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CHAPTER 6: Chemical Bonding I PART A (6.1 6.


1. (a) Arrange the following bonds in terms of increasing ionic character: CH; FH; Na Cl; BrH; KF

(b) Arrange the following bonds in order of increasing polarity: ClF; FF; Br F: HF; IF

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

2. a) Which structures obey the octet rule?

(b) Which structures have expanded octets?

(c) Which structures have an incomplete octet?

(d) Which structure has a quartet?

(f) (g) (h) (i)

3. Draw plausible Lewis structures for the following species. Note: structures for parts b, d, e, h, i, o, q, and r exhibit
resonance. For these species, draw the Lewis structure that satisfies the octet rule and the structure that has the best
set of formal charges. Structures may involve expanded or incomplete octets.
a) IF4
b) SO3 c) H2SO4 d) SO3
e) BF3

f) CO2 g) CN
h) HOClO2 i) O3 j) N2H2

k) CH3OH l) CH2O m) NH2OH n) N2H4 o) XeO3

p) XeF2 q) XeO4 r) O2SCl2

4. Represent each of the following ionic compounds by an appropriate Lewis structure:
a) KIO3 b) Ca(OCl)2 c) NH4ClO4

5. Draw Lewis structures for the periodate ion, IO4
, with the formal charge on the iodine atom equal to +3, +2, +1, and
0. Assign formal charge to all atoms. Identify the structures that satisfy the octet rule and those that have the best set
of formal charges.
Note: several structures are possible when iodine has a +2, +1, and zero formal charge.

6. Each of the following species has three resonance structures. Draw the Lewis structure of each resonance form;
assign formal charge to all atoms; and choose the most probable structure.
a) N3
b) SCN
c) N2O

7. Which of the following are free radicals?: CN
, O3, NO, OCl
, ICl2
, ClO2, NO2, CH3

8. Nitric acid can be represented as a resonance hybrid of two acceptable structures, plus one structure that may be
considered as unacceptable. Draw the Lewis structure of each of these three resonance forms; assign formal charge
to all atoms; and choose the most probable structures.
9. Draw Lewis structures for the sulfate ion, with the formal charge on the sulfur atom equal to +2, +1, 0, and 2.
Assign formal charge to all atoms. Identify the structures that satisfy the octet rule and those that have the best set of
formal charges.
Note: several structures are possible when sulfur has a zero or +1 formal charge. (In general, structures with
negative formal charge on the central atom are so unimportant that they are considered as unacceptable; similarly,
structures with positive formal charge on terminal atoms are unacceptable. An exception is BF3.)

10. (a) The cyanate ion, NCO
, has the least electronegative atom, C, in the center. Draw all three resonance structures,
and choose on the basis of formal charge the most reasonable structure.
(a) The very unstable fulminate ion, CNO
, has the same formula, but has the N atom is in the center. Draw the three
possible resonance structures of CNO
(b) On the basis of formal charge, decide on the resonance structure with the most reasonable distribution of formal

11. Arrange the following in order of increasing C-O bond length: CO, CO3
, CO2, HCO2
(H attached to C)

12. Which of the following is a resonance structure of that shown on the right?


13.For which of the following are all of the formal charges equal to zero? O3 HNO3 H2O2

14.Based on Lewis structures, predict the ordering, from longest to shortest, of the nitrogen-oxygen bond lengths in
, NO2
, NO3
A. NO3
> NO
> NO2

> NO2
> NO3

C. NO2
> NO3
> NO

> NO3
> NO2

E. NO3
> NO2
> NO

15.What is the total number of lone pairs of electrons in BrO4
, if the formal charge on bromine is +1?

Selected Answers to Chapter 6 PART A
1. (a) CH < BrH < FH < NaCl < KF (b) FF < ClF < BrF < IF < HF
2. (a) a,b,d,f,h (b) c,g (c) e,i (d) i 7. NO, ClO2, and NO2 are radicals.
11. The order of increasing carbon-oxygen bond length is CO < CO2 < HCO2

< CO3
. This order corresponds to
structures with a triple bond, two double bonds, two 3/2 bonds (including resonance), and three 4/3 bonds (including
12. The answer is E. Choices C and D violate the octet rule. Choice B has only seven pairs of electrons. Choice A is
incorrectly marked with a positive formal charge on a hydrogen; an incorrect zero formal charge is implied on the
carbon with only three bonds.
13. H2O2 14. E 15. 10
CHAPTER 6: Chemical Bonding I PART B (6.7 - 6.10)

