scott ruffling it. I
ran my hands through the silky strands in an attempt to straighten them. It didnt work too well.
I gave my watch another quick peek. Four minutes left. That should be enough time to get to
class if I hurried.
And with that last thought, I slammed my locker shut and rearranged the books in my arms so
my right hand was free to lock it back up.
The halls were much clearer now that most students were already in their classrooms or on their
way there. A few people remained in the hall, either at their locker or talking to their friends.
I whizzed past a few students who were just milling about, and in my haste, I accidentally
barrelled into someone, making usalong with our notebooks and the rest of our stuffboth
topple to the ground. As I was walking around on my knees, picking up all my books that were
scattered across the floor, I thought about two things: one, how I would have to throw my jeans in
the washing machine as soon as I got home because the floor wasnt exactly what I would call
clean, and two, the dull throb I felt in my shoulder because whoever I had just run into made it feel
like I had crashed right into a brick wall.
After I had collected all my stuff, I took a good look at whoever I had just run into, just to make
sure that they were not, in fact, a brick wall. When I realized who it was, I let out a softalmost
Great, just great. I was going to die.
His name was Hunter Greene. Yes, like the colour. My friends and Iback when I still had
friendsused to joke about how his name was a shade of green. But really, no one dared to make
fun of his name, or anything else about him, for that matter. Well, at least not to his face. Unless
you had a death wish, which I did not.
You see, Hunter was the closest thing to a juvenile delinquent that this school had. A JD, a hood,
a stereotypical high school bad-boy Whichever way you wanted to put it, that was Hunter. He
was the type of guy thatd give you a black eye if you looked at him the wrong way. He was the
type of guy that wore his signature army jacket all year round, even the summer in the sweltering
heat. He was the type of guy that gambled, cheated, stole, lied, drank, smoked and did a million
other things that he really shouldnt.
Or so Ive heard.
I really didnt know anything about Hunter, but everyone else at this school seemed to think that
they did. About a million versions of his life story had been whispered, gossiped and passed on
through the student body, each and every one of them different. A few of them actually made me
laugh because they were so absurd.
Some said that Hunter went to a reform school or jail, and now he had to wear an ankle bracelet
so the cops could track him down if they ever needed to. Others said that he was a spy trained by
assassins and part of his mission was going to high school so he could blend in until he found his
target and exterminated them.
I chose not to believe any of those stories or anything else that anyone said about him. Unless,
of course, Hunter said it himself.
Everyone seemed to have level of respect for Hunter. Whether that was because he was one of
the most talked-about people at our school or because he probably could bash your face in at any
second if he wanted to (have you seen the muscles on that guy?), I wasnt entirely sure. Maybe it
was both of those reasons.
But just because I refused to believe all the rumours about him didnt mean they werent true.
Which was why, after I gathered all my belongings from the floor, I felt cold beads of sweat run
down my back and begin to formulate on my palms and hairline.
Hey, watch where youre going, Hunter growled dangerously, shooting me a contemptuous
Sorry, I managed to squeak out in a voice that sounded nothing like how I usually did.
One of the guys in Hunters posse held out a hand to him, but Hunter just swatted it away and
got up without anyone elses assistance. Hunter narrowed his eyes at the guy as his lips curled
into a scowl. The guyone of Hunters followers, as I liked to call thembacked up a little.
And he was only trying to help, I thought to myself.
Hunter always had some sort of posse following him around everywhere. There were about four
or five guys and they, like Hunter, were all bad-boys. They werent as bad as Hunter, though. He
was still the worst of them all. When I first saw them, I thought that they were a gang of JDs. It
turned out that they werent actually a gang, despite popular beliefs, and none of them were actual
delinquents, with the exception of Hunter, who I was unsure of. But just because they werent
proven criminals didnt mean they were exactly assets to society, if you get what Im saying. I was
sure that did things that were illegal, but just didnt get caught.
Hunter turned back to me and said in this deep, menacing voice, Next time youd better watch
where youre going. Got it? It didnt sound like a question as it did a demand. It also sounded like
there would be consequences if it were to ever happen again. I hoped that it wouldnt because I
didnt really want to think about what the consequences could possibly be.
Y-yeah, got it, I stammered. I wasnt good at talking to people (with the exception of my
brother). Or confrontations. So this whole scene was probably less awkward for me than it was for
Cmon, Hunter, we dont have time to waste on this loser, Hunters right-hand man, Aaron,
sneered. He called me a few more names that were a bit worse than loser.
Uh, yeah, youre right. Before he turned and walked away, I got a real good look at Hunter.
Hunter had dark brown hair that fell over his face in the form of bangs. They matched his brown
eyes that appeared almost pitch-black. It was like he had either a scowl or a smirk permanently
glued to his face, which made his overall handsome face remarkably less attractive. As usual, he
was wearing his oversized army jacket. I wondered if he ever took it off. Or washed it. I could
practically see his biceps even though he was wearing that bulky jacket. Welcome to the gun show,
ladies. He was lean and muscular, and could probably rip a copy of the Yellowpages in half if he
Finally, he walked away to whatever class he had next and I exhaled deeply in relief that our
whole confrontation was over. To be honest, Hunter kind of scared me. And when I said scared
me, I meant more than when Scott made me stay up late one night to watch a marathon of all the
Alien movies with him. I had nightmares of creatures popping out of my stomach for weeks after
I wasnt sure There was just something about him that practically screamed trouble!
Speak of the devil I noticed Hunter glance back at me one last time. It was quick, faster than
the blink of an eye, but I thought I saw something flash in his eyes. I wasnt quite sure what it was,
but it almost seemedregretful. No, that couldnt have been right. Could it? Well, that was the
only way I could describe what I just saw.
What did he regret? All he did was loosely threaten me and then Aaron called me a loser. That
wasnt much; it was virtually nothing by Hunters standards.
I didnt even know Hunter could feel regret. If he could, he certainly didnt show it oftenor at all.
The thing about Hunter was that he did whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, without caring
about the repercussions of his actions. If there were two things that Hunter was notorious for at
school, they would be: one, being bad to the bone, and two, getting his way. He always did what
he wanted, even if it meant getting in trouble because really, Hunter didnt care about that. Or
whatever damage he had caused. Or peoples feelings.
But then I started to think differently. Maybe he did care, but he just didnt show it.
I smiled and rolled my eyes at my own stupidity.
Ah, who was I kidding? It was Hunter. Hunter Greene. Of course he didnt care.
On that final note, I started toward Biology. I quickened my pace to a full-on sprint once I
realized that I had a minute at most until the bell rang. The slapping of my sneakers against the
floor grew loudly the faster I ran, and cringed when my shoes let out a high-pitched squeak after I
skidded around a corner.
I reached the Biology room with about two seconds to spare. I scanned the room for an empty
desk. They were all occupied except for the one at the front, right in the middle. I had no other
options, so I slid into the seat and as soon as my butt hit the chair, the bell wailed, signalling the
official start of class.
Most people hated sitting up front, but I wasnt like most people. For one thing, I actually listened
in class and understood whatever it was we were learning about. And if I didnt, I asked. Sounded
nerdy, but it was how I kept my grades up.
I smiled in satisfaction and did my best to slow down my heartbeat, which had sped up as I ran
across the school in record time to get to class. I organized my books on the desk and for the first
time since lunch, I was totally at ease.


As students began filing out after the bell rang to mark the end of Biology, I scooped up all my
books in my arms and was about to make my way to Math, when Mr. Ellis called my name.
Ms. Crawford, may I have a word with you?
Sure, I said since it wasnt actually a question; it was more like he was telling me that he
wanted to talk to me. I wondered exactly what it was that he wanted to speak to me about. Maybe
he was planning on starting a Biology club and needed someone to spread the word about it.
You too, Mr. Greene.
I swore I could feel my heart stop for a moment, absolutely frozen, before galloping at twice its
usual speed. This was definitely not a talk about a potential Biology club.
Hunter, who was laughing at something Aaron just told him, said, Ill meet up with you guys
after school. Then he turned to our Biology teacher, Mr. Ellis, with annoyance clearly etched on
his face. Hmm?
I didnt even know Hunter was in my Biology class. I knew we had a few classes together, but I
didnt know this was one of them. Maybe I had never noticed him because he always sat in the
very back while I was usually up in the front.
Mr. Ellis patiently waited until all the other students had left the room before addressing us.
Charlie, Hunter
He didnt even get to finish half his sentence before Hunter abruptly cut him off. Look, Ive got
places to be, so do you think you could make this quick?
Mr. Ellis sighed. I hope by places, you mean your next class. And Ill try to get through this as
fast as possible. Hunter, are you aware that youre failing most of your classes? The news didnt
come as a surprise to me.
Hunter didnt seem the least bit fazed. I figured that much.
If you keep it up, well have to hold you back again this year, Mr. Ellis said seriously, speaking
on the rest of the teachers behalf.
Doesnt sound too bad. Third times the charm, right? Hunter smirked. Last year he flunked
everything and got held back, which meant that this was his second year as a high school senior.
It also meant that he was a year older than everyone else.
Hunter, Im serious. Which is why Charlies here, Mr. Ellis replied calmly, trying to suppress a
smirk of his own.
I didnt understand what I had to do with all of this, but I had a feeling Mr. Ellis would explain
Charlie has extraordinary grades and is passing every one of her courses with flying colours
Which is why she would be the perfect tutor for you, he finished with a grin, his eyes darting back
and forth between the two of us.
My jaw went slack, leaving my mouth hanging wide open in shock. I think a fly almost flew into
my mouth, but thankfully it didnt. Subconsciously, I looked over at Hunter to see if his reaction
was anything like mine. It was.
His jaw practically dropped to the ground and he gave Mr. Ellis a disdainful glare like he wanted
to murder him for merely suggesting that.
I could not be Hunters tutor! Why? Well, for a whole bunch of reasons. The first (and most
obvious) being the fact that he hated me. I was sure of it. Every time he looked at me, it was either
in contempt or disgust, like he was looking at scum stuck to the bottom of his shoe. (There was a
split-second where he appeared to be regretful, but that didnt count.) I didnt even do anything to
him! Okay, yeah, I crashed into him at full speed earlier, but that was once. Id never even spoken
to him before that.
Which brought me to my next point. I couldnt even talk to the guy without stuttering or stumbling
on my words. I really didnt talk to anyoneexcept my brotheranymore, but if someone just
randomly wanted to start a conversation with me, I would be able to at least form coherent
sentences around them. But with Hunter Yeah, not so much. But to be fair, I didnt think anyone
would be completely comfortable talking to a possible delinquent.
Mr. Ellis averted his gaze back and forth between Hunter and I, expectedly waiting for one of us
to speak up.
I, uh, I I didnt even know how to respond to the whole predicament; I was still partially in
Ill give you two a minute to work things out amongst yourselves, Mr. Ellis said, getting up from
his chair. He smiled at us one last time before leaving us alone in the room, presumably to go to
the bathroom. He looked a bit jittery while he was teaching the lesson and every time he stood up
to write something on the blackboard, he would cross his legs awkwardly.
Hunter turned to me and simply said, I dont need a tutor, so dont start thinking that I do. Youre
not going to tutor me and we can forget this whole thing even happened. His tone wasnt
dangerous or threatening like it was earlier. It was still firm, though.
I didnt object, even though I probably shouldve. Actually, I didnt say anything at all. I didnt
know what to do, so I just stood there quietly, thinking this whole thing over. He mustve taken my
silence as an agreement to not tutor him because he hastily left the room without another word.
Part of me was glad that I hadnt agreed to tutor him because every time I was around him, I
turned into a stuttering moron. But another part of me secretly hoped that this wouldnt be our last
encounter. It seemed like there was more to Hunter than everyone thought. He was like an
intricate puzzle that no one had really solved yet.
I had never really known a lot of people that were like Hunter. Trouble-makers, I mean. People
who did whatever they wanted and took however many risks doing whatever that may be.
But maybe a few risks were just what I needed in my life.
Hey, did the new shipment of Batman comics come in yet? I called from the back room of
Crawford Comics. Rifling through the cardboard boxes of comics, I found pretty much everything
except for the issues I was searching for.
The back room (or the storage room, as we sometimes referred to it as) was filled from floor to
ceiling with boxes of comics. The only pieces of furniture in the room were a few chairs set up
around a round, wooden table that was good for playing Poker or Dungeons & Dragons, which
was mostly what we used it for. It was actually a pretty big room, but since we kept an endless
supply of comics in there, it always seemed cramped and sometimes made me feel claustrophobic.
The back room was where we stored all the comics that didnt sell very well, everything that we
didnt have room for in the actual store part of Crawford Comics, and all the new shipments that
had just come in. There were a lotand I wasnt using that term looselyand it could take me a
whole week to search through every single one of the boxes.
Scott? I called again. I waited a moment, but still got response. Hey, Scott? That time, the
only answer I received was a muffled snore, then another, and finally a cough. He was asleep. I
rolled my eyes at the thought of my brother choking on his own snores. Was that even possible?
Id have to look that up later.
I entered the main part of the store to find Scott sitting behind the counter, coughing strenuously.
Are you okay?
Yeah, yeah, its all good, he assured me, waving it off. Just a little tired. Even with an empty
coffee cup lying haphazardly on the counter in front of him, he still appeared to be as tired as he
Did you sleep enough last night? I questioned, mostly to break the silence that had
uncomfortably settled between us because I already had an idea as to what the answer was.
Do I ever? he replied, laughing hollowly. He reached over to grab another cup of coffee sitting
on the other end of the counter, near the cash register. Wisps of steam surrounded the top of the
cup and Scott hesitantly took a sip. But Ive been sleeping a bit more, recently.
Scott was like this every morning. The endless cups of coffee, the restlessness; it was pretty
much part of our morning routine now. Long story short, Scott had insomnia. He had a hard time
sleeping at night and if he did eventually manage to fall asleep, he had trouble staying asleep,
which was why he was always so tired in the morning.
I went with him to go see a doctor about it after it first started. The doctor told him that it was
probably from stress. He advised Scott to get plenty of exercise and eat more healthy food, which
sounded to me exactly like what you would tell someone who was planning to go on a diet, not
someone who couldnt sleep. The doctor said it would work, though, and if it didnt, he should try
chewing Valerian root.
Scott tried everything the doctor suggested, but none of it worked. Not even the Valerian root.
So he went back to the doctor again. This time, he was told to just relax. And that was just what he
did. He hung out with his friends more often, loosened up, and even got himself a girlfriend. But
the insomnia never went away, so he learned to live with it.
But for the past few weeks, I began to see a change in Scott. He slept more and more and he
started to remind me of how he was before he had insomnia. The old Scott everyone knew and
loved. I hoped that his insomnia would soon disappear completely.
Scott used to be the happy-go-luckiest, most laid-back person I knew, and still was. Well, only
after he had his two cups of coffee in the morning. He was only half-awake until he drank his
coffee (with extra caffeine shots, of course). After that he was fine and could, for the most part,
function normally for the rest of the day and had his usual playful, grinning demeanor.
And if he didnt have his caffeine fix for the day, it meant that he still be half-asleep and half-
awake. Then he was tired, restless and basically emotionless, which always made me think of him
as a brain-dead zombie. Or a robot. A robot-zombie, maybe. It also wasnt a good idea to bother
Scott when he was in zombie insomniac mode because he was prone to acting erratically.
At least he was getting betterkind of. Before, no matter how much caffeine he had in the
morning, he wouldnt snap out of his zombie trance. At least this was an improvement.
As I watched my brother slowly sip his coffee and rub the sleepiness from his eyes, I noticed that
he seemed to be waking up. He looked better and much more alert now, which was always good.
Better now?
Yeah, much. I saw the corners of his lips curl up as he tipped his head back and finished off
the rest of his coffee in one hearty swig. He was a fast drinker. I blamed all the drinking games he
and his friends liked to partake in.
Scott tossed both of the empty coffee cups and they sailed across the room, landing in the trash
can with two satisfying thumps. He shoots, he scores! he yelled jubilantly, punching his fist in the
air. Looked like he was alright now.
Oh, I wanted to ask you if the new shipment of Batman comics came in, I said, finally
remembering what I had initially wanted to tell my brother before I caught him sleeping on the job.
I already checked the back room, but I couldnt find them.
Batman? he repeated under his breath, talking more to himself than me. The contorted,
concentrated expression that was plastered on his face made it look like he was struggling to rack
his brain for answers. Suddenly, his eyes flew open until they were as wide as saucers and he
struck his forehead forcefully with the palm of his hand. Oh shit!
What? Whats wrong?
Shit! he exclaimed again, pinching the bridge of his nose with his index finger and thumb, as if
trying to prevent a headache.
What? I reiterated.
The new comics. I mustve I mustve forgotten to order them. For a moment I wondered if
Scott was saying that or if it was the insomnia talking, because his insomnia seemed to be the
main reason why Scott was so forgetful sometimeshe never got enough rest.
You know what? Its okay, Scott assured me calmly. The tone he used made me think of how a
parent would talk to a child after they made a mess or something. An easy to clean mess, though.
Ill just order them today and they should be in by next week.
I nodded. Sounds like a plan.
He shot me a grin and two thumbs up. Awesome. Ill do it later.
Maybe you should write it down somewhere before you forget, I suggested, giving him a
pointed look.
Good idea. He found a pen and a stack of post-it notes, and after he had finished scribbling a
note for later reference, he stuck the post-it to the top of his laptop, which was conveniently sitting
right there on the counter.
Another moment passed where neither of us said anything. Scott silently reread whatever he
wrote on the post-it a few more times, probably to make sure he would remember to order the new
comics, and I just sorted through the issues, checking to see if they were in the right place (the
Aquaman comics in the box labelled Aquaman, the Green Lantern comics in the Green Lantern
box, and so on).
So hows Tiffany? Tiffany was Scotts girlfriend. They had been together for about two years
now, give or take. Things were getting pretty serious between them. Tiffany was also the first thing
I asked about when I wanted to strike up a conversation with Scott. He just really loved talking
about her. She was a good conversation opener and I bet she didnt even know it.
Scotts grin broadened so it was stretching from ear to ear, and he got this lovey-dovey look on
his face like he always did when someone mentioned Tiffany. His whole face lit up, his eyes
twinkled with mirth, and it looked like he forgot about all his problems when he talked about her.
Scott was in love. Anyone could tell by the way he looked at her or acted around her. He and
Tiffany, they reminded me of my parents. How they would gaze into each others eyes for minutes
on end, or how they always seemed to be in their own little world where nothing mattered except
for the two of them in that moment
Shes great. Were going out tonight. Bowling, maybe, I dont know. Im letting her choose
where we go tonight and she really loves bowling, so thats probably what were doing. Scott
continued to ramble on insouciantly, and I just listened. It was amusing how hed always get so
excited to go on dates with Tiffany even though they saw each other almost every day. He could
probably talk about Tiffany for hours if he wanted to, but I didnt mind. It was cute how perfect they
were for each other.
Whenever I saw people in love, I always wondered what it was like. I had never been in a
serious relationship beforeor any relationship at all. Was love like how it was portrayed in the
movies? I highly doubted it because movies always over-exaggerated things. Thats what made
them movies.
I blinked out of my reverie as Scott abruptly stopped babbling. He mustve stopped talking mid-
sentence because his mouth was open like he wanted to say something, but the words just
wouldnt roll off his tongue. I noticed him furrow his eyebrows in concentration, which was odd
since he kept opening and closing his mouth like he wanted to say something but would stop
himself short before any words even came out.
Hey, Charlie, he started tentatively. The carefree grin was back on his face, but there was a
bit of uncertainty to it.
If I tell you something, can you not tell anybody? I want it to be between you and me. Well, for
Yeah, of course, Scott. Who would I tell? I could very well be the loneliest person on the face of
the Earth. Your secret is safe with me. For good measure, I traced an X over my heart with my
index finger.
Well, what is it? Cmon, tell me! I exclaimed excitedly.
Okay, well He was purposely putting off telling me his big secret just to torture me.
Get on with it already!
He laughed at my impatience. In two weeks, Tiffany and I are gonna be celebrating our three-
year anniversary.
That was the secret? Thats great, Scott. I mean, Im happy for you and all, but its not much of
a secret.
No shit, Sherlock. He rolled his eyes. I wasnt done talking yet.
Oh. Sorry, go on.
I know exactly what I want to get her for our anniversary.
A ring, he said, a euphoric smirk playing along his facial features. He glanced over briefly and
searched my face for a reaction.
A-a ring? I sputtered out in surprise. Did that mean? Does that mean
Thats right! He pointed a finger at me as the smirk was replaced with one of his signature
carefree grins in less than a fraction of a second. I felt like I was on a trivial game show and got
the answer correct. Im gonna ask her to marry me!
I smiled from ear to ear upon hearing the news. My cheeks started to hurt, but I didnt care
because I was too happy and excited for my brother. Oh my God, Scott! Thats great! And then,
without even thinking about it, I fired question after question at him, not even pausing so he could
at least try to answer them all. Did you buy a ring already? When are you going to propose? On
your anniversary? Did you ask Tiffanys father for permission to marry her? Did he give you his
blessing? Are you
Whoa, whoa, whoa there, slow your roll, he said, chuckling. He held his hands up, his palms
facing me. I can only answer one question at a time.
I smiled sheepishly. Sorry. I abandoned the pile of comics I had been sorting through to go
stand beside the counter, directly across from Scott. I rested my arms on the counter and leaned
forward as he tried to answer all the questions I had thrown at him.
No, I havent asked her dad for his permission to marry her yet, but Im going to sometime this
week because I want to pop the question on our anniversary. Its on the Saturday exactly two
weeks from now. And no, I didnt buy a ring already. I was wondering if you wanted to come with
me to pick one out. Tiffany always teases me cause whenever I buy her jewelry, I know she
doesnt like it, even though she says she does. He smiled and shook his head at that.
Yeah, Id be honored to help you pick out a ring.
Great. Thanks so much, Charlie. I really appreciate it. Scott held his hand out and I high-fived
him. Then, as we pulled back from the standard high five, we did the Spock thing with our hands
and slapped them together in a Spock-five, with a chorus of Nerd face! Yes, that was out secret
handshake. Although, I guess it wasnt so secret anymore. It was actually a handshake that Scott
used to have with one of his Star Trek obsessed in middle school, so we added the whole nerd
face thing (which was an inside joke between Scott and I) to make it our own. But really, we were
just too lazy and unoriginal to create our own handshake.
Wow, youre really serious about this, arent you? It was weird to find Scott so serious about
something, let alone a girl.
Yeah, Charlie, I am. I really love Tiffany and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. He had
that lovesick puppy look in his eyes and I knew that everything he was telling me was nothing but
the truth.
But Charlie, he said suddenly, this is between you and me, okay? Dont tell anyone
anyonenot even the mailman. And especially dont tell Tiffany. Do you promise?
I rolled my eyes. Of course I wasnt going to tell anyone. Yes, Scott, I promise.
I said I promise.
But do you?
I sighed. Yeah.
Scott pointed his index finger at me. Remember: thats three times you promised. According to
Scott, if you promised three times, it meant that you couldnt break itno matter what. Not like I
was going to break it anyways.
I shook my head in disbelief at how childish he could be sometimes, and he just shot me a good-
natured grin in response. And with that, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and started dialling
as he absent-mindedly shuffled into the back room, presumably to order the new comics.
I was happy for Scott, I really was. He deserved to be with Tiffany if he loved her. Personally, I
didnt particularly like Tiffany because she could be a bitshady at times, but I chose to ignore
that one little detail since I knew she wouldnt do anything to hurt Scott in any way.
Scott deserved someone who loved him, and maybe Tiffany just happened to be the perfect girl
for him. And if Scott was happy, I was happy.


When I arrived at Just Pie, I didnt expect it to be so busy. Usually I stopped by after school or
after my shift at Crawford Comics and there would only be a few customers scattered around the
diner, all of them lost in their own little world of baked pastry goodness. It was my first time coming
here on a Saturday, and let me tell you, it was much more crowded than I had ever seen it.
Boisterous was more like it.
Just Pie was like any other diner in Maple Valleyexcept the only thing they sold here was, you
guessed it, pie. And milkshakes. And milkshakes with actual pies in them, which tasted a lot better
than it sounds. There was a milkshake bar at the far end of the diner, with comfy stools lined up in
front of the bar. Lou was usually behind the bar because for some reason, he really enjoyed
making milkshakes. The washrooms were right beside the bar, and the rest of the diner was just
filled with booths and tables, most of which were occupied right now. The colour scheme consisted
mostly of black and white (like the floor tiles) and a light shade of turquoise that immediately
reminded me of the 50s. Or maybe it was the 80s. I wasnt quite sure. And to add to the whole
oldies theme, there was a brightly coloured jukebox sitting in one corner of the enterprise. In other
words, it looked exactly like an old-school diner you could find in movies.
Peoplemost of them I recognized from schoolwere either seated at one of the tables or
booths, goofing off, or at the milkshake bar, chatting it up with Lou the bartender (who also
happened to own this joint). Laughter rang out, the sound of talking amplified as more people filed
in, and everyone seemed to be having an all-around good time. That was the reason I loved
coming to Just Pieit was like a constant party was going on.
I plopped down on one of the cushioned, vinyl stools at the milkshake bar, resting my arms on
the counter.
Lou glanced up from the glass he was drying with a dishrag (he mustve just washed it) and as
soon as he saw me, a smile started to inch its way onto his face. Hey kiddo, what can I get for
you today?
I tried to suppress a sigh at how Lou still referred to me as kiddo even though I was eighteen
now and technically an adult. Lou used to be really good friends with my dad (before the accident)
and gave me that nickname when I was about five years old and my dad first introduced me to Lou.
Kiddo. That name stuck around for a long time.
You want the usual?
Nah, I think Ill just have a root beer float today.
Sure thing, Lou said. As he started making me my float, he asked, So howre you doing?
Hows school?
Fine. Fine seemed much more suitable than telling Lou about Hunter and how he refused to
be tutored by me. Lou probably didnt care. He was just too affable not to ask.
Hows your brother?
Head over heels in love. I smirked. That was the most I could say without giving away the big
Same old same old, then?
Yeah, I guess you could put it that way. And that marked the end of Lous routine questions.
He always asked about my brother and I whenever he saw me, just to check up on us and make
sure everything was okay.
I swivelled around on my stool as I waited for my float and glanced around to see if anyone I
knew was here. There were some people from school that I knew, but didnt actually know know. I
only recognized them because they were in some of my classes. I also spotted one of Scotts
friends. The one with thick square-framed glasses that occasionally dropped by the comic book
store to engage in a never-ending game of Dungeons & Dragons with Scott and a few more of
their geeky friends (although, I shouldnt be one to talk because sometimes I joined in on their
games of D&D). I wasnt quite sure what his real name was because I only ever referred to him as
The Dungeon Master.
I scanned over the other people in the diner until my gaze landed upon another familiar face.
Well, faces. As in plural. Hunter and his crew were seated at one of the booths, flicking drops of
milkshake at each other with their straws. I shook my head disapprovingly. Boys were idiots.
Hunters thoughts mustve mirrored mine because he looked like he would rather be anywhere
than there. Actually, he pretty much always looked like that. Or at least he did whenever he was
around Aaron and the rest of his posse. Hunters lips were curled up in a scowl and every time he
got sprinkled with drops of his friends milkshakes, he would let out a growl that sounded so low
and dangerous it couldve come from a wolf.
Abruptly, he scooted out of the booth and began swaggering out of the diner.
Hey, where are you going? Aaron called after him. He paused, his straw poised and ready to
attack at any moment.
Hunter replied, but half of his sentence was cut off by the sound of the front door slamming
behind him on his way out. I think he said something along the lines of, Be right back. Im going
outside for a smoke.
Heres your root beer float, Charlie, Lous voice said from behind me.
I spun back around to face him and started to pull my wallet out of my jacket pocket. How much
do I owe you?
Nothing. I paused. Its on the house.
I laughed and took my wallet out anyway. Lou, thats what you always say. Can you just let me
pay for once? I grabbed a few bills from my wallet and slid them across the counter to Lou, but he
just slid them right back. I narrowed my eyes at him and he countered by narrowing his. I knew
Lou wouldnt take no for an answer so I just said, Im paying next time. Im practically robbing
you with all these on the house treats.
Lou simply smiled before moving on to the next customer.
I picked up my drink and spun back around to continue surveying the diner. I stirred my float with
my straw a few times before taking a refreshing gulp. If there were such thing as Heaven on Earth,
it would be this root beer float. Or Lous pies. I loved Lous pies.
The front door opened and I saw Tiffany saunter in. I grinned, just thinking of how happy she
made Scott. He was like a love-struck fool whenever he was around her. Or even when he simply
talked about her.
My grin faltered and eventually disappeared altogether when I noticed Tiffany didnt come alone.
She was with another guya guy that wasnt my brother. And she was clinging to his arm like it
was like the last lifeboat on the Titanic. No it wasnt clinging like Im-watching-a-horor-movie-and-
whether-I-know-you-or-not clinging. It was more like were-going-out-and-I-have-to-show-the-
whole-world-by-holding-onto-you-for-dear-life clinging.
Tiffany, the supposedly sweet girl who was dating my older brotherthe girl he wanted to marry,
for Gods sakewas out with another man. And it was brazenly obvious that they were a couple.
Tiffany was going out with someone else.
Tiffany was two-timing my brother.
Tiffany was cheating on Scott.
Scott didnt even know. The poor guy, he wanted to marry her. Tiffany, that cheater.
I was sure I wouldve dropped my glass on the floor if I wasnt clutching it tightly enough to turn
my knuckles white. I placed the glass back down on the counter in fear of shattering it with my
death grip. (I wasnt all that strong, but I was kind of caught up in the heat of the moment, so who
knows what couldve happened.)
I watched with narrowed eyes as the Mystery Man led Tiffany to an empty table and she giggled
girlishly the whole way there. It was the same giggle she used whenever Scott tried to be funny.
Without even realizing it, my hands clenched into fists at the sight of them together. Oh the
things I wouldve done to her with these fists if I had the strength or courage. The no hitting girls
rule didnt apply if you are a girl, did it?
Before I got any deeper into my thoughts, I forced myself to calm down and think rationally for a
To be honest, I wasnt completely sure if Tiffany and the Mystery Man were going out or not. For
all I knew, they couldve just been really close friends. Friends whokissed. Passionately.
And then there was the sixty-four thousand dollar question: should I tell Scott?
If I did decide to tell him, hed probably just get upset and accuse me of lying. But if I didnt tell
him and he found out somehow, hed probably just get upset anyway because I kept it from him. It
was just one of those situations where I lost no matter what I did.
Well at least I knew one thing for surelife just got a little more complicated.

I woke up from the most peaceful slumber Ive had in Well, the most peaceful slumber Ive had.
Period. A certain calmness settled over me, and for once, I wasnt internally debating with myself
over whether or not I should just get up or allow myself ten more minutes of rest. I always went
with the first option because I knew ten minutes would turn into fifteen, and then twenty, and then
Id be late for school. And of course I didnt want that to happen.
But for some odd, unexplainable reason, I didnt feel tired at all. It was strange. Strange like how
on the weekdays or whenever I had to get up early, I felt the need to sleep in for hours longer, but
on weekends when I woke up, I just woke up. Maybe I looked into things a bit too much. I always
caught my mind wandering off to weird places in the early hours of the morning.
Extending my arms as high as I could, I briefly glanced at the digital alarm clock sitting on my
bedside table. I froze mid-stretch when I noticed the time. Ten minutes past eight. That left me
with a mere twenty minutes to get ready and go to school.
My morning didnt seem so peaceful anymore.
I rummaged through my closet and found a pair of simple blue jeans and a red t-shirt that had
Bazinga! printed on it. I deemed the outfit acceptable enough (because really, when is it not a
good day to wear a Big Bang Theory shirt?) and rushed to the bathroom with the pile of clothes in
my arms. It was times like these when I appreciated my simple jeans-and-nerdy-shirt sense of
style and patted myself on the back (mentally, of course, because my hands were full) for not
being a high-maintenance fashionista like some people at school.
I brushed my teeth and changed my clothes at the same time, which was much harder than I
initially thought itd be. When I was done, I hopped into the kitchen on one foot while trying to slip a
sock on the other.
Scott lowered his newspaper and peered over the top, watching me as amused curiosity
flickered in his eyes. I glanced over at the coffee pot involuntarily as I continued to hop around in
circles on one socked foot. The coffee pot was empty, but some of the coffee ground pooled at the
bottom of the pot, letting me know that Scott already had his share of caffeine for the day.
Sleep well? he asked, the corners of his mouth beginning to tug upwards in his usual grin.
Yeah, a little too well, I replied hurriedly. Scanning the kitchen for something to eat, I spotted a
plain piece of toast on a plate on the table in front of my brother. You gonna eat that? I didnt
even wait for him to answer before taking a massive bite.
Whoa, slow down or youre gonna choke. I dont think you want Death by Toast engraved on
your tombstone, my brother teased. Whats the rush?
Its 8:20! I exclaimed.
Scott checked his wristwatch. Huh. It is. So?
So? So its Monday! School starts in ten minutes!
Want me to drive you? he offered casually. He folded his newspaper back into a neat little
square and stood up as if he already knew I was going to say yes.
It took me about twenty minutes to walk to school, and twelve to run. That still wasnt enough
time, so I saw no other option than to have Scott drive me. Um, yeah, thanks.
His only response was a brisk nod and a mischievous smirk. Wait.
What? We needed to leave now. There was no time to dawdle!
You owe me now.
Thats not fair! You offered!
Sure its fair. Unless, of course, youd rather run to school and hope to make it there on time.
His smirk broadened. Blackmail, huh? So he was using the fact that I didnt have my own car to
his advantage. He was clever, I had to give him that.
Fine, fine, I said hastily.
So you owe me, right?
I said yes, okay?
So you agree you owe me one?
Yeah, now can we leave?
Were leaving, he said, striding over to the front door, and I hastened to keep up with his pace.
Just remember: thats three times you promised, Scott reminded me in a sing-song voice. If I
knew what he was going to ask, I probably wouldnt have been so quick to agree.


Hey, uh, Charlie, Scott started tentatively, do you think you could help me out with something?
He was wringing his hands nervously and kept shifting his weight from one foot to the other. He
shot me an innocent smile that really didnt work on him.
I kept working on the Dungeons & Dragons map I had wanted to finish for the past few weeks.
Between homework, studying and working at Crawford Comics, I didnt have that much time to
complete it. I averted my gaze to my brother, who was staring at me impatiently, expecting an
Depends, I finally drawled out, sketching the perimeter of a room at the very end of a long,
sinuous hallway.
On what?
Will I get arrested?
Dont think so.
Lets hope not.
Then why would I ask you in the first place? That was good enough an answer for me.
I set my pencil down to give Scott my undivided attention. Okay, fine, what do you want?
Well, I invited Tiffany over for dinner. I completely froze at the mention of her name. And I was
wondering if youd cook us some of your delicious pasta Flattery wasnt getting him anywhere,
especially not today.
I couldnt cook for Scott and Tiffany. Okay, Id be happy making Scott some dinner, but definitely
not Tiffany. Last time I saw her, I found out that she was cheating on my brother. That was not
good, really not good. I didnt think I could stand being around her longer than necessary. I had to
tell Scott
I forced myself to relax before Scott noticed something was up. I couldnt tell him yet. I didnt
even know for sure if Tiffany was cheating on him. I just saw her with another guy, that was all.
Girls go out with guys all the time. Theyre allowed to have guy friends. I assured myself that
nothing more was going on between them. Just friends. Yeah. Friends. It was too bad I didnt
believe myself.
I stopped freaking out internally because if I went crazy over this, Scott would start freaking out
(for no reason other than I was freaking out) and everything would turn to chaos and it would be
awkward and
Taking a few deep breaths through my nose and exhaling out my mouth, I calmly gathered my
map and the rest of my supplies, and started walking to my room as if I wasnt practically
exploding on the inside. After I returned the stuff to my bedroom, I entered the living room again
where Scott was still staring at me expectedly, waiting for the answer I hadnt given him yet.
Ill have to give you a rain check on that, I said, trying to keep my voice neutral. I havean
important event I need to attend. Its important. I was a horrible liar. I knew it, Scott knew it, heck,
everyone (whether Id ever lied to them or not) probably knew it too. When I lied, it was more
obvious than when Pinocchio did. And his nose grew. If that wasnt conspicuous, I didnt know
what was.
I could tell that Scott saw right through me, but he pretended not to and decided to play along
with my act. I hate to keep you from whateverimportant event you need to attend that is oh-so-
important, but I need you to do this one little thing for me. Please? Its imperative.
Imperative? Dont strain your brain with all those big words, I teased.
Shut up. Im in law school. That was pretty much Scotts way of saying he was smarter than me.
Pre-law, I corrected. And no, I am not cooking you dinner. Go cook yourself.
Do you not remember the last time I tried to use the stove?
I cringed. Yes. I remembered. Long story short, the fire department had to get involved. And the
SWAT team. It wasnt pretty.
Plus, he added thoughtfully, smirking, I thought you might say no, which is why I thought of a
back-up plan. Do you remember when I drove you to school this morning, saving your sleepy ass
from being late?
I sighed. It happened just this morning, how could I forget?
You still owe me for that. And this is the favour I want to cash in.
I guess it was fair enough. After all, he did give me a ride this morning, resulting in me just barely
arriving at school on time. But I got there before the bell rang, so I couldnt really complain. I owed
him now, which meant that I was obligated to do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted.
Within reason, of course. I didnt want to sound restricting, but even favours had limitations.
I must admit, Scott was smart for having a back-up plan. It was almost like he anticipated the
whole thing to happen. Then, like a flash of lightning, I was struck by a sudden thought. Hey, did
you turn off my alarm clock on purpose this morning? If he knew I wouldnt want to be late, itd be
the perfect time to offer me a ride and earn himself a free favour.
He laughed. No, but I wish I wouldve thought of that. Then again, I mightve just forgotten to
reset my alarm clock last night.
I heaved a sigh. Fine, Ill do it. Out of all the possible things he couldve asked me to do, this
was fairly easy. Also, I didnt like to owe people, especially Scott.
He grinned. Alright, great.
But you have to help.
But he started, but I cut him off.
You can handle buttering some bread, cant you?
Fine, he huffed, his smile faltering slightly.
Oh, and one more thing. What kind of pasta do you want?
Scott just stared at me blankly. What does it matter?
Do you want the long noodles or the short and curly ones?
He burst out laughing. The second option. Who doesnt love some short n curlies?


Scott leaned forward until his head was hovering just inches over one of the two plates of pasta I
had finished making only a few moments ago. Some of the steam rose up to meet his face and his
nose twitched as he inhaled deeply, sniffing the food like how a dog would. Smells delicious, he
Uh, thanks, I said, although it sounded more like a question.
Scott checked his watch and his eyes flew wide open. Oh shit! Tiffanys gonna be here at any
second now! I need to find something decent to wear. He dashed out of the kitchen so fast youd
think the devil was chasing him.
Huh. I was used to Scott being weird, so that was nothing out of the ordinary. Just another
average day at the Crawford household. As my brother was busying himself with finding
something decent to wear, I started to sprinkle some parmesan cheese over the pasta. This was
one of the dishes my mom taught me how to cook, which was why it was my absolute favourite.
Scotts too.
Okay, tell me which one looks better, Scott said when he came back, holding up two shirts, one
in each hand. Two ties, one black and one white, were draped over each shoulder. He slung one
shirt over his shoulder while he held the other in front of his body and one of the ties in front of the
shirt. White dress shirt with the black tie Then he switched the shirts and ties he was holding in
a rapid flurry of cloth. or the black dress shirt with the white tie?
Scott usually never cared about his appearance; he didnt need to. He was the kind of guy that
could wear sweat pants and a t-shirt every single day and still be able to pull it offwhich was
exactly the reason he surprised me when he asked me to help pick out an outfit.
Well, um, what kind of look are you going for? Casual? Dressy? I really didnt know a thing
about fashion, but I tried my best.
Then I think you should go with the black shirt. But lose the tie.
Thanks, Charlie.
Youre welcome, I replied, watching him run back to his room.
He returned a moment later, clad in the black dress shirt and dark-washed jeans. He rolled the
sleeves of his shirt up to his elbows and I noticed he left the top few buttons of his shirt undone.
Very suave.
So, how do I look? he asked, continuously running a hand through his hair, unknowingly
tousling it to perfection.
You looksnazzy.
Did you seriously just say the word snazzy?
Yeah. So? I didnt find anything wrong with the word snazzy. What did he?
Never mind.
I watched Scott intently. For some reason, he couldnt stop moving. He was either fussing over
his hair, fidgeting with the buttons on his shirt, or something of that nature.
Are you okay, Scott?
Yeah. Fine. Why? he answered quickly in choppy little sentences no more than one syllable
You seem a bit nervous.
I am, he admitted. Before I could ask why, Scott reached into the front pocket of his jeans and
extracted a small, dark blue, velvety box.
I gasped.
Im sorry I told you I would take you shopping with me to get a ring, but I just couldnt wait.
Does that mean? But its not even your anniversary yet!
Yeah, I know. But if all goes well, Tiffanys gonna be my fiance a little bit earlier than I
Oh. My. God. This couldnt be happening! What if Tiffany actually was cheating on him? What
My frenzied thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing.
Hey Charlie, can you do me one last favour? I didnt say anything, which he mustve taken as
an affirmative answer. Do you think you could possibly, uh, stay at a friends house for a couple of
hours? That is, if you made any friends, he said teasingly. I knew Scotts jests were made in a
good-natured way, so they didnt really bother me.
So he was kicking me out, huh? I guess that was expected. No one wanted their little sister
hanging around when they proposed to their girlfriend.
It was now or never. I had to tell Scott. Scott, theres something important I have to tell you.
I followed him like a little lost puppy as he strode to the front door to greet his awaiting girlfriend.
You can tell me tomorrow. It can wait a day, right?
No, Scott
Charlie, its okay. Just tell me tomorrow. Now go on and make some new friends, he said with
an exaggerated wink. He flung the door open and let Tiffany in, all while ushering me out. The
door shut behind me and locked with a soft click, and I was left standing on my front porch with
nothing but a handful of loose change and a whole lot of lint in my pockets.


I jolted up in surprise when Lou slammed the check down on the table in front of me. He was
wearing a scarily giant grin on his face that would give even the Cheshire cat a run for his money.
You said you wanted to pay next time, Lou reminded me. Well, its next time.
Thanks, Lou. After he walked away, I slumped back in my seat and groaned. The one day I
didnt have my wallet with me was the day Lou decided to treat me like a normal customer. Just
I glanced around the diner in desperation. Even though I didnt know a lot of people here, maybe
theyd be willing to help out a friend. Actually, I was just an acquaintance to most people I knew,
sometimes not even.
Hunter was here again. Aaron and the rest of his crew were squished together in one booth.
Hunter had that same expression on his face as last timeapathetic. He looked like he wanted to
leave just because of Aarons presence alone.
As predicted, Hunter abruptly stood up and I could faintly hear him mumble something about
going to the bathroom and how hed be back in a minute. For a guy with an abundant amount of
friends, he sure had a lot of excuses to not hang out with them.
I kept my gaze focused on the coins laid out on the table in front of me as Hunter passed by my
table on the way to the washroom. I didnt want to be caught staring at him. Literally running into
him in the hallway was already pushing it.
When he was gone, I began to actually count the coins. I already knew I didnt have enough.
The question of the matter was how much more I needed. If it came to desperate measures, I
could always ask Lou for the slice of pie on the house, as it usually was. He always used to spoil
my brother and I. I remember how my dad used to invite him over for Christmas at our house
(because Lou didnt have any kids of his own) and he got us amazing gifts. But it almost felt like I
was robbing Lou every time he gave me something for free, even if he insisted.
I was only short a few dollars. The one time Lou asked me to pay and I didnt have the money.
Was luck on my side today or what? Note the sarcasm.
Just as I was contemplating asking a girl in my science class for some spare change, I noticed
Hunter emerge from the mens washroom, wiping his wet hands (that I hoped were wet because
he had just washed them and not because of whatever else he did in there) carelessly on the front
of his jeans, staining them an even darker shade of blue.
I thought he was going to return to his table and his friends, so I recounted the coins and sighed
Then, something unusual happenedHunter walked right up to my table. He didnt even
acknowledge me as he slid the check closer to him and looked it over. Without uttering a single
word, he pulled a ten dollar bill out of his pocket and dropped it right on top of the check. And then,
he leftnot just my table, he exited the diner, his friends probably thinking he was still in the
Finally, my mind started to process what had just happened, but Hunter was gone before I had a
chance to thank him. After I had gotten over my initial shock, I left the ten dollar bill and my coins
on the table and departed the diner in search of Hunter.
Any other day, I wouldve steered clear of Hunter; avoided him at all costs like most people did.
But today was different, especially after what he did for me. Most people couldnt get the time of
day from that guy, let alone ten bucks. It was one thing that he did a good deed, but it was a whole
different story that he did something nice for me, someone he didnt really know, except for that
one time we crashed into each other in the hallway and the other when Mr. Ellis tried to convince
me to tutor him.
I spotted Hunter at the end of the street, rounding a corner, and I had to jog half a block to catch
up with him. Hunter, I said when I was only a few steps behind him. No response. He didnt even
turn around. Hunter! I called again, this time a little bit louder since he was oblivious to my last
call. Hey, Hunter!
He paused mid-stride, not even glancing back to look at me. I stepped over to him until I was
standing right beside him and our arms were lightly brushing against each other. Then Hunter
continued walking and since his strides were a lot bigger than mine, I practically had to speed-walk
to keep up with his pace.
I just wanted to thank you, I said quietly. You know, for the money. Ill pay you back, of course.
Dont mention it. The last time I heard him speak, his voice was deep and gruff, his tone full of
anger and impatience. Today, he seemed a bit calmer and didnt sound as rough.
I really appreciate it
What, I cant be nice to people every once in a while? Of course he could. It was just that no
oneexcept mehad ever witnessed it firsthand. It was like a once in a blue moon kind of thing.
And I didnt think anyone at the diner saw. And I said dont mention it.
I realized that we were heading in the direction of my house anyway, so I decided to keep
walking (or speed-walking, rather) beside Hunter. It was mostly in silence with the exception of the
sound of our shoes rhythmically slapping against the pavement.
Finally, Hunter spoke up. When do we start?
I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion. Start what?
Well, uh, I was thinking about it, and maybe the tutoring thing isnt such a bad idea.
So Hunter wanted me to tutor him? Even though he couldnt stand the thought of me tutoring
him the last time this topic came up? He claimed that he didnt need a tutor. What made him
change his mind?
You want me to tutor you? I asked just to clarify. And to make sure I had heard him correctly.
Um, yeah. There was some uncertainty in his tone, as if he had just finalized the decision just a
few seconds ago.
I remained silent. I was still taken aback by Hunters abruptness, and quite frankly, I didnt even
know how to respond to what he was asking me. Did I want to tutor Hunter? I always tried to help
people to the best of my abilities whenever they needed it. But Hunter Did I really want to
interact with him more than necessary?
I shook my head at myself and stared down at my shoes as I walked. I wasnt going to
stereotype him like most people did. Not until I actually knew him. Right now he seemed like a
normal guy. He hadnt tried to mug me yet, which was good. He didnt act like the bad-boy
everyone made him out to be. And even if he was, everyone deserved a second chance to get
their life back on track.
Okay, I agreed hesitantly, finally glancing over at him. Ill be your tutor.
Alright, cool.
How about I meet you at the library at noon on Saturday?
The library, the library, Hunter chanted under his breath. He closed his eyes momentarily, as if
he was trying to picture the place I was referring to.
Its the big brick building right across the street from Just Pie, I supplied, pointing in the
direction of where we had just come from.
Oh, he drawled out slowly, nodding. I assumed he knew what I was talking about. So thats
what that building is.
I honestly didnt know how to respond to that.
Alright, Saturday sounds good. See you then. He turned left and continued walking with that
swagger-filled stride of his.
My house was only ten more minutes away, and when I finally arrived at home, I could hear an
incoherent shouting match going on inside. Scott and Tiffany. I could think of why they could be
yelling: he found out that she was cheating on him. Because they usually never foughtever.
They were usually the closest thing to a perfect couple that I had ever seen.
I wondered if I should leave and return in a few hours after they both had time to cool off, but
before I could make a decision, Tiffany flung the front door open and stomped out, almost
trampling me in the process. She didnt even acknowledge my presence as she pushed past me
on the porch, but I could tell that she was clearly upset about something. Her heels clacked
whenever she took a step, and soon, the sound of her shoes transitioned into the sputtering of a
car as she backed out of the driveway as fast as humanly possible without crashing into anything.
Scott ran out the front door and stood beside me on the porch just in time to see Tiffany drive
away like a madwoman. He ran a hand through his hair, looking like he wanted to rip it all out of
his head. He went to sit down on the first step in front of the house, mutteringalthough it
sounded a lot more like whininga string of profanities as he did so. Scott buried his face in his
hands and before I could even ask what was wrong, he said, Shes gone, Charlie. Tiffanys gone
and shes never coming back.

To say that Scott was merely upset would be the biggest understatement of the century. He was
depressed, heartbroken, and despondent about life. He was down in the dumps, to say the least.
After his big falling-out with Tiffany, it was like Scott juststopped. He stopped laughing, he
stopped caring, and it was almost as if he stopped living. He wasnt the brother I used to know; he
turned into a robot. He didnt eat anymore, nor did he sleep. I knew he didnt sleep that well
anyways due to his insomnia, but he usually got at least a few hours in every night. Not anymore.
He didnt even try now. He also ceased drinking caffeine in the morning. Usually, I wouldve been
proud of him for not indulging in so much coffee (because it was like he was addicted to the stuff),
but not lately. A few days ago, he just cut himself off completely and wouldnt even go near the
coffee machine.
So then he pretty much transformed into some robot-zombie hybrid. He was never fully awake,
but he wasnt asleep either. It was like Scott was stuck right in the middle, trapped in this state of
lethargic melancholy with no way of getting out.
I tried to help him every way possible, but he refused to let me. He had his own brain, but he just
wouldnt use it (which was why I thought of him as a zombie).
He still worked at the comic book store and took his night classes at the university in the evening,
but it just wasnt the same. The whole day he had this deadpan expression on that I hadnt seen
him wear for a long time, like a mask to hide whatever emotions he was feeling.
His usual grin, the ever-present carefree attitude, it was all gonewiped from existence, almost.
The brother I knew and loved, he was gone too, and all that was left was a broken shell of a man
who just gave upon life, on living, on everything.
As I leaned against the doorway in the kitchen and watched my brother stare into his bowl of
soggy Fruit Loops, I felt my heart sink lower and lower with each passing second until it was
residing all the way down in the pit of my stomach. I hated seeing Scott like this, I really did, but
there was nothing I could do to get the old Scott back. I already tried everything.
He just sat there, eyes fixed on the bowl of cereal I had given to him, as if he was staring into
oblivion. Occasionally, he would pick up his spoon and stir the milk a little bit, watching as the Fruit
Loops would tint the milk different colours until it just became one rainbow-coloured pool. He
reminded me of a little kid that refused to eat his vegetables. Except with Scott, he abstained from
eating anything. Period.
Did you get any sleep last night, Scott? I queried. I ceased asking if he slept well, and rather
questioned if he got any sleep at all.
His gaze didnt leave the bowl of cereal as he answered my question. Do I ever? He forced out
a loud, mirthless bark of laughter that actually made me cringe. It was probably for my sake, his
own little way of trying to tell me that he was fine. Just by the tone of his voice, it was brazenly
evident that he was anything but okay.
I have a tutoring session at noon, I apprised him of my schedule for today. Are you gonna be
Yeah. Sure. Fine.
I actually winced a little at the lack of emotion in his voice.
Im going to the comic book store, he deadpanned, abruptly standing up. Abandoning his
breakfast on the table, Scott walked out of the kitchen in a few long, stiff strides. As he passed me,
our shoulders bumped roughly, but I didnt think he noticed. A moment later, I heard the distinct
squeal of rusty hinges as the front door opened and again as it slammed back shut.
There was only one other time I remembered Scott acting like thisafter Mom and Dad died in
that car crash. Actually, I think he was worse then. Finding out that your girlfriend had been
cheating on you and then getting your heart shattered into a million pieces by said girl, well I
imagined that to be pretty emotionally painful. But losing both your parents on the same
day That was even worse. I was absolutely devastated after the crash, but Scott had it even
worse off than I did. For one thing, he had to take full responsibility of his little sisterme. He was
only nineteen at the time, and I couldnt even begin to imagine what it was like to have to hold all
the responsibilities that my parents did. Albeit, I was fifteen when it all happened and he didnt
really need to do much to take care of me, but it still seemed really hard for him.
And that was when Tiffany came into the picture. She was like a golden beam of light, piercing
through the veil of darkness that had filled our lives. Scott loved her dearly, and soon enough, he
began to return to his old self. And it was all thanks to Tiffany. And after Scott was back to normal,
I also started to rise out of the dark void that had become my life. Scott and I learned to stop
grieving over the death of our parents, and instead, cherish and savour the memories we had of
Everything was perfect, or at least as close to perfect as it got. Scott was happier than he had
ever been, and I could finally think about my parents without bursting into tears, and everything
was coming up roses for us.
And then Tiffany just had to go and break my brothers heart. And then stomp on it. And run it
over with her car. Repeatedly.
I read somewhere that humans could handle a great amount of physical painmore pain than
anyone could imagine experiencing. It was the emotional pain that people had trouble taking. A
broken nose? It would heal. Broken ribs? Theyd heal too, if you gave them some time. A broken
heart, however? That may never heal, no matter how much time you gave it.
Scotts heart had already been shattered when Mom and Dad died, and now that Tiffany left him,
I wasnt sure how much more heartbreak he could take before he cracked. The only difference
was that after Mom and Dad were gone, Scott had Tiffany. But now Tiffany was gone and all he
had left was me. And just like Humpty Dumpty, I wasnt sure if Scotts heart was able to be pieced
back together again.


