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Standard Operating Procedure:
Knowledge Management
Prepared for: Synergycentric Sdn. Bhd.
Prepared by: TWM IT Outsourcing Project Transition Team
October !"#
Standard Operating
Procedure (SOP)
TWM Knowledge
Knowledge Management Release 1 1
October 2014
Release and Revision Record
"he following information is being used to control and track modi#cations made to
the document.
Revision Date Section(
Summary of Changes(s)
%ctober &'$( )ll $ $$ *nitial +raft
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page ! of
Knowledge Management Release 1 1
October 2014
Document Control
Author )bdul ,a#- )ri.n
File Name &(/01&2//.doc
Created $
%ctober &'$(
ast !dited $
%ctober &'$(
$. Synergycentric Sdn. Bhd.
#'( "# &%#S&%RC"N) PR&*!C# #RANS"#"&N #!A(
)bdul ,a#- )ri.n
Service )ssurance Specialist
3ee Boon 4hong
Service +elivery 5anager
PR!PAR!D $+ R!V"!'!D $+
S+N!R)+C!N#R"C SDN, $-D,
3ee Boon 4hong
Service +elivery 5anager
ACC!P#!D $+
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page ( of
Knowledge Management Release 1 1
October 2014
T!"# O$ CO%T#%T
., "N#!N#"&N &F #-! S&P,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/
.,. "ntention of the S&P,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/
0, Princi1les,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/
0,. Princi1les,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/
2, Res1onsibilities,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/
2,. Res1onsibilities,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/
3, Re4uirements,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5
3,. Re4uirements,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5
6, Procedure,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7
6,. Procedure,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7
8, References,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..
8,. References,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..
/, &ther S&P9 document9 la:s and rules to consider,,,,,,,,,,,,.0
/,. &ther S&P9 document9 la:s and rules to consider,,,,,,,.0
5, ;ey %sers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.0
5,. ;ey %sers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.0
7, #raining < "m1lementation Plan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.0
7,. #raining < "m1lementation Plan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.0
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page # of
Knowledge Management Release 1 1
October 2014
"&ST O$ T!"#
N& #A$! &F F")%R!S !N#R"!S F&%ND,
"&ST O$ $&'(R#
Figure .= ;no:ledge (anagement Process..........................................2
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page ) of
Knowledge Management Release 1 1
October 2014
., ., "ntention of the S&P "ntention of the S&P
.,."ntention of the S&P
"he intention of this S%6 is to describe 7nowledge 5anagement process
practiced in "W5. 7nowledge 5anagement is intended to gather, analy-e,
store, and share knowledge and information within "W5.
0, 0, Princi1les Princi1les
"he goal of the 7nowledge 5anagement process is to provide and enable
"W5 to leverage knowledge and in turn improve productivity and e.ciency.
"his will help to improve e.ciency by reducing the need to rediscover
knowledge and to allow end8users to self8retrieve information readily
available without dependencies to Service +esk.
2, 2, Res1onsibilities Res1onsibilities
!nd %sers
Self8retrieve information readily available on 3aman7ita
9ollow the instruction given
:esolve problem using the guide published
"ncident (anagement #eam
;ather, analy-e, store and share incidents into knowledge
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page * of
Knowledge Management Release 1 1
October 2014
6rovide solutions either permanent or interim
6rovide most8common problem with the solution
6ost the #ndings into the knowledge base database
Problem (anagement #eam
;ather, analy-e, store and share problems into knowledge
Work on the interim solution to a permanent solution
6ost the #ndings into the knowledge base database
Change (anagement #eam
;ather, analy-e, store and share the change release into knowledge
6ost the #ndings into the knowledge base database
3, 3, Re4uirements Re4uirements
7nowledge management software or knowledge base software is re<uired in
order to have centrali-ed information.
6, 6, Procedure Procedure
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page + of
Knowledge Management Release 1 1
October 2014
"his chapter describes in detail the processes involved, re<uired and how
they are being used in 7nowledge 5anagement to facilitate the knowledge
sharing purpose.
Figure .= ;no:ledge (anagement Process
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page , of
Knowledge Management Release 1 1
October 2014
., %1date ;no:ledge Database from "ncident (anagement
*ncident 5anagement team updates the knowledge database
0, %1date ;no:ledge Database from Problem (anagement
6roblem 5anagement team updates the knowledge database
2, (onthly ;no:ledge Database Revie:
7nowledge +atabase team will review the knowledge database
which input from *ncident = 6roblem 5anagement team on monthly
3, Signi>cant Ne: ;no:ledge
7nowledge 5anagement team will validate if the knowledge is a
*f there is no new signi#cant knowledge, 7nowledge 5anagement
team proceed to update the knowledge database
*f there is a signi#cant new knowledge, verify if the knowledge is
applicable for user
6, ;no:ledge for %ser
*f there is no applicable knowledge for user, 7nowledge
5anagement team proceed to updates the knowledge database
*f there is an applicable knowledge for user, 7nowledge
5anagement team will publish to 6ortal
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page - of
Knowledge Management Release 1 1
October 2014
8, Format ;no:ledge for Portal
7nowledge 5anagement team format the knowledge to be updates
to the 6ortal
/, %1date ;no:ledge Database
7nowledge management team updates the knowledge information
into knowledge database
"he cycle continues by 7nowledge 5anagement team to review the
knowledge database on monthly basis
8, 8, References References
"he input for the development of this document is as follow>
*" *nfrastructure 3ibrary (*"*3) references
"W5 *" 6rocess Baseline )ssessment :eport
"he output for the development of this document is as follow>
Standard %perating 6rocedure, 7nowledge 5anagement
/, /, &ther S&P9 document9 la:s and rules to consider &ther S&P9 document9 la:s and rules to consider
/,.&ther S&P9 document9 la:s and rules to consider
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page " of
Knowledge Management Release 1 1
October 2014
Standard %perating 6rocedure, *ncident 5anagement
Standard %perating 6rocedure, 6roblem 5anagement
Standard %perating 6rocedure, 4hange 5anagement
5, 5, ;ey %sers ;ey %sers
5,.;ey %sers
Synergycentric Service +esk
Synergycentric *ncident 5anagement "eam
Synergycentric 6roblem 5anagement "eam
Synergycentric 4hange 5anagement "eam
Synergycentric 7nowledge 5anagement "eam
7, 7, #raining < "m1lementation Plan #raining < "m1lementation Plan
7,.#raining < "m1lementation Plan
7ey users listed in 4hapter 0 needs to be briefed on the procedures.
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page of

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