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AC131, February 3, 2014

La Mujer Indigena The Native Woman

We, Filipino women, have different roles in our society. And we can see that our roles,
actions, behavior, and rights many years ago are far more different than it is in our time today.
In my own opinion, we can say that theres really a big change on us women compared to the
women several years ago. But for me, those changes bring good and bad effects in our lives.
Several things that made us women changed for the better, things that benefit not only us, but
also our society. But having read La Mujer Indigena The Native Women, there are some roles,
actions, behaviors and rights of women before that are unknown or that we never knew that
women were before the colonizers or foreigners came.

I thought that only men can go to school and study different things because thats what
most teachers say in school when I was still young. That education, many years ago, is for boys
only. But knowing that education was an opportunity for both sexes, you can really say that
women are part of the society that time. And for me, it was great because everyone deserves to
learn new and study different things in life.

About marriage, arranged marriage is what I dont like in the traditions of the early
civilizations. Choosing who you want for your child to marry is not acceptable and a good idea.
Giving dowries in my own point of view is not a good idea even if it makes the man to give
respect to the parents and become responsible. But now that this is gone, instead of seeing it as a
good effect, it turns out that it gives a bad effect in our society because people easily get married
and some are irresponsible. Even if the parents do not agree, some people dont care anymore.

For me having an equal importance to both men and women is very important because
there were no such things and rules that said that men or women must be the most powerful and
must give importance and respect. We are all the same, people. We just differ in physical
appearance but we have the same thinking and knowledge. All of us deserve to learn and
experience different things. Without women, men can be nothing. Same goes to women. Without
each other, we cannot produce offspring; we cannot do other things and more.

We can say that people before were already civilized. Women, that time, have obligations
and rights to be a part of the family matters, society and government or political field. We
women have privileges and can be a great leader. We can manage serious matters like in politics
or even trading or business. That even before, women proved that we play an important role and
deserve to be a part of the society.

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