I arrived at the library at precisely fifteen minutes to noon. After ambling through a few aisles in
the teen fiction section, and then a few more in the non-fiction section, I concluded that Hunter
hadnt shown up yet. Hunter didnt seem like the type to come fifteen minutes early to a tutoring
session, but then again he was full of surprises, so I strolled around the library at a leisurely pace
once more to make sure I hadnt missed him.
After, I sat down at one of the circular wooden tables near the computer area. I took a few things
out of my backpack before setting it down on the chair directly across from me, reserving the spot
for Hunter. That is, if he ever showed up. I got out a pad of blank paper and flipped to a clean,
white page that practically begged to be drawn on. I produced a recently sharpened 2B pencil from
my pencil case and then realized just how worn down it was. It shouldnt even be considered a
pencil anymore; it was just a nub, but it would do for now.
I tapped the eraser end of the pencil on the pad softly, chewing on my bottom lip in
concentration. I wondered what I should draw, since there were endless possibilities and a world
of inspiration.
I started off with a simple name: Marvel. Scribbled messily and on an angle, starting at the top
left-hand corner and spreading all the way to the bottom right corner of the page in a large, easy to
read font that was somewhere between block letters and graffiti-type lettering. On one side, I
started to sketch superheroes, the protagonists of the fictional comic book world, and on the
opposite side, I drew villains with their mouths curved into two-dimensional scowls.
I didnt put much time or effort into it because it was only a rough draft, but I must say, it came
out better than I anticipated. When I returned home, I would redraw it, adding all the details I didnt
put in the first time.
I was so absorbed in my art I hadnt heard anyone approach me. Which was why I jolted up in
my seat when someone said, Whatre you doing? from right behind me.
I could feel my heart racing when I put a hand over my chest, as if it was going to burst at any
second. Attempting to get it back to its regular pace, I took slow, deep breaths, thinking about who
that voice belonged to. I would recognize it anywhereit belonged to the guy that I had been
waiting on for God-knows-how-long.
Honestly, I didnt even know if he would come at all. I wasnt sure if I should be relieved or
disappointed that he decided to show up.
Marvel? Hunter said, peering over my shoulder. Thats a cool name.
Uh, actually my name is Charlie Crawford, I responded rather awkwardly, introducing myself to
Hunter for the first time. No one had really gotten my name wrong before, so I didnt know how to
respond. Awkward was the best I could do.
Hunter Greene, he introduced himself, carelessly tossing my backpack on the floor so he could
slide into the seat across from me. I noticed he was wearing his signature army jacket.
Like the colour? I blurted out. I wanted to repeatedly bang my head on the table after I realized
what I had just said. Seriously? Like the colour? Because he probably hadnt heard that one a
million times before. I could hear the sarcasm dripping from my own thoughts, and I wondered
briefly if that was cool or just sad.
Hunter didnt reply right away. He just sat there, his eyebrows knitted so close together that they
were only a few centimeters from becoming a unibrow. His facial expression told me that he was
thinking, but his eyes, however, looked like they were sizing me up. I squirmed in my seat
uncomfortably under his heated gaze. I didnt like being the center of attention.
Huh, he drawled out in amused realization. Ive never noticed that before.
Now it was my turn to be bemused. Noticed what?
Hunter Greene, he murmured to himself, as if he were trying out the name on his tongue for
the very first time. Or he was thinking about it in a new light. Hunter Greene. He laughed and
shook his head. Funny.
Um, yeah. Awkward. If I was a superhero, thats what my superpower would bemaking
normal situations awkward.
Returning his attention back to my drawing, he slid it across the table to examine it. This is
actually really good, he commented thoughtfully.
Thanks. Good? It was just a rough draft; it couldnt have been that good. The quality wasnt
that great compared to some of my other drawings. I could do a much better thanthat. But, um,
its a rough draft. Its not done yet.
His eyebrows quirked and he let out a low whistle. Rough draft? You mean this isnt even a
good copy? Wow, I wonder what your finished drawings look like.
I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit at the unexpected compliment. I mean, I thought it was a
compliment. It was Hunter, so I wasnt really sure.
Thanks, I said bashfully.
Youve officially impressed me with your drawing skills. And I dont say that to just anyone. He
was impressed by me? Hunter Greene was impressed by my artwork? Was I dreaming?
Thanks, I repeated, my cheeks flushing again. Why was I being so awkward? I meant more
awkward than usual. It seemed like the only thing I could say was thanks. It had been a while
since I had any form of social interaction with anyone other than my brother. It would take me a
while to get used to it again. Jeez. I felt like such a loser saying that, no matter how true it was. I
needed to make some friends.
No problem. He slid the drawing across the table until it was right in front of me once again.
I couldnt figure out why he was acting the way he was. This Hunter was definitely not the same
Hunter that I ran into in the hall last week. This was not the Hunter I knew from school. Did he
have a twin? Nah, he probably didnt. Someone wouldve noticed by now if he did. Maybe he had
a split personality or something. Sometimes it was like he was two completely different people.
There was the bad-boy Hunter that everyone knew and then there was theaverage teenage guy
Hunter who showed up to tutoring sessions and complimented girls on their art skills.
What kind of parallel universe had I been sucked into?
Then, all of a sudden, the memory of that day at the diner sprung into my mind. I smiled to
myself a little, remembering how he generously paid for my meal. Okay, so maybe this wasnt the
first time he acted nice towards me. But why had I never seen him do that to anyone else? What
was it about me that caused him to drop his whole tough guy act and be more affable? I thought
boys in general were tricky to decode, but Hunter was like a puzzle that no one had ever solved.
Maybe there were just a few missing pieces I needed to find first.
I cleared my throat. So, what subjects are you, um, failing?
I dunno. All of them, I guess, he mumbled. He needed me to tutor him in every subject? This
might be more difficult than I thought.
Did you get any homework this week? I had no idea where I was going with this.
Oh yeah. A whole shitload.
And did you have any trouble with it?
Trouble, he said as a smirk tugged at the corners of his lips, is the least of my worries. But
yeah, I didnt do it. Did Hunter ever do his homework?
Okay, then take your homework out.
Hunter lifted his arms weirdly, almost like he was shrugging but without the shoulder movement.
After a few seconds, I realized he was trying to show me that he hadnt brought a backpack or a
textbook or anything, really.
Good thing I came prepared for the both of us. Lucky for you, I did bring my books, so we can
still study. I reached into my backpack and pulled out textbook after textbook, stacking them
neatly on the table until the pile was so tall that I couldnt see Hunter unless I tilted my chair to one
side and peered around the massive stack of textbooks.
Great, I heard him mutter sarcastically.
Lets start with Biology since were in the same class.
Biology. Whoop-de-freaking-do, he said dryly.


I raced through the equations on my math worksheet one at a time, not even stopping to think or
I would lose my fast-paced rhythm. I didnt even have to think. Once I had scanned over the
question, the answer would just spring up in my mind a few seconds later, and Id quickly move
onto the next one after I wrote it down. What could I say, if there was one thing I was good at, it
was mental math.
Once my worksheet had been completed, I lifted my head up to see how Hunter was
progressing with his homework. I caught him staring at me in amusement as he wore this smirk
that wasnt at all smug or condescending but more so intrigued.
Whoa there, speed demon, Hunter said jokingly, you can slow down. This isnt a race, you
I could feel the blood travelling up to my cheeks, warming them ever so slightly, and I cursed
myself for doing that for what had to be at least the thousandth time today. I always blushed
around Hunter, sometimes for no apparent reason at all, and it made me feel like those girls in
movies who blushed every five seconds for no reason other than because they simply could. I
really hated that. I bet Hunter didnt even notice half the time, but I was intensely aware of it.
I chuckled softly only because I didnt know how else to respond. He smiled at me and I realized
that we had unintentionally lapsed into yet another silence. What was that, the fifth one in the past
hour? I lost count.
Ah, yes, another awkward moment provided by none other than, you guessed it, yours truly.
Was there an award for this kind of thing? Because if there was, I think I wouldve won it by now.
Are you, um, done your Biology homework?
English? Turned out that we shared the same English class too.
Uh huh.
Wow, that was fast. Looked like I wasnt the only speed demon here. Did you have any trouble
with it? He didnt ask me a single question, not one, the entire time. Well, not school related
Are you asking me if I understood it? Because I never said I didnt.
Okay, so Hunter understood the homework and could do it without any problems Why was I
his tutor again? I knitted my eyebrows together.
Just because I dont do my homework doesnt mean I dont understand it, he explained after
noticing my confounded expression.
So he was failing because he didnt actually do his homework, even though he could,
theoretically. Well That explained a lot.
I wanted to ask him why he didnt just get his work done if he supposedly knew what he was
doing, but before I had a chance to open my mouth, he spoke up again, this time with an abrupt
change in our topic of conversation.
So do you just draw for fun or? Hunter let his sentence trail off as he glided the drawing that
was lying haphazardly on the table (the one that I had been working on before he arrived for the
tutoring session) over so it was sitting right in front of him. He examined it, scrutinizing it critically,
and traced the boldest, most prominent lines gently with his index finger.
Yeah, I draw mostly for fun. Just something to do to pass the time when Im bored.
He nodded. Without tearing his gaze from the piece of paper, he said, You know, you should be
an artist. This is really good.
Its a rough draft, I reminded him.
I know. Thats the part that amazes me. Hey, do you have any finished works?
Um, yeah. My brother, he owns Crawford Comics. Its just a few blocks away from Just Pie.
Most of the posters on the wall there are hand-drawn by me. Technically, Scott and I co-owned
Crawford Comics, but Scott was there most of the time, so I just told people that he owned it.
Made things simpler.
It felt strange talking to Hunter about my art. I never really told anyone else before (Scott didnt
count because he was the one that suggested I make some posters in the first place). Albeit, I had
no reason to before, since nobody ever asked. Besides Hunter.
Crawford Comics? That explains the superheroes. Hunters face lit up in surprised recognition.
Really, your brother owns it? I used to go there all the time as a kid. Maybe Ill drop by one day,
check out some of your art. I mean, if thats cool with you.
Yeah, sure.
Then, in a total act of spontaneity, I popped the cap off a black pen and reached over to lightly
grab Hunter by the arm (gently enough for him to pull away if he wanted to, but thankfully he
didnt). I bunched up his sleeve all the way up to his elbow and began scribbling. When I was done,
I capped the pen and noticed Hunter marvelling at the ten digits of my phone number inked across
his forearm.
Just in case you have any questions. You know, about the homework, I said rather quietly.
A dopey grin started to spread across his face. Right. Homework. I knew that he didnt actually
need help with anything, but I hoped that hed call anyway, for some reason or another.
I began collecting my binders and textbooks and stuffing them in my backpack. The only thing I
left on the table was the rough draft of the drawing I had started only a few hours ago, in case
Hunter wanted to keep it.
Just as I was about to turn around and exit the library, I heard Hunter call me. Wait, Charlie.
I glanced up at him. Yeah?
See you next Saturday?
I grinned at the sincere hopefulness in his tone and slowly nodded. See you next Saturday.
There was a winding staircase in the far left corner of the room. At the top of the staircase was a
hallway, long and narrow, with four doors on the left side, three on the right and one at the very
end of the hall if you continued walking straight.
On the other side of the first door on the right was a fairly simple room, and although it was a bit
small, there was nothing in it so it didnt really matter. The only reason the room was there was
because there was another staircase in it, leading up to the very top floor. The second room on the
right was the one containing the troll. Not just any troll, though. It was an axe-wielding troll. The
Charlie, can you come here for a second? Scott asked loudly, snapping me out of my thoughts.
He sounded like he wouldnt take no for an answer. He never sounded like that. Not unless
something was terribly wrong.
Um, yeah, just a second, I replied hurriedly, setting my pencil down on the table. I picked up
the Dungeons & Dragons map I had been working on and gave it one last lingering once-over. I
hated to leave it unfinished, especially since I had been working on it so diligently for the past half
hour or so, but whatever Scott needed to consult with me about seemed like it was urgent. And I
had been working on the map for the past few weeks, creating rooms and destroying others, so I
guess I could wait a little longer to finish it. Making the perfect D&D map didnt just happen
Charlie, now, please, Scott said impatiently, and it made me wonder what kind of talk we were
going to have that would require me to have to put up with an aggravated Scott. For one thing, he
was very rarely this petulant.
Oh God, this wasnt about the birds and the bees, was it?
We need to talk.
We need to talk. Ah, one of the most hated phrases in the English language. I knew Scott was
either going to tell me something extremely good or extremely bad because no one ever says we
need to talk just because they wanted to make conversation.
Luck was never on my side. Well, not good luck. Bad luck, on the other hand, seemed to take an
unrequited liking to me and following me around like a little lost puppy. And even though I hoped it
was good news Scott was itching to tell me, I knew that with my luck, it would be the exact
Shuffling around boxes and stacks of comics so I could exit the back room and go to the main
part of the store, I tried to conjure a list of all the things Scott could possibly want to talk to me
Maybe he wanted to get back together with Tiffany. Nah, that probably wasnt it. He had no
reason to get back together with Tiffany; she shattered his heart into a million little irreparable
pieces and then stomped on them. And if they did start dating again for some unfathomable
reasonalthough I really hoped that they wouldnt because I didnt think I could handle it if she
broke his heart for a second timeI had no idea why Scott would want to talk to me about it. That
would just beawkward.
Maybe he got William Shatners autograph. That would explain why he was so impatient,
wouldnt it? Because he couldnt wait to show it off to someone. Someone being myself, of course.
I thought up a million variations of why Scott wanted to speak to me so desperately. If only I
knew how far they all were from the truth.
Scott was pacing back and forth in that small strip of space behind the counter when I reached
the actual store part of the store. I walked over to him and rested my arms on the counter. He
wouldnt (or maybe couldnt) stop pacing even after he noticed me.
You wanna talk here? You dont wanna go in the back room or anything? I asked.
Scott shrugged half-heartedly. I dont see what the difference is. The back room was more
private. I suppose that was the only difference.
Yeah, I guess youre right. It doesnt really matter, I concurred, glancing around the store.
Nobodys here anyway.
Thatskinda what I wanted to talk to you about, Scott said slowly. I couldnt tell if he was
talking slowly because he was nervous or because he was tired. Scott hated being the bearer of
bad news. Well, everyone did, but Scott especially hated it because he was the one that had to tell
me that our parents died in that car crash. Ever since then, Scott wouldnt break bad news to
anyone unless he absolutely had to.
You want to talk about the store? I questioned. He nodded in response. Well, what about the
Charlie I think Im gonna have to close down Crawford Comics. Scott blurted out the
sentence so quickly I was surprised I could comprehend his slurred mess of words.
What? I couldnt have heard him right. It was impossible.
Scott ran a hand through his hair forcefully and stared up at the ceiling for a moment, as if it held
the answers to all of lifes problems. After taking a few supposedly calming breaths, he rested his
arms on the counter, right beside the cash register, and leaned forward a bit, mirroring my stance.
Look, Charlie, I think it would be best if we closed down Crawford Comics. Or sold it, he said
softly. Too softly. Almost like he was talking to a wounded animal rather than his teenage sister.
No, I said simply. I wont let you. Scott wasnt going to sell our comic book store.
Our dad didnt have a lot of personal possessions. When he died, I didnt inherit much stuff from
him. I didnt have a lot to remember him by; the comic book store was one of the very few things
that I had (or co-owed, technically) that used to belong to him. And if Scott and I were to sell the
place, it would almost be as if we were getting rid of a part of our memory of our dad. It seemed
weird after I thought about it, but it also kinda made sense to me. The comic book store was like a
part of my dadhe loved the place almost like it was his third child. My dad already died, but if
Crawford Comics was shut down it would be like losing him all over again. I wasnt sure how I got
past my parents death in the first place, but if I had to live through life feeling like they slipped
through my fingers for a second time, I wasnt sure if I would be able to handle it.
Scott forced out a mirthless laugh like he couldnt believe he had to deal with me right now. Of
course youre going to let me. Charlie, this isnt your decision to make. Its mine, and Im going to
go through with it because its for the best.
Scott, you dont get to make all the decisions! I own half of Crawford Comics, which means
were equal co-owners. Just because youre my big brother doesnt mean you get to do whatever
you want! Any other day, I wouldnt even think about yelling at my brother. But today wasnt just
any other day.
Look around, Scott said, spreading his arms out widely (almost like he wanted a hug) and spun
around in a slow circle. Theres no one here. Keeping this place costs more money than its
bringing in, and honestly, we cant afford it.
As much as I hated to admit it, he was right. There were no customers here, and Friday was
usually a good day. It had been this way for a while now, but I never really thought anything of it.
I remembered back when my parents were still alive, this place was bustling with customers,
both young and old, searching for the next issue to add to their collections. Maybe it was my dads
special saleman charm that drew people in like honey draws flies, or maybe it was my moms
ever-present, glowing smile that attracted the customers, I could never be sure. My parents had a
lot of friends who would always stop by the store for a visitmostly for no apparent reason at all,
just to drop in and say hiand my dad would always use that dogged charm of his to convince
them not to leave without purchasing at least a few comics. After my parents died, their friends
juststopped dropping by. Maybe it was the grief. The only one of my dads friends I remained to
keep in touch with was Lou.
Before I could even think about the words coming out of my mouth, I said, Do you think Dad
wouldve wanted this? I really hadnt meant to play the Dad card. I shouldve just kept my mouth
No, but I dont think Dad wouldve wanted us to be starving and homeless just so we could keep
the store, Scott retaliated. And there was another good point. Maybe he was cut out to be a
Do you think I want this? I want this to happen just as much as you do. But theres nothing we
can do. We dont have a lot of options, Charlie. Scott sighed and raked a hand through his dirty-
blond hair, tugging on it slightly.
Scott had way too much stress for a twenty-two year old with insomnia and no parents. I
wondered what it would be like if the roles were reversed and I had to take care of Scott. Not to
mention manage a comic book store, go to university to get and English degree before studying
law, and on top of that, deal with chronic insomnia. I had no idea how Scott did all of that, plus
have time to hang out with friends and keep a steady girlfriend (but that was before the break-up).
I stayed silent for a moment, processing it all, before finally asking, How much time do we have?
You know, before we need to close it down.
I dont know. A few months at most, he replied bitterly. He was probably sour because there
wasnt much we could do about this whole situation. I felt the same way.
And approximately how many is a few? I inquired nervously.
Less than six.
My jaw subconsciously dropped. Six? I managed to squeak out.
Scott nodded his head solemnly, averting his gaze down to the floor that had instantly become
quite fascinating to him.
Six months was definitely not enough. I was hoping wed have at least a full year, not half of one.
Im sorry, Scott said genuinely. Theres nothing I can do.
Its not your fault, I mumbled.
I was acutely aware of the time and that I needed to go to school soon, but everything seemed
so distant, so far away, that I felt like none of this was actually happening.
Do you want a ride to school? Scott asked, glancing up at the clock on the wall.
I shook my head slowly. I wanted to walk to school. Unlike most people, I liked walking because
it gave me a chance to think while getting some fresh air. I definitely had a lot to think about today.


At school, I breezed through all my classes with ease. I handed in homework, received double
the amount of homework I just handed in, and jotted down notes even when I wasnt specified to.
Everything wouldve been normal except for the unsettling feeling that resided uncomfortably in
the pit of my stomach after Scott told me the big news this morning.
My mind kept wandering back to that conversation, and I thought about the pros and cons of the
situation. It didnt help get rid of the perturbed feeling that was looming over me, though.
By the end of the day, I couldnt even remember what I learned today because my jumbled
thoughts kept returning to Scott, the comic book store, Mom and Dad, and whatever else
happened to be in this helter-skelter mind of mine. My movements began to resemble a robots
more than a persons, and it felt like I was stuck in an endless reverie.
It was only after I finished getting my homework from my locker and started to haphazardly roam
through the halls, nearing the direction of the school library, that I finally snapped out of my trance.
Right in the middle of the hallway was a large, ragtag group of people, circling
aroundsomething. Everyone was yelling, either cheering or booing, but I wasnt close enough to
see what was going on.
I shuffled in closer to the crowd, standing on my tippy-toes to get a better view. Unfortunately for
me, I was a bit short, so I still couldnt see what had caused this pandemonium.
The person standing on my left finally shuffled over just enough for me to slip through the gap
and get a front row view to what was happening. And what was happening wasnt at all what I
Right in the center of the circle of people that had crowded around were Hunter and Aaronin
the middle of a full-on fist fight.
I gasped slightly at the scene unravelling before my eyes, stupefied by how no one even
attempted to break the two up. They were beating each others lights out, for Christs sake! Had no
one thought of stopping them before someone got seriously injured?
Aaron grabbed Hunter by the lapels of his army jacket and roughly shoved him against a locker.
Hunter clenched his fists tightly, ready to attack, but before he could even get a clear shot in,
Aarons fist came flying toward his face. After the direct punch to the face, Hunter seemed stunned
for a moment. He ran a hand down the side of his face and winced ever-so-slightly, retracting his
hand immediately. He slumped against the locker, sliding down until he was sitting on the floor
while Aaron retreated a few steps backwards, flexing his hand. Hunter glared murderously through
half-lidded eyes, and leaned his head back against the locker.
Then, Aaron did something that caught me by surprise, as well as everyone else in the audience:
he held his hand out to Hunter, offering to help him get up. Hunter stared at the peace offering for
a few seconds, and I noticed that his eyes glinted in contempt. Then he glanced up at Aaron, who
was smirking triumphantly, and tried to search his face for answers.
Finally, Hunter firmly grasped Aarons outstretched hand, but instead of Aaron hoisting Hunter
up to his feet, Hunter pulled an unsuspecting Aaron down to the ground. Aaron was half-standing
half- kneeling and Hunter took advantage of his dazed and confused state to give him a sharp
uppercut to the stomach. Aaron fell backwards so that he was lying on the floor on his back,
winded. Hunter went over and straddled his chest, earning him an Oof! from Aaron, who not only
looked uncomfortable, but appeared to be struggling and having difficulty with his breathing (which
was normal since Hunter was sitting on him). Either Hunter really knocked the wind out of him with
that last clout to the stomach or he just weighed a lot.
Hunter brought his fist back and swung, catching Aaron right in the nose. He groaned, dark
crimson blood beginning to ooze out of his nostrils. This time it was Hunters turn to smirk in
triumph, as he brought his fist down to meet Aarons face once again.
I didnt know why, but for some reason I felt like I had to do something. Clearly no one else was
going to. I was still partially shocked because of the news Scott told me earlier and I had been
feeling out of it all day, so when I stepped forward into the circle and apart from the crowd, I knew I
shouldnt have been surprised by my own actions, but I still was.
I grabbed Hunter by the arm and tried to pull him off Aaron (not because I particularly liked
Aaron or anything; mostly because I didnt want Hunter to get in too much trouble).
Surprisingly, he stopped repeatedly slamming his fist into Aarons face and looked up at me, his
eyes blazing like two pieces of deflagrating black charcoal. When he realized that it was only me,
his icy cold glare melted just a little.
I tugged on his arm again and whispered, Stop. Youre gonna get in trouble.
Hunter averted his gaze back to Aaron for a second, his eyes widening as if he just realized
what he had done. Yeah. Yeah, Ill stop. Im done with him anyways. Slowly, he rose up off
Aaron and as soon as he was fully standing up, he was met by a loud cheer from the crowd as
they declared him the victor of the fight.
Hunter took one last lingering look at his friend lying on the ground, groaning, before he turned
and began to stride down the hall, his head held high in pride.
That was it? He just beat up his so-called friend like that and then he just walks away without
another word, leaving him lying in the middle of the floor with his dyspnoea and a (most likely)
broken nose? At least Aaron had enough decency to offer Hunter some help to get up after he
punched him in the face.
I really didnt understand guys.
Then, for the second time today, I did something that caught even myself off guardI pushed
past the crowd and hastened down the hall until I caught up with Hunter.
Hunter, I panted.
He spun around instinctively at the sound of his name. What do you want? he asked coldly.
What do you want? What did I want? Why had I followed him? I honestly had no idea. I just
kindadid. Maybe acting on impulse wasnt such a great idea after all.
He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose, looking like he was trying to stop a
headache. Sorry, Hunter mumbled almost inaudibly. Im kinda in a bad mood right now.
I glanced back in the direction I had just come from and said, Um yeah, I can see that. Then, I
actually noticed what happened to his face for the first time since the fight ended. I tried to get a
better look, but he kept his head down, his eyes fixed on the floor.
Hunter, I said softly yet firmly, sounding like a mother talking to her kid after they had done
something wrong.
He knew exactly what I wanted him to do so he lifted his head slowly, rolling his eyes as he did
so. I scanned over his face with my wandering gaze, examining the damage. He didnt appear to
be too badly hurt. Just a split lip, a black eye, and a few cuts and bruises. He was absolutely fine
compared to Aaron.
Never mind, I wanted to take that comment back. He needed to see the school nurse. It was
You should see the nurse, I suggested, starting to walk in the direction of the nurses office.
After a few steps I realized Hunter wasnt following me, so I stopped and spun around in one fluid
Hunter crossed his arms, standing his ground defiantly. Im not going to the nurses office. He
laughed and shook his head in disbelief, like my suggestion was the most absurd thing hed heard
all day.
But you need to clean your cuts, I argued.
He shrugged indifferently. I can do it myself. This isnt the first time Ive been in a fight, you
But what? I can take care of myself, he said with finality in his tone. Hunter strode down the
hall and around the corner, and I struggled to keep up with his long, fast-paced strides.
I couldnt believe I was chasing after Hunter Greene like a little lost puppy. What else was so
unbelievable was that I actually cared about his physical health enough to do so.
Hunter was about to enter the boys washroom, but I grabbed him by the sleeve of his army
jacket and dragged him into the girls washroom at the last second.
There I went again, acting on impulse. Didnt I decide that I wasnt going to do that anymore? Oh
well, today was a messed up day anyways.
Hey! What are you
Just let me help you, I interjected.
By a stroke of pure luck, the washroom was empty. School had already ended, so most people
were already on their way home by now, and I assumed that everyone who had stayed back to
watch the fight was on their way out. I was thankful. It wouldve been awkwardand hard to
explainwhy Hunter had just entered the girls washroom. Though I wasnt quite sure if it would
be more awkward for me or Hunter.
Sit, I commanded, pointing to the counter.
I get all tingly when you take control like that, he remarked, smirking. I knew he was just joking,
but I wasnt sure if I should blush or shoot him a flat look, so I did both. I probably looked weird
doing that, but Hunter didnt say anything else.
Are you okay? I asked, grabbing a few paper towels from the dispenser on the wall and
soaking them with lukewarm water. You look a bit
Messed up? Hunter supplied. He hopped up on the counter so that he was sitting beside the
sinks with his legs dangling over the edge of the counter. Yeah, I know I must look really terrible
now, but Im fine. Really.
I didnt believe him. He was probably hurting from the fight but was too stubborn to tell me.
Aw shit! he exclaimed in a whiny tone.
He held up one of the sleeves of his army jacket right in front of my face, though I didnt know
what he was trying to show me. This is my favourite jacket. Now theres blood on it. He pouted,
jutting his lower lip out. I had to admit, he looked kinda adorable when he did that. Wait, what?
I glanced over once more and surely enough, a few drops of a dark crimson substance littered
the sleeve of his jacket. Is that even your blood?
He pondered for a moment. Some of it I think. Why?
I merely shook my head and mumbled, Never mind. I grabbed one of Hunters hands and
wiped off the bloodwhich was presumably Aaronsthat was caked on his knuckles. The last
thing I wanted to do was play nurse in the girls bathroom at school, but I knew that if I didnt patch
Hunter up, nobody else would. And I highly doubted Hunter cared as to whether or not he tended
to his own wounds.
So what was that all about? I asked, deciding that a light conversation would make this
situation less awkward.
What do you mean?
The fight. What happened between you guys? I thought you were friends, I mused. It was odd
that how whenever I saw Aaron and Hunter together, they were either laughing or trying to rip
each others heads off. Their whole friendshipor whatever it wasconfused me, to say the least.
We are friends I guess, he murmured.
Once I had cleaned all the blood from his knuckles, I did the same to his face, being mindful not
to press too hard on his cuts and bruises. I didnt want to cause him any more pain than he was
already in. It looked like he got beat up pretty badly. I could only imagine what Aarons face looked
like right now.
I knitted my eyebrows together. What do you mean you guess?
Hunter sighed, trying to think of the right thing to say. He kept opening his mouth like he was
going to speak, but no words came out. Finally, he said tentatively, Well, were not exactly
enemies. Enemies dont buy each other smokes or borrow each others cars.
So youre friends? I questioned for clarification.
Friends dont pummel each other like we did just then. Hunter sighed again and ran a hand
through his hair, tousling it a bit. Were justus. You know? No other way to describe it.
I nodded understandingly. I knew what he meant. It was complex, but I got it, I guess.
A comfortable silence lapsed over the two of us as I continued cleaning his wounds and he sat
there, drumming a beat on his lap with his hands.
Then, a thought suddenly popped into my mind and my previous train of thought had been
completely thrown off the tracks. Hey, you never actually answered my first question. What
happened between you guys that got you both so worked up? It mustve been something major if
they were about to battle to the death over it.
Hunter shrugged noncommittally. It was stupid.
There was a cut on Hunters cheek that no matter how much I kept wiping at it, blood would still
trickle out of it and dribble steadily down his face. Thankfully, it didnt appear to be too long, nor
wide, but it looked deeper than most of the others. That wasnt a good sign.
Look, I know you dont want to, but I think you should see the nurse, I coaxed. I dont want the
cut to get infected.
Ill be fine.
Here, he interjected before I could protest again. He pulled something shiny out of a secret
pocket on the inside of his army jacket and thrust it into my hands. I stared at the object, my eyes
wide. It was a silver flask.
Is this
Full of whiskey? Yes.
Drink? Yeah. Surprise, surprise, he said dryly.
And you want me to
Dump it on my battle scars? Sure, go ahead. Knock yourself out.
Wont it
Hurt worse than Satan biting my dick off? Probably.
I opened my mouth to say something more, but then quickly shut it. I didnt want Hunter to
interrupt me again; it was getting on my nerves.
Hurry, before I lose my nerve and chicken out, he added as an afterthought. I didnt think
Hunter would joke about chickening out of anything with anything else. Why me?
Okay, okay. I took another paper towel and after getting the cap off the flask, I pressed the
paper towel to the top and then held it there as I flipped the flask upside down for a few seconds,
and then turned it upwards again. I screwed the cap back on and returned it to Hunter.
Aw cmon, youre doing it the easy way. Im a man; I can handle pain. Give me some credit, he
said, or rather, whined. I wasnt about to pour the contents of the flask on his face. Thatd be
I swiped the paper towel over the gash lightly and tentatively to see how hed react to the liquid
that was much more potent than water. He clenched his jaw firmly to hide his discomposure, but
when that didnt work, he accidentally bit down on his split lip and ended up howling in pain.
Aaron must have Wolverine claws or something, I remarked. Howd he cut you up this badly
He was wearing his stupid ring, Hunter muttered, venom dripping from his voice.
He wears a ring? Last time I checked, Aaron wasnt married. Or engaged. Or remotely
attractive in any way, which was why he didnt have a girlfriend.
Yeah. He stole it off somebody, he answered vaguely. I knew Aaron was supposedly a bad-
boy and all, but I never knew he stole stuff. Did that mean Hunter stole too?
Ah, I replied quietly, too concentrated on trying not to press too hard on with the whisky-soaked
paper towel to say anything else. Hunter let out a hiss of pain through his teeth and I immediately
squeaked, Sorry, Im sorry!
He waved it off casually. Im fine. It was a good thing I hadnt been contemplating getting a job
as a nurse or a doctor in the future. Thatd be a recipe for disaster. And unnecessary pain.
When I was finally done, Hunter sighed in relief. He took a swig of his whiskeysomehow
managing to get it in his mouth without touching his spilt lipand then pressed the cool surface of
the metal flask against his swollen eye. He groaned contently and gave me an appreciative smile.
Thanks for doing this. I really hate going to the nurses office. Then, in a whisper he added, She
isnt even hot.
I returned the smile. Youre welcome. Feel better now?
Yeah. Much.
I paused. So what did you say the fight was about? He always seemed to avert our topics of
conversation without actually answering the questions I asked him. And I hated to admit it, but he
was pretty good at it too. Swift, sly, and sneakyhe was like a fox.
Something stupid. He hopped off the counter and leaned against it instead.
And that would be? I pressed doggedly.
He produced this sound in the back of his throat that sounded like something in between a sigh
and a groan. Fine. Fine, Ill tell you. He exhaled deeply and rushed the next part out so fast it
sounded like one long continuous word.
Say again? I requested, cupping a hand around my ear.
He told me a yo mama joke. Hunter slowed down a bit, but not by much. At least this time I
could actually comprehend what he just said.
Thats it? You got in a fist fight over that? I asked incredulously.
My moms dead, Hunter deadpanned, taking another hearty swig of his whiskey. Oh. That
made more sense. Now I could see why he might take offence to something that incredibly stupid.
Oh. Im sorry, I said sincerely, feeling guilty.
He shrugged half-heartedly. Dont be. It wasnt your fault.
My parents are dead too, I told him softly. I had absolutely no idea why I brought that up, but I
felt like such a downer after I did. It wasnt as comforting as I thought itd be.
Why did I always have to blurt out the worst things imaginable? And that was exactly the reason
why I liked to think before I spoke. It made the world a much less awkward place.
Im sorry. He sounded genuinely apologetic.
Dont be. It wasnt your fault, I quoted exactly what he told me a minute ago.
Hunter gave me a reassuring smile that somehow held some of his boyish charm in it as well.
Well, wed better get going. He slipped his flask back in the inner pocket of his jacketyou cant
just flaunt that kind of stuff around in the middle of a school hallwayand exited the girls
washroom. I followed closely behind.
No offence, but it was really stupid of you to pick a fight with Aaron over that.
Yeah, I know, he cut in, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
You couldve gotten in trouble.
Thanks, thats really helpful, Charlie, he said sarcastically.
I held my hands up in the universal sign of surrender. Hey, I was just trying to help.
We rounded a corner, getting closer to the front doors of the school, when Hunter abruptly
stopped walking, causing me to slam right into his back.
I think it might be too late. Looks like Im already in trouble, he whispered.
I knitted my eyebrows together in puzzlement. What was he talking about?
That was when I spotted our principal, Mr. Cochran, standing at the other end of the hallway, his
arms folded over his chest. He kept jerking his head around as if he were searching for something.
Or maybe he was just having frequent neck spasms.
When Mr. Cochrans piercing hawk-like gaze finally landed on Hunter and I, he stormed over.
That was when I realized that we were the ones he had been looking for.
Its The Cock! Hunter whisper-shouted. That was the nickname the student body gave to Mr.
Cochran. I found it fitting.
Hunter! Mr. Cochran bellowed, stomping down the hall in a few long, angry strides.
Oh shit, Hunter muttered under his breath. Then he stared up at the ceiling and added, Please
kill me now.
Hunter, said Mr. Cochran with this sickly sweet smile plastered on his face.
Were on a first name basis now, huh? Hunter mumbled quietly so he wouldnt hear.
Unfortunately for Hunter, he did.
Did you say something?
You know, Hunter, here at Maple Valley High School we have a strict no fighting policy. We
aim to make this school a safe and healthy learning environment for each and every student, Mr.
Cochran said, sounding like he had just memorized a script and was reciting his lines to us. Very
badly, might I add. And I heard from a reliable source that you were involved in a fist fight with
Aaron. Is that correct?
Hunter gave Mr. Cochran a look so cold he was practically freezing him with his eyes. A reliable
source? Hunter scoffed impudently. Is that what principals are calling snitches these days?
I was surprised Mr. Cochran didnt just grab Hunter by the ear and drag him right to his office
because of his daring audacity. My office. Now. I think Im going to have a little chat with your
parents today.
Hunter shrugged, keeping his facial expression indifferent. Well thats too bad for you then. My
parents are six feet under. If you wanna talk to them, youre gonna have to dig em up first.
My office. Now, he reiterated forcefully.
Hunter threw me an apologetic smile and shoved his hands in his pockets. He turned and began
to march towards the main office. I was about to part in the opposite direction, but I heard Mr.
Cochran finally address me.
Ms. Crawford, dont think Im going to let you off the hook that easily. Youre coming with us.
What? Why? I blurted out. Did he just tell me to go to his office? I felt my palms get clammy
and sweat formulate at my hairline, even though I knew I hadnt done anything wrong. I wasnt
involved in the fight! So why was I in this predicament?
Why? he repeated like it was absurd of me to even have asked. Well my source also
confirmed that Hunter and Aaron werent the only ones who participated in the fist fight. His so-
called reliable source sounded like an absolute moron. And how was he so sure that his source
was reliable? Didnt sound like such a great source to me. For one thing, half of their claims were
I couldnt form coherent words for a moment after that, so I just gaped at Mr. Cochran,
dumbfounded. When I could speak again, my voice was high-pitched and squeaky. But I was
trying to stop the fight! I wasnt actually part of it! Me, in a fist fight? Um, no.
My reliable source
You can take your reliable source, Hunter growled dangerously, and shove it up your ass.
Charlies telling the truth! I was there. She was only trying to break up the fight.
Watch your language, Mr. Cochran warned.
Hunter threw his arms up in exasperation and slapped them down on his thighs. He let out a
frustrated groan and raked a hand through his hair. It looked like he just wanted to rip it out of his
skull. Charlie didnt do anything wrong! I was kinda glad Hunter had the guts to yell at Mr.
Cochran at my defence because I didnt think Id be able to do it myself.
My office. Now. Both of you, Mr. Cochran commanded in choppy little sentences. Im going to
have to speak with both of your pa he started to say before completely cutting himself off and
rephrasing whatever it was he was going to say guardians.
This isnt a request, Mr. Greene, its an order!
Too damn bad for you! Hunter started to walk away and I followed uncertainly, unsure of what
other reasonable options I had. None. I sure wasnt going to the office and practically admit defeat
to something I hadnt done wrong. Since when did breaking up an affray become a crime?
Before we could get very far, Mr. Cochran grabbed us both by the elbow and began to drag us to
his office. Hunter struggled to break free of his grasp, but he just tightened his already firm grip on
our arms.
This was why I didnt usually get involved in other peoples business. It always ended in trouble.
Eighteen years with a clean record and I finally got bustedand it was for trying to stop a
senseless fight that started for the dumbest reason ever.
I wondered what Scott would say about all of this. He was probably already in a bad mood from
his lack of sleep and the fact that we were going to have to sell the comic book store, and the
news that I participated in a fight at school, as Mr. Cochran put it oh-so-nicely moments before,
would just add heat to the fire.
Suddenly, Mr. Cochran came to a halt and turned to stare at Hunter, eyes narrowing in suspicion.
Do I smell alcohol on your breath? Mr. Cochran reminded me of those big dogs they have at
the airport that are trained to detect even the faintest of scents. As if he wasnt weird enough
No, Hunter lied smoothly, even managing to seem a bit taken aback by the sudden question.
Better not be.


Scott and I were in the car, cruising along the main streets to get to our house. The discussion
between Mr. Cochran and my brother had just ended and I was profusely annoyed by the fact that
I had no idea what Mr. Cochran said about me. They were probably all lies. For all I knew, he
couldve told Scott that I had started the fight and everything was my fault.
Hunter and I had to wait in the uncomfortable, plastic, butt-numbing chairs right outside the
principals office while Scott and Mr. Cochran were inside talking about who-knows-what. Hunter
said his older sister was coming because Mr. Cochran requested that he speak to her, but by the
time he and Scott were done talking, she still hadnt arrived. Hunter kept apologizing about getting
me in trouble and saying hed make it up to me somehow, but I just waved it off. Or at least I tried
to. He could be very persistent when he wanted to be.
Scott opened his window a crack and shouted profanities at the driver that just cut us off. My
brother gave him a one-fingered salute and rolled the driver side window back up, muttering even
more curses under his breath.
I was right. Scott was pissed. Now whether that was because he had to drive to my school to
talk to the principal about my bad behaviour when he couldve been manning our on-the-rocks
comic book store, because his girlfriend not just left him but cheated on him last week, or simply
because his insomnia sometimes made him as moody as a teenage girl on her period, I couldnt
tell. Maybe it was all of those reasons, or none of the above, but for whatever reason, Scott was in
one of his capricious moods where I never knew what he was going to do next.
So I stayed quiet, afraid that if I said something, hed explode on me. About half-way through the
ride back to our house, I stayed deadly silent but he exploded on me anyways.
I cant believe it, Charlie! A fist fight? Really? he asked incredulously.
I didnt I tried to explain, but he wouldnt let me get a word in.
You know, you couldve gotten hurt. This is the last thing I need right now! he shouted
forcefully. Scott slammed his hand down on the steering wheel, unintentionally honking the horn
loudly. First Tiffany, then the comic book store, and now my insomnia is worse than ever Scott
rambled on, listing all the things that went wrong in his life. It was a long list. And now you! I
already have to deal with all this shit, I dont wanna have to deal with you too! Why does the world
hate me so much? he exclaimed. I didnt think trying to console him would do much good, so I just
didnt reply to his outburst.
After a moment, Scott sighed and ran a hand through his hair roughly. Im sorry, Charlie. I
shouldnt have yelled at you like that. Its just that Im really stressed with all the shit thats been
going on recently.
I shrugged. Its okay. We all feel like that every once in a while.
He gave me a sad smile. I just dont want you getting hurt. If something happened to you
Im fine. Really. I just stopped the fight, thats all.
Wait You what? Scott tore his gaze away from the road for a second to give me a side-long
I stopped the fight, I reiterated slowly. Why, what did Mr. Cochran tell you?
That son of a bitch! Scott forced out a bark of laughter. He said you beat someone up. I didnt
know whether to believe him or not because I couldnt even imagine you thinking about throwing
punches at someone. It looked like Mr. Cochrans reliable source wasnt all that reliable.
Youre right. I wouldnt dream of it.
Youre a good kid, he said with a relieved grin, ruffling my hair.
But, uh, Charlie?
The grin suddenly vanished from his face. Youre grounded. For a week.
What? Why?
Because you shouldnt have gotten involved in that fight at all, even if you were just breaking it
up. You couldve gotten hurt. I hated when Scott was in overprotective big brother mode.
Fine, I harrumphed, crossing my arms over my chest. Being grounded for a week didnt
actually sound that bad. The only downside was that I couldnt go to the library or Just Pie. Scott
would probably still make me go to work, though.
And youre not allowed to watch TV during that week, he added as an afterthought.
My eyes widened. What? How was I supposed to get through this week alive? This already
seemed like torture and my punishment hadnt even begun.
I couldnt believe this. First I got into trouble and then Scott grounded me?
Well, I guess there was a first time for everything. And today was just full of firsts.
I was bored out of my mind, Scott was a haggard mess, and the Crawford household was more
boisterous than Id ever seen it, even though it was just the two of us that resided here.
Something was definitely wrong with Scott. The Scott that was seated at the kitchen table,
stressing over all the bills we had to pay, that wasnt the same Scott I knew before Tiffany left him.
He was sleeping less and less nowif that was possibleand I wondered if he slept at all
anymore. He certainly didnt seem to. Something told me that he mustve or else he wouldve gone
crazycrazier than he is now, that isbut the dark bags under his eyes said differently.
Aside from all the sleeplessness, Scott had also become a lot more irritable in the last few days,
especially after the fighting incident (though no matter how many times I told him I was fine and
didnt get hurt, he wouldnt listen). No matter how hard I tried not to argue with him, we always
ended up bickering over the stupidest things like whether or not I forgot to put the jug of juice back
in the fridge after I drank some, or whose fault it was that the light in the bathroom had accidentally
been left on last night. It was like Scott wanted to pick fights with me over the most senseless
things imaginable. Um, hello? We were kinda in the middle of a crisis concerning the comic book
store and Scott was worried about one of us accidentally leaving the bathroom light on last night?
I blamed Tiffany for turning my brother intothis. He was perfectly fine before. They were a
happy coupleor so everyone thought. And then she just had to go and cheat on him. She
pranced right out of his life, leaving him empty and broken hearted. I wonder if she knew how
broken he was now, all because of her.
And to think they had actually been in love at some point. The thought repulsed me, but at the
same time reminded me of the good times, when everything was peachy and picture perfect.
Tiffany was actually the one that helped Scott get over Mom and Dads deaths. She taught him
how to find closure. They fell in love and afterwards, Scott started looking through rose-tinted
glass. Well, up until she left him about a week and a half ago.
I was really worried about Scott. He was upset, more upset than Id ever seen him, and the last
time he was like this was right after Mom and Dad died. Then he fell in love and everything was
alright again. I had someone there with me to help pick up the broken remains of my brother:
Tiffany. Now that Tiffany was gone, who would help get my brother back? I couldnt do it by myself.
I could barely talk to Scott anymore without him turning our conversation into a full-blown
If only he could fall in love again. Life would be so much easier, not only for him but for me as
well. I was starting to get sick of his constant state of agitation.
When I tried to balance two more cards on top of the stack, I accidentally brushed the bottom
card with my hand and the house fell down. I leaned back and heaved out a sigh. Building a house
of cards started to get frustrating after the third attempt.
I was still grounded until the middle of next week, which wouldnt have been that bad if Scott
hadnt revoked my TV privileges. So not only was I bored out of my mind, but I was also behind on
all my favourite TV shows. I made a mental note to never get in trouble again. The consequences
It was Saturday night, and I had to spend it inside with nobody except my brother who was being
stupid and twisting nonexistent problems into major ones. The weather looked better than it had all
week and the rest of the town was probably having fun on this fine evening, but I wasnt. Not
unless staying cooped up in your house was considered fun, which it wasnt by even my standards.
On any other Saturday night I wouldve probably already started heading over to Just Pie to chat it
up with Lou and indulge in some heavenly desserts. I could practically taste their signature apple
pie on my tongue Oh wait. That was just drool. I mustve been daydreaming.
Oh great. Here we go again.
Didnt I tell you to load the dishwasher? Scotts voice boomed loudly, echoing throughout the
entire house.
He told me just about half an hour ago that hed load the dishwasher. It wasnt unusual to forget
stuff, especially with his insomnia (he tended to be more forgetful if he didnt sleep well), but it had
been happening more and more and I was starting to get apprehensive about his condition. No,
you said that you
No, I didnt. I was about to say something, but he cut me off before I even opened my mouth. I
gotta get to class. Just load it. It was more of a command than anything, so I just nodded,
agreeing. Someone shouldve given me an award for putting up with my brother for so long. I
surely deserved one.
Alright, Im leaving now. Remember: youre grounded so dont go out, and no ones allowed over.
Load the dishwasher and finish your homework, he added, counting with his fingers all the rules I
had to remember. Ill be home at ten. And with that, he ruffled my hair somewhat affectionately
and exited through the front door.
Scott took night classes at the community college at the other end of town a few times every
week. It made sense, I guess, in a Scott sort of way. The way he put it before was that he was up
most of the time anyway, so why not just spend his evenings doing something useful for his future?
During the day, everydayexcept Mondays, that was our day offScott worked at the comic book
store, and after he closed up, a couple nights every week he would drive over to the community
college to take night classes instead of going in the middle of the day and not being able to man
the comic book store. He was studying to get his Bachelors degree in English. And since my
brother was an aspiring lawyer, he was going to move on to get a degree in law after he was done
with English, which was sort of like a pre-law course, he told me. He said that before you study law,
you have to study something else first, whether it was English or Business or whatever. I couldnt
remember the rest of what he told me. When he started talking about something he enjoyed (such
as school, for example), he just spoke and spoke and spoke without even taking a moment to
breathe. It was a wonder how I understood anything he told me about college at the pace he was
talking at.
I always felt a bit lost when Scott told me about wanting to become a lawyer. It was like he had
his whole life planned out ahead of him, right down to the finest and most precise details, and I
didnt even know what I wanted to be when I grew up. Okay, scratch that, I was already grown up;
I was technically a legal adult now. But I didnt know what I wanted to do after high school ended. I
hadnt gotten the slightest clue as to what jobs were suitable for me, or what university or college I
wanted to attend. I didnt even have any special talents or interests or anything that would make it
easier to find an occupation that Id like. Unless being a dork counted, which unfortunately, it didnt.
My brother kept telling me that I had plenty of time before I had to choose what I wanted to do in
life, but I didnt feel like I did. It was the beginning of senior year and I wanted to at least get an
idea of what I wanted to do by the time I graduated. Sure it seemed like a lot of time, but I knew it
wasnt really.
I guess you couldnt choose your own destiny. For now, Id just watch as the chips fall where
they may. I reminded myself that I had my whole future ahead of me and I didnt have to plan it out
right at this moment. I might as well enjoy myself for the time being.
The half of the house of cards that miraculously stayed standing toppled over. I decided to give
up on making a house of cards because I was getting nowhere with it.
I snatched my phone off the coffee table and scrolled through my messages. No new texts or
missed alerts. I was a lonely person.
Earlier todayaround noonI had called Hunter to tell him that I was grounded and I couldnt
make it to our planned tutoring session. He mustve been busy because he didnt pick up, forcing
me to leave a message. I hated leaving messages. I always ended up rambling on about stupid
The worst part about being grounded, I had just realized, was that I wasnt allowed to go to the
library with Hunter. I hadfor some unfathomable reasonbeen patiently waiting all week for our
Saturday study session. Maybe it was because Hunter was so surprisingly easy to talk to.
Subconsciously, I dialled his number and before I could make up a good reason as to why I
actually called him, he answered. Oh so now he decided to pick up? I guess it was too late to
chicken out now
Um, hi.
Who is this?
Charlie Crawford.
Ah, he drawled out in realization. So whats up, Charlie?
Why did I call him again? Nothing really. I just wanted to apologize for not being able to make it
to the tutoring session earlier today. Smooth, Charlie.
Eh, no biggie. I didnt have a lot of homework anyway, Hunter told me. But I cant say I didnt
miss you just a little bit.
Hunter missed me? A bashful smile inched its way onto my face. It was a good thing we werent
talking face-to-face because I felt a faint blush spread over my cheeks.
So whatre you doing? he asked casually.
Nothing. My brother grounded me so there isnt much I can do, I said, boredom evident in my
Hunter hissed in a breath through his teeth. Ooh, thats harsh. He paused. Is, uh, your brother
Well then you can do whatever you want! Hunter exclaimed incredulously.
But Im
Youre grounded, I know. Let me guess: this is your first time getting in trouble? he questioned,
managing not to sound condescending.
I could practically sense Hunter roll his eyes and shake his head on the other end of the line.
You know why people get grounded? Its because they get in trouble for one reason or another.
Tell me something I dont know. Why do people get in trouble? Because they broke some kind of
I sighed. And why do people break rules? I asked, predicting his next question.
Lots of reasons. Maybe they needed to, maybe it was an accident Maybe they get a rush, I
dont know. Sounded like he was speaking from personal experience. You know what else gives
you a rush? Again with the questions? Really? Sneaking out, he answered. One of the very few
reasons you should appreciate getting groundedit gives you the chance to sneak out. You get
this kind of rush, this thrill Plus, its fun. You should try it sometime.
Me? Sneaking out? Yeah right. I shouldnt have even gotten grounded in the first place.
Sure, Ill try it sometime, I said. Sometime didnt necessarily mean today.
Alright, talk to you later.
Bye. And with a click, I hung up.


