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Page 1 of 22 (Version 1B)

In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand
spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes.
There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your
answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in the test
Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a
picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the
one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the
number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The
statements will not be printed in your test book and will be





Example Sample Answer A B (C) D

Statement (C). 'They're sitting at the
table." is the best description of the
picture, so you should select answer (C)
and mark it on your answer sheet.


Page 2 of 22 (Version 1B)








Page 3 of 22 (Version 1B)

11. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
12. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
13. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
14. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
15. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
36. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
37. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
38. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
39. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
40. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken
in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in
your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement
and mark the letter (A), (B). or (C) on your answer sheet.
Example Sample Answer A (B) C
You will hear: Where is the meeting room?
You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director.
(B) It's the first room on the right.
(C) Yes. at two o'clock.
The best response to the question Where is the meeting room?" is choice
(B), Its the first room on the right," so (B) is the correct answer. You should
mark answer (B) on your answer sheet.


Page 4 of 22 (Version 1B)

41. Who is the man?
(A) An apartment resident. (B) An apartment manager.
(C) A guest. (D) An architect.
42. What is the woman looking for?
(A) A place to meet her client.
(B) A place to hold her meetings with her employees.
(C) A place to study for exam.
(D) A place to just sleep for two months.
43. What does the woman say she will do?
(A) Come back soon after she checks out from her hotel.
(B) Find another place to live.
(C) Make a contract with them as soon as she can.
(D) Visit other places too, then come back.
44. When are the calendars supposed to arrive?
(A) Yesterday. (B) Today. (C) Tomorrow. (D) Next month.
45. What will the boss do if the calendar doesnt arrive soon?
(A) Change the calendar company. (B) Wait until tomorrow to plan.
(C) Call the delivery company. (D) Order to another company.
46. What can you assume about the boss?
(A) He is a lazy man. (B) He has a specialty in planning marketing.
(C) He likes planning ahead. (D) He is very generous.

47. How did the man spend his time off?
(A) At the beach. (B) Taking care of his sick mother.
(C) Repairing his house. (D) Finding a new house.
48. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
(A) New house. (B) Sick mother. (C) Vacation. (D) Roof.
49. What did the womans friend tell her about?
(A) Hiking at the mountains. (B) Exciting gambling in Las Vegas.
(C) Great vacation at the ocean. (D) Business trip in New York.
50. Where is Dave going?
(A) The bookstore. (B) Corner Coffee.
(C) The market place. (D) The cafe.
51. Why is the woman going to get a cup of coffee?
(A) Her co-worker asked her to. (B) Her neighbor asked her to.
(C) Her children love the coffee at this cafe. (D) Dave asked her to.
52. How does Dave feel about the woman coming with him?
(A) He is upset that she has to come with him.
(B) He would rather go by himself.
(C) He enjoys her company.
(D) He will go to the cafe later.
53. What does the woman suggest the man do?
(A) More practice.
(B) Participate in a speech contest.
(C) Ask another employee to do the speech part for him.
(D) Practice the speech by himself.
54. How will the club help him?
(A) More confident making speeches. (B) More customers.
(C) The bosss attention. (D) Improving his sales.

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will
be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each
conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter
(A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken
only one time and will not be printed in your test book.


Page 5 of 22 (Version 1B)

55. How can he join the club?
(A) Pay 50,000 won a month to join.
(B) Give them his resume.
(C) Bring his application
(D) Just telling them what he wants to do.
56. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
(A) When the consultant can start working for the mans company.
(B) The salary the consultant will agree on with the scout.
(C) The day the consultant can come to the mans company.
(D) The cost for the consultant visiting.
57. When will the consultant visit?
(A) Tuesday. (B) Wednesday. (C) Thursday. (D) Friday.
58. How does the man feel about the consultant?
(A) He likes the consultant. (B) He charges a lot for a visit.
(C) He is famous but not so professional. (D) The man doesnt know him well.
59. Who most likely is Janet Barton?
(A) An ex-employee. (B) A consultant.
(C) An ex-boss. (D) A stock agent.
60. Whom is the woman going to ask for Janet Bartons address?
(A) Janet Barton. (B) Tim.
(C) Tims supervisor. (D) She will look it up in the address book.
61. What is the woman sending Janet Barton?
(A) The history of sales.
(B) The information about their employees.
(C) The record of increase in salary.
(D) The record of imports.

62. What is taking place in the conversation?
(A) Making arrangements for his flowers. (B) Paying for some flowers.
(C) Getting the flowers he bought. (D) Putting some flowers together.
63. Why does the man need to wait?
(A) The office computer is not functioning.
(B) They have to find his flowers.
(C) They are waiting for the computer engineers.
(D) They have to calculate the price for the flowers.
64. What does the woman ask the man to do?
(A) Run to get his wallet in his car. (B) Pay with a credit card.
(C) Wait. (D) Go to another flower shop.
65. What are the speakers talking about?
(A) New computer system.
(B) New filing system.
(C) Many changes in a rival company.
(D) New manager of the filing department.
66. What does the woman say about the new change?
(A) It should have been installed sooner.
(B) It is the managers mistake to install it.
(C) She liked the old filing system.
(D) She wants to transfer her files herself.
67. What is the weak point for having the new system?
(A) It will be harder to access the files.
(B) It will take longer to find files.
(C) It will be more complicated to update files.
(D) It will be more expensive for the company.


