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Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Chocolate Milk for Danny
(adapted from Aesop)
Monitor and self-
correct ones
comprehension via
skimming (title and
Appreciate how the
character had been
truthful to her mother
ecode words with
digraph !ch/ (initial) as
in chin ("
Monitor and self-
correct ones
comprehension via
skimming (picture)
$ead words with
digraph !ch/ (final) as
in catch ("
Monitor and self-correct
ones comprehension
using scanning(#
$ead words with
digraph !ch! ("
Monitor and self-
correct ones
comprehension using
scanning (#
Monitor and self-correct
ones comprehension
using scanning and
%A &hocolate Milk for
ann'( ()tor')b':
inah &* +onao,
--framed-stor' board of
A &hocolate Milk for
.icture of a part' $efer back to previous
lessons for text to be
scanned and skimmed
(/ min)
0nlocking of ke'
words in the stor' using
pictures and context
Motivation 1uestion
Motive 1uestion
("/ min)
$ead-aloud of the stor' with
some prediction 2uestions at
certain points
("/ min)
.ost $eading:
iscussion of the stor',
("3 min)
4ord drill and exercises
on words with
digraph !ch/ (initial) as
in chin ("
half), see 56
and LM
)how 7 stor' board and
ask pupils to give the
general idea
("3 min)
iscuss how skimming
is done using stor'
4ord drill and
exercises on words with
digraph !ch/ (initial) as
in chin ("
half), see
56 and LM
$eview --framed-stor'
board of A &hocolate
Milk for ann'
("3 min)
iscuss how scanning is
done using 2uestions
(/ min)
4ord drill and
exercises on words
with digraph !ch/
(initial) as in chin ("

half), see 56 and LM
)how a picture of a
part' and ask pupils
("3 min)
$eview how scanning
is done
)how a recipe
("3 min)
(/ min)
Let pupils answer a 2uestions
from the selection through
scanning and skimming
("3 min)
$eiterate how scanning and
skimming is done
("/ min)
highlighting Almiras
truthfulness to her mother
at the end of discussion
("/ min)
.air and )hare: .artners
take turns in answering
istribute to the pupils
(in groups) the next 7
frames of the stor'
board to get the general
sense of the frame*
("/ min)
Allow pupils to share
the output of the group
("3 min)
.ose specific 2uestions for
pupils to answer b'
scanning the text (group
activit')(#3 min)
Let pupils do 1-A Activit'
on short selections read
Let pupils identif'
ingredients and procedure
in preparing the recipe for
egg sandwich
Allow pupils to share
Let pupils share skimmed and
scanned 8nformation
(#3 min)
Ask pupils to share what the'
Unit 2: ee! 1 "Lesson 1#$
Chocolate Milk for Danny
"* 0nlocking!9ocabular' : &oncept evelopment
(loaf, held, bought , patted)
)how a picture of a slice of bread*
)a': This is a slice of bread. Say it again. Say slice of bread.
)how a picture of a loaf of bread*
)a': This is a loaf of bread* Say it again. Say loaf of bread.
Ask: Let us count the slices on this loaf of bread* ;ow man' slices of bread
does this loaf of bread have<
)how a picture of Almira in front of a baker' with a loaf of bread*
)a': Almira bought a loaf of bread from the bakery yesterday.
Ask: 4hen did Almira bu' a loaf of bread from the baker'< ('esterda')
4hat did Almira do at the baker'< (bought)
)how a picture of Almira holding the hands of her brother while leaving the
)a': Almira held the hand of her brother after she bought a loaf of bread.
)how the picture of mother patting Almiras shoulder*
)a': Mother patted Almiras shoulders* hen do !e pat someones shoulder"
hat do !e mean to say !hen !e pat someones shoulder"
)a': #et us see if you can remember the !ords !e learned today.
Refer your pupils to LM-Activity 105 on page 112.
#* Motivation 1uestion:
hat do you !ant to buy from a market"
7* Motive 1uestion:
hat did Danny !ant to buy in the market"
During Reading
$ead aloud the stor'* )top at indicated points (=)* 5ell the pupils 'ou will raise some
2uestions where 'ou pause before continuing the stor'* 5he' are to answer those
2uestions which will enable them to guess what might happen next*
&hocolate Milk for ann'
by Dinah C. $onao
%Almira, please go with 'our brother to the market and bu' a loaf of bread for
merienda%& Mother said.

Along the wa', ann' stopped at one of the stores*

%Ate, please bu' me that chocolate milk,( he said*
Ask: here did motherask Almira to go"
ho !ent !ith Almira to the market"
hat did he see along the !ay"
hat !ord did Danny use to re'uest for chocolate milk"
%4e need to bu' the bread first,( whispered Almira* )he held the hand of his brother
as the' walked to the store* >inall', the' bought the bread*
%Ate, ma' 8 have m' chocolate milk now<( said ann'*
Ask: ill Danny be able to en(oy the chocolate milk"
%)ure, 8 still have m' change here*(
5he' walked home while ann' en?o'ed the chocolate milk*

