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Kerry Galligan

Growing up, I always knew I didnt want to sit at a desk, day in and day out and crunch
numbers until I went blind. I wanted to use my words. For me, writing has always been a release
and a way for my imagination and creative side to take the lead. I noticed I had a knack for
writing and communications as early as the fourth grade when my parents gave me a video
camera for Christmas. I spent hours upon hours recording my own talk shows and commercials
in the comfort of my living room with my parents laughing at me (they swear they were laughing
with me) the whole way.
I owe my entire persona to my mom and dad- Marcus and Colleen Galligan. Throughout
my life, they have instilled values in me that have made me the person I am today. Theyve never
believed in spoiling their children. They always taught us that we must work hard to get what we
want from this world, and I cannot thank them enough for that.
My dad taught me my passion for music and slapstick films. He has always been the one
who has pushed me to stick with my music, even when I didnt get first chair in the youth
orchestra. When I wanted to learn guitar, he sat with me each day after work until I had Drops
of Jupiter by Train down pat. My mom is also a huge part of my life. Shes extremely old-
fashioned, which, even though it was annoying when I had to be home by 11 p.m. after my
freshman year homecoming dance, has taught me so much about how to live my life. For the past
year, I moved home to take care of my mom. When she was two-years-old, she was diagnosed
with polio, and after her health began declining last year, I decided it was time for me to take
care of her just as she has done for me during my entire existence.
I am the youngest of their three children. I have an older brother, Matt who is just one
year older than me, as well as my oldest sister, Katie, who is four years older than me. My
brother and I are best friends, and as clich as it sounds, partners in crime. When my sister
babysat the two of us for the first time, Matt hid me in a toy chest and told Katie I ran away. We
laughed while my sister nearly set the world record for being the youngest victim of heart failure
in history. My sister and I are total opposites. She values structured schedules and order, while I
value humor and a laid-back lifestyle. Katies just like my mom, in that way. My brother, dad
and I, on the other hand, are quite literally the same person. We even have the same eyebrows.
However, I do have passions outside of the communications field. I have been playing the
violin since I was four-years-old and I often play at weddings or other small gigs as a way of
making some money on the side. I was a competitive Irish step dancer during my middle school
years and was always enrolled in dance classes at my local dance studio, Nancy Dance. My
performing did not stop at dancing and playing the violin. I began singing and acting during my
elementary school years and performed in various community productions up until I began my
college career.
To be honest, my dream would to be performing. I get an adrenaline rush from
performance that is incomparable. However, when reality sets in while youre applying to
college junior year, its a daunting subject to compare the tuition rates of performing arts schools
in New York City to the in-state universities that offer scholarships. Thus, I enrolled myself in
the UNF.
One of the most important things you must know about me is that I have a huge love for
people- all kinds of people. I find nothing more enjoyable than spending time with another
person and getting to know them, and making connections, with depth. I tell jokes more often
than not because I enjoy making people smile- its one of my favorite past-times.
During my time here, I have grown to love the institution and my college experience
more and more year after year. My freshman year got off to a rocky start. I went from being busy
every day of the week in a high school where everyone knew me to sitting alone in my dorm
room all day, feeling jipped of a true college experience. It was at that point that I decided to
rush a sorority, Alpha Chi Omega.
During my time in Alpha Chi Omega, I have personally grown in more ways than I could
ever imagine. I have held leadership positions as publications chair, Relay for Life chair, and
most recently, as the vice president of Public Relations on the executive board. Ive thrown
myself into every opportunity possible: competing in dancing competitions, emceeing
philanthropy events, and planning academic banquets. Ive been able to step outside my comfort
zone and participate in other organizations in the UNF community. I am currently an active
senator within UNFs Student Government Legislative branch. If theres one thing thats rang
true thoughout my life, it is that I dont enjoy doing things halfway, which is why I want my
college experience to be no different.
After this semester, I hope to find an internship at a public relations agency and find out
what I really want to do within the public relations profession. Because I have such a passion for
people and writing, I have no worries that I will be happy with my future career upon graduation
from the university.

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