Page 6 of 22 (Version 1B)

68. Where most likely does Mr. Wang work?
(A) At a safety inspection office. (B) In the company.
(C) At a safety campaign office. (D) At a legal office.
69. What is happening next week?
(A) The factory will be having a tour.
(B) The factorys safety practices will be inspected.
(C) The factory will be renovated.
(D) The factory will receive new machines.
70. What did the woman hope for?
(A) A day of no work. (B) Renovation of the factory.
(C) Cleaning of the whole factory. (D) Increase in their salary.

71. What is the characteristic of Woodtrim?
(A) It doesnt scratch and dent. (B) Its waterproof.
(C) It can be cut by common tools. (D) It repels dirt and doesnt need cleaning.
72. What is Woodtrim made of?
(A) Plastic. (B) Aluminum.
(C) Wood. (D) Modified wood.
73. Who is most likely to be interested in Woodtrim?
(A) Interior designers. (B) Home owner.
(C) Painters. (D) Builders.

74. What is the advantage of the hotel?
(A) Thousands of employees.
(B) Communication facilities.
(C) It is near a worldwide harbor.
(D) Luxurious swimming pools and fitness room.
75. How long will it take to complete the construction?
(A) Six months. (B) A year. (C) A year and a half. (D) Two years.
76. How many people will work at the beginning?
(A) 100. (B) 300. (C) 500. (D) 1,000.
77. Who is the intended audience for this advertisement?
(A) Conference coordinators. (B) Travel agents.
(C) Vacationing families. (D) Hotel managers.
78. What attractive feature of the city is mentioned?
(A) Lakeside activities. (B) Group discounts for tourists.
(C) Convenient transportation. (D) International restaurants.
79. Where does the city orchestra perform?
(A) In the auditorium. (B) In the hotel.
(C) At City Hall. (D) At the theater.
80. What will probably happen after the library closes today?
(A) The books will be counted. (C) The furniture will be rearranged.
(B) A safety inspection will be conducted. (D) Some repairs will be made.
81. Why does the speaker apologize?
(A) The library will close tomorrow.
(B) Books cannot be taken out of the library today.
(C) Some materials are missing from the shelves.
(D) People cant borrow books until Friday.

Directions: You will hear some short talks given by a single speaker. You will
be asked to answer three questions about what the speaker says in each
short talk. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A),
(B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will be spoken only one time
and will not be printed in your test book.


Page 7 of 22 (Version 1B)

82. At what time will the library open tomorrow?
(A) 8:00 a.m. (B) 10:00 a.m.
(C) 1:00 p.m. (D) 2:00 p.m.
89. In what field does the speaker work?
(A) Physical education. (B) Sports broadcasting.
(C) Fitness instruction. (D) Sports therapy.
90. What is the purpose of the speech?
(A) To discuss the future of women in sports.
(B) To stress the role played by women in sports.
(C) To analyze the lack of women in sports.
(D) To clarify women's expectations of sports.
91. When did women begin to play a big role in sports?
(A) In the 1600s. (B) In the 1700s.
(C) In the 1800s. (D) In the 1900s.
92. What is the purpose of the speech?
(A) To indicate an end of the event. (B) To introduce the guest
(C) To welcome audience members. (D) To ask for donations.
93. What is the subject of the seminar?
(A) Improvement of the world. (B) Improvement of the community.
(C) How to plan a conference. (D) How to write a biography.
94. What is the audience asked to do?
(A) Receive brochures from workers. (B) Pick up written information.
(C) Email the speaker. (D) Listen to a seminar.
95. Who is speaking?
(A) A musician. (B) A professor.
(C) A doctor. (D) A weather forecaster.

96. What is the broadcast about?
(A) How to appreciate music. (B) How to purchase a quality stereo
(C) Ways to protect hearing. (D) Suggestions for leisure activity.
97. What are the listeners advised to do?
(A) Select quiet pastimes.
(B) Meet a doctor once a year.
(C) Purchase a high-quality stereo system.
(D) Go to orchestra concerts rather than rock music concerts.
98. Who is the speaker?
(A) A captain of the ship. (B) A flight attendant. (C) A traveler.
(D) A pilot.
99. What are the listeners to do?
(A) Wear the seat belts always.
(B) Have the drinks and dinner.
(C) Go to the bathrooms immediately.
(D) Remain seated most of the time.
100. What will happen next?
(A) Dinner will be served.
(B) Drinks will be served.
(C) Magazines and newspapers will be handed out.
(D) A movie will start.


Page 8 of 22 (Version 1B)

101. Our company has over 200 workers who design, assemble and ..
our merchandise.
(A) market (B) marketing (C) marketed (D) markets
102. In order to stay competitive, local businesses must
any issues at hand.
(A) quickly (B) acutely (C) remotely (D) shortly
103. We cannot start our project until the executive board has done
a.. review of the related documents, which may take some time.
(A) complete (B) completing (C) completely (D) completion
104. After a six-month , BEA Systems managed to find the ideal location for the
new research center.
(A) watch (B) reach (C) search (D) switch
105. If the player wins, it will be the first time..10 years that a non-
European has won the medal for the competition.
(A)among (B)during (C)since (D)in
106. You can be assured that Ms. Pei and I will complete the work quickly, since
her work style is compatible with ..
(A) my (B) myself (C) me (D) mine

