Murder in The Cathedral As A Play of Christian Martyrdom

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I give my life
To the Law of o! a"ove the Law of Ma#$
Tho%e who !o #ot !o the %ame
How %ho&l! they '#ow what I !o(
I# T$S$ Eliot*% late+ ,oet+y a#! -M&+!e+ i# the Cathe!+al. the+e i% a te#!e#/y fo+ the ,oet
to fo/&% o# the h&ma# /o#!itio#0 e%,e/ially a% it +elate% to Ch+i%tia#ity$ Thi% !i%/&%%io#
will "egi# with the theme% of life0 !eath a#! Ch+i%tia#ity i# -M&+!e+ i# the Cathe!+al.
a#! the# the late+ ,oem% of -A%h 1e!#e%!ay0. -2&+#t No+to#. a#! the -A+iel Poem%$
Othe+0 mo+e /y#i/al wo+'%0 %&/h a% -The Love So#g of 3$ Alf+e! P+&f+o/'0. -e+o#tio#0.
-The 1a%te La#!. a#! the %ati+e% will al%o "e a!!+e%%e!0 "&t with le%% em,ha%i% o# the%e
-M&+!e+ i# the Cathe!+al. i% a ,lay a"o&t the ma+ty+!om of A+/h"i%ho, Thoma% 2e/'et$
2e/'et +et&+#% f+om F+a#/e to E#gla#! afte+ %eve# yea+% of e4ile a#! i% /o#f+o#te! "y
fo&+ Tem,te+%$ The tem,tatio#% ta'e the fo+m of alte+#ative% f+om whi/h 2e/'et i%
o"ligate! to /hoo%e$ I# /o#f+o#ti#g 2e/'et0 the Fi+%t Tem,te+ tell% 2e/'et to +e/ove+ hi%
favo+% with 5i#g He#+y to +e%to+e the %it&atio# that e4i%te! "efo+e 2e/'et*% !i%loyalty$
The Se/o#! Tem,te+ tell% 2e/'et to +egai# the Offi/e of Cha#/ello+ a#! &%e it% ,owe+ fo+
hi% ow# glo+y$ 2e/'et i% a%'e! "y the Thi+! Tem,te+ to 6oi# fo+/e% with the "a+o#% to
ove+th+ow the 5i#g fo+ the "e#efit of "oth the Ch&+/h a#! the "a+o#%$ The Fo&+th
Tem,te+ i% the mo%t im,o+ta#t "e/a&%e he tell% &%0
-I am o#ly he+e0 Thoma%0 to tell yo& what yo& '#ow$
The Fo&+th Tem,te+ tell% the +ea!e+ what i% goi#g o# i# 2e/'et*% mi#!$ Hi% a!vi/e to
2e/'et i% to
Fa+e fo+wa+! to the e#!$
2e/'et li%te#% to thi% Tem,te+ "e/a&%e it i% hi% ow# tho&ght% that /o#f+o#t him$ The
Tem,te+ tell% him0
2&t thi#'0 Thoma%0 thi#' of glo+y afte+ !eath$
2e/'et*% +ea/tio# i% #egative0
I well '#ow that the%e tem,tatio#%
Mea# ,+e%e#t va#ity a#! f&t&+e to+me#t$
a#! !e/i!e%0
The la%t tem,tatio# i% the g+eate%t t+ea%o#;
To !o the +ight !ee! fo+ the w+o#g +ea%o#$
2e/'et !e/i!e% that he m&%t #ot let the ,o%%i"ility of +e/eivi#g glo+y afte+ hi% ma+ty+!om
affe/t hi% +e/eivi#g that ma+ty+!om$ He m&%t -#o lo#ge+ a/t o+ %&ffe+.
"&t lo%e -hi% will
i# the 1ill of o!$.
De%ti#y will ta'e it% /o&+%e$ Thi% e/hoe% the Cho+&% of 1ome# at
the "egi##i#g of the ,lay;
De%ti#y wait% i# the ha#! of o!0 %ha,i#g the %till &#%ha,e#?
