Delhi Police Asstt. Sub-Inspector (Shorthand Reporter-Hindi) Recruitment 2014, Delhi Police Asstt. Sub-Inspector (Shorthand Re

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Sub-Inspector (Shorthand
Reporter-Hindi) Recruitment - Delhi Police
Entrance Exam 2!"
Delhi Police Recruitment for Asstt. Sub - Inspector (
Shorthand Reporter Hindi ) 2!"
#li$ibilit% &riteria for the post of Asstt. Sub-Inspector
(Shorthand Reporter-Hindi)
#ducational 'ualification
Higher Secondary (10!" or e#ui$alent from a recogni%ed &oard at
the time of filling u' of a''lication form(
Professional Attainments
S'eed in Hindi Shorthand ) *0 +ords 'er minute(
S'eed in Hindi ,y'ing ) !- +ords 'er minute(
1* to !- years as on 01(01(!01.( /'to .- years +ido+s0di$orced
+omen and +omen 1udicially se'arated from their hus&ands and
+ho are not re2married( /'to .0 years for de'artmental candidates
of 3elhi Police( Ex2Ser$icemen as 'er rules(
(ote !)
Delhi Police Asstt. Sub-Inspector (Shorthand Reporter-Hindi) Recruitmen...
1 of 10 10/7/2014 6:32 PM
A 4de'artmental candidate5 means +ho has rendered minimum
three years regular and continuous ser$ice in 3elhi Police(
(ote 2)
An 4Ex2Ser$iceman5 means a 'erson6 +ho has ser$ed in any ran7
+hether as a com&atant or non2com&atant in Army6 Na$y or Air
8orce of the Indian /nion and +ho retired from such ser$ice after
earning his 'ension(
(ote ")
Ex2Ser$icemen +ho ha$e already secured em'loyment under
Central 9o$ernment in 9rou' :C; < :3; 'osts on regular &asis after
a$ailing of the &enefits of reser$ation gi$en to Ex2Ser$icemen for
their re2em'loyment are N=, eligi&le for fee concession or for
claiming &enefits of reser$ation under Ex2Ser$icemen category(
Ho+e$er6 they are eligi&le for the age relaxation only(
Ph%sical *easurement Standards
*ale &andidates
(i" Height21>- cms6 relaxa&le &y - cms for residents of hill
(ii" Chest2?*2*! cms6 relaxa&le &y - cms for residents of hill
+emale &andidates
Height 21-? cms6 relaxa&le &y - cms for residents of hill areas6
Ph%sical endurance tests
*ale candidates )
(i" 1>00 metres race in 0? minutes (#ualifying"(
(ii" @ong Aum' 21!(> feet in three chances
(iii" High Aum' B .(> feet in three chances
+emale candidates
(i" *00 metres race in 0- minutes (#ualifying"(
(ii" @ong Aum' 2 0C feet in three chances
#ther Details
o$ Delhi Police
Exam 2!"
Decruitment 8or
3elhi Police
Su& Ins'ector
Decruitment 8or
3elhi Police
Decruitment 8or 3elhi
(Shorthand De'orter2
Hindi" Decruitment 8or
3elhi Police
Head Consta&le
(Store Cler7"
Decruitment 8or 3elhi
(Eugler" <
Consta&le (Eandsman"
(Fale" Decruitment 8or
3elhi Police
Decruitment 8or 3elhi
#ther Asstt.

Delhi Police Asstt. Sub-Inspector (Shorthand Reporter-Hindi) Recruitmen...
2 of 10 10/7/2014 6:32 PM
(iii" High Aum' B 0. feet in three chances
Ph%sical endurance tests for #,-Ser-iceman candidates
*ale candidates )-
8rom the age of a&o$e .0 < u'to G0 years)
(i" 1>00 metres race in 0* minutes (#ualifying"(
(ii" @ong Aum' B 11(> feet in three chances
(iii" High Aum' B .(. feet in three chances
+rom the a$e of . %ears and abo-e )
(i" 1>00 metres race in 0? minutes (#ualifying"(
(ii" @ong Aum' 210(> feet in three chances
(iii" High Aum' B 0. feet in three chances
+emale candidates )
+rom the a$e of abo-e " / upto . %ears)
(i" *00 metres race in 0> minutes (#ualifying"(
(ii" @ong Aum' 2 0* feet in three chances
(iii" High Aum' B !(> feet in three chances
*edical Standard
,he candidates should &e of sound state of health6 free from defect6
deformity or disease( Eoth eyes should ha$e a $ision >01! +ith or
+ithout glasses( No relaxation is allo+ed to any category of
candidates on this count(
#,am Scheme for the post of Asstt. Sub-Inspector
(Shorthand Reporter-Hindi)
0ritten 1est
All candidates6 +ho #ualify the PE<F,6 shall &e 'ut through a
+ritten test of 1H hours duration +hich +ill carry 100 mar7s( ,he
'a'er shall &e of an o&1ecti$e ty'e and include #uestions on 9eneral
Ino+ledge (!- mar7s"6 Arithmetic (!- mar7s"6 Deasoning (!-
mar7s" and Hindi (!- mar7s"( ,he #uestion 'a'er of 9eneral
%or Police
3elhi Police Police
entrance Asstt(
(Shorthand De'orter2
Hindi" Decruitment