107. The product design team began..the defects found in one of the
prototypes as soon as they were brought to their attention.
(A) investigated (B) investigate (C) investigating (D) investigates
108. No longer do we purchase raw materials through HAC Imports; neither
their service..their prices are satisfactory.
(A) nor (B) or (C) but (D) for
109. Participating in just one of many ways
companies can improve their company image and bring unity among their
(A) activate (B) active (C) activities (D) activation
110. Realto company is among the few online education sites to..the
concept of open-market teaching, or allowing first-rate teachers to share their
knowledge with students using MP3 files.
(A) place (B) subject (C) bind (D) embrace
111. For security reasons, please make sure that your internet passwords are
not those that are.. found in the company handbook.
(A) ease (B) easy (C) easily (D) easier
112. Prima Blanca, built on the Northwestern part of Tunisia, was the
official.. of the governor of the province.
(A) venue (B) residence (C) situation (D) habitation
113. Copies of the meeting agenda.. not distributed to outsiders
without prior approval of the chairperson.
(A) are (B) was (C) being (D) will be
114. Ms. Claire has informed US that she will leave her post as interim editor-in-
chief in December.. the committee offers her a permanent position.
(A) and (B) even (C) either (D) unless
115. Mr. Song got ..all the required interviews but was still not offered
any position with the firm.
(A) along with (B) through (C) out (D) across to
In the Reading test, you will read a variety of texts and answer several
different types of reading comprehension questions. The entire Reading test
will last 75 minutes. There are three parts, and directions are given for each
part. You are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible within the
time allowed.You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do
not write your answers in the test book.

Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four
answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete
the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Page 9 of 22 (Version 1B)

116. This special travel package is very affordable; above all, .. comes
with a complimentary domestic airline ticket that can be used by the end of the
(A) he (B) she (C) its (D) it
117. Since it was able to overcome such difficult times before. Speed Sonics
Incorporated will not.. much importance to the general concern over
an economic downturn.
(A) improve (B) use (C) attach (D) describe
118. Just as soon as the chairwoman finished her speech, her listeners
(A) enthusiastic (B) enthused (C) enthusiasm (D) enthusiastically
119. ..the university students make up our core client base, online
sales of language study materials for business travelers are also an essential part
of our business.
(A) Whether (B) So that (C) Despite (D) Although
120. Company audits and performance evaluations at Real Incorporated are
.. conducted by an independent auditor hired by the Board of
(A) previously (B) normally (C) nearly (D) exceedingly
121. As the floor manager, some of your most.. tasks include ensuring
the workers' safety and promoting a positive work atmosphere.
(A) importance (B) import (C) important (D) importantly
122. The new online delivery service at Stop & Shop Supermarket has turned
out to be ..attractive to those who are too busy to shop for groceries
on a regular basis.
(A) extremely (B) extreme (C) extremes (D) extremity
123.Since your frank opinions are so important to us. we ask that you do not
hold .. any ideas you may have concerning the services we offer.
(A) from (B) at (C) back (D) away

124.Reallo restaurant warned that it would reconsider doing business with its
suppliers if they do not adhere to the terms and conditions.. agreed
(A) origin (B) original (C) origins (D) originally
125.All interested students should .. a transcript, reference letter and
writing sample to the recruitment officer.
(A) admit (B) omit (C) submit (D) permit
126. The company management is planning to unveil its new plan to help
increase..and generate more profits in the upcoming year.
(A) produces (B) producers (C) productivity (D) productively
127.Most experts expect fluctuating exchange rates and soaring oil prices to the situation in the Middle East improves.
(A) overly (B) unpredictably (C) eventually (D) recently
128. Nutriform Foods is dedicated to providing its customers.. with
and more nutritious dietary products than ever before.
(A) health (B) healthier (C) healthily (D) healthiest
129. The Inchon Wedding Exposition annually sponsored by our company
provides wonderful opportunities for ..and visitors alike.
(A) presentations (B) shows (C) actors (D) exhibitors
130. Amy Loon and Kevin Park have not even received their high school
diploma, but.. have already established themselves as entrepreneurs
in the field.
(A) they (B) them (C) theirs (D) their
131. The government spokesperson announced that about 15 percent of the
surplus would be inner-city schools throughout the country.
(A) allocated (B) measured (C) implemented (D) divided


Page 10 of 22 (Version 1B)

132. Although previously predicted otherwise by many experts, Smith klime &
Beecham has profited from investing in
(A) expand (B) expanse (C) expanding (D) expansively
133. Jergens Cosmetics is known for making its overseas sales
representatives.. that local customs can differ widely from region to
(A) serious (B) careful (C) thoughtful (D) aware
134. Although our distributor had threatened to cancel their orders,
..some negotiation they decided to continue with the deal.
(A) between (B) around (C) following (D) toward
135. The Northbound 1-95 a stalled truck, so the
commuters took a detour during the morning rush hour.
(A) obstruct (B) has been obstructing (C) was obstructed (D)
136. The company will need to find a new storage facility, as its current facility is
filled to.., and new orders are mounting rapidly.
(A)capacity (B) limitation (C) restriction (D) constraint
137. .. a caller is rude, we ask that our operators remain courteous at
all times.
(A) In such (B) Even if (C) Yet (D) Considering
138. The Polish division of KP Chemicals hires professional
photographers.. time the company executives from Korea make their
(A) in (B) on (C) only (D) every
139. The mayor indicated that the new policy banning the use of cell phones
while driving would be.. as of January 1 St.
(A) approximate (B) effective (C) exacting (D) acute

140. The executive board decided that a new search committee should
order to recruit promising candidates for the vacant position.
(A) agreed (B) achieved (C) established (D) demonstrated

Questions 141-143 refer to the following notice.