It was about seven oclock when I heard a strange knock on my bedroom window. First I thought
it was Scott at the front door, and that maybe he forgot his keys or something, even though it
would be weird if he forgot his keys since he left fifteen minutes ago. But then I realized that the
sound was too close to have emanated from the front door. It mustve come from my bedroom
I was working on my intricate Dungeons & Dragons map when I heard it. Most of the time I did it
when Scott wasnt home so he wouldnt try sneaking a peek at my map. Only the Dungeon Master
is supposed to see the original map. The Dungeon Master (Scotts friend, I mean) was always the
one who made the maps, so I thought Id give it a try. Even though it took a lot of time to plan out, I
knew it would be worth it in the end.
I felt like a character in one of those stupid, predictable horror movies. I knew I shouldve just
ignored it or locked myself in a closet to hide or something, but I just wanted to check to make
sure that nothing that goes bump in the night was waiting outside my window, ready to attack at
any moment.
As an extra precaution, I sharpened my pencil until the tip was penetratingly sharp and slowly
rose from my office chair. What? It wasnt my fault I didnt own any useful weapons. The best thing
I had was a toy lightsaber buried somewhere in the back of my closet, but I doubted it would do
any good in this situation, considering it was plastic and already on the verge of breaking in half.
(Dont ask. It involved a lightsaber duel between Scott and I.)
Flinging my curtain to the side, I gasped when I saw whatmore like whowas outside my
window. I slid my window open, as I tried to get my heartbeat back to its regular pace.
What are you doing here? I exclaimed.
Well hello to you too, he said. Hunter was sitting on the roof right outside my bedroom window,
a cigarette tucked firmly between his lips. He took one last puff before putting the cigarette out by
grinding it into the roof with his shoe. Then, he threw the butt into my neighbours lawn.
What are you doing here? I repeated. I grabbed a pack of gum off my desk and offered a piece
to Hunter. Thankfully, he took accepted it and began chewing. I didnt want to talk to him if his
breath smelled like a chimney.
Hunter froze mid-chew and stared down at the pencil I was grasping tightly as an amused smirk
lit up his handsome face. Were you going to stab me with that? He laughed, trying to conceal it
with a fake cough.
What? No, I lied, tossing the pencil haphazardly on my desk. Hunter arched an eyebrow
dubiously and I sighed. Yes. But only because I thought you were someone trying to kill me.
Right. Well if someone does try to break into your house and you stab them with a pencil, tell
me how that all works out.
Then a thought hit me. Wait, how do you know where I live? I didnt recall ever giving Hunter
my address.
That information is confidential, Hunter said smoothly. For my eyes only.
Uh huh. And how did you know which window was mine?
Simple. Your bedroom is the only room in the house with the light still on. And if youre gonna
ask why I didnt just knock on the front door, its because this way is more fun.
I was actually going to ask that. So I posed a different question instead. Howd you even get up
Uh, I climbed, Hunter told me like it was the most obvious answer in the world. I was surprised
he hadnt rolled his eyes at me. Hunter pointed to the giant oak tree with branches dangling close
enough to the strip of roof outside my bedroom window for him to have climbed on.
Are you done with all the questions? He sighed impatiently.
Yes. I paused. Wait, no. I have one more. Why are you here? I didnt mean to sound so rude,
but I was partially shocked that Hunter had spontaneously shown up at my house.
Because, Hunter drawled out slowly, smirking at me, you said youve never snuck out, right?
Well, Im here to change that. He cautiously manoeuvred around so that he was sitting on my
windowsill, straddling it almost, with one of his legs dangling outside and the other in my room. He
appeared to be unusually comfortable.
No. No way, I said firmly, strenuously shaking my head. I am not sneaking out.
You said your brother wasnt home? What time will he be back?
Around ten, but
Hunter grinned. Perfect. That gives us about three hours. When he noticed my defiant
expression, he added, Cmon, itll be fun, Charlie. You do know what fun is, dont you?
Hunter was about to climb back out the window when I remarked, You do know what a front
door is, dont you? I gave him a mocking smirk.
Touch. He slid off the windowsill so he was fully standing in my bedroom. Then he shut the
window behind him, but left it unlocked.
Are you sure this is a good idea? I was really going to do it. I was going to sneak out for the
very first time. And Hunter, of all people, was going to guide me through this magnificent journey.
Of course it is, he replied jubilantly as he lightly grabbed my wrist and led me out of my room.
He managed to lead me downstairs and out the front door fairly easily and only let go of my wrist
when I had to lock the front door.
There was a shiny black car parked right in front of my house. It mightve been a Chevy, but I
didnt know for sure. Scott was the car expert in my family, but even he didnt know much about
them. I assumed that the car belonged to Hunter because it was the only car on the block parked
on the street and not in a driveway. I turned out to be right.
I thought Hunter was just going to get in the drivers seat, but instead, he walked around to the
passenger side first. Unexpectedly, he held the door open and motioned for me to get in. Aprs
vous, he said in a fakeand hilariously terribleFrench accent.
I smiled. Merci. After I slid into the passenger seat, Hunter strode back around the car and
jumped into the drivers seat.
Welcome to The Enterprise.
I arched an eyebrow at him. You named your car The Enterprise? I grinned at the name. I
never really pegged Hunter as a Trekkie.
Uh, yeah, what else would I call it? He grinned. So, are you ready to go?
No, I answered honestly.
He sighed, looking a bit disappointed. Look, if you really dont want
But if were really going somewhere, you should probably start driving before I change my mind,
I interjected. There, I did it. No turning back now.
The grin slowly returned to his face. I could see it even though the sky wasnt very well lit. It was
already dark out, even though it was only seven oclock. Winter was just around the corner.
Hunter twisted the key in the ignition and his precious hunk of scrap metal sputtered before it
eventually purred to life. He pressed his foot down on the gas pedal and we were off
Only after the car started moving did I have second thoughts about our whole endeavor. Now
that I thought about it, it started to seem like a really bad idea. What if Scott came home early and
we were still out? I would get into even more trouble than I already was in. Plus, his insomnia and
mood swings heightened and
And I didnt even know where Hunter was taking me. He could be driving us to Alaska for all I
knew. I shouldve at least asked him before agreeing to all of this. Maybe he was taking me to
some secluded place in the middle of nowhere to murder me. Why had I trusted him so easily?
But, on the other hand, what made him untrustworthy? Nothing. Oh wait, he got into that fist fight
at school But that was it.
So where are we going? I questioned in what I hoped was a nonchalant manner.
He shrugged. I dont know. Somewhere. So he was just driving around aimlessly. Well then I
guess we werent going to Alaska.
I took a few calming breaths. Breathe in. Breathe out. I forced myself to try and relax because I
was supposed to be enjoying myselfI think. Sneaking out was reputedly fun, right?
You know, Aarons having a party tonight, Hunter apprised me.
I dont like parties, I mumbled. High school parties were always so overcrowded, plus there
was always alcohol involved. I had been uneasy around alcohol ever since my parents died in that
drunk driving accident. I never went near the stuff, but I knew Scott drank occasionally.
Yeah. Me neither, said Hunter. His response totally threw me off guard. Hunter didnt like
parties? I thought I was the only one. Too many drunk people, he added after a moment. Drunk
people equals stupid people, and I hang out with enough stupid people as it is. Interesting way to
talk about your friends. It was a wonder how he kept them all with that attitude.
Then whyd you bring up the party? I inquired curiously.
To tell you that were not going there. Because that made so much sensenote the sarcasm.
So then where are we going?
Hunter pondered for a moment. Wanna go see a movie?
Okay. But we have to get back before my brother gets home, I reminded him firmly.
Relax, weve got time. We have three hours. Hey, thats perfect! Hunter exclaimed suddenly,
and I jumped up in my seat slightly. Maybe we have enough time to see two movies.
You have to get home before your brother does. I know, I know. Dont worry about it.
I sighed. Okay. Whatever you say.
You know, they might be showing double-features tonight, Hunter told me, beaming. Its that
time of year again.
I knew exactly what he was talking about. Even though it was only the beginning of October, the
hype about Halloween had already begun. People were already decorating their houses, buying
candy, picking out costumes, the whole nine yards. And one of the festive traditions here in Maple
Valley was screening old movies to get everyone in the Halloween spirit. They usually played
double-features, as Hunter had just said. The movies were all at least a half a century old and
supposedly scary, but most of the time they werent the best quality.
Two movies for the price of one, said Hunter. Thats a good deal.
I chuckled. Youre a cheap date, I remarked teasingly. Oh God. Did I just refer to this as a date?
He shrugged, conceding with my comment. Thats the best I can offer. Im a broke high school
student. No use arguing with that logic.


When we emerged from Hudson Theatres after the movies were over, both Hunter and I reeked
of buttered popcorn and success. If that made any sense. We just finished watching The Bride of
Frankenstein and The Invisible Man back-to-back, and they were actually better than I initially
thought theyd be. The best part, though, was that it was about 9:30, which meant we had about
half an hour until my brother was supposed to be home.
During both screenings, I was anxious to know if Id make it home before my brother (which kind
of put a damper on my light-hearted movie night mood), but now I had absolutely nothing to worry
about. I had plenty of time to get home. More than enough, really.
Do you want me to drop you off at your house or? Hunter asked once we were on the road
again. He tapped his fingers on the steering wheel along to the rhythm of the song playing quietly
on the radio.
Yeah, my house, if you dont mind. My brother should be home soon, I reminded him.
Hunter glanced down at his watch before returning his attention back to the road. What time did
you say he was gonna be home?
Around ten.
Hunter threw me an incredulous look. We still have half an hour left! You really wanna go home
already? Aw cmon, I know you love hanging out with me, he said cheekily. Well, I guess
spending time with Hunter wasnt that bad He was actually a pretty decent guy behind that wall
of arrogance and toughness he kept up around everyone else.
Hey, how about we kill some time? I have the perfect idea how, he said suddenly, shooting me
a smile that made his eyes sparkle and his pearly, Colgate white teeth glisten in the dim moonlight.
I eyed him in suspicion. What?
We should go to Just Pie, Hunter proposed.
How do you know I even like pie? Only after the words tumbled out of my mouth had I realized
what a stupid question that was. Hunter had seen me eat pie before. He even paid for my bill that
one time.
Everybody likes pie, he said simply. And with that, he pulled over by the side of the road, right
in front of Just Pie.
On weekends, Just Pie was open until ten. I had never been here this late, but from what I could
see through the front window, it didnt look very crowded.
I turned out to be right. There were only about five people inside, one of them being Lou. As
soon as we opened the door and stepped inside, a bell chimed overhead and everyone snapped
their heads in our direction to look at us. I waved shyly at Lou as the rest of the customers
returned to continue whatever it was that they were doing before we walked in.
Hey, Lou, Hunter and I chorused. We instantly turned to look at each other. You know him?
we asked simultaneously.
Hunter laughed. Yeah, of course I know him. Hes my boss.
My eyes widened. You work here? How could I not know that? I came here almost every day.
Surely I wouldve noticed him working here at some point.
Yeah. Wellnot officially. Lou interviewed me yesterday. I havent actually been hired yet.
Then in a hushed whisper he added, But of course hes gonna hire me.
How do you know him?
He was friends with my dad.
Ah, he drawled out understandingly.
Are you two talking about me? Lou asked from behind the counter he was wiping down with a
dishrag. He arched an eyebrow. Im right here, ya know. I can hear everything you kids are
I chuckled sheepishly. Hunter strode over to a table and sat down. I slid into the seat directly
across from him.
When Hunter opened his mouth to say something, I thought he was going to ask me what I
wanted to order. But instead, he yelled across the room to Lou, Hey Lou, can you get us two
slices of apple pie?
Hey, howd you know I wanted apple pie? I asked in awe. That was exactly what I was going to
order. Except with some ice cream on top.
Hunter shrugged. It looked like he was trying to suppress his smirk, but whatever he was doing
definitely wasnt working because I could clearly see it. I told you before: everybody likes pie, he
answered vaguely.
Its on the house! Lou shouted back as he disappeared into the kitchen, earning us some
jealous glares from the other customers. Hunter stuck his tongue out at them childishly.
Lou, wait! Hunter called suddenly. Make it two apple pies la mode. Whoa. Freaky. It was
like he read my mind or something.
Are you a mind reader, by any chance? I questioned.
Hunter seemed to be a mixture of amused and baffled. No. Why?
No reason.


After we had devoured our pie and resisted the urge to lick the plates completely clean, Hunter
and I just continued talking for God-knows-how-long. It felt like minutes, but at the speed time was
flying by, it was probably much longer.
And during that time, I learned a lot about Hunter that I never knew before. He was (shockingly)
a Trekkie and a Whovian, couldnt decide if his favourite colour was blue or green (I faced the
same dilemma), liked the Harry Potter books more than the movies, and it bothered him to no end
when song lyrics didnt rhyme at all. He preferred PCs over Macs, was freaked out by clowns, and
enjoyed watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show only because he found it funny how much the
transvestite dude scared his sister. Oh yeah, and he had a sister.
Hunter and I surprisingly had a lot in common, and I just felt so comfortable talking to him. He
was actually more like me than I ever wouldve guessed.
Currently, we were conversing about one of my favourite topicssuperheroes. Our least
favourite superheroes, to be exact. We made quite the list.
Superman, I said abruptly after a moment of pensive silence. I dont like him. Was it wrong
that I co-owned a comic book store and didnt like Superman?
Reason why? We also had to explain why they got the honor of being on our least favourite
superheroes list.
Becausehes not normal. That was the best thing I could think of that wasnt just because or
I just dont.
Hunter laughed and shook his head. Well, clearly. Hes a superhero.
Yeah, but no one can have that many powers, I argued.
Hunter shrugged and knitted his eyebrows together ever so slightly, considering it. Okay, you
have a point there. Then, he flashed me a grin and said, I guess that makes him your Kryptonite,
I blinked.
Hunter cleared his throat awkwardly. That sounded a lot funnier in my head.
I laughed. Your turn.
Hmm He paused for a moment, and I could tell that he was deep in thought by that faraway
look he had in his eyes. Iron Man, he finally said.
What? I exclaimed indignantly. How could he not like Iron Man? Why?
He leaned back, holding his palms out to me like he was surrendering. Its just that Theres
not much to him, you know? Hes just a rich guy with a metal suit. Kinda boring, dont you think?
I crossed my arms defiantly and glared at him. Well then why dont we add Batman to the list
too? Hes just a rich guy with a cool car. Oh, and the Green Arrow. Hes just a rich guy with a
Okay, that didnt come out right. What I meant was Then he just cut himself off completely
and sighed in defeat. Fine, I like Iron Man. Are you happy now?
I knew he was lying, but I still threw him an innocent smile and replied, Yes. After a minute of
contemplative hesitation, I added, Wonder Woman sucks.
Reason? Hunter nodded his head as if he concurred with me, but still had to ask because we
agreed on stating our arguments for why we felt the way we did about each character.
Because she has a Lasso of Truth. A Lasso of Truth, I repeated to emphasize my point. Its
He gave me a half-shrug that indicated he was only partially in accordance with my point. Yeah,
but shes hot, he said with a lewd smirk, leaning back comfortably in his chair and casually
draping an arm over the back.
Boys. I rolled my eyes.
Captain America. Not really a fan of him, Hunter told me.
And why would that be?
Hes just too He snapped his fingers, as if the perfect adjective would appear out of thin air
and hed be able to finish the sentence he left trailed off. star-spangled. And why isnt there a
Captain Canada? We need a patriotic vigilante too.
Yeah, I mused, youre right. Oh, I know! We should have Captain Canuck!
Hunter slapped the table lightly and then pointed at me. Now thats what Im talking about! He
gave me a grin and I reciprocated one back.
Who else?
Aquaman, Hunter replied. I completely agreed with him on this one.
The look he shot me next made me feel like the stupidest person in the world. Uh, because hes
Aquaman. Nuff said, he said with finality in his tone. True. Aquaman was a sorry excuse for a
Its closing time, kids, Lou called out to Hunter and I since everyone else already left. He
approached our table holding a broom in one hand and a dustpan in the other. What was he going
to do, run us off his territory with the broom?
Yeah, we should get going, Hunter said as he glanced down at his watch. He produced a few
wadded up bills from his pocket and placed them on the table. Thanks, Lou.
Lou smiled at us and collected our dirty plates and the money, abandoning the broom and
dustpan on the next table over so he could carry everything.
Hey, what time is it? I questioned.
About a quarter past ten. Why?
My eyes almost bugged out of their sockets as I assessed the reality of the situation. My brother
should be home at any minute! And Id be in a heap of trouble if I wasnt home by the time he was.


Hunter briskly pulled over by the side of the road in front of my house, right in the exact same
spot he had parked earlier today to pick me up. He offered me an assuring grin and said,
Sneaking out wasnt that bad, now was it?
I guess not. I had a lot of fun, I admitted. Who wouldve ever guessed that I actually snuck out
and enjoyed it? Not me. Thanks.
Hunter threw me a wink. Anytime.
I hastily exited his car and waved him one last time before I watched him speed down the street.
Scotts car wasnt in the driveway yet, which meant that he still wasnt home. I wiped the sweat
off my brow at the pure serendipity. If he had been home, I would have a lot of explaining to do.
I dashed around the house and through the backyard to get to the back door. I thought Id take
some extra precautions and enter through the back door because he might see me if I went in the
front and he arrived in the next minute or two. I had no idea when hed be home, but I predicted it
would be sometime during the next few minutes. There usually wasnt muchor anytraffic
around this time.
Just as I was passing through the kitchen, I heard the front door creak open, just as I had
anticipated. Luckily, the stairs that led up to the second floor were near the kitchen, which made
this whole escapade a whole lot easier. While Scott busied himself with untying his shoes and
hanging his jacket up neatly in the front hall closet, I snuck upstairs, thankful that none of the steps
creaked under my weight.
Once I reached my bedroom, I wasted no time and immediately jumped into my bed, pulling the
covers all the way up to my neck so that it wasnt obvious that I hadnt changed into my pajamas. I
slowed down my breathingtaking deep, steady breaths every few secondsand closed my eyes,
feigning sleep.
A moment later, I heard my bedroom door open. I could sense it was Scott and he was probably
checking up on me. When he noticed I was sleeping, he mustve left because I heard the door
softly click shut behind him.
I let out a breath of relief. Smiling, I just stayed in my bed, staring up at the ceiling.
I had snuck out for the first time today. I could still feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins
and that rush I received after almost getting caught. It was unlike anything I had ever felt before.
And, sure, it was different, but I enjoyed the thrill of it all. I liked it, and secretly, I wished I had the
nerve to do it again sometime.
Even though Halloween was still weeks away, it seemed as though the whole town was already
prepared for the festive occasion. Decorations were set up in front of almost every house I passed
by, varying from jack-o-lanterns to Styrofoam tombstones (I wondered how they didnt blow away
in the wind) and everything in between. Scott and I hadnt adorned our house yet, which made it
appear bare and boring in comparison to some of these beautifully furnished homes that managed
to scare and amaze me at the same time.
Every year, Scott and I always decorated the front of our house (and sometimes the lawn, too)
so extravagantly in an unrequited attempt to one-up the neighbours. Though, our neighbours
never really knew we were trying to outdo them with the decorations; they probably thought that
we were just getting into the Halloween spirit.
Another tradition we had for Halloween was throwing a party at Crawford Comics. It was
originally my dads idea, but once he passed away, Scott and I decided to continue on with it. It
was one of the ways we preserved his memory (Moms too, since she was usually the one who
planned and set up the parties, and co-hosted them). People were allowedencouraged, really
to show up in costume if they pleased. We supplied refreshments, music, and snacks, and held a
contest to award the person with the best or most creative costume. The winner received a free
action figure, or whatever else we happened to have.
Scott always insisted we throw the party a day before Halloween because for some unknown
reason, he actually enjoyed handing out candy to kids. In costume, of course (Scott, I mean). And
he never really cared how late they came since he was awake most of the time anyways.
The leaves crunched under my shoe with every step I took, and the chilly aircool and crisp
made me shiver and shove my hands even deeper into the pockets of my sweater, trying (and
failing miserably) to keep warm. Thankfully, the library was only a few minutes away; I could
already see the big brick building at the end of the street. I sped up my pace to a speed-walk.
As soon as I entered the library, I sighed contently as warm air met my cold skin. I made my way
past shelves upon shelves of books until I reached the section of the library that was reserved for
computers and tables. I took a seat at the table I met Hunter at last time we had a tutoring session,
unsurprised to find it completely unoccupied. I always arrived promptly on time, and Hunter (most
of the time) was expectedly late. It didnt bother me since I was used to disorganized peopleit
was a perfect word to describe my brother.
A few moments later, just as I was getting a head start on my math homework, someone
plopped down onto the chair across from me with a half-grunt half-sigh sound, and I knew that it
was Hunter before I even looked up.
Ready to do some work?
I dont wanna do any work, he grumbled. Im tired and pissed off and unfinished homework is
the least of my worries right now. He was the only person I knew who could sound so irritated
even though he kept yawning at least a few times during each sentence. Well, besides Scott, of
Then I finally glanced up. Whoa. He looked almost as bad as Scott, if not worse. At least Scott
combed his hair so it didnt look like a rat lived on top of his head. Hunter appeared as though he
hadnt slept at all last night. Homework could wait; I deemed this situation way more important,
whatever this situation happened to be, exactly.
Are you okay? I asked. What happened to you?
My sister happened to me.
I meant specifically, I clarified.
Didnt sleep at all last night, Hunter mumbled. He rested his arm on the table and then buried
his face in the crook of his elbow. Jeez, how many restless people did I have to deal with every
day? It was a wonder how I got any sleep sometimes.
Well, what happened? Why was it that whenever someone had a problem, they always had to
confide in me? Was I the only person that didnt have to deal with any major issues right now?
My sister is a slut, thats what happened. That answer was still too vague for me.
Hey, dont call her that. I never met his sister, but I felt the need to defend her, seeing as I was
a sister myself. And because I had a brother and knew just how annoying they could be
Why? You dont even know her.
So? Its still not nice, I chastised.
Hunter looked up simply to roll his eyes at me just for rebuking his behaviour. I heard him
mumble, Nice my ass under his breath, but pretended not to hear that.
And besides, I continued, what does that even have to do with you not being able to sleep?
Because he yawned and shot me a pointed look our bedrooms are right beside each
other, and I can hear her banging random dudes! And it went on for hours. Kept me up all night
The last thing I wanted to do was talk about the far-too-personal aspects of Hunters sisters life,
but I guess it was one of the obligations of being a good friend.
You have a brother, right? Imagine if you could hear him and some girl
Okay, okay, enough, I interjected before he could get too far into his imaginative description.
He was painting a picture in my mind that I didnt ever want to see. So why dont you just tell her
to stop? I suggested. What else was supposed to say? I wasnt adequate enough when it came to
offering advice in these kinds of situations.
Oh believe me, Ive tried. Ive tried everything. Nothing worked.
Well then why dont you
Charlie, this has been going on for about two weeks now, and I have no idea how to stop it. She
brings home a new guy every nightprobably picks them up from a bar or somethingand then
takes them home to screw them senseless. I dont like to think of my sister as a whore, but shes
not really proving it otherwise.
Exhaling deeply, I decided to stay silent because I honestly had no idea how to respond to
Hunters little tirade.
Hunter mustve taken my silence as a cue to expand on his story because that was exactly what
he did. She does this every year around this time.
He kept his gaze down, picking at an imaginary loose thread on his shirt. The anniversary of my
parents death was about three weeks ago. He gave me a sad smile. Its weird because they
died around the same date, but a year apart.
I didnt know what to do. I didnt think Hunter would care for consoling condolences, so I just said,
Yeah, thats weird.
Hunter leaned back in his chair and heaved a sigh. I dunno, maybe shes just looking for some
kind of affection. We rarely got any from our parents once we became teenagers. That made me
want to go over and give Hunter a great big hug and tell him that he was too precious for the
harshness of this world, but I didnt think appreciate that, especially not in public.
Interesting theory, I mused quietly. I didnt think he heard me.
But I just want her to stop, yknow? Its He paused to rethink his choice of words. I dont get
any sleep and shell get a bad rep. I dont want that, its not good for either of us, he said, marking
the end of his mini rant.
Its okay, I piped up. Everything will all work out. Or so I hoped, for Hunters sake.
He ran a hand through his dishevelled hair and flashed me a tired smile. Sorry, its just that Im
kinda annoyed and I didnt know who else to talk to. Aaron would think Im a pussy if I ever told
him something like that.
Youre not the only one with sibling problems, I said suddenly, even startling myself with the
unexpected outburst. It wasnt fair how Hunter got to discuss his problems and I didnt. I always
kept my thoughts and emotions bottled up because I never had anyone to talk to. I couldnt talk
about it with Scott because right now he was one of the main issues I had to deal with. Now was
my perfect chance to just let it all out. If I had to listen to Hunters problems, then it was only fair
that he listen to mine.
Oh? he asked like he heard me incorrectly. Is something up with your brother? I appear to
have piqued his interest a bit. His story prodded my curiosity, but I didnt think hed be intrigued by
My brother, Scott, he found out recently that his girlfriend was cheating on him. They went out
for more than two years. He wanted to marry her! But after he found out and they broke up, he just
turned into thisrobot. Well, he had insomnia, so he was kind of a robot before, but now its even
worse. He doesnt eat or sleep, or do anything, really.
Once I was done explaining everything, it felt like every tense muscle in my body began to relax,
and some of my stress just faded away and then vanished, almost as if it hadnt been there in the
first place. It felt so good to finally open up to somebody after years of holding it all in. I felt ten
times better than I did a moment ago.
So what are we going to do about it all? I asked.
Hunter bounced up in his seat and it seemed like all of a sudden, his energy had been
rejuvenated. A wicked grin lit up his face, making me wonder if I really wanted to know what he
was thinking.
I have a brilliant idea! he announced excitedly. Itllmaybehelp us with both of our sibling
It didnt sound too convincing, but I was willing to try anything. Okay, whats your idea?
Well, I was thinking, maybe if my sister got a boyfriend, she wouldnt keep sleeping around with
other guys, he said mischievously. And you said your brother just broke up with his girlfriend,
which means hes single, right?
Charlie, dont you get it? We should set my sister and your brother up. Maybe if they started
dating, theyd both be happier. Hunter gave me a grin, one that wasnt unlike a salesmans when
they tried to sell you their product. I must say, Hunter could be very persuasive when he wanted to
be. And the fact that he used just what I wanted (for my brother to be happy and himself again) in
his pitch, it actually made me consider going through with this crazy idea of his.
But they dont even know each other, I pointed out.
Then well introduce them. Set them up on a blind date, maybe. I dont know. Well figure out all
the details later, Hunter told me, unable to cease bouncing in his seat in excitement.
The things I did for Scott Fine, I agreed benevolently, noticing the complacent look on his
face. How do you propose we do this?
Well, Hunter said with this impish glint in his eyes, I have a few ideas.


No, I answered, finality lacing my tone. I shook my head for extra emphasis. Absolutely not.
Please? he pleaded. No matter how much I tried, I couldnt get him to stop with the ardent
doggedness. And he was like this all day, so dead-set on undergoing all of these ridiculous
schemes hed conjure. Currently, we were arguing over Hunters latest and (arguably) greatest
idea; one I didnt imagine my brother and his sisteror anyone, reallywould want to be
subjected to doing.
Must we? I heaved out a petulant sigh.
Its the best thing weve come up with so far, he argued. I thought otherwise.
I pondered for a moment for before giving him a reply. If we go through with thisif, as in
possibly, but not certainlywhat are we going to do? And how?
Easy, he remarked. Theres really only two things we need to do. One, get them so drunk that
by the end of the night they wont be able to tell up from down. And two, lock them in a motel room
together and wait for the magic to happen. See? Its simple. If he was going to be that confident,
he should at least come up with a more realistic plan. Like either of our siblings would do any of
that. I predicted an I told you so in Hunters near future, right after I would prove him wrong about
this whole ordeal.
Well then why dont we just skip the first step and just lock them in a motel room together? Now
its simple and less time-consuming. I couldnt believe I actually suggested that.
Hunter groaned at my naivety. Charlie, would you willingly go into a motel room with some
random stranger sober?
Fine, I guess youre right.
He threw me a cocky grin and I just barely managed to suppress the inevitable roll of my eyes.
Well, duh. Of course I am.
We had been thinking up plans all afternoon and this was the one I agreed on? There was
clearly something wrong with me that mustve been affecting the decision-making part of my brain.
I didnt know what possessed me to think that this whole thing was a good idea. It sounded
adequate enough (at most) at first, now it was just kinda questionable.
But I trusted Hunter with this, and if it didnt work, it didnt work. Hopefully he wouldnt try to
press this matter any further if it didnt.
Now that weve got that all settled out, how about we head on over to Just Pie for some
milkshakes? he suggested. My treat.
I couldnt refuse an invitation for free milkshakes, so I nodded, silently accepting his offer. I
packed up all of my books and binders, and Hunter waited since he didnt bring anything.
Disappointingly, we hadnt actually gotten to the tutoring part of the tutoring session.
Did you need any help with your homework? I asked studiously. I didnt want him to fail on my
account, so I was just making sure.
The suddenness of my question seemed to have caught Hunter off guard. Uh, no. Why?
Just checking. I dont want you getting held back again. Thatd defeat the whole purpose of
assigning me to be your tutor in the first place.
Hunter laughed and with a slight wave of his hand, he said, Dont worry, okay?
That didnt really ease my apprehension, but I let it slide. Though he seemed pretty positive for
someone who was living through his senior year for the second time around.
Once we exited the library, all we had to do to get to Just Pie was cross the street since they
were straight across from each other. But somethingsomeone, actuallyon the other side of the
street made me skid to a halt as Hunter fumbled and tried not to trip over his own feet, trying not to
bump into me.
Hey, whyd you stop? He sidled up beside me and as soon as he caught me staring blankly
ahead, he averted his gaze to try and figure out what I was looking at with such intensity. He
mustve not found anything remarkably strange or conspicuous because he had to ask, Hey, you
okay? Something wrong?
I mumbled a response that was even incomprehensible to me.
I couldnt take my eyes off Scott, who was walking on the sidewalk right across the street
exactly parallel to where Hunter and I were standing. He passed Just Pie and continued on his
way until he reached a door to a place a few stores down. My brother just walked into a bar.
It was only five oclock. My brother shouldve been at Crawford Comics; there were still a few
more hours until closing time. So why was he at a bar? He wouldnt go near any form of food or
drink since he and Tiffany broke their relationship off, and now, all of a sudden, he was going to
get drunk in the afternoon?
For a university student, Scott didnt drink that much. Sure, he and his friends sometimes played
a few drinking games, but really, that was it (at least, that was what he told me). For someone with
about a million friends that were all frat boys, he sure did a good job of ignoring the substantial
amount of peer pressure I imagined him to deal with.
Ever since our parents got involved in that drunk driving accident a few years ago, Scott would
always limit himself to only a few drinks. Enough to satisfy himself, but never with the intention of
getting intoxicated.
So why was he at a bar, presumably to do the one thing he was against?
Charlie? Hey, Charlie? Whats wrong? Talk to me, Hunter said, and I began to snap out of my
concerned thoughts and back into reality. He snapped his fingers in front of my face, which then
(somehow) progressed into waving his hands so close to my face that I could feel the palm of his
hand brush against the tip of my nose a few times, and finally, he resorted to pinching my cheeks
lightly, as if I were asleep and he was trying to wake me up.
I took a step back and absent-mindedly swatted his hands away. What are you doing?
Sorry. You spaced out for a second there. Hunter cleared his throat sheepishly. Is everything
No, I replied truthfully. Did you see that guy that just walked into the bar?
That was my brother.
So? Then it was like something clicked in his brain, because he nodded understandingly. Oh.
Hey, well then that perfect!
I stared at him blankly. It is?
Yeah. This makes the whole plan a hell of a lot easier.
Are you suggesting that we follow through with this crazy idea of yours right now? I asked in
disbelief. But But we didnt even fully develop the details!
He shrugged. Well improvise. Charlie, nows the perfect time. All we have to do is get my sister
over here and then we can initiate the first step of the plan. No matter how much he tried to
conceal it, I could hear the giddy alacrity that seeped its way into his tone.
I knew that it wouldnt be any use trying to argue with Hunter and his tenacious excitement. I
hadnt known Hunter for a very long time, but I knew that if he wanted something really badly, hed
do whatever necessary to attain it.
Fine, I acceded, succumbing to Hunters plan. Fine, well go through with this little escapade of
yours, but if it doesnt work, can we just give up on the whole thing?
He took a moment to ruminate, running a hand down the side of his face thoughtfully. Okay,
deal. He stuck out his hand and I grasped it lightly, giving him a few solid shakes to properly seal
the deal. I may not have realized it yet, but I just mightve made a deal with the devil.
Cmon, he said, jerking his head in the general direction of the bar after I finally let go of his
hand, lets go find your brother before he gets drunk and does something stupid hell regret
I scoffed playfully. Like making him go through with our plan isnt stupid?
He placed a hand over his chest, feigning hurt, and let his jaw drop in mock-surprise. Im hurt,
he told me in an innocent voice that I never thought hed use. He stayed frozen like that for a few
more seconds before breaking out into a grin so broad it made me smile along with him.
After traversing across the street (by jaywalking, which I reluctantly agreed to because there
were no cars around to run us over and no police officers nearby to haul us to the slammer), we
approached the barToxic, as it said on the neon sign outsideand cautiously peered in through
the front window. I spotted my brother sitting at the bar so he had easy access to the bartender,
with a shot sitting in front of him. He traced the rim of the shot glass with his finger, but didnt
actually drink anything yet. I wasnt sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
It intrigued me how Hunter could stare through the window so casually, as if he were window
shopping instead of spying on his friends older brother and plotting to set him up with his sister.
Maybe he had done this before. Either that or he was simply a good actor.
Okay, so whats the plan again? Just like when I studied, it helped me remember things when I
(or in this case, Hunter) repeated them.
One, we get our siblings drunk. Two, we lock them in a motel room together, he recited.
Yeah. Just one problem: Im eighteen.
He blinked. So?
So the legal drinking age in Ontario is nineteen, I reminded him. They wont serve me any
alcohol. Hunter got held back a year, which meant he was already nineteen. I, however, was only
eighteen and still underage. Not that I would order any alcohol for myself, oh, no, not after how my
parents died, but it might be helpful if I could order drinks for our siblings. It was a bar, after all,
and Id appear incongruous if I didnt.
I can see how that might be a problem, Hunter mused. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers and
pointed at me. I know exactly what to do.
Placing a hand on the small of my back, Hunter guided me a few stores down until we were
standing right in front of Just Pie. He held the door open rather chivalrously, and the first thing he
said to me as soon as we stepped inside was, Out of all the girls here, which one looks the most
like you?
I was taken aback by the bluntness of his question. What?
Dont ask, just answer.
I scanned the diner as thoroughly as I could without looking like a creeper. Finally, my gaze fell
upon a girl with brown eyes and dirty blond hair. Our hair colours didnt exactly match, but they
were close enough, and so were most of our other facial features. I think I found a match.
How about her? I nodded my head in the girls direction. The girl in the blue plaid shirt over
Hunters grin contorted into a devious smirk. Before he could ask him what he was going to do,
Hunter approached the girl (who was sitting alone at one of the tables) and sat down right beside
I wasnt sure what else I couldve done other than watch, so that was just what I did.
The girlwho kept glancing at the door every few seconds as if she were expecting someone
appeared both surprised and confounded when Hunter plopped down in the chair next to her.
They shook hands and presumably introduced themselves, at which point the girls befuddlement
transformed into fierce annoyance.
Hunters charming grin never left his face as he talked to her and only after he slung an arm over
the back of her chair had I begun to realize what he was attempting to do.
A backpackher backpackwas hung up in the back of her chair by one of the straps, with the
zipper wide open. Hunter inched his hand closer to it while diverting her gaze and keeping trained
on his attractive face as he spoke. He mustve asked her to do something because she got up and
trudged over to the milkshake bar with an eye roll and an agitated huff. Meanwhile, Hunter rifled
through the contents of her backpack when she wasnt looking and pulled out a wallet. He pulled
some kind of card out of it and shoved it in the front pocket of his jeans, dropping the wallet back
in the bag. As he surreptitiously shot me a wink and two thumbs up, he saw the girl walking back
toward the table so he casually leaned back in his seat and drummed a simple beat on the table
with his hands. I had to admit, the execution of his pick-pocketing was good, even though I didnt
really approve of it.
As soon as the girl returned to the table carrying two milkshakes, Hunter planted a fake
apologetic look on his face and mumbled some excuse to her. She actually looked kinda relieved.
Hunter threw a crumpled bill on the table (probably to pay for his milkshake) and hastened out of
the diner, dragging me along with him.
Once we were outside, he handed me the card he stole from that girl.
Dont worry, Ill return it later, he assured me before I could say anything. Here you go
Hunter snuck a glance at the name on the card Sarah Bennett. It was a drivers license. And
apparently, Sarah was nineteen. Perfect.
Well youre welcome. He stared at me expectedly.
Thanks, I replied shyly, staring at the picture on the ID. But this doesnt really look like me.
No one looks like they do on their ID. Hunter exhaled deeply. That was harder than I thought
itd be. I tried to hit on her, but she kept telling me off cause she had a boyfriend. He rolled his
eyes and muttered something incoherent under his breath.
The short walk back to Toxic (the bar Scott was at) was mostly in silence. Then, as soon as we
were standing outside the bar, I thought of something we mightve missed. What about your
He stopped and turned around to look at me. What about my sister?
How are we going to get her here? We need to get both of them drunk, right?
Hunter slapped his hand on his forehead in a very slapstick manner. Shit. I forgot. Then, after a
few seconds, he declared, Oh! I know what to do! He took out his phone and began to text
rapidly, occasionally grunting profanities whenever he misspelled a word and needed to hit the
backspace key about a million times because it was so slow. Finally, after a lot of strenuous effort
on his part, he dramatically jabbed the send button with his index finger and exhaled deeply.
There. All taken care of.
What did you do?
I texted my sister and told her that I ran into one of her friends and she wanted to meet up at
Toxic. My sister should be here soon.
I nodded. Okay, thats good. Oh, and Hunter, one more thing.
It might help if I knew your sisters name.
Courtney, I repeated to help myself remember. Got it.


We waited for Courtney to arrive before we continued on with putting our plan into action. She
didnt take as long as I expected her to, and as soon as she stepped inside and didnt see her
friend, she made her way over to an unoccupied table and sat down.
As soon as Hunter pointed her out to me, I could spot the resemblance between the two. They
both had the same shade of dark brown hair and eyes to match, with a round face and defined jaw
(more so for Hunter, obviously). And not to mention cheekbones sharp enough to cut glass.
Hunters sister looked like she could be a model if she wanted to, and now that I thought about it,
Hunter did too. Although, if I ever told him that, hed probably just laugh and ask what kind of drug
I was on.
Hunter and I were seated at a table in the darkest corner of the bar. We both had the hoods of
our sweaters drawn up over our heads, just as an extra precautionary measure. This way, neither
of our siblings could seeor, most importantly, recognizeus. That would just ruin the whole plan.
I have an idea, Hunter told me, glancing around the bar coolly. Ill get your brother drunk and
you get my sister drunk.
Okay, I drawled out, but how do we do that? Ive never exactly done this before.
Its alright. How about I go first and you watch and learn, he suggested with a wink.
Hunter took a deep breath and with a reckless grin, said, Wish me luck.
Good luck.
I watched carefully as Hunter approached Scott, who was sitting on a stool at the bar, tipping his
head back to take another shot. A small army of empty glasses were lined up in front of him.
Hunter would help guide him to drunkenness. That is, is he wasnt already.
Hunter hopped on the stool beside my brother and casually ran a hand through his hair. Then,
after a few seconds, he addressed Scott.
I was sitting at a perfect table because I was close enough to hear their conversation, but I
couldnt be seen.
Hey, Hunter greeted.
Once my brother realized that Hunter was speaking to him, he replied with a simple Hey.
Not for nothin, man, but you look like shit, I heard Hunter remark over the loud chit-chatting
and clinking of glasses emanating from the rest of the bar. Rough day?
Scott scoffed. Rough life is more like it.
I know what you mean, dude, Hunter responded with a knowing sigh. But hey, things gotta get
better eventually, right?
Eh, I guess so. Scott tilted his head back and swallowed another shot, contorting his face
How about we get some more drinks? Theyre on me, Hunter offered. Looks like you could
use some alcohol in your system. No offence.
My brother smiled appreciatively as he introduced himself. Thanks. Im Scott, by the way.
Hunter. He waved the bartender over and mouthed Two beers to him. He probably knew that
even shouting couldnt compete with the raucous din of the bar.
It amazed me how easily Hunter blended into the whole bar scene. He was like a social
chameleon. In any situation given to him, he could he could fit in with anyone and everyone
around him, no sweat. But unfortunately for me, I was quite the opposite, with my social ineptness
following me around everywhere I went.
And that was exactly the reason I was so nervous to talk to Courtney. Hunter had done his part
perfectly, smoothly, quickly and efficiently without any mistakes whatsoever. What if I said
something wrong, or did something wrong? What if I totally ruined the chances of getting this
whole plan to work? I had never done anything like this before, getting someone drunk, let alone a
complete stranger. Excuse me for being a bit anxious about this whole ordeal.
As I approached Courtney, I noticed that three empty shot glasses were scattered on the table in
front of her and she was currently working on her fourth. I really hoped that she was drunk already
and wouldnt be able to remember a second of this in the morning. It would save us both a lot of
Um, hi, I said one I reached her table. I gestured to the chair across from her, silently asking if
I could take a seat. Courtney squinted at me for a while before finally nodding.
Oh God, how I hated dealing with drunk (or in Courtneys case, slightly tipsy) people. People are
stupid enough when theyre sober. Who in their right mind thought of giving them alcohol? I
sounded like Hunter thinking that.
But I carried on with the plan nonetheless, the thought of my brother returning back to his old
self brightening my mood a little. I was doing all this for him anyways. Well, maybe Hunter too, but
mostly Scott. He was the only family I had left, and I couldnt forget that.
Hey, I said, sitting down. The chair wasnt nearly as comfortable as the ones at Just Pie. Not
knowing what else to say, I asked, Youre Courtney, right? Hunters sister? Out of all the possible
things I couldve said, that was the one I blurted out? Coming off as a stalker wasnt my initial
intention when Hunter and I planned this, but if she was too buzzed to care, whatever worked,
I was right. She was already tipsy, heading in the direction of drunkenness, lucky me. And
because of that, she hadnt really picked up on my question, answering it like it was totally not
creepy and lots of random people asked her that every day. Yeah, hes my brother, she slurred.
So we can drink to him! I blurted out. I ordered us some drinks (a simple shot for me and a
Kamikaze for her. What? Scott made me watch Cocktail and all eleven seasons of Cheers with
him more times than I could count; I knew a little something about alcoholic beverages even
though I might not have wanted to) and we ceremoniously clinked our glasses together with a
sharp ping and exclaimed, Cheers! Courtney wolfed her drink down, and she didnt even notice
me slide my shot across the table to her.
Drunk people are stupid.


The next morning, I woke up hangover-free (obviously). I tried to stretch my arms over my head,
but I ended up bumping my hands on something and instantly retracted them. Frantically glancing
around, I realized I wasnt in my bedroom. I wasnt even in a bed. I was in a car, and I didnt even
own a car so it couldnt have been mine. It wasnt Scotts either, since there werent any fuzzy ten-
sided dice dangling from the rear-view mirror.
Oh wait a minute I was in The Enterprise as Hunter liked to refer to his car as. A brisk glance
to the left confirmed my suspicions. Hunter was lying in the drivers seat, which was reclined as far
back as it could go. His feet were (somehow) propped up on the steering wheel, crossed at the
ankles, and his arms were folded across his chest. Soft snores emanated from his half-open
Suddenly, my recollection of all the events that happened last night flooded back and hit me like
a ton of bricks. After we had gotten each others siblings drunk, we loaded them into Hunters car
and brought them to this motel (the one we were presently parked in front of). Hunter didnt want
to pay for a room, so he took his fake cop uniform (he said it was his Halloween costume last year),
put it on and randomly chose one of the motel rooms to go to. He knocked on the door and when
someone answered (luckily for us, they were gullible teenagers) he said he was with the Maple
Valley PD and they needed that room to use for a sting operation. They actually let us use that
room. The whole thing was quite amusing, really.
So then, we locked Scott and Courtney inside (well, we didnt actually lock them inside; we just
put them in there and hoped they were too drunk to open doors) and waited. We stayed up most
of the night to see if theyd try to escape, but they didnt. So we ended up talking for most of the
night. It felt like a sleepover (except we slept in his car and made sure our inebriated siblings didnt
try to run away in the middle of the night). And when I asked Hunter what exactly we were waiting
for to happen, he just said, Theyre drunk and in a motel room. What do you think is gonna
I checked my watch. It was nine oclock on a Sunday. I ruminated whether or not I should wake
Hunter up. I wanted to go back to sleep (we crashed at about five in the morning and I was dead
tired), but I thought that maybe we should check up on Scott and Courtney first.
I poked Hunter in the arm. Hey, wake up, I whispered. Hey, Hunter, wake up. When I
received no response other than a muffled snore, I resorted to shaking his lightly by the shoulders.
That didnt do much either, so I went back to poking his arm.
Eventually, Hunter stirred and mumbled, If you want to feel my biceps, all you have to do is ask.
Then he flexed (almost elbowing me in the face in the process) and shot me a tired yet cocky grin.
You know, youre really hard to wake up.
Good mornin to you too, sunshine, he said sarcastically. What the hell time is it?
In the morning? he exclaimed incredulously. His eyes wouldve bugged out of their sockets if
only he could keep them open long enough. Ah, screw that, Im going back to sleep. He leaned
back and closed his eyes.
I flicked him in the temple.
Hey! What was that for?
Ignoring that, I said, Shouldnt we check up on Scott and Courtney?
Then can I sleep in peace?
Once we got out of the car, Hunter and I sleepily shuffled over to Scott and Courtneys motel
room, dragging our feet the entire way there. The door was unlocked, just as we had left it last
night, and as soon as I stepped in the dingy motel room, I realized that Scott and Courtney were
exactly as we had left them last night. They were both passed out in separate beds. It seemed like
they had an uneventful night.
Well This isnt exactly how I wanted the plan to turn out, Hunter mused, frowning slightly.
I crept around the room, assessing it thoroughly. Theyre asleep, I stated.
Hunter walked over to my brothers bed and carefully held up the blanket between his thumb and
index finger, and lifted it up slightly. He held the blanket away from his body and tried to touch it as
minimally as possible. Never trust sheets from seedy motels. You never know where theyve been
(not that I wanted to know, but I already had an inkling of an idea). And fully clothed. Doesnt look
like anything happened here, he concluded with a heavy sigh.
Maybe next time, right?
Hunter stared at me as a pleased grin lit up his face, making his eyes twinkle. Next time? Does
that mean youre not totally against helping me set them up another time? He didnt even try to
hide the excitement in his tone.
If you think itll help Scott, then sure, I told him, seeing how much it appeased Hunter.
Not only Scott. My sister too.
Even better, I said, reciprocating the grin. But only if you think of a plan that doesnt involve
getting them intoxicated. I didnt want taking care of a hungover Scott to be a weekly experience. I
didnt imagine Scotts liver wanting that either.
Deal. Now help me drag these two to the car. We ought to get them home.


A few hours after Hunter had dropped Scott and I off at home and assisted in getting him to his
room, Scott woke up with a terrible hangover, just as I predicted. This was one of the reasons (out
of many) I didnt drink.
Charlie, Scott said tiredly, do you think you could make me some breakfast?
Here. I tossed a bottle of Advil to him and handed him a glass of water.
Whats this?
Wow. Thanks, he said dryly. Give the chef my regards. He still popped two pills in his mouth
and gulped them down with a swig of water.
What did you expect, beer for breakfast? Besides, if you eat any real food its just going to come
up again and end up in the toilet, I warned.
I was about to walk away when Scott spoke up again. And Charlie?
Im sorry about getting drunk. And the way I acted before. I should be the one taking care of you,
not the other way around. He sounded so disappointed in himself. He shouldnt be; it wasnt
entirely his fault.
Dont worry about it. Youre probably still torn about Tiffany. I cant imagine what you must be
feeling now. I gave him an assuring smile to tell him that it was going to be okay.
Scott abruptly groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. I
thought it had something to do with Tiffany, but he quickly went on to explain, My head killing me.
And I cant even remember a single thing that happened last night. Or this morning, up until I woke
up a few minutes ago.
Maybe you just had a little too much to drink. Then before I forgot, I added, Oh, and Im not
mad at you for getting drunk or anything. It wasnt your fault. It was Hunters. And mine too, of
course, but mostly Hunters. After all, he was the mastermind behind that plan.
The next few days flew by in a flash. Days then turned into weeks, and before I knew it, Halloween
was just around the corner and I was left wondering where all the time had gone.
I hadnt made any preparations for Halloween yet because I was so focused on my newfound
friendship (if that was what it was) with Hunter and our failed attempts at setting our siblings up.
Scott was getting better. Every time someone mentioned Tiffany, his eyes would start to water
and in a wavering voice hed abruptly excuse himself and take a few minutes to get himself
together again. But other than that, he appeared to be getting better. He didnt hold back on
laughing or smiling anymore, and he was really making an effortif not for himself, then for me
to return back to the way he was before it all happened. Occasionally hed have these moments
where hed suddenly break down and with no explanation as to why. But I thought it was normal,
considering everything hed been through. Though, he still couldnt talk about Tiffany without
bursting out in tears, punching a wall, or slinking away to be by himself. Mostly the latter.
Both Scott and IScott, more sohad been so absorbed in our personal problems that we
hadnt even thought about the upcoming holidays. The only indication in our house that Halloween
was coming up were the jumbo boxes of candy and chocolates Scott had bought a few nights ago
when he couldnt sleep and had nothing better to do. We still had to buy costumes, carve jack-o-
lanterns, and, oh man, we had to set up for the big bash at we were having at the comic book
store. That could take hours! And it was happening tomorrow! Plus, I didnt like to think about this,
but it might be our last Halloween at the comic book store. If we were going out, wed have to go
out with a bang.
Scott and I had a busy day ahead of us.
Charlie, Scott said, concern evident in his tone. He repeatedly snapped his fingers in front of
my face, causing me to blink out of my thoughts and back into reality. The first thing I noticed
when I glanced at my brother was the ever-present coffee cup in his hand.
Well, my brother drawled out as he situated himself on the counter beside the cash register, his
legs dangling over the edge, I was thinking about it, and maybe we should change the date of the
Halloween party to today. He tentatively took a sip of his coffee, stuck his tongue out, blew on his
drink in an attempt to cool it down, and then repeated the process.
Whats wrong with today?
Nothing, nothing, Scott replied quickly. Its just that tomorrows actually Halloween and I dont
want to miss giving kids candy. Scottfor some reason completely unfathomable to meliked
handing candy out to the children every Halloween. I thought it was boring and tedious work,
having to get up every five seconds when the doorbell rang to give chocolate to snot-nosed
rugrats. Which was exactly the reason why Scott received the important duty of handing out candy.
Plus, it gave people a reason not to egg our house.
Every year we held a Halloween party at Crawford Comics. Scott made sure it never occurred
on the 31st just for that reason. The party always landed a few days to a week before the actual
holiday, and since Halloween was tomorrow, the only other option was today.
Fine, I acceded, but only if you agree to never say that again. It makes you sound like a
Wow, Charlie, you sure know how to make a guy feel special, he retorted, grinning at my jest.
So is that a yes?
I rolled my eyes. Yes, its a yes.
He punched his fist in the air victoriously.
But how are we going to decorate this place in a few hours? I asked, glancing around the
comic book store. Last year it took us hours just to set the party up.
Dont worry, weve got plenty of time, he assured me confidently. And Im going to call in some
I watched in amusement as he dug his phone out of his pocket and began to rapidly scroll
through his contacts. Back-up?
The Dungeon Master. Ah, Scotts geeky best friend who had a thing for playing D&D.
Hey, whats his real name? I questioned curiously, realizing that I didnt actually know.
Scott thought about it for a minute, and then shrugged. Beats me. Ive called him The Dungeon
Master for so long that I forgot he even has a real name, he answered with a laugh.
As Scott walked into the back room, his cell pressed again his ear, I decided to call in some
back-up of my own.
Hunter picked up after the second ring. What? he demanded roughly.
Uh, hey. Its me, Charlie.
Oh. His voice softened drastically. Sorry, Charlie. I thought it was Aaron calling. He went on,
muttering a few names I really hoped he was calling Aaron and not me. So whats up?
Nothing much, just Its Halloween tomorrow.
Ah, Halloween. Right. Of course. I didnt forget that it was tomorrow. He made it sound like he
forgot. Wait, are you cancelling the tutoring session because its Halloween? Cause if you are,
thats cool. Im okay with it. I couldnt tell if he was actually okay with it or if he was just saying that.
Oh yeah, it was Saturday. Hunter and I still had a tutoring session planned for today.
No, Im not cancelling our tutoring session. Well I am, but I cut myself off and took a deep
breath before trying again. Hunter, I need your help.
With, he prompted.
With, I dont know, Halloween, I told him, though it came out sounding more like a question
than I wouldve liked. Costumes, decorations, a lot of stuff, actually.
Wow, he breathed. That is a lot of stuff to do. Lucky for you, I have no life and Im free for the
rest of the day. Are you at your house right now?
No, Crawford Comics.
Meet you there in fifteen minutes.
Thanks, Hunter.


