VDI Windows Installation Guide-V2

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VDI - Windows Installation &

Configuration Guide
Client Installation & Setup Documentation
Download the two clients, the Exceed OnDemand (EOD) client and the Leostream client, to
your laptop/desktop. Website: http://lcb-atx.am.freescale.net/

Leostream package is:
Windows: http://lcb-atx.am.freescale.net/tpc/LeostreamConnectSetup2-10-63-

EOD Installation packages :
Windows (32bit): http://lcb-atx.am.freescale.net/tpc/ExceedOnDemand8.3.exe
Windows (64bit): http://lcb-atx.am.freescale.net/tpc/ExceedOnDemand8.3-

Page 2

VDI - How do I know if my windows
kernel is running in 32bit or 64bit?

Left click on start button
Right click on Computer and propertie

Check the system type

Page 3

EOD Windows Installation & Setup
Run the "EOD" installer just downloaded. As shown in the images below, use the default
settings to complete the installation

Change directory to which you would like unzip the installer (for example c:\EOD_client) and
click on Unzip.

Page 4

Using Windows Explorer, browse to directory where the installation files were unzipped, and
run Setup.exe

Page 5

Accept the license agreement

Page 6

Page 7

Page 8

Page 9

Windows Leostream Installation
Run the LeostreamConnect installer . Use the default settings as shown in the images below
until you reach the "Select Additional Tasks screen"


On 'Select Additional tasks' screen, modify the following (as shown below):
Uncheck (if checked) 'Enable USB over IP' (not applicable to our environment)
Check 'Enable client-side credential passthrough'

[Optional] Uncheck 'Install Microsoft VC++ runtime' (not required)

Complete installation


NOTE: A restart of the system is NOT required

Leostream Client Configuration
Configure Leostream client
Launch the Leostream client; you will get a message asking you to enter the connection
broker address. Click OK. The application will minimize to an icon on the right-hand
side of the task bar.
Find the Leostream icon in the icon list at the right side of the task bar and right-click on
it. Select 'Options' to bring up the Options menu
Select the 'Broker' tab
Uncheck the 'Obtain Connection Broker address' check-box and enter "lcb-
atx.am.freescale.net" into the 'Address' window and click 'OK'

Usage Notes
The VM assigned to you by the connection broker will remain assigned to you until you request
it be released, or until you log out and remain logged out for more than 1 day [NOTE: 'logged
out' is equivalent to logging out of a Linux Workstation or shutting down a VNC server. It is NOT
the same as disconnecting from or suspending your remote session.

Custom configurations of Xconfig settings are possible by copying one of the standard configs
provided and then making modification to it. This custom config will reside only on the VM

assigned to you. However you can export it to your local laptop/workstation so that it can be
preserved or transferred to a different VM if you change hosts.

Session shadowing, or sharing your screen is possible but not in a "Multi-monitor" configuration.
To share your session
Right-click on the EOD ('X') icon in the top-left corner of the window border and select
the 'Session'->'Share' menu
Make sure "Enable" is check-marked then click on "Manage Share List"
Click the 'Add' button to bring up the user list
Select the usernames you wish to share the session with, or type them into the field at
the bottom of the window and click 'Ok'
Set the desired permissions for each participant, or remove unneeded ones.
Click 'Close'
For a user to join a shared session, that user must lauch the EOD client directly. The
Leostream broker does not manage sharing sessions
NOTE: a maximum of 5 participants can be part of a sharing session
NOTE: cut-n-paste only works for the session owner, not for any of the participants
(regardless of permissions)

Printing to a local printer is possible using the 'elpr' command which can be found in
/usr/local/bin. Printing to a local printer can be as simple as "elpr <filename>"

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