Directions : Read the texts that follow. A word or phrase is missing in some of the
sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of the sentences. Select the best
answer to complete the text. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer
Date: June 2, 2006
..a routine water main inspection, water to this building will be shut off on
141. (A) Because (C)In addition to
(B)Despite (D)Due to

JUNE 21, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.

During the inspection, all water sources in the building - faucets, showers, toilets,
etc.-will be unusable. To ..our inspection, we request that you refrain
142. (A) facilitate (C)fascinate
(B)factor (D)fasten

from attempting to use water sources at the above time. The first time you use a
water source after the shut-off period, do not be..if water runs brownish
for a minute or two.
143. (A) alarm (C)alarming
(B)alarmed (D)to alarm

However, il is best to refrain from drinking the water until it runs clear.

We regret any inconvenience this shut-off may cause. If you have questions or
comments, please call WILSON COUNTY WATER AND POWER at (807) 869-9554.


Page 11 of 22 (Version 1B)

Questions 144-146 refer to the following introduction.

Questions 147-149 refer to the following letter.

With the fiscal year almost up and all of you busy organizing accounts, we in the
planning department are here to - let's be honest - plug our project to you, the
budget makers. Our company seems to be in sound financial shape, despite the
recession. So we feel that rather than cut back, we need our sector.
144. (A)expanse
(B) expand
(C) expansion
(D) expansive
We have put out feelers to the Chinese government who intend to put this project up
for foreign bids. Mr. Lin-tze in Shanghai has been our liaison official in this regard. Im
sure you all remember him from our..2006 installation of our smokestacks
in many of the factories
145. (A) success
(B) successive
(C) successfully
(D) successful
in southern China. On his advice, we feel it is possible to do this deal at a budget of
$43 million, half of..the Chinese government will cover in return for final
approval and
146. (A) that
(B) which
(C) whom
(D) what
technology transfers approved by the U.S. government. If you look at the portfolio in
front of you, gentlemen and ladies, the figures will speak for themselves.

301 Hamilton Ave Maturing Account
St. Louis, MO 05674
July 20, 2006
Jeffrey Zeldman
127 First St.
Lebanon, MO 05582


We would like to advise you that your Southeast Bank Certificate of Deposit is
due to ..
147. (A) previous
(B) mature
(C) ready
(D) early
on AUGUST 19, 2006.
Unless you give us other instructions, your account will automatically be
renewed into a Maximum Yield Certificate for a term identical to the current
term listed ..Your new
148. (A) across
(B) above
(C) toward
(D) upon
interest rate will be the rate in effect on the day your account matures. If you
want to select a different rate and term, within seven days
of the maturity date.
149. (A) notify
(B) issue
(C) assure
(D) expect
Cynthia Rylant

Account officer


Page 12 of 22 (Version 1B)

Questions 150-152 refer to the following report.

Questions 153-155 refer to the following notice.

153. What is the fare for an eight-year-old child?
(A) $1.00 (B) $0.50 (C) $0.25 (D) Free
154. When are senior citizens NOT eligible for discounted fare?
(A) Sunday at 9:00 p.m. (B) Monday at 11:00 a.m.
(C) Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. (D) Saturday at 8:00 a.m.

City Bus Fare
Regular Fare S1.00
To be paid to the driver at the time of boarding.
Transfers $0.25
Transfers allow the passenger to continue on one additional bus. Issued at the time of
boarding only. Cannot be used for return fare.
Children 5 and under Free
When accompanied by fare-paying adult children 6-12 $0.50
Senior citizens $0.50

Halfpass cards provide discounted fare to individuals over the age of 60 from 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. and after 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday, as well as all day on Saturday and
Sunday. Customers must show their Halfpass cards upon boarding. Cards are free and
may be obtained at the City Transit office upon presenting proper identification.

Weekday Pass
Allows unlimited bus rides from Monday to Friday. Passes provide an average discount
of 15% off the regular fare.
Summer Pass
Offers unlimited trips to individuals aged 13 to 19 during June, July, and August.
Discounted price is $16.00 per month.
With the success of its franchise in Moscow, McDonalds surely must now be
recognized as the undisputed world leader in fast food. Certainly Kentucky Fried
Chicken is providing strong competition, especially in Asia, but McDonalds is more
than a match for them there, too. Maybe if American business leaders would take a
leaf out of these two giants books and see what works overseas, America would no
longer have a trade..
150. (A) incentive
(B) budget
(C) surplus
(D) deficit
By adapting their menu to the local markets they enter, both chains have been
successful.. they have gone.
151. (A) wherever
(B) whenever
(C) whatever
(D) however
The only difference seems to be that McDonald's financial muscle at present to
152. (A) allow
(C) allows
(D) to
open more branches more quickly, in efforts to beat the competition, as it did in

Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper
articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the
best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer

Page 13 of 22 (Version 1B)

155. What special offer for teenagers is mentioned?
(A) Savings on transfer from Monday to Friday
(B) Free Half pass cards
(C) Free travel on Saturdays and Sundays
(D) Discounts on travel in the summer months
Questions 156 - 158 refer to the following letter.