2e/'et0 fa/e! with the tem,tatio# a#! hi% ow# /e+tai# !eath0 !oe% the o#ly thi#g he /a#
!o$ He await% !e%ti#y0 the 1ill of o!0 hi% /e+tai# !eath0 #eithe+ a/ti#g o+ %&ffe+i#g$ It i%
a !eath with #o tho&ght% of glo+y0 fo+ that wo&l! mea# !am#atio#$ I# hi% a//e,ta#/e of
!eath0 2e/'et i% f+ee$ It i% hi% %&"mi%%io# to the 1ill of o! that %et% him f+ee$
A ma6o+ theme "egi#% whe# the Fo&+th Tem,te+ tell% 2e/'et;
Yo& hol! the %'ei#; wi#!0 Thoma%0 wi#!
The th+ea! of ete+#al life a#! !eath?.
Thi% theme i% !evelo,e! i#to a 'i#! of ,a+a!o4 th+o&gh whi/h 2e/'et !efi#e% hi% !e%ti#y
B hi% ma+ty+!om$ 2e/'et li#'% the Ch+i%tma% C 2i+th a#! Pa%%io# C Death togethe+ to
e4,+e%% the f&ll mea#i#g of ma+ty+!om$ Eliot im,lie% a g+eat !eal with the te+m
-ma+ty+!om0. mo%t li'ely hi% ow# view of Ch+i%tia#ity0 whe# he ha% 2e/'et %ay;
A ma+ty+!om i% #eve+ the !e%ig# of ma#D fo+ the t+&e ma+ty+ i% he who ha% "e/ome the
i#%t+&me#t of o!0 who ha% lo%t hi% will i# the 1ill of o!0 #ot lo%t it "&t fo&#! it0 fo+ he
ha% fo&#! f+ee!om i# %&"mi%%io# to o!$ The ma+ty+ #o lo#ge+ !e%i+e% a#ythi#g fo+
him%elf0 #ot eve# the glo+y of ma+ty+!om$
Ma+ty+!om "e/ome% a meta,ho+ fo+ Ch+i%tia#ity i# the ,lay0 o+ how a Ch+i%tia# %ho&l!
+e%,o#! to o!$ M+$ Eliot i% !efi#i#g Ch+i%tia#ity$
Thi% ma+ty+!om C Ch+i%tia#ity0 !eath C "i+th0 Pa%%io# C Ch+i%tma% theme i% /o#%i%te#t i#
Eliot*% ,oet+y afte+ -The 1a%tela#!$. It i% %t+e%%e! i# the A+iel ,oem%$ I# -3o&+#ey of the
Magi0. the Magi loo'% &,o# 3e%&%* "i+th0 E&e%tio#i#g the %ig#ifi/a#/e$ 1a% it 2i+th0
o#ly( The Magi ha! %ee# "i+th a#! !eath "efo+e "&t ha! -tho&ght them !iffe+e#t$.

1he# he %ee% the "i+th of 3e%&%0 he i% al%o awa+e of 3e%&%* Death a#! that "+i#g% fo+th hi%
awa+e#e%% of hi% ow# !eath$ Hi% ow# -ma+ty+!om. i% ma!e i# hi% awa+e#e%% of hi% !eath$
1he# the Magi goe% "a/' to hi% 'i#g!om0 hi% life ha% /ha#ge! B he i%
?#o lo#ge+ at ea%e he+e0 i# the ol! !i%,e#%atio#0
1ith a# alie# ,eo,le /l&t/hi#g thei+ go!%$
The -ol! !i%,e#%atio#. e/hoe% -M&+!e+ i# the Cathe!+al$. The -ol! !i%,e#%atio#0. thi%
-alie# ,eo,le. a+e the ,eo,le 2e/'et ,+ea/he% a"o&t i# the -I#te+l&!e. of -M&+!e+ i# the
Cathe!+al$. Thi% -alie# ,eo,le. i% the wo+l! whi/h -/a##ot &#!e+%ta#!$.
I# -A So#g fo+ Simeo#. thi% !eath C "i+th image+y i% agai# ,+evale#t;
Now at thi% "i+th %ea%o# of !e/ea%e0
Let the I#fa#t0 the %till &#%,ea'i#g a#! &#%,o'e# 1o+!0
+a#t I%+ael*% /o#%olatio#
To o#e who ha% eighty yea+% a#! #o toFmo++ow$
Simeo# i% a ve+y im,o+ta#t em"o!ime#t of thi% !eath C "i+th image+y %i#/e he i% the o#e
?wo&l! #ot %ee !eath &#til he ha! %ee# the Lo+!*% Me%%iah$
Th&% at o#e a#! the %ame time Simeo# !ie% whe# he %ee% 3e%&% a#! live% th+o&gh hi%
a//e,ta#/e of 3e%&%$ He a%'% 3e%&% to -+a#t me my ,ea/e$.