Delhi Police Asstt. Sub-Inspector (Shorthand Reporter-Hindi) Recruitmen...
3 of 10 10/7/2014 6:32 PM
Ino+ledge6 Arithmetic and Deasoning shall &e in &ilingual i(e(
English < Hindi(
Shorthand 1est2 1%pin$ 1est on &omputer
,he candidates +ho come +ithin the range of merit of +ritten test
e#ual to ten (10" times the num&er of $acancies shall &e called to
ta7e the (i" Shorthand ,est and (ii" ,y'ing ,est on com'uter(
Shorthand 1est)-
,he shorthand test shall carry maximum !- mar7s( ,he dictation of
Hindi Shorthand test +ill &e of 0- minutes duration and the time
allo+ed for transcri'tion of Shorthand 'assage +ill &e G- minutes(
8i$e 'ercent (-J" of the mista7es of the total test dictated (G00
+ords" at the time of the test are allo+ed to the candidates( If the
mista7es are more than -J i(e( a&o$e !0 mista7es6 he0she is
considered ha$ing failed in the test(
1%pin$ 1est)-
,he Hindi ty'ing test on com'uter +ill &e of 10 minutes duration
and the test shall carry maximum !- mar7s( ,he candidates +ill &e
allotted mar7s according to s'eed achie$ed in the ty'ing
&omputer 1est
=nly those candidates +ho #ualify the shorthand and ty'ing tests
+ill &e allo+ed to a''ear in the com'uter ,est( ,he com'uter test
+ill &e tested on +ord2'rocessing soft+are (FS2Kord etc(" +hich
+ill &e of #ualifying nature( ,he candidates +ill &e gi$en 10 minutes
time to format the ty'ed 'assage in the same +ay as it is in the
su''lied hand2out and to 'rint the 'assage in the 'rinter( =ut of
the 10 mar7s for the formatting !0 features carrying H mar7s each6
the candidates should secure atleast 0> mar7s to #ualify(
+inal Result
,he final result +ill &e 're'ared on the &asis of mar7s o&tained in
Kritten Examination (100 mar7s"6 Shorthand ,est (!- mar7s" and
,y'ing ,est on com'uter (!- mar7s"( Khere e#ual mar7s ha$e
&een o&tained &y candidates their merit +ill &e fixed as 'er date of
&irth( ,he older candidate +ill &e gi$en 'reference and in case the
date of &irth is also the same6 mar7s in the +ritten test +ould
decide the merit(
*ode of +illin$ / Submission of Application +orm

Delhi Police Asstt. Sub-Inspector (Shorthand Reporter-Hindi) Recruitmen...
4 of 10 10/7/2014 6:32 PM
A''lication forms shall &e a$aila&le to the candidates in the
follo+ing +ay) 2
i" A''lication form shall &e a$aila&le 4on2line5 on 3elhi Police
Ke&sites +++(delhi'olicerecruitment(nic(in <
+++(delhi'olice(nic(in( Candidate can feed the re#uired data6 ta7e
the 'rint out and send it to Post Eox No *0!06 Ne+ 3elhi21100..
after com'leting the re#uired formalities e(g( affixing a recent
'hotogra'h6 'utting his0her signature6 attaching the 3emand0Ean7
3raft0Ean7erLs che#ue of Ds( 10002 in the name of the
3CP0Decruitment Cell6 3elhi(
ii" A''lication forms can &e do+nloaded from 3elhi Police
+e&sites +++(delhi'olicerecruitment(nic(in <
+++(delhi'olice(nic(in( It can &e filled in &y the candidates and sent
to Post Eox Num&er *0!06 Ne+ 3elhi21100..(
iii" Printed a''lication forms +ould also &e a$aila&le in
Em'loyment Ne+s( Candidates can cut it out6 fill it u' and send to
Post Eox Num&er *0!06 Ne+ 3elhi21100..(
i$" ,he a''lication form 'rinted in the Em'loyment Ne+s or
do+nloaded from the 3elhi Police +e&sites
+++(delhi'olicerecruitment(nic(in < +++(delhi'olice(nic(in can &e
ty'ed0'hotoco'ied on AG si%e 'a'er( It can &e sent to Post Eox
Num&er *0!06 Ne+ 3elhi21100.. after filling it u' and attaching the
Ean7 3raft of Ds( 10002 in the name of 3CP0 Decruitment Cell6 3elhi(
/nder the Decruitment Scheme6 no documents along+ith
a''lication form are re#uired to &e sent and the information gi$en
&y the candidate +ill &e 'resumed to &e correct( ,o see7 fee
exem'tion of Ds( 100026 the SC0S, candidates needs to attach an
attested co'y of caste certificate and Ex2Ser$icemen candidates to
attach attested co'ies of discharge &oo70N(=(C(
&hec3in$ 4f 4ri$inal &ertificates5 Documents
All the original documents0certificates 'ertaining to age6 education6
caste6 hill areas6 N=C0discharge certificate (in case of
Ex2Ser$iceman"6 'roof to a$ail age relaxation as a +ido+0di$orced
01udicially se'arated +oman6 +ould &e chec7ed at the time of
&io2metrics of all the candidates declared successful in PE<F,( ,he
candidates +ill also &e re#uired to su&mit attested 'hoto co'ies of
all the documents0certificates(