156. Why was this letter written to Mr.Gilmour?
(A) To sell him products related to his vacation
(B) To congratulate him on winning his fabulous prize
(C) To confirm his booking on the cruise
(D) To offer him a deluxe vacation package
157. What kind of entertainment will be provided on the deck of the ship?
(A) Dancing (B) A bar (C) A comedy show (D)
158. Which of the following is NOT a natural wonder that will be seen from the
(A) Sea turtles (B) Whales (C) Beautiful coastline (D) Icebergs
Questions 159 - 161 refer to the following warranty.

Ocean Charter
34 West 76 Street
West Pender. Vancouver. BC N8U 2E5
July IS. 2004
M r. David Gilmour
7 I6 Nashville Street
Cinennatti , Ohio 64474
Dear Mr. Gilmour.
I am writing to confirm your booking on our deluxe cruise from Vancouver BC to
Juneau. Alaska, departing May 7.2005. As you would have seen when selecting
this package, your meals and entertainment are all included, and of course you
and your wife will be staying in one of our deluxe cabins.
Our onboard entertainment includes Vaudeville Follies", a stage show in the
tradition of this great comedy style. There will also be a live band in our dancing
hall, two bars, a cinema and of course shuffleboard that can be played on the
deck. Most spectacular of all are the whales, icebergs and gorgeous coastline you
will see as we make our way north to Alaska!
We know you will have a great time with us on this cruise. I f you have any
questions o f any kind, please contact me by email at or by phone at
1-800-453-7564 extension 213.

Judy Blumc, Director
Ocean Charter
All HiFine speakers are guaranteed for as long as you own the
product. We promise that our speakers and all components are free
of defects in material and workmanship. Our warranty is limited to
the replacement or repair of speaker parts and components, and a
refund cannot be given in any case. The warranty does not cover
problems caused by intentional damage, any type of accident,
attempts to modify the product, misuse, abuse or negligence, it
applies only to normal use of the product. Labor costs are solely the
responsibility of the original purchaser. Any and all claims made
under this warranty must be accompanied by a dated proof of
purchase when presented at an authorized HiFine repair center.
costs of these items must be covered by the customer.
For further information, call us toll free at 1-800-441-0337.

Page 14 of 22 (Version 1B)

159. What kind of costs must be assumed by the customer?
(A) Parts and labor (B) Long distance charges for service calls
(C) Parts and shipping (D) Shipping and labor
160. Which of the following will be covered under the warranty?
(A) Faulty wiring in the speakers (B) Scratches caused by pets
(C) Travel expenses (D) Intentional abuse
161. Where can the products be serviced under the warranty?
(A) A car dealership (B) The HiFine head office
(C) At home (D) An authorized HiFine repair center
Questions 162 - 164 refer to the following advertisement.

162.What city is this store located in?
(A) San Diego (B) North Bay (C) San Francisco (D) Los Angeles

163.What does Wear It Again do to assist local charities?
(A) They offer a 10% discount on used clothes.
(B) Their staff volunteers at soup kitchens.
(C) They check the clothes thoroughly.
(D) They donate 10% of their profits.
164. What do the staff NOT check for before putting clothes on the rack?
(A) Discoloration (B) Rips (C) Color coordination (D) Stains
Questions 165 - 167 refer to the following announcement.

Wear It Again has been supplying quality used clothes in the San
Francisco Bay area for the past 3 decades.
Here at Wear It Again, it is important to us that our customers
receive high- quality garments at affordable prices. Before putting clothes on
the rack, we check each article for rips, discoloration and stains to make sure
the clothing you purchase is in the best possible condition. All items are
sorted by size and color to make shopping easier for you. We even carry
popular designer brands like Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Tomy Hilfiger. We also
sell used furniture, books and even childrens toys! Please note that 10% of
all profits are donated to local charities to assist in building homeless
shelters, provide food to soup kitchens, and to help jobless people find work.
If you want to look stylish and make a difference in your com m
unity at the same time, why not shop at Wear It Again ? W e can make you
look and feel great!
Thank you for volunteering to raise funds (or the American Red Cross. While
there has been a surge in donations for the victims of the recent tsunami in
Southeast Asia, and while that cause is a very deserving one, it has indirectly
had a negative effect on donations for local needs. We appreciate your help
in increasing donations during this special fundraising drive we have
We want to give you the following door-to-door canvassing tips:
* Ask people if they have donated to their local charities this year. If they
answer 'yes, then ask them if they know what a little more can do for their
com m unity.
* Remind people o f all o f the services provided by the Red Cross locally,
blood services, first-aid training and counseling services.
* I f people do not have any cash at hand, you can advise them that we do
accept credit cards. I f they are reluctant to provide this to you directly, you
can give them our web address,
* Don't forget to mention that donations of $ 10 or more are rax deductible.
Your assistance in soliciting these donations is very valuable to us, if it wasn't
people like you then donations would be much less than they are now.
However, you
may wish to make a cash donation o f your own. Remember, a little goes a
long way!

Page 15 of 22 (Version 1B)

165. How are the volunteers going to conduct the fundraising drive?
(A) By telephone (B) By the Internet
(C) By going door to door (D) By sending flyers in the mail
166. Which of the following is NOT suggested as a means of convincing people
to donate?
(A) Suggest they use their credit card
(B) Suggest they donate to the Red Cross instead of other charities
(C) Suggest an additional donation will help
(D) Remind them of the tax benefits
Questions 168-170 refer to the following memorandum.

