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Interview Questions And How To Answer Them

1. Tell me about yourself

Hello sir/mrs, my name is Harmansyah (you can calll me Harman), I am 27 years old, I graduated from Sepuluh Nopember
Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya majoring Civil Engineering, I have experiences as Project Control for 1 years at PT.
Krakatau Engineering, as Staff Technic for 4 (four) months at PT. Brantas Abiparaya (Waterworks Contractors), and currently
I work as Civil Engineer at PT. Minarta Dutahutama (Waterworks Contractors). I am able to do the analysis for steel structure,
concrete structure, foundation, and other structures. I can to operate computer program for civil engineering application such
as STAAD PRO, SAP 2000 and AutoCAD.

2. What about this job interests you ?
This is a opportunity which will help me to develop further in my career expecially in oil & gas sectors. Previously I have
worked in the similar type of working environment and responsibilities. So, I hope the experience/knowledge in oil & gas
sector will help me to perform the associated responsibilities to a desired professional level.

3. What is your long-term objective ?
Within the next five years, I would like to become the best team leader your company has ever hired. I want to work toward
becoming the expert in this sector. And prepare myself to take on greater responsibilities.

4. What are your strengths ?
I can adapt quickly with a new environment
I learn quickly.
I have a strong determination to succeed.
I have a positive attitude.
I can relate to people.
I make friends easily.

5. What is your greatest weakness ?
Im a perfectionist and I may be too hard on myself or my co-workers sometimes.
I occasionally focus on details instead of looking at the bigger picture. Im learning how to focus on the overall progress as

6. Why do you want to leave your current employer ?
I am looking for a new challenge, more responsibility, and another experience.
I wanted to focus on finding a job that represents new challenges/ where I can grow professionally/ that helps me advance
my career.

7. What experience do you have in this field ?
Ive never worked in QC Engineer before, but in my previous job Ive learned a lot about procedures contruction, process
contruction, and progress contruction and Im confident Ill be quick to learn the ropes of your industry very quickly.

8. What do you know about this company ?
I don't know much about this company, but from what I've heard, The world's need for abundant supplies of clean, reliable
energy is growing rapidly. Natural gas is key to a better life for much of the world population. The populous developing
economies and energy needs around the Pacific Rim are growing commercial opportunities to supply energy are plentiful.

VICO Indonesia's roots lie in the pioneering spirit and vision of the independent oil and gas company who brought LNG to
Indonesia in 1977. For more than three decades, VICO has been a leader in Indonesia finding and developing energy
resources vital to economic, infrastructure and social developing of a modern vibrant nation.

The VICO of today is a dynamic and developing company that builds on the original pioneering spirit and vision through the
talent, energy, and ingenuity of its talented workforce. VICO was the first company to bring LNG to Indonesia, is an industry
leader in HSE, and has the potential to be a leader in bringing Coal Bed Methane to Indonesia, thus once again ushering in a
new natural gas era for our nation.
For Vico Indonesia
It is not a dream
It is a mission

9. Why would you like to work for us ?
I would like to put into practice what I learned at university.
I believe that your company will allow me to grow both professionally and personnaly.

10. Are you aware that this position sometimes will need you to work overtime ? Do you mind with that ?
No, I don't mind working overtime, if that is one of my responsibilities as a QC Engineer. I will do the best

11. When can you commence employment with us ? (When can you start work?)
I can start immediately

12. What kind of salary do you need ?
Before that, I need more information about all my responsibilities and tasks in this company. It would be great if you could
give me an idea about the budget that your company arranged for me.

13. Do you have any questions ?
Would you mind to describe the detailed activity of this position?
What are the best things about working here?
When will I get an answer? How soon can I start?

14. What are your short goals ?
To be accepted in this company

15. What are your long term goals ?
I want to be a Project Engineer in this company.

16. What does success mean to you ?
In my thoughts, Success is when I finished my job on time and perfectly.

17. What does failure mean to you ?
Failure is when I finished my job late.

18. Are you an organized person ?
Yup, I am organized person. I always try to finish my duties on time.

19. Do you manage your time well ?
Yes, I do. I always make schedule sheet for my activities so that I know what I must to do for the first or second.

20. How do you handle changes ?
I am good at dealing with changes, I am flexible, if I find something new I always try to learn it as soon as possible, I will
make a smooth transition in my job and i see myself successful.

21. How do you make important decision ?
For me, making an important decision is based on knowledge through information and wisdom through experiences, so I will
make important decision based on those parts, so the important decision will be proper. (Knowledge and wisdom)

22. Do you work well under pressure ?
Yes, I am. I grow with pressure and the challenge wiil be a motivation for me to work as well as possible.

23. Are you better at reacting or anticipating ?
I am better at both reacting and anticipating.

24. Are you a risk taker or a risk avoider ?
Risk taker: sifat ini harus dimiliki oleh semua orang yang pekerjaannya tidak berhubungan dengan ketepatan angka. Risk
taker bisa menambah nilai seorang pekerja sbg orng yang memiliki leadership tinggi dan berani.

25. Why should we hire you ?
You should be hiring me because I have all requirements that needed by this company, I am honest, confident, loyal, work
hard and I can work in this company as soon as possible.

26. Why did you choose your majors ?
Kesukaan: karena hobby, interest, love
Benefical: ceritakan keuntungan2nya memilih jurusan tsb.

27. What course did you like the most ?
Course: Analysis Structure With Software Program

28. What would your best friend describe you ?
They would say that I am friendly, loyal, honest, helpful, patient and low profile.

29. During college, did you do any internship ?
yes, I do.

30. Why did you stop from your job ?
I cant optimalize my career in my previous company.
I want to seek new challenge in my career.
Since several years ago I wish I can work in this company, because working here is my dream. So when I get chance to join
here, I will take it.
Because my previous company doesnt allow people study while working in there.

31. How do you handle your emotion ?
I see that to handle emotion is not easy, but usually I try to understand other and try to share with them about my problem.
So we can understand each other.

32. Are you a team player or a single player ?
I am good as both a team player and a single player. It depends on our work need in the field. I am so flexible for that.

33. What will you do if we dont hire you ?
I dont think so. I am sure that I can join in this company, because I have all requirements those needed by this company.

34. Thank you for your time, Sir. I hope we'll be in touch very soon.

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