Delhi Police Asstt. Sub-Inspector (Shorthand Reporter-Hindi) Recruitmen...
5 of 10 10/7/2014 6:32 PM
i" 8urnishing of false information or su''ression of any factual
information in the a''lication form +ould &e a dis#ualification for
the 1o&(
ii" In the e$ent of any forgery0cheating of any document(s" i(e(
educational certificate6 caste certificate etc(6 &eing detected at any
stage6 &esides cancellation of candidature6 a criminal case +ill also
&e got registered against the candidate as 'er la+ and the
de'artmentLs decision in this regard shall &e final(
6eneral Instructions for All the Posts)
i" A''lication forms +ill &e re1ected if they are )2
a" Incom'lete(
&" Kithout 3emand0Ean7 3raft 0&an7erLs che#ue of
Ds( 10002(
c" Decei$ed in du'licate(
d" Kithout attested co'y of caste certificate in case of
SC0S, and discharge &oo70N=C in case of Ex2Ser$icemen for fee
e" Kithout 'hotogra'h(
f" A''lication form not signed &y the candidate(
ii" ,he candidates should ha$e re#uired educational
#ualification0ex'erience for the 'ost at the time of filling u' of
a''lication form(
iii" 10J $acancies are reser$ed for Ex2ser$icemen as 'er 9=ILs
i$" Candidates see7ing relaxation in height and chest +ill ha$e
to 'roduce rele$ant original documents at the time of 'hysical
i$2a" ,he candidates &elonging to Hill areas i(e( 9arh+alis6
Iumaonis6 9or7has6 3ogras6 Farathas and candidates &elonging to
states of Si77im6 Nagaland6 Arunachal Pradesh6 Fani'ur6 ,ri'ura6
Fi%oram6 Feghalaya6 Assam6 Himachal Pradesh6 Iashmir and @eh <
@ada7h regions of A<I and claiming relaxation in height and chest
+ould ha$e to 'roduce a certificate to this effect (Hill area
certificate" from the com'etent authority i(e( 3C03F0S3F or
,ehsildar of their 'lace of residence +ith the a''lication form and at

Delhi Police Asstt. Sub-Inspector (Shorthand Reporter-Hindi) Recruitmen...
6 of 10 10/7/2014 6:32 PM
the time of Physical Feasurement ,est(
$" Candidates &elonging to =EC category of area other than
3elhi shall ha$e to 'roduce =EC certificate on the 'rescri&ed format
re#uired for a''ointment to 'osts under the 9o$t( of India(
$i" If there is any $ariation in the inter'retation of
+ords0instructions6 the English $ersion +ill 're$ail and the decision
of Police Head#uarters +ill &e final(
$ii" Candidates already +or7ing +ith 9o$t( can a''ly after
intimating to their Head of =ffice0 3e'artment and need not send
another co'y through 'ro'er channel( An underta7ing
to this effect may &e enclosed +ith the a''lication form( ,hey +ill
ha$e to 'ro$ide N(=(C( from their de'artment at the time of
chec7ing of documents(
$iii" If ineligi&ility of a candidate is detected at any stage6
his0her candidature +ill &e cancelled +ithout any 'rior notice(
ix" ,he candidate must &e sure of his0her height6 chest and
educational #ualification6 +hich should conform to the minimum
standards laid do+n(
x" Any change in the schedule already announced +ould &e
dis'layed on the notice &oard of the 3CP0Decruitment Cell6 Ne+
Police @ines6 Iings+ay Cam'6 3elhi and on 4Notice Eoard5 a$aila&le
on the +e&site +++(delhi'olice(nic(in(
xi" Candidate should mention his0her Doll No( on the
a''lication +hile ma7ing any corres'ondence +ith the
3CP0Decruitment Cell( It should &e addressed to the follo+ing)
3CP0Decruitment Cell6 Ne+ Police @ines6 Iings+ay Cam'6 3elhi2
xii" Candidates are ad$ised to 7ee' +ith themsel$es
'hotoco'ies of a''lication form6 admit card and admission card (at
the time of +ritten examination" for ready reference(
xiii" Fedium of instruction in Police ,raining School is Hindi(
xi$" All the candidates +ill &e sent Admit card for PE<F, and for
other tests &y 'ost( ,he de'artment +ill not &e res'onsi&le for
'ostal delay or non recei't of letters( Admission Card for the +ritten
test +ill &e issued to the successful candidates immediately after
the PE<F, at the ground itself(

Delhi Police Asstt. Sub-Inspector (Shorthand Reporter-Hindi) Recruitmen...
7 of 10 10/7/2014 6:32 PM
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Hindi" Decruitment information for the &enifies of Police Career
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