%4ere 'ou able to bu' the bread<( asked mother*
Ask: here did Almira get the money to buy the chocolate milk"
ill Almira be honest in telling the truth about the change"
%@es, Mother%( replied Almira, %but 8m sorr'% 8 dont have the exact change* 8 bought
chocolate milk for ann' without asking 'our permission*(
Ask: )o! !ill mother respond to Almiras remark about the change"
% 8m proud of 'ou for telling the truth* 8 know how much 'ou want 'our little brother
to be happ',( Mother said as she patted Almiras shoulder*
Post Reading
1. Discussion Questions
Ask the pupils to answer the following 2uestions orall'*
"* 4hat is the title of the stor'<
#* 4ho are the characters in the stor'<
7* 4here did mother ask the children to go<
A* 4hat did ann' want to bu'<
/* 4hat did her sister sa'<
-* +efore going home, was ann' able to get what he wants< 4h'<
B* 4h' did Almira sa' 8m sorr' when the' got home< o 'ou think
it is important< 4h'<
C* 4hat was mothers reaction< 4hat did she sa'<
D* 8n what other wa's can 'ou show that 'ou are telling the truth<
2. Engagement/Enrichment
A. Pair and !are
Let the pupils share with a partner instances in their own life when the' told the truth
and said the' were sorr' for what happened* Each partner will take his turn sharing
his experience* 6o around and monitor if the pupils are doing the task correctl'*
Allow them to use their native language if needs be in their sharing or ask 'ou how to
sa' it in English if the' so desire*
+* raw 'our favorite character* 4rite two sentences about him!her*
Refer your pupils to LM- Activity 10" on page 11#.
Day 2
Decoding$%luency Digrap! c! as in c!in and catc! $
)a': *emember the story !e read yesterday< 4hat did Almira buy for Danny in the
market" +Chocolate milk,
Fote: 4rite the word chocolate on the board and underline %ch(* Let the pupils read
the word c!ocolate*
Ask: hat are the underlined letters" +ch,
)a' again the word chocolate (emphasiGe !ch!) *
Ask: hat is the sound of ch in the !ord chocolate"
Let the pupils sound !ch!* 8f the' cant produce it, model how*
)a': #ets ha-e t!o more !ords from our story"
c!ange (uc!
4rite the words change and much on the board* Ask volunteers to underline Hch*
$ead the words and let the pupils sa' them after 'ou*
)a': )o! are ch sounded in chocolate% change and much" Can you hear /c/" Can you
hear /h/" A different sound is gi-en to ch. The sound of ch is /ch/.
Let the pupils sound it three times*
Model reading the words and let the pupils read after 'ou*
Teaching Chart: Words with /ch/
chips check &hop choose
chin chest chocolate chew
chick cherr' &hair cheese
chicken champ
Say: Now lets identify the pictures by completing the words with ch.
Read the words, then the phrases and the sentences with /ch/ in
that order.
Refer the pupils to LM Activity 107 on pages 114-115.
Lesson, 'i((ing (2
"* .resentation!8ntroduction
)how the first three stor' boards one b' one to the pupils and ask them 2uestions
about the stor' to come up with the general idea* All answers are correct and
acceptable* 4rite the answers of the pupils on the board b' completing the sentence
below and read them for oral fluenc'*
"* Look at the pictures*
#* 4hat do 'ou see in the pictures<
1. Modeling$+eac!ing
)how the first stor' board* Ask the pupils to look 2uickl' at the pictures and give the
big idea* 5ell them that the activit' that the' did is skimming*
)tor' +oard Fo* "
Almira with 'ounger
brother ann' wave
goodb'e to their mother*
)tor' +oard Fo* 7
Almira and ann' got
off in front of a
grocer' store*
)tor' +oard Fo* #
Almira and ann' are
on a highwa' waiting
for a ?eep*
#. .uided Practice
)how the other two stor' boards one at a time* Ask five to ten pupils to share their
ideas about the pictures* 4rite all the answers of the pupils on the board* Let them
read the 2uestions aloud and allow them to respond to the 2uestions using the correct
istribute to the pupils in groups the next three frames of the stor' board to get the
general sense of the frame* Ask each group to give their opinion about the pictures
given to them* 4rite their answers on the board*
$efer 'our pupils to LM-Activity 10/ on page 110.
A* *ndependent Practice
$efer 'our pupils to LM- Activity 110 on page 111.
Lesson 10 Day #, canning Pictures to Ans)er 2uestion
%inal Digrap! $c!$
'ill %ocus, Reading )ords )it! final consonant digrap! $c!$ (1
A* Iral $eading of words with digraph ch (initial)* ()ee teaching chart used
+* 8ntroduce words with final digraph !ch!* Model reading the words* 0se pictures or
demonstrate the meaning of each word before reading*
catch much bench
scratch such sketch
watch bunch reach
branch rich
ranch inch
1. .uided Practice
)a': ork !ith your seatmate. *ead each !ord !ith your partner and match
the !ords !ith their pictures.
$efer 'our pupils to LM-Activity 111A on page 11/.
2. *ndependent Practice
$efer 'our pupils to LM-Activity 1113 on page 11/.
'ill, canning Pictures to Ans)er 2uestions
1. Presentation,
)a': .n our story% Danny asked her sister Almira to buy him chocolate milk. )a-e
you seen a container of chocolate milk" hat information can you see from its bo/"
#et us kno! the information in the chocolate milk drink tetra pack. +)ee to it that 'ou
have an enlarged cop' of this picture* Large enough that ever'bod' can see the
information contained in the box* 5he' ma' be provided with a cop'*)
2. +eac!ing$Modeling
6uide the class to locate the answers in the following 2uestions*
"* 4hat is the name of the chocolate drink< 4hat kind of drink is on the
#* 4here was the drink made<
7* 4hen will the drink expire<
A* 4hat minerals can we get from this drink<
#. .uided Practice
ivide the class into three groups*
$efer 'our pupils to LM-Activity 112 on page 121.
4. *ndependent Practice
$efer 'our pupils to LM-Activity 11# on page 122.
Day 4: 'i((ing and canning 5t!er Reading Materials
'ill focus, *nitial and %inal Digrap! $c!$ (1
$efer 'our pupils to LM-Acivity114 on page 12#.
'ill focus, 'i((ing and canning 5t!er Reading Materials (2
1. Presentation$*ntroduction
)how a picture of a %+irthda' .art'(
#* Modeling!5eaching
Ask the class to look at the picture* Let the pupils answer the 2uestions*
4hat do 'ou see in the picture<
4hat do the' celebrate<
4hat are the things 'our parents do to make 'ou happ' on 'our birthda'<
o 'ou like to have a birthda' part'< 4h'<
4hat food would 'ou like served in 'our birthda' part'<
#. Develop(ent of t!e Lesson
.resent to class the recipe of %Egg )andwich(* Let the pupils scan the ingredients and
the procedure*
Let the pupils identif' the different ingredients of Egg )andwich* Let them write their
answers on the board then ask the procedure b' asking the pupils to give them orall'*
4hen done, let them identif' the action words used in the procedure* 4rite them on
the board and have them read orall' after*
4. .uided Practice
.aper and .en Activit'
Ask the pupils the things the' do to keep their food safe, clean and nutritious*
Encourage them to give their answer in complete sentence* Let them use the action
words inside the box in a sentence b' writing it on the line provided*
Refer your pupils to LM-Activity 115 on page 124.
5. *ndependent Practice
;ave the pupils bring out the ingredients that the' were asked to bring to class* 0sing
the ingredients let the pupils do the procedure in preparing the recipe in two groups*
After the activit', let the first group rate the recipe of the second group and vice versa*
(&hange to a simpler task if needed*)
Day 5, 'i((ing and canning a election
"* .resentation!8ntroduction
Ask the pupils to answer the following 2uestions*
"* id 'ou en?o' listening to the stor' % &hocolate Milk for ann'(<
#* 4hat part of the stor' do 'ou like most<
7* 4ho is the character 'ou like best<
A* 4hat lesson did 'ou learn from the stor'<
/* id 'ou go fast over the pictures in each set to find out what it is all about<
-* id 'ou go fast over the text to find out specific information<
#* Modeling!5eaching
5ell the pupils that in the previous activities, the' used skimming and scanning to
understand the lessons*
)a' that this time the' will stud' further on skimming and scanning
)kimming is reading at the fastest speed where the e'es keep floating over the reading
selection to locate information*
)canning is reading moving 'our e'es* 1uickl' down the page to find one specific
detail* 5his will lead 'ou to find a single fact, date, name or word in a text and find
that 'ou need*
6uided .ractice
;ave the pupils identif' what skill the' will use in locating information from a given
situation if the' want to find specific information and if the' want to have a general
idea of what it is all about*
Refer your pupils to LM-Activity 11" on page 125.
Unit 2: ee! 2 "Lesson 11$
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Monitor and self-correct
ones comprehension using
Use graphic organizers
to show understanding
of texts
Decode words with
consonant digraphs: /ck/,
/th/, and /ph/
Decode words with
consonant digraph /sh/
Use action words in
simple sentences
Decode words with
consonant digraphs:
/ck/, /th/, and /ph/
Decode words with
consonant digraph /sh/
Use action words in simple
Decode words with consonant
digraph /sh/
Decode words with consonant
digraphs: /ck/, /th/, and /ph/
cop! of the comic strip
+,antay and 'a-.i/ "!
#oderick Motril guirre
$icture frames showing the
ma%or e&ents of the literature
for da! '(
)lash cards of words to "e
decoded *consonant digraphs
$ictures of action words
from the literature for da!
)lash cards of &er"s to
match the pictures(
cartoon image in + frames of a girl
losing hair
,entence strips with action words
-rish and .er /ish
*'0 min1
Let .u.ils0
nal!ze pictures showing
nswer the M2-67-623
8U4,-623, to process
the pictures
$onder o&er the M2-674
*90 min1
.a&e the pupils read the
comic strip( Make them
*: min1
;et pupils arrange the picture
frames "ased on the
sequence of e&ents of the
literature for D5 '(
*': min1
(Show a picture of Tagpi with
labels of his body parts.)
.a&e pupils focus on the
words "ac!, teet1, and t1igh
(Discuss how to decode
consonant digraphs with final
*'0 min1
(Show pictures of Tagpi and
Bantay in motion)
;et pupils tell what -agpi
and <anta! are doing as
shown in each picture(
(Facilitate pupils answer by
posing leading and funneling
Drill on words with final
consonant digraph /sh/
*': min1
*': min1
Drill on words with consonant
digraph /sh/
#ead the short stor! =-rish and .er
/ish> and answer /.- questions(
#e&iew action words through
reading of sentence strips(
*'0 min1
#e&iew &er"s "! acting out its
stop at strategic points and
let them answer questions
to help them monitor their
*'0 min1
;et pupils answer the
comprehension questions
*'0 min1
-hen, ha&e them complete
the character map to !ield
the concept of honest!
and/or medial/initial /c/! /th/!
and /ph/.)
Use the sentence with the word
,.2U- from the stor! to introduce
lesson on words with consonant
digraph /sh/
#ead words with initial consonant
digraph /sh/((
*90 min1
.a&e pupils practice sounding
out words with consonant
;et them complete the words
"! making them write the
missing consonant digraphs(
.a&e them match the
completed words to the
correct pictures the!
?uided $ractice
cti&it! on words with
consonant digraph /sh/
*'0 min1
;et the pupils accomplish the
consonant digraph acti&it!
sheet in their ;M(
6ndependent $ractice
cti&it! on words with
(Discuss what action "erbs
ct out some &er"s( *-$#1
*'0 min1
.a&e pupils act out the
word !ou will sa!(
*': min1
2ave t1e students0
ccomplish the letter-
scram"led words sheet
using picture clues
;et the pupils identif! action words
posted on the "oard(
Using the examples, allow pupils to
further understand how action &er"s
are used in a sentence(
*'0 min1
-eacher chart exercises on
identif!ing action &er"s in a
?uided practice on using &er"s in
simple sentences
*': min1
llow pupils to work in groups( sk
each group to write 9-+ sentences
a"out the pictures to "e gi&en them(
consonant digraph /sh/
Unit 2: Week 2 !esson 11"
Bantay and Tagpi
1. Un&ocking/'oca(u&ary ) Conce*t De+e&o*ment
0nlock the word Hhonest' using pictures that show the concept and definition of this
)a': #ook at these pictures* (girl and bo' cheating in class, a bo' returning a wallet to
the owner)*
Ask: 4ho does!do the right thing< 4h'<
hen you return something that is not yours to the o!ner% you are honest.
2. ,oti+ation Question
hich picture sho!s a good deed"
-. ,oti+e Question/Statement
)a': Today !e !ill read a comic strip about 0$antay and Tagpi&. These t!o dogs are
best of friends. hich of the t!o dogs learned the -alue of )123ST4" #et us find out.
1pen your #M to page 555.
Whi&e %eading
Explain to the students that 'ou will be stopping them at a certain frame in the comic
strip to ask or entertain 2uestions from them*
)a': . !ill be stopping you at a certain frame to ask you some 'uestions. . !ill also
ans!er 'uestions from you if you need some clarification/s about the frames you ha-e
(ust read.
>8$)5 )5I. (>rame A)
)o! !ould you describe $antay" )o! is he as a friend"
hy did $antay stop laughing !hen he sa! Tagpi trip o-er the bones"
)o! !ould you describe Tagpi" .s he a happy dog" hat can you say about him
from his remarks about $antays huge collection of bones"
)E&IF )5I. (>rame D)
hat did $antay and Tagpi do"
hat happened after their play"
hat did Tagpi do"
hat did $antay find out !hen he got back to his collection of bones"
5;8$ )5I. (>rame "7)
hat happened to Tagpi"
hat !as his reaction"
hat did $antay do"
ere they able to find the stray dog and Tagpis ne! blanket"
#ost %eading
1. iscussion 1uestions
a* 4hat was +anta's problem in the stor'<
b* 4hat was 5agpis problem in the stor'<
c* 4hat did +anta' do to help 5agpi<
d* 4hat did 5agpi learn in the stor'<
2. Engagement! Enrichment
Let the pupils accomplish the character map sheet on the character assigned to them*
&haracter map is a t'pe of graphic organiGer that helps pupils describe in detail the
character in the stor' the' read* 8t also facilitates how the' ma' organiGe their
thoughts and ideas*
)a': Accomplish the C)A*ACT3* MA6 for the character . !ill assign to you. Students
seated on the right are to accomplish the character map for $antay. Those sitting on the
left are to !ork on the character map for Tagpi.
!esson 11 Day 1: Decoding/.&uency/Writing
Consonant Digra*h /ch// /th/ and /*h/
1. #resentation
;ave students arrange the picture frames based on the se2uence of events in %+anta'
and 5agpi(*
)a': Turn your #M to Acti-ity 778. 2umber the pictures based on the se'uence of
e-ents of the comic strip !e read yesterday.
2. ,ode&ing
)how a picture of 5agpi with labels of his bod' parts*
)a': These are Tagpis body parts. . !ill read each !ord and you repeat them after me.
.oint to the word when 'ou read it then the part of the bod' it labels* iscuss how to
decode consonant digraphs in final or medial or initial position !ck!, !th!, and !ph!*)
)a': 2o!% look at this !ords that . !ill underline. (0nderline the words back, teeth, and
)a': The first !ord ends !ith the letter c and k but they only ha-e one sound /k/.
;ave pupils focus on the words bac', teet!, and t!igh*+;ave students sa' the letters
aloud and then give the sound !k! of the consonant digraph ck*
)a': The second !ord ends !ith letter t and h but they only ha-e one sound / /. hen
the !ord begins !ith the letter t and h you also gi-e th only one sound / /. Let pupils
repeat the sound*
4rite another word: photo*
)a': 2o! this !ord is read as photo. ;ave pupils repeat the word* This !ord begins
!ith the letters p and h but they are gi-en only one sound /ph/ or /f/. ;ave pupils
produce the sound*
-. 0uided #ractice
&all attention to and have the pupils practice the single sound given to the consonant
digraphs ck, th, and ph* 5hen let them complete the words b' writing on the board the
missing consonant digraphs for each word* ;ave them match the words with the
pictures the' represent*
)a': . ha-e here on the board a list of !ords and pictures they represent. . !ill read
each set of !ords three times. 1n my first reading (ust listen to me read the !ords. 1n
the second time% . !ill read each !ord and repeat after me. 1n the third time% you all
read the set by yoursel-es. e !ill do the same thing to the ne/t to the ne/t t!o sets of
$c'$ $t!$ $p!$
duc' t!irt' p!armac'
cloc' clot! P!ilippines
loc' teet! telep!one
sac' t!igh p!oto
!esson 11 Day 2: Ski&& !esson: Consonant digra*h /sh/ initia&" 1
1. %e+iew/#resentation
)a': ho !as Tagpis friend in our story yesterday" +$antay, #ets ha-e this sentence
from the story.
+agpi s!outs out to 3antay.
4rite the sentence on the board and let the pupils read it*
)a': hat did Tagpi do to $antay" +shout, 4rite the answer on the board*
2. ,ode&ing/Teaching
0nderline sh* )a': The !ord shout has sh in the beginning. .t has one sound. hats the
sound of sh" Let the pupils sound it* 8f the' cant sound it, model the sound and ask
them to sound it three times*
)a': #ets ha-e more !ords !ith sh. Let the pupils read the words in a teaching chart*
Make sure that the pupils know the meaning of each word through vocabular'
development activities such as pictures, action and context*
+eac!ing 8!art, &ords )it! s!
ship shell shack shop
shift shed shall shore
shrill shelf shape shock
shine sheet shake shut
-. 0uided #ractice
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "#"A*
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "#"+*
!esson 11 Day -: Using 4ction Words in Sim*&e Sentences
Ski&& !esson: .ina& Consonant Digra*h /sh/ 1
"* >lash cards with words with initial consonant digraph !sh!, see teaching chart*
#* )how words with final consonant digraph !sh!* Model reading the words* Make
sure that the pupils know the meaning of each word through vocabular'
development activities such as pictures, action and context*
+eac!ing 8!art, &ords )it! sh
ash splash brush wish
crash smash crush fish
flash clash rush dish
trash wash bush finish
#. 0uided #ractice
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "##*
4. 3nde*endent #ractice
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "#7*
Ski&& !esson: Using 4ction Words in Sim*&e Sentences 2
1. #resentation/3ntroduction
)how pictures of 5agpi and +anta' in motion*
)a': hat are Tagpi and $antay doing"
Let the pupils observe each picture and allow them to give verbs that describe 5agpi
and +anta'<
)a': #ets ha-e picture 7. here is Tagpi" hat is he doing" +running, #ets ha-e
picture 9" hat is $antay doing" +playing,
;ighlight pupils answers b' writing the words on the board*
2. ,ode&ing/Teaching
0se the pupils answers as springboard to the lesson about verbs*
)a': 4our ans!ers are correct. These !ords are called action !ords or -erbs.
5o improve the listening and speaking skills of the pupils, emplo' the %5each-Ik(
techni2ue from 4hole +rain 5eaching* (5his techni2ue is a variation of irect
8nstruction and facilitates 5.$) ;eres how this is done*
"* ;ave the pupils count off " with the pupil next to him!her sa'ing
#* 5ell them 'ou will be sa'ing these words 8lass9 +eac!9 )itc!* 5he' are to do
something after those words are said following this script for each of the
sentences in the template*
5eacher: &lass
.upils: @es
5eacher: ()a's one of the sentences in the template and claps twice*) +eac!:
.upils: (&lap twice) IkJ
Fumber " .upils: ($epeats to Fumber # pupils the sentence the teacher said*
5eacher : )itc!:
.upils: IhJ )witchJ
Fumber # pupils ($epeats to number " pupils what the' said*)
7* 5emplate of the sentences to be said one at a time using the above script for each
a* 9erb is an action word*
b* 5he word %pla'( is an action word*
c*'( is a verb*
d* 5he word %run( is an action word*
e* %$un( is a verb*
8n doing the 4+5 techni2ue, let the pupils act out the verbs whenever the' mention
each word* Model the gesture*
)a': hat is -erb" .s the !ord play a -erb" +4es, hy" +$ecause its an action !ord, .s
the !ord run a -erb" +4es, hy" +$ecause its an action !ord,
)a': #ets ha-e more e/amples of -erbs.
>lash pictures of 5agpi and +anta' and label each picture with verbs* Let the pupils
read each verb*
.icture - walk (.upils read)
.icture - eat (.upils read)
.icture - sit (.upils read)
.icture - eat (.upils read)
.icture - talk (.upils read)
.icture - think (.upils read)
-. 0uided #ractice
*ead and Sho!
)a': . !ill use -erbs in a sentence. *ead the sentence and !hene-er you read the -erb%
. !ant you to act it out. +Teacher models the acti-ity,
()entences should be illustrated to facilitate pupils comprehension*)
Ana hops. 5he ?anitor cleans.
Alex sings. 5he scouts work.
5he pupils read together* 5he kids dance.
5he teacher writes. $ick' drives.
M' pet cat plays. $a'mond swims.
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
)a': . !ill sho! you some pictures. .dentify the -erb sho!n in e-ery picture by
unscrambling the letters in the sentence.
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "#A*
!esson 11 Day 2: Decoding/.&uency/Writing
Ski&& !esson 1: Consonant digra*h /sh/
1. 3ntroduction
>lashcard drill on consonant digraphs !sh! (previousl' learned words on a' # and 7)
)a': #et us read the !ords !ith /sh/ !hich !ere gi-en to you last time. (Allow pupils to
alternatel' read the words*)
2. ,ode&ing
Model reading the stor' Trish )as a ish. Alternatel' read the stor' with the pupils*
5hen allow a volunteer to read the stor'* $efer to LM Activit' "#/ for the cop'*
-. 0uided #ractice
Answer 4;- 2uestions about the stor'
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "#/+*
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
.upils draw the dish of 5rish and let them write something about their drawing*
Ski&& !esson 1: Consonant digra*hs /ck// /th// and /*h/
1. #resentation/ 3ntroduction
>lashcard drill on consonant digraphs !ck!, !th!, and !ph! (previousl' learned words on
a' #
)a': #et us read the !ords !ith /ck/% /th/% and /ph !hich !ere gi-en to you last time.
(Allow pupils to alternatel' read the words*)
Let pupils match words with pictures to develop vocabular' of words with consonant
digraphs !ck!, !th!, and !ph* $efer to LM Activit' "#-*
#* ,ode&ing/ Teaching
Model and give more exercises on words and phrases with consonant digraphs !ck!, !th!,
and !ph* $efer to LM Activit' "#-A*
7* 0uided #ractice
4rite words and phrases with !ck!, !th!, and !ph* $efer to LM Activit' "#-+ and &*
A* 3nde*endent #ractice
4rite phrases and sentences with words with !ck!, !th!, and !ph* $efer to LM Activit'
Ski&& !esson 2: Use action words in sim*&e sentences.
1. #resentation/ 3ntroduction
$eview pupils on action words introduced in a' 7 b' allowing them to read words and
phrases with action words
Say: #et us read the follo!ing sentence:strips.
ann' and Ana clean the room*
ann' climbs a tree*
5he bo's pla' beside the canteen*
5agpi barks*
$ona walks and sings along the ba'*
2. ,ode&ing/ Teaching
$e-state the meaning of verbs*
6o back to sentences posted on the board and allow pupils to identif' the verbs* Ask
them wh' those are verbs* +e sure that the pupils sa' that those are verbs because the'
are action words*
Ask: hat is the action !ord in the each sentence" hy do !e call them action !ords"
Ask the class to do the actions signaled b' each action words* Ask: Did you sho!
action to describe the meaning of each action !ord" )a': Action !ords are also called
ann' and Ana clean the room*
ann' cli(;s a tree*
5he bo's play beside the canteen*
5agpi ;ar's*
$ona )al's and sings along the ba'*
Say: .f !e are going to remo-e the action !ords% !hat !ould the group of !ords
mean"+EmphasiGe that verbs pla' an important role in completing sentences.,
-. 0uided #ractice
Let the pupils have more 5eacher &hart Exercises on identif'ing verbs*
5agpi tumbles down on +anta's collection of bones*
+anta' greets 5agpi*
5agbi bounces up and down around +anta'*
+anta' and 5agpi pla' with the ball on the grass field*
;e drops the ball*
$efer to $efer to LM Activit' "#C for the additional guided practice on using verbs in
simple sentences*
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
Allow pupils to work in groups* Ask the groups to write #-7 sentences from pictures
given to them*
Say: .n your groups% you are going to !rite 9:; sentences telling about the pictures you
are holding.
Allow pupil to write one sentence on a picture shown*
Say: This time you are going to !rite a sentence on the picture sho!n.
Unit 2: ee! 3 "Lesson 12$
Lesson Parts
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
;iterature: #The $onest
ppreciate the importance
of honest!
3ote details in a gi&en text
#ead and write words with
the long &owel /a/ in simple
Use action words in simple
#ead and write words with
long &owel /a/ in simple
/rite at least + sentences
#ead and write words with
long &owel /a/ in simple
#ead and write words with
long &owel /a/ in simple
/rite at least three
$ictures of wood, axe,
fair!, reward
@op! of the stor! =-he
.onest Man
.onest! @haracter
;'9D9 /orksheet' A 9 ;M
page B
-he ,tor! ?uide @hart
$icture of cake and lake
Detail /heel ?ame @hart/
$ictures of school gate,
dark ca&e, date, man
cti&it! charts
$resent ke! words
through pictures and
word clues
#ead aloud and stop at
strategic points and ask
questions to predict the
succeeding part of the
$ost #eading
-alk a"out the stor! read
through discussion
6ntroduction/ $resentation:
llow pupils to stud! and
read the ?uide ,heet
$ost and allow pupils to
answer the ?uide ,heet
?uided $ractice:
Do Detail /heel ?ame
with the pupils
)lashcard drill on <rain
,how picture of cake and
lake for phonics lesson
6ntroduction/ $resentation:
.a&e a flash"ack of the
stor! The $onest 'an
through acting it out with
selected pupils
Modeling/ -eaching
Discuss &er"s
Do ction /ord /heel
with the pupils
llow pupils to answer
)lashcard Drill on <rain
#ead =@ake for Cate> and
answer discussion
,how picture and pupils
$resentation/ 6ntroduction
$ost the $upil of -he
Month @hart and the
poster a"out honest and
ask pupils a"out what
the! can sa! a"out what
the! see
Modeling/ -eaching
$ost pupils responses on
the #esponses @hart
#eiterate that the poster
a"out honest!, $upil of the
month chart and headlines
are different sources to
get information
llow pupils to stud!
responses chart
;et pupils know how
declarati&e sentence are
Do energ! check to get
attention *-hum"s Up/Down
Modeling/ -eaching
#e-state important points in
writing declarati&e sentences
"! pro&iding acti&ities from
&arious sources
6n pairs, let pupils decide
what among the group of
words are declarati&e
llow the pupils to read their
6n a group, make a
certificate of appreciation
for a class mem"er
considered to "e honest
llow the pupils to award
the certificate
6ndependent $ractice:
4xplain Dake and Cate
showing acts of honest!
6n groups write answers
on Detail @hart
read sentence a"out the
pictures shown
Do EDoes 6t Make ,ense
"! arranging words to
make a sensi"le sentence
)lashcard Drill on <rain
#ead words, phrases and
sentences with long
&owel /a/
Do memor! lane on words
with long &owel /a/
)lashcard Drill on <rain ;ist
#ead words, phrases and
sentences with long &owel
/a/ in simple sentences
Do EDoes 6t Make ,ense
cti&it! on words with long
&owel /a/
Unit 2: ee! 3 "Lesson 12$
+!e 6onest &ood(an
"* 7nloc'ing$<oca;ulary = 8oncept Develop(ent
( +efore the class begins, select among the pupils who will act out the scenes
between the >air' and &alo')
)a': #et us start !ith the $.< 1*DS. These $.< 1*DS are connected
!ith the story !e are going to read. )o! shall !e find out !hat these $.<
1*DS mean"
)a': e are going to play a Tickling mind game. )ere are the steps in the
Listen to the clues about the word*
)how 5humbs 0p if 'ou have the answer*
+6> 3*. &5RD
wood axe fair' reward