168. What is one stated purpose of an appraisal?
(A) To establish hiring procedures (B) To identify training needs
(C) To assess company value (D) To review employment applications
169.When is the first appraisal of newly hired staff conducted?
(A) Within six months of hire (B) At the employee's suggestion
(C) At the end of the first year (D) At a supervisors discretion
170. What should employees do first if they disagree with an appraisal?
(A) Request a hearing with the review board
(B) Ask for another appraisal
(C) Talk to a supervisor
(D) Contact the Personnel Department
Questions 171-172 refer to the following article.

171. What is the article mainly about?
(A) Tobacco companies advertising their products
(B) A reduction in teens' use of a harmful product
(C) An educational campaign focusing on adults
(D) A lawsuit brought against smokers
TO: All Employees
DATE: December 1
1. To provide employees with the opportunity to discuss performance
2. To provide a systematic means for supervisors to evaluate employee
and to recommend salary increases
3. To specify performance goals and to indicate areas where future training
is needed
Supervisors are responsible for conducting impartial and timely
performance appraisals of all staff who report to them. Initial appraisals will
be conducted before the end of each employee's six-month probationary
period. If an employee disagrees with the performance appraisal, the
employee should first discuss his or her difference of opinion with the
New York There has been a 20% reduction in the number of smokers
amongst teenagers over the last 5 years according to a new study
published in the New England Journal of Medicine.
I his has been attributed to an increase in television, newspaper and
magazine ads directed toward young people which educate them on the
health risks associated with smoking. There also have been improved anti-
smoking educational materials developed for school programs, and these
have also helped to reduce smoking in teens.
A large part of these plans has been paid by settlements reached between
state governments and tobacco companies in lawsuits brought within the
last decade.
A total of $306 billion dollars has been paid by the tobacco companies.


Page 16 of 22 (Version 1B)

172. Which is NOT mentioned in the article as a method used to educate teens?
(A) Television ads (B) School programs
(C) Pamphlets (D) Magazine ads
Questions 173 - 175 refer to the following letter.

173. Which item was NOT ordered?
(A) Itching Powder (B) Imitation Dog Pooh
(C) Exploding Cigars (D) Bad Tasting Candy
174 . What is the total price for the 200 Exploding Cigars?
(A) $200 (B) $600 (C) $700 (D) $750
175. When must the items be delivered by?
(A) May 15 (B) April 1 (C) May 14 (D) March 31
Questions 173 - 175 refer to the following information.

Jokie Jokie
616 Hydra Terrace Place
Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Canada
J 6B 2K8
April 1

Mr. Clive Slivey
Order Department
Slapstick Supplies Inc.
1111 Park Place
New York. New York, 11221

Dear Mr. Slivey,

I wish to order the following items to be sold in our novelty retail store. Please
advise me
as to when these items are likely to arrive at our location, and keep in mind that
they must
arrive no later than the day before our opening day. May 15:
Imitation Dog Pooh Quantity 100 Total price $500
Exploding Cigars Quantity 200 Total price $600
Super Potent Itching Powder Quantity 50 Total price $750
I will also need details as to what shipping costs will be, and whether there are
differences depending on the delivery method.

I appreciate your attention to my order and look forward to your prompt reply.

Sincerely yours,
Joey Jojo
Purchasing director
Car Loan Terms
FIRST LUMP PAYMENT The first payment must be at least 30
percent of the total cost of the vehicle, including taxes. A larger
payment can he made, which can reduce the size of future monthly
MONTHLY PAYMENTS Monthly payments will he made over a
term of 3, 4. 5 or 6 years. Each payment will be equal to the amount
still owing alter (he initial lump payment divided by the number of
months, including taxes and interest calculated on our fixed rate of 5
ADDITIONAL LUMP PAYMENTS Payments larger than (lie normal
monthly amount can be made at any time, hut a fee of 3 percent will
be applied to any amount in excess of the agreed monthly payment.
BUYBACK OPTION You may apply to have the company
repurchase tile vehicle from you at any point. There must be art
appraisal of the vehicle lat the customers cost, at which point the
company will pay the full amount. Any unpaid principle of the loan will
be deducted from the repurchase price at a penalty of 20 percent.

Page 17 of 22 (Version 1B)

176. Which is one way to reduce the monthly payment amount?
(A) Choose the longest repayment term
(B) Make payments that are smaller than the normal amount
(C) Pay a higher interest rate
(D) Make a large first lump payment
177. What is the penalty on any unpaid principle of the car loan in the case of
a buyback?
(A) 10 percent (B) 15 percent
(C) 20 percent (D) 30 percent
Questions 178 - 180 refer to the following notice.

178. What is the purpose of this notice?
(A) To receive feedback about how labor laws should be changed
(B) To encourage people to vote for their state representatives
(C) To advise team leaders of an updated handbook
(D) To tell people about a decrease in their vacation time
179. What rules are mentioned as having changed most extensively?
(A) Maternity leave regulations
(B) Individual employee rights
(C) Workplace injury regulations
(D) HR director inquiry processes
180. What should people do if they have questions about any items?
(A) Contact the HR department immediately
(B) Wait until next Thursday
(C) Try to figure it out themselves through discussion with fellow employees
(D) Consult the handbook, then seek assistance from the Human Resources

To: All team leaders
From: Director of Human Resources
Sub: Updated Labor Regulation Handbook
Date: July 12
The State Labor Commission has recently revised its rules governing
relationships between employers and employees. It is our responsibility
to make sure that management and staff are aware of any ami all changes
that may affect them.
The revised handbook will be available from next Thursday and all team
leaders will receive 20 copies each - additional copies should be ordered
by the coming Monday if needed. We want to make sure that every
individual employee receives their own copy.

