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You can now order our complete Five Dragons Acupuncture College Course on CD-ROM
Yes, we still offer these lessons for free. o, wh! should !ou "u! them# $t%s a "etter deal "ecause
!ou can save download time and get the te&t"oo' and instructional videos, too. (hese lessons,
"oo's and videos are worth far more than what we as' for them. )ut we want to ma'e them
availa"le to the general pu"lic at the lowest possi"le cost.
*ere%s what !ou get+
,- (he complete .Five Dragon%s Acupuncture College Correspondence Course in /, 0essons. All
121 pages and thousands of dollars worth of acupuncture 'nowledge +++ $n Ado"e Acro"at format
for eas! computer reading or print-out.
3- .(he 4ssentials of Acupuncture., (he complete 225 page te&t"oo' in Ado"e Acro"at format
with "oth color and "6w photos and drawings of all meridians and acupuncture points. (his alone
retails for 732.18 +++
/- (he Complete 9i :ong Course, 3,; pages of Ado"e Acro"at instruction in "reathing,
meditation and chi cultivation. (his course originall! sold for over 7//<.<< +++
=lus an added "onus of 5 (ai Chi Chuan >indows Media ?ideos featuring @
AAAChen (ai Chi Chuan ,st set
AAAChen (ai Chi Chuan 3nd set BCannon Fist-
AAA*un!uan (ai Chi Chuan
AAAChow Yun-Fat Does 9i :ong Bthe famous *ong Cong movie star shows the secrets-
AAA.$n earch of Chi. with )ill Mo!ers B a full hour of priceless 'nowledge-
AAA=ushing *ands Btwo videos-
AAA>u (ang (ai Chi word
(hese are all top level videos and difficult to find an!where +++
All of this for onl! 7D2.18 plus 7/.8< shipping world-wide. (o order, print out the Order =age and
include a postal mone! order or clic' the "utton "elow to order from !our Credit Card. >hen !ou
finish shopping, return to Order =age and Clic' Chec'-Out )utton.
Five Dragons Acupuncture College Correspondence Course
Free 0essons for alternative medicine practitioners, martial artists, chiropractors, natural healers,
ph!sicians and the general pu"lic.
All Acupuncture 0essons Be&cept E/,- are Free to Download upon receipt of !our application.
end us !our application for lessons, stating !our reasons for desiring to stud! Acupuncture. >e
are not interested in collecting !our personal data. o, !ou need not give name, address or an!
other information "ut we want to 'now !our reasons for stud!ing this ancient science and art as
well as an! medical or martial arts "ac'ground that !ou have. 4-mail us at FofficeG"am"oo-
delight.comH. (his is a free service of the )am"oo Delight Compan!.
>h! do we give awa! free acupuncture lessons#
(o answer this for !ourself, read the e)oo', .Iewish-Communist )rainwashing (echniJues. and
!ou will see that Acupuncture is a cure that the Communists and their =s!chopolitical Operatives
tr! to
'eep out of the hands of the =eople. (herefore, we give awa! free acupuncture lessons so that
the =eople are not "etra!ed "! the criminal conspirac! of 0eftist ph!sicians and ps!chiatrists who
profit from sic'ness and therefore ignore whatever offers a real cure.
Also, the >estern Medical Conspirac! attempts to suppress this ancient method of health
'nowledge and to ma'e what is cheap and simple into something that is complicated and
e&pensive. )ut wh! should the >estern =h!sicians ma'e mone! even as the =eople suffer and
die# And worse, wh! should the >estern =h!sicians withhold a cure simpl! "ecause it doesn%t
pa! them a fortune to offer it or "ecause the! are too ignorant of (rue *ealing to ma'e use of it#
(herefore, we give awa! free acupuncture lessons so that the =eople ma! understand the
methods for curing themselves of illness and old age.
0earn the ancient m!ster! of the circulation of !our 0ife Force 'nown as C*$. And "e well.
Five Dragons Acupuncture College Correspondence Course
Contents of the 0essons in Ado"e Acro"at format@
0esson , -- Overview of Modern and (raditional Acupuncture B125 '", 3< pages-
0esson 3 -- (he ,3 Meridians BD/8 '", ,; pages-
0esson / -- Acupuncture Anatom! B,.3 M", 38 pages-
0esson 2 -- YinKYang cience BDD2 '", ,1 pages-
0esson 8 -- (he =ericardium Meridian BD38 '", ,D pages-
0esson ; -- (he 0ung Meridian B,., M", 32 pages-
0esson D -- (he (welve Radial =ulses B3., M", 22 pages-
0esson 5 -- (he Five 4lements, O"servation 6 $nterrogation B,.2 M", 38 pages-
0esson 1 -- (he 0arge $ntestine Meridian B3.; M", /2 pages-
0esson ,< -- 4nerg! and the (riple )urner 4nergetics B,.D M", 38 pages-
0esson ,, -- (he (riple )urner Meridian B,.5 M", 32 pages-
0esson ,3 -- Acupressure Bhiatsu- Massage (echniJues B,., M", 3< pages-
0esson ,/ -- (he mall $ntestine Meridian B,.3 M", 3/ pages-
0esson ,2 -- Five 4lement (heor! and Organ Correspondencies B,.8 M", 3, pages-
0esson ,8 -- (he Conception ?essel B135 '", 3< pages-
0esson ,; -- (he pleen Meridian B1,/ '", ,1 pages-
0esson ,D -- (he 0iver Meridian B12; '", 3, pages-
0esson ,5 -- Cidne! 4nergetics and $ntroduction to =athogenesis B,.5 M", 38 pages-
0esson ,1 -- (he Cidne! Meridian B,.3 M", 3< pages-
0esson 3< -- (he tomach Meridian B,.1 M", // pages-
0esson 3, -- (he :all )ladder Meridian B,.; M", // pages-
0esson 33 -- (he :overnor ?essel B,.8 M", 3D pages-
0esson 3/ -- (he 4&traordinar! =oints B,.3 M", 3; pages-
0esson 32 -- (he )ladder Meridian B3.2 M", 22 pages-
0esson 38 -- (he 4&tra or Ancestral Meridians B,.2 M", 3; pages-
0esson 3; -- (he AntiJue =oints and $ntroduction to =atholog! B3.3 M", /3 pages-
0esson 3D -- (he 4ight (herapeutic Rules B3.D M", 25 pages-
0esson 35 -- (echniJue of Acupuncture and Mo&i"ustion B3.; M", 2; pages-
0esson 31 -- Leedle-less 4lectronic (echniJues and Diagnosis B,.1 M", 3; pages-
0esson /< -- Auriculotherap! and Other (herapeutic Methods B3.1 M", 83 pages-
0esson /, -- A (reatment Formular! B1.D M", 38; pages-
Learl! 8< Mega"!tes and 121 pages in this complete Acupuncture Course+
You ma! learn acupuncture at whatever speed that suits !ou. $f !ou learn Juic'l!, then !ou can
order each successive lesson Juic'l!. $f !ou li'e to ta'e !our time and contemplate the lessons
carefull!, then !ou can order a new lesson ever! two or three wee's or once a month. Or if !ou
decide that stud!ing acupuncture is not what !ou want to do after all, !ou can drop out at an!