)how pictures of wood, axe, fair'
)a': 6lease pay attention as . say the clues/sho! picture of the !ord. *eady"
.m thinking of a !ord that sounds like food. This four:letter !ord starts !ith
letter !. The !ord is KKKKKKKKKKKK* ( wood) (show picture of wood)
. am thinking of a !ord that names something bigger than knife. .t is used to
cut !ood. This is a three:letter !ord that has + e% a /,. The !ord is 5555555.
( axe) ( show picture of axe)
. am thinking of a kind lady !ith magic !and. She is po!erful. The fi-e:letter
!ord starts !ith an 0f& and ends !ith y.
. am thinking of a !ord that means a thing like a gift or good !ords you get !hen
you do something good.( )how picture of a fair' giving something for the man)
Let us read these words: wood, axe, fair' and reward
4e will hear these words from the stor' 8 am about to read to 'ou*
2. Motivation,
hat is your fa-orite toy" hat !ould you do if you lost your fa-orite toy"
Elicit answers from the pupils* 4rite their responses on the board*
#. Motive 2uestion,
)a': The character in the story !e ha-e for this day does not ha-e a toy he
truly lo-es. )e has a -ery important tool his A=3. )e has been using his a/e
to earn a li-ing for the family.
hat if he lost his a/e" hat !ould he do" #et us find it out.
$ead the stor' aloud *)top at strategic points and ask 2uestions*
+!e 6onest &ood(an
Adapted b' EsperanGa iaG &ruG
Ince, a poor woodman named &alo' went to the forest which was on the side
of a deep river* ;e was working all da' long and he was tired* +Demonstrate
ho! it is to be tired.,
)uddenl' his axe slipped from his hand and fell into the water* (Act it out before
the pupils)
LIhJ 8 have lost m' axe,L he cried* L8 have nothing to use to earn m' livingJ
4hat shall 8 do< 5he river is ver' deep and 8 am afraid to dive into it* 4ho can
help me<L
)top and Ask: ho do you think !ould help the !oodman" )o! !ould he do it"
%aye9 a good fairy9 heard the poor manMs cries and appeared before him*
L4hats the matter, poor woodman<L she asked* L4h' are 'ou so sad<L
&alo' told her what happened and >a'e promised to help him*
)top and Ask: hat !ould the fairy do" Can you guess"
)he dived into the river and brought up a golden a?e* L8s it 'ours<L she asked*
+ Ask the girls in the class to say this line 0.s it yours"&,
LFo, that is not mine,L answered &alo'*
+ Ask the boys in the class to say this line:02o% that is not mine&,
>a'e dived again and this time brought up a silver a?e*
L8s it 'ours<L she asked, + *emind the girls to say the line:0.s it yours"&,
and &alo' again answered LFo*L+ *emind the boys to say the line:2o.,
)top and Ask: hat do you think !ould the fairy do"
)o >a'e dived a third time and this time brought up the a?e t!at !ad slipped
fro( &alo'Ms hand* L5hat is m' axe,L he cried * LFow 8 can work again*L
;app' with &alo's acts, >a'e gave him the two axes as a reward*
4. Post Listening Discussion
;ave the pupils discuss the stor' in class*
"* 4ho came to the forest<
#* 4h' did he go to the forest<
7* 4hat happened to his axe< ;ow do 'ou think the woodman felt<
A* 4ho helped the woodman<
+ Act out the scenes bet!een Caloy and the >airy,
/* id the woodman get the axe that was not his< o 'ou think &alo' did the
right thing< 4h' do 'ou sa' so<
-* 4h' do 'ou think >a'e the fair' thought of giving the three axes to the
woodman< 8f 'ou were the fair' would 'ou do that, too< 4h'<
B* o 'ou think 'ou are an honest person if 'ou do not get the things that are
not 'ours< 4h'<
5. Post Listening Activity
>orm groups of five* )a': $e creati-e in naming your group. Make a
Certificate of Appreciation for a class member !hom the group belie-es sho!ed acts
of honesty. 4our group is e/pected to:
7. <i-e e-eryone a chance to make suggestions about the person/persons
!hom the group thinks has been so honest
9. Talk together about !hat the certificate should look like and !hat it should
;. Decide as a group !ho deser-es the Certificate of Appreciation a!ard
&ertificate of Appreciation
@ou are such an honest person*
)igned b': 4rite the name of each member for each one to affix his!her signature
above his!her name*
A* ;ave a mini-program and do the actual awarding of the &ertificate of
Appreciation to an honest class member
Lesson 12 Day 2, @oting details in a given te?t
Reading and )riting long vo)el $a$ in si(ple stories
"* Recalling t!e story
Let the children stud' the 6uide sheet* &all volunteers to read the 2uestions*
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 12/ on page 151.
#* Modeling
)a': To ans!er these 'uestions% !e need to remember some details from the te/t !e
listened to or read about .#et us see if !e remember the details from the story: The
honest !oodman to get ans!ers to the 'uestions in the guide sheet.
Elicit answers from the pupils* .ost their answers on the guide sheet*
)a': #et us read your ans!ers. The ideas you ha-e gi-en are the details you
remember from the story. There are some simple !ays of getting details.
5hink about this* etails answer the who, what, when , where and how* 5he stor'
itself will help 'ou find something about the 4;I, 4;A5, 4;EF, 4;E$E, 4;@,
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 1#0 on page 152 for noting details activity.
)a': Details help us understand the story better. The details are the e-ents that
happened in the story. *emember to al!ays ask yourself: Does it make sense if . gi-e
this detail for this 'uestion.
iscuss what t'pe of detail is needed based on the t'pe of 2uestion*
ho + characters,% !hen+ date,% !here+ place !here the problem begins,
!hat + problem,%!hy+ reasons,% ho! + process,
P!onics$&ord Recognition
7* .resentation!8ntroduction
.resent the pictures and the words* Let the class read the words*
illustrate take
illustrate make
illustrate rake
illustrate bake
illustrate shade
#* 5eaching!Modelling
Model the correct wa' of reading the words* )ound the long Ha properl'* 5ell them
that these are long Ha words because the a is sounded as !e'!*
$efer to LM Activity 1#1 on pages 152-15#.
-. 3nde*endent #ractice
E5*&ain the cartoon a(out 6ake and 7ate showing acts o1 honesty
Use cartoon in this acti+ity.
Say: Let us work in groups. Then write your answers on the !T"#L
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 1#2 on page 154 for independent practice on noting
details activit'*
Lesson 1 !ay "# 7se action )ords in si(ple sentence
Read and )rite long vo)el $a$ in si(ple stories.
"* .resentation!8ntroduction
Say: %ow does e&eryone feel today' Let us know.
(e will ha&e a )ashback of the part of the story that we liked.
*ay # call two pupils to act out the fairys part from the story.
#artners who wi&& act out the scenes o1 the woodman and the 1airy
shou&d ha+e (een in1ormed a(out the acti+ity (e1ore the c&ass
Say: (hat did the pair do'
E&icit answers 1rom the *u*i&s.
#* Modeling!5eaching
Say: (hat ha&e you obser&ed with the highlighted words used in
the sentences'
The a5e slipped 1rom his hand and fell into the water.
.aye dived into the ri+er.
Elicit answers from the pupils and write their answers on the board*
)a': The !ords are e/amples of action !ords.
They sho! action that is done by the doer.
#et us ha-e more e/amples.
Nake ;a'es a cake* 4hat does Nake do<
Oate eats the cake* 4hat does Oate do<
.at sits on the rug* 4hat does .at do<
5he nun runs under the sun* 4hat does the nun do<
#et us be more engaged by doing this ACT .T 1?T acti-ity.
)a': . !ill sho! !ord cards. *ead them and carry out or do the action mentioned in
each !ord.
walk run sing bark eat hug hum
*emember% action !ords are doing !ords.
They denote some actions if !e see them in sentences.
7* 6uided .ractice
(5eacher prepares an Action 4ord 4heel*)
)a': e ha-e another game for action !ords. #et us use Action ord heel.
>orm groups. $e creati-e in gi-ing names for your groups.
)o! to start the game:
a. Call a pupil to spin the !heel to re-eal an action !ord.
b. #et them act out the !ord by group.
c. Then% ha-e them come up !ith a sentence using that !ord.
A* 8ndependent .ractice
$efer to LM Activity 1## on page 155.
Part 3, P!onics$&ord *nstruction
>lash +$A8F L8)5 for fast reading ( flash words one b' one)
run fog wash wish bake Nake
fun ?og cash fish take Oate
fall mash dash dish make mate
tall rash
)a': #et us read these sentences again.
Mom, Oate and Nake baked the cake*
4ho baked the cake<
Nake, Oate and ave went to the lake*
4ho went to the lake<
Mom, Oate, Nake and ave ate the cake*
4ho ate the cake<

This time show *ictures o1: / show a sentence whi&e 8ashing the
%ead these words.
Say: 0ate and date ha+e this *attern
Say: Cave and shave ha+e this *attern
m/a/te g/a/+e
Date 6une
The cave is
The schoo&
gate is
Dad shaves
the hair in
his chin.
The date o1
your (irthday is
6une 1-.
&/a/te D/a/+e
@. 6uided .ractice
$efer to LM Activity 1#4 on page 155.
A. 8ndependent .ractice
Work in grou*s. Each grou* shou&d ha+e 9+e mem(ers. Do the oes
it *ake +ense acti+ity:
4rrange the words in order to make a meaning1u& sentence.
0rou*s 1$- ; Da+e/ ca+e/ go/ 7ate / to/ the
0rou*s 2$<$ 6ake/ 7ate/ cake/ ,om/ ga+e / the
#resent grou* out*uts in c&ass.
Lesson 1 !ay 4: &rite at least # sentences fro( various sources
Read and )rite long vo)el a in si(ple sentences
7se of punctuation (ar' (.-
"* .resentation!8ntroduction
Say: %ello kids, #s the energy le&el still high' %ow do you feel about
honest person'
(e praise people who showed acts of honesty. Right' "nd in most
ways, we
appreciate them.
Let us take a close look at these.
#u*i& o1 the month: =onest #erson
#oster a(out honesty
1or the i&&ustrator ; draw a gir& who returned the >? *eso (i&& she
saw under her desk to her teacher"
=onest dri+er returns &a*to*/1>k cash
#u*i& o1 the month: =onesto 7ata*atan
4ge: @ years o&d
0ood work shown: %eturning the wa&&et he saw at the
%eward: certi9cate o1 a**reciation
Say: (hat can you say about the -upil of the month chart' poster'
escribe each te.t shown.
Whi&e *u*i&s gi+e descri*tion a(out the te5ts/ teacher writes their
answers on the (oard.
#* Modeling!5eaching
#ost *u*i&sA res*onse on BU% %ES#BCSES C=4%T.
Se*arate&y write the sentences 1rom *hrases
$%&$' ()R
#u*i& o1 the month chart
#oster a(out honesty
=onest dri+er returns
&a*to*/1>k cash
Say: The -upil of the *onth $hart, poster about honesty and the
headline are
di/erent sources we can possibly use to get information.
#n order to get information from a&ailable te.ts , ask yourself
0uestions like1
(hat is the te.t about'
(hat does it show'
(ho is in the te.t'
%ow can # say the idea of the te.t in my own words'
To *resent in1ormation c&earer/ we use dec&arati+e sentences.
1. =onest dri+er gets a reward.
3s the idea c&ear: Does it e5*ress com*&ete thought: =ow does it
start and end:
=ow a(out in items 2 and -. 4sk: Does it e5*ress a com*&ete
=ow does it start and end:
2. =onesto 7ata*atan recei+ed
-.%eturned the 91ty *eso (i&& to her teacher.
Say: 3tem 1 is an e5am*&e o1 a dec&arati+e sentence.
3tems 2 and - are e5am*&es o1 *hrases.
#. .uided Practice
!et us study the BU% %ES#BCSES C=4%T.
#hrase Sentence
an honest (oy
an honest dri+er
=onesto 7ata*atan is honest.
The dri+er is honest.
What do you notice with the words under co&umn #hrase:
Does it e5*ress com*&ete thought:
4sk: %ow are declarati&es formed'
Say: " declarati&e sentence states an idea. #t does not gi&e command nor
#t does not ask a 0uestion either. #t ends with a period2.3
Part +# Phonics,-ord .nstruction
.&ash D%43C !3ST 1or 1ast reading .&ash one (y one some words that
*u*i&s ha+e &earned in *re+ious weeks"
Say: Let us read these phrases.
the side o1 the &ake
(ake a cake
rake the grass
make a wish
wake u* ear&y
at a schoo& gate.
show *ictures o1 ca*e/ na*e/gra*e/sha*e"
Say1 Let us read the sentence under each picture.
The cape is (&ack. The nape o1 his neck has
gra*es sha*e
The shape o1 the ta(&e is sEuare. 3 &ike to eat grapes.
Say:Let us study these words1 #t also follows a pattern.
4. *ndependent Practice
Let the children do the M3M1*4 #A23 acti-ity b' completing the sentences to make
a stor' b' arranging the ?umbled words inside the parenthesis*
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 1#4 on page 155 for the writing to learn activit'*
Lesson 12 Day 5, &rite at least # sentences fro( various sources (declarative-
"* Presentation$*ntroduction
)a': )ello BidsC )o!s the energy le-el today" Sho! T)?M$S ?6 if you feel great
today and T)?M$S D12 if you are a little bit sad.
#ets ha-e fun through this T)?M$S ?6 and T)?M$S D12 acti-ity.
)how 5humbs 0p!5humbs down hand signal if the actions displa'
Mateo misspelled the word but he said it was correct*
Almira admitted that she was late going to school*
Mateo ate the food that was not his*
Almira returned the purse that was not hers*
5he children gave the purse to their teacher*
2. Modeling$+eac!ing
Say: Look at this cartoon. Think what it is about.
=a+e the *u*i&s share their ideas.
Say: (e ha&e here a &erse about honesty1 4#t is always good to be
honest in words and in actions.5 Think what it is about.
=a+e *u*i&s e5*ress their ideas a(out the +erse.
Say: (e ha&e here a public announcement.
Bur schoo& is &ooking 1or the most honest grade three *u*i& in
your c&ass. S/he shou&d ha+e shown acts o1 honesty. 31 you
(e&ie+e your c&assmate is or i1 you (e&ie+e you are honest
then +isit the oFce o1 the guidance counse&or on Tuesday/
Decem(er G.
Say: Think what it is about.
Write *u*i&sA res*onses on the (oard.
7* .uided Practice
)a': #et us pause for a minute. Take a close look at your responses.
This time you are going to !ork in pairs.
Decide !hich declarati-e sentences from the responses are.
4 +erse a(out
Cartoon #u(&ic
Say: Lets read your answers.
Part 3, P!onics$&ord *nstruction
>lash the +$A8F L8)5 for fast reading*
!a!ke pattern ! a!te pattern !a!ve pattern !a!pe
bake gate save cape
cake late gave tape
make mate ave nape
lake date cave
sake Oate
rake rate
Let us read and answer the 2uestions orall'*
$efer the pupils to LM Activities 1#5-1#" on page 15".
)a': This time lets look at this long /a/ pattern in these !ords.
!a!se !a!ne
case lane
base cane
vase mane
chase pane
Activit': $efer the pupils to LM Activity 1#0A on page 150.
Explain the meaning of each word* @ou can show picture or act out if possible the
meaning of the word*
)how pictures of a vase ( flower vase), cat chasing rat , mane ( hair on the neck of a
lion), pane ( sheet of glass in window), pedestrian lane
emonstrate lane, cane, base
Activit': $efer the pupils to LM Activity 1#03 on page 150.
)a': ork in pairs. #et us do the 0Does it make sense"& acti-ity.
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 1#08 on page 151.
4. *ndependent Practice
>orm the groups of L9 59 <9 >.
6roups L and 5: A 'ell for the person who showed honest'
(Arrange the word to form a 'ell)
>irst line: honest, true, and, sta'
)econd line: 'ou, ever'one, trust, will
6roups < and >: A two-line song about honest'( Adapt a tune)
Arrange the words to make a song
>irst line: be, to, honest, good, is
)econd line: not, be, tr', ?ust, but, to, should
Unit 2: ee! 4 "Lesson 13$
Lesson Parts
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
(reparing for the Big Day by
)"y '. *omano
+et the general sense of
the story
,ote details in a gi"en
te-t (plot)
.ong "owel word ending
in silent e/ as in bae
Tell the main idea of a
short paragraph (story
.ong "owel word ending
in silent e/ as in bae
Form and use the past
tense of frequently
occurring regular "erbs
.ong "owel word ending
in silent e/ as in bae
%rite at least three
sentences from "arious
familiar sources
1se appropriate
punctuation mars (2)
@op! of the stor!
=$reparing for the <ig
,ample calendar
-eaching chart a"out .lot
as element of a stor!
;adder of 4&ents graphic
@op! of the stor! =-he <ig
$art! hat *see sample in
,ample planner
uthentic in&itation card,
picture of a "irthda! part!
*: min1
7oca"ular! De&elopment
using @ontext @lues
,how a calendar to the
class and ask them /.-
questions to "uild on
prior knowledge
*90 min1
#ead the stor! using
D#- approach, then
allow pupils read "!
group and then whole
class approach
$ost #eading
*': min1
llow pupils to answer
6ntroduction/ $resentation
*: min1
/ord drill on words ending in
silent e: long /a/

#ecall the stor! =$reparing
for the <ig Da!> "!
answering /.- questions
$ost pupils answers on
the "oard
Modeling/-eaching: *90 min1
More word drill and
acti&ities on words ending
in silent e: long /a/, see -?