1. Describe the electron-pair geometry and the molecular geometry around the central atom X.





g) h) i) k) l) m)

2. Draw a Lewis structure for each of the following compounds and ions. Describe the electron-pair geometry and the
molecular geometry around the central atom.

a) NH2Cl b) Cl2O (exception: O central) c) SCN
d) HOF
e) CO2 f) NO2
g) O3 h) ClO2
(Cl central)
i) ClF2
j) ClF3 k) ClF4
l) ClF5
m) NH4
n) OSF2 o) I3
p) PF5
q) XeO2F2 r) SO2 s) XeF4 t) ClO4

3. Give the approximate bond angles for each species in problem 2.

4. Predict, using bond moments, which of the following molecules taken from problem 2 are likely to be polar and
which are likely to be non-polar.

a) NH2Cl b) Cl2O c) HOF d) CO2
e) O3 f) ClF3 g) ClF5 h) OSF2
i) XeF4 j) PF5 k) XeO2F2 l) SO2

5. Give approximate values for the indicated bond angles.

a) OSO in SO2 b) FBF in BF3 c) ClCCl in Cl2CO

d) H-C-H (angle 1) and C-CN (angle 2) in acetonitrile

6. Give an approximate value for each angle in the following molecule.

7. The bond angles of the following molecules are 180 EXCEPT in

A. BeCl2 B. CO2 C. I3

D. SO2 E. KrF2

8. Which one of the following molecules/ions is listed with an incorrect shape?

A. KrF4 ; square planar
B. PI3 ; trigonal planar
C. O3 ; angular
D. XeF2 ; linear
E. NO3

; trigonal planar

9. All of the following have trigonal planar electron pair arrangement EXCEPT for

A. AsF3 B. O3 C. SeO3 D. COCl2 (C is the central atom) E. BCl3

10. According to Lewis and VSEPR Theories, the molecular geometries (shapes) of NF3 and ICl3 are best described,
respectively, as
A. Trigonal planar and T-shaped
B. Trigonal pyramidal and T-shaped
C. Tetrahedral and tetrahedral
D. T-shaped and trigonal pyramidal
E. Trigonal pyramidal and trigonal planar

11. What is the molecular geometry of the BCl2F molecule? Is the molecule polar or nonpolar?
A. trigonal pyramidal, polar
B. trigonal pyramidal, non polar
C. trigonal planar, polar
D. trigonal planar, no polar
E. trigonal bipyramidal, polar

12. Which of the following has a square planar molecular structure (shape)?

A. CBr4 B. BF4
C. SCl4 D. XeF4 E. BrO4

13. Which of the following molecules contains polar bonds but has a zero dipole moment?

A. H2O B. NF3 C. XeF4 D. N2 E. CH3Cl
14. Which of the following has the species listed in order of increasing H-C-H bond angle?
A. CH4, CH3
, CH3

B. CH3
, CH4, CH3

C. CH4, CH3
, CH3

D. CH3
, CH3
, CH4
E. CH3
, CH4, CH3

15. If X represents the central atom in the following compounds, what is the order of decreasing FXF angle in the
compounds below? (Largest angle first, smallest angle last)

I. OF2



Selected Answers to Chapter 6 PART B
2. (a) tetrahedral, trigonal pyramidal (b) tetrahedral, angular
(b) linear, linear (d) tetrahedral, angular
(e) linear, linear (f) trigonal planar, angular
(g) trigonal planar, angular (h) tetrahedral, angular
(i) trigonal bipyramidal, linear (j) trigonal bipyramidal, (distorted)T-shaped
(k) octahedral, square planar (l) octahedral, square pyramidal
(m) tetrahedral, tetrahedral (n) tetrahedral, trigonal pyramidal
(o) trigonal bipyramidal, linear (p) trigonal bipyramidal, trigonal bipyramidal
(q) trigonal bipyramidal, see-saw (r) trigonal planar, angular
(s) octahedral, square planar (t) tetrahedral, tetrahedral

3. (a) <109.5 (b) <109.5 (c) 180 (d) <109.5 (e) 180 (f) <120 (g) <120 (h) < 109.5 (i) 180 (j) (angles
slightly less than) 90 and 180 (k) 90 and 180 (l) (angles slightly less than) 90 and 180 (m) 109.5 (n) <109.5
(o) 180 (p) 90, 120, and 180 (q) (angles slightly less than) 90, 120, and 180 (r) <120 (s) 90 and 180 (t) 109.5
4. a, b, c, e, f, g, h, k, and l are polar ; d, i, and j are nonpolar.

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