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Campus Quertaro

1 Practice from Armfield Manual


PRACTICE 20. Pumps



To investigate how changes in outlet pressure affect the volumetric efficiency of the


Gear pumps are one of the most common types of pump used in hydraulic fluid power
applications and engine oil pump systems. Their main characteristics are their low flow
rate, their ability to pump highly viscous fluids, and the high pressure head that can be
generated. They are not suitable for high flow rate applications or for pumping fluids
containing debris and solids, and are inefficient at pumping fluids with low viscosity.

Pumps fall into two main categories: positive
displacement and rotodynamic pumps. The gear
pump is a positive displacement rotary
machine. Fluid enters the body of the pump at low
pressure and is transferred to the outlet side at a
higher pressure. A gear pump uses rotating gears
to create voids or pockets which are then filled
from the pump inlet with the fluid to be pumped.
The turning gears transport the fluid around the
pump housing. There the gears mesh, forcing the
fluid out into the outlet of the pump. The flow from
the gear pump is continuous but high frequency
pulsations occur as the individual pockets of fluid
discharge. Leakage past the faces and the tips of
the gear wheels increases as the discharge
pressure is increased. The result is a slight reduction in flow rate as the operating
pressure increases.

The usual way to describe the operating characteristics of a Gear Pump is through the
use of characteristic curves (Figure A1). These show the interrelation of outlet pressure
P1, flow rate Q, efficiency Eo, and power input Po, for a single pump at constant speed.

As increased load is placed on the system (e.g. by closing an outlet valve), more fluid
begins to slip back between the gears and pump casing due to the increased back
pressure. This affects the volumetric efficiency (Ev) of the pump as not all of the fluid
collected at the inlet is transported to the outlet.
Campus Quertaro
2 Practice from Armfield Manual

This efficiency is measured in
relation to a pump running with
no internal leakage. The
volume flow rate of an ideal
pump can be calculated from
the theoretical volume
displaced per revolution of the
gears, and the number of
revolutions per second:


Where Vs is the theoretical
volume displaced per revolution
/rev), and n is the number of
revolutions of the gears per
second. Therefore:


1. Run the IFD7 program and select FM-52. Then run the FM52 program.
2. Ensure the needle valve is fully open.
3. Set the pump to 80% and check that the pump starts to work. Check the sensor
displays and ensure that the flow rate increases from zero when the pump is
4. Select the icon to record the pump setting and sensor readings in the results
5. Slightly close the needle valve to give a small change in outlet pressure and
flow readings. Select the icon again.
6. Continue to close the needle valve in small increments, recording the
corresponding readings each time.
7. When the needle valve is fully closed, take a final set of readings then create a
new results sheet using the icon.
8. Take a second set of readings by opening the needle valve in small increments
until the valve is fully open.
9. Set the pump to 0% then switch the pump off.

1. For both sets of results taken, plot the flowrate, input power, volumetric efficiency
and overall efficiency against outlet pressure.
2. What can you conclude from these graphs?
3. Compare the shape of the volumetric efficiency graph with that for overall efficiency.

Campus Quertaro
3 Practice from Armfield Manual



To obtain head, power and efficiency graphs for a centrifugal pump.


Turbines and centrifugal pumps are of a rotodynamic type. These pumps impart
momentum to a fluid, which then causes the fluid to move into the delivery chamber or
outlet. The operating characteristics of a centrifugal pump, as the ones used in this
practice, may be described or illustrated by using graphs of pump performance. The
most common graphical representation of these pumps are:
Change in total head produced by the pump (Ht)
Power input to the pump (Pm)
Pump efficiency (E)

Total head:
The change in total head produced as a result of the work done by pump can be
calculated as:
Ht = Change in static head + change in velocity head + change in elevation
Ht = Hs + Hv + He



Pin = fluid pressure at inlet in Pa
Pout = fluid pressure at outlet in Pa
Vin = fluid velocity at inlet in m/s
Vout = fluid velocity at outlet in m/s
He = vertical distance between inlet and outlet (0.075m for the FM-51)

Power input:
The mechanical power input to the pump may be calculated as:
Pm = rotational force x angular distance = 2
n = rotational speed of pump in revolutions per second
t = shaft torque in Nm

Pump efficiency:
The efficiency of the pump may be calculated as: =

Pm = mechanical power absorbed by pump = 2*n*t
Campus Quertaro
4 Practice from Armfield Manual

Ph = hydraulic power imparted to fluid = Ht*Q**g
Q = volume flow rate in m

Each of these parameters is measured at
constant pump speed, and is plotted against the
volume flow rate, Q, through the pump. An
example of this type of graphical representation of
pump performance is given in the next figure
(Figure 1).

