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Will Kurlinkus
Genre Specifications
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Procedures
4. Results
5. Discussions
6. Conclusions
7. References
! Around 200 Words
! Write this last, after you know your
! Should provide the reader with a brief
summary of everything: the problem
being addressed, what you did
(methodology), your results, and what
they mean.
Common Abstract Errors
! Too long or too short
! Not specific enough
! Vagueness:
! Steels are one of the most widely used materials in the world and
controlling the physical properties they possess has been an engineering
challenge for years.
" This introduction line is a little broad and student like. Id start with the second line.
Remember all the information you provide should be useful to your audience and
specific to the experiment.
! Each sample was viewed under high magnifications and these
predictions were further investigated.
" Some vague language here. What does further investigated mean? What specifically
was investigated?
! Samples that had been water quenched had vast amounts of"
" Vast is a little vague. Vast as compared to what? Use estimated percentages instead.
! This experiment was performed to gain experience in metallography
through comparing steels...
" This is student languagethe experiment was performed to demonstrate the effects of
varying cooling rates on heat treated stealput things in terms of what youre teaching
your audience, not in terms of what you learned
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
! Under 2 Pages
! Creates a context for your entire report.
! Introduces the theory, definitions, diagrams,
and techniques that will be needed to
understand the discussion section.
! Describes the goals of the experiment and
why you are doing it.
! Must balance what the reader does and does
not need to know.
! Describes what you might expect to see.

Common Introduction Errors
! Either giving too much or too little information.
! Dont go into description of your specific procedures,
! Dont give your reader information that wont be useful
in understanding the experiment. But give them all the
information that they will need.
! What is common knowledge and what isnt?
! Dont give vague statements like Metallography is
really important to welding engineering. Without it
engineering would not be what it is today. If you want
to tell us what metallography is and why its important
to what your experiment is about, thats ok. But start
specific and stay specific.
! Every piece of information you provide needs to relate
to what youre doing in the experiment.

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