Discuss plot as element of
a stor! "! answering
questions a"out the stor!
6ntroduction/ $resentation
*: min1
/ord drill and exercises
on words ending in silent
e: long /a/, see -?
llow the pupils to recall
the stor! =$reparing for the
<ig Da!> "! completing the
E;adder of 4&ents graphic
*'0 min1
;et the pupils "rainstorm
a"out the "ig da! in the
#eading the stor! =-he <ig
$resentation/ 6ntroduction
*': min1
/ord drill and exercises
on words ending in silent
e: long /a/, see -?
$resent regular &er"s
used in sentences( 7er"s
are in present and past
form shown in a two-
column ta"le(
llow pupils to work in pair
and list down common
&er"s the! know(
Modeling/ -eaching
*'0 min1
Discuss frequentl!
occurring regular &er"s
*': min1
$resentation/ 6ntroduction
*: min1
,how a picture of a "irthda!
part! and ask the pupils if the!
ha&e experienced attending
Modeling/ -eaching
*': min1
,how an in&itation card( Discuss
the details written in the in&itation
card using wh-questions
?uided /riting
*': min1
-hrough modeling, construct
"asic wh-questions from the
gi&en text(
questions a"out the stor!
to allow complete grasp
of the stor!
*'0 min1
;et the pupils draw and
write a sentence a"out a
gift the! want to recei&e
on their "irthda!(
?roup cti&it!
*': min1
llow pupils to prepare
song and dance group
presentation a"out the
e&ents in the stor!
6ndependent ?roup cti&it!
*': min1
$resentation of outputs
*': min1
@omprehension 8uestions
a"out the stor!
Discuss t1e3eas element
of a stor!
6ndependent ?roup cti&it!
*90 min1
llow pupils to present other
themes of the stor! through
chant, poster, song, skit and
sk the pupils to make a
"irthda! hat and write an
action word on it( -hen, let
each pass the hat to the
person on the right and ha&e
him/her write its past form(
*-eacher modeling1
6ndependent $ractice
*'0 min1
<ased on the planner,
construct fi&e simple
sentences with regular
&er"s that tell what ?a"
did in the past(
*Discussion on wh-questions1
6ndependent ?roup $ractice
*': min1
<! group, construct three "asic
wh-questions using an! of the
gi&en stimuli(
<irthda! card
,chool announcement
/arning along the street
Unit 2: ee! 4 "Lesson 13$
Preparing for the Big Day
"* 0nlocking!9ocabular' : &oncept evelopment
e/cited0 relative0 planner3
0sing context clues, allow pupils to give the meaning of the underlined word*
"* Ana will celebrate her birthda' tomorrow and she feels excited*
a* sad b* happ' c* frightened
#* Alex is m' cousin* ;e is m' relative*
a* enem' b* famil' c* best friend
7* M' mother writes our dail' activities on a planner*
a* diar' b* stor'book d* schedule notebook
)a': #et us see if you remember the !ords !e learned today*
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 1#1 on page 15/.
#* Motivation 1uestion:
)how a calendar to the class and ask the 2uestions below* Make sure to use a recent
calendar showing the 'ear and the month with complete number of da's*
ho has a calendar at home"
hy do !e use calendar"
hat is the importance of it"
7* Motive 1uestion:
hy do you think Ana prepared so much for the big day"
During Reading
$ead aloud the stor' and emplo' $5A to let the pupils predict as the' read along the
stor'* (see next page)
Assign certain groups to read the stor' part b' part*
)a': #et us read the story together and find out ho! important it is to plan
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 1#/ on page 1"0 for the cop' of the stor'*
Post Reading
Discussion Questions
1. Who *&anned 1or the (ig day:
2. =ow many days did she *re*are 1or the (ig day:
-. Why do you think 4na *re*ared so much 1or the (ig day:
2. What in the story cou&d (e the H(ig dayA:
Cote: Questions > and < are s*ring(oard to 3n1usion o1 'a&ues.
>. What made it easier 1or 4na to *re*are 1or the (ig day:
<. Why do you think it is im*ortant to *&an ahead:
2. Engagement/Enrichment
=a+e the *u*i&s accom*&ish LM Activity 140 BDra) and &riteC on page
Lesson 1" !ay # !ecoding,1luency,-riting
Preparing for the Big Day
Dy 3+y ,. %omano
E+ery(ody in the house was (usy. There were on&y 9+e
days (e1ore the (ig day/ and 4na was e5cited. She
&ooked at her mini *&anner. She was eager to *&an 1or
the things she has to do. She wanted e+erything to (e
.our days (e1ore the (ig day/ 4na started to c&ean
the house. She mo**ed the 8oor. She *&aced the trash
out o1 the house.
Three days (e1ore the (ig day/ she +isited her
re&ati+es and 1riends. She in+ited them to (e *resent
on that +ery s*ecia& day.
Two days (e1ore the (ig day/ she *racticed a song
with her 1riends. She wanted to dedicate this to her
s*ecia& guest.
4 day (e1ore the (ig day/ she went to the market
with her mother. They thought o1 *re*aring something
Then/ came the (ig day. E+erything was *er1ect.
*oting !etails in a 2iven $e/t
'ill Lesson, Long <o)el &ords >nding in ilent e, long $a$ as in ;a'e (1
)how a picture of a cake* Ask: hat is in the picture" 4rite the word ca'e on the board*
Anal'Ge the spelling pattern of the word*
)a': )o! many letters do !e ha-e in the !ord cake" +>our letters, hat are these
letters" +c:a:k:e, )o! many consonants are there" +T!o consonants, hat are these
consonants" +c and k, Fote: Ask a volunteer to underline the letter c and '* )o! many
-o!els are there" +T!o -o!els, hat are these -o!els" +a and e, Fote: Ask the
volunteer to encircle letters a and e on the board*
After doing the word structure anal'sis, let the pupils read the word three times* 5eacher
ma' emplo' variation in reading the words like reading it soft, moderate or loud to
sustain the interest of the pupils* $emind the pupils that words with the same structure
have long !a! sound*
>lash card drill on words with long !a! previousl' learned on week 7*
8ntroduce more words with long !a! and silent e in Pame and Pale famil'* +e sure to
illustrate or act out each word before the pupils read them*
+eac!ing 8!art
-ame -ale
dame male
fame pale
game sale
flame scale
frame stale
name tale
shame whale
.uided Practice
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 141 on page 1"1.
*ndependent Practice
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 142 on page 1"1.
'ill Lesson, @oting Details in a .iven +e?t (2
#et us go back to the story% 06reparing for the $ig Day&
4hat made ever'bod' in the house bus'<
4hat was the first thing Ana did for the big da'<
4hat were the things Ana did as written in her planner< id she do each of them<
Elicit answers from the pupils then write each on the board*
.ossible answers:
)a': 2o!% !hat !ere the things !e ha-e !ritten on the board"
These e-ents make up the story plot of D6reparing for the $ig Day. #et us study the plot by
ans!ering the follo!ing.&
"* 4hat do 'ou mean b' Hplot<
2. What does the *&ot *ro+ide the readers:
-. Wou&d you (e a(&e to understand the story/ without knowing the
2. Why is it im*ortant to know the *&ot in a story:
!et the *u*i&s genera&iIe (y reading the chart a(out plot.
E+ery(ody was *re*aring 1or the (ig day.
4na *&anned the things to (e done 1or the (ig day.
; She c&eaned the house.
; She +isited and in+ite her re&ati+es.
; She *racticed a song num(er with her 1riends.
$ 4na went to the market with her ,other.
#&ot is the series o1 e+ents in a
3t *ro+ides the detai&s o1 a
Co/ knowing the im*ortant detai&s and e+ents &eads to an
understanding o1 what the story is trying to te&& us.
4side 1rom characters and setting/ the *&ot is a&so an
e&ement o1 a story which *resents the *ro(&em among
the characters and how it is reso&+ed.
(Fote: 6uide the students to make this generaliGation at the end of Modeling!5eaching and before
6uided .ractice* 8t will help to have the generaliGation shown in a 5eaching &hart for ease in
reference, and for use in future lessons* )
#. .uided$*ndependent Practice
Now that you ha&e learned what a plot is, # would like you to go back
to the story, and creati&ely present its e&ents through song and
0rou* 1: What 4na did 9+e days (e1ore the (ig day:
0rou* 2: What 4na did 1our day (e1ore the (ig day:
0rou* -: What 4na did three day (e1ore the (ig day:
0rou* 2: What 4na did two day (e1ore the (ig day:
0rou* >: What 4na did a day (e1ore the (ig day:
Lesson 1" !ay "# 2iving the Main .dea of a Paragraph
'ill Lesson, Long <o)el &ords >nding in ilent e, long $a$ as in ;a'e (1
)how a picture of a bo' and a picture of a candle with a flame*
)a': 4hat is in picture A< (a bo') A bo' is also called male* 4hat is in picture +< (a
candle) the candle has a flame*
$eaching 3hart# Plot
#&ot is the series o1 e+ents in a story.
3t *ro+ides the detai&s o1 a story.
7nowing the im*ortant detai&s and e+ents
&eads to (etter understanding o1 the story.
4side 1rom characters and setting/ *&ot is a&so
an e&ement o1 a story.
Fote: 4rite the word (ale and fla(e on the board*
Ask: 4hat is the sound of !a! in the words (ale and fla(e* Fote: Let the pupils sound
it three times*
>lash card drill on words with long !a! previousl' learned on da' #, see teaching chart*
.rovide corrective feedback if necessar'*
.uided Practice
Let the pupils read words with long !a! and silent e used in phrases and in sentences*
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 14# on page 1"2.
*ndependent Practice
Let the pupils list and classif' the words from Activit' A and + into Pame famil' and
Pale famil'*
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 144 on page 1"#.
'ill Lesson, .iving t!e Main *dea of a Paragrap! (2
>. %e+iew
Do you sti&& remem(er the story that we read &ast time:
3 ha+e here a H!adder o1 E+entsA gra*hic organiIer. %eca&& the story
-reparing for the Big ay and he&* 4na do her task.
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 145 on page 1"4.
-* .resentation!8ntroduction
Say: "re you curious as to what the big day is in the story' (hat
makes it so special that e&erybody is e.cited about it' (hy did "na
prepare so much for it'
Now, brainstorm with your groupmates. *ake a guess about what
the 6big day is. Be able to share the idea of the group with the
As the groups share their guesses, write on the board the guess of each group* Later in
the lesson, 'ou ma' refer to it to determine which group made the correct guess*
B* evelopment of the Lesson
Say: Let us read the story and 7nd out what is the big day "na
referring to.
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 14" on page 1"5.
!et us answer the 1o&&owing:
1. What J(ig dayK was the story ta&king a(out:
2. Why do you think 4na *re*ared so much 1or her 1atherAs
-. Where do you think her .ather came 1rom: What was his Lo(:
2. =a+e you e+er e5*erienced missing someone: Who is she/he:
>. What makes you miss someone:
<. 31 you were 4na and you did not see your .ather 1or Euite a &ong
time/ wou&d you a&so do what 4na did:
M. 31 you were 4naAs 1ather/ how wou&d you 1ee&:
This time, let us help "na 7nd her way to her 8ather by identifying the
things she did in preparation for his homecoming.
The Dig Day
Dy 3+y ,. %omano
4 man stood (y the gate a&ong with huge
(ags. =e &ooked ta&&er. =e seemed +ery
1ami&iar. E+eryone around started to c&a* his
hands. E+ery(ody was ha**y and e5cited
seeing the man.
The man smi&ed at 4na. She *inched
herse&1/ not (e&ie+ing what she saw.
Teary$eyed/ the man wa&ked toward 4na
who stood sti&&. =e gra((ed 4naAs hands and
hugged her with so much Loy.
Tears ro&&ed down 4naAs 1ace.
J.ather/ you rea&&y are homeNK she
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 140 on page 1"".
Why do you think 4na did e+erything she did 1or her .atherAs
What does the story te&& us:
Write on the (oard the (est answer that can (e e&icited 1rom the *u*i&s.
!et them read it and te&& them that it is the theme o1 the story. Then/ ask
the idea o1 the c&ass a(out story theme.
Say: Let us talk about the 6theme by answering the following 0uestions1
What does Hstory themeA mean:
What detai&s o1 the story shou&d you consider to he&* you identi1y
the theme:
3t is *ossi(&e to ha+e se+era& themes in a story:
Discuss another theme o1 the story 1or the *u*i&s to understand that a
story can ha+e se+era& themes. Oou may add the themes such as a
daughters longing for her father, a daughters lo&e for her father,
e.citement on fathers homecoming, a fathers longing for her daughter,
missing a parent, etc.
C* 8ndependent 6roup Activit'
Can you think o1 another theme o1 the story The Big ay: Work with
your grou* mates. De a(&e to *resent as 1o&&ows the theme you
(rainstormed a(out:
0rou* 1: Chant
0rou* 2: #oster
0rou* -: Song
0rou* 2: Short skit
0rou* >: #oem
Lesson 1" !ay 4# 2ra44ar
'ill Lesson, Long <o)el &ords >nding in ilent e, long $a$ as in ;a'e (1
Materials, flas! cards of )ords )it! long $a$ sound and silent e9 poc'et c!art
Theme gi+es the idea that is centra& to a story. 3t te&&s what the
story is most&y a(out. 3t o1ten gi+es a sense o1 +a&ue that is &ike&y
a**ea&ing to the readers. 4 story can ha+e more than one
"* >lash words with long !a! sound and silent e under Pame and Pale famil' (see teaching
chart)* Ask volunteers to read each word* After each word is read, ask the pupils to displa'
the word card!flash card under its word famil' in the pocket chart*
A* $ead the stor' Bale* 0se the )top and $ead approach* 4henever the teacher stops, the
pupils continue* )ee a cop' of the text in the LM* 5he underlined words will be read b'
the pupils*
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 141 on page 1"0.
Fote: After group reading, ask volunteers to read the entire stor'*
/* Activit'
A* Let the pupils answer 4;- 2uestions about the stor' Bale
+* Let the pupils make a list of their dail' schedule in their notebook*
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 1413-8 on page 1"1.
'ill Lesson, %or(ing and 7sing t!e Past +ense of %reDuently 5ccurring
Regular <er;s (-ed- (2
"* .resentation!8ntroduction
Say: Let us study the table below by answering the following 0uestion.
The ta(&e (e&ow must (e *resented on the (oard 1or the *u*i&s to see it."
A +
C&asses start at <:?? oAc&ock in the
Oesterday/ our c&ass started ear&ier
than the usua&.
3 5ant to come to schoo& ear&y. !ast ,onday/ 3 rea&&y 5anted to (e
the 9rst to arri+e in schoo&.
3 clean our c&assroom e+ery day
(e1ore e+eryone arri+es.
4 month ago/ ,ikka and 3 were the
one who cleaned our c&assroom.
What are the ita&iciIed words in co&umn 4:
What does each te&&:
4re there c&ues that te&& when the actions ha**ened: What are
What time o1 action does each c&ue word or e5*ression
What ha+e you noticed a(out the action words in co&umn D:
What time o1 action does each signi1y:
What c&ues te&& that the actions were a&ready done in the *ast:
=ow do we 1orm the *ast o1 regu&ar +er(s:
Say: Let us work in pairs. List down two common &erbs you know.
4s the *u*i&s share their out*ut/ write on the (oard the +er(s (y sorting
them as to regu&ar and irregu&ar +er(s e.g. 9ump and run3. 4sk the c&ass
to 1orm the *ast o1 the regu&ar +er(s they &isted.
#* Modeling!5eaching
During the discussion/ 1or (etter understanding/ &ead the *u*i&s to arri+e
at the 1o&&owing ideas:
4 +er( is a word that mentions an action. 3t te&&s you to mo+e or do
something. =owe+er/ there are some +er(s/ which do not reEuire
you to mo+e &ike think, remember, etc.
The acti+ities that you do e+ery day and those you do ha(itua&&y
e5*ress *resent time.
The acti+ities that you ha+e done (e1ore the actua& time o1 s*eaking
e5*ress *ast time.
%egu&ar&y occurring +er(s 1orm their *ast (y adding :ed at the end
such as ask;asked, clear;cleared, repeat;repeated, etc.
31 time *ermits/ you may a&so discuss the *ronunciation o1 the &ast two
&etters $ed"/ in asked t"/ c&eared d"/ and re*eateded" (y *ro+iding more
e5am*&es and &etting the *u*i&s read them.
$ed sounded as /t/ $ed sounded as /d/ $ed sounded as /ed/
asked c&eared acted
he&*ed 1rightened added
7* 6uided .ractice
Say: Lets pretend that we are in a birthday party. Let us play a game
using a party hat. Think of an action word then write it on the party
hat2front side3. <n cue, each should pass the hat to the person on the
right and ha&e him/her write its past form on the back part of the party
hat and say the word aloud or write /d/, /t/ or /#d/ after the past form of
the &erb.
,ake a #arty =at as i&&ustrated (e&ow:
.or mode&ing/ do the 9rst tria&. !imit the time o1 the *u*i&s in doing the
acti+ity. 41ter which/ co&&ect the *arty hat and te&& whether the *ast 1rom o1
the regu&ar&y occurring +er( is correct. 31 it is not/ ask/guide some(ody to
make the necessary correction.
A* 8ndependent .ractice
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 14/ on page 1"/.
8nstruct the pupils to write five simple sentences that tell what 6ab did in the past
based on the planner*
Lesson 1" !ay 5# !ecoding,1luency,-riting
'ill Lesson, 7se appropriate punctuation (ar's (E-
&rite at least t!ree sentences fro( various fa(iliar sources
"* .resentation!8ntroduction
Say: Let us look at the picture.
%a&e you e&er e.perienced attending a birthday party'
(hat common things can you 7nd there'
%ow do you feel about attending a birthday party'
31 the c&ass has no idea what a (irthday *arty is or none o1 the *u*i&s has
(een to such/ direct the c&ass (y showing *ictures or things that can (e
1ound in there/ and then te&& them the things that chi&dren do in a (irthday
#* Modeling!5eaching
.or the i&&ustrator
Draw here a ty*ica& (irthday *arty inc&uding ha**y
chi&dren in their *arty hat ho&ding (a&&oons/ the (irthday
ce&e(ratorAs (&owing the cand&es in her cake/ etc.
Say: o you know that you cannot 9ust simply attend a birthday party
without being in&ited' The birthday celebrator usually gi&es out in&itation
to those s/he wanted to be present in her/his party.
Cow/ &et us take a &ook o1 what 3 ha+e here.
What occasion is re8ected in the in+itation:
Who wi&& (e ce&e(rating her (irthday:
When is !aniAs (irthday:
Where wi&& she ha+e her *arty:
.or whom is the (irthday in+itation:
Why do you think !ani wanted to (e with her 1riends on her
s*ecia& day:
What do you think is 0a(As gi1t 1or !ani:
31 you were 0a(/ wou&d you take a gi1t with you 1or !ani: Why:
What im*ortant detai&s shou&d we remem(er in writing a
(irthday in+itation:
During the asking and answering Euestions a(out the gi+en te5t/ write
some Euestions in the Q ) 4 Chart/ as we&& as the res*onse o1 the *u*i&s.
Say:Let us study the = > " chart we made while we were talking about
the Birthday #n&itation $ard abo&e by answering the following.
October 9, 2014
Dear Gab,
I will be trning eight on October 1!" #y $other plan% to
prepare a %i$ple party for $e in or ho%e" &he fn will %tart at
1'00 in the afternoon"
I will be happy if yo col( )oin % in celebrating thi%
*ery %pecial (ay"
en do we ask HwhatA Euestions:
What is the e5*ected answer 1or HwhatA Euestions:
When do we ask HwhoA Euestions:
What is the e5*ected answer 1or HwhoA Euestions:
When do we ask HwhenA Euestions:
What is the e5*ected answer 1or HwhenA Euestions:
When do we ask HwhereA Euestions:
What is the e5*ected answer 1or HwhereA Euestions:
When do we ask HwhyA Euestions:
What is the e5*ected answer 1or HwhyA Euestions:
Say: (e ask 0uestion whene&er we want/re0uest for information. The
information may be pro&ided in the form of a response or an answer.
(e start our 0uestion with What if we want to know an ob9ect, idea, or
(e start our 0uestion with Who if we want to know a person/s.
(e start our 0uestion with When if we want to know the time.
(e start our 0uestion with Where if we want to know the place.
(e start our 0uestion with Why if we want to know the reason.
Oou may a&so inc&ude the =ow in the discussion."
(e start our 0uestion with How if we want the answer the manner of a
certain act.
6 7 A 3hart
6uestions Ans5ers
-hat occasion is re8ected in the
-ho wi&& (e ce&e(rating her
-hen is !aniAs (irthday: Bcto(er 1-
-here wi&& she ha+e her *arty: 4t their house
-hy do you think !ani wanted to
(e with her 1riends on her s*ecia&
She wants to ha+e some 1un.
5eaching &hart: 8nterrogatives
4hat- for things
4ho-for persons
4hen-for time
4here-for places
4h'-for reasons or causes
;ow-for manner
7* 6uided .ractice
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 150 on page 100.
Say: This time, let us try writing/making 0uestion. ?nlike the 7rst one we
did, answers are gi&en@ try to write the 0uestion that would gi&e the
answer on the right.
A* 8ndependent 6roup .ractice
$efer the pupils to LM Activity 151 on page 100.
Say: Dy grou*/ construct three (asic wh$Euestions using any o1 the gi+en
Dirthday card
Schoo& announcement
Warning a&ong the street
Use genuine (irthday cards/ schoo& announcements/ and warning signs
that can (e 1ound inside the schoo& *remises so that the *u*i&s can re&ate
and attenti+e&y *artici*ate.
Unit 2: ee! 5 "Lesson 14$
Lesson Parts
Day 1 Day 2 Day # Day 4 Day 5
Literature: !ast !orward"
b' Leah F* +autista
ecode cvc words with long
ecode cvc words with long
)e2uence!$etell some
events as the' happened in
the stor'
$ead and write words,
phrases and sentences
containing words with
long !i! sound
$ead and write words,
phrases and sentences
containing words with
long !i! sound
4ords cards, phrase cards
or strips
5eacher &hart
4ord cards
5eaching &hart
+ingo game card
5eaching &hart
.hrase and sentence strips
0nlock ke' words through
pictures and word!context
$ead aloud the stor' and
stop at indicated points for
2uestions to monitor
.ost $eading
Let the pupils answer
discussion 2uestions*
8ntroduction! .resentation:
$eview of ecoding lessons
in 6rade #*
>lashcard rill on sight
words and words from the
word tree*
$ead the words and phrases
with the long !i! sound*
$ead and write sentences
with words with long !i!
8ntroduction! .resentation:
$eview of ecoding lessons
in 6rade #
>lashcard rill on sight
words and words from the
word tree*
$ead words and phrases
with the long !i! sound*
$ead and write sentences
with words with long !i!
.resentation! 8ntroduction
)how a picture of a
chime with a caption
Modeling! 5eaching
Model reading words with
long !i! sounds*
.resent ke' words- chimed,
nine and night*
.resent the teaching chart
for words with long!i!
sounds in reading
$ecall the stor' %>ast
>orward( b' asking pupils to
tell what the' can recall*
List phrases and sentence
answers of pupils*
iscuss phrase and sentence
b' sharing how the' differ*
.ost phrase strips for pupils to
combine to make a sentence*
Allow pupils to write "-#
Allow pupils to draw and
sa' something about what
tells them the time*
raw, write and tell
something using words with
long !i! sounds*
$ead and write sentences
with long !i! words*
raw, write and tell
something using words with
long !i! sounds*
.resentation! 8ntroduction:
)how illustrations of the
events in the stor' and
allow the pupils to find out
if the' are arranged in order*
Arrange the pictures with
the pupils and present
sentence strips
corresponding to the picture
to discuss se2uencing and
Allow pupils to present
scenes from the stor' read
through a tableau*
Let the pupils retell events
of the stor'
Let the pupils arrange
events in se2uential order*
Allow the pupils to give the
Allow pupils to go over
the reading activities for
further practice*
Let pupils draw, write
sentence and read them
sentences on the garbage
o activities to highlight the
value of resourcefulness*
Allow the pupils to plan a
pro?ect that utiliGes rec'clable
materials to find out how
resourceful the' are*
generaliGation on
se2uencing and retelling
Unit 2: Week > !esson 12"
8ast 8orward
1. Un&ocking/'oca(u&ary ) Conce*t De+e&o*ment
cloc80 4oved fast0 hour hand 0 fast for5ard0 and chi4ed3
Cote: When introducing new words/e5*ressions/ ha+e word or *hrase cards
ready. Bnce the words are used ora&&y/ show the word/*hrase card and he&* chi&dren
read it a&oud. Tack the card on the (oard to use 1or re+iew &ater. 4t the end o1 the
&esson/ add the +oca(u&ary cards to your Word Tree and &ea+e them there as &ong as
there is s*ace so chi&dren can *ractice reading them."
Show a *icture o1 a c&ock. Use it to un&ock the words 4oved fast0
hour hand and fast for5ard.
Say: This is a clock. (hat do you see in the clock' %ow many hands
does it ha&e' -oint at the hour hand@ -oint at the second hand. (hich
mo&es faster'
+how a real clock. ?se this to unlock the word wink and chimed.
)a': This is a clock. hat does the clock tell us" )o! many hands do the clock has"
hat does the long and thin hand tell us" )o! about the other long hand" hat about
the short hand"
4hat time do 'ou go to school< Let us sa' that 'our call time in school is B oclock*
@ou saw the clock that it is almost B* 4hat would 'ou feel< 4hat will 'ou do<
)a': #et us see if you remember the !ords !e learned today*
$efer the pupils to LM Lesson "A-Activit' " on page KKKK for the word review
2. ,oti+ation Question
hat do you do so that you !ill not be late in going to school"
-. ,oti+e Question
hat did the grasshopper do so that he !ont be late to school"
(Fote: 8nstead of the Motivation 1uestion-Motive 1uestion tandem, 'ou can use semantic mapping as an
alternative strateg'* 4rite the word cloc' on the board* ;ave children think of words that come to their
mind when the' hear the word cloc'* 4rite their answers as strands around the word, as shown in the
#icture o1 a
figure* 5hen sa': 8n the stor' 8 will read to 'ou, )lick the grasshopper was almost late for school* >ind out
what father did to teach him how to manage his time*)
#ossi(&e answers: 1ast 1orward/ mo+ed 1ast/ chimed"
During %eading
$ead aloud the stor' (see next page)* )top at indicated points to ask the children what the'
think will happen next in the stor'*
Post Reading
1. Discussion Questions
"* 4ho is the main character of the stor'<
#* 4h' did )lick the grasshopper ?ump with ?o'<
7* 4hat did he do with his friends<
A* 4hat did he forget to do<
/* 4hat did father tell )lick to teach him a lesson<
-* 4h' did )lick have to move fast<
B* id )lick sleep well<
C* ;ow did the minute hand move<
D* ;ow did )lick feel when he arrived home<
"3* 4hat is the lesson of the stor'<
2. Engagement/Enrichment
$efer the pupils to LM Lesson "A-Activit' # on page KKKK for the 4riting to Learn activit'*
1ast 1or5ard
(y !eah C. Dautista
JC&asses wi&& start &ate tomorrow.K S&ick Lum*ed with Loy. =e said/ J3
need not hurry. 3A&& take it easy. 3 ha+e &ots o1 time to get things done.K
So he *&ayed with his 1riends in the yard. They ta&ked and had 1un unti&
dinner time.
JUh$huh/K S&ickAs 1ather said. J!ook at the c&ockAs &ong minute hand.
.ast 1orward it goes. 3t warns us that time 8ies (y 1ast. So do 9rst what
has to (e done whi&e you ha+e time to do it.K =e c&eaned the
0rand1atherAs c&ock which chimed ten times.
S&ick did not &isten. !ater/ he had to mo+e 1ast 1orward &ike the minute
hand o1 the c&ock. =e worked 1ast on his homework to get it done. =e
had to get u* ear&y and dress u* 1ast ho*ing he wou&d not miss the
schoo& (us.
Dut the (us was gone so S&ick ski**ed (reak1ast and wa&ked 1ast
1orward to schoo& so he wou&d not (e &ate.
Tired and hungry S&ick said/ JThe &esson 3 &earned today so we need
not mo+e 1ast i1 we Lust manage our time we&& and do 9rst things 9rst.K
!esson 12 Day 2: Decoding/.&uency/Writing
%e+iew o1 Decoding !essons Taught in 0rade 2
(5hese include &9& words with long i, and sight words for pre-primer, primer, and 6rade " levels of the olch
+asic )ight 4ords list* 5he exercises in this lesson also sometimes include vocabular' words learned in the
literature lesson in a' "* 5wo-s'llable words containing two &9& pattern are also used* >or this purpose, it
would be good to have flashcards for each of the sight words and for the phonics word families)*
"* )tart with a flashcard drill of long 8 words as shown in LM, Lesson "/A* $eview their
meanings, as needed*
A. ;ave the children read aloud the words in A, b' columns* 5hen call on the whole class,
small groups, and individual children to read a column of words at a time* 8f needed, 'ou
can model how a word should be read* Fote that the vowel i in the word pine is given the
a long i sound*
$. o the same with the phrases in +* Ask 2uestions to see if pupils know the meaning of
the phrases*
C. )a': Do you ha-e a bike" Do you also fly kite" ;ave the pupils pair off and take turns
reading and answering 2uestions with their partner* 2o! !e !ill read a story about a boy
riding on a bike and flying a kite.
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "/A* ;ave alternate oral reading of the stor'* )tart b'
reading the first stanGa, and then have the class read stanGa #Q the bo's read stanGa 7 and
the girls read the last stanGa* 5hen have the whole class read the entire poem*
iscuss the stor' using the comprehension 2uestions on to LM Activit' "/A*
Add more 2uestions as needed*
D. )a': .n the peom% the boy rides a bike and at the same time flies a kite. .s it right to ride
a bike and fly a kite at the same time" Do you also ride a bike" Do you like to fly a kite"
hich do you prefer"
Dra! and !rite a sentence about !hat you like.

