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December 2009 - January 2010

Issue 27:
Everyones favourite
culture magazine,
bringing you the
best review of
comedy, short films
and everything comic
book related

Super Hero costumes

+ Public situations =


Dawning the release of his first solo venture, we met up with Chris Benisek to dicuss his latest short film, No
One Likes A Hero...

Out December the 20th, Chris as this I have been heavily influenced From seeing an advanced preview,
Benisek, co-producer of the low by various comic and the Scary Movie here at Comic Com magazine can see
budget romantic comedy short film series. As they have more or less led exactly where Benisek is coming
‘Just Another Day’. Brings the way for other from. Overall the narrative is simplis-
us his next installment, spoof productions tic, a teenage boy (played by Daniel
this time venturing in and I just think that Sullivan, who considering this is his
another direction with
No One Likes A Hero.
‘Achievable on a the idea around
them is just comedy
first role, he plays the part excel-
lently). Wakes to find the only object
Drawing influence from low budget and pro- genius. But to be of clothing he has in his wardrobe is a
childhood enjoyments fair some of today’s Spiderman costume.
and the media, Benisek
has come to produce a
vided a good laugh ’ spoofs aren’t really
worth the film that
mild comedy, that basis they are printed on.
its issues around soci- I wanted to do
ety. something about
this, breaking the cur-
Recently he was asked, certain as- rent mould. Instead of being influ-
pects of the film are obvious, but enced by current films, I wanted to
what exactly are you trying to por- go deeper and basically circulate the
tray? ‘Basically from a few seconds in narrative on how individuals can be
it is hard not to guess what that my easily influenced by others and in do-
primary influence is Spiderman, hence ing so not se how they are affecting
why the central protagonist had a others.’
poster and only owns the suit, as well

Subscribe at Comic Com December 2009 1

Once he dons this he gains a fake As well as this costume was another If this project were to be improved
sense of authority and goes around key aspect that he felt make the short upon a screenwriter could be hired to
attempting to solve problems. How- film work, achieve this.
ever in doing so he escalates the
situation further. Were not going to as without it the narrative wouldn’t But overall a bigger budget would
give away exactly what he gets him- have worked. Apparently it was rather help to achieve this, yet for a small
self into as it will defeat the point of cheap; however it did take a reason- scale project it couldn’t have gone
seeing the film for yourselves. Any- able amount of time to arrive so film- better.
way it results in him getting into a ing had to be delayed. Locations were
spot of bother, which causes the another aspect that came out posi- Overall Benisek has performed again
character to have little knowledge of tively was locations; all were suited to creating another production that cap-
his surroundings. Chris’s exact vision and worked rea- tivates the modern audience. With an
sonably well together. original story line he creates a sense
of on going comedy, with a serious
However there are aspects that if twist and overall the team here and
given the time and funds would go Comic Com gave ‘No One Likes A
back and improve upon. To increase Hero’ a four star rating. Overall the
the quality of the film, he would have concept is great and is continuously
preferred more time for the filming entertaining.
and editing process so any shots that However in terms of quality it could
didn’t work and needed to be re shot have a more professional aesthetic
or needed editing that was time con- and with it being a short film it needs
Talking to Chris about it gave us here suming could be underwent. to advertise itself more to gain main-
at Comic Con an insight of how film- stream attention.
maker’s minds work and in his own Secondly the cast could have been
opinion, Benisek is very proud of his more committed, in a certain sense
work as it is his first solo production one of the cast members was not
and is particularly pleased with cer- available and a last minute resort had
to be used, yet this did not tend to This short film soon to hit certain
affect the filming process much. Col- screens is really worth a watch, espe-
laboration is another route Benisek cially for all you Spiderman fans out
would have liked to have followed, as there.
he would be able to gain creative
comments throughout and always More info on this film visit its official web-
gain a second opinion. site




Certificate: 12
Director: Chris Benisek
tain aspects. This includes his narra-
Cast: Daniel Sullivan, Helena Beeson,
tive concept as its original, is very Tobias Hampson and Daniel sullivan
achievable on a low budget and pro- Running Time: 5 Minutes 19 Seconds
vided a good laugh to watch back.
Also with the casting he was pleased The final point is the most important
on how compliant they were and in his own mind. His production could
even in awkward situations such as be more comical, this is a large issue If you liked This articles check out our
suiting up in the middle of a crowded
train station, they managed to stay in
as its hard to appeal to a vast audi- review on James Cameron's epic,Avatar
ence in terms of comedy.
a professional state of mind and do soon to hit theaters in the UK. On Page 5
what was required.

Subscribe at Comic Com December 2009 2

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