Precisely fourteen and a half minutes later, a car horn sounded right outside Crawford Comics
and when I glanced out the window, I saw that it was Hunters car. I told Scott that Id be back
soon and was going to get some stuff for the party. I went outside and heard Hunter impatiently
honk the horn until I slid into the passenger seat.
Before we went anywhere, I had to ask, Did you need any help with your homework? I mean, if
you want me to tutor you, we can always do that instead.
Ill be fine, Hunter assured me. So where are we going first?
Well, I kinda need to get a costume first.
You dont have a costume yet?
Well, do you? I retorted.
No But I wasnt planning on doing anything special for Halloween, he admitted.
With a bright smile, I suggested, Then why dont you come to the party at Crawford Comics?
Okay, he agreed, shrugging. I guess that means Ill need a costume too, huh?
The ride to the store was filled with aimless chatter about possible costume ideas, a verbal
checklist of everything we needed to get for the party, and constant reminders about the upcoming
Halloween dance at school, which was happening right on Halloweentomorrow.
So, Hunter said absent-mindedly, his primary focus on trying to snag the first parking space he
could find in the lot in front of the costume shop, are you going to the Halloween dance
The one being held at school?
Yeah, thats the one.
I hadnt decided yet if I was going to the dance or not. Actually, I hadnt given much thought to
the matter at all, except when I was walking through the halls at school and saw some posters
advertising the dance hanging on random classroom doors. And if I did go, hypothetically, I
wouldnt have anyone to go with. No date, no ragtag group of dateless friends, and I sure didnt
want to go by myself and look like a lonely loser.
I dont know, I answered after a moment of contemplation. I waited until the car was parked
and we both got out before posing a question of my own. Are you?
He shrugged noncommittally. Not sure yet. I, uh, dont have a date or anyone to go with.
What about Aaron?
Aaron as my date? Hunter let out a low belly-laugh that I had never heard before. It was almost
contagious. Imagine what people would think of that. I mean, thats a great suggestion and all, but
I dont swing that way.
I rolled my eyes. No, I didnt mean it like that. I meant you could go as friends. Unless, of course,
youd rather go as more than friends, I teased playfully.
Hunter smirked and shook his head. Oh, Charlie, he said simply. I waited for him to elaborate,
but he never did.
When we arrived at the costume store, Hunter chivalrously held the door open for me. I stepped
inside and widened my eyes slightly at the fabulous array of costumes for every occasion. There
were costumes galore, and it looked like they had everything ranging from pirates to dinosaurs. It
was like I died and went to costume Heaven.
As we wandered around the store, Hunter said, I dont know. Maybe this Halloween Ill just chill
on my couch with a bag of candy in front of me, watching Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown on
A grin instantly lit up my face. You like that movie too? My brother and I watch that at least once
every Halloween. Its sort of a tradition. We used to watch it with Mom and Dad too, but that was
before they died. That, or the Halloween episode of Supernatural. Actually, now that I think about
it, any episode of Supernatural would be suitable to watch on Halloween.
You watch Supernatural?
Yeah, its one of my favourite shows.
I didnt think Hunters grin could get any broader, but apparently I was wrong. Really? Mine too.
Wow, we had a lot in common.
Okay, so what kind of costume do you want? I asked, getting back to the main topic at hand.
I dont know yet.
We should get matching costumes! I said excitedly.
Matching costumes? he echoed slowly.
You know, like Mario and Princess Peach, Clark Kent and Lois Lane, Buffy and Angel, Mulder
and Scully
Dean and Sam Winchester? Hunter interjected with a laugh.
So is that a yes?
Well see, he said with this mischievous glint in his eyes. I hoped that meant he would at least
consider it. Matching costumes made everything ten times better.
Whose costume do you want to look for first? Yours or mine?
He shrugged. I dont really care Actually, lets do yours first.
Sure, I said. I wasnt exactly sure what kind of costume I wanted, so I just meandered though
racks of clothing that reminded me of some kind of mini labyrinth. Occasionally I would stop and
examine a few costumes before moving on. Every time I placed a costume back on the rack I got it
from, Hunter would exhale deeply. Obviously he wasnt much of a shopper.
Finally, he spoke up. Okay, let me help you. What do you want to be?
Thats the problem. I dont know yet.
We continued ambling around the store (this time I was following Hunter, not the other way
around). He mustve wandered into the adult costume section (whether it was accidental or on
purpose, I had no idea) because all the costumes seemed to gradually get skimpier. Hunters
eyebrows hiked up at this, and I tried to suppress the urge to drag him out of this section of the
He smirked. You know, maybe shopping isnt so bad after all.
I involuntarily rolled my eyes, but he didnt notice. He was too absorbed in all the possible
costume options for me.
Ooh, look at this, he said a little too cheerfully. How about a slutty angel costume? He held up
some fabric that looked more like lingerie than a Halloween costume.
Um, no thanks.
He returned the costume back to the rack and replaced it with another. Slutty devil? Anything
that lacy should be considered illegal.
Slutty nurse? Hunter waggled his eyebrows at me. He was having way too much fun.
I shook my head.
Slutty schoolgirl? This time he licked his lips and threw me a wink. When he noticed the
expression on my face, he laughed heartily and said, Ill take that as a no. Oh! How about a slutty
I shook my head strenuously. I dont want anythinglike that.
Yeah. That. My cheeks mustve tinted at least a few shades darker, because I could feel the
blood rush up to my face.
I grabbed Hunter by the hand and pulled him back to the front of the store where the
moreappropriate costumes were. I didnt trust him in that section. Somewhere along the way, I
spotted a headband with reindeer antlers in them. Halloween and Christmas? Now this was a two-
for-one deal I couldnt pass up.
I slipped the headband on, and when I found the matching red nose, I stuck that on too. I
realized, just as I was putting the nose on, that it flashed like the red light on an ambulance
whenever you squeezed it. Cool.
I grinned at Hunter. What do you think?
Youre a moose?
Im Rudolph. You know, the red-nosed reindeer?
He laughed. I know, Im just kidding. But you do know that its not Christmas yet, right?
I know. Thats why its so original.
Oh, Hunter drawled out understandingly, I see. I like it. You should get that.
I grinned even wider. Alright, now its your turn.
Hunter led me through racks upon racks of clothing, not stopping once to check something out
or even glance at any costumes. Suddenly, he stopped walking and I almost crashed right into his
back. With a heavy sigh, he said, I dont know what kind of costume I want.
How about you get a bunch of costumes and try them on to see which one you like best? I
suggested. Facing the same dilemma only a few minutes before, I knew exactly how he felt. But,
lucky for me, I stumbled across my creative costume in serendipity. The advice I offered Hunter
was what I would do if I hadnt.
Hunter looked like he was trying desperately to stifle a groan. Fine, lets get this over with. The
sooner were done here, the sooner we can start setting up for the party.
He continued trekking through the aisles, every few seconds snatching a random costume from
the rack to strew over his other arm which was held out in front of him. When he was carrying a
remarkably large pile of costumes in his arms, he finally said, Okay, lets hit the change rooms.
As soon as we reached the changing area of the store, Hunter was assigned a change room and
entered it immediately, closing the door behind him and with a soft click, locking it.
Right outside the hall of changing rooms (which were really more like stalls) was a small space
with plush chairs set up around a simple brown coffee table. This was the waiting area, I supposed.
I settled myself into one of the exquisitely comfortable chairs and grabbed a magazine off the
coffee table.
As soon as I began to peruse the magazine, Hunter emerged from the stall. Well?
Niceears, I managed to say without laughing at his Spock outfit. Or maybe he was Frodo I
didnt get to say anything else because Hunter returned to the stall with an indignant huff, and I
continued to leaf through the magazine.
The next costume was much better, I had to admit, because I actually knew who he was trying to
portray. With a suit consisting of mainly primary colours and a giant S strategically placed right in
the middle of his chest, he was clearly Superman. The only problem (for me, anyways) was that I
wasnt particularly fond of Superman. I voiced my opinion and found out it wasnt the only problem,
This suit makes me itchyeverywhere, Hunter said simply before leaving to go change his
costume yet again.
Next up was what I assumed to be a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. He was decked out entirely in
green, with a shell on his back and a purple band of cloth tied around his forehead. How about
this one?
It looked great, really, it just wasnthim. It wasnt the costume. It sounded weird, I know, but he
needed something that better suited him.
Keep looking. If you cant find anything else, then get that one.
Hunter tried on a variety of costumes after that. Snoopy, a pirate, a caveman; he practically tried
on the entire store. Now, standing in front of me, he was I had no idea what he was. Hunter was
clad in a brown long sleeved shirt and dark cargo pants. For some reason, he was also wearing
gloves and a plastic apron. Random stains covered the clothes, and they mightve been blood
(well, fake blood).
Um What are you?
He shot me a look that made me feel ashamed for not knowing. Im Dexter. You know, from the
show Dexter? Hes a serial killer.
I just stared. Without another word, Hunter dejectedly retreated back to his little stall.
I leafed through the magazine before I eventually got bored and placed it back on the table. A
moment later, Hunter swaggered out of the changing stall, this time with a giant smirk plastered on
his face. I could instantly see why.
Hunter was wearing close to nothing except for golden shoesno, I wasnt even jokingand a
tight little Speedo thing that was matching in colour. And there, in front of me as if handed to me
on a silver platter, was Hunter Greene in all of his God-given glory (well, it wasnt like he was fully
in the nude, but considering the size of his Speedo, it was close enough). Never before had I
appreciated the Rocky Horror Picture Shownamely, Rockyto such a great extent.
Either he was taking this role really seriously or he just wanted to show off, but either way,
Hunter unabashedly started flexing, right there in front of me. I could see (pretty much) most of the
muscles in his body rippling and flexing, and I just sat there staring like an idiot (and probably
drooling but I was too preoccupied to notice). And that stupid little smirk of his seemed like it was
permanently glued on his face. It was like he knew I was enjoying the view (and the gun show),
and oh God I didnt want to, but I did. And I could not stop staring. But between his not-too-
prominent-but-definitely-there abs that seemed to be gleaming in the in the bright, scrutinizing light
of the store and his always handsome face that could look tough one minute and charming the
next, how could I even think about tearing my gaze away from all of that?
I couldnt let him wear that on Halloween. Id be staring at him all night, just like I was now. And
as much as I enjoyed the perfect view that came with the costume, I didnt want to drool over him
for the whole night. His ego definitely did not need a boost like that.
Youre not even blond, I blurted out without even thinking.
He didnt appear the least bit fazed. Thats what wigs are for.
Are you going trick-or-treating? Because parents might not like you walking around like that
when kids are there.
Okay, I guess you have a point there.
Then, I noticed something I couldnt believe I never saw beforeHunter had a tattoo.
It took up most of his upper left arm, and Id say it was done beautifully. A black and yellow
Batman symbol was inked onto his bicep. Around it were spider webs that wrapped around his
arm, but managed to not touch the Batman symbol. The edges of the webs looked torn and
shredded like theyd been slashed by sharp animal claws. At the bottom of the tattoo was a quote,
drawn in neat, easy to read cursive writing: With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility. It
instantly reminded me of Uncle Ben and Peter Parker. The tattoo looked amazing, and I wondered
why Hunter hadnt shown it to me before. Or why he didnt take off that army jacket of his once in a
while and flaunt it to others. If I got a tattoo doneand that was a big if because I didnt think Id
have the guts to get something permanently inked on my bodyId want it to come out as
perfectly as Hunters. He shouldve gotten a whole sleeve done, but this looked cool as it was.
Wait, is that real? I asked, awe-struck.
What? These? He pointed to his biceps. This? This time he pointed to his abs. Or this? He
unabashedly dared to point lower, which made me cheeks flush as all the blood rushed to them.
Theyre all real, he informed me with a suggestive wink.
No, your tattoo, I clarified.
Oh, that. Yeah, thats real too.
Its cool. I like it.
He grinned. Thanks. Sneaking a glance at his arm, he said, Its kinda dorky, but its supposed
to represent my favourite superheroes. The black and yellow bat signal for Batman, the webs and
quote for Spiderman, and the slashes for Wolverine. He smiled shyly at me, which seemed so
different from his usual charming grin or complacent smirk.
I kept thinking about his tattoo, even as he emerged from the stall yet again, thankfully with the
last costume he brought. We both agreed that he looked awesome in it and Hunter told me that he
was sick of trying on costumes so he was just going to buy it.
Hunter was dressed up in a combination of black and green. Tight leather pants wrapped around
his legs, somehow not making him look like a rocker who the nineties called and said they wanted
their pants back. He also had a green vest on that looked like it fit snugly on his body. Equipped
with black bands tied around his biceps, black gloves, a mask that only covered his eyes, and a
quiver, he was the perfect Green Arrow look-alike.
I like this one, Hunter said, glancing down briefly at his leather-clad self. And admit it, Charlie,
I look bad-ass in leather pants.
They look like tights, I teased.
Theyre pants. And cmon, I know you like what you see.
As much as I hated to admit that, it was true. Yeah, I guess you look good in that.
You guess?
Fine, you look great even in those pants.
I was aiming for bad-ass, but great is also acceptable. He pulled a plastic arrow out of his
quiver and pretended to shoot me with it. And thanks.


Setting up for the party at the comic book store in a mere few hours seemed so much easier in
theory. But somehow, between the four of us (Hunter, Scott, The Dungeon Master, and myself),
we managed to get everything done in record time (which was luckily about ten minutes before the
party was supposed to commence).
The Dungeon Master, my brother and I all stayed back at Crawford Comics to set up decorations,
put out snacks and refreshments, and create a playlist with the perfect ratio of Halloween songs
and regular songs. Meanwhile, Hunter had the important task of being our gofer. He would go out
on supply runs to get candy or drinks or whatever else we needed, and as soon as hed return
there would be something else we realized we were missing and send him back to the store to
repeat the entire process all over again.
Now, the party had been going on for about an hour, but was still going strong. A lot more
people showed up than I expected. A few of our regulars came, and even some fresh faces that I
had never seen before. Everyone appeared to be having fun, and I thought that maybe all hope
wasnt lost for the store.
The Dungeon Master was standing behind the counter with Scotts laptop open in front of him.
He was acting as our personal DJ for the night and was surprisingly good at it. Occasionally
people would go up to him and request a song and I only assumed he played them all. Scott was
milling around the store, stopping every once in a while to talk to people or offer candy.
I spotted Hunter at the refreshment table. He looked at me and pointed to the punch bowl,
wordlessly asking me if I wanted a drink. I nodded in response.
As soon as I approached Hunter, he handed me a Styrofoam cup filled to the brim with tropical
punch. Dont worry, I havent spiked the punch yet, he joked and threw me a wink.
Thanks. I sipped my drink tentatively, just in case he did spike it, but it tasted fruity and not like
it had been tampered with.
I noticed just how well Hunter fit in here with his Green Arrow costume. The majority of the
people here were wearing superhero or villain costumes (including Scott who closely resembled
Daredevil and The Dungeon Master who, sporting a bald cap and everything, was trying to be Lex
Luthor I think). What else was there to wear at a party held at a comic book store? It made me
look even more conspicuous and incongruous in my reindeer get-up.
Hey, Hunter said with this sly smirk on his face as he grabbed a lollipop from the bowl of candy
on the snack table and ripped the plastic off in one fluid motion, I have an idea.
I waited for him to expand on that vague comment, but he didnt so I had to ask him what he was
talking about. What kind of idea?
He shoved the lollipop in his mouth, only to pull it out a few seconds later, saying, I know how
we can set our siblings up.
Again? I asked incredulously.
Well, yeah. Clearly it didnt work last time.
But already? The last time we tried to set them up was like, the week before last week.
Shouldnt we give them some space for a while?
No, its perfect. They probably already forgot about last time. Today were starting fresh.
Cmon, Charlie, he interjected, pouting, you said that you were up for trying to get our siblings
to hook up. I didnt remember saying hook up in those exact words, but I guess I did promise
Hunter to help him with this.
I am, but
No buts, he interrupted again. Your brothers here, my sisters here, and whats a more
romantic day than Halloween?
Obviously Hunter and I had different definitions of the word romantic. I retorted, Um, every
other day of the year? I paused, just processing what else he had said. Your sisters here? I
hadnt seen Courtney today. Albeit, I wasnt actually looking for her or anything. I didnt really peg
her as the type to spend the day before Halloween at a comic book store, grinding up against guys
dressed as The Flash, but then again, people surprise me all the time.
Yeah, she texted me about half an hour ago to ask where I was, and I told her that I was at a
Halloween party at Crawford Comics. She called me a dork and I mightve let it slip out that there
were a lot of guys here, and ta-da, there she is. He waved a hand in the direction of where The
Dungeon Master was at his temporary DJ booth, and I spun around only to spot Courtney talking
to him (probably to request a song). Huh. He was right. She was here.
Knowing Hunter, he probably told her to come here in hopes of hooking her up with Scott. He
could get so one-track minded sometimes.
Well what do you suggest we do? I queried, hoping he wouldnt come up with a plan as
extreme as last time.
He sucked on his lollipop pensively. I forced myself to stop staring at his lips because I mustve
looked like such a creeper right then, and instead, busied myself with tearing open a Snickers bar.
Truth or Dare, Hunter finally proposed. It always works. Trust me.
Okay, I hesitantly concurred. Truth or Dare it is.
As soon as I acceded to Hunters proposition, we got right down to work. We rounded up our
siblings and a few other people at randomso our plan wouldnt be that perceivableand herded
them into the back room. I told The Dungeon Master that he would be in charge of the party (which,
now that I thought about it, didnt seem like such a good idea) until our game was over.
Usually the back room of the comic book store was small and cramped, but since the round
table that took up most of the space was out there, being used to hold food and refreshments, the
room seemed remarkably larger without it in the way. The expanse could fit all of us in here (since
there were only about eight of us playing) with plenty of room to spare. Everyone sat in one big
circle, waiting for the game to begin.
Truth or Dare. Everyone know how to play? Hunter asked, glancing around the circle. We all
nodded and mumbled affirmative answers. Okay then, who wants to start?


The Truth or Dare game hadnt turned out as successfully as we thoughthopedit would.
Sure, everyone had fun overall, but nothing really happened between Scott and Courtney. Every
time it was one of their turns, theyd choose Truth, have to spontaneously go to the bathroom, or
go check up on the rest of the party. Neither Hunter nor I got a chance to dare them to do
something (nothing too explicit; maybe just a kiss or something like that).
The only thing I didnt really like about the plan (apart from the egregious fact that it wasnt
working) was that I actually had to play. I was a stickler for staying in the shadows, or on the
sidelines of everybodys livesand this game was forcing me to do the opposite. Luckily I wasnt
asked anything too drastic or out of my comfort zone. I chose Truth most of the time, just to stay
on the safe side, but a few times I picked dare. Nothing too major happened, though. For Truth I
was asked some random questions that I found really easy to answer. The only one I took note of
was when Hunter questioned in hopeful curiosity, Do you have a crush on anyone? I didnt know
why it mattered to him, so I just told him that no, I didnt like anybody. Scott, being the
overprotective big brother he is, seemed relieved at the news and Hunter simply nodded (sort of
dejectedly, though I had no idea why) and quickly moved on with the next persons turn.
Now it was Hunters turn and he was just finishing up his dare. Some random girl in a Justin
Bieber costume (no, I wasnt even joking) dared him to dance along to the Time Warp. And he did
it alright, never missing a beat. I think a certain someone forgot to mention that he had
undoubtedly been to more than a few midnight showings of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. He
jumped to the left, stepped to the right, put his hands on his hips, and closed his knees in tight.
And, oh God, his pelvic thrusts really drove us insane (well, at least I thought so). And then he did
the Time Warp again.
When he was done, Hunter sat back down and shot me an exultant grin from across the circle.
Scott, Truth or Dare? Hunter asked.
Actually, you can skip my turn, he replied, getting up, Im gonna go check up on the rest of the
As soon as he was out of the room, I heaved a sigh. Im going to get a drink. Be right back, I
told everyone.
Ill come with you. Hunter stood up and the two of us exited the back room, heading for the
refreshment table.
Want a drink? Hunter shook his head so I just poured some punch for myself.
He took a mini package of M&Ms from the candy bowl and said, Look, I know this plan isnt
working either and youre probably fed up with me and my schemes
Im not fed up with you, I cut in, surprised he thought that since I went along with all of his plans
without (much) complaint, or your schemes.
He grinned at that and popped an M&M in his mouth. Good, cause Ive got plenty more tricks
up my sleeve. Just wait.
Hey, do you remember what day it is today? Scott asked me, briefly glancing up from the counter
he was wiping down.
Halloween? I gave him a shrug before continuing to pick up the candy wrappers haphazardly
littered on the floor. Scott just reminded me that after last nights pre-Halloween bash, we had to
go through with the tedious task of cleaning up the comic book store until it was once again in mint
No, I meant other than Halloween. My brother just stared at me to see if I would get it. I didnt.
Um, All Hallows Eve? It meant the exact same thing, but I couldnt think of anything else to say
(or what Scott wanted me to say).
In about three months itll be the day of Mom and Dadsyou know, he said softly.
Anniversary, I supplied.
Yeah. Anniversary. He agreed with me, but I knew what he really meanttheir deaths.
Because in terms of importance, death trumps marriage, apparently. Unfortunately for Mom and
Dad, the day they died happened to land on their wedding anniversary. They always used to tell
Scott and I that theyd wonder how theyd live without each other. Now that I thought about it, they
didnt have to.
Way to put a damper on Halloween, I mumbled.
Sorry. I just remembered. He paused. Isnt there a dance at your school today? Scott asked
in an attempt to get the light-hearted Halloween revelry to return.
Yeah, its tonight from seven to nine. I thought it was stupid how the school wanted to hold the
dance exactly on Halloween, even though it was Sunday. Dont get me wrong, I loved school and
all, but I didnt want to waste my weekend dancing. And besides, Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie
Brown was on at that time.
Scott checked his watch. Well you still have a few hours to decide if you wanna go or not.
But I dont have a date, I told him. I dont wanna look like a loner at the dance. Plus, ever
since Scott brought them up a minute ago, I couldnt stop thinking about my parents.
I think you should go. Unless you wanna stay home and help me hand out candy. Scott
smirked. He knew how much I hated handing out candy to snot-nosed rugrats.
On second thought, I drawled, I think I might reconsider going to the dance after all.
Scott laughed. Thats what I thought.
Be back in a second, I said as I headed toward the back room of Crawford Comics.
Youd better be. I dont wanna clean all this up by myself, my brother called after me. I smiled
at his laziness.
I whipped my phone out of my pocket and dialled Hunters number. As soon as it hit the third
ring, Hunter answered.
Hunters sex hotline, how can I assist you today? Hunter purred in a huskyand lewd, very,
very lewdvoice. After a few seconds of silence on both ends of the line, he burst out laughing
and assured me, Im just kidding, Charlie. So whats up? Any reason youre calling the sexiest
beast in the east or did you just wanna say hi?
Um None of the above? Maybe it wasnt such a good idea to check if Hunter was going to
the dance. If he was acting weird already, I didnt think I wanted to know what hed be like hyped
up on sugar and candy.
Oh. Whats up, then?
Nothing much. I just wanted to see if you were, you know, going to the school dance?
Hunter paused, and for a moment the line was completely silent (which was a very rare
occurrence, considering it was Hunter on the other end of the line). I dunno, he said
noncommittally. Are you?
Maybe. I dont know. Depends. I wasnt asking Hunter to go to the dance with me, per se, but I
think there was a higher chance of me going if he went. Just so I wasnt completely alone there.
I have an idea, he said suddenly, a hint of excitement evident in his tone, why dont we go
together, then?
You mean as a date? A date? Did Hunter want to go on a date with me? We were friends,
definitely friends, but I wasnt sure I wanted to risk our friendship and actually go out. Like, on a
Would I want to date Hunter? He was sweet and charming, and even though he could be a bit
dirty at times, what teenage boy wasnt? We shared a love of comic books, superheroes,
Supernatural, and a whole bunch of other stuff I couldnt exactly think of right then because I was
internally freaking out. He was surprisingly affable and easy to talk (and relate) to. And hidden
under that bad-boy persona, he was more gentle and caring than I ever wouldve imagined. It was
a shame he had the reputation he did because I thought that if he would just be himself around
people, theyd like him just as easily as they do now.
But no. No, this couldnt be a real date. It was just a guy asking a girl to a danceas friends. I
was almost positive that was what he meanthe wanted to go as nothing more than friends. I
shouldnt have gotten my hopes up.
A date? It sounded as though he hadnt anticipated my question. I dont know. Possibly. I
mean, you can think of it as a date, if you want to. Or, um, if youre more comfortable with us going
as friends, then I guess that works too. Whoa. Hunter Greene, the smooth, suave, self-proclaimed
bad-boy actually lost his cool? That was really the only way to describe what I was hearing. Hunter
was prattling on about the dance, and I didnt think I could shut him up even if I tried. Without his
friends around and his cool-as-ice demeanor, Hunter sounded just like an average teenager who
was nervous about a school dance. I almost laughed at the thought.
Do you want this to be a date? I mustered up all the audacity I had to ask him that. People say
that if you flip a coin, its easier to decide on something. Not because it chooses for you, but
because when its up in the air, you know which side you want it to land on. I still wasnt sure what
I wanted his answer to be.
How about we cross that bridge when we get there, he suggested. So Ill meet you at the
dance, then? Or do you want me to pick you up?
Ill meet you there, I told him. Be there at seven.
Seven. Got it, he said. Oh, and are you wearing your Rudolph costume again?
I didnt know why it mattered, but I answered him anyways. Yeah.
Good. Cause you look hot in it.
I blushed. Before I could say thanks or ask Hunter if he was going to be the Green Arrow again,
he hung up.


After a reminder to behave and have fun from Scott and a ride, I was standing in front of the
school at seven oclock sharp dressed in my reindeer costume (which was exactly what I wore to
the comic books store party yesterday). I waved one last goodbye to Scott and he returned it
before speeding away.
As I walked up the steps to get the front doors of the school, I could hear the dull thumping of the
beat of whatever song was playing. Not only did I hear it, but I felt it too. The music was playing so
loudly that it made the building vibrate ever-so-slightly. I had no idea where he dance was being
held since I didnt go to them very often, but it was easy to follow the sound of the blaring music,
which eventually led me straight to the gymnasium.
There were two things that really bothered me about the dances held here at Maple Valley High:
one, the music was always too loud for my liking and left me with ringing ears when I finally
returned home, and two, the dance committee never did an adequate job of decorating.
The gym looked almost exactly as how it would in the day, except all the lights were turned off
and a disco ball hung from the ceiling. Black and orange balloons were scattered across the floor
and every once in a while, people would start kicking them around. Streamers were taped to the
wall (and the basketball hoops, too) and half of them werent even stuck on properly so the tape
was already peeling. At the far end of the gym, a small table was set up and the only things on it
were a bowl of punch and a stack of Styrofoam cups. I think the nice pile of cups was set up better
than the rest of the gym. They didnt even provide candy. Mr. Cochran was standing behind the
punch bowl, guarding it like a trained watchdog so no one would get the chance to even think
about spiking the punch.
The party at Crawford Comics yesterday was so much better than this.
There were only a few people in the gym (since the dance had just officially started) and none of
them were Hunter. I waited around for another fifteen minutes, pacing back and forth between the
gym and the front of the school. His car wasnt in the student parking lot which probably meant
that he wasnt here. It was possible that he walked, but I didnt think he did.
I sighed. I told him to be here at precisely seven. Maybe he got caught up in traffic
Or maybe he stood me up. No, no he wouldnt do that. Hunter wasnt that type of guy. At least
that was what I tried to convince myself.
Suddenly my phone buzzed in my pocket. I fished it out and smiled when I read the text Hunter
sent me a moment ago. I knew he wouldnt stand me up.
Meet me on the roof. I have a surprise for you. ;) H
A surprise? I wondered what kind of surprise he had for me. I began to feel giddy at the mere
thought. I guess Id have to find out when I get there.
I had never been on the roof of the school before, so I had no idea how to proceed to get there.
After a few minutes of excessive pondering and searching, I found a staircase on the third floor
leading up to the roof (it was cleverly hidden; I had to have Hunter text me the details).
As soon as I found my way onto the roof, I felt an instant drop in temperature and reprimanded
myself for not wearing more layers. It was the kind of frigid weather that made everyone look like a
smoker because you could see their puffs of warm air mixing with the cold every time they exhaled.
Ho, ho, ho! Hunter yelled jubilantly as he ambled towards me. I gaped at him.
You changed your costume, I stated.
Hunter was no longer the Green Arrow, but instead, he was Santa Claus. Decked out in a red
and white suit that hung loosely even on his muscular frame, he could be mistaken for Santas son.
Hunter had on a white, fluffy fake beard and his cheeks were tinted a rosy colour (which, now that
I thought about it, mightve just reddened because it was chilly out here).
Yeah, well now Im the Santa Claus to your Rudolph, Hunter said while giving me one of his
contagious grins. And like you said before, matching costumes make every holiday better.
I grinned. Its true. They do.
And besides, he continued, that Green Arrow costume was way too tight and leathery. After a
while it got a bit restricting, especially the pants. It was suffocating myyou know. Hunter
gestured to his Southern Hemisphere. Or South Pole, I should say.
Actually no, I dont wanna know. I crinkled my nose up at that and Hunter just laughed at my
reaction. There are some things that are meant to be shared and some that simply arent.
I think I saw that on an episode of 1000 Ways to Die, Hunter mused. Death by crotch
Thats a bit too much information. I reached over and gave Hunter a great big bear hug
anyway. He seemed just the slightest bit taken aback by the sudden contact, by reciprocated the
hug nonetheless. The scent of chocolate and fruity candy radiated off his body. Thanks, Hunter.
This is an awesome surprise.
He pulled back from the embrace but kept his hands on my shoulders, keeping me at an arms
length. He smiled and looked directly into my eyes when he said, Okay, but the matching
costumes arent the surprise.
Theyre not?
Nope. Follow me.
Hunter led me to the other end of the roof, where I saw two beanbag chairs set up side-by-side. I
plunked down on the closest beanbag and Hunter made himself comfortable on the other. He
reached over to open a cooler I hadnt noticed was sitting there.
Whats your favourite kind of soda? he asked.
He pawed through the cooler (filled to the brim with ice and pop cans) and handed me a cold
can of Pepsi that had drops of condensation rolling down the side. He scavenged a root beer for
himself and it popped open with a fizzy hiss. We clinked our cans together with a ceremonious cry
of, Cheers!
Didnt think you were the type to stay inside and dance all night long, so I wasnt. I know Im
Thanks, Hunter. All of this, its really I paused, trying to think of the right word that would do
this situation justice.
Awesome? Amazing? Astounding? he supplied.
I smiled. All of the above.
Glad to hear that, he said, returning the grin. Do you know how hard it was to lug this shit up
here? I was gonna bring lawn chairs, but then I didnt want to drag them up three flights of stairs.
Too much work.
Howd you get here? I didnt see your car in the parking lot.
Lot was full; I had to park on the street, he explained. Oh! And before I forget, here. He took
the bowl of candy that was sitting beside the cooler and placed it on my lap. Theres no candy at
this party. I mean, what the hell? What kind of Halloween dance doesnt provide candy? Its an
I plucked a Mars bar from the bowl and smiled gratefully. Did you go trick-or-treating already? I
questioned curiously.
I did, for about half an hour. Then I realized I got less than half a bag so Im going back out
later. He pointed to the bowl that was resting on my lap. As soon as I realized that this was his
hard-earned Halloween candy, I felt guilty for eating it. Its fine, just eat as much as you want. Like
I said, Im going to get more later.
What time did you start? It was already a little past seven, which was about the time I used to
go out to get my fair share of free candy.
Hunter tried to stick a lollipop in his mouth, but he found that his beard kept getting in the way.
So he just ripped off his fake beard mercilessly and set it down on top of the cooler so he could
enjoy his candy. Around five, maybe six oclock, he finally answered. The lollipop that was
protruding from his mouth bobbed every time he spoke.
Five? Isnt that a bit early?
Nah, Hunter drawled out casually. You see, trick-or-treating is like drinkingthe earliest
acceptable time to start is around five oclock.
I nodded at Hunters unusualbut also kind of wise and truesimile.
Then, I looked straight in front of me and saw something sitting on the ledge of the roof. I
squinted my eyes to get a better look, and realized that they were bobble-heads (about ten of
them) lined up in a row, like little soldiers. The music downstairs was playing so loudly the whole
school seemed to vibrate and pulsate with every beat. I didnt notice it that much since I was
lounging on the beanbag, but by the way the bobble-heads heads were violently shaking, youd
think an earthquake was going on.
Hey, are those yours? I pointed my half-devoured Mars bar at the bobble-heads.
A lazy grin inched its way onto his face. Hunter placed his can of root beer on top of the cooler
and leaned back until he was fully reclined on the beanbag. He greedily tried to guttle a small pack
of M&Ms while sucking on a lollipop. Yeah, he finally said through a mouth full of sweets, yeah,
those are mine. You see, this morning I thought of a brilliant idea. I kinda dont like costume
shoppingno offense, I just dont enjoy shopping in generaland those are gonna help me with
that. He gestured to the neat row of bobble-heads that looked like they were having seizures.
The bobble-heads are going to make you like shopping? I couldnt comprehend what he was
trying to explain to me.
He rolled his eyes at me and gulped down the candy so hed be able to speak more clearly. The
only thing that remained in his mouth was a lollipop. No, I dont think anyone will make me enjoy
shopping. Its more of a game I guess. The first bobble-head that falls is who Im gonna be for
Halloween next year. That way, I dont have to try on a million different costumes.
I glanced back at the bobble-heads. I recognized Yoda, Darth Vader and a few other familiar
faces. At the rate they were jerking around over there, it was a wonder how none of them toppled
over yet. I thought about how deafening the music would be if we were downstairs.
Wait, fall? I asked. As in, off the building?
Well, yeah. Dont worry; if they break Ill get a new one.
What if they fall on someone?
Theyll probably pass out. The expression on Hunters face was so serious that it actually
started to scare me. After a moment, he began cracking up. Charlie, Im kidding! Nothing is gonna
fall on anyone, he assured me.
If you say so I didnt even try to conceal the evident uncertainty in my tone.
I handed the bowl of candy back to Hunter who happily took it and set it on his stomach. He kept
munching on the sweets like there was no tomorrow. I lied down on my back, just like Hunter was,
and stared up at the stars. We lapsed into a comfortable silence. The only noises being produced
were the chewing sounds courtesy of Hunter and the music emanating from the gym.
As I gazed up at the stars twinkling in the dark night sky, I thought of my parents. They always
used to take Scott and I outside to stare at the stars from our backyard and point out all the
different constellations. But that was when Scott and I were kids. Now Mom and Dad were gone,
and in about three months it was going to be their anniversaryof both their marriage and their
Charlie, are you okay? Hunter asked softly, ceasing his rapid candy eating to cast a side-long
glance at me. You spaced out for a second there.
I did? I mustve been more caught up in my thoughts than I expected.
Yeah. Everything alright?
Im fine, I told him. Just reminiscing about the good old days when my parents were still alive.
Hunter placed the candy bowl on the ground beside his beanbag chair. He turned so that he was
lying on his side, with his weight propped on his elbow as he stared at me expectantly. I was the
center of his undivided attention, which I didnt particularly like.
Okay, tell me whats wrong, Hunter said. Let it all out, no matter how gushy or chick-flicky it is.
I can take it.
His response had me taken aback. What?
I can tell somethings up with you. Youre not that hard to decipher, Charlie. What did that even
mean? Could he sense that I was starting to worry about my parents upcoming anniversary? It
was like he was some kind of psychic or something, just without a crystal ball. Or maybe I was just
easy to read.
Im fine, I told you already, I insisted.
Charlie, I know youre not. Just tell me whats wrong. He regarded me coolly, and I knew the
only way to get him to stop studying me like that with his piercing gaze was to start explaining.
My parents are dead, I mumbled softly, spluttering out that last word. I always did have trouble
telling people about Mom and Dad. It made all the memories and emotions from the past come
rushing back to the surface. My brother reminded me that their anniversary is in about three
months. Three months mightve seen a long time away, but I knew that itd pass by in a second.
Now you cant stop thinking about them? he guessed. I nodded. A moment passed and only
then did Hunter speak up again, in that gentle, soothing tone that I had rarely heard him use
before. What happened?
When I took a moment or two to drift back into my thoughts, Hunter mustve guessed that I didnt
want to talk about it with him. I did, I just didnt know what to say. It had been years since the crash,
and a while since someone asked me about it.
Its okay, you dont have to tell me if you dont want to. Its personal, I get it
No, its fine. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. It was a car crash. I was fifteen at the time;
my brother was nineteen. Our parents went to Hawaii for their anniversary. It seemed like they had
a lot of fun. Theyd Skype us every day and make sure we werent throwing wild parties while they
were gone. Scott did, though, but they never found out. I smiled sadly at the memory. Believe it or
not, I actually partied at Scotts crazy bashes. When they got back, I continued, fidgeting with a
candy wrapper, they got a cab from the airport and on the way home, another car crashed into
the taxi at an intersection. Later I found out that the other driver was drunk. The guy in the other
car was fine, and the cab driver got away with a few broken bones. My mom was announced
D.O.A. and my dad passed away the next day. They died only a few days after their anniversary.
When I was done, I let out a shaky breath. It felt good to just let it all out and finally tell someone
about my parents. Sure, Scott and I mention them every once in a while and at their funeral I had
to recite the story plenty of times to family and friends, but this was different. I hadnt spoken more
than a sentence at a time about my parents for years, maybe even since their funeral. I had a lot
of pent-up emotions regarding Mom and Dad, and it felt refreshing to release some of them.
Im sorry, Hunter finally said. I didnt want to sound like other people didnt mean it when they
gave me their condolences, but Hunter sounded as though he knew what it was like firsthand. I
think he mentioned before that his parents passed away too.
As much as I wanted to stay strong and not cry in front of Hunter, I felt a single tear slide down
my cheek. Thankfully that was it and Hunter didnt have to witness me bawl like a baby over my
Charlie Hunter left his sentence trailed off as he extended his arm and gently wiped the stray
tear away with the pad of his thumb. He got up and squeezed himself onto my beanbag chair
(which wasnt very big and probably not intended for more than one person at a time) until we
were lying side-by-side, squished tightly together on the seat. He wrapped an arm around my
shoulders and I rested my head on his chest. If Hunter was uncomfortable, he didnt say anything
about it.
You know, you remind of my brother before the car crash, I told him, trying to steer our topic of
conversation to a much happier place. It didnt work as well as I hoped. It was probably because I
was distracted by his weird muskit was like a mixture of laundry detergent, car fresheners, and
artificial fruit. Somehow, all those different components seemed to blend well together.
Yeah. He used to be a bad-boy. Kinda like you.
I am anything but a bad-boy, Hunter mumbled.
Dont get me wrong, he was still the same guy he is today, but he just swore more, wore leather,
and used to get in trouble all the time. Now that I thought about it, Scott and Hunter would get
along great. I made a mental note to formally introduce them one day.
I never really pegged him as that type of guy, Hunter mused.
Yeah, well, after Mom and Dad died, I guess he realized he had to be more responsible. And
now hes justScott. I couldnt even think of the right adjective to describe my brother.
What were you like before the crash? Hunter inquired, curiosity lacing his tone.
Believe it or not, I was a sarcastic B-student who never picked up a textbook unless I absolutely
had to, and had way more friends than I do now. Which was really only Hunter and Scott. Four if
Lou and The Dungeon Master counted too, but I wasnt sure if they did. I had changed a lot in the
past few years, and I was pretty sure I had ameliorated. My grades definitely had.
Hunter let out a low whistle. I do believe you. I just wish I had a chance to see it. He paused
reflectively. Not for nothin, but what happened? He said it slowly, uncertainly, like he was
intrigued to learn the answer but didnt want to upset me.
I gave him a half-hearted shrug. I dont know, I just After my parents died, I sort of fell into this
depression. I wouldnt talk to anyone except my brother. It reminded me of how my brother had
been acting recently, especially after the whole Tiffany thing went down. Eventually my friends
just got fed up with me being the downer of the group so they moved on, I guess. I figured out, at
some point after my depression had gradually faded away, that I liked being alone more than in a
huge group of friends. They were stupid friends anyway. I mean, what kind of friends leave you all
by yourself when youre that vulnerable?
Youre not totally friendless. You still have me, Hunter said. Leave it to Hunter to find a bright
side to all of this.
I smiled appreciatively at him, trying to convey all my emotions in that small simper. I know. And
Im glad. That I have you as a friend, I mean, I added. I glanced up and saw Hunter grin at my
laconic reply. So there you go. Welcome to my life.
Sometime during the period when I had started to talk to when I had finished, Hunter had
grabbed my hand in his and intertwined our fingers together. I mustve been too caught up in my
memories to have taken note of it. I had only begun to notice when Hunter started to lazily trace
circles on the back of my hand. I didnt protest against it, though; it felt sort of soothing.
Youre not going to be alone again. You have me; Ill always be here for you, Hunter said, his
voice just above a whisper. It was a miracle how I could still hear him even with the music
pumping and the high-pitched howl of the wind in the background. I went through sorta the same
thing. My parents also...passed away.
Hunter, we dont have to talk about this if you dont want to, I told him so he didnt feel weighed
down and think it was an obligation to converse about our deceased family members. What a way
to spend a perfectly good Halloween.
No, no, its okay, he assured me. And besides, you told me about your parents so its only fair
that I tell you what happened to mine, right?
And before he could get another word in, the Gollum bobble-head fell off the roof. I guess we
already knew what he was going to be for Halloween next year.


It turned out that Hunters father also died in a drunk driving accident, but that happened two
years ago while the crash my parents were both in was three years ago. From the way Hunter
spoke of him, it seemed like he and his dad used to be very close, unlike how he was with his
mom. He even said that his father used to frequently take him to Crawford Comics when he was
little. Maybe our parents knew each other. After his dad died, Hunters mom got so upset that she
left, just left, abandoning Hunter and Courtney to carry on with their lives by themselves. Hunter
said he took the news about his father harder than his mother leaving him and his sister. He
suspected that she never liked him anyway, and the only thing that stopped her from leaving
sooner was his dad. Hunter told me that a year later, he and his sister got a call from the hospital
saying that his mom died from alcohol poisoning. I knew that Hunter was cheerlessly crestfallen
about it, even though he didnt really show itor any of his emotions, for that matter.
Which was what I was thinking about when Hunter lugged the rest of his stuff in the trunk of his
car. I offered to help him carry some stuff down from the roof, but he insisted on doing it himself.
Once the cooler, the beanbag chairs, the candy bowl, and the bobble-heads (except for the
Gollum one because we didnt know where exactly it fell) were packed safely in the trunk of
Hunters car, we piled in and he took off.
Hey, do you wanna go trick-or-treating? he suggested. Its only 8:30; its still not too late to
snag some more free candy. Just at the thought, his face lit up with a jubilant grin that made his
eyes twinkle.
Sure. Scott probably wasnt expecting me home for at least another hour.
Cool. Just let me drop my car off at home. His voice was a bit muffled because he returned the
Santa beard back to his face. I was glad our conversation was headed in a much lighter direction.
As soon as Hunter parked his car in his driveway, we began to march through the
neighbourhood, collecting sweet treats from ever house. A few people raised their eyebrows at us,
probably because most people ceased going trick-or-treating by the time they turned eighteen
(nineteen, in Hunters case), but that didnt stop us. Free candy was free candy. On the way
between houses, Hunter and I joked and laughed and had an all-around good time. The
melancholy that temporarily possessed us while we talked on the roof had subsided gradually, and
was replaced with a much jauntier atmosphere.
Wow, look at that, Hunter said, pointing to the next house on the block as we approached it,
Halloween still isnt over and theyve already set up their Christmas stuff. He was right.
Christmas lights blinked and flashed, and a wreath was hanging on the door. Their house was
already decked for the upcoming holiday season. Cmon, maybe theyll give us gingerbread
cookies and eggnog. Hunter grinned and winked playfully.
Dont forget the candy canes, I added jokingly.
I followed Hunter up the porch and heard him ask, Do you think they set up their Christmas
lights early or just left them up from last year?
I dont know, but its all really festive. The lights, the wreath
The mistletoe. With a smirk, Hunter jerked his head up at the mistletoe dangling from the top of
the doorframethe mistletoe we were standing so close to it could practically be considered
And that was when Hunter kissed me, right there under the mistletoe on Halloween. And as the
euphoria took over me, all I could think about was how Hunter smelled like pine-scented car
fresheners and tasted like root beer.
On Saturday, as soon as I finished my shift at Crawford Comics, I decided to head on over to
Just Pie. Hunter told me that today he officially began working at Just Pie so I thought itd be nice
to drop by and see how his first shift was going.
Every time I saw Hunter, my mind would wander back to that kiss we shared under the mistletoe
on some strangers front porch on Halloween. I could honestly say that it had been the best kiss I
ever had. Albeit, it was the only kiss I ever had, but still. I had nothing to compare it to because of
my inexperience, but that didnt mean it wasnt perfect. I remembered how soft and velvety
Hunters lips felt, and how the caressed mine in such a way that left my head spinning and my
lungs begging for oxygen even though I didnt want to part from Hunter to breathe. And though the
whole experience was totally new to me, Hunter guided me through it and left me desperately
wanting more.
After the kiss that left us both feeling breathless and euphoric, Hunter just continued down the
street, stopping at every house to receive his free candy. He just pretended it never happened,
and even almost a week later he was still doing thatignoring the fact that we actually kissed. He
didnt act awkward, nor did he avoid me like the plague; he just went on, acting as if nothing
happened that Halloween.
I wondered if I did something to upset him since that would explain why he was acting so weird
(or not acting weird, depends on who you ask). Maybe I said something wrong or did something
wrong or maybe I was just a bad kisser. Whatever the reason, Hunter being so nonchalant and
casual around me was beginning to get more aggravating each day. I planned on confronting him
about it, because if he liked me I wanted to know. The more I thought about it, the more I agreed
with the conclusion I had come to after the kissI liked Hunter, and I hoped my feeling werent
If this was Hunters way of shoving me in the friend zone, Id rather just have him tell me that he
didnt like me like that.
As soon as I stepped inside Just Pie, the first thing I noticed was that only half the tables and
booths were occupied. Hunter was lucky he didnt have a later shift; he would have twice the
amount of customers to attend to. Just Pie was usually packed on Saturdays. It seemed as though
Hunter was going to have an easy first day.
I saw Hunter collecting empty plates from a booth near the window as he talkedknowing
Hunter, he was probably flirtingwith the customer. For some reason, the casual flirting didnt
affect me as much as it should have. Hunter was just like that with most girls. What did bother me,
though, was the fact that he could break someones nose in one punch, but he couldnt bring up
the fact that we kissed. I wanted to know how he felt about me because his sentiments werent as
evident as Id have liked them to be. He either liked me or he didnt; it wasnt as complicated as he
was making it out to be. Either way, Id still be his friend.
The girl slipped a crumpled bill into the pocket of Hunters apron and promptly left as Hunter
threw her a wink on her way out. He carried the plates back to the kitchen as I took a seat at one
of the booths.
Hunter grinned as soon as he emerged from the kitchen and noticed me sitting there. With one
final glance around the diner, he made sure no more tables needed cleaning before joining me at
the booth.
Hey, I greeted with a wide grin.
Hey, he replied just as cheerfully, guess whos the newest employee at Just Pie? He jerked
both of his thumbs at his chest and accidentally jabbed himself. This guy! Hunter gestured to the
apron he was wearing with Just Pie embellished on the front in a cool, retro lettering.
Well, congratulations. I never thought Id see you this excited about work, I remarked.
Its not actually a bad place to work. Plenty of people here, musics always playing, its a never-
ending party. You can never get lonely here. Or hungry. And you know what? He paused for
dramatic effect. The actual work part isnt even that bad.
Thats what Hunter thought now. Id ask him again in a few weeks and see if his answer differed.
Hunter would get sick of working eventually, I knew he would. It was Hunter, after all.
I chuckled light-heartedly. So Lou put you on busboy duty?
Guess so. I asked him if I could help with the pies, but he told me that theyre a secret family
recipe. He gets very protective of his pies.
Well its Lou, I replied simply, shrugging. And youd better not ruin his pies. They taste like
Finally Hunter plopped down across from me so he was no longer awkwardly standing by the
table. Okay, okay, I wont screw up Lous pies. I promise. He doesnt even let me go near them.
I glanced around briefly. Shouldnt you get back to work?
He shrugged. My break starts in a few minutes anyways.
Hunter, can we talk? Theres something I want to ask you about, I drawled reluctantly. I wanted
to discuss the kiss with Hunter once and for all, just so I knew where our relationship was heading.
We are talking. He gave me a lopsided grin, and I supposed that was his way of telling me to
Okay. Well I wanted to talk to you about the ki I barely managed to suppress a groan when
Lou interrupted me as he approached us. Fate was definitely not on my side.
Hunter, there you are! What are you doing? Youre not supposed to be sitting on the job, Loud
But my breaks in five minutes, he pointed out in a childish whine.
Then, Lou finally addressed me and whispered (purposely loud enough for Hunter to overhear),
can you believe it, Charlie? Its only his first day working here and hes already slacking off.
I am not slacking off!
Ignoring Hunters protest, I played along. Actually, yeah, I can believe that.
Hunter shot Lou and I each a flat look. Guys, Im sitting right here.
Lou and I exchanged surreptitious smirks, wordlessly deciding to stop teasing Hunter and his
lazy tendencies.
I dont know if I told you two already, Lou started suddenly, but Im going to have a karaoke
night here at Just Pie.
Hunters face instantly lit up with excitement at Lous announcement. Really? When? What
Tonight, from six oclock until closing time, he answered. And dont get too excited there, boy.
Im thinking its only going to be a one time thing. I hope that this karaoke night will reel some more
customers in. Hey, that wasnt such a bad idea. Maybe Scott and I should hold a karaoke night at
Crawford Comics one day.
Hunter asked Lou if he required any help setting up the karaoke machine later on, and Lou
gratefully accepted his offer, rattling on about what time he should be there to assist Lou set up.
Charlie, are you coming? Lou questioned.
I gave him a one-shouldered shrug. I dont know. Maybe. Singing wasnt really my thing. It
wasnt that I was bad at it or anything, I just didnt like getting up and singing in front of other
Aw cmon, itll be fun, Hunter coaxed. A little singing, a little dancing
I tried to resist to adorable pouty face Hunter was pulling on me, but I just couldnt. Fine, I
acceded hesitantly, Ill go. Hunter punched his fist in the air triumphantly.
Hey, why dont you tell your brother to come, Lou suggested thoughtfully. He needs a fun
night out, especially after the big break-up with that Tiffany girl. Lou was right. Scott needed to get
out more. Even though he said he was completely fine now, I knew he was still bummed about the
fall-out. No one could bounce back from a break-up that bad unless they were heartlessor
Tiffany (which was pretty much the same thing).
Okay, Ill ask him.
Good. And with that, Lou left and returned to his usual spot behind the milkshake bar.
Karaoke, huh? Hunter said after Lou was out of earshot. He had this mischievous smirk playing
on his lips, and I wasnt sure if I liked that. He was plotting something probably; formulating a fool-
proof plan that would later turn out to be not-so-fool-proof. And I had a feeling it involved my
brother and his sister.
Uh oh. You have that look on your face.
What look? He smiled at me innocently, like he had absolutely no idea what I was referring to. I
knew he did, though.
That look. You have a new plan, dont you?
You know me too well, Charlie. So do you wanna hear about my awesome new plan or what?
I sighed. Fine.
Hunter relayed his plan to mea vague outline of it, anywayand would occasionally use the
salt and pepper shakers (which didnt actually contain salt and pepper; they were full of powdered
sugar and cinnamon) to demonstrate what was supposed to happen, who was assigned to do
what, and all of that. The whole time he spoke, Hunter wore this smirk that made him look so
confident, so determined, like knew that this plan (unlike all the others) was going to be the one
that caused our siblings to fall madly in love.
I wasnt so sure about this plan of his, but I definitely wasnt going to tell him that just in case he
was right about all of this. I guess we just had to wait and see how it would all turn out.