;ave the pupils do the activit' in to LM Activit' "//* Ask pupils to share their drawings
and sentences after the' are done*
!esson 12 Day -: Decoding/.&uency/Writing
Ski&& !esson: Decoding/.&uency/Writing
1. ,ore %e+iew o1 Decoding !essons Taught in 0rade 2
;ave a flashcard drill of selected sight words as shown in to LM Activit' "/-A* Fote that the
word ;as'et, which has a &9&-&9& pattern, is also included* Again, give opportunities for the
pupils to read the words on sight, from whole class, small groups, and individual children* 8f
needed, model how a word should be read, especiall' the words around, funny, !appy, and
;as'et* .oint out that donGt is a short version of do not.
iscuss their meanings, as needed*
A* o the same with the phrases in + and with the sentences in &* Ask 2uestions to
see if pupils know the meaning of the phrases*
Ski&& !esson: SeEuencing/%ete&&ing
(Materials: .ictures showing 7 events from The >ast >or!ard,
1. #resentation/3ntroduction
Show the *ictures one at a time/ in random order. 4sk what is ha**ening in
each *icture. )a': *emember the story !e read yesterday" )ere are some pictures
sho!ing e-ents from the story. #ook at each picture. Tell !hat is happening in the picture.
2. ,ode&ing/Teaching
)a': The pictures do not sho! the correct order in !hich the e-ents happened in the story.
hich picture sho!s !hat happened first" hich picture sho!s !hat happened ne/t" hich
picture sho!s !hat happened last" #et us arrange them in the correct order
-. ,ode&ing/ Teaching
Allow pupils to arrange the pictures of the events in order*
)a': 2o! !e can use the pictures to help us retell the story. #et us use 6icture 7 to tell !hat
o the same with the next two pictures* 6uide the children in answering the 2uestions so the'
come up with sentences similar to the following
.icture " !irst, )lick sta'ed up late chatting and pla'ing with his friends*
.icture # #e$t, >ather 6rasshopper cleaned his grandfathers clock to teach his son a lesson*
.icture 7 !inally, )lick went home tired and hungr'* ;e now learned his lesson to %do first
things first(*
(Fote: 6uide the students to make this generaliGation at the end of Modeling!5eaching and before
6uided .ractice* 8t will help to have the generaliGation shown in a 5eaching &hart for ease in
reference, and for use in future lessons on se2uencing* )
S&ick stayed u*
&ate chatting
and *&aying with
his 1riends.
E+ent 1
c&eaned his
c&ock to teach
his son a &esson.
E+ent 2
S&ick went home
tired and hungry.
=e now &earned
his &esson to do
(etter with his
E+ent -
2. 0uided #ractice
6roup the pupils with "3 members each* Let each group show three scenes from the stor'
%>ast >orward( through a tableau* Let one member retell the stor' using the three scenes
formed* Make sure that the scenes are presented in the correct order*
>. 3nde*endent #ractice
$efer the pupils to to LM Activit' "/BA*
A* )a': )o! do !e arrange or retell e-ents in a story in the right order"
#ets read the tips inside the bo/.
;elp the children read the reminders*
$ead to the children the instructions for the se2uencing exercise*
.oint out where the' should write the number of the event*
+* 4hen the children have numbered all the events, call on them to retell the stor' using the
pictures* ;ave one child retell what happened in each event*
End the activit' b' having the children repeat the tips for se2uencing and retelling*
!esson 12 Day 2: Decoding/.&uency/Writing
Ski&& !esson: %eading and Writing Words with !ong /i/
1. #resentation/3ntroduction
)a': Do you still remember the story 0>ast >or!ard&" ho !as the main character in the
story" hat are the things he did"
2. ,ode&ing/Teaching
+eac!ing 8!art, eDuencing
;ow do we tell events in a stor' in the right order<
>irst, we think of what happened in the beginning*
Fext, we think of what happened in the middle*
5hen we think of what happened at the end*
)a': *ead the !ord under the picture. Model how the word should be read* #et us spell chime:
c:h:i:m:e. .oint to the letters as 'ou do so. hat is the -o!el in the middle" hat is the sound
of iin chime" *ead the !ord again.
$ead the following sentences and present the flashcard of the highlighted word as 'ou sa' it
then put each word in the pocket chart or board*
5he grasshopper has a clock with a c!i(e*
5he clock c!i(ed nine times at nig!t.
)a': *ead all the !ords in the pocket chart.
hat happened to the clock at night" (chimed) <et the !ord card. *ead it
hen did the clock chime" (night) 6et the word card and read it*.
)o! many times did the clock chime at night" (nine) <et the !ord card. *ead it.
-. 0uided #ractice
.resent the 5eaching &hart for the words
with long $i$*
Make sure that the pupils know the meaning of each word through vocabular' development
activities such as pictures, action, and context*
After initial reading and vocabular' stud', provide practice in reading the words, through
flashcard drills, or teaching charts* ;ave the pupils read words b' word families first before
presenting them with various combinations of words*
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "/C*
;ave children do Exercise , then read the words aloud after the' have completed them*
6ame: 4ord +ingo
.repare a 7 x 7 grid like the one shown below on the board*

nine night
5eaching &hart
chime night sight
time bright light
nine child slide
fight bite ride
.repare flashcards of words with long i* ivide the class into two groups* &all the first group
to read the first card* 8f the group reads correctl', the' can draw an' s'mbol on an' box
drawn on the board (e*g*, star, heart)* 5hen call the next group and repeat the procedure until
all the cells are filled* 5he group with the most number of s'mbols is the winner*
5his game can also be pla'ed in small groups* .repare the grid on a whole sheet of paper*
6ive a set of word cards and the bingo grid to each group* 5he same procedure is followed*
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "/C+*
Ask children to read the phrases using various formats as 'ou did in previous lessons* Make
sure that the meanings of the phrases are understood*
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "/CE*
;ave the pupils share their drawings when the' are done* ;ave each pupil
read the sentence that tells about his or her drawing*
!esson 12 Day >: 0rammar: Co&&a(orati+e !earning/'a&ues 3n1usion
Ski&& !esson: DiPerentiate (etween a *hrase and a sentence
%ead *hrases and sentences using com(inations o1 sight words
and decoding words &earned
4**&y the +a&ues o1 resource1u&ness and teach works through a
grou* *roLect
1. #resentation/3ntroduction
a': Can you still remember the story 0>ast >or!ard&" hat happened to Slick% the
Let the pupils give details about the stor'* 5he' ma' answer in phrases or in complete
sentences* 4rite their answers on the board putting phrases in one column and sentences in
another column*
.ossible answers:
A +
"* will start late "* &lasses will start late tomorrow*
2. pla'ed with friends #* ;e pla'ed with his friends in the 'ard*
7* talked and had fun 7* 5he' talked and had fun until dinner time*
)a': . !rote them on the board. #ets read your ans!ers again.
2. ,ode&ing/Teaching
)a': *ead number one in column A. *ead number one in column $. hich is longer" A7
or $7"hich tells a complete thought" #ets read $7 again. hat else do you notice about
$7< (+" begins with a capital letter and ends with a period*) This is !hat you call a sentence.
A sentence gi-es a complete thought.
4rite the word sentence on the board and have children read it*
)a': .s A7 a sentence" hy not" Does it say a complete thought like $7" Does it begin !ith a
capital letter" Does it end !ith a period" So% is it a sentence" This is !hat you call a phrase.
A phrase doesnt gi-e a complete thought.
4rite the word p!rase on the board and have children read it*
$ead the group of words* 4rite P if is a
phrase, if it is a sentence*
"* pla'ed with his friend
#* had fun until dinner time
7* ;e worked fast on his homework*
A* )lick, 5he 6rasshopper, ?umped with ?o'*
/* ;e cleaned the 6randfathers clock*
;ave the pupils give the generaliGation:
Ask: hat is a phrase" hat is a sentence"
)ee the teaching chart about phrase and sentence*
;elp the students read the 5eaching &hart*
-. 0uided #ractice
.resent the following phrases* &ombine them to make a sentence*
A 3
"* )lick, the 6rasshopper, a. chimed ten times
#* 6randfathers &lock b* manage our time well
7* 4e ?ust c. ?umped with ?o'
A* +ut the bus d* talked and had fun
/* 5he' all e* was gone
)a': <i-e no! the sentences that you ha-e formed.
7. Slick% the <rasshopper (umped !ith (oy.
9. <randfathers Clock chimed ten times.
;. e (ust manage our time !ell.
@. $ut the bus !as gone.
A. They all talked and fun.
)a': #ook at the sentence. Does it gi-e a complete thought"
4es% it does. $ut there is something !rong !ith the sentence. Can you tell"
hat should !e do to make it correct"
(Make the word %the( begin with a capital letter* Add a period at the end of the sentence*)
$eaching 3hart
4 phrase doesnAt ha+e a
com*&ete thought. 3t doesnAt end
with a *unctuation mark.
4 sentence has a com*&ete
thought. 3t ends with a
*unctuation mark &ike *eriod ."/
Euestion mark :" or
e5c&amation *oint N".
Fow lets choose the verbs in the given sentences* ;ow do the words end< 4hat did we
add< (4e add d or ed to the simple form of the verb to form its past tense*)
)a': $ead the following sentences* o the' give complete thought< ;ow are the verbs written
to show that the action took place in the past<
"* thousands of 'ears ago, the earl' >ilipinos lived in caves
#* the' hunted wild animals with their bows and arrows
7* the' cooked food b' roasting them
A* sometimes the' picked fruits
/* the' used the leaves of plants for medicine
ivide the class into two groups* Each group will combine phrases to make sentences* 5he
sentences should make sense* Each sentence should begin with a capital letter and end with a
Match A with column + to form a sentence* 4rite the sentences correctl'* 0se
capital letters and punctuation marks if needed*
.R57P *
A 3
"* nita cleaned a* the trash in a pit
#* she buried b* their 'ard
7* thousands of 'ears ago c* some vegetables in the garden
A* maria gathered d* some people lived in caves
>. last )aturda' e. 8 scrambled eggs for breakfast
.R57P **
A 3
"* @esterda', >ather a* the 'ard
#* ;e cleaned b* the plates
7* 8 washed c* sta'ed at home
A* )he counted d* the ripe guavas the' picked
/* $om' and +ert walked e* to school together last Monda'
;ave groups present their outputs* 6uide the class in giving feedback on whether the
sentences formed make sense*
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "/D*
6uide them to read the strateg' for differentiating between phrases and sentences before the'
do the exercise*
3n1usion o1 'a&ues/Co&&a(orati+e Work 1> min"
(Materials: rec'clable materials available in the classroom like plastics, papers, bottle etc*,
1. 3ntroduction/#resentation
$eview part of the stor' %>ast >orward( that focuses on the crows resourcefulness*
)a': .n our story 0>ast >orward%& hat !as the problem of Slick" hat did his father do to
sol-e Slicks problem" Did it help him sol-e the problem" e say that father is resourceful. To
be resourceful means to find 'uick and smart !ays to sol-e problem* >ollo! after me (sa' the
word b' s'llable: $E-)I0$&E->0L)* <i-e a clap as you say each syllable. (.upils give one
clap for each s'llable*) )o! many syllables does the !ord resourceful ha-e" 2o!% let us spell
the !ord resourceful*
2. ,ode&ing/Teaching
4rite the word resourceful with some missing letters like below*
)a': The !ord 0resourceful& is a long !ord so it may be hard to read. #ook at different parts of
the !ord to help you. There are ; syllables in the !ord. *ead the middle syllable (source)* hat
-o!el follo!s the letter r in the first syllable"
&all on a pupil to write it on the board*
The last syllable is %ful. hat do you think is the missing letter" &all on another pupil to write f
on the blank*
)a': 2o! !e ha-e the complete !ord. *ead the syllables. *ead the !hole !ord. *ead it
-. 0uided 4cti+ity
)a': Are you resourceful" .n !hat !ays are you resourceful"
)how a picture of a bo' and a girl who do rec'cling*
)a': These are Anne and *oy. They are helping sol-e our garbage problem. They collect
plastics% bottles and paper to do their pro(ect in Science.
2. 3nde*endent 0rou* 4cti+ity
Say: .ts your turn to help sa-e our en-ironment. . !ill gi-e you some recyclable items. Discuss
!ith your group mates !hat you can do to make use of recyclable materials. Dra! your pro(ect
in a manila paper% !hich you !ill present ne/t !eek.
.rovide rec'clable materials to the pupils and give them "3 minutes to plan and draw their
pro?ect* $efer the pupils to LM Activit' "-3*
;ave pupils use this as a guide for their pro?ect, which the' will submit on R Manila paper the
following week*
r 99 s o u r c e 99 u l
Unit 2: ee! 4 "Lesson 15$
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
8nterpret Fon-.rint )ources 8nfer .rint )ources 8dentif' and write
imperative sentences
(re2uest and command)
>orm and use the past tense
of fre2uentl' occurring
irregular verbs (eat - ate)
9aried pictures
(posters, sticks or
cartoon drawings,
chart( table with #
columns, varied no* of
9aried print sources
(leaflets st'le, posters,)
)mall strips
(draw lots)
6raphic organiGer
Manila paper (excuse
)trips(pictures, words
and sentences)
.ictures (dog and cat)
4ord strips of irregular
verbs and their past form
)election about Ourt
etect non verbal cues*
+rainstorm and outline
what the pupils know from
what the' see and what else
the' want to know about
the picture*
8nterpret non print sources:
"* orall' (84)
#* in simple sentence
constructions ()6)
)'llabicate words extracted
from the discussion*
>ree speech and expression
6uessing what the picture
+rainstorm about the stor',
the values and importance
of print texts*
8nfer print source (headline
Evaluate and interpret print
texts using practical!
intellectual and aesthetic
6roup presentation:
)tate what varied print
materials (leaflets,
street!wall posters, weather
forecasts) tell us*
8nteract and retell the
thought of the passage*
8dentif' re2uests and
commands elicited from the
8ndicate what an imperative
sentence does*
+ase method
(6roup 4ork)
8dentif' re2uests and
commands and classif'
them in the right columns of
the chart
)ort out re2uest and
command strips*
Fote the appropriate past
form of irregular verbs in a
(64) Nump on the right
past form of irregular verb*
>ill in the past form of
irregular verbs
)entence completion using
the past form of irregular
tells the viewer
8ndividual Activit'
8nterpret the
pictures in #-7 sentences
("3 min)
&onstruct 7 imperative
sentences!phrases (wa's on
how to pass pro?ects on
8dentif' and write
imperative sentences
Unit 2: Week < !esson 1>"
Con$#rint Sources
1. #resentation
)how a picture of a grade 7 girl rushing to catch her school bus* $efer to LM Activit'
"-"A for the said picture*
)a': Can you 0 read& a picture" Does the picture tell something" ()how the picture to
the class*) Can you tell !hat the picture is trying to say"
2. ,ode&ing
+rainstorm what the children know or think about the picture the' see and write it under
column &6A+ * H@5&* 0nder column &6A+ >L> * &A@+ +5 H@5&
A357+ *+, write what are the things the' still want to learn or discover about the
details of the picture*
4rite their answers on the board with this format*
&!at * 'no) &!at else * )ant to 'no) a;out it
e*g* shes late 4h' was she late<
)a': #ook at the picture again. #et us guess !hat information it tells us. hat does the
picture tell" Do you kno! ho! to guess !hat a non:print material +picture, tells" hat
are non:print materials% by the !ay"
2on:print sources are materials that tell something !ithout the use of !ords. These
sources use pictures% graphs% posters% mo-ie and the like. There are @ steps to take so
!e can make sense about it.
7. #ook at the !hole picture.
9. Describe the details.
9.7 .f there are persons or animals% describe !hat they are doing or their faces to
tell !hat they feel.
9.9 Describe the setting or place !here the person in the picture is.
;. ?sing your obser-ations earlier% you can no! make an intelligent guess/infer as to
!hat the picture tells us.
)how again the picture in Activit' "-"A*
)a': #et us infer !hat the picture tells us.
hat do you see in the picture"
Are there persons or animals"
hat do you think is the girl doing"
here is she"
hy do you think the girl !as running"
.s she in a hurry" hy"
)a-e you also e/perienced rushing to catch your school bus"
)o! !ould you interpret !hat the picture is trying to say"
hat are the bases for your interpretation"

