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Thong Nguyen leads Retail Banking, which includes banking centers and ATMs, Customer Service Contact Centers,

Digital Banking, Consumer and Business Lending and Military Banking Overseas. He leads a team providing a full
range of fnancial products and services to nearly 40 million customers through an unmatched coast-to-coast bank-
ing center and ATM network, including the natons leading and award-winning digital banking platorms.
He previously was the Strategy, Sales and Operatons executve for Consumer Banking at Bank of America. Prior to that he was BACs
Corporate Strategy, Planning and Development executve and was responsible for M&A/dispositons actvites, New BAC (the banks
long-term initatve to simplify operatons and reduce costs), the BAC Private Equity portolio and the China Constructon Bank Strategic
Assistance efort.
Prior to his role in Corporate Strategy, Nguyen held various operatonal roles as West Division executve for U.S. Trust, overseeing the
wealth management business; head of Fiduciary Solutons at U.S. Trust; head of Private Advisory Services at Global Private Banking;
Global Corporate and Investment Banking business executve; and head of Global Wealth & Investment Managements Marketng and
Business Development groups.
Before joining Bank of America, Nguyen worked at GE Capital and McKinsey & Co. Nguyen received a B.S. in mechanical engineering
and an M.B.A. in fnance and marketng from Columbia University, and is currently living in Charlote. He serves on the boards of Part-
nership with Children (formerly Big Sisters) and the Consumer Bankers Associaton.
Dennis Arriola is president & CEO of Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas).
Arriola spent most of the past 20 years in a broad range of leadership roles for the Sempra Energy companies. He has
served as president and chief operatng ofcer of SoCalGas since 2012, and was promoted to CEO in 2014.
In 2008, Arriola lef the Sempra Energy companies to become executve vice president and chief fnancial ofcer for SunPower Corp., a
Silicon Valley-based solar panel manufacturer. He rejoined SoCalGas in 2012.
From 2006 to 2008, he was senior vice president and chief fnancial ofcer of both SDG&E and SoCalGas. Previously, Arriola also served
as vice president of communicatons and investor relatons for Sempra Energy and regional vice president and general manager of
Sempras South American operatons. He frst joined the company in 1994 as treasurer for Pacifc Enterprises/SoCalGas.
Arriola serves on the board of directors for the American Gas Associaton, United Way of Greater Los Angeles, Western Energy Insttute,
California Business Roundtable, Latno Donor Collaboratve and Southern California Leadership Council.
Arriola has a masters degree in business administraton from Harvard University and a bachelors degree in economics from Stanford University.
Dennis Arriola, President & Chief Executive Ofcer
Southern California Gas Company
2014 AAPA Leadership Symposium

Keynote Speakers
Thong Nguyen, Strategy, Retail Banking Executive
Bank of America
Bill Imada is founder, chairman and chief collaboraton ofcer of IW Group, a mult-faceted advertsing, marketng
and public relatons agency that specializes in the multcultural consumer and business markets here in the U.S. For
more than two decades, Bill and his colleagues have represented some of the best-known brands in the country,
including American Airlines, AARP, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Southern California Edison, Verizon Wireless, Walmart
Stores, Walt Disney Imagineering, Warner Bros. Pictures Entertainment and Wells Fargo.

Bill is very actve in the community and serves on several natonal and regional boards and advisory councils, including the Adverts-
ing Educatonal Foundaton, Asian/Pacifc Islander American Chamber of Commerce & Entrepreneurship, Center for Asian American
Media, Coaliton of Asian Pacifcs in Entertainment and several others. Earlier this year, Bill was appointed to serve on the Presidents
Advisory Council on Asian Americans and Pacifc Islanders by President Barack Obama.
Bill Imada, Chairman & Chief Collaboration Ofcer
IW Group

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