Scott seemed to be getting a lot better about the break-up. I wouldnt say that he was the poster-
boy for perfect health and happiness, but recently I started to see a change in him. He appeared to
be returning back to the old Scott (and by that I meant how he was prior to the break-up, not the
car crash). Physically, he was doing fineexcept for his insomnia, but considering how long he
tolerated it, it wasnt such a big dealbut I still wasnt sure how it affected him in other ways. Like
how bruised and battered his heart probably still felt.
I entered the living room only to find Scott lounging on the couch with a laptop sitting on his, well,
lap as his fingers flew across the keyboard with vigor. The tip of his tongue protruded from his
mouth slightly and he knitted his eyebrows together like he always did when he was deeply
concentrated on something.
Hey, he mumbled without even looking up as soon as I walked into the room. It was like he
could sense my presence alone. It was kind of creepy.
What are you working on? I went over to do one of our not-so-secret handshakes (the nerd
face one) before I sprawled out on my dads old recliner and made myself comfortable.
Essay, was his verbose answer. It was probably some homework from his English class at the
university. Whats up?
I was going to ask you something, but if youre busy
No, no, he interjected quickly, I was just about to take a break anyways. Finally, Scott shut his
laptop and glanced up at me. He absent-mindedly cracked his knuckles which mustve been tired
from all that strenuous typing. I cringedI absolutely hated that sound. So, he said, focusing his
undivided attention on me, what do you wanna talk about?
I know its probably too early to ask, especially after the whole Tiffany thing, but Do you think
youll ever fall in love again? The only reason I asked was because if Scott completely stopped
believing in love, I didnt want to push him into a relationship with Courtney if he wasnt ready. I
hoped Tiffany hadnt entirely ruined his opinion on love. Scott needed someone that made him
happy, and I was glad that Tiffany was out of his life now because she clearly wasnt doing a great
job of that.
Thankfully, Scott didnt get upset by my brusque inquiry. Part of me thought he was going to
start bawling his eyes out at the mention of Tiffanys name. Instead, he took a moment to silently
ruminate. Finally he said, If I somehow fall in love again, Ill seize the opportunity. If destiny or fate
or whatever else controls my future thinks I deserve a second chance at love, Ill take it despite
everything that happened with Tiffany. I think that just mightve been the wisest thing my brother
ever said.
But isnt it too soon? I mean, you and Tiffany broke up a couple of weeks ago, I reminded him
If love wants to find me again, Ill be here. If its true love, it wont matter when, where, or how.
All thatll really matter is how you feel about that person, right in that moment. The past, the future,
just forget about all of that. Its you, and its them, and its right now. Scott moved his laptop to the
coffee table so he could lounge freely on the couch. And while I wait for Cupid to shoot me in the
ass with another one of his shoddy love arrows, Ill try my best not to dwell on the past.
So Scott was open to love now, was he? I just hoped that was what hed find when he meets
Then, to feed my curiosity, I asked, Whats love like?
This dopey grin took over his face in a split-second. I guess Tiffany didnt totally screw up love
for my brother.
I dont know, Charlie I dont think Ill be able to describe it. And if I did, I definitely wouldnt do
the feeling any justice.
Its kinda like Its like a Sunday afternoon and youre just chilling in your living room with
everybody you wanna be with and you know you wouldnt wanna be anywhere else.
I stared at him blankly.
Okay, fine, its like He paused, probably thinking of what to say. Its Another pause.
Being in love is the best thing Ive ever experienced. Other than He abruptly stopped as his
cheeks reddened and he averted his gaze down to stare abashedly at the carpet. Never mind,
youre too young to know about that. I didnt think I wanted to know anyway. Returning to the topic
of love, Scott said, When youre in love, it feels like you just died and went to Heaven. Its bliss.
Every moment you spend with that person instantly becomes one of the best moments of your life.
You can make them laugh and smile when theyre down, and theyd be more than willing to do the
same for you if the roles were reversed. You can talk to them about anything and you know they
wont judge. And if you fight with them, youll always make up sooner or later because you love
each other. You feel good around them, comfortable, even when youre in your PJs, watching TV,
and no one is saying anything. Their presence alone makes you feel at home, wherever you are.
And even though youve known each other for years, every time you see them again, your mind
goes blank and your heart beats at twice its regular speed, and it feels like love at first sight all
over again. Thats how you know youre in love.
I gaped at my brother. Not because he described it so perfectly (Id never been in love but I
wanted to be as soon as he finished his description of it), but because everything he said about
love, that was exactly how I felt when I was around Hunter.
But it couldnt be love, could it? Of course not. He was just my friend, a crush at most.
We talked, we laughed, and I felt exceptionally safe around him (despite the whole bad-boy front
he put up at school). And every time I saw him, it felt like a hoard of butterflies had accumulated in
the pit of my stomach.
I snapped out of my pensive reverie when I heard Scott say, Why do you want to know, Charlie?
You dont think youre in love, do you? He was joking, and knowing Scott, meant that as a
rhetorical question, but I answered nonetheless.
I told Scott the one thing no big brother ever wanted to hear. I dont know, Scott. I think I might


Despite my earlier contemplation, I had come to the conclusion that I only liked Hunter; I wasnt
in love with him. So I decided to act normally around him, like everything was peachy and I didnt
just have one of the grandest revelations of my life a few hours ago. I didnt want to possibly ruin
our friendship because of this whole thing.
I liked Hunter. That was it. It was just a crush, that was all.
After I told my brother that I may be in love (even though I knew better now), he didnt seem all
that affected by the news. Albeit, he probably didnt think I was being serious. If he did think I was
being serious, hed be out buying shotguns right now. What? He was still my protective older
Hey, Charlie, can you pass me that microphone? Hunter asked, snapped me out of my
I spun around until my gaze finally landed on a microphone sitting on a nearby table. I picked it
up and placed it on Hunters open palm.
I took a step back to let my gaze wander over the stage I had helped Lou and Hunter set up. The
stage itself was just a small platform that we placed at the end of the diner farthest from the door.
It was where Lous neon jukebox usually resided, but we decided to move it for the night so that
there would be more room for the stage to take up. On both sides of the mini stage were black
speakers that Hunter was currently plugging into the wall. There were two microphones cradled on
their stands on the stage, but Lou had plenty more if they were needed. It was all hooked to
Hunters laptop, which would be used for displaying the lyrics to the songs, along with playing
them. All-in-all, I thought it was pretty impressive for something we set up in less than an hour.
Hunter sidled up beside me to assess the makeshift stage. I think we did a pretty good job, he
Yeah, I agreed.
Both Hunter and I jumped up, startled, when someone clapped a hand on each of our shoulders.
I was relieved to see that it was only Lou. Everything set up? We nodded. Okay, I want you two
to go up and sing a few songs. You know, to hype up the crowd. Only a few. He looked directly at
Hunter as he said that. Dont hog the mic. Lou gave us a firm push towards the stage, and when
I glanced back at him, he shot me an encouraging thumbs-up.
You can sing. I think Ill justwatch, I told him lamely. I didnt sing. Especially not in front of
other people.
You sure?
Im sure.
Okay, if you say so. Hunter had that mischievous smirk on his face that told me he was up to
something. I had a feeling I wouldnt like it.
Hunter hopped onto the stage and grabbed the microphone closest to him. Testing. One, two,
three, testing. When his voice was amplified through the diner loudly and clearly, he grinned.
Okay, cool. Hey, everyone, welcome to Just Pies first ever karaoke night! He was met with a
round of applause and cheers. So I guess Ill get this party started and sing the first song of the
night. He got off the stage to press a few keys on his laptop, and promptly returned after a brief
moment. Music sounded throughout Just Pie, and when I looked up at Hunter on stage, he winked
at me. The song seemed familiar, but only after Hunter belted out the first few lines did I actually
realize what he was singing. I heard a few chuckles and sniggers from the audience, but that didnt
seem to faze Hunter. Well, he was hyping up the crowd, just as Lou requested. I guess singing
Oops I Did It Again was the perfect way to do that.
I glanced around the diner. No one from school was here. I guess they all had better things to do
on a Saturday night. It also started to make sense, the puzzle I was piecing together in my head.
Hunter would never sing Britney Spears in front of people he had to see on a daily basisitd ruin
the reputation he so carefully constructed for himself. But in a room full of strangers, he appeared
completely comfortable with making a fool out of himself for other peoples entertainment.
When Hunter was done the song, he grinned as he received a round of applause from the
audience. He cleared his throat and said, Anybody wanna go next? I could practically hear
crickets chirping. I guess that means I get to do another song. No one argued, so he went over
and fiddled with his laptop for a bit until another song came out. I recognized this one instantly. It
was one of my favourite winter songsBaby, Its Cold Outside.
Wait a second. This song was a duet Oh no.
Just as I expected, Hunter nictitated at me as he made a come hither motion with his finger. I
shook my head defiantly and crossed my arms to show him that I was not going to sing a duet with
him. He pouted, and when that didnt work, he rushed over and dragged me gently by the arm until
I was standing right beside him on the stage. He immediately handed me a microphone just as he
began to belt out lyrics into his. We missed the first few lines, so we had to start somewhere in the
middle of the first verse.
I was up here already, and I wasnt just about to ditch Hunter so he could scramble to sing a
duet by himself, which meant that I had to sing along with him. It wasnt that I was a terrible singer
or anything. In fact, from all the musicals I watched (and intoned along to the songs) and times I
rocked out in the shower, Id say I could carry a tune without a problem. I just didnt want to do it in
front of an audience; I didnt enjoy being the center of attention. But I guess one song wasnt that
bad. Hunter still owed me for making me do this, though.
So I joined him, harmonized with him, softly and shyly at first, but with growing confidence once
the second verse rolled around. Id sing, then hed interrupt my line half-way through (that was
how the song went) and then wed repeat the process. And despite my previous thoughts, I
actually had fun. And to be honest, Hunter wasnt a horrible singer (I guess I wasnt either since
nobody started booing or throwing tomatoes at us). It was a pleasant surprise.
The whole thing, it seemed so rehearsed, but it most definitely wasnt. The way my voice echoed
throughout the diner and Hunters would follow soon after, the way we didnt even need to glance
over at the screen of his laptop because we knew the lyrics by heart, the way Hunter looked into
my eyes in a way that didnt ever want to make me avert my gaze; it was all so perfect you
wouldve thought we spent hours practicing to get it just right. But we didnt. I guess we just clicked
like that.
By the end of the song, I almost didnt notice the loud cheer of the rowdy crowd and the wolf-
whistles emanating from one of the booths, because Hunter kept his steady gaze trained on me
and I couldnt help but (as cheesy as it sounded) get lost in those chocolate brown eyes of his.
Finally, we left the stage and Hunter passed his microphone to whoever wanted it next and
started a song up for them. Then we found two unoccupied stools at the milkshake bar and
plunked down, listening as the intro of I Feel Like Dancing began playing.
Hunter twisted around in his stool until he was facing me. You never told me you could sing like
that. I didnt think I told anybody I could sing. No one asked. Anyways, should we go over the
plan one last time?
I smiled at the compliment and said, Sure.
Okay, so heres how its gonna go down: Ill convince my sister to sing a song and you do the
same for your brother. What they dont know is its gonna be a duet. They serenade each other
and boom! Instant love. It all seemed so simple in theory.
What if it doesnt work? What if there isnt any instant love?
Trust me, itll work, Hunter assured me. He sounded so confident, just like he was with every
other plan we tried. Even after all of those fruitless attempts, he still thought there was hope for
love in our siblings lives. I guess if Hunter was positive that everything was going to turn out fine, I
should be too.
Is your sister here? I inquired.
Yup. He jerked a thumb at one of the booths where Courtney was seated with a group of her
friends. Wheres your brother?
He should be here any minute now
Right on cue, Scott burst into the diner looking all frantic and dishevelledbasically, he looked
normal for Scottand as soon as he spotted me, he strode over.
Hunter got up and reminded me in a whisper, The plan. You know what to do. The next song,
okay? And with that, Hunter left to go talk to his sister.
As soon as Hunter swaggered off, Scott took over his stool. Am I late? Im sorry, Charlie, I
almost forgot that tonight was karaoke night. He rambled on, but I interrupted his apologetic tirade
before he forgot to breathe.
With a chuckle, I told him, Scott calm down. Its fine, youre not late. The karaoke started a few
minutes ago.
Oh. It did?
Yup. Actually, I think youre one of the luckiest people here. You got to miss my singing.
You sang? he inquired, not even bothering to mask the disbelief in his tone.
Yeah. I Feel Like Dancing was coming to a close, so I had to work fast to persuade my
brother to do the next song. Hey, why dont you sing a little something?
He laughed. Uh, no. Not happening, Charlie.
Cmon, I begged. Please? I gave him my best pouty puppy-dog face, and hoped it was as
effective as Hunters. Id have to ask him for lessons later. Ill even sing back-up, if you want.
Uh-uh, he said with a stubborn shake of his head.
Desperate times called for desperate measures. Who knows, you might even find the love of
your life on that stage. I gave him a knowing smirk.
He grinned and shook his head again, but got up nonetheless. Just in time, too, because the All
Time Low song gradually got quieter until it stopped completely. Hunter was already up on stage,
collecting that guys microphone, which he promptly handed to my brother as we approached him.
Scott stepped on stage and gave the audience a nervous wave.
Meanwhile, I briskly walked up to Hunter who was now searching for the perfect duet on his
laptop. Any specific song you want? he called to my brother.
Nah, not really. Surprise me.
How about a duet, then?
Scott shrugged indifferently.
Hey, wheres Courtney? I glanced around but she wasnt anywhere near the stage.
What do you mean? Shes right Hunter abruptly let his sentence fall as he spun in a full circle
like a dog chasing its tail. Oh shit. He gestured to the washrooms. Specifically, the ladies
washroom that Courtney was presently entering. Hunter mumbled a few profanities before saying,
The show must go on, I guess.
He was right. Scott was patiently waiting on stage for a song, any song, to start and so was
everyone else in the diner. We couldnt just wait for Courtney to return. So Hunter handed the
microphone to the first girl willing to take it and took two more for each of us as we all joined Scott
on stage after a duet had finally been chosen.
Summer Nights from Grease. Even though it was almost winter.
Hunter was back-up for Scott, I was back-up for the girl (I had no idea what her name was), and
Scott and the girl just serenaded each other. And surprisingly, my brother didnt embarrass himself
with his vocals.
During the duration of the song, I couldnt help but notice the way Scott and that girl kept staring
at each other, like they were sharing a bond over the music, but at the same time, were entranced
by it. It was almost like the way Hunter and I gazed into each others eyesyes, we actually gazed
into each others eyesduring Baby, Its Cold Outside. They definitely had some kind of
chemistry going on. And hey, maybe I was right about Scott finding his next true love on stage.


An hour later, karaoke night was still going strong, and Hunter and I were seated comfortably at
a booth close to the stage (so it was easier for Hunter to change songs on his laptop when
necessary). Scott was at the milkshake bar, blabbing animatedly to Lou.
After he finished singing Summer Nights, that girlwho later introduced herself as Madison
gave Scott a crumpled up napkin with her name and number scribbled in messy script to him. He
had been grinning ever since.
Hey, Charlie, Hunter started tentatively, purposely evading my gaze.
I think we should tear up her number.
I knitted my eyebrows together. Whose?
What? I exclaimed, and I was pretty sure my eyes were bugging out of their sockets so far that
they were on the verge of just popping out. Why? Scott finally found someone that made him
happy. I wasnt going to take that away from him.
Because, he said gently, as if speaking to a child, your brother belongs with my sister. They
need each other.
My brother doesnt even know your sister!
He doesnt know that Madison chick either! Then, in a much calmer tone, he added, Please.
Just trust me on this.
And even though he screwed up every single one of these outrageous plans of his, I still had no
reason not to trust him.
But then again, this was Scott, who had so many reasons to be unhappy with his life, but here
he was, grinning at Lou like the Cheshire cat.
Before any more words could be exchanged between Hunter and I, Scott bounded over to us
and without invitation to do so (he didnt really need one, though) scooted over beside me on the
booth. Thanks, Charlie, he chirped cheerfully, right out of the blue.
What for?
His response was a noncommittal one-shouldered shrug. Just for making me get up on stage. I
probably wouldnt have done it if you hadnt forced me to.
For lack of better things to say, since at that point my mind was a jumbled mess, I replied with a
simple, No problem.
He took the napkin out of his coat pocket and admired the digits scrawled in black ink. He set it
down on the table and said, Going to the bathroom. Be right back. And as he ambled away, I
didnt think he realized he left his precious piece of paper lying right there on the tabletop.
Hunter and I both regarded it intently like we were having some sort of intense staring contest.
Then he reached for it, but before his fingers could actually come into contact with the napkin, he
stopped and glanced up at me. It was almost as if he was wordlessly asking me for my permission.
For him to take it.
And being momentarily stunned that Hunter was actually asking me if he was allowed to strip my
brother of his newfound happiness, I had no idea what I was doing. Especially since I found myself
subconsciously nodding.
Just as I noticed Scott emerge from the washroom, Hunter snatched the napkin off the table with
a swift flit of his hand and shoved it in his pocket.
I didnt approve of Hunters skulduggery, but it was too late to ask for it back now; Scott already
reached the table and returned to the spot he was previously seated at.
So I just hopedprayedthat I hadnt ruined what was left of Scotts barely salvageable love life.
The thing that woke me up on Friday morning was not the shrill ring of my digital alarm clock that
shrieked out precisely five high-pitched beeps before proceeding to blare out the music playing on
whatever station I had set it on. Instead, I was awoken by the cold hardwood floor that I landed on
with a thud. Even though I was tangled up in my blanket when I fell off my bed, it didnt seem to
soften the impact when I landed straight on my side.
I groaned and untangled my arms from the blanket so I could rub the sleep out of my eyes. My
eyelids drooped down heavily, and I contemplated staying here and going back to sleep because
my bed had suddenly seemed so far away.
But then my alarm clock just had to bleep loudly enough to wake the dead, also managing to
startle the living daylights out of me. I plugged an ear with one hand and covered the other with my
shoulder, all while trying to blindly reach up and smack the off button on my alarm clock. The only
thing I ended up hitting was my hand on the hard surface of the nightstand.
Finally, the noisy ringing ceased and was replaced by some trashy mainstream pop song. I
didnt know which one was worse.
I forced myself to get up and turn the radio off with the simple push of a button. The chilly floor
was starting to freeze my feet so I fetched a pair of socks from the bottom drawer of my chest of
drawers and slipped them on.
Just as I was sitting on my bed with an unclothed foot dangling off the edge and a sock halfway
up the other, Scott barged in my room with a huge grin on his face. Mornin, he greeted
What do you want? I grumbled. I have to get ready for school.
Actually, you dont. I didnt know why he was smiling so widely. It was too early in the morning
for this. Usually I was a morning person, but today I was just too tired.
I need to get to the comic book store. See you later.
Hey, wait! I shouted before he had a chance to leave my room. What do you mean I dont
have to get ready for school? This was way too complicated for my sleepy brain. Now was not the
time for riddles.
Didnt you look outside?
I stared at him blankly.
Its snowing, Charlie! Its the first snowfall of the year. Theres no school, its been cancelled.
After Scott relayed the good news on to me, he exited the room with one final grin. As he
descended down the stairs, I heard him yell, Have fun on your snow day!
A few minutes later, I heard the front door slam shut, and Scott was gone. And only then did I
process what he actually saidit was a snow day today and there was no school. This was the
first snow day ever in my eighteen years of living, and it was only the end of November. What a
special day; I should mark my calendar.
My initial idea was to go back to sleep and figure out how to spend the rest of my day later. That
didnt work out, though, because no matter how hard I tried, I couldnt fall back to sleep. So I
yawned and stretched lazily, ambling downstairs as I dragged my feet the whole way there.
As I was fixing myself a bowl of cereal, the front door burst open and someone walked in. First I
thought it was my brother, and I paid him no attention, returning my primary focus back to the bowl
of Frosted Flakes. But when the intruder started to speak, it definitely wasnt Scotts voice that I
was hearing.
You know, you really should lock your front door, said Hunter as he strolled inside the kitchen
and leaned against one of the counters. Anyone could just walk inside. Scott mustve forgotten to
lock the door after he left earlier today.
I shot Hunter a flat look. I can see that.
Dont worry, I locked up for you. Youre welcome.
Thanks, but, um, why exactly are you here? This encounter reminded me of the time Hunter
spontaneously showed up and made me sneak out and go to a movie (two, actually) with him.
Except this time, he showed up at eight oclock on a Friday morning and I wasnt grounded like
last time.
He regarded me incredulously. Its a snow day, he drawled out slowly, like he was talking to a
child, so were gonna go have fun in the snow!
I was only partially awake, and I wanted to do right then was eat breakfast. If we absolutely had
to go outside in the freezing cold, Id be okay with it if I at least finished my cereal. But
No buts. Were gonna have a proper snow day today, even if that means dragging you out the
door right now, PJs and all, he interjected. Cmon, Charlie, I didnt drive through a snow bank this
morning for nothing!
Fine, fine, just let me get ready, I mumbled as I shoved the Frosted Flakes box in his empty
hands and headed upstairs.
I didnt have time to take a shower since Hunter was waiting downstairs for me, so I just washed
my face, brushed my teeth, and tied my hair in a messy bun. In my room, I slipped into a cozy pair
of jeans that were amazingly warm (for jeans, that is), one of my dads old, oversized sweaters to
go over my t-shirt, and two pairs of socks. What? If I was going to go out on a snow day, I had to
be prepared to face the weather conditions that lay ahead.
When I bounded back downstairs, Hunter held out a bowl of Frosted Flakes to me, which I
accepted gratefully. I returned to the kitchen, taking a seat on one of the stools by the kitchen
island, as Hunter sat down on the counter. I shoved a spoonful of milk and cereal in my mouth and
moaned appreciatively. Hunter smirked at that and I was sure I could feel my cheeks flushing.
So whats the game plan for today? I asked between mouthfuls of cereal. I suddenly felt more
alert and awake, and energized for whatever it was Hunter had planned for us to do today.
He shrugged casually. I dunno. I was thinking that wed justgo with the flow. Do whatever we
feel like.
So our plan for today is that we have no plan?
Yeah, basically.
When I was done eating, I rinsed off my bowl and spoon, and placed them in the dishwasher.
What do you feel like doing first? I asked, since I had no ideas of my own to pitch to him. Other
than finishing my homework, but I didnt think Hunter would be interested in quadratic equations
today (or any day, for that matter).
You up for making a snowman? Hunter jumped off the counter, grinning at me mischievously.
I returned the grin. Yeah, sounds good.
Alright, cool. Hunter slung an arm around my shoulders and steered me in the direction of the
front door. He seemed to navigate his way through my house, despite the fact that hed only been
here once before. Were gonna build the best snowman on the block. Just wait and see.


If there was one thing I learned from the eighteen winters I had lived through, it was that you
needed the right type of snow to build a snowman. Or a snow anything, actually. There were two
main typespacking snow and powder snow. Powder snow was the type that melted in your hand
(or glove) as soon as you picked it up. Powder snow was the kind we wanted. It wasnt as soft,
and could be packed into snowballs. And luckily for Hunter and I, that was just the type of snow
my backyard was covered with.
Hows the head coming along? Hunter called from the other side of my backyard.
I looked down at the lopsided ball of snow I had been pushing around my yard for however long.
Im almost done, I reported back to him. I began to roll the ball in a different direction in an
attempt to make it look a little less misshapen, but to no avail. Adequately satisfied with the head
of our some-assembly-required snowman, I lifted it up with more than a little effort (it was way
heavier than it looked) and carried it over to where Hunter was currently rolling his own snowball.
I never wouldve guessed a snowball could weigh that much. Maybe I made it a bit too big
After I placed the head on the ground, I exhaled deeply and watched as my warm breath
mingled with the chilly air to create a puff of smoke. Okay, Im done the head, I notified Hunter.
What do you think?
He momentarily ceased rolling snow to glance over at my masterpiece. He cocked his head to
one side and squished his eyebrows together, scrutinizing it. I thought you were making the head,
he remarked for clarification. I wasnt sure if that was a question of a comment because it sounded
like it couldve been either.
This is the head.
Itspretty big. He paused. Its okay, well just add some more snow to the rest of the body so
it wont look like it has a massive, mammoth-sized head. He chuckled at that, then went back to
I just abandoned the head there, lying in one corner of the backyard, while I got started on
making the snowmans midsection (since Hunter was studiously working on the bottom ball).
I took a handful of snow and molded it into a tight ball, shaping it and adding more snow when
necessary so it wouldnt turn out uneven and oval-like like the head had. I gently set it down on the
ground and began to trundle. The hardest part was getting the snow on the ground to stick to the
compact starter ball, but eventually, the snow attached to the small snowball, causing it to grow
larger with every roll.
Here, Ill finish that for you, Hunter said, startling me since I had been oblivious to his presence
until he spoke up. He was standing behind me, so I moved to the side and gave him some room to
take over the task of sculpting the middle snowball. Im already done with the bottom one, he
explained. Hey, do you think you could go inside and get a carrot and a hat or something?
I nodded. Sure.
I entered through the back door, stepping out of my boots and leaving them on the mat right
beside the door. I didnt want to get the rest of the house wet; thatd just make more work for me to
Searching for accessories for the snowman was like going on a scavenger hunt, except there
wasnt a list of specific items I needed to find, so all the stuff I retrieved were pretty much just
miscellaneous items scattered haphazardly around the house. I stumbled across a pipe that I
hadnt used in years (it was one of those toy pipes that blew out bubbles instead of smoke), one of
Scotts baseball caps that he never wore anymore (because I couldnt find a top hat), an array of
buttons that varied in colour and size, and a carrot that was slowly but surely rotting because Scott
and I mustve forgotten about it. It was buried all the way in the back of the fridge.
When I returned to the backyard with all the stuff piled high in my arms, I finally found Hunter on
the far side of the yard, carefully stacking our three abnormally large snowballs on top of one
another. I stopped for a moment to examine our bare snowman. The head didnt appear that
freakishly shaped, much to my surprised pleasure.
Got everything?
Yup, I replied affirmatively, dumping everything on the snow-covered ground, except for the
buttons; they were safely residing in my coat pocket for the time being so I wouldnt accidentally
drop them.
Hunter picked up my brothers baseball cap and dusted some snow off the bill. I heart BJs, he
read aloud, and started laughing shortly after. I didnt get what was so funny. It was just a hat Scott
bought at a Blue Jays game a few years ago.
He placed the cap on top of the snowmans head, adjusting it so it tilted to the side at an odd
angle. Now we had a gangster snowman. Interesting.
I meandered off to find two suitable branches to use as arms for the snowman. I could only find
one long branch buried in the snow under the towering oak tree in the backyard, so I brought it
back to Hunter, who just snapped it in half. After I stabbed the sticks into each side of the
snowmans midsection, I took a step back to regard it. One of its arms was unusually long,
compared to the other, which was just barely protruding from the middle snowball. Hunter applied
the buttons onto the snowmans chest and a few more for its eyes and mouth. The bubble pipe
appeared as though it was going to drop onto the snow-covered ground at any second, but
fortunately, it never did. The carrot that was supposed to resemble a nose looked like it had been
rammed into the snowmans head surprisingly remained in place as well.
Hunter sidled up beside me so he could have a better view of our masterpiece. He stared at it
and cocked his head to one side pensively.
We should name it Frosty, I mused aloud.
Nah, we should call it Rudolph, he said, just to shake things up a bit.
Rudolph, I drawled. Sure, sounds good.
Before I could even ask what he was doing, Hunter went to lie down on the ground. He would
get a cold (or pneumonia) since his army jacket wasnt really made for winter conditions.
Hunter, what are you doing? Get up or else youre going to catch a cold, I chastised.
No. Im making a snow angel. He patted the ground beside him. Its the first snowfall of the
year. Live a little.
If I couldnt beat him, I might as well join him. Fine, but if we get sick, its all your fault. I settled
myself down on the ground beside Hunter, but not close enough for him to accidentally smack me
with his flailing limbs as he continued with his snow angel. I closed my eyes as I spread my arms
and legs out, waving them up and down to create an imprint in the snow.
Suddenly, something cold and wet hit me in the face and I instantly jolted up, wiping it off. I
frantically glanced around until my gaze finally landed on the culpritHunterwho was standing a
great distance away from me, doubled over laughing. When he noticed me staring intensely at him,
he stuck his tongue out and childishly blew a raspberry at me. Then, he bent down and collected
more snowball to produce another snowball.
Oh, its on, I shouted playfully, packing snow together as quickly as I could while trying to
dodge Hunters attacks.


After our epic snowball fight, Hunter and I were both left soaking wet from all the snow. As fun as
it sounded, now that we went back inside and actually realized how cold and drenched we both
were, I regretted not wearing a thicker coat since mine obvious didnt do much good at protecting
me from the frigid air.
I traded my soggy clothes in for a dry t-shirt and a warm sweatshirt on top, and a pair of simple
black sweatpants. When I was done changing, I chucked my outfit into the laundry hamper and
headed back downstairs. Hunter was nowhere in sight, so I patiently waited for him in the kitchen,
taking a seat at the island.
A few minutes later found Hunter emerging fromwherever he was and sitting down on the
counter beside the sink. Everything wouldve been perfectly normal if only Hunter had been
wearing some pants
Um, where are your pants? I asked, arching an eyebrow. Now that all of my focus had been
averted to Hunters attire (or lack of it), I noticed he had shed his army jacket as well. Which meant
that he was sitting there clad in only socks, a plain white t-shirt, and blue plaid boxers.
I hung them up in the bathroom to dry. My jacket, too. Theyre soaking wet, he explained
simply. He smirked, probably because of my staring (which had been incessant since he walked in
the room).
Ah, I replied noncommittally. I saw Hunters smirk broaden. How was he so comfortable being
nearly half-naked in someone elses house? Not to mention casual, almost like this was an
everyday thing for him. So, uh I cleared my throat do you want to borrow one of my
brothers sweaters or something? I dont want you getting sick.
Nah, he said, giving me a nonchalant wave of his hand, Im fine. I wont get sick, dont worry.
Very assuring. He should tell me that again when he catches a cold.
You sure?
Im sure.
If you change your mind, just tell me. There was a moment of silence before I spoke up again.
What do you want to do now?
He shrugged. Getting off the counter with ease, Hunter made his merry way over to the fridge.
Im hungry, he announced at the exact same time his stomach rumbled in agreement.
Lets make cookies, I suggested excitedly.
He snapped his head towards me, reminding me of a dog, with its tail wagging and its ears
perked up, waiting to get a special treat. Cookies? Well someone seemed interested. Hunter
immediately closed the fridge and stood by the kitchen island, directly across from where I was
Yeah, we should make cookies, I reiterated cheerfully.
By we, you do mean you, right?
No, I mean we.
I dont think thats such a good idea
I crossed my arms. Well why not?
Cause I cant cook. My cooking skills are limited to making toast, microwavable soup, and two
minute noodle cups things.
Ill find something easy for you to do, I said.
He sighed. Alright. Just nothing that involves ovens or hot objects, okay? I dont wanna burn
your house down. I couldnt tell if he was joking or not. You know what? I think Ill justsit here,
he told me as he plunked down on the stool beside me.
I stood up a second later. If you really want to I started to gather all the ingredients required
to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies. Retrieving butter and eggs from the fridge and sugar
and flour from the cabinets, I suddenly felt a smirk creep onto my face, almost not noticing it at first,
and added, But that means you wont get to indulge in any of the final product.
Hunter frowned, clearly torn between not doing any work but being prohibited from eating my
deliciously tempting cookies, or actually doing something useful and being rewarded with
chocolaty desserts. It was a tough choice for him, evidently, but in the end, cookies prevailed.
I guess Ill help out then, Hunter said with a heavy sigh. But these better be some damn good
cookies. He smiled to indicate that he was just being playful. At least, I think he was.
Calm down, they will be, I assured him. How do you feel?
Uh, fine?
I mean, are you cold or anything? Youre not exactlydressed for the weather. Today marked
the first snowfall of the year, and Hunter was lounging around my house in a t-shirt and a pair of
boxers. Very stylish plaid boxers that hung remarkably low on his waist, but boxers nonetheless. It
wasnt what I would typically call proper winter attire. Meanwhile, I was freezing under my warm
(but not warm enough, apparently) and comfy sweater.
Nah, Im good. Toughing it out through the cold then, huh? How Canadian of him.
Are you sure? I can get you one of my brothers
Its fine, he interjected with a dismissive wave of his hand. Actually, he said a moment later,
resting his arms on the island and leaning forward, I know just the thing to warm us both up on a
day like today.
But you just said you
Hot chocolate. Looking very pleased with himself for coming up with that suggestion, Hunter
grinned widely.
Okay, Ill get started on the hot chocolate and you mix the batter. I handed him the bowl and
went to get started on our drinks.
After a few moments of silence passed between us, Hunter suddenly said, I dont like Bane.
Whos Bane?
You know, from The Dark Knight Rises, he clarified. I mean, how is he even alive? How does
he eat with that mask thing covering his face? It had been a while since Hunter and I discussed
superheroes, so I guess he was continuing where we last left off.
I paused completely. When I saw the new Batman movie with Scott, that was exactly what I was
thinking too. Finally! Someone that understands me! I turned to Hunter and we exchanged grins.
But more importantly, how does he vomit? That was the real question.
He doesnt because he cant eat, Hunter reminded me, pointing the spoon in my direction. For
a second there, I thought I was going to get splattered with cookie dough.
Good point. Returning to the main task at hand, making hot chocolate, I added as an
afterthought, I did like Batman, though.
Yeah, Batmans cool. Batman was one of my favourite superheroes, mostly due to the fact that
he could save Gotham even though he didnt have actual powers, and he refused to use guns.
Plus, he had an interesting back-story.
I liked him better in the movies than the comics, Hunter informed me thoughtfully. In the
comics, hes always being a dick to Robin.
Speaking of Robin, why wasnt he in any of the new movies? As soon as I finished making the
hot chocolate, I sat back down at the island and placed a mug in front of Hunter and kept the other
held tightly in my hands, slowly warming them.
He shouldve been. Robins awesome; its too bad hes so underrated.
I nodded in agreement. Are you done mixing the batter yet? I had already set the oven; all I
needed was the batter.
Hunter stared deeply into the bowl as if he was mesmerized by its contents. Then, he swiped his
finger over the side of the bowl and promptly stuck it in his mouth. He closed his eyes and sighed
contently. Its good. Can we just eat it like this?
Even though the thought of cookies already had my mouth watering, there was just something
about raw cookie dough that I found to be extremely satisfying as well. So I turned off the oven
and grabbed two spoons from a drawer, sticking them both in the bowl.
Hey, how about we watch a movie? I asked.
Here, I said, handing him the bowl of cookie dough, take this to the living room. Ill bring the
hot chocolate and then we can choose a movie. He took the bowl and marched into the living
room. Then, to his receding figure, I added before I forgot, And dont spill anything on the couch
or my brother will murder us both!
I wont, he told me confidently. Only a minute later (if not less), I heard him mumble, Oops. It
was shortly followed by, Dont worry, Ill clean it up!
I smiled to myself and rolled my eyes.
Oh, Hunter.


The empty cookie dough bowl was long forgotten in the kitchen sink just like Hunters clothes
were in the bathroom, the end credits rolled down the screen, and Hunter and I were lazily
sprawled out in the living room, with him on the recliner and me on the couch. I thought this was
turning out to be one of the best snow days I ever had (it was the only snow day I ever had, but
that didnt make it any less fun) and judging by the content look on Hunters face, he thought so
We had just finished watching one of my, and Hunters, favourite trilogiesLord of the Rings. All
three movies, back-to-back, in one afternoon, with only one intermission to get refills of our hot
chocolate and quickly make and devour some grilled cheese sandwiches. I didnt mind seeing the
movies again because it had been a while since I last saw them.
I had no idea what time it was, but when I snuck a glance out the window, it was already dark
out. Albeit, it was that time of year when the sun started to set at an earlier time every day, but I
couldnt ignore the sudden heaviness of my eyelids.
As I slowly rose from the couch to go eject the disc from the DVD player, I curiously asked, Is it
just me or are you getting sleepy already?
Hunter yawned in response. And even though that already gave me the answer to my question,
he still replied, Now that you mention it, yeah. Im getting kinda tired.
Hey, uh, maybe you should stay here for the night, I offered quietly. You know, if youre too
tired to drive.
I dunno. I think Ill be fine
Plus, your clothes still might be wet, I added, even though I didnt think they were. Neither of us
had checked all afternoon, but they were most likely dry by now. Truthfully, I just didnt want
Hunter to leave quite yet, even if it meant he had to stay the night. Scott was out most of the time
(either working, going to university, or spending time with his friends) so I was usually alone
whenever I was home. It was nice to finally have some company over; it made me feel less lonely.
Besides, I had a lot of fun with Hunter on our day off, and it wouldnt matter if he stayed overnight
because tomorrow was Saturday and we didnt have school.
Well, okay, if you insist, he said with that little smirk on his face. Im sure my sister wont mind.
Do you think your brother will?
I actually wasnt sure. I mean, we werent going to do anything incredibly inappropriate. It was
just a sleepover, I was sure hed be fine with it.
Hunter yawned again. I think Ill just another yawn crash on your couch.
No, you can sleep in my room if you want.
At that, Hunters charming smirk morphed into a suggestive one.
My cheeks reddened. The couch isnt the most comfortable place to sleep. Ive done it a few
times and always ended up sore in the morning.
Hunter laughed. Thats what she said!
I rolled my eyes and began to amble towards the stairs. Hunter got up slowly and followed me.
As we ascended up the stairs, Hunter said, Hey, thanks for letting me crash here.
I smiled. Youre welcome.
The first thing I did when I entered my room was make a beeline for the bed. I hardly even
noticed that I forgot to change into my pajamas because my t-shirt and sweatpants were so comfy.
A second later, I felt the other side of the mattress sink a little under Hunters weight. I scooted
over a tad to make room for him. I glanced over and saw that he was peeled off his t-shirt and
carelessly tossed it to the ground.
He noticed me staring and said, What? I sleep with my shirt off. Which now, due to the process
of elimination meant that he was only wearing boxers and socks.
Hunter made himself comfortable in my bed, meaning his arm was around me and he was
holding me like I was the last life boat on the Titanic. I could feel his chest pressed up against my
back and his warm breath fanning on my neck, which just made my stomach flip uncontrollably like
it was possessed by an Olympic gymnast.
What was he doing?
Spooning. We were spooning. Thats what it was. It felt incredibly more comfortable than it
Night, Charlie, he said softly, and I jolted slightly because of the close proximity. He chuckled
at my reaction. Dont worry, I dont bite. Then, as an afterthought he added, Unless you want me
to. I could practically sense the smirk on his face, even though I couldnt see it.
Ignoring that last comment, I mumbled, Good night, Hunter.
From the moment I descended down the stairs and sleepily trudged into the kitchen, I knew
something was up. My spidey-senses were tingling, so to speak.
I could smell the pancakes before I saw them. They had a particular scent, like a mix between
butter and maple syrup, and I was immediately reminded of the pancakes my mom used to make.
They were delicious, especially topped with strawberries and whipped cream and
I took another whiff and exhaled contently.
Morning, Scott greeted as soon as I plunked down on one of the stools at the kitchen island.
He momentarily stopped whistling a Christmas-y tune to shoot me a lazy grin.
Good morning, I replied.
I made pancakes, he told me because it obviously wasnt clear enough by the way he kept
flipping pancakes up in the air and catching them in the pan.
I can see that.
But Scott didnt ever make pancakes. Well, he did, but the last time was so long ago that I
almost forgot how amazing they were. Pancakes were my moms specialty, though. Now we only
made them on special occasions.
What was so special about today?
Nothing. Or at least that was what I thought. But I was sure that if I checked my calendar, it
wouldnt tell me anything different.
Scott turned off the stove and piled the pancakes evenly on two plates. He slid one plate across
the counter to me, along with a fork. Instead of coming to sit beside me like I thought he would, he
just remained standing across the island from me.
After I doused my flapjacks with syrup, I tentatively took a bite. And let me tell you, they were
almost as good as Moms (and considering her culinary abilities, that was saying a lot). Scott
watched me intently as I took my first bite, and his face lit up with delight when he noticed my
Like it?
I nodded since my mouth was full and I thought chew-up pieces of pancake might fly out of my
mouth if I tried to speak.
Good. He paused. Um, theres something I need to talk to you about. He shoved another
forkful of his short stack into his mouth and chewed slowly, watching me.
Clearing his throat, Scott gently set his fork down on his plate and stared at me intently. Jeez,
what was with all of this staring and watching? To be honest, I was starting to get a bit creeped out.
Then, to make things weirder and more puzzling than they already were, he laughed and shook
his head in what I assumed to be disbelief. I can believe Im about to say this, but But before
he said anything pertaining to what was actually going on (because I had absolutely no clue), he
cut himself off and started again, this time a little differently. Sometimes I wish Mom and Dad
were still alive so I wouldnt have to do these things, he mused to himself with a sigh.
What things? Scott what are you talking about?
Charlie, we need to talk. I cringed. The last time he said that, he told me that we had to close
Crawford Comics in a few months. I hoped that whatever he wanted to discuss now wasnt
anything like that.
We are talking, I replied slowly.
No, I mean I have to have a chat with you. And now he was just rephrasing things he already
said before. I was completely lost.
Uh, yes, Scott, thats exactly what were doing right now. Having a chat.
He groaned in frustration and ran a hand through his hair, slightly exasperated. The Talk,
Charlie, were going to have The Talk! he blurted out. Do you understand now?
I nodded subconsciously.
What? Why did Scott want to talk aboutthat? He was being way too awkward than necessary.
Then again, I was pretty sure he wanted to do this as much as I didnot at all.
But why? I heard myself ask. I already learned this stuff in health class
And then, suddenly and unexpectedly, it hit meI knew exactly why.
Hunter came over the day before yesterday because it was a snow day and school was
cancelled. Memories of us building a snowman, making cookie dough, and everything else we did
flooded back to me in a fraction of a second. I also remembered being too tired to do anything else
at the end of the day, so we just slept in my room. And when I woke up, one of the first things I
noticed was that the bedroom door was open halfway, even though I distinctly remembered
closing it before we went to bed. I had condoned it before, but in retrospect, I realized that Scott
mustve opened it at some point when we were asleep. He saw us. Together. In my bed. With a
shirtless Hunters arm wrapped around me. We cuddled. Kind of.
I hadnt seen Scott all day yesterday. He left for work before I woke up, and returned home
sometime after I had gone to bed. During the day he was most likely at Crawford Comics, while
Hunter and I hung out in the library and at Just Pie.
Oh. My. God.
Scott mustve thought that Hunter and I slept together (we did, but this time I didnt actually
mean sleep).
Charlie, when two people love each other (or think they love each other) they
Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop right there, I interjected before my brother could get too far into
hispre-planned lesson. If I had any food in my mouth, I wouldve choked right then. I have no
idea why you think I dont know all of this already or why were talking about this at all, but if this is
about Friday night and whatever you happened to see, I can assure you that nothing happened. At
all. Not a thing. I did my best to refrain from using the trite phrase, this isnt what it looks like. I
hoped he believed me nonetheless. What did you see exactly? I asked as an afterthought.
Well I was going to the grocery store and wanted to ask you if you wanted anything, but when
I opened your bedroom door, you were asleep. Beside some naked dude who looked like he was
spooning you, my brother said seriously.
First of all, yes we were spooning, but I hadnt even realized it. Secondly, he was not naked. He
had boxers on. I continued on explaining before Scott fired any more presumptuous questions at
me. We went outside and his clothes got kinda soaking wet after we had a snowball fight. We left
his clothes in the bathroom to dry.
Scott knitted his eyebrows together in intense contemplation. That doesnt explain why he was
sleeping with you.
We saw all three Lord of the Rings movies and he was too tired to drive home after that so I left
him stay here. His clothes werent dry and he said that he never sleeps in a shirt anyway. Like I
told you before, nothing happened, I reassured Scott. He didnt try anything on me, I swear.
Hunters a good guy, he wouldnt do anything like that.
Hunter? My brother arched an eyebrow. That name sounds familiar.
He helped us for the Halloween party a few weeks ago, I apprised him, trying to jog Scotts
memory. Do you remember him?
Yeah. I didnt really get a rapist vibe from him, he mumbled to himself. Then, in a louder voice
he said to me, Okay, Charlie, I believe you. If you say nothing happened, nothing happened.
Scott breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled heartily. For a second there, I thought I was actually
going to have to give you The Talk.
I shuddered. Please dont. I would have to say The Talk ranked first in the most awkward
family conversations in the history of the universe.
I wont, dont worry. He cringed slightly himself. I remember when Mom and Dad gave me The
Talk. I think Id rather have aliens pop out of my stomach than go through that again. Mentally
scarring. I will tell you one thing, thoughif you ever need a condom, I have a box of them in my
room in the top left drawer where I keep my socks. Except try not to touch the socks, because
those arent the ones I use for
Scott, shut up, I broke in. Please. Before you say something you wont be able to take back.
He laughed at my obvious discomfort. Im just telling you in case you want to know. And that
was why I made pancakes: to make this whole conversation less traumatizing. I definitely did not
want to know anything he said a few seconds ago. Now I had to go and buy some mind bleach. I
guess youre off the hook this time, Scott said with a knowing grin, but I still want to meet this
My fork accidentally fell to my plate with a clatter. What?
That guy, Hunter, I want to meet him.
Why? I spluttered out.
Well, youve been spending a lot of time with him. I want to meet him, get to know him. Oh, I
know! Lets invite him over for dinner! Scott suggested with vigor, like it was the best idea he ever
thought of. For reasons unknown even to me, I wasnt so fond of the whole idea. Maybe it was
because I was worried that Hunter and Scott wouldnt get along. I guess Id fine out soon enough.


Hunter laughed. He wants me to what? I think he thought I was joking. I wasnt.
He just wants to meet you. Over dinner, I reiterated for what felt like the millionth time today.
We already met, Hunter reminded me. At the Halloween party. Remember?
Yeah, but he wants to meet you formally.
I dont do formal.
Please, Hunter, its just one dinner, I coaxed. I left out the part where Scott thought Hunter and
I slept together, because including it wasnt absolutely necessary.
So this is like Meet the Parents except hes your brother?
I took a moment to ponder. I guess so, yeah.
Hunter let out a contemplative sigh. Fine, I guess Ill do it. But dont expect me to be all proper
or gentlemanly or anything like that. Im not trying to impress him. I have mannersaround certain
peopleand I will use them, but what I wont do is be someone Im not. Got it? he asked firmly. I
knew he wasnt the type to go out of his way to impress other people. He wasnt ostentatious.
Hunter was Hunter, take it or leave it. But I hoped he would at least get along with Scott because
Hunter had that sort of boyish charm that made him fit in with pretty much everyone, if he tried.
I smiled to myself. Hunter was much more gentlemanly than he ever have himself credit for. At
least, he (sort of) was around me. When he was with Aaron, not so much.
I nodded to let him know I understood his ground rules.
So are we eating here or going out?
Eating here. I tugged open the fridge, scanning over its contents. I could feel Hunter watching
me as I as he sat atop the kitchen counter. I dont know what to make. Any suggestions?
I like steak, Hunter told me with an insouciant shrug. I crinkled my nose up. I hated steak. Plus,
we didnt have any.
Then, out of the blue, I was shot with a brilliant idea. Oh! I know! Ill make pasta. I know Scott
enjoyed gormandizing my delicious pasta, and I hoped Hunter would like it just as much.
I froze completely, realizing that the last time I made pasta for Scott was right before Tiffany left
him. Hopefully that wouldnt put a damper on our dinner.
Hunter mustve noticed me tense up because he asked, Charlie, are you okay?
Yeah, fine, I told him, waving it off dismissively. Actually, I think Ill make chicken and mashed
Okay. But Id much rather have steak.
I turned around and stuck my tongue out at him childishly. Too bad.
He frowned, which then turned into a pout. Aww.
I continued rifling through the fridge, pulling out ingredients as I found them and setting them on
the counter beside where Hunter was sitting. Then I went to the pantry and retrieved even more
food, placing those on the counter as well. After a quick survey of the food laid out in front of me, I
noticed that I was missing two vital ingredients for this meal to work: chicken and potatoes.
I need to go on a supply run to the grocery store, I announced. And before I could ask Hunter
for a ride, he slid off the counter and said, Ill come with you.
As soon as I stepped outside and locked the front door behind us, Hunter tossed me his keys
and said, Im tired. You can drive.
Staring intently at the ring of keys I caught, I tossed them back just as swiftly. No, I cant, I
mumbled quietly.
And why would that be?
Because I dont know how to drive, I diffidently admitted. I had no idea why, but for some
reason I felt partially ashamed. Maybe it because in this day and age, most people already knew
how to drive by the time they were eighteen.
Hey, he said brightly, beaming at me, I can teach you how to drive. It seemed as though his
previous tiredness washed away in a split second and was replaced with encouraging excitement.
Teach me?
Yeah. If you want me to, Hunter offered. It wasnt such a bad idea, except for the notion I felt
deep in my gut that told me this was going to end terribly.
I dont know
Itll be fun, Hunter told me with a jubilant grin. Fun? Was crashing into treesor possibly other
carsconsidered fun now? And if youre worried about a little fender bender or something, we
can go to an empty parking lot to make sure that doesnt happen, he assured me. I wasnt worried
about a minor fender bender; what if we got into a head-on collision? I was apprehensive about
driving in general, which I thought was a potential hazard to everyone else on the road.
But, on the other hand, it could be fun, just like Hunter said. Plus, we had a few hours to kill
before dinner was supposed to be served. I guess there was no harm in trying.
Okay, I agreed reluctantly.
Hunter clapped his hands together once, as a wicked grin inched onto his face. Alright, lets do
As Hunter drove around aimlessly, trying to find an empty parking lot, I watched him intently.
When he changed gear or accelerated, his movements were so smooth and second-nature to him
while completely foreign to me. He had stick shift and I didnt even know how to drive automatic.
This was going to be more difficult than I thought, and the lessons hadnt even begun yet.
I had learned absolutely nothing from watching Hunter traipse around town (if anything, it made
me more confounded than I was before, which I didnt even know was possible). And I had been
so focused on staring at Hunters hands on the wheel, when he finally parked someplace, I didnt
even know where we were. We seemed to be in a parking lot that was almost completely vacant
except for the few cars scattered and spread out helter-skelter around the lot.
Hunter climbed out of the car and I did the same. We passed each other as we manoeuvred
around The Enterprise to swap seats. I slammed the door shut as soon as I settled into the drivers
seat and glanced over at Hunter, who looked extraordinarily relaxed in the passenger seat.
Meanwhile, I was already planning what to write on my will. That is, if I was alive long enough to
get a chance to actually write it. Out of nervous habit, my leg started jittering rapidly, like it always
did when I was formidably anxious.
Hunter placed a hand on my knee and squeezed gently. Youre gonna do fine, alright? Dont
worry. Ill be right here if anything goes wrong. If anything goes wrong? I could think of a multitude
of things that could go drastically wrong.
What if I crash into another car? What if I completely ruin your car? Or
Thankfully, Hunter interrupted my blathering before it had a chance to escalate. Id actually be
kind happy if you totaled my car.
That comment had me taken aback. Wait, what?
I wouldnt mind you damaged my car. The Enterprise is one of the crappiest cars Ive ever
owned. It can be a real bitch to start sometimes, he told me thoughtfully. And if it was ruined, itd
give me a chance to get a new car. Ive always wanted a cherry red 65 Ford Mustang. I had no
idea what that looked like since I was anything but a car enthusiast. Hunter smiled and the thought
of his dream car. Maybe Ill name it Greased Lightning.
I chuckled at the Grease reference.
But forget about that. Right now just focus on driving.
I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves and clear my mind.
Put your seatbelt on. I buckled my seatbelt as Hunter fastened his. Okay, theres two things I
want you to remember before we can get started: keep your hands on the wheel, and eyes on the
road, he enumerated, ticking off the two points on his fingers.
Now that didnt seem so hard. I nodded.
The rear-view mirror is set to my liking, but if you want to adjust it, feel free. I deemed the
position of the rear-view mirror acceptable because I didnt want to toy around with his car and
accidentally break something.
Okay, now place your foot on the brake and put the key in the ignition, he said.
I wasnt sure if he actually wanted me to press down on the brake, so I just rested my foot on the
pedal and twisted the key in the ignition tentatively. The car leaped forward in response, like a
frightened cat. I immediately let out a squeal and retracted my hands from the steering wheel.
Hunter kept both hands pushed against the dashboard to prevent his head from smacking into it.
Hands on the wheel! Hands on the wheel!
Sorry! I returned my hands back to the wheel as The Enterprise sputtered and coughed like an
old guy dying of lung cancer. Then it promptly died. I let out a breath I didnt know I had been
holding and leaned back into the seat.
Try that again, Hunter said calmly, taking a few deep breaths. But this time try to keep both
the brake and the clutch down when you put the key in the ignition, okay?
Clutch? I glanced down briefly at the three pedals beside my feet. One of them mustve been
the clutch. Now it was a matter of which one.
Look down. I returned my gaze back down to the pedals. The pedal all the way to the left is
the clutch, the one in the middle is the brake, and the one on the right is the gas, he informed me.
Try again and remember: keep both hands on the wheel. Hunters voice was firm but
understanding, like he remembered how unsettling and toilsome learning how to drive for the first
time can be.
I withdrew the key from the ignition and pushed down one foot on the clutch and the other on the
brake before attempting to stick the key back in. This time, instead of The Enterprise leaping jerkily
like it was trying to win a hurdle race, it just roared to life. Elation washed over me and I snuck a
peek at Hunter to see his expression.
His eyes were squeezed shut as if he was preparing himself for some sort of impact, but it never
came. Slowly, he opened one eye, and the other soon after. Hey, eyes on the road, he chided,
but I could still see a glint of pride flash in his eyes.
I grinned and turned back to the parking lot.
Nice job, Charlie. Okay, now just He closed his eyes momentarily, as if he was imagining
driving himself. Let the clutch up slowly and move your right foot over to give it a little gas.
I eased the clutch up at a snails pace and gently applied some pressure to the gas. To my
delight, The Enterprise started to roll along. Even though it was moving at a nerve-wracking pace,
it was still moving and I was happy. I was actually learning how to drive! I threw Hunter a cordial
Eyes. Road.
I gave the gas pedal a little more pressure but the cars speed didnt increase by much.
Hey, youre doing it! Great, good job, he praised encouragingly. Now lets switch to second
I gulped so loudly I was sure Hunter could hear it. What do you mean second gear? All of a
sudden, this didnt seem as simple as it did just a moment ago. Any sense of cheeriness I had a
moment ago completely vanished in a fraction of a second and was replaced with alarmed
Its easy, he assured me. That didnt help much because he already knew how to drive. To
switch gears, all you have to do is push the clutch down and then after youve switched the gear,
put your feet back where they were before, which should be the brake and the gas. Understand?
I guess so
Okay, good. He shot me a grin and I reciprocated one back. I directed my gaze back to the
vacant parking lot in front of me before Hunter even had a chance to tell me to keep my eyes on
the road.
After a bit of fumbling with the pedals, I somehow managed to get the car in second gear.
Unfortunately, I also managed to unintentionally slam my foot down on the gas, accidentally
flooring it. It felt like we were in some kind of Fast and Furious movie, and I didnt mean that as a
good thing.
And bad luck happened to be on my side that day, because at that moment, someone chose to
drive into the parking lotright in front of us.
I was temporarily frozen, too shocked to know what to do, but luckily Hunter was there to save
the day. Faster than the speed of light, Hunter unbuckled his seat belt and leaned over me so he
could reach the steering wheel. Shit! and a few other profanities flowed out of his mouth. He
violently tugged the wheel to the right, veering us out of the other cars way at the last possible
second. I finally snapped out of my daze and quickly slammed my foot down on the brake.
Over the sound of my heart pounding forcefully in my chest, I could make out the distinct honk of
the other cars horn as the driver yelled a few impertinent curses out the window before speeding
off with a zoom.
Hunter stayed in our position for the next few seconds, panting. Hunter was sprawled across me
(he was practically sitting, maybe lying, in my lap) with one hand still clutched onto the steering
wheel and the other resting on my thigh for balance. His legs were tangled up in the passenger
seat, which looked really odd from this angle.
Finally Hunter looked up at me with a reckless grin plastered on his face and danger dancing in
his eyes. The proximity between the two of us was so close that if I moved my face forward a
couple of inches, Id be kissing him. And now that I thought about it, it didnt seem like such a bad
I told you Id be here if anything goes wrong. He didnt wipe that wild smirk off his face, and I
found myself grinning back at him for no reason other than we were both alive right now.
Hey, Hunter Thanks for saving my life.
Thats what friends are for.