-Pea/e. e/hoe% i#
-M&+!e+ i# the Cathe!+al. whe# 2e/'et /omme#t%0
G3e%&%H gave to Hi% !i%/i,le% ,ea/e0 "&t #ot ,ea/e a% the wo+l! give%$.
Agai# the -ol! !i%,e#%atio#. of the wo+l! i% e/hoe!$ Simeo# gai#% ,ea/e th+o&gh hi%
ma+ty+!om$ I# the 2i"le Simeo# +efe+% to 3e%&% a% hi% Ma%te+$ .A So#g fo+ Simeo#
Let thy %e+va#t !e,a+t0
havi#g %ee# thy %alvatio#$
Thi% i% f+om -A#im&la;.
The heavy "&+!e# of the g+owi#g %o&l
Pe+,le4e% a#! offe#!% mo+e0 !ay "y !ayD
The ,ai# of livi#g a#! the !+&g of !+eam%
C&+l &, the %mall %o&l i# the wi#!ow %eat
2ehi#! the -E#/y/lo,ae!ia 2+itta#i/a$.
Fea+i#g the wa+m +eality0 the offe+e! goo!0?
The i##o/e#t /hil! i% ,e+/he! ,e+ilo&%ly /lo%e to the /o++&,t hi%to+y of the wo+l!0 the
-E#/y/lo,ae!ia 2+itta#i/a I-?the wo+l! that i% wholly fo&l$.
Eliot e#!% -A#im&la0.
P+ay fo+ &% #ow a#! at the ho&+ of o&+ "i+th$
The a/t&al fo+m of thi% ,+aye+ i%
P+ay fo+ &% #ow a#! at the ho&+ of o&+ !eath$
a#! /a# "e fo&#! i# thi% fo+m i# -A%h 1e!#e%!ay$.
The ,+aye+ of !eath i% t&+#e! i#to
the ,+aye+ of "i+th$ 2i+th "e/ome% %omethi#g to fea+$ Eliot em,ha%iKe% the i#/+ea%i#g
i#fl&e#/e of the wo+l! &,o# the /hil! i# -A#im&la$. The /hil! i% %lowly0 "&t %&+ely0 "ei#g
th+&%t i#to the hi%to+y a#! +eality of ma#$ The wo+l! will a!ve+%ely affe/t the /hil!$
2etwee# "i+th a#! !eath i% life B it i% the &#+eal +ealm of time0 the
2etwee# &#F"ei#g a#! "ei#g
fo&#! i# -2&+#t No+to#$. Life i# the late+ ,oet+y of Eliot i% m&/h li'e the %tag#ate!
e4i%te#/e of 3$ Alf+e! P+&f+o/'$ Life i%
1ave+i#g "etwee# the ,+ofit a#! the lo%%
I# thi% "+ief t+a#%it whe+e the !+eam% /+o%%
The !+eam/+o%%e! twilight "etwee# "i+th a#! !yi#g
Thi% i% the time of te#%io# "etwee# !yi#g a#! "i+th?
Life i% !efi#e! "y time$ Time i% a h&ma# i#ve#tio# &%e! to avoi! the -%till ,oi#t. B the
awa+e#e%% of the mome#t$ Co#%/io&%#e%% i% avoi!e! th+o&gh time$ Eliot t+ie% to !o away
with the /o#/e,t of time i# -2&+#t No+to#$. E#!i#g% ,+e/e!e "egi##i#g%$ Co#t+a!i/tio#%
e4i%t %i!eF"yF%i!e$ Life "e/ome% -a wo+l! of %,e/&latio#$.
Eliot %ee% ma# a% t+a,,e! o#
ea+th i# time;
I# the %mall /i+/le of ,ai# withi# the %'&ll
Yo& %till %hall t+am, a#! t+ea! o#e e#!le%% +o&#!