Ask: Can !e get information through pictures or non:print materials"
hat are the things !e ha-e to do in order to understand !hat non:print sources tell
-. 0uided #ractice
2o! let us try another one and carefully e/amine the details of the picture.
4hat is the bo' holding< $efer to the pictures in LM Activit' "-"+*
6o with 'our groups and write in one sentence, what 'ou think the picture is about*
)a': as it easy to interpret !hat the picture !as trying to tell us"
)a': .n picture A% ho! !ill you describe the boy "
hat can you say about his grade in the card" .s it high or lo!"
hat you should do to get high grades"
+Do the same processing !ith pictures $ and C.,
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
)tud' the pictures and guess what information the' tell* 4rite 'our answers in 'our
$efer 'our pupils to LM Activit' "-"& and *
!esson 1> Day 2: 3n1erring 3n1ormation 1rom a #rint Source
1. #resentation
.ost the poster on the board*
)a': This is a signage. hat do you see in a signage" The !ords you see in a signage
are called print. A signage is a &rint 'ource of information. hat does the signage tell
you" #et us state in another !ay !hat the information gi-en in this signage.

2. ,ode&ing
Ask: hat is inferring" )o! do !e infer information from a print source"
Co 3.D.
Co Entry
.repare strips of Manila paper* 4rite the lines of each character on the strips and stick
them on a Manila paper for eas' removal and classification of the sentences (a re2uest
or a command) in a follow up activit' later*
Say: .nferring is making a guess about !hat something tells. e can infer from a print
source of information. 6rint source of information tells us something in (ust a fe!
!ords. Samples of print sources are signage% posters% brochures% and the like. There are
@ 'uestions that you need to ans!er in order to infer information from a print source.
7. hat does the print tell you"
9. hy does the print tell you that"
;. Does the print e/plain this clearly"
@. )o! else can you say !hat the print says"
)a': Ans!ering these 'uestions make state in full !hat the print tells.
#et us look at the signage again and mention !hat it tells. (.oint the pupils to the
signage 'ou posted on the board*) *ead the print.
Ask the four 2uestions one-b'-one* Accept the pupils responses*
hat does the print tell you"
hy does the print tell you that"
Does the print e/plain this clearly"
)o! else can you say !hat the print says"
-. 0uided #ractice
$efer 'our pupils to LM Activit' "-#*
2. 3nde*endent
$efer 'our pupils to LM Activit' "-7*
!esson 1> Day -: .orm and use o1 the *ast tense o1 1reEuent&y used
+er(s eat$ate"

1. #resentation
)a': #et us read the dialog together*
5he class of Miss LuG starts the lesson b' checking the homework*
Miss LuG : +ring out 'our assignment, class*
Nohn': 8 am sorr' maam, 8 dont have an assignment*
Miss LuG: 4ill 'ou please tell me wh'<
Nohn': 8 pla'ed all da' and 8 got tired*
4hen 8 got home 8 ?ust slept*
Ma' 8 pass m' assignment tomorrow<
.lease give me another chance Miss LuG*
Miss LuG: Fext time, do 'our assignment first*
)ta' at home and finish it*
Ask 'our brothers and sisters to help 'ou with 'our assignment*
Nohn': @es maam 8 wont forget what 'ou advised me about getting m'
assignments done on time*
Ask: hat should Eohnny do to sho! that he learned his lesson"
2. ,ode&ing
0se some of the strips to elicit answers from 'our students that lead to the understanding the
difference between a re2uest and a command*
)a': #et us read strip number 7* ($emove it from the manila paper and post it on the board* o
the same with strip numbers C, D, "3)
Ask: hat do these sentences tell us "
)a': These sentences are command. 4rite %&ommands( on the board* Commands tell !hat
someone must do.
)a': #et us read strip number ;* ($emove it from the manila paper and post it on the board* o
the same with strip number B*)
Ask: hat do these sentences tell"
)a': These sentences are re'uests* 4rite %$e2uests( on the board* (e)uests tell politely !hat
!e !ant someone to do.
-. 0uided #ractice
)a': #et us see if you can tell if a sentence is a command or a re'uest. Dra! a sun or a moon
on each blank.

$efer the class to LM Activit' "-AA*
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
$efer 'our pupils to LM Activit' "-A+*
!esson 1> Day 2: .orm and use *ast tense o1 1reEuent&y occurring irregu&ar
+er(s eat $ ate"

1. #resentation
.ost a cop' of the selection on the board*
)a': #et us read the short selection on the board together.
Ourt hurt himself when he was pla'ing*
;e said help me get to the clinicJ(
Ine of his group mates rushed to carr' him and laid him on bed*
(8m afraid 8 might have broken m' arms,( Ourt said*
%.ut 'our things down, relax, breath and smile,( his friend $ene said*
%;and me 'our pro?ect so 'ou wont be late in passing them,( he added*
Ask: Can you identify the t!o types of imperati-e sentence"
)a': 4ou can see them in our selection. rite them under the right column.
ReDuest 8o((and
2. ,ode&ing
)a': hat happened to Burt !hile he !as playing" hy"
hy did they lay him on the bed"
hat kind of in(ury !as he afraid he incurred"
To calm him% !hat did *ene ask him to do"
Activity 1
Among the words on the board, look for the right past form of the following irregular verbs:
*rregular ver;s Past %or(
After the children have chosen the right answers, ask them:
4hat did 'ou notice with the verbs when the' are in the past form<
4hat two verbs remained the same in their past form<
4hat two verbs showed a change in their past form< 4hat change took place<
.roup Activity
)a': 2o! let us play like a cat and dog. 1ne -olunteer from each group !ill be the 0.t& or the
cat. They ha-e to (ump on the right past form of the -erb they are holding in order to get the
bone. .f they (ump on to the !rong -erb% they !ill fall and the dog !ill get the bone instead.
)a': hat did you notice about the past form of the -erbs"
hat !as added at the end of the -erbs" hy"
hat do !e call this -erb then"
-. 0uided #ractice
)a': #et us try again but no! let us !ork together !ith our groups.
Choose the right past form of the irregular -erbs.
$efer the class to LM Activit' "--*
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
)a': 4oure doing greatC 2o! let us !ork on Acti-ity 7FG.
fig!t fig!ted
;lo) ;lo)ed
ride rode rides
Unit 2: ee! 5 "Lesson 14$
Lesson Parts
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
;iterature: The Adventures
of the Animal Band
#ealize the importance of
,equence series of e&ents
#ead words with the long &owel
/o/ and ending in silent e as in
#ead words with the long
&owel /o/ and ending in silent e
as in hose
#ead words with the long
&owel /o/ and ending in silent e
as in hose
6rregular 7er"s
/rite sentences with proper
punctuation marks
@op! of stor!
$ictures of life &est, a sinking
ship and people a"andoning
it going to life"oats
,tor! @ards for e&er! animal
$icture of animals in the stor!
8uestion strips
6llustration of the animals in the
8uestion strips
cti&it! ,heets
6rregular 7er" chart
cti&it! ,heets
,entence strips
@ooperation -hermometer
$ictures for 6ndependent $ractice
$resent ke! words through
pictures, demonstration and
word clues(
#ead aloud and stop at
indicated points and ask
questions to predict and
monitor comprehension of the
$ost #eading
;et pupils talk a"out the stor!
read through ,? acti&ities:
a( ct
"( Draw
c( ,ing
d( .app! face @ut 2ut
llow pupils to present their
work to the class "! groups(
/ord drill and exercises on
words with long &owel /o/ and
ending in silent e as in hose(
6ntroduction/ $resentation:
llow pupils to read parts of the
stor! "! their animal grouping(
-alk a"out the stor! read
through discussions questions
to reiterate sequencing (
?uided $ractice:
;et pupils do sequencing of
e&ents using the sequence
6ndependent $ractice:
/ord drill and exercises on
words with long &owel /o/ and
ending in silent e as in hose(
?uided $ractice:
;et pupils do dramatic reading
of the lines of #att! #at(
Do #att! #at game to talk
a"out the stor!(
)lashcard Drill on <rain ;ist
#ead words, phrases and
;et the pupils do word games(
#ead and write words with s-
;et the pupils learn how to do
s!lla"le count through the @hin
/ord drill and exercises on
words with long &owel /o/ and
ending in silent e as in hose(
$resentation/ 6ntroduction
#ead the first paragraph of the
stor! to %ump start the lesson(
Modeling/ -eaching
Discuss how the past forms of
irregular &er"s are formed(
llow the pupils to list that
indicate what the! do e&er!
6n groups, allow pupils to
locate and write &er"s *see
llow pupils to do a guessing
game "! sentence strip reading
and guessing the names of
;et the pupils write sentences
using the correct form of the &er"
guided "! time expressions(
Discuss how past forms of &er"s
are used in sentences and the
appropriate punctuations(
;et the pupils write the different
forms of sentences *declarati&e,
interrogati&e, etc(1(
;et the pupils measure le&el of
cooperation of their team through
the @ooperation -hermometer
Make a sequence chart of the
ad&entures of the animal "and
from da! ' to da! F(
llow the pupils to read and
write words and sentences
with s- "lends
Unit 2: Week M !esson 1<"
The 4d+entures o1 the 4nima& Dand
1. Un&ocking/'oca(u&ary ) Conce*t De+e&o*ment
(life vest9 sin'ing9 a;andon)
After unlocking the following words make sure that 'ou tack them in the 4ord 5ree so
children can practice reading them*
a. life vest
)how a picture of a man wearing a life vest* )a': hat does the man !ear" .t is
called a life -est. hen and !here is it necessary to !ear a life -est" )o! !ill it
help the person !earing it"
;. sin'ing
8n a glass of water put a small paper boat upside down* Let the pupils observe what
happens to the paper boat* 5ell them that the paper boat is sinking*
c. a;andon
)a': #ook at the picture. hat do you see" +6eople lea-ing a sinking ship, hat are
they doing" hy are they lea-ing the ship"
2o!% lets pretend that !e are on the ship. The ship is about to sink. hen . say
0Abandon ship& hat !ill you do" #ets do itC hen !e lea-e the ship% !e abandon
2. ,oti+ation
hat comes to your mind !hen you see the !ord band. +rite the responses of the
pupils in a !eb*
-. ,oti+e Question:
)a': Today% you are going to listen to a story about 0The Ad-enture of the Animal
$and&* ()how the picture of the animal band* $efer to LM)
Ask: ho do you think are the animals in the Animal $and"
During %eading
$ead aloud the stor'* )top at indicated points to ask the children 2uestions on the stor'*
$efer LM Activit' "-C+ for the cop' of the stor'*
1uestions for .aragraphs "-7
4here did the horse and his friends go<
4hat did the horse sa'<
4hat do 'ou think will happen to the animals<
1uestions for .aragraph Fumber A
4hat happened to the animals<
;ow did each one of them reach a safe place<
8f 'ou were the carabao would 'ou allow the monke' to sta' on 'our back< 4h'<
1uestions for .aragraph Fumbers /-B
4ho thanked 6od<
8t is right to thank 6od all the time< 4h'<
4hat do 'ou think will the animals do on the second da'<
1uestions for .aragraph Fumber C (a' #)
4hat did the animal do on the second da'<
;ow would 'ou feel if 'ou could see onl' the deep blue sea around 'ou<
4hat do 'ou think will the' eat<
1uestions for .aragraph Fumber D (a' 7)
;ave 'ou seen a sea urchin< escribe it*
4hat other things do 'ou think will the' find on the island<
1uestion for .aragraph Fumber "3 (a' A)
4hat do 'ou think will happen next<
1uestions for .aragraph Fumbers "" : "# (a's / and -)
;ow did the' feel about their new home< 4h'<
4hat do 'ou think will the' do next<
1uestions for .aragraph Fumber "7
4hat do 'ou think were their musical instruments<
4hat musical instruments can 'ou pla'<
;ow do 'ou think their musical instruments could help them<
1uestions for .aragraphs "A P "B
4h' did the ship stop< Lets find out<
;ow long did the animals sta' on the island<
8f 'ou would be asked to ?oin the animals to their trip to the island, would 'ou do it<
#ost %eading
Engagement Activities ()mall group)
Say: . am going to di-ide you into @ groups. 3ach group !ill do one of the
6roup " P Act it
Act out this part of the story.
(6ive group a strip of this activit'*)
5he' were all looking at the deep blue sea* )uddenl', the' heard a short but loud
echoing sound* 5he ship hit a big hard rock* &aptain 6oat told them %.ut 'our life vest
onJ 4e are sinkingJ 4e must abandon the ship nowJ )wimJ )wim for 'our livesJ
6roup # - raw it
Dra! !hat the animals did on the first se-en days of their stay on the island.
6roup 7 P)ing it
Sing a song that you think the animals could ha-e sung in the story. Accompany your
song !ith materials that you could use as musical instruments in the classroom.
6roup A P Make it
Make cut:outs of the happy faces of the members of the animal band.
Engagement Activit' (4hole &lass)
4e will have the discussion of the outputs from each group* .a' attention to the
2uestion that 8 will ask*
6roup "
"* 4hat is the stor' about<
#* 4ho were the characters in the stor'<
7* 4here did the' ride<
A* 4hat happened to the ship<
6roup #
/* 4hat did the animal do to survive<
-* ;ow did the' help each other<
B* 4ere the' able to reach a safe place<
C* 4hat did the animals do on their first seven da's of sta' on the island<
6roup 7
D* 4hat did the animals do on the B
da' on the island<
"3* 4ere the' able to come home<
""* 4hat do 'ou think did the animals feel<
6roup A 4ill show and tell
UC3T 33
!esson 1< Day 2: 4&*ha(etiIing words in the second &etter
1. #resentation/ 3ntroduction
)a': #et us read the paragraph.
The animals (umped from the ship and s!am and s!am. Soon they reached a safe
)a': #et us read the !ords.
ship, swam, ship
Ask: hat do you notice" 4es they all start in S.
2. ,ode&ing
)a': 8f we alphabetiGe these three words, we have to look at the second letters: s!ip,
s)am, safe*
Ask: 4hich one will be the first word< @es, safe, because s is followed b' a. 4hich one
will be second< @es, ship because its second letter is !. )o the alphabetiGed order is:
safe, ship, swam*
7* 0uided #ractice
Say: #et us alphabetiHe these sets of !ords.
a* shelter, sea, swim
b* boat, back, big
c* life, leave, look
d* fl', find, feel
A* 3nde*endent #ractice
$efer the class to LM Activit' "B3*
!esson 1< Day -: Decoding/.&uency/Writing o1 words with &ong o sounds
with si&ent e as in hose
1. #resentation/3ntroduction
$efer 'our pupils to LM Activit' "B"*
2. ,ode&ing
)a': Sometimes% letter o, in !ords that end in e like bone and cone, is pronounced as
Let us sa' the following words correctl'*

bone cone hone
lone tone phone

-. 0uided #ractice
$efer the class to LM, Lesson "B"+*
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
$efer the class to LM, Lesson "B"&*
!esson 1< Day 2: 3rregu&ar 'er(s/ Decoding/.&uency/Writing o1 Words
with !ong o Sounds Ending with Si&ent e as in =ose
Ski&& !esson: Decoding/.&uency/Writing o1 Words with !ong o Sounds
Ending with Si&ent e as in =ose 1
1. #resentation/3ntroduction
.ost words that has a long o sounds ending with silent e on the board*
)a': #et us read the follo!ing !ords.
bone throne stone phone smoke
.ost the picture of each word on the board*
)a': Study each picture. Match the !ords !ith the pictures that they name.
2. ,ode&ing
Ask: )o! do !e pronounce the letter o in the !ord bone"
)a': #etter o is pronounced as /o!/ in !ords that end !ith silent e.