After we returned from the grocery store (with Hunter driving, of course. Even though he didnt
say anything pertaining to the fatal car crash we nearly had on my account didnt mean that either
of us thought I should drive any more) Hunter helped me lug all the food inside and store it in its
proper place. As soon as everything was put away except for the ingredients I needed, I got
started on making dinnergrilled chicken and mashed potatoesand Hunter (kinda) assisted me
with some stuff. Like right now he was peeling potatoes. Or at least trying to.
Shit! I looked over and watched him inspect his finger before promptly trudging over to the sink
to wash his cut. Stupid potato peeler, he muttered bitterly under his breath. I refrained from
I think you should wash the peeler too. I dont want to get blood in my mashed potatoes. He
glared at me and I couldnt help but smirk complacently. I think we have enough potatoes now. I
heard Hunter sigh in relief. Now you can boil them.
Why me?
Because youre doing the potatoes. Im making the chicken.
He didnt even bother to stifle his groan. Youre not even doing anything!
Im waiting for the chicken to marinate, I reminded, jerking a thumb in the direction of the fridge.
It should be ready to cook any minute now.
So What do I do with these? He held up the bowl of adequately peeled potatoes.
Boil them, I replied simply. And add a sprinkle of salt to the water.
Boil them. Right. He approached the stove and just stared at for a second, completely
dumbstruck, before reaching out and turning a random dial.
What are you doing?
Boiling potatoes?
I rolled my eyes and retrieved a pot from the cupboard overhead, filling it with water and then
carefully placing the potatoes in it. I threw in a pinch of salt and then cautiously carried it over to
the stovetop, where I turned off whatever Hunter had previously turned on and set it to the correct
temperature. Why do I have the feeling that you dont do a lot of cooking? I asked teasingly.
Hunter rubbed his neck and averted his gaze to the floor.
You dont know how to cook, do you? I just had to check because this seemed like the first
time Hunter admitted he couldnt do something. Well, he didnt actually admit it in the literal sense
of the word, but his reaction told me everything I needed to know.
Of course I do! he defended. I justchoose not to.
And why would that be? It was like our roles were reversed. Nah, reverse didnt even begin to
cover it. Our roles did a total one-eighty from this morning.
Fine, I cant, he said. Happy now?
With a wide grin, I suggested, Hey, how about I teach you how to cook? Driving was not one of
my strong points, but cooking wasnt something I wasnt terribly awful at. One of my bailiwicks, if
you will. And besides, Hunter taught me how to drive earlier today (I wasnt good at it and almost
got the two of us killed, but he still made the effort to try and teach me) and I thought there was no
harm in repaying the favour.
Do I have a choice?
I pretended to think for a moment. Hmm No.
He sighed, but I could tell he was trying to suppress a smile. Lets get this over with, then.
Since we need to wait for the potatoes to finish boiling, lets get started on the grilled chicken. I
took the marinated chicken out of the fridge and put it in a pan, which I set on the stove on the
burner in front of the potatoes.
Hey, you said that you were doing the chicken; Im supposed to make the potatoes, he
reminded me smugly. Hunter looked proud of himself for remembering I said that.
Yeah, well now were both doing the chicken.
The pleased smirk slipped off his face.
Now grill each piece of chicken for ten minutesfive on each side, I instructed. Im going to
make a salad, but Ill be right here if you need anything. Ask if you need help.
Hunter gave me a noncommittal grunt in response.
I fetched lettuce, croutons, and other vegetables we happened to have and quickly chopped
them up and threw them together in a bowl. Now that the salad was done (I didnt spend a lot of
time making it, but it would suffice) I hastened over to the stove and took the pot of potatoes,
draining the water in the sink. I stabbed one of the potatoes with the fork, to check them, and they
were cooked thoroughly as I had predicted. I dumped the potatoes in a clean bowl and left the pot
in the sink.
Charlie, Hunter called. Cmere, do these look cooked to you?
I glanced at the chicken. No, not yet. Just give them another minute or two.
Sure. Only a second later, I heard Hunter yell, Fuck! Holy shit! Charlie, a little help here?
When I turned around, the first thing I saw was Hunter, all frantic and wide-eyed, blowing the
pan that had somehow spontaneously burst into flames in an attempt to cease the fire from getting
any bigger. And this was not a candle, it was a full-on flame.
Before I even had a chance to think about what I was doing, my instincts kicked in and I pushed
past Hunter and vigilantly threw the pan (along with the flaming chicken) into the sink and
thoroughly doused them with water until I was completely sure that it was safe again. I heaved a
breath of relief and turned to regard Hunter who was just staring at me in awe.
Did you adjust the heat? I asked calmly.
Yeah, I
Thats why, I mused. I wondered what Scott would say if I told him that we almost set the
house on fire. On second thought, he didnt need to know.
This was the second life-threatening even that happened to Hunter and I today. It was quite
unnerving. Maybe we were cursed or something.
This is why I dont cook, Hunter said, breaking the silence that I hadnt even noticed lapsed
over us.
I couldnt help but laugh despite the situation. I can see why now.
Thanks, he said suddenly. I was about to ask him what for, but he continued before I had the
chance to. You know, for saving my life.
I doubt that little fire wouldve killed us, but I smiled at him nonetheless. Youre welcome. And
besides, I was just returning the favour.


We decided that it would be better to just order pizza instead of riskily trying our hand at cooking
again. Neither Hunter nor I wanted a repeat of what happened. I still finished making the mashed
potatoes (what else was I supposed to do with them? Just because the chicken was a total
disaster didnt mean the potatoes had to be) and we still had the salad, so I set them out on the
table in case anyone wanted any.
Scott arrived exactly at the same time as the pizza delivery guy did. I heard the doorbell ring so I
opened it, only to find the pizza guy retreating to his Volvo and Scott standing on the porch,
juggling the pizza box in one hand and the brown paper bag of what I assumed to be drinks in the
other. Puzzlement was clearly etched onto his face.
Thanks for paying, I said, smiling warmly.
He shot me a quizzical look. Yeah, no problem I didnt know we were ordering pizza today.
I thought it would be best not to tell my brother how Hunter and I almost got into a serious
accident not only once but twice today. So instead I told him, I was going to cook something, but
then I changed my mind. Hunters here, I added.
This morning you said you wanted to meet him. Remember?
Oh yeah, he drawled out.
I rolled my eyes at Scotts forgetfulness. I ushered Scott inside, and when we reached the
kitchen, he set the pizza box and the drinks on the table.
As soon as Scott put down everything he was holding, Hunter stepped forward and held out his
hand. Im Hunter, he introduced with a charming grin.
My brother looked him over as if he was sizing him up. Scott. Nice to meet you. He grasped
Hunters hand in what looked like a death grip and shook firmly. Hunter didnt seem fazed by my
brothers strength. If he even noticed.
Yeah. Same.
After they let go of the iron grips they had on each other, we all sat down. Scott and Hunter sat
across from each other and I was in the middle. Scott wouldnt take his fixed gaze off of Hunter,
but Hunter didnt appear to mind. He just sat there, happily munching away on his pizza.
So, Hunter, Scott finally said, breaking the awkward silence, how long have you known
Hunter loudly swallowed the half-chewed chunks of pizza in his mouth before answering. A few
And howd you two meet? What was this, an interrogation?
Shes my tutor. Hunter didnt seem the least bit affected by all these questions.
Oh. Scott nodded understandingly. I used to have a tutor, too, when I was in high school.
School just wasnt my thing.
I dont He was going to say something else, but he stopped himself. Yeah.
I think Scott could relate to Hunter, even just a little. Before Mom and Dad passed away, Scott
was a lot like Hunter. He didnt care for the rules, and he almost failed a grade. He didnt, though,
but he was close. The only difference was that my brother was classified as a jokester, whereas
Hunter was more of a bad-boy. Hunter got in trouble for starting fist fights; Scott got in trouble for
participating in food fights. It seemed like a big difference, but it really wasnt. The only thing that
majorly differed between them was their reputations.
But after Mom and Dad died, Scott changed (for the better, dont get me wrong). He became
more responsible and stayed out of trouble. And then he became a lawyer (well he almost is). I
think he wanted to be a lawyer because that was what Mom and Dad both did before they bought
the comic book store. I guess he thought they wouldve wanted that.
How old are you?
For some reason, Scott grinned. Got held back then, huh?
Yup. And Hunter smiled back.
What was with all these questions? I had no idea. Except for one theory, but that couldnt be it.
Right? It was absurd, wasnt it?
Scott, were not dating! I blurted out, for the sole reason of making sure. I thought Id just throw
that out there so my brother didnt get the wrong idea.
He looked up at me. Youre not?
No. Were friends. Right, Hunter?
Um, yeah. Right, he responded. He appeared to be slightly confused too. It mustve been
because of the abruptness of my exclamation.
Oh. Well, in that case he shot Hunter an unnaturally giant grin welcome to the family,
Hunter. Any friend of Charlies is a friend of mine.
Thanks. I think Ill fit right in.
I was sitting at the desk in my bedroom on Saturday, finishing up my homework because I knew
Hunter and I wouldnt get around to doing it at our weekly planned tutoring session (we never did),
when I got a call from Scott. I thought it was a bit peculiar since Scott would usually wait until he
got home from work to tell me whatever it was if he had something to say. Or he might just call to
remind me that we were fresh out of milk and if I could pick some up on my way back from the
library thatd be great.
But he called for a completely different reason. He firmly ordered me to come to Crawford
Comics because we had important matters that we needed to attend to. There was something
about his tone of voicea mixture of urgency, misery, and anguishthat made me drop
everything and start walking to the comic book store at an alarmingly fast pace. He sounded hurt,
but it wasnt the I-accidentally-chopped-a-limb-off-somehow hurt. It was more like he was hurt
mentally, like he couldnt bear doing whatever he was doing, but knew it was absolutely necessary.
I didnt ask him what exactly the important matter was, but then I thought itd be better if I didnt
know until I got there. I had a feeling I wouldnt like it, whatever it happened to be.
And when I entered Crawford Comics, the first thing I duly noted was the guiltywith a dash of
gloomyexpression on Scotts face. Im sorry, was the first thing he said to me when I stepped
Sorry? I squished my eyebrows together in confusion. My eyes flitted around the store in
anticipation. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Except for ScottI had no idea why he was looking
at me like that. Why are you sorry?
He shrugged noncommittally. Just Sorry in advance for what Im about to make you do. Now
I really didnt want to know why he called me down here.
And what would that be? I asked tentatively.
Were going to have to start packing today.
Now I was even more bemused. It didnt last long, though, because my confusion quickly
morphed into sudden alarm, as if a switch had just been flicked in my brain. Packing? Were not
moving, are we? But if we were moving, why would Scott have wanted me to meet him here, in
the comic book store? It made no sense to me.
No! he answered quickly, shaking his head strenuously for added emphasis. I breathed a sigh
of relief. Scott laughed sadly and repeated, No.
I eyed him warily. Then what do you mean were packing?
The store, Charlie. Were packing up the store.
My eyes widened so much that if I was a cartoon character, they wouldve just sprang right out
of their sockets and rolled on the floor. What? I squeaked out. B-but you said we still have
months left!
I know I said six months a while back, but I mustve miscalculated. Now its only about two
months, maybe a little less, he informed me softly. Look, we cant afford to keep this place for
much longer, not unless we win the lottery or something. Im sorry, Charlie. And he really did
sound sorry. But no matter how apologetic Scott sounded, it wouldnt change the fact that we
could only keep our parents pride and joy for only about another two months, give or take.
I felt numb. So numb, in fact, that I didnt even know how I managed to sit myself up on the
counter, but I did. I couldnt feel anything except for the numbness slowly taking over my body and
my stomach, which was flopping around in uneasiness so much that youd think it was trying out
for gymnastics in the Olympics.
Scott ran a hand through his already dishevelled hair and then once more with his other hand. It
was quite a sight to seeScott, who had been through so much egregious stuff in his life (refer
back to Tiffany), looked like he might barf and/or pass out because he had to pack a few boxes. I
couldnt blame him, though. I felt about as sickly green as he looked.
He cleared his throat. I, uh I was thinking that today we could just pack up all the loose issues
in the storage into boxes and then we can do the rest some other time. You know, just in case a
miracle happens within the two months we have left. There was still hope. We couldnt give up
just yet.
I nodded and began marching to the storage room to get started when Scott placed a hand on
my shoulder, causing me to stop.
Charlie, I, um Im sorry, he mumbled. He glanced at me with pleading eyes, like he wanted
me to forgive him. Of course I did. It wasnt like he didnt want this as much as me, because I knew
for a fact that neither of us did. He couldnt stop this. I mean, he could, theoretically, but he had
enough on his plate as it was. The last thing he needed was another job in his already hectic life.
I know. Its not your fault, I assured him with a small smile. And as I continued making my way
to the back room, I heard him mutter, Feels like it is.
In the back room, most of the comics were already stored in boxes, but there were some loose
issues scattered around haphazardly. In one corner there was a fairly large stack of comics that
were also in need of packing.
I sighed. Scott and I had a lot of work ahead of us.
I began to realize, just as I was neatly organizing comics in their proper boxes, that all of this
suddenly felt a whole lot more realScott and I (as much as it broke our hearts to do so) were
really getting rid of Crawford Comics. This was our parents legacy; it was our home away from
home. And soon, itd be gone. It would slip through our fingers just like our parents did and we
couldnt do anything from preventing this catastrophe from happening.
It might have seemed stupid, senseless, getting so worked up over a store. The truth was, we
couldnt care less about the store because that was all it wasa store. It was the memories that
came with it that mattered. And no one would willingly toss away amazing memories like the ones
we created right here. I knew that if Mom and Dad were still alive theyd fight until the end to make
sure that Crawford Comics stayed in their possession. It was too bad Scott and I werent like Mom
and Dad as much as we liked to think we were.


I thought it was going to be a normal tutoring session. You know, with studying and tutoring and
textbooks and calculators. But no, it wasnt anything like that. It was another one of those pointless
plotting, ploy-filled get-togethers that Hunter and I always involuntarily got around to having.
Hunter peeked at me over the top of his Biology textbook. Not that he was reading it or anything.
Charlie, he said quietly to get my attention. When I didnt acknowledge him right away, he
resorted to snapping his fingers loudly as if he was at a poetry reading or something.
Hmm? I didnt tear my gaze away from the English essay that I was supposed to be editing. I
couldnt focus, though, because my thoughts kept returning back to the whole comic book store
dilemma. Sitting directly across from Hunter didnt exactly help my concentration either. I finally
glanced up at him to show that I was listening, and as soon as I did, I noticed his grin falter slightly.
Are you okay? he asked, concern evident in his voice.
No. But I didnt want to worry him, so I just gave him the widest smile I could muster and said,
Yeah. Im fine.
Oh, okay. And just like that, the exultant grin was back on his face. Good, because I
Let me guess, I interjected, you thought of a way to set up my brother and your sister?
Yeah. I wasnt Sherlock Holmes or anything, but it wasnt difficult to deduce that. It seemed to
be the only thing on Hunters mind recently. Now that I thought about it, this might be a good way
to get my mind off everything else that was going on (namely, the comic book store situation).
I sighed. So whats your brilliant idea today? I set my homework off to the side to give Hunter
my undivided attention.
He glanced around and then leaned closer to me like he didnt want anyone overhearing. I didnt
think anyone would actually care about what we were discussing, but Hunter seemed to be
confusing matchmakers with spies since he was acting like this was some sort of covert affair.
Hunter prattled on to me about his plan excitedly, like he always was with his artifices. And I had
to admit, this one was actually plausible compared to some of the others. And more importantly, it
might actually work. It was on the simpler side, which was refreshing because most of the
schemes he created were a lot more complicated than they seemed at first (specifically, the very
first one we tried).
When he was done, Hunter looked at me expectantly. I mulled over the idea for a moment
before nodding. Okay. Lets give it a try. I realized that I had nevernot onceturned down one
of his plans before. And I wasnt starting today, not when he created something that actually might
work. It was so clich I didnt know how it wouldnt work.
Alright, cool. Meet you at Just Pie at three. And with one last grin, he slid my Biology back
across the table and promptly strode out of the library.


The plan wasnt complex at all, not in the least bit, but I had to admit it was a little clich.
Fortunately, the matter of being clich or not wouldnt get in the way of its effectiveness and
efficiency. The whole thing was quite simple, really. All I had to do was tear my brother away from
the off-putting task of packing up comics and drag him to Just Pie. It wasnt difficult since he didnt
want to do it in the first place. I enthused profusely over how a slice of Lous pie sounded, and
Scott wasnt at all reluctant to join me on the short trek to the diner, just as I had anticipated.
When we arrived at Just Pie, Scott and I both ordered a slice of apple pie and Scott paid Lou up
front so he wouldnt have a chance to talk us into getting it on the house. Scott was close to
finishing up his pie and I forced myself to eat at an excruciatingly slow pace because Hunter
hadnt arrived yet and this whole thing could fall apart if Scott left before my partner in crime even
got here.
Finally, after waiting here for God-knows-how-long, Hunter burst through the door with vigorous
alacrity, his sister in tow. Our eyes locked for a second and he surreptitiously shot me a wink. I
quickly averted my gaze back to my plate, as if I hadnt noticed him at all. I was sure Hunter took
no offense to my brusque gesture. After all, it was just part of the plan.
A moment later, someone approached our table and I didnt even bother looking up to see who it
wasit was obviously Hunter standing there with Courtney somewhere nearby.
Charlie! Hunters voice rang out, clear as day. Only then did I allow myself to glance up at greet
him with a broad grin.
Hey! I had to show just the right amount of surprised enthusiasm on my face for our siblings to
buy the act; too much and they would be able to tell it was all a set-up. I think we were doing a
fairly good job of it all since neither of us were being accused or suspiciously questioned. In fact,
Scott seemed too absorbed in wolfing down his second piece of pie like it was nobodys business,
and Courtney was occupied with vehemently blowing her nose.
Fancy seeing you here, Hunter joked.
I chuckled and said, Have you been following me? Stalker.
You wish, he retorted. Our light-hearted badinage assisted us in giving off a more casual vibe
in front of our siblings.
Didnt you see each other an hour ago? My brother arched an eyebrow at us.
Hunter shrugged noncommittally. He mustve thought there was no point in denying that fact
because he concurred with Scotts previous statement. What can I say? Were inseparable.
Scott nodded thoughtfully.
Hunter gestured to our table (which was set to seat four people) and asked, You mind?
No, no, go ahead, my brother responded generously before I got the chance to.
Oh, he said nonchalantly as he took a seat beside me, consequently forcing Courtney to take
the only unoccupied chair at the tablethe one beside Scott, I guess we should all get
acquainted then, huh? A pause, as if he was waiting for me to speak up first. When I remained
silent, he took it as his cue to continue. Scott, this is my sister Courtney he gestured between
our two siblings, leaving out his own introduction since he and Scott already met and Courtney,
this is my friend Charlie and her brother Scott. Hunter respectively gesticulated to my brother and
I in turn. Good, now we all know each other. He threw me another clandestine wink.
I smiled at Courtney and mumbled a polite, Hi. She reciprocated with a small wave (and a
sneeze, but I assumed that wasnt intended as part of the greeting). Luckily, it didnt seem like she
recognized me from that one time I partially assisted her in getting drunk. That was a good thing; I
tried to forget that day, banish it from my memory, because it didnt nearly work out as well as
Hunter and I thoughthopedit would.
Scott, wearing his usual insouciant grin (despite this mornings events), held out his hand for
Courtney to shake. I briefly wondered if that was part of the curriculum in his pre-law class (which
was just English, despite what Scott liked to call it)the art of shaking hands. It would certainly
come in handy if he did become a lawyer in the future. Nice to meet you, Courtney.
At the sound of her own name, Courtney quickly produced a tissue from her pocket and loudly
sneezed into it. When she was done clearing the snot from her nostrils into the tissue, she balled it
up and returned it back to her pocket. Scott didnt retract his hand until she weakly shook it, since
he was polite (and businessman-like) in that way.
Yeah, nice to meet you too, she replied, giving him a wavering smile (which probably was
because of her possible cold, not Scott). Speaking of her cold
Hunter, come with me to buy everyone a milkshake, I said, brusquely standing up. He shot me
a quizzical look, but followed me to the milkshake bar nonetheless. As soon as we approached the
milkshake bar at the other end of the diner and ordered four chocolate shakes (and paid), I turned
to a now bemused Hunter and asked, Is you sister okay? Does she have a cold or something?
Well, yeah. Its winter, everybody gets a cold around this time, he answered like it was the
most obvious thing in the world. It was, I guess, in a Hunter sort of way, but that didnt change the
fact that Courtney was actually sick.
Hunter, shes sick, like actually sick; not its-winter-and-everybody-gets-sick sick.
He didnt seem to notice the difference. So?
Maybe you should take her home. Let her get some rest, I suggested.
Shes fine. And look, theyre getting along perfectly. He waved his hand in the general direction
of where Scott and Courtney were talking animatedly and occasionally laughing. Hunter was
rightthey seemed to be hitting it off.
I guess so
Well I know so.
And if Scott cant handle her at her worst, he doesnt deserve her at her best, I added, quoting
something I read recently.
Hunter grinned and snapped his fingers. Exactly.
Four chocolate shakes, Lou called our order from behind the counter. As Hunter grabbed two
milkshakes and I carried the other two, Lou held his gaze on me for a moment, flitted his eyes to
where Courtney and my brother were sitting, looked back at me, and then arched an eyebrow. He
was nonverbally asking me what Hunter and I were up to this time. I gave him a noncommittal
shrug, and since Lou appeared satisfied enough with that answer, I returned back to our table.
Hunter sat down as soon as we distributed the milkshakes. Scott mustve just said something
amusing because Courtneys conniption fit turned into a coughing fit.
Im fine, she assured us with one last meek cough, taking a dainty sip of her milkshake. She
abruptly stood up. I think I should head home. I dont want to get any of you guys sick. Ignoring
our protests for her to stay, she started to leave anyway, giving us one last farewell over her
shoulder. It was nice to meet you, Scott.
My pleasure, my brother said with an ingratiating grin as she giggled. Ah, Scott, ever the
chivalrous romantic.
Hunter greedily eyed the half-full milkshake left on the table. I noticed that his own glass was
empty and rolled my eyes. Anybody gonna drink that? Neither Scott or I said anything, so Hunter
took our silence as a negative answer.
Youre going to get sick, I warned before he could take a sip of Courtneys abandoned drink.
With a playful huff and en exaggerated roll of his eyes, he replaced the straw from his new drink
with the one sitting in the empty glass. Happy now?
Its cute how you care so much about my well-being.
I blushed at the comment, especially since he said it with my big brother sitting right in front of
him. Scott didnt seem to mind, though, because his response was an incoherent sentence that
was mumbled under his breath. The only words I could catch were bicker and married and
I snorted. In your dreams.
Only in the best, he retorted with yet another grin.


A little bit after that, Scott went back to Crawford Comics to finish packing up the stuff in the back
room. I offered to help, but he declined, saying that there wasnt much left and hed be done in an
hour or so. Hunter was still sitting beside me at the time and asked what that was all about as
soon as my brother left. And so I had to explain to him what our latest dilemma at the comic book
store was, and he surprisingly listened intently the entire time with a look of concerned sympathy
(it was all genuine, might I add) etched on his face.
When we finished our milkshakes, I retreated back to my house with Hunter in tow. Scott arrived
home shortly after and in a much better mood than I expected to find him in. Perhaps it was
because he was finally done packing for the day. Leave it to Scott to not abandon all hope for the
comic book store.
Currently, Hunter was attempting to get my mind off things (even though deep down I knew
Crawford Comics wouldnt close down because hope always prevailed Or at least it did in the
movies) by suggesting we watch a film. Films, actually. As in plural. He wanted to watch some sort
of trilogy and I agreed since there were still quite a few hours left in the day. Plus, Hunter and I
had no other plans for the weekend. Well, at least that was what I thought.
You know, Hunter said, scanning over the DVD cases on the shelf in the living room, Aaron
invited me to a party tonight.
Are you going?
Then whyd you bring it up?
Hunter emitted a loud cry of, Aha! and pulled a DVD off the shelf. Then another. And another.
To tell you Im not going, he answered my previous question.
I rolled my eyes. I was honored that he chose to spend time with me over Aaron, but sometimes
he just didnt make sense.
Lord of the Rings, he said. It wasnt a suggestion; it was more of a statement, like he had
already decided for the both of us.
We watched that the last time you came over, I reminded him.
He pouted. Fine.
Back to the Future, I blurted out at the exact same time as Hunter suggested, The new
Batman trilogy.
Batmans kick-ass, he argued, smirking as though he was challenging me.
Martys a time-traveller.
Batmans a superhero.
Marty rocks out on guitar.
Doc gives me pedo vibes.
Robin isnt even in the movies.
Martys a slacker.
Lets just watch Sherlock, I suggested with a casual shrug.
Movies or show? The way he asked made me think that there was a correct answer to the
I paused for a moment, heavily lost in contemplation. Movies, I finally decided.
Hell. Yes.
I think we have the first one, but not a Game of Shadows, I added pensively.
Found it! Hunter triumphantly brandished the DVD case in the air like it was a trophy or
Holmes and Watson are totally gay for each other, I said. Hunter paused everything he was
doing to turn around and stare at me quizzically, arching an eyebrow in amusement. What? They
Doesnt Watson get married? You know, to a girl, with a vagina and everything?
Well A pause. Okay, fine, good point. Watson should find Holmes a girlfriend. Maybe set
him up with one of Marys friends on a blind date or something.
Hunter momentarily lost his grip on the DVD case, but he managed to catch it in mid-air just
before it clattered to the ground. Slowly, he spun back around to face me. He didnt say anything
at first; he just stared at the wall with this thoughtful expression plastered on his face. I could
practically hear the gears whirring to life in his head. Say that again, he requested, you know,
the thing you said to me a second ago.
Holmes and Watson are totally gay for each other? It was more of an inquiry than a statement
because I wasnt sure what Hunter wanted to hear.
He rolled his eyes and groaned slightly. No, the thing you said after that.
Watson should set Holmes up on a blind date with one of Marys friends? I wasnt sure where
Hunter was going with this, but I didnt think I was going to like it.
I mustve gotten it right this time because Hunters mouth curved up into a sly smirk. He quickly
extracted the DVD from the machine and flicked off the TV. He took his army jacket (that he had
thrown haphazardly on the back of the couch) and slipped it on in one practiced movement.
Cmon, lets go.
Go? Go where? I stood up and followed Hunter through the hallway leading to the front door,
grabbing my hat and coat along the way.
I have a plan, a brilliant one, all thanks to you, he informed me with a cordial smirk.
He had a new plan? Already? It hadnt even been three hours since we executed the last one.
Hunter was a fast thinker, I had to give him that. It reminded me of when Scott and I used to watch
the show House M.D. when it was still on air. At the end of practically every episode, House would
always be talking to someone or doing something completely mundane and then boom! He just
solved the case.
That doesnt really explain why were leaving, I retorted.
Not safe to discuss it here. Hunters voice dropped to a whisper and he jerked his head in the
direction of the kitchen, where Scott was occupied with making himself some kind of sandwich.
Great, now he was paranoid that my brother was eavesdropping on us. Now come on, lets get
going. He grabbed me by the hand and led me out the front door, and without complaint I followed.
Were gonna make a quick stop at my house first, alright? My response was a reluctant nod.


So, I said, regarding Hunter expectantly, whats your brilliant plan this time?
Your comment about blind dates made me remember something He swiftly produced a cell
phone from his pocket, placing it out on the hard wooden surface at the table in the library. The
phone was pink and glittery and I highly doubted it belonged to Hunter. Though it would be
hilarious if it did. Its Courtneys, he explained as soon as he noticed the expression on my face.
Then realization struck me. Did we just stop by your place for the sole purpose of stealing your
sisters phone?
I also picked up a pack of smokes, but yeah, it was mostly for the phone. He made it sound so
obvious like I shouldve expected that answer. Anyway, he continued on, smirking, yesterday
Courtney told me one of her friends wanted to set her up on a blind date.
So? I really couldnt figure out why he had to steal her phone. Or how the blind date was
supposed to be a good thing.
He feigned a sigh. Hush, hush, young grasshopper. Be patient. Wax on, wax off. Im about to
explain. I snapped my mouth shut at the Karate Kid reference. Okay, so Im going to send
Courtneys friend a text saying that I (Courtney) want to cancel the blind date. Then, Ill erase the
text so shell never know I sent it and return it to her, saying she dropped it and found it for her,
being the awesome brother I am. Ill also happen to let it slip that her friend called and I took the
liberty of answering it for her. And apparently her friend wanted to tell me to tell her that the time
and place of the blind date have been changed. When she finally goes on the date, guess whos
gonna be thereyour brother. Hes gonna be her blind date and theyll hit it off like they did this
morning and theyre gonna make babies and everything will be all sunshine and rainbows. Got it?
That wasa lot to take in, to say the least. My mind was still processing what he just said.
The date is supposed to be at Just Pie at seven. Lets make it Hudson Theatres at six. Do you
mind calling your brother and telling him to be there? Just make up an excuse or simply say that
youre setting him up on a blind date. I dunno. Anything works.
I really didnt feel like running around town just to try and set Scott and Courtney up for the
umpteenth time, especially not if Hunter created such a complicated plan of action. Plus, Courtney
was sick. She needed some rest now.
Hunter, I said, interrupting his incessant rambling, maybe we should just stop with these plans.
The look on his face after I suggested that was so crestfallen that I just wanted to take it all back.
But I didnt. What?
Maybe we should stop meddling with their love lives. If theyre meant to be together, well leave
it up to destiny. We shouldnt try to control their lives, Hunter.
Ive helped you this far. I went along with each of your plans without a single complaint, and
now I want you to do me a favour in returnstay out of their love lives. Please, Hunter. For me.
He opened his mouth like he was going to argue, but quickly closed it. He mustve realized how
much I had helped him in these last few weeksmonths?to no avail. I had a point there and we
both knew it. Fine, he muttered decisively. Only for you.

I didnt know a great deal about crushesmy knowledge on them was limited to close to
nothingbut I knew for certain I had one on Hunter. There was just no other way to describe this
feeling. I liked Hunterreally, really liked him.
It was an epiphany that I had recently (a matter of minutes ago, actually), a dawning revelation
that had only honestly struck me a few moments prior. I mean, I knew somewhere in the back of
my mind that I had these feeling for quite some time now, but never actually realized it.
Can I get you anything else? Hunter asked, unintentionally snapping me out of my reverie. As
he placed my glass in a small bin of dirty dishes, he shot me one of his signature charming grins.
He began to wipe down the table with a damp dishrag as he waited expectantly for my answer.
No thanks. With a sly smirk, I pointed to a dry spot on the table and playfully said, You missed
a spot.
He dramatically gasped in mock horror. Well we wouldnt want that now would we? I take my
job here as a busboy very seriously.
Our light-hearted banter went on for a few more rounds, but had to come to an abrupt halt when
Lou told Hunter to get back to work or he wouldnt be allowed to taste-test the pies anymore. And
Hunter complied because he actually did take his job as a taste-testing busboy very seriously.
Being alone at the table once again gave me a chance to actually study the biology textbook
spread open in front of me, but of course my mind wouldnt have that and decided to wander back
to my previous thoughts.
I noticed that lately (and by that I mean for the past few months), I had been spending a lot of
time with Hunter. Between attempting to set up our siblings to simply hanging out at my house or
Just Pie, we had spent practically every moment of our free time together. I was with him on
weekends and after school sometimes, and occasionally hed give me a ride when it was one of
those days when I just didnt feel like walking. In fact, I think I was around Hunter more than I was
around my own brother (and I lived with him).
There was just one problem, one variable that didnt allow the equation to come out positivewe
were friends. Best friends, maybe. In all honesty I wasnt sure what level of friendship we were on,
but I knew it was something like that. I truthfully didnt know how it happened, but I was glad it did.
Which was exactly the reason I knew we could never be more than that. I wasnt going to
jeopardize our friendship just because of one little crush. I bet my sentiments wouldnt even be
reciprocated. And besides, falling for your newly acquired best friend never turned out to be
pleasant in real life, despite all those teen romance books that seemed to have taught me just the
Hunters gaze locked with mine from across the diner and he threw me a playful wink over his
shoulder before turning back around to attend to a customer.
As much as I wanted to keep these feelings bottled inside to save our profound friendship, I
didnt know if I could. I
Charlie? I heard my name being called and soon realized that it had come from Courtney, who
had just stepped into the establishment. It sounded as if she wasnt truly certain if it was me or not.
We had met only once before (twice really, but the first time was off the record because she was
drunk and didnt remember it anyways) so I tried not to take too much notice to that. Charlie! This
time she repeated it with much more confidence, like she was one hundred percent sure that it
was, in fact, me: Charlie.
Um, hi, I said, giving her a polite smile and wave. She returned the smile and plunked down in
the chair across from me with an astounding amount of grace. How are you feeling? You were
kinda sick the last time I saw you
A lot better, actually. Thanks. And what about you? Anything exciting going on in your life? I
had to congratulate Courtneys parents for raising her to be so well-mannered. It was too bad I
couldnt say the same about Hunter. He still needed some work.
I chuckled awkwardly. Not really
Courtney studied me for a moment like I was of some fascination to her. A smirk began to inch
its way onto her face and I was almost sure that she was too occupied with staring at me to have
noticed. It was weird; she greatly resembled Hunter when she smirked like that. I know that look.
Her abrupt comment had me taken aback. Huh?
That look, the one you had on your face before I came over. You were thinking about a guy,
werent you? Her wide brown eyes glistened in curiosity at this observation.
I saw no point in lying to her, especially since she was clearly adept at reading people. I, uh
She let out a very excited, girlish squeal and I resisted the urge to cringe. Ooh, who is it?
Cmon, please, she implored. All my friends are out of town for the weekend and I still need
my share of juicy gossip. She broke out of her smirk and into a full-on smile at the last part, and I
did too.
Your friends are out of town for the weekend? Scotts are too, I lied. The Dungeon Master was
definitely still in Maple Valley, but after seeing my brother and Courtney hit it off so well, I thought it
wouldnt hurt to give them each a nudge in the right direction.
Ill keep that in mind. That lookthe one that Courtney claimed I was wearing beforewas
etched onto her face. But enough about me. Who was the lucky guy you were thinking about?
Courtney winked slyly at me. Yep, she was most definitely related to Hunter. When she noticed I
was reluctant to answer, she assured me, I wont tell anyone. Not a single soul. I promise. She
even traced an X over her chest for added emphasis.
I had a feeling that ignoring her question wasnt going to do me any good, so I responded more
ambiguously than she expected. Well, I kinda like the guy who happens to be my best friend. I
left out the part about the aforementioned friend being Hunter because it didnt seem like a detail
his sister would care for.
She sucked in a sharp breath through her teeth. Oh, that must be tough. But you know what? If
you two are really meant to be, youll know. I know it doesnt sound like great advice, but trust me
on this. Courtney seemed to know what she was talking about, so I did trust her. But for now,
why dont you try flirting with him or something? she suggested helpfully. Those were words of
wisdom right there.
I think I just might. I beamed at her appreciatively. It wasnt a bad idea. That way, I could find
out if Hunter liked me back or not. There was only one problem with Courtneys ideaI couldnt
flirt to save my life. But that was okay, Id figure out some kind of solution.
The chair squeaked against the floor when Courtney promptly stood up and said, I gotta go now.
I just stopped by to give my brother his phone. He forgot it at home.
Oh. Well it was nice to see you again.
Nice to see you too. And if you ever need any more of my terrible advice, dont be afraid to ask,
she said jokingly.
And with that, Courtney left to go return her brothers cell and subsequently exit the diner.
As soon as she was out the door, I whipped my phone out of my pocket and searched how to
find out if a guy likes you (I had to remember to thank Lou for providing the free WiFi). What? That
was what Google was forlooking up everything youre too embarrassed to ask in real life. Right?
I thought the search was pretty successful. The first site I went to had a ten point list of things I
could do to tell if Hunter liked me. All of them were fairly simple, too. The first suggestion on the list
was exactly what Courtney advised I doflirt and see what happens.
And since I was extremely unskilled in the area of flirting or anything that even resembled flirting,
I looked that up too. The internet was such a wonderful place for socially inept people like me.
I came across a few sites that advertised pick-up lines for girls to use on guys, but I didnt think
Hunter would be wooed by those. After briefly scanning over a few articles on the topic, I had an
inkling of what I was supposed to do.
Luckily, Hunter had chosen that moment to stride over to my table and plop himself down in the
chair his sister had been sitting on before. He wasnt wearing his apron or nametag anymore, so I
deduced he mustve just finished his shift.
So, I purred in the smoothest voice I could muster, you come here often?
Hunter stared at me with a blank expression on his face that soon morphed into a quizzical one.
It looked like he couldnt decide if he should start cracking up or immediately drag me to a doctor.
I work here.
That didnt exactly go how I imagined it would.


The second suggestion on the list was that Hunter and I should go somewhere relatively
secluded so we could hang out, just the two of us, without any possible interruptions.
And thus, the reason we were at the park. It wasnt totally secluded, per se, for there were little
kids running around and they were too absorbed in their little game of Tag to have really noticed
us. Hunter seemed a bit taken aback when I asked him if he wanted to come to the park with me,
but tagged along anyways. He didnt ask questions, though, because to him I was probably acting
strange all day.
So what do you wanna do? Hunter asked as we approached the vacant playground.
I shrugged. I dont know. Sneaking a side-long glance at him, I noticed he had this mischievous
glint in his eyes, and it appeared as though he was biting his bottom lip to suppress his smirk. He
was up to something; I could tell by the look on his face. I didnt know what exactly he was
planning, but I had a strong feeling I wouldnt like it.
In the most brusque manner possible, Hunter started running toward the red, spiralling slide and
yelled over his shoulder, Race you to the slide!
The moment my mind processed his childish request, I began sprinting after Hunter. He was
definitely faster than me, but I took a shortcut up the brightly coloured stairs while Hunter took a
longer route. We ended up reaching the slide at the same time and playfully pushed and shoved
each other out of the way (or attempted to, at least) to glide down the slide first. Hunter succeeded
in ascending down first, but I was close behind and as soon as I reached the bottom, I accidentally
bumped into Hunter and we both toppled onto the damp, grass-covered ground. Thankfully most
of the snow had melted or else we wouldve been soaking wet by now.
Hunter and I just stayed like that for a while, laughing heartily, before Hunter stood up and held
out his hand to me. I took it and he pulled me up to my feet in one swift motion. I lost my balance
and stumbled straight into his muscular chest, which made him laugh even more. I took a tiny step
back and averted my gaze to the ground as I felt my cheeks heat up so much I was positive you
could fry eggs on them.
Hunter placed a finger under my chin and gently lifted it up, forcing me to look up at him. He
gave me one of his lopsided grins and I reciprocated with a shy smile. Hunters chocolate brown
orbs flitted over my face for some kind of a reaction.
I knew what was going to happen, but no matter what I did I couldnt prepare myself for it. My
insides twisted and squirmed in nervousness, and on top of that, it felt like a bunch of rabid
butterflies were flapping around in my stomach. My brain turned to mush just at the close proximity
between us, and ecstatic adrenaline pumped through my veins.
But what came next was truly astounding. Hunters lips were on my own and it all just felt so
incredibly right. He tasted like sweet apple pie and smoke (which tasted much better than it
sounded) and as he massaged my chaste lips with his own, I realized just how perfectly they
molded together.
The kiss was absolutely breathtaking, not only because Hunter was an amazing kisser, but also
because I finally received my long-awaited answer. Hunter liked me. I mean, he mustve, right?
This was our second kiss; it had to mean something, didnt it?
And then it hit methis was our second kiss. Second kisses were nothing at all like first kisses.
First kisses are messy and sometimes unintentional, and a mistake just waiting to happen.
Sometimes first kisses dont mean anything at all, and sometimes they mean everything. But
without second kisses, theres no way of finding out. Because second kisses are everything first
kisses arenttheyre more experienced, and it doesnt matter if somebody says something wrong
or does something wrong since both people like each other already and thats all that really
matters. It also means that you choose that person for a second time. You kiss them again.
Intentionally. Voluntarily. Because you want to. And that truly is the best feeling in the world.
When I finally pulled away from the kiss to fulfill my sudden craving for oxygen, Hunter was
staring at me with this dopey grin plastered onto his face. I imagined myself to be wearing a similar
Ive wanted to do that for a very long time, Hunter admitted softly, resting his forehead against
Ive wanted you to do that for a very long time, I breathed. Hunter grinned at my response to
the kiss and leaned down to capture my lips in another one.
However, before his lips reached mine, he jerked away and let out a surprised cry of pain.
Stop eating her face! a random little kid screamed and promptly ran away. I recognized her as
one of the kids that had been previously playing Tag.
It seemed like such a wrong time, but I couldnt help it as I burst out laughing. I mean, I thought it
was hilarious how some kid kicked Hunter in hisfamily jewels, told him to stop eating my face,
and then ran away.
Hunterwho was keeling over with his face contorted in paingroaned and glared at me.
I crouched down beside him. Are you okay? How do you feel? I asked, trying to refrain from
laughing for Hunters sake.
He shot me a look. My nuts feel like theyre on fire.


I already knew Hunter liked me, but it would be fun to try some of the other things on the list I
came across earlier today. Another point on the list was that Hunter and I should have a fun day
out at the mall. Now I wasnt quite sure how going to the mall was going to help someone find out
if their crush liked them, but I was already past that stage and a trip to the mall could be exciting.
Plus, after Hunter got kicked in the balls by a seven-year-old, he made it brazenly obvious that he
did not want to spend a second longer in that park.
And so we were at the mall, simply gallivanting around. We browsed in a few stores, but neither
of us bought anything (I didnt need anything, and Hunter just despised shopping altogether).
As we traipsed around the mall, my gaze landed on one of those photo booths. Hey, lets go
take some pictures! I suggested, dragging Hunter to the booth as I ignored his confounded
A photo booth? Really?
Yeah, itll be fun!
We settled into the booth as comfortably as we could (it was a very confined space) and got
ourselves ready for the first picture out of four.
Pose, what kind of pose should we do? I asked frenetically.
Silly faces! We didnt have much time to plan so I just stuck out my tongue and Hunter crossed
his eyes. A second later, the unmistakeable sound of a camera shutter went off and a flash lit the
booth for a spilt-second.
We only had about ten seconds until the camera automatically went off again, so we had to think
quickly. What now?
Uh, Hunter drawled out as he ruminated, Ooh, I know! Seductive faces!
I imagined I would be terrible at making a seductive face since I had never intentionally made
one before (I think), so I simply winked at the camera and tried to mimic Hunters confident smirk.
Speaking of Hunter, he was licking his lips in a way that made me want to burst out laughing. I
waited until the picture was taken to do so, though.
Next! Hunter called out.
Do your best derp face, I responded instantly. We both purposely made the weirdest, most
awkward, cringe-worthy faces we could think of. And then the shutter sounded.
Last one; what should we do?
Improvise, I told him, although it came out sounding more like a question. We both waited until
the very last second before getting into our desired positions. For Hunter that meant grinning
goofily at the camera, and I reached up and pressed my lips against his cheek.
It was a gentle kiss on the cheek, but it reminded me of that kiss we shared in the park. Since
then, we both knew we liked each other, but hadnt really talked about it. We needed to get around
to admitting our feelings out loud sometime soon, because I didnt know how long I could stand
knowing Hunter liked me and not doing anything about it.
When our impromptu photo shoot was over and the band of photos had been printed, Hunter
and I decided that he would keep the first two and Id keep the others. We both carefully slipped
the photos into our wallets and began to aimlessly gad around the mall once again.
What do you wanna do now? Hunter asked casually. But before I even had a chance to
respond to the simple question, Hunters eyes widened and a second later, a broad smirk was
present on his face. He rushed into the store we were standing right in front of, and when the
realization of what the store sold dawned on me, I wasnt sure if I should gasp, roll my eyes, or
groan. So I just gaped at him.
Hunter, with this devilish glint twinkling in his eyes was standing inside, enthusiastically
beckoning me to follow him into the lingerie store.
No. Way. I did not imagine Hunter and lingerie to go well together. Following him into that store
would just be letting a depraved catastrophe happen.
I crossed my arms defiantly over my chest and stood my ground. Nope, Hunter, I am not going
in there with you.
He pouted. Cmon, why dont you model some of these for me? He even threw in a wink, but
that didnt make my stance falter.
Uh, no.
He plucked a random bra from the pile on the table next to him. It was red. And lacy. And if there
was one thing I never wanted to wear in my life, that would be it. Look at how sexy this thing is
Hunter cut himself off mid-sentence when a loud alarm sounded throughout the store. It
reminded me of a fire alarm, but thankfully it stopped after about a minute or two. Almost every
single one of the customers heads snapped in our direction and glared disapprovingly at us
(mostly Hunter). It only took me a few seconds to figure out whyas Hunter strode over to me
with the red lacy bra in his hand, he exited the store and that mustve triggered the alarm.
They mustve thought Hunter was trying to steal that bra!
I seriously contemplated taking a few steps back and pretending not to know Hunter because I
felt just about as abashedly mortified as he looked. But before I could even take a step anywhere,
a huge, tall, mall cop the size of the Chrysler Building with evidence of an eaten powdered
doughnut on his face stepped into my line of sight.
Stealing is a serious crime, kids. And we were left with that laconic explanation to whatever
was going on, because I honestly did not know anymore.
Look, Tiny, we didnt Hunter was unable to get another word in before we were whisked off
to some golf cart-looking thing that I had only ever seen mall cops drive in movies.
We were royally screwed.


Another suggestion on the list was that I should tell him how I feel and see how he takes the
I knew that we had kissed in the park and that had counted for something, but we still had to say
it out loud. I was almost positive that Hunter felt the same way about me as I felt about him, but we
were still in that awkward middle stage where neither of us really knew what the status of our
relationship was.
And what better a time than the present. After all, we were stuck in this compact little jail cell until
Scott showed up. Hunter and I already explained our situation to the apartment complex sized mall
cop, and even though we were assured that he believed Hunter wasnt trying to steal that bra, he
insisted on keeping us here in the mini jail cell. We were the only ones here aside from the rest of
the mall cops, of course, but they were in their office or golf cart racing for all Hunter and I knew.
We had to wait for Scott to pick us up and have a nice little chat with the mall security before we
could get out from behind these bars.
I never imagined myself getting hauled into the slammer, especially not like this.
Charlie, I need you to promise me something, Hunter said seriously, locking gazes with me for
at least half a minute before letting his head fall back until it rested against the cool brick wall and
let his eyes wander back up to the ceiling. It was dull and grey, just like the walls and floor. If this
was what mall jail looked like, I definitely didnt ever want to visit the real thing.
Sure, what is it?
I need you to never mention this to anyone. Ever.
Um, okay? That was it? I didnt think I was going to mention it anyway. And besides, who
would I possibly tell?
If anyone finds out I almost got arrested for stealing a bra of all things, especially people from
school, my reputation will be ruined. Forever, he added dramatically. Hunter sounded so serious
that I couldnt say no, so I simply nodded. He appeared satisfied enough with my wordless
Since this topic always seemed to find a way to pique my interest, I asked, for curiositys sake,
Why do you care so much about your reputation anyways?
He gave me a noncommittal half-shrug and continued staring up at the ceiling. I worked hard to
attain it. Of course Hunter wouldnt give me a straight answer. The one subject he was serious
about and he just had to give me an ambiguous reply.
But why? When youre at school or around Aaron youre different than when its just the two of
us, I remarked. My impromptu interrogation probably wasnt going to get me anywhere in terms of
finding out more about this side of Hunter. I hoped for a real answer this time, but I doubted I
would receive one.
I know.
A comfortable silence settled over us as we both returned to our own muddled thoughts. I felt
like now was a good a time as any to relay my feelings onto Hunter (in a manner that made
everything sound less like it came directly from a chick-flick romance movie because I didnt think
Hunter would appreciate that). I figured my best bet was to go for it and say something before I
found a way to talk myself out of it.
Here goes nothing. Hunter, I I cleared my throat as if that would collect all the courage I had
to tell him I like you. A lot, I confessed bashfully.
Hunter turned to face me and the corners of his lips tugged up immediately. I know. Great.
Another vague response from him. Just what I needednote the sarcasm. I like you too, Charlie.
Hunter just told me that he liked me back. A feeling of elation swept through my entire body, and
I felt like I was on cloud nine. Deep down in my gut I always knew that my sentiments regarding
Hunter were not unrequited, but having him confirm my suspicions aloud just made me want to
jump and shout excitedly. I didnt, of course, because Hunter was already eyeing the exultant grin
on my face oddly, even though an eerily similar one was plastered onto his own face.
Since I was so lost in my thoughts, I had no time to prepare myself for the impact of Hunters lips
crashing down on mine for the second time today. This kiss was just as smooth and sensual as
the last, but for some reason it felt different. Deeper. Like we had suddenly realized our newfound
feelings for each other and needed to release all our bottled-up emotions in that one kiss. I had
forced all this built-up passion for Hunter into the kiss so we would both feel it lingering on our lips
even after the kiss was over. And only when I decided I got my point across and thought that if I
didnt come up for air soon I would faint, did I finally pull away.
Hunter, I I had so many things I wanted to say to him, but unfortunately, at that very moment,
my brother and his egregious timing came barrelling through the door, causing Hunter and I to
instinctively jolt up in surprise and shuffle further apart.
I didnt really think about how my brother would react to this whole situation, but I expected him
to be livid. Disappointed, at least. But as he wrapped his hands around the cool metal bars of the
jail cell and stared at the through the bars, he appeared to be amused. Hunter and I had somehow
landed ourselves in mall jail and Scott was nothing if not entertained.
When I questioned him about it, completely nonplussed, he went on to explain that he wasnt
upset as I had anticipated him to be. In fact, he had waited quite some time for me to pull a stunt
like that (even though I didnt actually do anything). He reasoned that I had been good all my life
and I had to break the rules at some point. Neither he nor the mall cops were mad at Hunter and I
since he hadnt intentionally tried to steal that bra. They were pretty understanding. (But Scott said
if I did that again, then hed be mad.)
The mall cop let us go with a warning and even offered to drive us to the parking lot in his golf
Everything was perfect.
For now.
It was a weird thing, what happened that Monday morning.
Usually Crawford Comics wasnt open on Mondays, but that day I had gotten up early to help
Scott because I noticed that recently, he had become sleepier every time I saw him, which I
considered a good thing. His insomnia was gradually improving, albeit slowly and steadily, he was
ameliorating nonetheless. I definitely saw a change in Scott. Even though Tiffany left him and his
life wasnt all that great, I could tell he was trying to look past all of that and focus on his future. He
was getting his life back on track, and I was there to help him every step of the way.
As I trekked to the comic book store, I only had to endure walking through a light drizzle. It was a
bit moist and damp outside, but that didnt really bother me. The weatherman predicted that it
would be like that the whole day, and wed get a bit of humidity in the afternoon. Of course, the
weatherman was wrong for the umpteenth time. Why people trusted meteorologists to tell them
the outcome of the weather each and every day was beyond me.
Now, as I gazed outside, I could not only see the torrential downpour slamming harshly against
the fragile glass of the window, I could hear it all too well. The soft patter of the rain soon
developed into a boisterous din that made it sound like we were in the midst of some kind of war
here. The weird thing was, there was no thunder or lightningjust rain. I found it kinda ominous
and unsettling, but I chose to ignore that.
I wondered how Id get to school in this weather. Itd be a tedious and moronic task to walk, so
Id just ask Scott the drive me. Or if Scott was too busy, Hunter was my preferred second choice.
Giving the store a brief once-over, I realized Scott was nowhere in sight. Though, knowing Scott,
he was probably sleeping in the back room. That mightve sounded like a bad thing, my brother
sleeping on the job, but as long as he was getting some rest, I was fine with it. He had to endure
many sleepless nights these past few years, so this was a pleasant change.
Then, suddenly, the front door flung open and a stranger entered Crawford Comics, mumbling
incoherent phrases under his breath. I couldnt tell who it was because they had theirvery
soaked, might I addhood pulled over their head, shadowing their face. You mind if I stay here
for a few minutes? I need to get out of the rain. He had a deep, gravelly voice. I knew that voice,
but I couldnt seem to place a name or a face to it.
Um, yeah, sure. I was happy to provide a place for the stranger to stay. I knew I wouldnt want
to walk outside in this weather for very long.
The stranger slipped his hood off and I gasped almost inaudibly when I realized who it was
Aaron. He was shaking his wet hair out like a dog and running his hands through it with that
trademark scowl plastered on his face.
This was the first time Aaron entered Crawford Comics and it was only because he needed a
break from the assaulting raindrops pouring down outside. If he was going to stay here for a few
minutes, he should at least be polite and buy a comic or something. Then again, since when was
Aaron ever polite?
Maybe I was just sizing him up wrong, like I did to Hunter before I got a chance to know him.
I didnt think Aaron noticed me yet because he was too preoccupied with sculpting his hair so he
didnt resemble a wet dog and making a general mess of the store. Id have to dry the puddle of
water that was accumulating around his feet later.
When he finally did notice me, he froze completely for a moment, staring at me with narrowed
eyes like he was racking his brain to try and remember me. I wouldnt blame him if he didnt know
menot a lot of people at school did. Well, besides Hunter. I kinda liked it that way too, just being
on the sidelines most of the time.
I guess he did remember me, though, because he arched a single eyebrow and cocked his head
to the side, giving me a thorough once-over with his scrutinizing gaze. His mouth morphed from a
scowl into a straight, thin line in the matter of seconds.
Um, can I help you? I asked politely, hoping hed stop staring at me. It was on the verge of
becoming creepy.
You. He wagged his finger at me, as if that would assist in jogging his memory. I know you.
Okay This was all turning out to be a very strange encounter. Im Charlie, I supplied in an
attempt to get Aaron to quit being so brazenly weird.
I know. Right Because that wasnt something a stalker would totally say. Youve been
hanging out with Hunter a lot recently, right? Yup. So not a stalkernote the sarcasm. I
wondered where Aaron was going with all of this. I didnt see a point to all his inquiries unless this
was his way of confirming that no, I hadnt sized him up incorrectly and should start fearing for my
I gaped at Aaron. How did he know I had been hanging out with Hunter? Whenever we went to
Just Pie or the movies or whatever, we never saw anyone from school. It wasnt like we were
trying to hide our friendship or anything; we just never ran into anyone we knewespecially Aaron,
which was why I got so freaked out when he asked me that.
Yeah. Uh, howd you know that?
Saw you together a few times at Just Pie. Aaron strode closer so he could rest his elbows on
the counter. I was sure Id have to dry that, too, once he left.
What do you want? I blurted out. I hadnt wanted to say that out loud, but it was too late to take
it back now. Aaron was encroaching in my personal space, and I just wanted him to go away. If all
these stupid questions were just to pass time or if he was leading up to a grander idea, I couldnt
tell. But it was beginning to get bothersome, that was for sure.
I want, Aaron growled, leaning forward slightly, you to stay the hell away from Hunter. Youre
turning him into a pussy. Hunter knows who his real friends are, and youre not one of them.
Aaron flipped me off before drawing his hood over his head and exiting the comic book store.
I had contemplated punching him for being such an idiot (though, I didnt think that would do
much harmhe was clearly a lot stronger than I was) or giving him some kind of snarky remark,
but before I could carry out either of those plans, he was already out the door.
I didnt understand why Aaron was angry at me. I didnt do anything to provoke himin fact, Id
only ever spoken to him about twice in the entire three years (and a few months) we went to the
same school! And what did Hunter have anything to do with it? If I wanted to spend some time with
Hunter, Id spend time with Hunter. It wasnt up to Aaron what Hunter or I did in our free time. And
the thing Aaron said about me not being one of Hunters real friends left me feeling a bit indignant,
but I chose to ignore the whole comment altogether since Aaron probably made all of that up.
I wasnt going to listen to Aaron. Why would I? I wanted to be Hunters friend (or maybe even
more than that) so Aaron was just going to have to deal with it. It wasnt his lifeit was mine.


