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Standard Operating Procedure:
Vendor Management
Prepared for: Synergycentric Sdn. Bhd.
Prepared by: TWM IT Outsourcing Project Transition Team
October !"#
Standard Operating
Procedure (SOP)
BERNAS Supplier (Vendor)
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
Release and Revision Record
"he following information is being used to control and track modi#cations made to
the document.
Revision Date Section(
Summary of Changes(s)
%ctober &'$( )ll $ $* +nitial ,raft
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page ! of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
Document ontrol
Author )bdul -a#. )ri/n
File Name &(012&303.doc
Created Wednesday , $
%ctober &'$(
ast !dited Wednesday , $
%ctober &'$(
$. Synergycentric Sdn. Bhd.
#'( "# &%#S&%RC"N) PR&*!C# #RANS"#"&N #!A(
)bdul -a#. )ri/n
Service )ssurance Specialist
4ee Boon 5hong
Service ,elivery 6anager
PR!PAR!D $+ R!V"!'!D $+
S+N!R)+C!N#R"C SDN, $-D,
4ee Boon 5hong
Service ,elivery 6anager
ACC!P#!D $+
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page ) of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
., "N#!N#"&N &F #-! S&P,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/
.,. "ntention of the S&P.......................................................................2
0, Princi1les,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/
0,. Princi1les.......................................................................................... 2
2, Res1onsibilities,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/
2,. Res1onsibilities...............................................................................2
3, Re4uirements,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5
3,. Re4uirements.................................................................................. 1
6, Procedure,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5
6,. Procedure......................................................................................... 3
7, References,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.3
7,. References..................................................................................... $(
/, &ther S&P8 document8 la9s and rules to consider,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.3
/,. &ther S&P8 document8 la9s and rules to consider..................$(
5, :ey %sers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.6
5,. :ey %sers....................................................................................... $*
;, #raining < "m1lementation Plan,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.6
;,. #raining < "m1lementation Plan..................................................$*
.=, A11endices,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.7
.=,. A11endi> . ? Vendor Re4uest Form (VRF)................................$0
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page # of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
"$S! O# !AB"E
7% ")B4! %8 8+9:;!S !7";+!S 8%:7,.
"$S! O# #$%&RE
Figure .? Vendor (anagement Process Flo9......................................$'
Figure 0? Vendor Re4uest Form.............................................................$1
., ., "ntention of the S&P "ntention of the S&P
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page ( of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
.,."ntention of the S&P
"he intention of this S%< is to describe Supplier (=endor) 6anagement
0, 0, Princi1les Princi1les
"he goal of Supplier (=endor) 6anagement is to manage the vendor and
suppliers, by establishing the proper communication channels and
information >ows between them and the organi.ation. "his can lead to
increased e/ciencies, reduced costs and better customer service. "his S%<
on Supplier (=endor) 6anagement must be adhered whenever there are
needs to manage Synergycentric appointed maintenance vendor and the
service providers. <referred vendors deliver the best values in terms of price,
capabilities, and ?uality, past performance, training, and #nancial stability.
2, 2, Res1onsibilities Res1onsibilities
Service Des@
Service ,esk to provide incident performance report on monthly basis
to =endor 6anagement "eam
=endor to provide preventive maintenance report on half yearly basis
to =endor 6anagement "eam
Vendor (anagement #eam
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page * of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
:pdates the vendors and suppliers database based on the latest
9enerating vendors and suppliers list for distribution to respective
6anaging appointed maintenance vendors to ensure maintenance
services is delivered in accordance to committed Service levels
!nsure maintenance reports are submitted on a monthly basis by the
maintenance vendors
6anagement of service providers (example@ +nternet Service <rovider,
W)7 +nfrastructure <rovider) to ensure availability of the subscribed
<erform suppliers and vendors <erformance !valuation <rocess
3, 3, Re4uirements Re4uirements
) central depository for vendor information, i.e. a system that could maintain
a vendor database.
6, 6, Procedure Procedure
"his chapter would describe in detailed what are the processes re?uired and
how the processes are being used in Supplier (=endor) 6anagement to
manage the suppliers and vendors.