-. 0uided #ractice
$efer 'our pupils to LM Activit' "B#A-&*
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
$efer 'our pupils to LM Activit' "B#-E*
Ski&& !esson: 3rregu&ar 'er(s 2
1. 3ntroduction/ #resentation
.ost a picture of all the characters in the stor' %5he Adventure of the Animal +and(
Ask: hat do you remember about these animals"
Say: . listed !ords that you mentioned !hile you !ere talking about the story !e read
last lime. #et us read them.
went told hit was
were rode held said
hat do you call these !ords< (9erbs)
2. ,ode&ing/ Teaching
)a': Some -erbs form their past tense by changing a -o!el.
&all two girls* Ask them to hold a book*
)a': Say something about !hat they do.
(5he girls !old a to'*)
.n !hat tense is the -erb 0hold&"
Ask the two girls to go back on their seats*
Ask: hat did the girls do a !hile ago"
(5he girls !eld a to' 'esterda'*)
.n !hat tense is the -erb no!"
hat do you notice !ith the -erb 0hold& !hen put in the past tense"
(5here is a change in the vowel*)
Say: #et us study the follo!ing e/amples.
run-ran ring-rang swim-swam
get-got rise-rose wake-woke
give-gave sing-sang write-wrote
ride-rode sit-sat win-won
know-knew throw-threw drive-drove
-. 0uided #ractice
ivide the class into A groups* Let each group perform the activit' below
"* 5hink of the activities! tasks! work 'ou did with 'our friends!classmates*
#* List five action words that tell about what 'ou did*
7* >rom the list 'ou have, select the irregular verbs and give the past form*
A* 4rite a sentence using the past form of the verb*
M' List .ast form M' sentences
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
$efer the class to LM Activit' "B7 for the group activities*
!esson 1< Day >: Sentence Writing and #unctuation
1. #resentation/ 3ntroduction
Do you remember the characters of 0The Ad-enture of the Animal $and&" #ets ha-e a
guessing game. . am going to flash a strip of cartolina and you read the sentences and
guess !ho said that.
>lash the sentence strips:
"* .ut 'our life vest onJ 4e are sinkingJ Abandon shipJ
#* 5hanks 6od, were aliveJ
7* 4e swam all da' and all night*
A* 8 climbed a tree and all 8 saw was a deep blue sea*
/* IuchJ M' bell' was hit b' a sea-urchin*
-* ;uh, 8 walked, ran and flewJ
B* 4ho knows how we can stop the next shipJ
C* 4ould 'ou like another adventure<
D* ;ip hip hurra'J ;ip hip hurra'J
2. ,ode&ing/ Teaching
#et us read the sentences
"* 4e swam all da' and all night*
#* 4ho knows how we can stop the next ship<
7* 4ould 'ou like another adventure<
A* IuchJ M' bell' was hit b' a sea-urchin*
/* 4e walked and ranJ uck' flew at times*
#et us talk about each sentence
hat kind of sentence is in number 7"
hat punctuation mark is used"
(o the same in sentence #, 7, A)
Fow, take a look at the picture*
Ask: hat did the dog% duck and frog do together"
(4rite the pupils answer on the board)
Ask: hat kind of sentence is this"
hat kind of punctuation mark is found separating the series of names of the
animals" hen did !e use a comma" hat punctuation mark is used in the end"
Lead the pupils to understand that there are four kinds of sentences* 5hese sentences
differ according to their use* 5he' also end with different punctuation marks*
-. 0uided #ractice
Mini P tour
6roup 'ourselves into A* ;ave a mini-tour outside the room* Each member writes
sentences on his own task card* 5hen the group agrees on the -*
)et the number of minutes for the mini-tour of the and the preparation of their group
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
9alues 8nfusion
M' )entences (8ndividual)
eclarative )entence
(0sing a period)
8mperative sentence
eclarative )entence
(0sing a comma and period)
8nterrogative sentences
Exclamator' )entences
(0sing Exclamation point)
Exclamator' )entences
(0sing a comma and exclamation
3&&us. o1 dog duck and 1rog
swimming together
3&&us. The dog/ duck and
1rog swimming together.
4hat can be used to measure the level of cooperation in 'our 6roup<
Let us use the &ooperation 5hermometer*
4hat would be the thermometers reading for 'our group< 4h'<
1. Enrichment 4cti+ities
6roup the class into A* 6ive one picture to each group* 8nstruct the groups that the' are
to write sentences about the picture using the kind of sentences assigned to them*
6roup " P eclarative )entence 6roup # P 8nterrogative sentence
6roup 7 P 8mperative sentence 6roup A - Exclamator' sentence
#icture o1 a (oy and a
gir& watching the
dis*&ay o1 to* cars.
Unit 2: ee! 6 "Lesson 15$
Lesson Parts
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
The Enormous Carrots
?et the general sense of the
Use &er"s in simple present
#ead words with the long &owel
/o/ and ending in silent e as in
#etell familiar stories to other
Use 7er"s in simple past tense
<lend phonemes *sounds1 in
@7@@@ words
3ote that some words ma!
ha&e opposite meaning
#ead words with the long
&owel /o/ and ending in silent e
as in hose
/rite at least three sentences
from &arious sources
*declarati&e, exclamator!,
Uses appropriate punctuation
marks *period, comma, and
exclamation point1
#ead words with the long
&owel /o/ and ending in silent
e as in hose
%UMM&'()* '*%'
@op! of the stor! =-he
4normous @arrots>
-ask card
/ord card
-ag "oard
/ord card
-eaching chart: 7er"s
-ask card
Manila paper
Unlock &oca"ular! through
pictures, context clues and
;et the pupils fill in the chart
a"out carrots to acti&ate prior
$resent the co&er of the "ig
"ook =-he 4normous @arrot>
;et the pupils read the title(
#ead the stor! to the class and
ask them questions to interact
with the text(
/ord drill and exercise on
words with long &owel /o/
ending in silent e as in hose
6ntroduction/ $resentation
ct and ?uess ?ame *see -?
for the steps1
$resent a paragraph to the
class( Use the sentences from
the paragraph as spring"oard
to the lesson on &er"s(
Discuss &er"s in simple present
/ord drill and exercise on
words with long &owel /o/
ending in silent e as in hose
6ntroduction/ $resentation
$upils read a paragraph and
pupils answer /.- questions(
$upils read &er"s from the
paragraph read(
Discuss &er"s in the simple
past tense(
;et the pupils read words from
the paragraph with @7@@@
/ord drill and exercise on
words with long &owel /o/
ending in silent e as in hose
?roup the class into : groups(
ssign parts of the stor! to "e
read "! each group(
$resent %um"led words to the
class and let the pupils
arrange the words to form a
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
$ost #eading
;et the pupils answer
questions to ensure a
complete grasp of the stor!(
$upils answer "! group(
?roup the pupils into four
groups and pro&ide task cards
to work on(
a( Draw
"( ct 2ut
c( ,equence $ictures
d( $repare a =-hank 5ou> card
?uided cti&it!
;et the pupils use &er"s in
writing sentences a"out
6ndependent ?roup cti&it!
?roup ' G Make : sentences
a"out the communit! helpers in
the picture(
?roup 9- @omplete the poem
with the correct form of the &er"
in the parenthesis, and then
read the poem to the class(
$resent and discuss words
with anton!ms from te
?uided $ractice
$ro&ide acti&ities a"out &er"s,
words with @7@@@ pattern and
6ndependent $ractice
cti&ities on &er"s, words with
@7@@@ pattern and anton!ms(
Modeling/ -eaching
Discuss kinds of sentences(
?roup the class into +( ;et
each group write sentences
from the stor!(
6ndependent $ractice
?roup !oursel&es into H( .a&e
a mini tour of the school( 4ach
mem"er writes sentences on
his/her own task card( fter +
minutes, the mem"ers of the
group agree on the four "est
sentences *declarati&e,
imperati&e, question,
exclamator!1 for the group
output( -he group secretar!
will write the group output
while the reporter "e the one
to present the group work(
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
Unit 2: ee! 6 "Lesson 15$
The 3normous Carrots
1. Un&ocking/'oca(u&ary ) Conce*t De+e&o*ment
:enor4ous0 pulled0 could not ;elieve her eyes<
a. *normous (through picture, real ob?ect action)
)how a small stone and a rock
)a': 8 ha-e here a stone. hat can you say about this stone" .s it big or small"
)ere is a rock% this is an enormous rock" hat can you say about this rock" hat is
another !ord for enormous" (+igger than usual, huge gigantic)
)how other pictures like small house and big mansion* Let the pupils identif' which of
the ob?ects is enormous in siGe* 5hrough action, let the pupils demonstrate the word
b. &ulled and pulled (through demonstration)
0sing a hammer, demonstrate pulling a nail which is deepl' tucked in a wood*
)a': . pulled and pulled the nail but . could not pull it out.
&all other pupils to pull out an old plant from a flower pat*
Ask: Can you easily pull out the plant" hy"
c. Could not believe her eyes (through pictures, action)
)how a picture of a woman who saw a treasure* Let the pupils pa' attention to the
reaction of the woman*
)a': The !oman could not belie-e her eyes about !hat she sa!. hat do you think
the !oman felt"
6ive a situation and let the pupils act out the phrase %could not belie-e her eyes(
2. ,oti+ation Question
;ave 'ou seen a carrot< 4hat can 'ou sa' about the carrot< Lets fill in the chart*
Refer t!e pupils to LM Activity 105.
-. De+e&o*ing #ur*ose 1or %eading
.resent the cover of the big book %5he Enormous &arrot( Let the pupils read the title*
Ask: hat 'uestion about the story comes to your mind !hen you see this picture"
2. ,oti+e Questions
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
4h' is it called an enormous carrot<
4hat will the hen do with the carrot<
!uring Reading
#isten as . read the story 0The enormous carrot&. $ead the stor' aloud*
After reading a page or several pages, ask 2uestions to enable the pupils to interact with
the text*
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "B-A for the cop' of the text* Fote the 2uestions to ask
after reading about the indicated sentences*
+!e >nor(ous 8arrot
Ince upon a time there was a hen who wanted to grow carrots* )o, she planted
some carrot seeds on her garden*
As', hat do you think happened to the carrot seed"
The carrot seed gre! and gre!.
Ine da' the hen went out to check her carrots* )he could not believe her e'es*
5here was an enormous carrotJ
As', hat do you think !ill the hen do !ith the enormous carrot"
5he hen pulled and pulled it again* +ut she could not pull up the enormous
As', hat do you think !ill the hen do ne/t"
)o, she went to the dog* %;elp me pull up that enormous carrot,( she said*
%8 will help 'ou,( said the dog*
As', Do you think the hen and the dog !ill be able to pull up the
enormous carrot"
5he hen and the dog pulled and pulled it together* +ut the' still could not pull it
As', hat do you think !ill the hen do ne/t"
)o the hen went to the cat* %;elp us pull up that that enormous carrot( she said*
%8 will help 'ou,( said the cat*
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
As', Do you think they !ill be able to pull up the enormous carrot"
All three of them pulled and pulled it together but the carrot wouldnt still
come out of the ground*
As', ho else do you think !ill help them to pull up the carrot"
)o the hen went to the mouse* %;elp us pull up that enormous carrot,(she said*
%8 will help 'ou( said the mouse*
As', Do you think the four animals !ill be able to pull up the
enormous carrot"
5he hen, dog, cat, and mouse pulled and pulled it together* 0p came the
enormous carrotJ
As', hat do you think !ill the animals do ne/t
5hat evening the' cooked the enormous carrot and ate it all together*
@ote, 6o back to the 2uestions raised for pupils to answer before listening to the stor'*
Ask pupils to answer those two motive 2uestions*
#ost %eading
8ll ask some 2uestions, and then 8ll call the groups to present their answers to the set
of 2uestions directed to them*
6roup A
4hat is the stor' about<
4hat are the characters in the stor'<
6roup +
4hat did the hen plant one da'<
4hat happened to the carrot seeds<
4h' couldnt the hen believe what she saw<
4ho helped the hen pull up the enormous carrot<
6roup &
4h' couldnt hen pull the carrot b' herself<
4ho helped the hen first< )econd< 5hird<
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
4hat did the animals do after the' have pull up the enormous carrot<
8f the dog, cat, and mouse did not help the hen, what do 'ou think would happen<
4hat could be done so the hen could succeed in getting the carrot b' herself even
without the help of the other animals<
4hat trait did the animals in the stor' show<
8f 'ou were the dog, cat, and the mouse would 'ou help the hen wh'<
8f 'ou were the hen, how would 'ou thank the three animals who helped 'ou<
3n1usion o1 'a&ues
;ow is cooperation shown in our stor'< 4here or when else can 'ou show cooperation<
$efer to LM Activit' "B-+* 6ive time to the pupils to prepare their output*
!esson 1M Day 2: #honics
Using 'er(s in Sim*&e #resent Tense
Ski&& !esson: Using 'er(s in Sim*&e #resent Tense
1. #resentation/3ntroduction
6ame: Act and 6uess
ivide the pupils into # groups* Each group will agree on / action words that the' are to
act out and the other group to guess the action the' showed or performed*
(Fote: 0sing the word cards, flash words with consonant blend taken from the stor'Q
conduct the spelling lesson using the following steps*
1. >lash the word
planted grew ground check still
2. Let pupils read the words
-. Let them identif' the number of s'llables in the word
2. Let them spell the word as the' look at the printed cop'
>. $emove the cop' of the word and let the pupils spell the word
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
<. Let them write the word on their tag board or on their paper
M. )how again the printed word and let them check whether the' have spelled the
word correctl'
)a': . am going to flash !ords one at a time. 4ou are to read the !ord aloud. Then% tell
the number of syllables the !ord has. 2o!% let us spell the !ord together as you look at
its !ritten form in the flashcard. The time% .ll remo-e the flashcard% can you still spell
the !ord" #et us try. 2o!% !rite the !ord on your paper or on your tag board.
Fote: o the same with the remaining words*
After all the words have been presented show again their printed form on the flashcards
and let the pupils check whether the' have spelled the words correctl'*
8ndividual pupils ma' be called to spell the words*
2. ,ode&ing/Teaching
)how a composite picture of farm animals* Let the pupils talk about the animals in the
)a': ho are the animals in our story the 3normous Carrots" . ha-e here a photograph
about the farm animals. #et us read this together.
(5his should be written on the board or on a Manila paper)
Ask: hat animal cro!s to !ake e-eryone up" hat does mother hen do" ho go !ith
mother hen" hy do the hen and chicks scratch the ground" hy do the animals sleep
Let the pupils read some sentences taken from the paragraph*
a* 5he roaster crows*
b* Mother hen starts to look for food*
c* 5he chicks go with mother hen*
d* 5he' scratch the ground*
e* 5he animals keep themselves bus'*
f* 5he' all sleep earl'
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
%5iktilaok, 5iktilaokJ%
5he rooster wakes ever'one up* All the farm animals get up*
Mother hen starts to look for food* 5he bab' chicks go with
mother hen* 5he' scratch the ground for grains and crumbs* All
the other animals keep themselves bus' looking for something to
eat* At night time, the' all sleep earl' so as to be read' for the
next da'*
Let the pupils identif' the action word in each sentence* Let them also identif' the
sub?ect in each sentence*
Ask: hat is talked about in sentence 7" )o! many roasters are mentioned" hat
action !ord is used" ith !hat letter does the action !ord end" hat about in
sentence 9" )o! many hens are talked about" hat do you notice !ith the action
!ord" .n !hat letter does it end"
)tud' sentences 7, A, /, -,
hat is talked about in each sentence" hat do you notice !ith the action !ords" Do they end
in I s"
Fote: 5ell the pupils that the verbs in the sentences are in the simple present tense*
#et us study the chart belo!.
.rovide other examples for the pupils*
#ets read the sentences:
$owena sweeps the floor*
Nane dusts the shelves*
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
)0+NE&5 ;I4 MAF@ A&58IF
more than one
more than one
more than one
more than one
start s
5he other bo's arrange the chair*
5he' all keep their room clean and tid'*
Ask: ho is talked about in each sentence" hat form of the -erb is used !hen talking
about only one person" +:s form, hat form of the -erb is used !hen talking about t!o
or more persons" +simple form,
)a': The -erb s!eeps% dusts% arrange and keep are all in the simple present tense.
Lead the pupils to understand that the P s form of the verb is used when talking about
one person or thing in the present tense*
5he simple form of the verb is used when talking about two or more persons or things
in the present tense*
2. 0uided #ractice
6et one picture from the chart make a sentence about it using the simple present form*
4rite 'our sentences in 'our notebook
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
-. 3nde*endent #ractice
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "BB*
Ski&& !esson 2: #honics
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "BC for the phonics exercises for a' #*
0sing flashcard, drill the students on the words the' will meet in the selections to be
taken up from da' # to a' A* 8f time allows, have the pupils read the sentences*
Allow pupils to read the phrases in A and make clarification in case there are words!
phrases the' do not understand*
$ead the stor'! poem H;orse', the Oing and allow them to answer b' groups the
2uestions that follow*
!esson 1M Day -
'ill Lesson, $etell familiar stories to other children
0se verbs in the simple past tense
+lend phonemes to read (&9&&&) words
8dentif' and produce the sound given to the vowel digraphs oo and ou and the
final ed in verbs in the past tense
"* %e+iew
$emember our stor' %5he Enormous &arrots(<
#ets find out !hether you can retell it to the class. . am going to begin the story. All
you ha-e to do is to add the ne/t e-ent until !e finish the !hole story.
(Fote : )tart telling the stor' b' giving the first event then call on one pupil at a time to
give the events that follow until the whole stor' is complete*)
#* #resentation/3ntroduction
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
.resent a paragraph*
.n our story the four animals had a nice time that e-ening. #ets read this paragraph
that gi-es !hat each animal did after they !ere able to pull up the enormous carrot.
5hat evening, the four animals cooked the enormous carrot* 5he ;en gentl' poured
the hot carrot soup on four small bowls* 5he dog and the cat prepared a bottle of cold