I had Biology last period. Apparently Mr. Ellis was getting a root canal today, and that was why
he wasnt here. Or at least that was what the substitute teacher told us.
In high schoolor any kind of school, reallyit was almost customary to harass subs whenever
you had them. You swap names with your best friend, tell them your teacher lets you do things
they dont actually allow you to do, and be an all-around menace.
Unfortunately, my only friend in this class was Hunter, and he was all the way at the back of the
class while I was up at the front. (I mean, I couldve sat at the back since there was no established
seating plan for the period and it became a rowdy free-for-all.) That made it a bit difficult to be a
general bother. But I guess the rest of the class was doing an exceptional job of that on their own.
I had learned, as the sub was taking attendance, that Hunter and Aaron had indeed switched
names for the day. It made me realize just how lonely I was, since I had no partner in crime that I
could assist in vexing the sub (it was a good thing I didnt really want to, since she had to deal with
a handful already, but its the thought that counts). It was then that I realized how much I relied on
Hunter as a friend. And now we couldnt even swap namesnot only because Aaron thought of
that before I did, but it wouldnt work out too well if I became Hunter and he was Charlotte.
It wasnt long before the substitute got fed up with the class antics and assigned us all new
seats for the day. It was a bit scary at first, getting yelled at by a sub who greatly resembled some
kind of drill sergeant the way she was viciously barking out orders and seating arrangements. The
moment we got settled into our new spots, she rapidly handed out worksheets and told us that
every time someone spoke, shed make us stay back ten minutes after the bell rang. The prospect
of detention was what scared us all into silence.
As I briefly glanced around the studious classroom, I noticed that the sub was sitting at Mr. Ellis
desk at the front of the room, absorbed in whatever book she was reading. I was sitting in the front
row, but at the far left corner of the room. I spotted Hunter in the exact same spot, but on the right
side. Aaron remained in his previous seat in the back, passing notes to the guy beside him.
Hunters gaze caught mine and he shot me a surreptitious wink. I reciprocated with a smile. We
were on opposite sides of the classroom, which meant it was too far to pass notes without a
greater risk of getting caught. And I didnt want to know what the consequences would be if the
sub saw us passing notes.
I had already finished my worksheet since we had learned all of this already and it only took me
about five minutes before I had nothing to do. Hunter was probably done his work tooor maybe
he chose not to do itbecause he just sat there with a blank expression on his face, twirling a
pencil between his fingers.
Hunter and I simultaneously cast each other side-long glances and grinned. That was when I
was hit with a brilliant idea. I held up a finger to tell Hunter to wait a moment, and he did, watching
me with amusement flickering in his eyes.
I produced a piece of paper from my binder and as silently as I could, mentally cringing when it
snapped shut a little too loudly for my liking. The last thing I wanted to do was attract unnecessary
attentionespecially from the sub who despised our class as it wasand had to check to make
sure she was still reading before I continued.
I scribbled as neatly as I could in a large print that I was positive Hunter could see from across
the rooma simple, tentative message: Hey.
After spending a few minutes scavenging through his notebook for a blank piece of paper, he
replied. How you doin?
I chuckled quietly as his response. It reminded me of that one summer Scott and I bought every
single season of Friends on DVD and watched it all day, from the time we woke up to when wed
crash on the couch with the TV still on.
Twenty Questions?

I arched an eyebrow quizzically at him. Hunter just rolled his eyes at me. Then, in turn, he
pointed to himself, me, and the piece of paper he was holding up. That mustve been his way of
asking me to play Twenty Questions with him. I had nothing better to do.
Our friendly game of Twenty Question somehow turned into us just asking random inquiries
about each other. We had almost gotten caught by the sub a few too many times, but luckily for us,
we managed to get away with it.
Can I ask you a question?

I smirked. You just did.
Hunter gave a flat look in response and began to hastily scrawl his oh-so-important query
anyways. He didnt get very far, though, because the bell rang suddenly, signalling the official end
to the school day. We mustve spent more time than I thought playing that game. It was a good
thing I already completed my work.
I was about to approach Hunter as he was shoving all his books unceremoniously into his
backpack, but Aaron beat me to it. Before I even reached Hunter, Aaron was hastening to usher
him out the door. At least Hunter had enough decency to glace over his shoulder one last time and
shoot me an apologetic look.
Aaron was seriously starting to get on my nerves. First, he tells me to stop hanging out with
Hunter and now he wont even let us go near each other? Who was he to tell me who I should or
shouldnt be around? This whole predicament was so infuriating.
I rushed out of the classroom and to my locker. Quickly, I replaced all my notebooks for
homework and stuffed everything in just as roughly as Hunter was doing before.
As I darted through masses of people in the hall, gradually getting closer to the front doors of the
school, something happened that made me think of the first day I met Hunter: I crashed straight
into him.
Actually, as I spared a brief glance upward, I realized the person I had full-on smacked into their
chest was not Hunter. It was Aaron. And as Aaron stumbled a few steps back because of the
sudden force that had bumped into him (me), he almost toppled over on Hunter, but regained his
balance just in time. So I guess that meant I indirectly crashed into Hunter as well. The domino
effect at its finest.
And the thing that happened next, well, I only thought it really occurred in those stupid clich
movies about high school.
Hey, nerd, watch where youre going! Aaron growled. I could tell that he wanted to shout, but
that would attract too much unwanted attention, especially from the teachers. He added a
fewcolourful words here and there, but they werent the nicest choice of vocabulary so I chose to
ignore them.
Nerd? Really? Was that the best he could do?
Maybe he was trying to act out his own version of Mean Girls. I wondered if hed start asking me
why Im white.
But Aaron calling me names that would for sure be bleeped out on national television and
making a big deal of something I thought was evidently an accident, that wasnt what bothered me.
No, the fact that Hunter was just standing behind Aaron, off to the side, that was what really
aggravated me.
I already knew Aaron liked to cause conflicts where they werent necessary so that didnt bother
me as much as it should have, but Hunter wasnt like Aaron. In fact, I thought I could consider
Hunter a friend. I didnt know a great deal about friendship, but I knew in this situation, Hunter
should try to stick up for me or defend my honor or something. But no, he just stood there, not
saying a single word, staring guiltily off into the distance.
Oh, right. His reputation. Of course. Hunter wouldnt want to ruin his bad-boy reputation, now
would he? Obviously it meant a lot more to him than our friendship did.
Ignoring whatever snide comments Aaron was throwing my way (his mouth was moving, but I
was too lost in my thoughts to comprehend what he was actually saying), I pushed past him and
walked out the front door.
The frigid air was cold enough to give me chills, but I didnt mind. I was already numb.
I shouldve known Hunter would choose Aaron over me. I had this coming; I shouldnt have been
Charlie! Charlie, wait up! I didnt turn around when I heard that familiar voice call my name. I
did stop walking, however, so he could catch up.
So now he had something to say, huh? It was a little late for that.
Just as I had predicted, Hunter jogged up in front of me and placed a hand on each of my
shoulders, keeping me at an arms length. Aaron was nowhere in sight.
Charlie, are you okay? Did I do something wrong? Oh, nothing. You just let Aaron publicly
humiliate me and call me whatever names he pleased and you didnt even try to stop him. No big
deal, right?
The fact that Hunter didnt even know what he did wrong and had to ask, made his entire
situation worse. Did he ever stop to think about anyone elses feelings other than his own?
Sometimes I couldnt deal with his ignorance and incompetence. It made me want to give him a
deserving slap to the face. Maybe that would make him use his head more often.
Im sorry, okay? Whatever I did wrong, Im sorry. Wont happen again, I promise. That was a
promise he was sure to break, considering he didnt even know why I was upset in the first place.
Its a little late for that now, I replied bitterly. Ignoring his desperate chocolate brown eyes that,
along with his pouty mouth, seemed to be begging me to tell him whatever terrible thing he had
done, I continued on my way home. Hunter didnt follow me.


I knew Scott was going to be home today. It was Monday, which meant that Crawford Comics
wasnt open for business, and Scott and I had a day off (the only reason we were there this
morning was because we needed to pack up a few more things).
Scott, Im home! I called, kicking my shoes off and setting my backpack down by the door. I
received no reply, so I wandered through each room on the first floor of our homey little house, but
came up empty. I couldnt find Scott anywhere. So I ascended up the stairs and continued
Scott, where are you? I checked his vacant bedroom, my room (just for good measure), my
bathroom, but when I reached the bathroom connected to Scotts bedroom I froze completely.
Because sprawled on the bathroom floor was Scott, undoubtedly unconscious, with an open
bottle of sleeping pills clutched in one hand and an empty bottle of vodka lying haphazardly on the
floor beside him.
No matter how far I paced up and down the hallway in the bustling hospital or how many times
Hunter assured me that Scott would be fine, I couldnt help but feel anxious.
I was so disoriented at that point I couldnt tell if this was all really happening or if it was just part
of a dreama bad, bad dreambut lying to yourself never works. In the back of my mind, I knew
that Scott was either dead, alive, or still unconsciousI hoped it was one of the latter two options
because the first didnt at all appeal to mebut the primary focus of my thoughts consisted of why
and how.
Why did Scott try to kill himself? How did we even end up here, in a hospital of pestilence and
death? So basically this hospital housed two of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. I hated it
here already.
But then I realized I knew the answer to the second questionhow we all ended up in this dull,
dingy hospital. I hadnt really remembered what happened from the time found Scott on the
bathroom floor to now until suddenly, the entire collection of those lost memories came flooding
back to me so fast I thought I was going to get whiplash for a second there.
After finding Scott lying on the bathroom floor with pills in one hand and an empty bottle of vodka
nearby, I did the one thing I could think of: I called 911. I relayed my emergency to them and they
informed me that an ambulance would arrive shortly. My knowledge of CPR or any sort of life-
saving mechanisms were limited to whatever I learned in high school, up until tenth grade when I
ceased taking Gym, which was next to nothing. I did, however, know how to check if someone has
a pulse or is breathing, both of which I tried on Scott. He had a definite pulse and his breathing
was steady, much to my relieved surprise.
The paramedics whisked Scott into the ambulance as I was asked a few simple questions, all of
which I numbly answered. Half the time I had to ask people to repeat what they just said because
my mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of my brother and his ill-fated suicide attempt to have
heard the first time. They were very understanding about it, though, and for that I was thankful.
That was when I made my second phone callbut this time I dialled Hunters number. I didnt
exactly know why I phoned Hunter. I guess I was scared and worried and just needed someone to
get me through this. I certainly couldnt handle it all on my own. I didnt have anyone else, and I
guess that despite the fact that last time Hunter and I saw each other it ended in the most
disastrous way possible, he still came to help in my desperate time of need. And that was when I
remembered why we were friends in the first placeI could always count on him.
Fast forward a while and Hunter and I were still sitting in the uncomfortable plastic chairs in front
of my brothers hospital room. Well, Hunter was sitting. I was still pacing, wondering when theyd
finally let us see him.
It was a devastating thing, just the thought of life without Scott. He was the one constant in my
life. He was there when Mom and Dad died, whenever I needed help with my homework or simply
if I wanted to talk to someone. I couldnt remember a time when Scott wasnt around, either to be a
pain in the neck older brother or a shoulder to cry on, because there wasnt one. He was always
there, whether I wanted him to be or not. And now, thinking that he might not be, it made tears well
up in my eyes until they eventually spilled. My vision blurred and I attempted frenetically to wipe
them away with my sleeve, but to no avail.
And that was when the cold-hearted truth set inif Scott was gone, Id be all alone. I wouldnt
have any family left.
Id be completely alone in the world for the very first time, and the prospect frightened me.
More tears rolled down my face until they came at a pace that could only be considered as
torrential. I didnt think anyone seemed to notice my sudden break-down, except Hunter. Lots of
people cried in hospitals every day. I was no different.
I swayed on my feet (partially due to the fact that my vision was blurred by my brusque outflow
of tears, but half of it because the brain cells that were supposed to keep my sanity intact
abandoned me just like everything else in the world), and with a bit of assistance from an evidently
concerned Hunter, I managed to unceremoniously plop down on one of the chairs.
My mind was reelingwith thoughts, worries, and sentimentsand I needed news or a
distraction or something to get my brain to shut up before I was sure it would explode.
Charlie? Are you okay? Charlie, please, talk to me. Hunters voice broke through the veil of
tribulation that had surrounded me. His voice registered in my mind, but just barely. He seemed so
far away, when in reality, he was right in front of my face.
I faintly felt Hunter shaking me by the shoulders, but I didnt really snap out of my seemingly
endless reverie until he pressed a gentle kiss to my lips.
I hadnt expected that. Thankfully my brain hadnt either because the shock of the kiss managed
to effectively stun it into silence.
When Hunter pulled back from the spontaneous kiss only a few seconds after it had begun, the
only thing I could do was stare at him. Blankly.
Blank. Just like my mind. No worries. No pestering thoughts. Nothing. Placid, like a lake without
even the smallest of ripples in the water.
Hunter was a genius. It was too bad I didnt credit him for it often enough.
We just sat there for a few more minutes until Hunter spoke up again. Im sorry, he said, and
he sounded genuinely apologetic. Although I had no idea what for. I was just He tried to tell me,
grasping desperately for the right words. I just I wanted you to come back. I didnt know how
else to do it. Im sorry.
Its fine, I interjected. He immediately ceased babbling. It was a thoughtful gesture and I greatly
appreciated it.
Im sorry, he repeated, looking down at his hands that he was currently wringing.
I know.
This time I mean Im sorry about earlier today. It was a rare occurrence to have Hunter
apologizing once, but twice in one day? That was unusual, to say the least. Aaron wasnt the only
one acting like a dick; I was too. I shouldve said something or at least tried to stop him. Im such
an idiot! At the last word, he slammed a hand down on his knee. Hunter went into calling himself
a bunch of other names I dare not repeat.
Hunter, its fine. Really, I said soothingly, trying to get him to stop putting himself down. Only a
few minutes ago it was Hunter trying to calm me down and now our positions have been switched
completely. We all make mistakes.
So youre not mad anymore? he asked hopefully, glancing up at me with guilt-ridden eyes. I
had other things to worry about right now, so this petty little fight was the least of my concerns.
No, I answered truthfully. I noticed the ghost of a smile lingering on his lips. Holding my hand
out I said, Friends?
Completely ignoring my attempt at a reconcile handshake, he slung an arm around my
shoulders and pulled me closer. Friends, he confirmed.
Best friends.
Averting his gaze to the floor, he mumbled, Sometimes I wish we could be more than
Are you Charlotte Crawford? Hunter was interrupted by a doctor who just emerged from Scotts
I instantly sprang up from my chair. Yes, thats me.
The doctor had a wide smile on his old face, and unless he was a sadist or a serial killer, I had a
feeling he had good news pertaining to my brothers health.
Scott seems to be doing fine. You two can go in and see him if youd like, the doctor said.
You mean hes not? I let my sentence trail off, but he seemed to know what I wanted to ask.
No, no, hes absolutely fine physically, he apprised me. We found traces of alcohol in his
bloodstream, but nothing else. He must not have taken the pills. The only reason he fainted was
because of the alcohol. He seems to have a low tolerance for it.
Thank you so much! I reached out and embraced the doctor in an unsuspected hug. I felt so
elated by the news that I felt like I could hug everybody.
Oh, and I wouldnt be surprised if he has a hangover, so be careful. With that final tidbit of
advice, the doctor left to give us some privacy.
I bounded into the room and Hunter followed behind. As soon as he stepped inside, a nurse said
snippily, Family only.
Its fine; hes family. Let him in, Scott replied from a hospital cot by the window. After a brisk
glance around, I noticed that the room wasnt that large and the only pieces of furniture in here
were the cot and a nightstand thing, both of which were an ugly off-white colour. I wasnt sure if
they were pure white to begin with, but they definitely werent now.
The nurse shot Hunter a glare as she passed him on the way out, and he reciprocated with a
cheeky grin.
The two of us rushed to Scotts bed, and asked him if he was okay, what happened, and a
bunch of other questions in a flurry of blubbering words. I could clearly see that Scott wasnt hurt,
but he still pretended that everything was normal and offered a small smile as he attempted to
calm us down enough to shut up.
Guys, please. I have a headache. That got us to stop talking. I had to bite down on my lip
because I knew if I opened my mouth, I wouldnt stop talking.
Im fine, okay? Im perfectly fine, he told us, but Hunter and I exchanged dubious glances. For
some reason, it wasnt all that reassuring.
Scott, I love you, but what the hell is wrong with you? I roared. I knew that shouting at
someone with suicidal tendencies wasnt exactly the best idea, but I couldnt stop myself. If I had a
chance to take it back, I would in a heartbeat.
Scott threw Hunter and apologetic look, and Hunter got the intended hint, quickly leaving the
room to give us some privacy. Even though Scott considered Hunter family, they still didnt know
each other that well. This was too personal to discuss with Hunter.
Then, in a much calmer tone, I reiterated, What happened?
Nothing, nothing. Everythings fine, he lied, playing with a loose thread on his blanket. He
evaded my gaze, which wasnt really helping with the whole trying-to-communicate thing.
Scott, its not fine. You tried to kill yourself. For a while there I thought he was dead, and now
he was just pretending like nothing was wrong.
Yes, it is fine. Im fine. Leave it, Charlie. Just drop the subject. He sounded exasperated, but I
needed answers. No one tries to kill themselves without a reason. So what was Scotts? I knew his
life wasnt what most people would call perfect, but didnt think it was that bad. We were coping.
But obviously I didnt know my brother as well as I thought I did.
Scott, I said sternly, like I was scolding a cantankerous child.
Charlie, he responded in the same tone.
Im being serious!
Crossing his arms over his chest, he retaliated, Yeah, well I am too! Drop it, Charlie.
I stood my ground defiantly as I said, You know Im not going to leave you alone until you tell
me. Please, Scott, do you know how worried I was when I found you on the bathroom floor? I
didnt know what to do. I thought you were dying.
He huffed and leaned back into his pillow, like he wanted it to just swallow him whole. Scott
knew I was right. When he did finally look up at me, it appeared as though he was close to tears.
Im sorry, Charlie.
I know. Just I inhaled deeply tell me why. Please. I need to know.
A silence lapsed between the two of us, and somehow I knew Scott was thinking about what he
was going to tell mehow he was going to tell me. We both knew we had to choose our words
carefully, so we wouldnt accidentally set the other off. Like two ticking time bombs. We were
playing Russian Roulette with words, me not wanting to upset Scott any more than he already was,
and him not wanting to worry me.
And finally, the trigger was pulled.
It was Tiffany. And with that final whisper, tears started to freely flow down his face. My brother
wasnt the type of guy that thought he needed to look cool all the time, so he let the tears toll down
his face, bringing sniffles and snot with them to the party of facial fluids.
It was Tiffany. Who wouldve thought that those three words could mean so much and so little at
the same time?
Of course Tiffany had to go and ruin my brothers life. I should have expected it. She already did
it once, but apparently that wasnt enough. She couldnt just hurt him when she left himshe had
to come back and make him suffer.
It left a sense of fury for me to wallow in. I could feel the blood boiling in my veins, and I itched
for revenge. I longed for it ever since she left Scott in the first place. I wanted someone to play with
her heart, toy with her feelings just so she could experience what Scott had to go through with.
There was no doubt that she definitely deserved all that. Maybe Id even get someone to punch
her in the neck. Just for Scott.
But then I began to wonder what she did that made Scott actually want to kill himself.
Sh-she cheated on me, he spluttered out between ragged breaths. There was a box of tissues
on the nightstand so I handed it to my brother. He started to furiously wipe his eyes and blow his
nose in an attempt to cease the torrential downpour of tears that were falling down his face. Then
he blew his nose a few more times just so he wouldnt end up choking on his own snot.
Either my ears were failing me or he just said what I thought he just said. Either way, it wasnt
What? I asked for clarification.
I-I saw Tiffany at Just Pie with s-some guy. Somehow I knew they were dating. But that wasnt
the part that hurt me, honest. I got curious. Its only natural, right? Were human; sometimes we
wonder about things. And so when she went to the bathroom, I went up to the guy and I asked him
how long theyd been dating. He inhaled deeply. I wiped some stray tears off his cheek with the
pad of my thumb. Five years, Charlie. He said they had been dating for five years.
The news made me drop my hand back into my lap. So many thoughts swirled through my head
at that moment, like a tornado, but I forced myself to tune them all out and listen to the rest of what
Scott had to say.
At least, thats what he told me, Scott continued. I didnt think he was lying, though. Five whole
years. Thats a long time, you know. That guy said he wanted to marry her. He forced out a sad
bark of laughter. I wished him good luck and told him to run away from her, run as fast as he can
in the opposite direction and dont look back. I thought I should warn him now, while his sanity is
still intact. A contemplative pause. Theyre not going to get married. I know it. Tiffany isnt about
to get tied down to one person, she isnt ready for that. Clearly.
Tiffany had been dating someone else for five years? If my memory hadnt failed me, she had
been going out with Scott for three. Their whole relationship, it was all a lie. One big fat lie hidden
in between even more lies. I shouldnt have been surprised by the newsit was Tiffany, after all.
It wasnt as shocking to me as it was to Scott because I already knew. Well, part of it. I knew
Tiffany cheated on Scott, but I was a stupid, horrible sister and didnt even tell him about it. I
thought that maybe if Scott didnt know, he wouldnt get hurt. But I ended up hurting him even
more. All of this was my fault. It couldve been prevented if I just told him as soon as I found out.
But then again, a part of me thought that he already knew. That day at our house, the last time
Tiffany was there, I heard arguing going on inside. I guess I just assumed that they were fighting
because Scott found out Tiffany was cheating on him. But now I realized that obviously wasnt the
case, and it made me curious as to what it was they fought over that day.
Hmm? He had stopped crying, but his nose was still running so he had to sniffle every few
The last time Tiffany was at our house, I heard you guys arguing. What was that all about?
I dont really know. The evening started out fine. We ate the pastawhich was delicious, by the
way, he added, the faintest hint of a smile playing at his lips. I was planning on proposing that
night, so it was only natural to bring up the topic of marriage and our future, you know, to see how
shed react. As soon as I brought it up, she went crazy. He cringed at the memory. I dont even
know what happened, but she started talking about how she wasnt ready for that kind of
commitment, and how our relationship is going too fast. And that somehow blew up into a full-on
argument. It was bad.
I had no idea what possessed me when I blurted out, So you didnt know? I slapped a hand
over my mouth, but it was too late.
Didnt know what?
I supposed that there was no point in lying to him, especially considering what happened the last
time I withheld information from my brother. You didnt know she was cheating on you?
No. Why, did you? I could tell Scott wasnt serious when he asked me that, but I was.
I didnt answer him, but apparently my silence was enough.
You knew?! About every emotion known to mankind flitted across Scotts face, each for about
half a second. He appeared as though he didnt know whether to be confused, angry, or surprised.
Charlie, you knew? Thankfully, it didnt seem like he went with any of those options.
I thought you did too!
He looked hurt, but his expression softened.
I know I shouldve told you, I just If I told him about Tiffany before, it either would have
prevented all of this from happening or brought it on sooner. I left my sentence unfinished, but
Scott seemed to understand what I was getting at. Im sorry.
No, no, no, he said, shaking his head. The way he said it made it sound like he was talking to a
puppy that was about to tinkle on the carpet. I should be the sorry one. You didnt do anything
Like you said before, you already thought I knew about Tiffanyswrongdoings, he replied with
finality in his tone. I had no idea why he was making himself out to be the bad guy. It was a
position only Tiffany deserved. Im sorry, Charlie. I probably got you worried sick. He enveloped
me in a bone-crushing hug. It felt like I was being strangled by a boa constrictor, but I wouldnt
have it any other way.
Tiffanys not worth it, Scott mumbled, and I wasnt sure if he was trying to convince me or
Then whyd you do it?
Do what?
Try to kill yourself. My throat tightened at the words.
He ran a hand down his face and let out an exasperated sigh. It wasnt something that I thought
about. It just kinda happened, you know? As soon as the guy told me they had been going out for
five years, I justsnapped. My head was pounding and all sane, logical thoughts were drained
from my mind. Something took control of me then, something that wasnt me. You know how
people say theres always an angel sitting on one shoulder and a devil on the other? I nodded
dumbly in response. Well the devil was riding shotgun and the angel was being a backseat driver.
And they were both so loud, telling me what to do and how to take the news, but I couldnt focus
because all I wanted them to do was shut up. They were so noisy and I couldnt think rationally I
was lost. I didnt know what to do. But then I realized how to get them to stop; how to get
everything to stop. Permanently.
I went home and got some alcohol and those damn sleeping pills that never worked. It took me
about ten minutes to convince myself that this was what I had to do. There was only one way out
and this was it. My escape route. My back-up plan. My one-way ticket.
But then I thought of you. And Mom and Dad. And I thought long and hard, and I knew I wasnt
going to do it. I couldnt. Because after Tiffany left, you became the only person I really care about
anymore. And the thought of you all alone in this world It saved my life.
I saved my brothers life. Me. Here I was, thinking that I was partially the cause of his almost-
death, when in reality it was just the opposite. I was sure I felt a tear glide down my cheek, but I
was too elated to really have noticed. My brother was alive, and that was what really mattered.
I hugged him again, inhaling deeply, and I was sure I heard him murmur, Im sorry again in my
hair. And when I pulled back, I took a good long look at him and asked the question that we were
both dying to know the answer to. So what happens now?
Scott stared at the walls for a few seconds, as if the answers were written somewhere on them.
The doctor told me itd be best to go to therapy. I imagined that was the advice he gave all his
patients that were in here after ill-fated suicide attempts. I think hes right.
You know, Im always here if you need to talk to someone, I offered.
I know. But I think it would be better to talk to a shrink. I dont want to burden you with my
Youre not going to burden me with your problems, I told him seriously. In fact, I was a little hurt
he chose sleeping pills and vodka to talk everything out instead of me.
Im going to a therapist, he decided with finality laced in his tone.
I sighed. My offer still stands.
I know.


The air smelled like rain, and I could feel it gradually get more humid outside. This mornings
storm passed a few hours ago, but everything from the grass to the roof of my house was still
damp. Hunter and I were currently sitting on old towels (it was pretty wet out) on the strip of roof
right outside my bedroom window.
Hunter and I returned from the hospital after a few hours of making sure that Scott was
absolutely fine, Scott and Hunter having a private discussion, and Hunter and I eating cafeteria
food that was actually not that bad. I still had no idea what Scott wanted to talk to Hunter privately
about, but no matter how much I pressed each of them in turn to tell me, neither did. So I just left it
at that.
Scott had to stay back at the hospital for a little while longer while they did some final tests on
him to make sure he was okay to be discharged. So for now it was just Hunter and I.
Hunter blew out more perfectly formed smoke rings and watched as they drifted up into the sky
and eventually faded away. He had been yearning for a cigarette since we got to the hospital, but
had to wait until we returned back to my house because apparently hospitals didnt appreciate it
when you smoked in front of them. I didnt want to know how many times Hunter had to smoke in
front of hospitals to acquire that tidbit of information, so I didnt question it.
Neither Hunter nor I brought up Scott since we got back from the hospital. It was like an
unspoken agreement we had for the day. We both knew that we would have to talk about Scott
eventually, but today just wasnt the right time. And so we made idle chit-chat about pretty much
everything else.
You should quit, I said, trying not to inhale any of his smoke.
Quit what?
He shook his head solemnly. Charlie, I cant. Smoking is an addiction. I cant just decide to stop
one day and never smoke again.
Yes, you can. You can get one of those nicotine patches or gum or something. I hated seeing
Hunter smoke. He was slowly but surely harming his body. Didnt he ever look at the gruesome
pictures on the front of the package? I had seen my brother hurt himself more than enough times. I
didnt want Hunter to be like that too.
Without thinking, I pulled the cigarette out from where it was tucked firmly between his lips and
chucked it as far as I could. It landed in my neighbours backyard. When I glanced back at Hunter,
he appeared nothing if not amused. He didnt even have to askI knew what he was thinking just
by the way he quirked an eyebrow at me.
You can quit. I know you can. Ignoring the look of skepticism etched on his face, I added,
Please. For me?
Only as moment passed before he smiled and said, Yeah, okay. Ive wanted to for a long time,
anyways. Never even wanted to try it in the first place.
I held my hand out to him expectantly and he dug his pack of cigarettes out of the inner pocket
of his army jacket and slapped it down on my awaiting palm. Then why did you? Instead of
tossing the carton into my neighbours yard since I didnt imagine theyd appreciate that, I tucked it
in my own pocket for safekeeping.
He shrugged and lied down, resting his hands on his stomach. I kept my gaze trained there for a
few seconds longer than necessary, just watching it rise and fall with every breath. I dunno, really.
I guess it just came with the reputation.
Please dont give me any of that I didnt choose the thug life, the thug life chose me junk
because Im not buying it.
Well too bad because thats exactly what youre gonna get. He turned and shot me a teasing
grin and a wink. I guess I just couldnt settle for basic cable so I went all-out and got the super-
awesome-premier-ultimate-everything package. You know what Im saying? Actually, no. I did not
know what he was saying. I had no idea as to what he was even talking about anymore.
Staring blankly, I said, What?
The smoking made me look cooler, more bad-ass. Thats why I hang out with Aaronto look
like a bad-boy. Im basic cable. Hes the super-awesome-premier-ultimate-everything package.
Now that he cleared some things up, I could kind of understand what he was trying to convey.
But, of course, that brought on even more potential questions. Why do you want to hang out with
Aaron? Or be a bad-boy? I mean, youre really nice when youre not around them, so why?
Its a long story, a stupid one at that. Im sure you dont want to hear it.
I cast a flat side-long glance at him and arched an eyebrow. Ive got time. And, uh, maybe itd
get my mind off things. We both knew what I was referring to. Hunter couldnt say no to that, now
could he?
Fine. A huff and a pause followed. You sure?
Yes, I said, but the single syllable came out more as a drawled out groan.
Okay, well He appeared not to know where to begin, so he just rubbed the back of his neck
as if that would help his story-telling abilities. At the start of high school, I used to be invisible, I
guess. No one really knew me except for my friends and I didnt have many. And then later my
dad died and my mom soon after. Then people only knew me as the kid with no parents. Id rather
just be invisible like before. So anyways, one day I volunteered to tutor some people at this school
for bad kids since I needed my forty hours of community service.
Wait, Hunter was a tutor? Then why was he failing all his subjects? This wasnt making any
sense to me, but I let him finish his story.
Word got out that I was going there on a daily basis, and the next thing I know, people think Im
a criminal or something. No one really bothered to ask me for my side of the storythat I was a
tutor, not a delinquent. Well, no one but you. He couldnt hold back his smile as he briefly glanced
over at me.
One day Aaron and his crew ask me if I wanna hang out with them, so I say yes. The next day
Im out buying cancer sticks and cool jackets. I guess I was sick of being that kid with no parents,
and thought a new rep would be good. That was stupid.
I dont even know how, but then I unofficially became the little ring leader of the group that I
didnt actually fit in with. I guess thats why you always see me and Aaron fightingI kinda
involuntarily took over his rightful position of leader of the pack.
It made some sense, I supposed. But I still thought it was daft of him to try and become
someone he wasnt. Why didnt you just stop the whole bad-boy act?
I guess I just got accustomed to it over the years, he explained simply with a shrug.
I lay down beside him on the towel so I wouldnt get my shirt wet from the damp roof. There was
a beautiful array of stars in the dark blue sky and I couldnt help but feel drawn to them. I made a
mental list of all the constellations I knew and tried to find them. Theres just one thing I dont
understand, I responded, sparing a quick peek at Hunter, who was also regarding the splendid
night sky.
And whats that?
How can you be a tutor if youre failing all your classes again? Does it have something to do
with why you dont do your homework? I mean, I know you get it and everything, but you never
actually do it. Why?
Well arent you full of questions today, he muttered to himself. I still heard him, though, whether
that was his intention or not. It was difficult not to hear everything he said, since we were lying only
inches apart from each other.
He finally replied, No, no thats got nothing to do with it. I just, uh He chuckled uncertainly.
Its a stupid reason, but I deliberately failed my senior year because I wasnt ready.
Ready? Ready for what?
I dont know! University, college, life. Whatever was in store for me, I wasnt ready for it, he
blurted out, only then stopping to take a breath. It sounded like he was having some sort of pre-
midlife crisis. I didnt know what I wanted to do with my lifehell, I still dontso I stayed back. It
gave me another year to think about it. And I plan on doing the same thing this year.
I placed a hand on Hunters arm in what I hoped was a reassuring manner. Dont get held back
on purpose again. Youre smart, smarter than you give yourself credit for, and I bet you could do
whatever you want if you just tried.
But thats just it, Hunter said, I dont know what I want to do.
You dont have to, I quickly cut in. Life is all about making mistakes. I wasnt great at
impromptu speeches or pep talks, but I guess I could be the tiniest bit inspirational if I really
wanted to be.
He nodded slowly, like he was adjusting to the idea. I guess youre right, he finally said.
Good, because I know I am, I replied arrogantly.
He rolled his eyes playfully and asked, Whend you get so conceited?
When I met you, I retorted, equally as teasing. Mustve rubbed off on me.
Hunter sucked in a sharp breath. Ooh, harsh.
Apply ice to burned area, I added with a smirk. Hunter laughed heartily and all I could do was
chuckle along with him and wink when he glanced my way.
Hunter removed his army jacket, setting it off to the side temporarily, and returned his gaze back
to the magnificent set of twinkling stars up above. He was left only in a t-shirt to cover his upper
body, but the weather was getting pretty humid so I didnt blame him for shedding his jacket.
Even though it was fairly dark outside, I could still make out the outline of Hunters impressive
tattoo. I out and brushed the tips of my fingers over his smooth skin, and he let me. When did you
get this tattoo done? I asked curiously.
About a year ago. I wanted to get a whole sleeve, but it took too long so they only did half of it
for now. I havent found the time to go back and get it finished. He spoke about his tattoo with
affection and pride in his tone, like how someone might brag about their prized car or their kids
high SAT scores.
You should wear t-shirts more often, to show off your tattoo.
I used to. But then Aaron made fun of me for being a nerd, so now I wear my army jacket over it
most of the time. He jerked his thumb at the crumpled pile of cloth he discarded moments ago.
Oh who cares what Aaron thinks? Its your tattoo; flaunt it if you want. Dont let anyone try to
control your life. Everything you do is your decision, I said, jabbing him lightly in the chest with my
finger, so make the most of it. Be yourself and nobody else.
A genuine grin inched its way onto his face at my words. Thats some great advice, Charlie. Too
good for me to let it go to waste.
Years and years of a careful, routine morning schedule to prevent this from happening, but it did
anyway, and for a downright stupid reason at that: my alarm clock broke. Ever since kindergarten I
maintained a perfect attendance record at school and now it was all just going to waste because of
a clunky and annoying piece of plastic with a dead battery.
Why was it that whenever you wake up late theres not enough time to do anything? Not even
pee. That was what I asked myself as I fished my phone out of yesterdays jeans and finally
checked the timeit was 8:27. School started at 8:30.
For some reason (the same reason I knew Id be late the moment I woke up) I had a feeling that
Hunter wasnt in class yetprobably not at school, for that matterand so I decided to call him
and ask for a ride. I wasnt sure why I called exactly, since I wouldve been fine just walking (I was
late anyway, so why not?), but I think it had something to do with my brains natural morning
After confirming the fact that he was not at school yet, Hunter agreed to give me a ride. Just
before hanging up, he told me that hed be here in about five minutes.
Great. That gave me just enough time to do a whole lot of nothing.
I did the minimum of my morning routine (which was practically my usual routine, just without
showering or eating breakfast), but I wasnt even quick enough because Hunter arrived while I was
still in the bathroom, putting on substantial amounts of deodorant on my armpits to compensate for
my lack of a proper shower this morning.
I had unlocked the front door for Hunter as soon as our call ended, and now I could hear him
rummaging through the kitchen cabinets downstairs. Charlie, where are you? he called loudly,
his voice echoing throughout the house.
I heard footsteps sound, gradually getting closer with each step, and the distinct creak of the
third stair from the top. Bathroom?
Bathroom, I confirmed.
Ill just wait in your room, then. How considerate of him.
Okay, just give me a minute! I brushed my teeth quickly, but not too fast or I would lose my
When I finally returned to my room, Hunter was leaning against my desk reading something off a
rainbow-coloured piece of paper. A smirk graced his features, and he made no point to try to hide
I completely froze in my tracks and let a hand run down my face slowly. Oh no. There was only
one thing I ever wrote on fancy rainbow stationery like that and it was
Charlies Bucket List, he read aloud, evidently attempting to conceal his sniggers by clearing
his throat.
It wasnt a bucket list, exactly Okay, fine, it was. After Mom and Dad died I had started to think
about life a lot more. I compiled a bunch of things I wanted to do before I die in a list, and then
shortened it to my top five. I didnt know if I was actually going to do any of it in my lifetime, but it
felt good writing it down. I had written that years ago, and honestly, I almost forgot about it. Well,
until now, at least.
Hey, give that back! I exclaimed, cheeks flushing. I bet Hunter thought everything on the list
was stupid since I was sure he had already done at least two-fifths of what was catalogued there.
Hunter! I rushed over to where he was standing and lunged for the paper, but he managed to
sprint around me and over my bed until he was momentarily safe on the other side of my room.
Our little game of cat and mouse went on until I finally backed him into a corner. Unfortunately,
Hunter was much taller than me and had resorted to holding the list high above his head as I
made fruitless attempts to jump and grab it.
Number one: skip school, he read. I felt my cheeks flush again as he tore his gaze away from
the paper for a second to quirk an eyebrow at me. Number two: ride a motorcycle.
Hunter, seriously! Another ineffectual jump followed.
I am being serious, he said with an even broader smirk than before. Number three: prank a
teacher. He spared a glance at me and teased, Ooh, we got a badass over here! I rolled my
eyes. Number four: get a tattoo. Hunter subconsciously rubbed his own tattoo through the fabric
of his shirt. And last but not least, number five: kiss someone in the rain for more than five
seconds. Hunter started laughing, just chuckles at first and they gradually progressed until he was
doubled over, clutching his stomach. I used this to my advantage and snatched the list out of his
hands, returning it to my desk.
When he finally sobered up, Hunter asked incredulously, Really, Charlie? Kiss in the rain for
more than five seconds?
What? I was a sucker for those sappy, as Scott liked to call them, chick-flicks. But I didnt tell
Hunter that, so instead I replied with a shrug. You know what people say: it isnt a real kiss unless
it lasts at least five seconds.
Hunter scrunched his brows together pensively. I dont think Ive heard anyone ever say that.
Of course he didnt. I only just made it up a few moments ago.
Huh. I checked my watch and as soon as I did, my eyes bugged out more than my English
teachers when she was angry. We have to leave! Now!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Charlie. Calm down, Hunter soothed, placing an assuring hand on my
shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. Whats the rush? Were already late, theres no need to
hurry, he reasoned.
Yeah, I guess youre right.
I know Im right. He began to walk out of my bedroom as I followed closely behind, but stopped
brusquely after taking four long strides. Slowly turning around with this wicked grin playing on his
features, he gave me a continuous, drawled out, Actually He didnt even finish that thought. He
just stood there with a mischievous glint in his eyesa glint I knew all too welland I knew he
was thinking of a plan. I had no idea what kind of plan, and frankly, I wasnt sure if I wanted to.
Actually, I have an idea. Just as I thought. Hunter stepped around me and did an unexpected
belly-flop onto my bed.
Hey, what are you doing? We have to leave now! No matter how much I stressed that last word,
it didnt seem to be convincing enough for him. I contemplated dragging Hunter out to the car, but I
didnt think I would be able to push him off the bed. It wasnt like he was fat or anything, but he had
a lot of hidden muscle mass.
Well I was thinking, he said, rolling over so he was lying comfortably on his back, that maybe
we could do all of those things on that list of yours. Starting with skipping school. He intertwined
his fingers together and rested his head on his hands. His eyes were closed, but he pried one
open for a moment to see how Id react to his suggestion.
No! I exclaimed, appalled, as soon as the words left his mouth. My education was much more
important than some stupid list I made a few years ago when I was bored. And besides, my
teachers loved me. I think. Well, except my English teacher, Mrs. Fang, but that was alright with
me since the feelings were mutual. She despised all her students, and of course, those students
reciprocated her sentiments.
Well why not?
Because its school, I sputtered out for lack of a better reason. Immediately after I said that,
about a million better things I couldve said popped up in my mind like they were mocking my
antecedent stupidity.
Hunter sprang out of my bed and scuttled over to me. He placed a hand on each shoulder and
searched my face as he wore the pouty expression he knew I couldnt resist. I know that, but
look he checked his wristwatch weve already missed half of first period. I see no point in
going to school now.
I wasnt sure I shouldve gaped at him or rolled my eyes so I just crossed my arms instead.
Sometimes I just didnt understand Hunters logic.
He noticed my defiant stance so he changed up his game a little, which had me slightly taken
aback. Just once. Please. Cmon, Charlie, I know you want to. Its on your list.
It was, indeed, on my list, but I wasnt sure I wanted to. I hadnt ever skipped a class, let alone a
whole day of school. Up until today, I havent even been late for schoolever.
Twenty years from now, when Id look back and see how far Ive come in life, would a perfect
attendance record matter? There were two answers to the simple questionthe answer I knew
was right and the one I wanted to be. Another question, then: if I did skip for the first and only time,
would I enjoy it? Probably, since Hunter was going to be there with me the whole time. And I knew
every day I spent with Hunter was going to be unforgettable.
If there was one thing I learned from Hunter over the course of our friendship, it was that life is
all about making mistakes. Mistakes make us who we are, they define us, create us. Without them,
we wouldnt get anywhere in the world. They were one of the best parts about life, even though
they might not seem like it.
And now, pondering over my many possible options, I realized it was time for me to make some
of my own.
It was a decision that could possibly turn problematic in the near future, especially if Scott ever
found out, but it wouldnt be the end of the world if I did it just this once.
Lets do it, I said decisively, before I had the chance to convince myself otherwise.
Do what? Skip school? He stared at me with hopeful eyes, twinkling orbs of chocolate that
always seemed to enthrall me. Every. Single. Time.
No. Wait, yes. A contemplative pause followed. I dont know. All of them, lets do them all. I
wondered if Hunter was able to comprehend what I was saying because I didnt even know myself.
It was like my words were chopped up, diced, thrown into a pot and made into an unintelligible
word stew.
All of what? he inquired slowly, like he was trying to piece together the broken bits of what I
was trying to tell him.
Everything on the list. Lets do it all, I reiterated. Today.
The expression on Hunters face made him look like he was a mixture of surprised and
impressed. Yeah, okay, sounds good. Are you sure about this?
No. Yes. Definitely. I had to add in that definitely to show Hunter that this was serious
So what do you wanna start with?


I paced back and forth in the living room as I waited for Hunter. He said hed be back soon, but
he had been gone for an hour and I wasnt sure if I should call him or keep wearing down the rug
with my nervous strides.
I debated with my conscience for a whileit was like internal ping-pong, reallyuntil I came to
the conclusion that if Hunter needed something he would call me.
The pacing resumed. I had no idea why I was feeling anxious all of a sudden. I was sure it had
nothing to do with Hunter being out for so long. He knew how to take care of himself, I knew that
for sure, so that couldnt have been the cause of my sudden apprehension. Some kind of
foreboding feeling just washed over me, coming in waves like the tide on an ocean shore, and it
kindalingered over me, contaminating my mind like the plague so my thoughts were those of
trepidation. I didnt particularly enjoy this newfound uneasiness, but if I couldnt get rid of it, the
least I could do was figure out what had caused it.
And then I realized
Oh no. No, that was a daft thought. Right?
It was such a dumb notion that I almost laughed out loud, whether that was because it was so
absurd or it made so much sense, I had no idea. But I went with the latter.
This couldnt have been a result of me skipping school, could it have been? Though I guess it
made some sense. I had never done this before, nothing even remotely close. I wasnt usually one
to get into trouble, but the rare times that I did, Hunter was mostly the reason why. Like the time I
was grounded and snuck outHunter was the mastermind behind that. If that was the case, I just
hoped that when I broke some rules, it would be as exhilarating as last time.
I didnt blame Hunter for trying to get me out of my comfort zone every once in a while. It was a
lot more fun than I liked to admit, and now I knew why he did it so much himself. Even though he
said that the whole bad-boy demeanor was merely a front, I was sure he was a rebel at heart.
For some reason, I felt a little more relieved after that slight revelation.
The sound of the front door opening cut through my thoughts and brought me back to reality. I
calmed down a little when I realized it was only Hunter. Im here, Im back, no need to worry! he
shouted jubilantly, bounding into the living room.
I had no time to protest or say anything at all because Hunter grabbed me by the hand and
pulled me towards the front door. Perhaps it was for the best. Maybe I just needed some time to
get used to the fact that I wasnt at school when I was supposed to be. Or, better yet, I could get
my mind off that fact altogether. I could do this. It was only a one-time thing, after all. And it was
for a good reason: by the end of the day, I would be able to check off every single thing on my list.
At least I hoped so.
Where are we going?
Youll see. Come on.
When we reached the front door, Hunter grasped the knob with his hand, but didnt turn it.
Twisting around to face me, he said, Close your eyes.
Dont ask, just do it.
Obediently, I shut my eyes. I heard the squeal of rusty hinges as the front door opened, but I
couldnt really see where the door was so I just remained standing there. After a moment, I felt a
warm hand cover my eyes. Hey, my eyes are closed, you know. Im not peeking, I promise.
Just making sure. You dont wanna ruin the surprise, do you? I could hear that he was standing
dangerously close to me, because his voice was barely above a whisper yet I could hear him
No, I mumbled.
Exactly. Keeping one hand over my eyes, he placed the other on my shoulder and used it to
carefully guide my out the door. Once we were on the front porch, he retracted both hands and
quickly said, Keep your eyes closed. I did as he said. The second thing on your list is ride a
motorcycle so I could imagine Hunter rubbing the back of his neck, trying to think of a way to
end that sentence. He couldnt, apparently, so he left it open-ended.
My insides started doing flops at the thought of riding an actual motorcycle. I gulped, and I was
pretty sure Hunter heard it.
Okay, you can open your eyes now, he said, and I could hear the smirk in his tone.
I laughed at the sight in front of me. I expected a motorcycle or something that at least
represented one, but the two machines parked in my driveway werent even close. One was a cute
little mechanical scooter, and the other was a Segway.
Whats this? I asked, unable to contain my grin or chuckles.
I couldnt find a motorcycle on such short notice so I rented these for the day, he explained,
beaming. Have you ever taken a ride on anything like these before?
Well, no
Perfect, he interjected, striding over to the two means of transportation. Theyll suffice, then.
Go on, take your pick. He gave me an encouraging wink.
I assessed both options before deciding to go with the mechanical scooter. It looked easier to
use. Ill take this one.
Good choice. Hunter reached down and picked up two helmets from where they were sitting on
the driveway. He tossed me the cherry red helmet that I fumbled but still managed to catch (just
barely) and he kept the plain black one for himself.
It only took a little assistance from Hunter and approximately six minutes for me to learn how to
drive the mechanical scooter. It was much easier than driving a car, that was for sure (and, as an
added bonus, I probably wasnt going to have any near-death experiences while riding it).
Somehow, we had transitioned from driving in my driveway to driving on the vacant street in front
of my house. One of the perks of having a cul-de-sac house: not many cars pass by around this
Hey, lets have a race, Hunter suggested brightly, circling around me on the Segway.
I agreed to his proposition and we lined up, preparing ourselves for the race. Our established
finish line was the end of the street, which wasnt too far away.
Ready, Hunter said slowly, set, go!