The revised items include the following:
1. The company must provide a minimum of 2 weeks paid vacation to
2.Women can now share their 2 months of allowed maternity leave with their
husbands if they also want to spend time at home shortly after the birth.
3.The rules governing injuries in the workplace have changed extensively-please
make sure that everyone fully reviews this section of the handbook.
All of these items are fully explained in the handbook if you have any
questions, please be sure to check there before contacting me for assistance.


Page 18 of 22 (Version 1B)

Questions 171 - 185 refer to the following two different letters.

181. Why did Mr. Perry write the first letter?
(A) To thank a travel agency (B) To complain about
unsatisfactory services
(C) To request a refund (D) To plan a trip to the West Coast
182. What is NOT something Mr. Perry and his wife were impressed with?
(A) Staff (B) Cost (C) Plan (D) Operation
183. What can be inferred about the Perrys?
(A) They only took a few pictures during their trip.
(B) They are very knowledgeable about local history.
(C) They are from the West Coast.
(D) They like to travel a lot.
184. What did the Perrys like about Miss Summers?
(A) She made a huge mistake. (B) She is knowledgeable and amiable.
(C) She is very pretty. (D) She had a good voice.
185. What kind of travel agency is Bon Voyage Travel Agency?
(A) It provides only hotel and airplane arrangements.
(B) It services tour guides for free.
(C) It offers unique tours on the Asia continent.
(D) It arranges all aspects of a trip.

Dear lion Voyage Travels,
Last month, I went on your two-week package lour to the West Coast of
America with my wife. I must say that we were thoroughly impressed with your
operations, personnel, and flexible schedule, it was one of the most smoothly rim and
efficient tours that my wife and I have been on. which is saying a lot since we are both
great fans of traveling. My wife was particularly taken with our lour guide, Miss Alissa
Summers, who was not only very knowledgeable in the history of local areas but also
humorous, kind, and attentive. I would appreciate it greatly if you would extend a
special thank you from us to Miss Summers, for showing great kindness and aptitude tit
her job.
This trip was no doubt one of the most enjoyable we have had so far, and I am
certain that whenever we feel the urge to explore other exotic countries as well, we will
come to your travel agency.
I am attaching a few pictures we took during the trip. Enjoy, and thank you again.
Matthew Perry

Dear Mr. Matthew Perry,
Thank you for giving Bon Voyage Travel Agency the opportunity to make
travel arrangements and to provide an overall guide for your recent trip to San
Francisco, Los Angeles, and the Grand Canyon.
We are glad to hear that you were pleased with the tour itself, and hope
that you were also pleased with other aspects of the trip, such as the air travel
and hotel accommodations that we arranged for you. The tour guide you
mentioned, Miss Summers, would like to send her thanks for your
commendation as well.
As you know, although our travel agency specializes in arranging tours on
the American continent, we are capable of making arrangements for other
continents as well. We look forward to hearing from you again soon. Thank you.
Bon Voyage!
Bon Voyage Travels

Page 19 of 22 (Version 1B)

Questions 186 - 190 refer to the following memo and response.

186. What is the purpose of the customer service request form?
(A) To place an order for merchandise
(B) To place a complaint about the customer service center
(C) To report problems concerning ordered merchandise
(D) To request a refund
187.Why has the lighter not arrived yet?
(A) The lighter was lost on the way.
(B) The requested lighter is still being made.
(C) The delivery man got lost.
(D) Due to a strike by workers at the UPS center
188. For about how long has the lighter been lost in transit?
(A) About four weeks (B) About five weeks
(C) About six weeks (D) About seven weeks
189. What will the company do if the lighter is not found?
(A) Send a check to the UPS center .
(B) Go to the UPS center to check on progress
(C) Compose a checklist of where the lighter might be
(D) Send a check to Ms. Haber to give her a refund

Dear Ms. Danielle I laber.
The order for your lighter was received on June 19th by Internet and was
shipped via UPS on June 20th. We can only assume that the lighter was lost
in transit.
Upon receipt of your customer service request form, we reported the loss
immediately to the carrier and they are attempting to locate the parcel. We
should have a report back within two weeks.
If UPS is successful in locating your lighter, then it will be forwarded to you
promptly. If. after two weeks, UPS has been unsuccessful, wc will forward a
check to vou for the value of the lighter.
We are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you.

Page 20 of 22 (Version 1B)

190. What can be inferred from thepassages?
(A) Ms. Haber needs the lighter immediately.
(B) Ms. Haber ordered the lighter online.
(C) The company specializes in sales of rare lighters.
(D) Ms. Haber is a collector of lighters
Questions 191 - 195 refer to the following two different e-mails.

