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divide the given equation by ab and replace put ab=4

2. minute hand rotates 360 deg. In 60 minutes so 360/60=6deg per minute
Similarly hour hand rotates 360/12=30deg in 60 minutes thus 30/60=.5deg per minute.
At 8:30 minute hand is exactly on 6 i.e 180deg from 12.
At 8:00AM hour hand is exactly on 8
After 30minutes hour hand moves by 0.5*30=15deg.
Thus at 8:30AM angle between them is
Angle between 6and 8+ 15
i.e 30*2+15 = 75
3 8
from left::::: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ,---,---,---,--,--,--,--,--,--,--,--
from right::--,--,--,--,--,--,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1
4 to change decimal(base 10) to any base....6 in our case
6|42 | 1(remainder) 6*42 is 252 so remainder 1
6|7 | 0 6*7 is 42
6|1 | 1
6|0 | 1

In reverse order 1101 is the answer.

EXTRA: to convert any base number to decimal
e.g 235 is a number with base 8
2 x 8
+ 3 x 8
+ 5 x 8
= 157 in base 10
5 mona:sona=4:5
Let mona=4x and sona=5x
After 12 years mona=4x+12 and sona= 5x+12
After 12 years ratio is 5:6 thus 4x+12/5x+12=5/6
6 in 1 hour bus travels 54km without stoppages thus distance=54km.
At 45kmph and distance=54km time taken is v=d/t that is t=54/45
Now converting time to minutes 1hr-(54/45)hr is 10 minutes
7 C 9km D


B 9km 16km A
= 12
+ 16
thus AC=20 . now consider distance travelled from both points every hour they will meet
after 4 hours thus 3*4 = 12

8 speed of first train= 40kmph and it takes 4 minutes 37.5 seconds to cross tunnel
Use speed=distance/time
9 assume M and N as 5 and 10 substitue
10 take A=1 B=2 C=3 D=4.... ..Z=26
Subnstitute then add them ....then multiply total by 2 result is the ans.
11 materials, labour and overheads in the ratio of 4:3:2
Let labour= 3x thus 3x=45 thus x=15
Material= 4x=60 and overhead= 2x=30
12 x x x x x x

X x

X x x x x x

13 4(x+2)=3(2x) find x and you get the ans.
14 Sum of present dimension 48+30+52=130. New dimension =156. Increase in
dimension = 26. Ratio of dimensions = 48:30:52 =>24:15:26 Therefore increase in
the shortest side15*(26)/(24+15+26)=6
15 let total articles=100 and cost of each article=100
80% of 100 articles sold at 10% profit thus money generated = 80*110
Remaining 20% sold at 40% loss thus money generated= 20*60
Substarct them result is zero.
16 invalid question
17 ((1-.15)((1-.75)((1-.1)400)))

18. The number of permutations of the letters of the word MESMERISE is-
Solution: The number of different permutations of n objects, where there are n1indistinguishable objects of style
1, n2 indistinguishable objects of style 2, ..., and nk indistinguishable objects of style k, is,
Total number of characters: 9 so total possibility 9!
M is repeated 2 times, E is 3 times, S is 2 times so the answer will be
For more detail:

19. The number of sequences in which 7 players can throw a ball, so that the youngest player may not be the last
20. Let k be an integer such that the sum of the digit of k is 3 and 10
How many values can k have?

21. An advertisement board is to be designed with five vertical stripes using some or all of the colours red, blue,
green .In how many have the same colour?
First we have 3 choices for first strip. For second strip 2 colors(different color than the neighbouring strip) and same
process for other three strips so the answer is:
22. The LCM and HCF of pair of numbers are11 and 1001 respectively. Find the smaller of the number given that
their sum is 220

11a,11b where a and b coprime
11a+11b =220
11ab = 1001
ab = 91
a=13 and b=7 -> smaller number = 11*7 = 77

23. What is HCF of two numbers represented by n(n
+20),n being an even number.?

24. Principal=Rs.760 Time=2yrs amount=Rs960 P*T*R/100=(Amount*R*T)/(100+R*T)
=>(750*2*r)/100=(960*r*2)/(100+2r) =>150r=2100 rate=14%

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