As soon as we returned to my house from our casual lunch outing, Hunter made a beeline for
the office. While we ate lunch we tried to think of some good pranks to pull on teachers, but we
both came up empty. Bouncing ideas off each other didnt nearly work as well as we imagined. It
was only after I had offhandedly made a remark about how one guy at the fast food chain looked
like a creepy version of Nicolas Cage did Hunters whole fact light up with excitement as he told
me he had an idea for a prank, but wouldnt say what it was.
I followed Hunter warily into the office, wondering what kind of mischief hed concoct this time.
I didnt go into the office very often and neither did Scott. It was our dads office. All that was in it
was a large L-shaped desk with a dusty desktop computer sitting on it. On the desk beside the
computer was a printer/scanner combination and pencils were scattered helter-skelter across the
desk, even though there was a nifty pencil holder right there. Lining the walls were wooden
drawers, all with my dads stuff still inside. Scott and I just didnt have the heart to get rid of
anything. I only came in here when I missed my parents a lot, just to read or listen to music or do
homework for a few hours. It was like their essence was always present in the room, and every
time I came in here, it was almost like they were here with me.
When I reached the office, the computer had already been booted up and Hunter was searching
for something on the internet. I couldnt tell what exactly he was looking at (all I could tell was that
he was looking at pictures) so I took a few steps forward and glanced back at the screen. I
shrieked. What theWhat is that?!
Hunter burst out laughing, trying to cover his wide grin with his hand and failing. He leaned back
in the leather office chair and beckoned me over. I hesitantly closed the distance between us in a
few quick paces.
Is thatNicolas Cage? I stared at the pictures in disbelief. He was creepy. Like, creepy like
those taxi drivers that smile at you like pedophiles as soon as you sit down in their cab. I wanted to
look away, but I couldnt.
Yup. Number three.
Number three?
On your list, he said absent-mindedly, scrolling through the pictures. Prank a teacher. Were
going to prank the worst teacher in the school, and Nicolas Cage is going to help us.
Who was the most hated teacher in the school? There were many possible options, but it didnt
take long for me to think of the one correct answer. Mrs. Fang?
He confirmed my suspicions with a nod. Mrs. Fang. Hunter stared at the printer long and hard
for a few moments, scanning it over with his eyes. Were going to need a lot of ink, he said.
I jerked my head at one of the drawers and replied, Theres some extra ink cartridges in there if
we need any.
My response seemed to appease Hunter. Good.
But wh
Youll see.
After quite some time later and a change in ink cartridges, we had printed out just about every
creepy picture of Nicolas Cage, and let me tell you, there were a lot. Some of them were so
disturbing that we printed out more than one copy. I still had no idea what we were going to do
with them all, but I guess this was Hunters way of using the element of surprise on both Mrs. Fang
and I.
Hunter rummaged through the drawers in the office until he found a few rolls of tape and stuffed
them in his jacket pocket along with a paperclip. Cmon, lets go.
Where are we going?
School, he told me like the answer was obvious. Though, I supposed it was, in a way.
I made a sound of understanding that was somewhere between an oh and an ah. I think
Hunter knew what I meant.
We left the house and I locked up behind us. Hunter insisted on commuting to school on our
scooters, and I made no point to object because they were fun to drive.
It usually took about twenty minutes to walk to school, but on the scooters it was quicker. We
parked in the student lot and entered Maple Valley High, trying to blend in with the crowd and not
seem too conspicuous. Luckily, it was third period lunchlunch for half the student body and
facultyso we could sneak in without appearing to be anything more than two kids getting back
from lunch.
We walked down the more vacant halls to sneak upstairs to the second floor, where Mrs. Fangs
classroom was located. Thankfully, no oneteachers or studentsspotted us, and if they did,
they made no point of showing it.
When we reached Mrs. Fangs dreaded classroom, hated by just about everyone that stepped
inside, the wooden door was shut. There were no windows around the door (the only classroom
that didnt have any. It made it feel even more like a prison cell) so we couldnt tell if she was in
Shit, Hunter muttered under his breath, pacing in front of the door. Do you think shes in
there? He crouched down and attempted to peer through the slip of space between the floor and
the bottom of the door, but had no such luck and stood up again.
Then I realized something. No, actually, I remembered something. My observation skills were so
brilliant that even Sherlock Holmes would be proud. Shes out and wont be back for another I
spared a glance down at my watch thirty minutes, more or less. Shes out getting fast food.
Hunter gaped at me in awe. I didnt think he ever did that before. Howd you know all that?
Well I was supposed to be here for English second period today, which means she has a third
period lunch. Our school was so big that lunches were divided into two periodssecond and third.
If you had a second period lunch, you had class third period, and vice-versa. The teachers, too.
And last year, I continued with the faintest hint of a smirk playing on my lips, I was in her fourth
period English class and shed always arrive five minutes after class officially started, carrying an
extra large drink in one of those to-go cups they give out at fast food places. Ergo, she frequents
fast food chains. I dont think shed go anywhere else because, you know, she loves her burgers.
Class begins in half an hour, but she probably wouldnt be in any earlier, knowing her. I smiled
and did a little bow at the end of my explanation.
Hunter blinked a few times, his mouth hanging open. Whoa, he said, evidently impressed, that
was good. Clearing his throat, he added in a slightly louder voice, But, uh, I couldve totally done
that too. No big deal.
Right. I laughed.
Hunter jiggled the door handle, but it wouldnt budge. Its locked, he announced. My high spirits
fell and I thought this would be the end of our rebellious adventure, until Hunter pulled the
paperclip out of his pocket and grinned broadly at me. He held the paperclip up and stared at it for
a few seconds like it was the Holy Grail of office supplies and said, Lucky for us, I know how to
pick locks. He winked and began to work the paperclip into the keyhole.
Who taught you how to do that? It seemed so weird. Picking a lock with a paperclip was like
something out of a spy movie.
Aaron, Hunter told me, and for once he didnt sound like he wanted to punch him in the face as
he said his name. I guess Aaron was good for something after all. Also taught me how to
pickpocket. Hunter turned his head back to see my reaction and just managed to catch the look of
disapproval I gave him. I dont, calm down, he assured me.
I tapped my pocket to check if my phone and keys were still there. They were.
A loud click echoed through the empty hallway, and Hunter slowly pushed the classroom door
open. We stepped inside, carefully and cautiously. The coast was clear so Hunter flicked the lights
on and closed the door behind us.
Mrs. Fang was a short, pudgy woman who had a haircut that made her head look like a coconut,
and her eyes could easily pierce through your soul. She was an English teacher that I
unfortunately had for more than two years in a row. All the students that had her at one point or
another despised her and the lucky kids that had never been in her class gave their condolences
to anyone that was. It was understandable.
No one could really describe Mrs. Fang because whenever one of us tried to, wed just end up
with short one syllable words like mean and ugh. And that didnt really do it justice. But, what I
could say about her was that: one, if you raised your hand and got an answer wrong, shed chuck
a dictionary at your face. Two, she used the word oblivious so often that all you wanted to do was
throw a thesaurus at her face. And three, she was unfortunately, protected by the union as other
teachers liked to put it, so she couldnt get fired.
It was a stupid and precarious thing we did, but as evil and Mrs. Fang-like I felt, I had to admit
she totally deserved it. She had it coming since she tossed her first dictionary at some poor kids
head. In fact, I wondered why no one had done anything like this before. It wasnt like the students
hadnt thought of these kinds of things, because believe me, we did.
Hunter and I were on a very tight schedule and every minute of our time was nothing less than
precious. By the time we were done we had created a masterpiece.
The entire chalkboard was covered with creepy pictures of Nicolas Cage. There was not a single
spot that was not shielded with his face, like a nicely wrapped Christmas present, waiting to be
unwrapped. Except our little gift to Mrs. Fang wasnt intended to be unwrapped; its sole purpose
was to freak her out.
We should go, I said. Shes going to be here any minute now.
Hunter pretended to dust his hands off. I think we did a pretty good job. He flicked the lights off
and closed the door after we quickly strode out, both with complacent grins on our faces. We hid
behind a corner at the end of the hall, near where Mrs. Fangs classroom was located, but not too
near. We only had to wait about a minute or two before we heard her trot down the hall, noisily
slurping whatever kind of soda she bought while she was out. Hunter put a finger to his lips,
wordlessly reminding me to keep quiet. It was harder than I thought.
Only a moment later we heard Mrs. Fangs glass-shattering shriek, which sent us both into fits of
triumphant hysterics.


I refused to do it. No matter what I wrote on my stupid list, I definitely wasnt going to get
something permanently inked on my body. So when we reached the tattoo parlour, I refrained from
going inside.
Hunter just huffed and rolled his eyes at my stubbornness. You know, I could probably carry
you in if I wanted to.
No, I said, not unlike a cantankerous child. I crossed my arms defiantly and planted my feet
firmly on the sidewalk. Only a second later I felt a fat raindrop plop down on my head and began to
think that this whole idea was dumb, especially the part with me standing outside as it started to
Fine, if youre not getting a tattoo, thats cool. But I am. And I really dont want to stand outside
in the rain, he persisted. Cmon, lets go inside.
Hunter and I entered the tattoo parlour and a bell chimed overhead. Hunter went up to the
woman at the front desk. Her hair was entirely pink and tattoo sleeves covered her arms. I wasnt
paying much attention as Hunter spoke to her, but I did hear him say something about booking an
appointment beforehand.
After he was done verifying his appointment with the receptionist, Hunter sidled up beside me.
He explained briefly that this was the place that he had gotten his half-sleeve done at and that he
wanted to finish it for a while so a few days ago he booked an appointment.
I really had to remember to tell the skilled artist that had done Hunters tattoo how amazing they
The pink-haired woman led us down a corridor and to a room that we all followed her in. She told
us to wait momentarily, and with that, left.
In the next minute or so, a big buff guy walked in the room. He looked like he could be a pro
wrestler with all the muscles he had. Or a weight lifter, easily. Then he introduced himselfto me,
mostly, since Hunter already knew himas Big Joe, or BJ for short. Hunter managed to stifle a
It turned out that Hunter wasnt going to get any tattoo work done todayhe was only discussing
ideas with BJ. I didnt know how much time we had spent just sitting in those comfy chairs,
bouncing ideas off each other. BJ contributed his thoughts as an artist, Hunter told him what he
wanted as a client, and I pitched in occasionally just because I enjoyed discussing superheroes,
which was the theme of Hunters tattoo.
By the end of our idea session, we had gotten a pretty solid design down and BJ said that hed
start sketching it out and it should be ready the next time Hunter dropped by, whenever that was.
Hunter thanked BJ gratefully and I offered him a smile.
We were just about to leave when Hunter rushed back over to BJ and said something to him in
such a low tone I couldnt hear what it was. BJ raised a single brow, snuck a glance at me, and
grinned broadly at whatever Hunter told him. He retreated to one of the other rooms and Hunter
turned around to give me a wink.
What was going on?
When BJ returned, he had a sponge in one hand andsomething unidentifiable in the other.
Ready to get your tattoo?
My eyes widened as big as they could as I stood there, shocked. Didnt I tell Hunter I did not
want a tattoo?
Relax, Charlie, Hunter said soothingly, chuckling, theyre only temporary tattoos.
My tense muscles slackened and I let out a relieved breath. Oh.
BJ showed me an array of different tattoos and I chose one of a dragon. It was a red dragon,
with scales and beady eyes and flames flowing out of its mouth like a stream of fire. It reminded
me of something out of Dungeons & Dragons.
After I placed the tattoo where I desired it on my upper arm, BJ handed me the wet sponge and
told me to cover the temporary tat with it for the new two minutes. I did as he said and applied the
sponge to my arm. And then we waited.
The minutes went by faster than I thought. When my time was up, I removed the sponge and
handed it back to BJ. I glanced down at my arm and almost like magic, a dragon had appeared.
Ooh, we got a badass over here! Hunter commented. But seriously, it looks good.
We thanked BJ and left the parlour with exultant smiles on our faces. Outside, it was still raining,
the downpour getting heavier by the second, and all I wanted to do was get home before we got
soaked to the bone. And it didnt really help that we had to drive back to my place on scooters.
You can cross number four off your list now, Hunter reminded me with a cheeky grin.
But its not a real tattoo.
You never specified that it had to be a real one, he pointed out thoughtfully, smirking, so
temporary ones count too. I guess he had a point there. And while were here already, lets just
do number five.
Before I could fully register what that meant, Hunter leaned down and captured my lips in a
breathtaking kiss. Rain pelted us, but that didnt matter. Nothing mattered except for Hunter and
his velvety smooth lips on mine.
Number five: kiss in the rain for more than five seconds.
As we pulled apart, I realized something. That was only four seconds. At least it was if we were
going to properly count (one Mississippi, two Mississippi).
And so he kissed me again.
Eight seconds. I counted.
The next morning was dreadful. Absolutely horrible and full of anguish.
I was upset for many reasons, the primary one being how I couldve prevented this from
happening, but I didnt. There were about a million things I couldve done to thwart this disaster,
but I just didnt. I was stupid and ignorant and now I had to face the consequences of my (lack of)
We had anticipated this months in advance, but nothing could prepare me for actually having to
face the fact that Crawford Comics was closingtoday.
Scott wanted to have one last big blowout sale where everything was half-off before we officially
had to close the shop up for good. I had no idea what wed do with the leftover comics, but I guess
we would cross that bridge when we got there.
I asked Scott how much money we needed to keep the store open for at least another year, and
when he told me I actually gasped. We definitely didnt have that kind of money.
We had no choice but to close the comic book store for good. I wish we couldve done
something, anything, but it was too late now and we were out of options. We were losing more by
keeping it than it was bringing in. Scott said this would be for the best, but it sure didnt feel like it.
As Scott and I packed up everything in the back room to move to the front of the store for the
sale, neither of us spoke. We didnt have to, though, because both of us knew what the other was
Scott barely even took his feet off the ground as he shuffled around the store at an agonizingly
slow pace. Dark bags were under his eyes for the first time in days, and the way he moved made
me think he was in some sort of trance.
Maybe he was sleep-walking. The thought brought the faintest of smiles to my lips because
Scott could actually sleep now. Nightly. On a regular basis. For hours. I wasnt sure what
happened, or why, but I was glad it did.
Courtney entered the store a few minutes later and rushed right over to Scott after giving me a
brisk, polite greeting. I returned with a wave.
After my brothers attempted suicide, he asked Courtney out and she said yes. It didnt make
sense to me at the time, but now I was just starting to get it.
My brother had explained to me, after he got discharged from the hospital, that he had learned
one of lifes most important lessons: life is too short to waste your time on things that dont matter.
If you dont like something, change it. One day when youre old and dying, youre going to look
back on your life and ask yourself, Was my life worth living? And if your answer if no, youve
failed the ultimate testlife.
I had never expected such wise words to come from my brother. And now, thinking about what
he said, I realized how right he was.
I guess Scott asked Courtney out to try to make his life better, because honestly, it wasnt all that
great sometimes.
I wondered if Hunter knew about our siblings newfound relationship. We didnt even have to
play Cupid to get them together; it was all fate. It was hard to predict whether or not Hunter would
be proud or disappointed at that.
Courtney and Scott were taking it slow for now. She knew all about his past with Tiffany, and
thought this was best for them for now. Scott agreed. They were cute together, I had to admit.
Sometimes I wondered what it was like to be in an established relationship. Hunter and I, we
were in that awkward transition stage between friends and something more. Sure, sometimes we
kissed or cuddled, but we were friends and would remain that way until we talked about it. Or
Hunter officially asked me out.
Speaking of Hunter, he stopped by a little while later, asking me if I wanted a ride to school. I
declined and told him Id walk. Walking helped me think, and had an overpowering notion that Id
be doing a lot of pondering about the comic book store.
Are you okay? Hunter asked, his tone laced heavily with concern. He placed a comforting hand
on each of my shoulders, keeping me at an arms length, and searched my eyes as if the answer
was hidden in them. It was no use since he had to ask again.
Yeah. Fine. Why? My sentences were no more than a syllable each, and I wondered briefly
how I even managed that. I was afraid that if I spoke more than that, all that would come out were
sniffles, sobs, and an outflow of tears.
Ignoring my response since it was evidently a lie, Hunter asked softly, Whats wrong?
Nothing, I said a little too quickly and mentally slapped myself.
Please, just tell me. Charlie, whats wrong?
I merely shook my head. He wouldnt understand. Hunter would just think I was a baby for crying
about a stupid store.
His voice dropped to a whisper, like I was so fragile he couldnt even use his normal speaking
voice or Id shatter. Is it the store?
Okay, maybe he did understand. I nodded.
Hunter kept his steady gaze on me as he assured me, Its gonna be okay. Everythings gonna
be fine.
I saw no point in Hunter wasting his breath on all of this because I knew that this was not, in fact,
going to be okay. It was all very far from okay, actually. And I appreciated Hunters effort, but his
soothing sweet nothings were no match for the sharp pain of reality and all the tribulations that
came with it.
I hate seeing you sad like this, he said, and I wasnt sure if he was talking to me or himself.
Either way, I knew for sure that wasnt a lie because his voice cracked a little as he said it.
Im not sad, I replied, and this time it was my voice that cracked. I wasnt sad as much as I was
disappointed in myself for letting all of this happen.
Yes, you are, and Im going to find a way to make you happy. It was certainly a sweet thought,
but unfortunately, it wasnt too probable.
We stayed there for the next few seconds, standing face-to-face with not a lot of space between
us. Suddenly, Hunter closed the distance and placed a light kiss on my forehead. And with that, he
abruptly left the store. I noticed that stupidyet adorablesmirk on his face as he glanced back
one last time. He had a plan of some sort.


When I reached Maple Valley High, I expected to see people scattered all over: the druggies by
the towering maple near the student parking lot that the student body had dubbed the druggie
tree, skateboarders doing flips and tricks on the railing by the stairs leading up to the front doors,
and everyone else in their own little group hangout. That was what I usually saw most mornings.
However, this morning was not most mornings.
Today everyoneand I literally mean everyone, teachers excludedwas crowded around the
bottom of the stairs leading up to the front of the school, staring up at something, or rather
someone, who was standing alone at the top in front of the doors.
I approached the mass of people and as I got closer, I realized that it was Hunter everyone was
staring at. Whether that was because Hunter had shed his signature army jacket (it was tossed
carelessly to the side) and was wearing a muscle shirt so everyone had a perfect view of his tattoo,
or because he was shouting out random facts about superheroes into a megaphone like he was
planning on writing each of their biographies, I had no idea. All I knew was that it shocked me just
as much as it did everybody else. I heard murmurs and sniggers passing through the audience,
but all I could do was grin like an idiot.
Hunter was taking my advicehe was being himself. For once in the duration of time that Id
known him, he honestly didnt care about what other people thought. A sense of pride and
accomplishment washed over me like a magnificent tide in the ocean.
As soon as Hunter spotted me, he called out to me with his megaphone and gestured for me to
join him on his makeshift stage. In an instant, all heads snapped towards me and I just blushed
abashedly at all the unexpected attention. Hunter made a come hither motion with his finger and
winked as the crowd parted like the red sea so I could pass through and scale the stairs to stand
by Hunter.
Uh, hello, Hunter said, speaking into the megaphone. When his voice was successfully
amplified, he continued. Hey, everyone, Im Hunter. As if anyone didnt know that. Running a
hand through his hair, he sighed and said, Look, guys, I just wanted to say sorry for everything.
Over the fourwait, no, fiveyears I spent at this school, Ive acted like a total dick to most, if not
all, of you. So this is my apology. I dont care if you accept it or not, but I do want you to know its
Saying that everyone (myself included) was confounded would be a huge understatement.
Hunter was downright addling us, and most people appeared as though they had absolutely no
clue what he was talking about. I, on the other hand, had a faint inkling that grew in understanding
with every word.
It was thoughtful of him to apologize for his behaviour over the years, especially since it could be
quite reprehensible at times. My thoughts drifted back to the day I accidentally ran into him in the
hallway (literally, not figuratively).
Pussy! I heard Aaron yell from the crowd. Hunter gave him a good-natured single finger salute.
What Im trying to say is that wasnt me. Well it was, but it wasnt the real me, he added. This
is the real me. Im not a bad-ass as some you like to call me. He chuckled at that. Ive never
been to jail, Im not a hired assassin, and Ive never been in a bar fight against Hulk Hogan. Or
Chuck Norris, he said, enumerating the student bodys myths about him by ticking them off his
fingers. Sorry to disappoint.
Im just a regular guy who failed twelfth grade, has a superhero tattoo, and likes army jackets.
Im also a Sagittarius, enjoy long walks on the beach and Star Trek. He grinned and winked at no
one in particular. But if theres one thing I love more than Star Trek, its Charlie Crawford. He
sidled up to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
It was amazing how everyones jaws seemed to drop at exactly the same time. Including mine.
Hunter separated himself from me for a second so he could briskly walk over to his discarded
jacket. He started searching through the pockets and I could hear him open something, but I
couldnt see what it was because his back was turned to me. Finally, he approached me once
again as everyone regarded him with curious gazes.
Charlie Will you be my girlfriend? Hunter asked. He was down on one knee, holding a Ring
Pop out to me.
I laughed light-heartedly at the gesture. My mind was temporarily frozen and I couldnt form any
coherent answers on my own, so my reply came out as a quote. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!
Hunter broke out into a relieved grin and slipped the Ring Pop onto my finger. As soon as he
stood up, he captured my lips in a magical kiss. And in that moment, I forgot about everything that
wasnt Hunter, his talented lips, or the wild cheers from the crowd (since it was pretty difficult to
ignore those).
For the time being, I was happyjust as Hunter had promised Id be. And I could tell that he was


I had to admit, Hunter parading around campus and advertising the big blowout everything must
go sale at Crawford Comics actually seemed to work. I noticed people from a number of my
classes stop by, some of which I didnt even think knew me.
The comic book store was busier than it had been in years, and it vaguely reminded me of when
my parents used to run it. The store would be packed so tightly youd think you were in a subway
station in New York at rush hour. Kinda like how it was now. Speaking of my parents, some of their
friends dropped by and told Scott and I how much they missed coming here and how it was a
shame the store was closing or they wouldve liked to come by every week. It was a little early for
New Years resolutions, but I appreciated the sentiment.
Scott and I found it difficult to keep up with all the customers, but with some help from Hunter,
we managed. As it turned out, Hunter was an excellent salesman. With that adorable pouty face
reminiscent of a puppy, people found it hard to walk away without making any purchases.
Even Scott thought he had potential in the fields of advertising and so selling, so the boys
decided to have a little competitionwhoever sold more stuff won. There was no prize, no jackpot,
nothing. Just a friendly bet fueled by casual competitiveness and testosterone with absolutely no
stakes whatsoever. I couldnt tell who was currently winning; they seemed to be about even in
terms of sales.
Sighing, I absent-mindedly glanced around the bustling store. If only it was this busy every day
we wouldnt have to worry about all of this. I had already accepted the fact that we had to get rid of
Crawford Comics, so I was just basking in its presence for one of the very last times. It would be
quite hard to say goodbye to this old place, but thankfully I didnt have to right this second.
Hey, you alright? Hunter asked, slipping an arm around my waist.
Yeah, fine. And this time I actually meant it. I smiled at Hunter and he grinned in response.
Maybe part of the reason I wasnt as crestfallen as I ought to be was that Hunter was right here
with me. He made it all the more tolerable.
Good. With one final grin, he left to go ring up some customers and stick his tongue out
mockingly at Scott.
Hunter was so caught up in selling as many items as possible that he didnt notice Aaron walk in.
I had no idea why Aaron was here. Maybe he was searching for me or Hunter or simply a comic to
read in his free time. I hoped it was the latter option, so he would just buy something and leave
quickly, preferably. I didnt particularly enjoy having him hang around. It was unnerving.
He passed by Hunter, who I was sure still hadnt noticed him, and swaggered in my direction as
if he owned the place. I did own the place and even I didnt walk that pretentiously.
As soon as he approached me, a scowl crept onto my face. All I wanted to do was bolt into the
back room as fast as I could and hide there until he left. Unfortunately, my parents raised me
better than that.
So I just waited patiently with my arms folded across my chest. Just because we were going to
talk didnt mean I had to like it. All of our other conversations ended with him either calling me
names or trying to say that Hunter wasnt actually my friend.
What do you want? I snapped, my tone as sharp as a jagged butcher knife. I mustve taken him
slightly aback because his eyes widened as if he wasnt expecting that. Even I didnt expect that,
to be honest.
Well I, ah, wanted to t-talk, he said lamely. I made Aaron stutter on his words? Interesting. If
anyone else happened to hear him be anything less than smooth as melted chocolate, I was sure
his cool factor would decrease. This wasnt the overly confident Aaron everyone was used to.
We are. I hoped Aaron could tell by my tone that I meant business. The faster we moved this
along, the faster he could leave. What. Do. You. Want?
He glanced around. Can we talk outside? More private, he said, his voice dropping to astill
quite loudwhisper.
What was so unbelievably important that we had to discuss it in private? And was with this
sudden urge to talk to me at all?
He led the way outside, rudely shoving past people and receiving glares in return. As soon as
we were out of the store, I chose a nice little spot out of the way of the door so I wouldnt get hit as
people came in and out (I didnt care much about Aaron) and stood with my arms crossed over my
chest and my foot tapping impatiently against the pavement.
And that was when I realized why Hunter and Aaron were always getting into fights. If I had to
hang around him all day, Id want to punch him in the face too. I mean, he hadnt even started
talking yet and he was already getting on my nervesit was astounding how his presence alone
could do that to someone.
I wanted to apologize, he blurted out quickly.
Yeah right. Since when did Aaron ever apologize to anyone? I rolled my eyes and briskly spun
around to head back inside. I didnt have time for his lies.
Unfortunately Aaron grabbed my arm before I could get very far. Just gimme a chance, will
you? I huffed, but otherwise remained silent as his cue to speak. You know, since Hunters
little he waved his hand around, as if that would help him come up with a suitable word faster
show at school today, Ive been thinking about it, and I realized how much of a douche I was to
Youre like that to everyone, I cut in.
But more so to you. I mean, I admit Im a dick to most people, but they can handle it in small
doses. But to you it was like, massive dick attack, you know what Im saying?
No, I did not know what he was saying. Between the vaguely dirty euphemisms and all the hand
gestures he was making, I was kinda lost. Uh, sure.
And if Hunter can say sorry, so can I. So, Im sorry. I didnt know if that was it or if he was
pausing for dramatic effect, so I waited a moment. It turned out he wasnt done with his little
apology speech quite yet. Ive said some stuff Im not too proud of, but I hope you can look past
that. Maybe we can start off fresh.
Did he seriously just ask me for a second chance?
Look, it was nice of you to go out of your way to apologize, but
Figuring out that his previous method of making amends hadnt worked how he had planned, he
used one of the other tricks up his sleeve. Wait, he said, pulling something out of the hidden
inner pocket of his jacket.
It was a chequebook. Since when did he start carrying around a chequebook in his pocket? Well,
he did say sorry, so I guess he was just full of surprises today.
This is your store, right? he asked, gesturing to Crawford Comics. And its closing forever? I
nodded in response. Only a few months left? Another nod. How much does it cost to keep it for,
say, a year?
I told him.
He let out a low whistle as he began scribbling in the chequebook. Believe it or not, I actually
like this place. Used to come here a lot when I was little. Did everybody come here when they
were little? Jeez, I had a really faulty memory. Its too bad I havent had the time to recently.
Ripping the cheque out and holding it out to me, he said, There. Thats enough to last you a
The amount written on the cheque surprised me thoroughly. If my jaw wasnt properly connected
to my head, it would have fallen to the floor by now. This would allow us to keep Crawford Comics
for years. I sputtered something out that sounded like a mixture of why and how but even I
wasnt completely sure what it was. I took a moment to gather my thoughts together to form at
least one coherent sentence and keep my giddiness contained. Thank you.
No problem. He shrugged. I think we just got off on the wrong foot. And maybe we can start
again, he suggested, staring down at his shoes which have become of sudden interest to him.
Aaron was actually abashed. I dont want you to hate me, especially since youre kinda dating my
right-hand man now. At that, he glanced up with a smirk etched onto his face.
Hunter and Aaron had an odd friendship, one I could never understand. But I thought it was nice
that Aaron was doing all of this for me because of Hunter, despite the fact that Hunter didnt
actually know.
Aaron mustve been serious about wanting to make amends with me, which was a pleasant
surprise because he was rarely ever serious. At first I thought it was all just a cruel joke, but then I
began to realize that all of thisthe apology includedwas genuine.
Okay, I decided, a second chance, then. I paused. B-but how? I asked, waving the cheque
in front of him. How did he even have all this money in the first place? I didnt even think he had a
Well, lets just say it isnt only Hunter that has a few secrets the public doesnt know about,
Aaron replied ambiguously. He mustve been referring to Hunters little show at school today.
I knitted my brows in slight puzzlement. What do you mean?
He paced around in a circle in front of me, hands shoved deep into his pockets. What Im about
to tell you, do not tell anyone. Ive apologized, but that doesnt mean I grew a vagina and now
were exchanging secrets. Tell a single soul and I will find you and I will skin you. And I didnt
doubt that for a second. Do not tell anybody. Not Hunter, not your grandma, not your dog.
I dont own a dog.
I wondered what was so private that Aaron specifically had to tell me that. It got a bit redundant
after a while. But he made such a point to specify all of this, why was he even going to tell me in
the first place? And why me? Maybe he knew I would keep my word for it.
My dad, he whispered even though we were the only ones out here except for a few people
walking past us on the sidewalk, owns Weightless Records. Money really isnt an issue, if you
know what I mean.
It seemed as though every single piece of information stored in my mind suddenly vanished and
everything I thought I knew before was totally useless. The only thing I could do was gape at
Aaron with my jaw hanging half-open. I mustve looked like an idiot to random passersby.
When my mind had decided to return to me, my first thought on the matter was, how could he
have kept this secret for so long? I mean, surely someone wouldve found out by now.
Not really, he replied, and I realized I mustve voiced my thoughts out loud. People around
here are pretty good about not butting in other peoples business. Especially when it comes to me.
It made sense, I guess. Not many people made a point to delve into Aarons private life. Maybe it
was because of his hard-earned reputation.
It was amazing, really. You think you know someone, but then they tell you one little detail about
their life and suddenly everything you thought you ever knew about that person changes. Like
when I first met Hunter I never wouldve guess that everyone was completely off about him and he
was actually a decent guy when you got to know him. (And sweet and charming and downright
adorable.) And who wouldve ever guessed that Aaron was the son of the owner of one of the
most illustrious record labels in the music industry?
Both of us were silent for the next few minutes (uncharacteristically so for Aaron), lost in our own
thoughts. Im going to pay you back, you know, I said, breaking the silence and consequently
snapping Aaron out of his reverie.
Did you not just hear what I said before? Money really isnt a problem for me, he reiterated.
I know, I said, but Im still paying you back. Not right away, of course. Eventually. It wasnt
about the actual money; it was about the act of paying him back what I owed. It was about trust,
which was essential to both of us if we were going through with this second chance at friendship (if
thats what it was) thing.
No. I gave you the money because you need it. I dont. He seemed indignant, like I was
refusing his offer. I wasnt, not at all, and I knew that being nice wasnt Aarons forte, but was it too
hard to let others be kind to him every once in a while?
I didnt falter, and Aaron sighed at my stubbornness.
Fine, you can pay me back a quarter of what you owe me, he bargained.
Its a lot. A quarter.
A third.
A quarter.
Deal. I admit I wasnt the best bargainer around, which was why I usually left everything
pertaining to business to my brother.
Aaron and I shook hands to properly seal the deal. I tucked the cheque safely into my coat
pocket so I wouldnt lose it. Thank you, I said with a grateful smile, for everything. I felt as
though no matter how many time I thanked him, words couldnt express how much I actually
meant it.
He shrugged it off like it was no big deal. I gotta go now, he told me. See you around
Yeah, I answered, nodding. See you around sometime. I was tempted to say see you on the
flip side because Ive always secretly wanted to, but fought the urge to do so because I couldnt
recall the last time someone said that in real life. And I didnt fully know what it meant.
As I watched Aarons receding figure walk off into the distance, I wondered why he wasnt nice
all the time. It was a pleasant surprise finding out the he had basic manners, but it was a shame
he didnt use them.
The second I retreated back inside the store, I was met with a sharp jab to my upper arm,
courtesy of someone elses elbow. I glanced up. The offending elbow belonged to a middle-aged
man with a tired face and an uneven five oclock shadow that made me wonder if he was drunk
the last time he shaved.
Sorry, I excused myself politely for accidentally bumping into him. I was about to turn around
and march over to the register to see if Scott required assistance with anything, but before I could,
the man spoke up.
Do you work here? he asked.
He appeared so delighted by my answer I half expected him to begin clapping excitedly, but he
never did. Are these for sale? He pointed up at the wall, where few posters were barely clinging
to the surface, even with the help of two different types of supposedly super adhesive tapes. I
hadnt taken a close look at the posters in such a long time that it almost didnt occur to me that I
had drawn them myself.
I wasnt planning on selling my posters, but if the guy really wanted them I guess I could do
without them. They were just drawings of superheroes; I could easily redraw them if I wanted to.
Yeah, I guess so, I finally answered.
He lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. Great! Someone was chipper today. How much are
I regarded the drawings critically. I had no idea how much they were worth. I was actually
honored someone wanted them at all. Theyd probably sell for five bucks a piece, but whatever, it
was something. How much are you willing to pay? I asked, wanting his opinion before setting a
fixed price.
With a casual shrug he said, Ill give you thirty for both of them.
Deal, I replied quickly, before he could take his offer back. Fifteen dollars for each poster? That
was more than I anticipated. I guess I was a better artist than I gave myself credit for.
He handed me a few crisp bills and I carefully removed the posters from the wall and gave them
to the man.
Thanks, I said with a broad grin. I stuffed the cash in the pocket of my jeans and made a
mental note to give it to Scott later.
Whered you buy these, by the way?the man asked, his voice full of awe. He held the two
pieces of paper in front of his face, admiring them.
Oh I didnt buy them. I drew them myself.
The way he gaped at me after I said that could only be described as disbelieving. You? he
asked, staring at me with wide owlish eyes. I would never have a staring contest with that guy. He
never seemed to blink.
Me, I said.
Wow. He examined the posters again and nodded slowly. You know, he started, a grin
beginning to form on his oddly shaved face, this is really good. You have a lot of potential if you
want to get into art when youre older.
I smiled bashfully at the praise. Thanks.
The man produced a business card from his suit jacket and held it out to me. I accepted it
without even looking at what it said. If you ever want to hold a gallery for your works, give me a
call and well work something out. He offered me one last smile before ambling off to paw through
a box of Nightcrawler comics.
Only then did I sneak a peek at the card. At the top was the mans name in a fancy font, with his
occupation, phone number, and the location of his office listed below. He was an art dealer. And it
sounded like he just offered to hold a gallery to help me sell and distribute my work if I was willing
to. Now the only question was, is this what I wanted?
I hadnt really given much thought to the future. I had been spending so much time with Hunter
recently, just living in the now, that I had temporarily forgotten about it. After high school was over,
Id have to enter the real world, and I didnt know what I was going to do. I didnt know what I
wanted to do. There were so many possible opportunities for me from there, and I just didnt know
which one to choose.
I had a long list of jobs I had been thinking about pursuing after I graduated, and artist was my
newest addition. But now that I thought about it, the more it appealed to me than having to sit in a
stuffy cubicle all day. The prospect of becoming an artist seemed very fulfilling. It would be an
outlet for my creativity to flow through and at the same time Id be earning money.
People did advise me to do what I love, and I definitely loved art.
Maybe Aaron would get his money back sooner than either of us expected.
An artist. It sounded like such a fun job. And if Scott finished all his law classes and became a
full time lawyer one day, I could stay and man the comic book store (and draw; I was going to do
some serious multitasking) while my brother was out serving justice.
The future was starting to look a whole lot brighter.


I had been preparing for this for weeks, possibly months, and I had chose today to bring my hard
work to light because I felt like today should be celebrated somehow. After all, Aaron apologized
and lent me some money to atone for what he did before, Hunter finally asked me out and I said
yes, Scott and Courtney were now officially an item, I received praise and a business card from an
art dealer, I spotted a nicotine patch on Hunters arm (no more cancer sticks!), and we now had
enough money to keep the comic book store open until Scott became a lawyer and I got famous
off my artwork (and could pay for the store ourselves). It was an overall successful day. And there
was no better way to celebrate this special occasion that to play a good old game of Dungeons &
Dragonsmy version of it, with the map I spent a good amount of time creating.
And that was exactly what we did (by we I meant Hunter, Courtney, Scott, The Dungeon Master,
and I). Except today The Dungeon Master wasnt the dungeon masterI was.
It was after hours and we were all at Crawford Comics, the place that would forever be a second
home to me, playing D&D in the back room (that we had cleared out for the sale, save for the table
and a few chairs). It took Hunter and Courtney a while to get the hang of the game, but with some
mild assistance from the rest of us, they eventually understood the rules.
Every time I glanced over at Scott and Courtney, they were always exchanging smiles or
sneaking peeks at each other. It was cute how the two of them acted around each other. They
even held hands under the tableI could tell because Hunter and I were doing the same thing (we
didnt want to make The Dungeon Master feel bad because he was the only single one here). And
we too would exchange glances like that and every time Hunter grinned at me it felt like a hoard of
butterflies plummeted into my stomachin a good way.
And even though the thought of my future suddenly seemed so appealing, here with my friends,
family, and sweet boyfriend, I wanted nothing more than to cherish the present and make this
moment last forever.
Because for the first time in a long time, everything was going the way it should.

Deleted Scene #1: The Prank
[A/N: This takes place in chapter 17, when Charlie and Hunter use creepy Nicolas Cage pictures
to prank Mrs. Fang, a teacher they hate.]
{Chapter 17}
Just as we were marvelling at our handiwork, Hunter and I both heard a sound emanating from
the hallway and we perked our heads up, on high alert. We listened cautiously for another moment
before our suspicions were confirmedthe sound was a voice: the dreadful voice that happened
to belong to Mrs. Fang.
She was probably chatting it up with the poor soul who had to teach in the room beside this one.
I could just imagine Mrs. Fang wearing that big fake smile that she reserved only for other
teachers (students mostly received looks from her. She had two primary expressions: greatly irked
and blind with rage. She wore the latter much more frequently, though).
It was only a matter of time before she would open the door and catch us red-handed.
Oh shit, Hunter said, but it came out more exasperated than anything. We mustve shared the
same thought.
I collected the rolls of tape and rushed over to flick the lights off so it wouldnt look like anyone
was in here. Meanwhile, Hunter muttered an impressive string of profanities under his breath,
which, unfortunately, didnt actually help with the situation. What did help, however, was Hunters
suggestion to hide under the desks until the coast was clear. We had no other options, so I
acceded. Our only means of escape was the door that led out to the hallway where Mrs. Fang was
inconveniently still talking. If we tried to leave now, wed surely get caught.
We hid under desks at the very back of the classroom, farthest away from the door and Mrs.
Fangs desk.
Suddenly, the door flung open and Mrs. Fangs footsteps echoed throughout the room as she
stepped inside. I raised a finger to my lips to nonverbally remind Hunter to keep quiet.
My heart rate picked up and I held my breath, as if it would lower the chances of us getting
caught. She could smell fear. I was wondering if expulsion or suspension would be our
punishment if we did get caught, when I remembered that I needed to breathe. I inhaled slowly
and then exhaled. I was suddenly jealous of whales, who only needed to come up for air every half
hour or so.
I risked a glance at Mrs. Fang. She was looking over some papers on her desk. Her back was
facing the blackboard so she hadnt seen the creepy Nicolas Cage pictures yet.
Casting a side-long glance at Hunter, I noticed that he was trying to suppress a laugh. He
grinned cheekily at me. It was so contagious that I found myself grinning back.
A deafening shriek shattered the silence, and I had to bite my lip to contain my bubbling laughter.
It was equally difficult for Hunter to keep his noise in check.
Another shrill scream sounded, followed by receding footsteps as Mrs. Fang scrambled to get
out of the room.
Hunter and I stood absolutely still for a few seconds, and when the coast was finally clear, we
exploded into conniption fits.
I guess that meant Mrs. Fang had three human expressions: greatly irked, blind with rage, and
thoroughly terrified as a result of Nicolas Cage.


Deleted Scene #2: Not-So-Perfect Attendance
[A/N: This one also takes place in chapter 17. Its Scotts reaction to Charlie skipping school.]
{Chapter 17}
When Scott came home, I didnt receive the usual greeting of, Hey, how are ya? Did you eat
dinner yet?with a follow-up hair ruffle or anything of the sort. No. As soon as my brother arrived
home, he let the front door slam behind him and said, I got a call from the school today. They said
you werent there. Want to explain why?
As much as that sounded like a question, it was nothing short of a civil demand. With his firm
and hard unwavering gaze, he reminded me of Dad. I didnt understand how someone could be
both firm and soft at the same time, but both Dad and Scott managed to pull that off.
I was grasping at straws for an appropriate excuse to use at a time like this, but my brain came
up empty. I contemplated telling the truth, but that didnt work either since no words were rolling off
my tongue.
I was just about to concede that I had, in fact, skipped the entire day of school to do pointless
things with Hunter, when I detected the faintest hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He
ruffled my hair, addling me even more. Why was Scott smiling at this?
Are you mad? I asked tentatively, consequently admitting that what he said was true in a rather
indirect way.
No, no Im not mad. And the strange thing was he sounded like he actually meant it.
Why arent you mad? I never imagined myself asking that question, but I was still trying to
piece things together.
You know, he said suddenly, ignoring my previous inquiry, I was always kinda jealous of your
attendance record. So unnaturally perfect. Not one sick day, he mused. Even in kindergarten I
would fake being sick to stay home from school and Mom would always believe me when I told her
I had a cold. His smile widened at the memory. Dad told me, after I graduated high school, that
everyone should skip school once in their life.
Dad said that? I asked in disbelief.
He was very wise man. We even had a bet going on since your first day of freshman year. He
thought you didnt have it in you. I said you did, Scott told me, sounding almost proud.
Whoa, whoa, wait a second, I sputtered out. You and Dad had a bet to see if I would skip at
least one day of school before I graduated? I didnt know how to respond to that.
It sounds like you dont need me to answer that. He smirkedhe was actually smirking at
thisas he rested a hand on my shoulder. But dont do it again, or else Ill have to go all parental
on you, okay? And with one light shoulder squeeze, he left, leaving me standing there,


Deleted Scene #3: The Gun Show
[A/N: The whole gun show/flexing biceps thing is from something. I just forgot what. Anyways,
this takes place in chapter 8 when Charlie and Hunter are costume shopping for Halloween and
Hunter is in his Rocky costume.]
{Chapter 8}
Charlie? Hunter called, snapping me out of my thoughts. I subconsciously wiped the back of
my hand over my mouth to make sure I wasnt actually drooling. The action didnt go unnoticed by
Hmm? Yeah? What? I asked in rapid succession.
Did you buy your ticket? The way he said it made me think I forgot a vital part of Halloween.
For what? The last time I checked, we didnt need to buy tickets for the dance. Or anything else,
for that matter.
His lips pulled into a broad smirk. The gun show! He resumed flexing his biceps in a number of
different poses and I didnt make a point of stopping him.


Deleted Scene #4: Study Buddies
[A/N: This was never actually a part of UTI, but I was wondering what Hunter and Charlie would be
like if they had to study for finals or something. This is how I actually remember things for
scienceDont judge me. My friend taught me how to remember stuff like that.]
It was the weekend before finals week and Hunter and I, surprisingly enough, were actually
studying at the library on Saturday. I assumed it was going to be me tutoring Hunter, but it turned
out to be just the opposite.
So, what should we study first? Hunter asked, pawing through the pile of notebooks and
textbooks that he actually brought. Every since his big apology speech that one day at school, he
had been doing a remarkable job of completing his homework and handing it in to get his grades
back up. He even did some extra credit work when necessary. Hunter definitely did not want to get
held back another year.
Science, I said, grabbing the first notebook laid out in front of me. Test me on something.
I handed the notebook to Hunter and he leafed through it at a leisurely pace. Okay, he finally
said when he found something, is a solution a homogenous mixture or a heterogeneous mixture?
Finals week, which hadnt even started yet, was putting a stressful strain on my brain because
that simple question caused my mind to blank out. I shouldve known the answer. I learned this in
middle school! After a while of excessive pondering and on overuse of brain power, I leaned back
in my seat with a huff and guessed the answer. Heterogeneous?
Are you asking me or telling me?
Telling you?
Hunter feigned a disappointed sigh. Its a homogeneous mixture.
Hunter straightened up in his seat in the most abrupt manner possible and placed a reassuring
hand on my arm. Okay, look at it this wayhomogeneous mixtures are like gay people, and
heterogeneous mixtures are like straight people. Okay? Some gay dudea homogeneous
mixturewants to come out of the closet, but doesnt know how. He needs a solution. Thats how I
remember solutions are homogeneous mixtures, he informed me proudly. Got it?
I nodded and grinned. It made sense. And it was easy to remember. Hunter wasnt a stupid
guythe only reason this was his second year of twelfth grade was because he just didnt do his
homework. Sometimes I wish he would show off his intellect, like now, to remind me that he didnt
really need tutoring.
He quizzed me on RNA and DNA, and I got every answer correct. He asked me a few more
questions on biology, chemistry, and physics, and I thought I did pretty well. Then it was my turn to
test him on science.
Hey, Hunter?


Deleted Scene #5: Smooth Criminal
[A/N: This scene takes place in chapter 7. Charlie and Hunter steal some girlsSarahslicense,
and now theyre returning it. This has some slight spoilers for How I Met Your Brother, so if you
havent read it yet and think you might want to, just skip this scene.]
{Chapter 7}
Everything was going according to plan. The first step of Hunters scheme was over and done
with, and now we were on to step two.
Scott and Courtney were both seated in the back of Hunters car, lost in their own drunken
worlds, and I was riding shotgun beside Hunter. He seemed slightly exasperated by the fact that
the other cars kept honking at him for driving at an excruciatingly slow pace, but he said that he
didnt want our siblings to vomit if he went any faster.
Hunter, I said, suddenly realizing something. I fought the urge to slap my hand to my forehead
because of my forgetfulness.
I produced a drivers license from my pocket and held it up. Hunter tore his intense gaze away
from the road to cast a side-long glance at it.
We need to make a quick stop before we take them to the motel. Turn around, were going to
Just Pie to give I checked the name on the ID Sarah Bennett her license back. I had almost
forgotten we, um, temporarily borrowed it from her earlier, as Hunter liked to put it.
Aw, shit, Hunter muttered, and I guessed I wasnt the only one who forgot about that little detail.
He made a sharp left turn, consequently slamming Courtney into Scott in the backseat.
Wheee! she squealed and then giggled. Scott continued reciting the rules of Fight Club except
he translated them into Klingon. He was an intelligent drunk.
Once we had reached Just Pie, Hunter pulled over directly in front of it (in a spot that I was pretty
sure was illegal, but there were no police officers around). We left Scott and Courtney in the car,
promising wed be back in a few minutes, and entered the diner.
Sarah was still there, searching for something frantically. Some guy was there, talking softly to
her, probably assuring her that everything was going to be fine, as most people like to be told in
times of dire stress. I felt a bit bad now since it was partially my fault.
What are we going to do? I asked quietly, sneaking a glance up at Hunter. We couldnt just go
up to her and return it. That would raise too many suspicions, and I didnt feel like answering those
kinds of questions right now.
I know, Hunter replied brightly, deviously grinning. Of course he did; Hunter had a plan for
everything. He held out his hand. Give me the license. I reluctantly placed the ID card on his
open palm, trying not to be conspicuous about it. I felt like a drug dealer. Hunter better not do
something stupid because we only had one chance to return it.
I watched as he slid Sarahs drivers license up his sleeve, like it was an Ace and we were about
to play a really intense poker game. Follow my lead, he whispered as we began to approach
Sarah and her boyfriend (I only knew that because I caught them kissing a few times since we
walked in).
Hey, is everything alright? Did you lose something? A mask of concern slipped onto Hunters
face. If I didnt know any better, I wouldve thought it was genuine.
Have you seen a drivers license anywhere? I lost mine, Sarah answered, scanning over
tabletops and peeking under chairs. She spared a glance up at Hunter and a flash of recognition
crossed her face, but she didnt mention it. She mustve remembered him from earlier today.
No, but we can help you look for it, if you want, Hunter offered.
Where did you see it last? I added.
Here, Im sure of it, she said. I would be just as worried as her if I knew I had to go to the DMV
to get a new license (have you seen the lines at that place? They are endless).
Hunter and I slowly walked around the diner, pretending to look for the missing item. Finally, as
Hunter was searching near the milkshake bar (earning himself a few odd looks from Lou) he let
out a loud cry of, Found it!
Sarah, Noah (her boyfriend, since she kept calling him that), and I rushed to where Hunter held
up the form of ID like it was a diamond and not a piece of plastic. He handed it back to its original
owner with pride clearly written on his face. When no one was watching, he threw me a furtive
Thanks, Sarah said gratefully, smiling in relief.
Hunter shrugged it off casually and grinned in response. No problem.
Noah mustve thought they were flirting or something because he possessively slipped an arm
around Sarahs waist, pulling her closer to him. Dude, back off. Shes my girlfriend, he growled.
Hunter held his palms out, surrendering. Chill, dude.
Noah stepped forward, and I wondered who would win in a fight. Even though Noah had a bit of
a height advantage on Hunter, Hunter clearly had more muscle mass. It seemed like it would be a
pretty fair fight. Thankfully there was no actual fight; just a whole lot of talking.
Do you know who I am? Somehow Noah managed to make that stupid question sound
intimidating and menacing.
Noah, calm down, said Sarah, rolling her eyes. Then to me she mouthed, Hes always like
this. I nodded understandingly.
Yeah, Hunter replied smoothly, youre Noah Hudson. Youre really good at playing poker. And,
of course, Hunter was slippery enough to get himself out of this mess. But how he knew Noah was
good at poker, I had no idea.
Noah was taken aback by Hunters response, but soon enough his eyes widened in recognition.
Youre Hunter Greene. And hey, youre not so bad yourself.
Sarah and I exchanged quizzical glances. What? she asked on behalf of both of us.
We met a few years ago when we both happened to be skipping school on the same day,
Hunter explained. We had nothing better to do so we went back to my house and played a few
games of Texas Hold Em. And Noah here he clapped a hand on Noahs shoulder won
every single time.
It was practically a proven fact nowHunter could get out of anything.


Deleted Scene #6: The Geek Interpreter
[A/N: This happens after Charlie and Hunter have their fight in chapter 15. Now Charlie is mad at
Hunter. And she clearly doesnt know how to curse.]
{Chapter 15}
Why didnt you stick up for me? I shouted, feeling the anger bubbling inside of me. Luckily we
were outside and no one was around to hear me.
I, uh He rubbed the back of his neck. He had no excuse for once; no plan.
Youre such a I huffed since I didnt know how to end that sentence. I wasnt exactly a
proficientor frequentcurser, and it had been a while since my profanities even made sense. I
wished I could punch him or something, but I knew that he wouldnt be the least bit hurt if I did.
Such a? he prompted. It was like he was challenging me. And I knew that if I didnt accept
his stupid little challenge, he would automatically win.
I thought of the worst words I knew and unleashed them in a stream of seemingly endless
expletives. Youre such ason of a douchebag cunt asshole tit-nugget bitch fucking blowjob!
Hunter just stood there, staring blankly at me and blinking. His lips gradually curved higher until
he was actually grinning, and bit his lip. But that didnt do any good, evidently, as he burst into
It wasnt funny! And it wasnt my fault that my swearing skills were a little rusty. Okay, fine, it
sounded like I wasnt even speaking basic English, but still, he didnt have to laugh!
Now I was even more infuriated.
What- what was that? he asked between chuckles before exploding into another fit.
Whatever, I muttered. I turned around and started walking home.
Charlie, wait! I heard Hunter call, but I just continued on my way.


Deleted Scene #7: I Wanna Dance With Somebody
[A/N: This takes place during chapter 9, when the dance is going on at school and Charlie and
Hunter are sitting on the roof, eating Hunters Halloween candy.]
{Chapter 9}
The music was blaring so loudly in the gym that even when a slow song was playing, Hunter and
I could hear it perfectly from the roof. The schools sound system could easily compare to one of a
There was a bit of tension between Hunter and I as we told each other about our parents since it
was a touchy subject for both of us, but I was glad that the tension was slowly fading away. Hunter
mustve wanted to get rid of it as much as I did because he offered a distraction from everything
He stood up and held his hand out to me. May I have this dance?
I shook my head strenuously and averted my gaze to the ground, which had suddenly become
so fascinating to me. I donI cant dance, I said abashedly. It wasnt like I actually could dance
and I just told him that to be modest. No, I really couldnt danceslow or otherwisewithout
seriously injuring everyone within a five meter radius of me.
Of course you can, he said, beckoning me to stand up, all you have to do is try.
That was when I made the fatal mistake of glancing up at Hunter. His pouty expression mixed
with the excited twinkle in his eyes was just too adorable to resist. I huffed and stood up, and
Hunter smirked triumphantly.
Fine, but Im responsible for your injuries, I warned, and he laughed. He thought I was joking.
Once I was standing up, I positioned myself in front of Hunter. One of my hands was clasped in
his and my other was awkwardly resting on his shoulder. Meanwhile, Hunters non-dominant hand
was trying to find a comfortable place to rest on my waist.
This was definitely not the kind of slow dancing I was used to (mostly because I didnt dance, let
alone slow dance, aside from the odd experience in seventh grade). But this was not middle
school level dancing, which was basically just rocking from side to side as awkwardly as possible.
No, this was the real deal. And even though I didnt danceeverI guess I could make an
exception for Hunter.
Just follow my lead, Hunter said, and that was the only instruction I received from him. So that
was just what I didI followed his lead.
Hunter started off slowly so I could get a firm grasp of the basics before he went along with the
actual tempo of the music. If Hunter stepped forward, Id step back; if he moved to the left, I follow
him until we were properly aligned once again.
Even though the dance, in theory, was fairly simple, Id occasionally step on his feet by accident,
but Hunter would always wave it off casually, not wanting to make a big deal out of it. Sometimes
hed offer a pointer or a tip and they were actually helpful.
Sorry! I quickly apologized after another toe-crunching slip-up. I didnt know how Hunter could
still stand up after the excessive amount of times that happened in the last few minutes.
Its fine, he said, giving me a half-shrug in assurance.
So, who taught you how to dance? I asked out of curiosity. Whoever it was, they deserved a
gold medal for this. Hunter was actually skilled at something that wasnt illegal in any way.
My sister, he mumbled abashedly, staring down at his feet. Whether that was because the pain
was finally registering or because he was embarrassedHunter Greeneembarrassed? Was this
real life?I couldnt tell, but I had a feeling it was combination of both those options.
Thats cute, I commented, and Hunter shot me a flat look, nearly skipping a step, but he
managed to catch himself without messing up the rhythm of our carefully practiced moves.
She said I wasnt a real man until I knew how to tie a tie, waltz, and drink a shot without looking
like an idiot. And since I already knew how to do the other two He trailed off, but I could guess
where his sentence was going.
I hadnt even noticed but both of us had adapted to the simple one-two-three tempo of the song,
and had subconsciously become accustomed to how the other moved so we could work in unison.
Without one, the other would fail. Our movements were smooth, fluid, remarkably precise, and
after a while it became second nature to follow in each others footstepsliterally. Hunter-and-
Charlie. We worked as one.
Once we felt comfortable with our proficient moves, Hunter would add in some dips and twists,
and the dance was made into something slightly more complex, but I enjoyed it all the same.
Then the song stopped, and so did we. Fortunatelyor unfortunately, for all the single people at
the dancethe DJ seemed to have caught a case of the love-bug because he played yet another
slow song. I could practically hear the cries of frustration as they begged the DJ to speed things up
Suddenly a giant grin, one that would most definitely put the Cheshire Cat to shame, inched its
way onto Hunters face, though I didnt know what for. Sit down, he ordered, his grin twisting into
a smirk. He jerked a thumb at the beanbag chairs.
I gave him a quizzical look, but sat down nonetheless. Hunter retreated back a few steps and
cleared his throat. What was he doing? I wanted to think he was acting strange, but he was always
like this so it wasnt that big a deal.
He approached me and held out his hand. May I have this dance? A sense of dj vu washed
over me.
I grinned at the gesture and played along. Of course, I said, jumping to my feet and taking his
hand. I thought youd never ask.
Sometime during the dance I heard Hunter ask, with a hint of mock astonishment in his tone,
Wow, Charlie, who taught you how to dance like this? I could even detect a smirk in his words
without glancing up at him.
Someone special.

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