time. (he choice is !ours. impl! send us !our reasons for stud!ing acupuncture and we will
send !ou the download lin' for the first lesson immediatel!. (he first /< 0essons are Free upon
0esson /, is free when !ou purchase the te&t"oo', .4ssentials of Chinese Acupuncture..
9uestion@ >h! must we purchase the te&t"oo' in order to get 0esson /,#
Answer@ 0essons , through /< are a complete course. o, !ou do not need 0esson /, for a
wor'ing 'nowledge of Acupuncture. 0esson /, gives the various acupuncture point com"inations
and formulas for treating specific illnesses. uch 'nowledge is not necessar! for those who are
onl! interested in acupuncture as a ho""! or to satisf! their curiosit! or for those who want to
'now and to understand acupuncture "ut not to practice it as a healing or a martial art. (hus,
0essons , through /< are enough for them. )ut for those who want to "e a"le to use acupuncture
as a healing method or for those who want to "ecome licensed acupuncture doctors and for
martial artists, then the e&act acupuncture cavit! com"inations that have "een successfull! used
for the past 8,<<< !ears to treat illness, is essential 'nowledge. (his is contained in 0esson /,.
And so, if !ou are serious a"out !our acupuncture 'nowledge, !ou will want to have 0esson /,. $n
li'e manner, if !ou are serious a"out understanding this peerless art and science, then !ou will
also want to "roaden and deepen !our 'nowledge and thus !ou will also want a cop! of the
te&t"oo', .4ssentials of Chinese Acupuncture..
(he te&t"oo' gives detailed drawings and acupuncture maps along with a deeper understanding
of acupuncture. $f !ou are serious in !our Juest for 'nowledge, then !ou will "e ver! happ! to
have a cop! of this e&cellent "oo'. And li'e an! college or universit! course, there are reJuired
te&t"oo's that ever! student needs to have. (he .4ssentials of Chinese Acupuncture. is such a
)ut there is no need to "u! the te&t"oo' immediatel!. After !ou download the first /< lessons for
free and see how e&cellent the! are, !ou will want to "u! the te&t"oo' and to also have 0esson
/, as a complimentar! gift.
9uestion@ ince all of the lessons are free, wh! can%t we Must download them all at once instead of
having to reJuest a new lesson ever! time#
Answer@ 4ver!"od! loves free stuff. And server space costs us mone!. o, if ever!one who thin's
that the! want to learn acupuncture downloads 8< M" of acupuncture files all at once and then
later decide that the! reall! aren%t interested after all, then the! have wasted their time and our
mone! and ta'en files that the! couldn%t use awa! from someone who was trul! interested. You
will 'now if these lessons are something that !ou want after reading 0esson E,. (hen, as !ou
stud! each lesson, perhaps !ou will want them all and perhaps !ou will decide that !ou are not
interested enough to finish the course. $t%s up to !ou as to how far !ou go and how often !ou want
to stud! the ne&t lesson. )ut we reall! cannot afford to offer mass downloads to those who will
an!thing on the $nternet as long as it%s free. Also, we have had hac'ers steal our files and run up
our "andwidth merel! "ecause the! don%t li'e us or don%t li'e us educating the =eople. )esides,
!ou can onl! read the 0essons one at a time and not all at once, so !ou don%t reall! need to have
them all at once. (a'e !our time and stud! them one at a time and !ou will "ecome well educated
in acupuncture theor! and practice. All for free+
9uestion@ $ travel and don%t have time to 'eep downloading m! free lessons. Can%t $ Must "u! them
all at once and dispense with this downloading process#
Answer@ Yes, although the lessons are still free, !ou can "u! all of them at once on our CD
Collection and get a lot of e&tra premiums, too+
(o "u! and download the te&t"oo', the .4ssentials of Chinese Acupuncture., go to the Order
Form and charge it to !our credit card or send a mone! order toda!.
(o "egin !our series of /< acupuncture lessons, please tell us wh! !ou want to learn
acupuncture. >rite !our reasons in ,<< words or less and send !our reJuest to FofficeG"am"oo-
delight.comH. )egin right now and learn how simple it is to "e health! using Chinese Medicine
and !our own Chi energ!.

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