bubbl' ?uice* 5he mouse helped set the table* 5he' all had a happ' time together*
Ask 2uestion about the paragraph*
4hen did the animals cook the enormous carrot<
4hat did the hen do with the hot carrot soup<
4hat did the cat and the dog prepare<
;ow did the mouse help<
4hat are the action words!verbs in the paragraph<
7* ,ode&ing/Teaching
7. #ets read the action !ords/-erbs in our paragraph.
Ask: hat do you noticed about these action !ords. #ets study the chart belo!.
3ase %or( Add Past %or(
cook -ed cooked
pour -ed poured
prepare -ed prepared
help -ed helped
5hese verbs tell action that happened in the past* 5he' are in the simple past form*
;ow do we form the simple past tense of the verb<
Fote: 5o form the simple past tense of the regular verb we add d or ed to its based
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
Let pupils give sentences using the simple past form of regular verbs using the simple
past form of regular verbs*
.resent words from the paragraph with the &9&&& pattern*
)ere are !ords taken from the paragraph. )o! many syllables does each !ord ha-e"
hat spelling pattern do these !ords ha-e" #ets blend the sound gi-en to the
consonants that come aone after another in the inderlined syllables of these !ords"
!g!e!n!t!l!'! S
2o!% clap your hands e-ery time you say blend sounds in the !ords that .ll flash. Then
read the !hole !ord.
.resent the pairs of anton'ms from the paragraph*
enormous - small
hot P cold
Ask: 4hat do 'ou call these pairs of words< o the' have the same meaning<
&an 'ou give other pairs of words with opposite meaning<
A* 0uided #ractice
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "BD*
6et picture from the chart* Make sentences about them using pairs of anton'ms in 'our
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
ra1ts si5ths
/* 3nde*endent #ractice
Activit' ": 9erbs in )imple .ast >orm
ivide the class into four* Let each group create a four lines song about the things the'
did to make the classroom clean* 5ell them to use the past form of the verb* 5he' ma'
adopt a familiar tense*
Activit' #: &9&& 4ords
>lash cards will &9&&& words*
Let pupils blend the phonemes and read the word*
Activit' 7:Anton'ms
&omplete each sentence with the opposite of the word in the box* &hoose 'our answer
from the list*
"* 8 found a pair of shoes to replace m' KKKKK one*
#* 5he waves carried the KKK fish to the shore*
7* 5he man thanked the KKKKbo' who helped him cross the street*
A* 5he grasshopper learned a lesson from the KKKKKKK ant*
/* 5he room became KKKKKKafter the cleaners helped one another*
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
&ights warmth
*astry (irths
tid' small
red 'oung
wide industrious
'ill Leson 2, P!onics
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "C3 for the a' 7 activities in .honics*
$efer the class to LM Activit' "C" for the cop' of the stor'* 6roup pupils to six to read
one of the first six lines and one of the last - lines* $ead along the stor'*
6roup ": +one' ;orse 6roup
6roup #: +one' $att' 6roup
6roup 7: +one' Monke' 6roup
6roup A: +one' >rogg' 6roup
6roup /: +one' &arabao 6roup
6roup -: +one' 5urtle 6roup
!esson 1M Day 2
Ski&& !esson: Write at &east three sentences 1rom +arious sources
e5c&amatory/ interrogati+e"
Use a**ro*riate *unctuation marks *eriod/ comma/ and
e5c&amation *oint"
1. 3ntroduction
6roup the class into /* Assign part of the stor' to be read b' each group*
6roup " P 4ill be the narrator 6roup A P 4ill be the &at
6roup # - 4ill be the ;en 6roup / P 4ill be the Mouse
6roup 7 - 4ill be the og
)a': Today% !e !ill ha-e a choral reading of the story 0The 3normous Carrot.& The
members of the group !ill read the part of the story assigned to them. #ets $egin.
2. #resentation
.resent ?umbled words to the class, let the pupils arrange the words to form a sentence*
)a': . ha-e a (umbled !ords from the story% 0The 3normous Carrot& Can you assemble
the !ords to make a sentence"
)a': hat sentence ha-e you formed"
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
planted some she carrot seeds
+eac!ing 8!art, Hinds of entences
Declarative entence.A declarative sentence makes
a statement* 8t ends with period (*)
*(perative entence* An imperative sentence is a
command or a polite re2uest* 8t ma' end with a
period (*) or a 2uestion mark (<) if 'ou want to
express surprise as to wh' the command or re2uest
was given*
>?cla(atory entence* An exclamator' sentence
expresses great emotion or excitement* 8t ends with
exclamation point (J)*
*nterrogative entence.An interrogative sentence
asks a 2uestion* 8t ends with a 2uestion mark (<)
ho can !rite the sentence on the
hat kind of sentence is this"
hat punctuation mark is used
in a declarati-e sentence"
(.resent interrogative and
exclamator' sentences and
let the pupils identif' the
punctuation mark used)
-. 0uided #ractice
6roup the class into 7* Let each group write sentences from the stor'*
)a': There are three different kinds of sentences in our story. Can you name them"
Each group will write sentences from the stor' that fall under the correct heading* 5ell
them to be sure to use the correct punctuation mark*
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "C#A*
.nasmuch as there !ere no interrogati-e sentences in the story% lets try making
interrogati-e sentences.
5he sentences in column + are answers to the 2uestions* 4rite the interrogative
sentences which will give the sentence in column +* 5he first one is done for 'ou*
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "C#+*
2. 3nde*endent #ractice
6roup 'ourselves into A* ;ave a mini tour of the school* Each member writes sentences
on his!her own task card* After 7 minutes, the members of the group agree on the four
best sentences for the group output* 5he group secretar' will write the group output
while the reporter will be the one to present the group work*
Declarative *(perative >?cla(atory *nterrogative
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "C7*
Ski&& !esson 2: #honics
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
$efer the pupils to LM Activit' "CA for the .honics activit'* &onduct a flashcard drill
on all the words learned with the long vowel words !o! and ending in silent e as in hose*
Allow enough time for the writing activit'*
5hen ask the pupils to go to their group and write "3 of their best sentences on a Manila
paper* Let them share their sentences with the class*
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
2RA!% " %*2L.'= $%A3=%R>' 2).!%
Unit 2: ee! 7 "Lesson 16$
Lesson Parts
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
;iterature: #The Bundle of
#ealize the importance of
unit! in achie&ing a goal
,equence series of e&ents
Decode words with long
&owel words ending in
silent e: long u as in cu"e
,equence series of e&ents
Decode words with long
&owel words ending in
silent e: long u as in cu"e
Use &er"s in their simple
present and past tense
Decode words with long
&owel words ending in
silent e: long u as in cu"e
Use &er"s in their simple
present and past tense
Decode words with long
&owel words ending in silent
e: long u as in cu"e
@op! of ;iterature ;'ID'
/orksheet ' ;M page BB
$ictures of quarrel
/ord @ards of ke! words
,entence ,trips
-eacher ,equence @hart
-eacher ,equence @hart
;'ID+ /orksheet BB ;M
page BB for the poem34
$ouse %e Built Together5
,entence strips
;'IDH /orksheet ' ;M
page BB for the poem
E@ock-a-doodle doo
;'IDH /orksheet BB ;M
page BB(
;'ID: /orksheet ' ;M
page BB
$resent ke! words
through picture, realia,
demonstration and word
#ead aloud and stop at
strategic points and ask
questions to predict and
monitor comprehension
$ost #eading
/ord drill and exercises on
words with long &owel
words ending in silent e:
long u as in cu"e
6ntroduction/ $resentation:
llow pupils to recall stor!
read "! reading along
Discuss sequencing
through a ,equence @hart
/ord drill and exercises
on words with long &owel
words ending in silent e:
long u as in cu"e
?uided $ractice:
ha&e pupils listen to a
stor! then present
sentence strips
llow them to paste/write
strips/ e&ents on sequence
$rocess responses/
/ord drill and exercises
on words with long &owel
words ending in silent e:
long u as in cu"e
$resentation/ 6ntroduction
#ead @ock-a-doodle doo
and use the sentences in
the poem to start lesson
Modeling/ -eaching
Discuss how $resent and
$ast )orm of &er" are
used with time
llow pupils to work on
pairs in asking and
answering questions to
practice present and past
form of &er"s
;et pupils write sentences
using the correct form of the
&er" guided "! time
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
2RA!% " %*2L.'= $%A3=%R>' 2).!%
-alk a"out stor! read
through discussion
6n a group, allow pupils
to write a 9-sentence
;et pupils present work
to class
?uided $ractice:
6ndependent $ractice:
llow pupils to read along
a poem and fill in
sequence chart
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
2RA!% " %*2L.'= $%A3=%R>' 2).!%
Unit 2: ee! 7 "Lesson 16$
+!e 3undle of tic's
A* eveloping &oncepts ! 9ocabular'
.ost on the board and read to the pupils the following words:
;ave pupils repeat the words on their own*
5alk about each of these words and what each of them means*
"* bundle P things put together (through realia)
Look at the bundle of .opsicle sticks* 4hat can 'ou sa' about the
.opsicle sticks< Are the' put together< 4hat keeps them together< 4hat does
bundle mean<
#* 2uarrel - fight (through picture)
Look at the picture* (two bo's fighting with each other) 4ho do 'ou
think are these< 8s it good to 2uarrel with each other< 4h'< 4hat does 2uarrel
7* break P destro', separate (through demonstration)
4ho among 'ou can break a stick from this broom< )how it in class*
4hat happens when 'ou break the single stick< o 'ou think 'ou can break a
bundle of broomstick in a single tr'< 4hat does break mean<
A* failed P did not succeed (through context clues)
M' father wanted to divide the coconut fruit into halves using his
hands* ;e tried man' times but he failed* ;e did not succeed in dividing the
coconut fruit into halves* 4hich words in the sentence mean failed<
/* chorus P together at the same time(through action)
Look at the strip of paper* 4hat is written on it< (>or example: 8m
sorr'*) $ead the words on it in chorus* o it again* Ever'bod' read* ;ow did
'ou read the words< 4hat does Hin chorus mean<
+* Motivation
o 'ou have brothers< o 'ou help 'our brothers<
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
2uarrel break failed chorus
2RA!% " %*2L.'= $%A3=%R>' 2).!%
&* Motive 1uestion
id the brothers in %5he +undle of )ticks( help each other at the start<
$ead the stor' aloud to the pupils* )top after reading a part and ask 2uestions to help the
pupils predict and monitor their comprehension* $efer to LM Activity 115 on pages 21#-214
for the stor'*
)uggested 2uestions to predict and monitor comprehension:
"* 4hat do 'ou think will the father do next<
#* 4ho do 'ou think can break the bundle<
7* 4hat do 'ou think will happen next<
A* 4hat do 'ou think will their father tell them<
/* ;ow do 'ou think will the stor' end<
Post Reading
iscussion 1uestion
"* 4ho were the characters in the stor'<
#* 4h' was the father sad<
7* ;ow did the father tr' to solve the problem<
A* 4hat did he ask his three sons to do<
/* 4ere the sons able to break the bundle of sticks< 4h'<
-* ;ow were the' finall' able to break the sticks<
B* 4hat did their father tell them about the sticks<
C* 4hat did the sons realiGe at the end<
D* Are 'ou like the three brothers in the stor'<
ivide the class in three groups* ;ave each group do the task* Ibserve how each
member of the group shows teamwork in doing the task*
$efer to LM Activity 1153 on pages 214.
Day 2("
half): Reading 8o(pre!ension, eDuencing eries of >vents
$eview the stor' read b' calling on volunteers to read the lines of father, first son,
second son and third son*
$ead along with the volunteers the stor' %5he +undle of )ticks( while the rest of the
class listen*
$epeat the read along of the stor' with other volunteers to read the lines of the
characters and 7 P A volunteers to serve as narrators (those lines read b' the teacher)*
Modeling $+eac!ing
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
2RA!% " %*2L.'= $%A3=%R>' 2).!%
)a': Listen as 8 read the sentences on the strips of paper*
Ask: 4hich of these events happened first in the stor'<
4hich happened next<
4hich happened last<
5ell the pupils that A )e2uence &hart is ver' helpful in showing a series of events in
the order in which the' took place* 8t is used to outline the ma?or events in a stor' as shown
b' the arrow* etails in the )e2uence &hart ma' be used to retell the stor' to other pupils*
$efer to LM Activity 11" on page 214.
Ask pupils to paste the strips of paper on the appropriate box*
&all on volunteers to read along the se2uenced events*
&all on a volunteer to retell the stor' using the se2uenced events without looking at
the chart*
&all on another volunteer to retell the stor' to the class using se2uenced events
without looking at the chart*
Day 2 (#
half) P!onics$&ord Recognition, Long u )ords li'e cu;e
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
Each son tried to break the bundle of sticks*
Each son was able to break the stick ver' easil'*
>ather showed them a bundle of sticks*
5he sons promised not to 2uarrel again*
5he father gave each of his sons onl' one stick from the
5he three sons alwa's 2uarreled among themselves*
;e asked each of the sons to tr' and break the bundle of
Fone of them could break the bundle of sticks*
>ather pointed out the lesson P %0nited 'ou stand, ivided
'ou fall*(
Each son tried to break the bundle of sticks*
Each son was able to break the stick ver' easil'*
>ather showed them a bundle of sticks*
5he sons promised not to 2uarrel again*
5he father gave each of his sons onl' one stick from the
5he three sons alwa's 2uarreled among themselves*
;e asked each of the sons to tr' and break the bundle of
Fone of them could break the bundle of sticks*
>ather pointed out the lesson P %0nited 'ou stand, ivided
'ou fall*(
2RA!% " %*2L.'= $%A3=%R>' 2).!%
$efer to LM Activity 110 on pages 215-21" for the reading exercise on long !u! words like
5ell the pupils that these words have the long !u! sound and that the final letter e in ever'
word is a silent letter*
Model reading and tell pupils what these words are through pictures, word associations,
sentence strips, demonstration, situation presentation*
Day # (
half) Reading 8o(pre!ension, eDuencing eries of >vents
.uided Practice
8nstruct the pupils to work in triads* $ead aloud to them a stor'* ;ave them fill in the
)e2uence &hart with the events as the' happened in the stor' through the sentence strips
+he !ence
1ne day !hile their father !as a!ay% the three sons agreed to put up a fence
to enclose their house. The eldest son took the bundle of sticks. The second son looked for
bigger sticks for the posts. The youngest son got the hammer and some nails.
They started !orking on the fence. They helped each other put the post in
place% line the sticks and hammer the nails on them. $efore dark they finished the fence. They
felt tired but happy.
hen their father came home% he !as surprised. )is son really understood
!hat team!ork means.
)how the pupils the strips of paper with the events written on them* 5ell them to use
the )e2uence &hart to show the se2uence of events as the' happened in the stor'*
.rocess the pupils answer*
Let the pupils read the phrases* $efer to LM Activity 111A on pages 21".
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
>ather was surprised when he came home*
5he' finished the fence before dark*
5he' worked on the fence together*
5he' felt tired but happ'*
5he three sons agreed to put up a fence*
2RA!% " %*2L.'= $%A3=%R>' 2).!%
*ndependent Practice
Engage the pupils in a read P along of the poem %A ;ouse 4e +uilt 5ogether(* $efer
to LM Activity 1113 on page 21". Let them do Activity 1118.
Day # (
$efer to LM Activity 11/ on pages 211 for the reading exercise on long !u! words*
>or LM Activity 11/3-8 on page 211, allow the pupils to complete the sentences b' filling
out the blanks and then read the sentences*
Let the pupils do LM Activity 11/A on page 21/.
Day 4 ("
.ra((ar, 7sing <er;s in t!eir i(ple Present and Past +ense
Presentation$ *ntroduction
$ead along the poem %&ock-a-doodle doo(* $efer to LM Activity 1/03 on page 21/.
Let us read these sentences from the poem*
M' dame lost her shoe*
M' dame found her shoe*
M' master lost his fiddling stick*
M' master finds his fiddling stick*
M' master found his fiddling stick*
Ask: hich sentence uses a -erb in the present tense"
M' master finds his fiddling stick*
Ask: hich sentences use -erbs in the past tense"
M' dame lost her shoe*
M' dame found her shoe*
M' master lost his fiddling stick*
Ma' master found his fiddling stick*
#et us add time e/pressions in making sentences using -erbs in simple present and
>or example:
M' master lost his fiddling stick 'esterda'*
simple past time expression
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
2RA!% " %*2L.'= $%A3=%R>' 2).!%
$ecall how verbs in the simple past are formed*
M' master finds his fiddling stick now*
simple tense time expression
*ecall no! !hen the s form and base form of the -erbs are used.
Ither time expressions used to tell whether the action is in the past are:
6uide the pupils in stating the generaliGation* $efer to LM Activity 1/1 on page 220.
Day 4 (#
half) #/ minutes
$efer to LM Activity 1/2 on page 220 for the reading exercise on more words with the
long !u! sound like cube*
$ecall the words and phrases read in a' # and 7* $ead the stor' %Mule' the Mule and the
uke( and allow pupils to answer the 2uestions that follow*
Day 5 ("
.uided Practice,
4ork with 'our partner* Ask and answer 2uestions using the correct form of the verb*
Answer in complete sentences* 5hen, change roles*
.upil A: 4hat do 'ou do on )aturda's<
.upil +: 8 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK on )aturda's*
.upil A: id 'ou KKKKKKKKKKKK last )aturda'<
.upil +: @es, 8 did* or Fo, 8 didnt* 8 KKKKKKKKKK last )aturda'*
*ndependent Practice,
Refer to LM Activity 1/# on pages 221-222.
Day 5 (#nd half)
Refer to LM Activity 1/4 on page 222.
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"
this time
'esterda' long ago this morning
lastKKKKKK since
2RA!% " %*2L.'= $%A3=%R>' 2).!%

Allow pupils to read the words and sentence strips on the words with long !u! and tell them to
write at least # to 7 sentences using an' of the words read*
Unit 33 6ust Do 3tN. !esson 1? Week 1"

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