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City of Boise
FY 2014 Interim Budget Changes
July 15, 2014

Revenue Neutral Changes

1. Fire (General Fund) Mobile Multi-band Radios: $183,552 (one-time)

Fire requests approval of a revenue neutral appropriation increase of $183,552 to accept the
remaining balance from the 2012 FEMA Assistance to Firefighters grant, which was approved
by City Council on June 4, 2013 (RES-172-13). Grant funds will be used to purchase additional
radios and radio speaker mics on behalf of not only Boise Fire but also the Eagle Fire and
Meridian Fire Departments. The grant requires a grant match of 20%, or $171,000, which is
already built into the departments budget.

Source/Use Fund Dept/Org Acct. Type
Budget Change
Source General Fire Grant Revenue $149,814 $333,366 $183,552
Use General Fire Major Equipment $69,695 $253,247 $183,552

2. Police (General Fund) Airport Contract Reduction: -1.0 FTE, -$135,227 (base)

Police and the Airport have mutually determined to reduce the amount of Police K9 staffing at
the Airport by one FTE to more accurately align resources with service demands. This
elimination results in a one-time reduction of appropriation in FY14 of $67,613, and a base
reduction in FY15 of $135,227. The new annual contract amounts will be $2,432,387 and
$2,364,773, respectively.

Source/Use Fund Dept/Org Acct. Type
Budget Change
Source General Police Police Contract $663,884 $528,657 -$135,227
Use General Police Personnel $536,085 $400,858 -$135,227

Expenditure Changes

3. Airport (Airport Fund) Rental Car Lot/Lot 30 Expansion: $197,572 (one-time)

Airport requests approval of a $197,572 budget increase to the Rental Car Lot and/or Lot 30
Expansion capital projects funded by unallocated funds related to the Parking Lot Rehabilitation
capital project. This budgetary increase will bring the combined project costs to $1,315,722.

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On May 20, 2014, City Council approved interim budget changes to the inter-related Rental Car
Lot and the Lot 30 Expansion capital projects in the amounts of $160,000 and $740,000,
respectively. Since no bids were received, as allowed by purchasing rules, the project manager is
currently negotiating with a local contractor to get the contract within the $1.3M range. These
projects are time sensitive and need to be complete by 10/1/14. As final numbers have not been
determined, once known, the appropriation will be distributed accordingly.

Source/Use Fund Dept/Org Acct. Type
Budget Change
Source Capital Airport
CIP Parking Lot
Rehab $200,000 $2,428 -$197,572
Use Capital Airport CIP Rental Car Lot $278,479 $ $
Use Capital Airport CIP Lot 30 $839,721 $ $

4. Public Works (Capital Fund) Downtown Circulator Study (Alternative Analysis):
$63,000 (one-time)

Public Works requests approval of a $63,000 budget increase to the Downtown Circulator Study
capital project funded by the Capital Facilities Contingency. Public Works is managing this
project and the steering committee has identified four zones for analysis. The current budget is
sufficient to cover three of the areas; therefore, this budget request will expand the project scope
to include the fourth zone, Downtown West, and also will provide a high level analysis of the
Whitewater Park Area.

Source/Use Fund Dept/Org Acct. Type
Budget Change
Source Capital Intergov Capital Facilities $6,219,375 $6,156,375 -$63,000
Use Capital Public Works Capital Project $7,703,924 $7,766,924 $63,000

Informational Only

5. Fire (General Fund) FTE Transfer: $0 (base)

Fire has received a 1.0 FTE transfer from Police & Fire Finance Administration (PFFA),
resulting in a revised total FTE count of 279.25 for Fire, and 12.0 for PFFA. The position was
reclassed, which resulted in a slight expenditure increase, but Fire will cover the additional costs

David H. Bieter
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