191. What is the purpose of the first letter?
(A) To complain about useless information in an article
(B) To point out a grammar mistake
(C) To complain about certain photographs
(D) To praise the magazines insight
192. What does "jump at" mean in the first letter?
(A) To eagerly accept an opportunity
(B) To move quickly and hurriedly
(C) To snap at someone impatiently
(D) To leap or bound

To: Young Weekly Editor
Sub: Serious Problem
Date: Tue. Mar 12, 2006
I have been a long-time, avid reader o f your magazine and I am well aware o f
the fact that you jump at any chance to show celebrities, whether they are
drinking coffee, going to the gym, or shopping for groceries. O f course, I
understand that without these kind o f pictures and information about the daily
lives o f famous stars, your magazine would not be the kind of magazine it is
now. It is true that I do not think it is such a good idea to have spreads on
celebrities with serious eating disorders and treat them as i f there s nothing
wrong with them. It doesn't seem as if you are very concerned about what kind
o f standard body image you are projecting to your readers. I occasionally enjoy
looking at other paparazzi pictures. But an otherwise interesting article, Eating
Healthy Meals *by Nicole Watts+, was ruined by the inclusion o f ridiculous
paparazzi pictures. There are several reasons I was displeased by this. First o f all,
there were no pictures whatsoever related to the articles main topic, nutrition.
Anyone can tell you that pictures o f healthy meals should have been included.
Perhaps a picture o f the tofu salad recommended as a nutritious low-caloric
meal would have been appropriate. Second, the pictures you did choose to
include were not only irrelevant, but also going against the point o f the article.
The article itself doesn't mention fast food at all, yet somehow a picture o f stick-
thin Ashley Berliner having french fries for lunch found its way between
columns? Save the shots o f Ashley for your fashion section, because when it
comes to my health, Ashley is the last person on my mind.
from Indiana
To: Indiana
Sub: [Re] Serious Problem
Date: Thurs. Mar 14, 2006
Dear Indiana.
We are sorry to hear that you thought the choice o f photographs in the
article Eating Healthy Meals" was inappropriate. We apologize for any
distress it may have caused you. A new issue has already come out on stands
since you m ailed us y o u r letter, so unfortunately we arc unable to make
any corrections. However, we w ill be issuing a statement regarding the
photographs in our next issue.
We hope that you continue to subscribe to our magazine.
Thank you.
Young Weekly

Page 21 of 22 (Version 1B)

193.What kind of magazine is Young Weekly?
(A) A geography magazine (B) A fashion magazine
(C) A tabloid (D) A health magazine
194. What can be inferred about Ashley Berliner from the passage?
(A) She is a famous singer. (B) She is an avid reader of Young Weekly.
(C) She is from Indiana. (D) She is a celebrity with health problems.
195. What does Young Weekly offer to do in compensation for their error?
(A) Publish a revised edition of the issue in question
(B) Give Indiana a free one-year subscription
(C) Advise Ashley Berliner to cut down on fast food
(D) Make an apology in their next issue
Questions 191 - 195 refer to the following information and response.

196. How much time is needed to install SpeedWare: Pro 2006?
(A) 10 minutes (B) 30 minutes
(C) 45 minutes (D) 100 minutes

New SpeedWare 2006 Full-Install Retail Box
Price: US S93.99
Manage routine accounting tasks including accounts payable & receivable,
payroll and
inventory. SpeedWare: Pro 2006 has all the fast and easy financial
management tools of basic and advanced tools, and customization options to
boost efficiency and accuracy. SpeedWare:
Pro 2006 is the leading choice for managing your books. Get all the exciting
features o f
SpeedWare. which include:
Exchange data with more than 325 software applications.
Track employee time and job costs.
Customize your forms, reports, and even your price levels.
Pay bills, print checks and track expenses automatically.
Customize 100- pre-designed forms to create a unique look.

To Whom It may Concern,

On April 20th, I requested information on your new software package
(SpeedWare: Pro 2006), and your brochure was delivered to my office on April
21st. Thank you for the manner in which you expedited this information. I must
say, I was quite impressed with your immediate response. I do have one
question regarding your new program. What is the difference between
SpeedWare: Pro 2006 and SpeedWare: Basic 2005? A quick glance at the
features of SpeedWare: Pro 2006 suggests that there is no difference at
all, excluding the price.

I will be looking forward to your response.
Taylor Norris
Create reports comparing estimated costs to actuals.
Track inventory and create purchase orders.
Instantly create reports it taxes for your accountant.
Find key information about customer and vendor accounts instantly.
Apply payments, over/underpayments, credits and refunds.
See dates for payroll, taxes and other liabilities at a glance with the new Payroll
Center (For FULL Payroll function, you need to annually subscribe to
Faster, easier setup: getting up and running in 30 minutes.
Choose from 1001 professional, customizable forms, and much more!
Order now, and you definitely won t regret it!


Page 22 of 22 (Version 1B)

197 . What kind of software is SpeedWare: Pro 2006?
(A) Finance management software (B) Data management software
(C) Image editing software (D) Layout & form editing software
198. What does the advertisement claim to be the difference between
SpeedWare Pro and Basic?
(A) Pro has more tools and options than Basic.
(B) Pro is much more cost-efficient than Basic.
(C) Pro is easier to use than Basic.
(D) Pro is more popular among users than Basic.
199. Why was Taylor Norris impressed?
(A) The brochure was very informational. .
(B) The brochure was delivered promptly.
(C) The brochure included a free trial CD.
(D) The brochure answered all of his questions.
200.What does Taylor Norris imply about the price of SpeedWare: Pro 2006?
(A) It is cheaper than Basic 2005.
(B) It is well-priced.
(C) The price is different from Basic 2005.
(D) The price is absolutely excessive.

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