Of tho&ght0 to 6&%tify yo&+ a/tio# to yo&+%elve%0
1eavi#g a fi/tio# whi/h &#+avel% a% yo& weave0
Pa/i#g fo+eve+ i# the hell of ma'eF"elieve
1hi/h #eve+ i% "elief; thi% i% yo&+ fate o# ea+th?$
Eliot %ee% life flowi#g th+o&gh ma#*% mi#! th+o&gh time$ 2&t time ,+o!&/e% &#+eality$
To "e /o#%/io&% i% #ot to "e i# time?$
E%/a,e time0 the wheel that /o#%ta#tly t&+#% a+o&#! a#! a+o&#!0 /o#ti#&o&%ly +et&+#i#g to
the %ame ,la/e0 a#! yo& e%/a,e &#+eality$
To e%/a,e time0 yo& m&%t e%/a,e the t&+#i#g wheel to the -%till ,oi#t$. The %till ,oi#t i%
#otFtime$ It i% a mome#t of /o#%/io&%#e%% that /a##ot "e !efi#e! tem,o+ally$
I /a# o#ly %ay0 the+e we have "ee#D "&t I /a##ot %ay whe+e$
A#! I /a##ot %ay0 how lo#g0 fo+ that i% to ,la/e it i# time$
Eliot*% image of the %tillF,oi#t i% !i+e/tly +elate! to Ch+i%tia#ity$ Eliot*% image fo+ time i%
the wheel$ At the a4le of thi% wheel i% the %till ,oi#t B a ,oi#t whi/h i% %till a#! !oe% #ot
move th+o&gh %,a/e$ A# a#alogy /a# "e !+aw# "etwee# thi% %till ,oi#t a#! Ch+i%tia#ity$
Time i% mea%&+e! 2C a#! AD B i# +elatio#%hi, to 3e%&% Ch+i%t$ The %till ,oi#t of time i%
3e%&%* "i+th$ Howeve+0 Eliot +efe+% to the /+o%% of 3e%&%* Pa%%io# a% the -a4leFt+ee$
Eliot /om"i#e% the 2i+th C Ch+i%tma% a#! Death C Pa%%io# togethe+ i#to the %till ,oi#t$
O&t of thi% 2i+th a#! Death /ome% 3e%&%* ma+ty+!om B a#! the "egi##i#g of Ch+i%tia#ity$
Eliot*% %till ,oi#t i% Ch+i%tia#ity$
H&ma# 'i#! /a##ot "ea+ ve+y m&/h +eality$
Time i% a# avoi!a#/e of +eality$ O#ly "y +ea/hi#g fo+ the %till ,oi#t /a# a ,e+%o# "e/ome
The fool0 fi4e! i# hi% folly0 may thi#'
He /a# t&+# the wheel o# whi/h he t&+#%$
Ma# /a##ot avoi! the ,+e%e#t "y loo'i#g i#to the ,a%t o+ f&t&+e0 fo+ the ,a%t a#! f&t&+e
a+e i#ve#tio#% of ma# B the /o#/e,t of time$ The wheel i% t&+#i#g a#! /o#%ta#tly
+e,eati#g0 "&t the %till ,oi#t i% %ta"le$
Ma# i% t+a,,e! i# time;
O#ly a fli/'e+
Ove+ the %t+ai#e! timeF+i!!e# fa/e%
Fille! with fa#/ie% a#! em,ty of mea#i#g
T&mi! a,athy with #o /o#/e#t+atio#
Me# a#! "it% of ,a,e+0 whi+le! "y the /ol! wi#!
That "low% "efo+e a#! afte+ time0
1i#! i# a#! o&t of &#whole%ome l&#g%
Time "efo+e a#! time afte+$
E+&/tatio# of &#healthy %o&l%
I#to the fa!e! ai+0 the to+,i!
D+ive# o# the wi#! that %wee,% the gloomy hill% of Lo#!o#
Ham,%tea! a#! Cle+'e#well0 Cam,!e# a#! P&t#ey0
Highgate0 P+im+o%e a#! L&!gate$ Not he+e
Not he+e the !a+'#e%%0 i# thi% twitte+i#g wo+l!$
Nea+ the e#! of M&+!e+ i# the Cathe!+al the '#ight% +atio#aliKe thei+ +ea%o#% fo+ 'illi#g
the a+/h"i%ho,$ The Se/o#! 5#ight %ay% that they we+e totally !i%i#te+e%te! i# the
m&+!e+0 that they ha! #othi#g to gai# "y it$ The Thi+! 5#ight %ay% that the %tate 'ille!
him0 that eve+yo#e i# the a&!ie#/e i% ,a+tly +e%,o#%i"le fo+ hi% !eath$ A#! the Fo&+th
5#ight mai#tai#% that the a+/h"i%ho, /ommitte! -S&i/i!e while of U#%o&#! Mi#!$. Eliot
i% &%i#g i+o#y "y havi#g the 5#ight% e4,lai# away the m&+!e+ a"%&+!ly B they a+e -alie#
,eo,le. who -/a##ot &#!e+%ta#!$. Thi% i% thei+ live%0 f&ll of !+eam%0 &#t+&th% a#! a"%&+!