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page + of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
Figure .? Vendor (anagement Process Flo9
., (onthly "ncident Performance Re1ort
Service ,esk to generate monthly incident performance report from
the service desk system to be submitted to =endor 6anagement
"eam for review purposes
0, Preventive (aintenance Re1ort
=endor to provide a half yearly preventive maintenance report that
to be submitted to =endor 6anagement "eam for review purposes
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page , of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
2, AnalyAe Performance Against SA of %nder1inning Contracts (%,C)
=endor 6anagement "eam to analy.e vendorAs performance against
the :.5.As S4)
3, Due for 4uarterly revie9B
=endor 6anagement "eam to check if there is a need to review on
?uarterly basis
+f no ?uarterly review is re?uired, =endor 6anagement "eam to
verify if the performance of appointed vendors are met
+f ?uarterly review is re?uired, =endor 6anagement "eam to
arrange a review session with the appointed vendor
6, Arrange for 4uarterly revie9 session
=endor 6anagement "eam to organi.e a meeting session with the
appointed vendor for review on issues relating to performance and
if re?uired, improvement plans
7, Contract e>1iring ne>t 4uarterB
=endor 6anagement "eam will check to veri#ed if the contract is
expiring in next ?uarter
+f no contract expiring in the next ?uarter, =endor 6anagement
"eam to verify if the monthly performance of appointed vendors are
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page - of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
+f contract is expiring in the next ?uarter, =endor 6anagement
"eam to evaluate previous performance for renewal
/, !valuate 1revious 1erformance
=endor 6anagement "eam to evaluate the previous performance of
the appointed vendor before actual renewal o the contract
5, Performance metB
=endor 6anagement "eam to verify if the performance of the
appointed vendor is met
+f the appointed vendor performance is met, =endor 6anagement
"eam sign oB the monthly report
+f the appointed vendor performance is not met, =endor
6anagement "eam to workout the improvement plan with the
appointed vendor
;, 'or@out im1rovement 1lan 9ith vendor
%nce the appointed vendor didnAt achieve the performance, =endor
6anagement "eam to have a meeting discussion with the appointed
vendor for the improvement plan.
.=, Pre1are rene9al contract 9ith vendor
=endor 6anagement "eam to prepare all the contract renewal
document to be signCoB with the appointed vendor
.., )ood 1erformance trac@B
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page " of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
Based on the previous monthly performance trend of the appointed
vendor, =endor 6anagement "eam will validate if the appointed
vendor perform as per agreed S4)
+f the performance is up to the level of agreed S4) and satisfactory,
=endor 6anagement "eam will prepare the contract renewal
document or the appointed vendor to signCoB
+f the appointed vendor didnAt achieve the satisfactory level andDor
didnAt meet the agreed S4), =endor 6anagement "eam will
evaluate for the alternative vendor
.0, !valuate alternative vendor
=endor 6anagement "eam will source and evaluate for the
alternative vendor once the previous appointed vendor didnAt
ful#lled the satisfactory performance level for renewal
.2, Pre1are ne9 contract 9ith alternative vendor
=endor 6anagement "eam will prepare new contract for signCoB
with the alternative vendor once evaluation of the vendor is
.3, %1date vendor list
%nce the =endor 6anagement "eam has con#rmed the new
alternative vendor, =endor 6anagement "eam will update the
vendor list for review purpose
%nce the new contract has signCoB with the new alternative vendor,
the =endor 6anagement "eam will update the vendor list for review
.6, Document im1rovement 1lan
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
=endor 6anagement "eam will document all the improvement plan
with the appointed vendor for veri#cation and checking purposes
.7, "nitiate 1enalty of %,C
=endor 6anagement "eam will initiate penalty based on the vendor
:.5. on failure to provide the services as per agreed S4)
./, Ac@no9ledge C SignDoE Re1ort
)ll existing appointed vendor whom performance met and not met,
=endor 6anagement "eam will re?uest the vendor to acknowledge
and signCoB the report
)ll newly appointed vendor re?uired by =endor 6anagement "eam
will re?uest the vendor to acknowledge and sign EoB the report
7, 7, References References
"he input for the development of this document is as follow@
+" +nfrastructure 4ibrary (+"+4) references
B!;7)S +" <rocess Baseline )ssessment ;eport
"he output for the development of this document is as follow@
Standard %perating <rocedure, Supplier (=endor) 6anagement
/, /, &ther S&P8 document8 la9s and rules to consider &ther S&P8 document8 la9s and rules to consider
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page ! of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
/,.&ther S&P8 document8 la9s and rules to consider
Standard %perating <rocedure, +" )sset 6anagement
5, 5, :ey %sers :ey %sers
5,.:ey %sers
Synergycentric Service ,elivery 6anager
Synergycentric Service ,elivery "eam
;, ;, #raining < "m1lementation Plan #raining < "m1lementation Plan
;,.#raining < "m1lementation Plan
Fey users listed in 5hapter 1 needs to be briefed on the procedures.
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page ) of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
.=, .=, A11endices A11endices
.=,. A11endi> . ? Vendor Re4uest Form (VRF)
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page # of (
Vendor Management Release 1 1
October 2014
Figure 0? Vendor Re4uest Form
% Synergycentric Sdn Bhd& 'ersion Page ( of (

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