Figure 1 Graphical representation of pump

1. Run the IFD7 program and select FM-51.
Then run the FM51 program.
2. Ensure the inlet valve and gate valve are fully open.
3. Set the 3-way valve for flow in parallel.
4. Close Pump 2 outlet valve. This will prevent flow through pump 2, thus directing
all the flow through a single pump, pump 1.
5. In the software, set the pump to 80%
6. Allow water to circulate until all air has been flushed from the system.
7. Close the gate valve to give a flow rate Q of 0. DO NOT LEAVE THE PUMP
8. Select the icon to record the readings. Then open the gate valve to give a low
flow rate. Allow sufficient time for the sensor readings to stabilize then select the
icon to record the next set of data.
9. Open the gate valve in small increments, allowing the sensor readings to stabilize
then recording the sensor and pump data each time.
10. Set the pump to 0% then switch the pump off.
11. Repeat for pump at 100%, 90%, 70% and 60%.

1. Plot graph of Head against flowrate, with the 4 runs in the same plot.
2. Plot a graph of mechanical power against flowrate on one axis, and efficiency
against flowrate on the secondary axis, with the 4 runs in the same plot.
3. Plot a graph of head against flowrate on one axis, and mechanical power against
flowrate against flowrate on the secondary axis, with the 4 runs in the same plot.
4. For the results with the pump at 80%, examine and describe the shapes of the
graphs obtained, relating this to the flowrate.
5. For the results with the pump at 80%, determine the maximum efficiency and the
flowrate at which it occurs.
Campus Quertaro
5 Practice from Armfield Manual



To investigate the result on discharge and total head of operating pumps in series and in

When two pumps operate in series,
the flowrate is the same as for one
single pump but the total head is
increased. The combined pump
head-capacity curve is found by
adding the heads of the single pump
curves at the same capacity.

When two pumps operate in parallel
the total head increase remains
unchanged but the flow rate is
increased. The head-capacity curve is
found by adding the capacities of the
single pump curves at the same head.

1. Ensure the inlet valve and gate valve are fully open.
2. Set the 3-way valve for flow in series (the earlier experiments have all used this valve
in parallel).
3. Pump 1 should be set to 100%.
4. Open pump 2 outlet valve, close Pump 1 outlet valve and wait for any air to circulate
out the system.
5. Select the icon to record the readings. Close the gate valve to reduce a flow by
small increment. Select the icon again.
6. Continue to close the gate valve to give an incremental changes in flowrate,
recording the sensor data each time.
7. After taking the final set of data, fully open the valve gate again. DO NOT LEAVE
Campus Quertaro
6 Practice from Armfield Manual

8. Now, for running the pumps in parallel, fully open the Pump 1 outlet valve and Pump
2 outlet valve. Opening both valves fully ensures that the outlet pressure on both
pumps are equal. Pump 1 should be set to 100%.
9. Start taking readings as you reduce the flow by small increments.
10. After taking the final set of data, fully open the valve gate again. DO NOT LEAVE


1. Plot a graph of total head against discharge for a single pump and for two pumps
connected in series, both at 100%.
2. Calculate the head gain by connecting 2 pumps in series.
3. Which would be the reason to connect 2 pumps in series?
4. Plot a graph of total head against discharge for a single pump and for two pumps
connected in parallel, both at 100%.
5. Calculate the flowrate gain by connecting 2 pumps in parallel.
6. Which would be the reason to connect 2 pumps in parallel?
7. Compare the graphs for pumps in series and in parallel, and describe the similarities
and/or differences.

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