+atio#aliKatio#%$ 2e/'et*% /omme#t% to hi% P+ie%t*% wo&l! fit the 5#ight% 6&%t a% well;
Yo& a+g&e "y +e%&lt%0 a% thi% wo+l! !oe%0
To %ettle if a# a/t "e goo! o+ "a!$
Eliot al%o !e%/+i"e% Hell i# -M&+!e+ i# the Cathe!+al;.
The white flat fa/e of Death0 o!*% %ile#t %e+va#t0
A#! "ehi#! the fa/e of Death the 3&!geme#t
A#! "ehi#! the 3&!geme#t0 the Loi!0 mo+e ho++i! tha# a/tive %ha,e% of hellD
Em,ti#e%%0 a"%e#/e0 %e,a+atio# f+om o!D
The ho++o+ of the effo+tle%% 6o&+#ey0 to the em,ty la#!
1hi/h i% #o la#!0 o#ly em,ti#e%%0 a"%e#/e0 the Loi!0
1he+e tho%e who we+e me# /a# #o lo#ge+ t&+# the mi#!
To !i%t+a/tio#0 !el&%io#0 e%/a,e i#to !+eam0 ,+ete#%e0
1he+e the %o&l i% #o lo#ge+ !e/eive!0 fo+ the+e a+e #o o"6e/t%0 #o to#e%0
No /olo&+%0 #o fo+m% to !i%t+a/t0 to !ive+t the %o&l
F+om %eei#g it%elf0 fo&lly &#ite! fo+eve+0 #othi#g with #othi#g0
Not what we /all !eath0 "&t what "eyo#! !eath i% #ot !eath0
1e fea+0 we fea+$
-The Love So#g of 3$ Alf+e! P+&f+o/'. ,e+ha,% !e,i/t% Eliot a#! hi% /y#i/i%m towa+!%
life witho&t Ch+i%t$ It i% a !e,+e%%i#gly !+ea+y e4i%te#/e B o#e that wo&l! have "ee# of
mo+e wo+th ha! it "ee# the life of a /+a" /+awli#g alo#g the o/ea# floo+$ Time ,a%t i%
,+e%e#t a% hi%to+y i# -e+o#tio#$. The -/&##i#g ,a%%age%. of hi%to+y !e/eive ma#$
Hi%to+y i% #othi#g mo+e that a +e/o+! of ma#*% /o++&,tio#%0 hi% m&ltit&!i#o&% fall% a#!
%i#%$ O#ly the ,a%t i% /o++&,t i# -e+o#tio#$. I# -2&+#t No+to#. all time0 "e/a&%e it
i#hi"it% /o#%/io&%#e%% of the %till ,oi#t0 i% /o++&,t$ Eliot*% !i%may at the -T+&e Ch&+/h.
f+om -The Hi,,o,otam&%. %till e4i%t% i# hi% late+ ,oet+y$ The -T+&e Ch&+/h. i% the -ol!
!i%,e#%atio#. of Eliot*% late+ ve+%e$ Eve# tho&gh Eliot i% a Ch+i%tia# i# hi% late+ ,oet+y0 he
i% "y #o mea#% a# o+!i#a+y Ch+i%tia#$ He %till %e,a+ate% him%elf f+om the -T+&e Ch&+/h.
B hi% "elief% a+e &#a!&lt&+ate!$
1ith -The 1a%te La#!. /ome% what /a# "e %ai! to "e Eliot*% ma+ty+!om B hi% !eath0 hi%
total !i%g&%t fo+ time a#! life$ 1ith -A%h 1e!#e%!ay. Eliot i% "o+# agai#D he
?/o#%t+&/t% %omethi#g
U,o# whi/h to +e6oi/e$.

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