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Final Reflection VISE III

Karla Calderón Yévenes.

Pablo Ponce Santibáñez.

To come to this final process of Vise III meant for us a great challenge
mainly because in this stage we would prove the effectiveness of our skills.
Afortunately we have to say that we found a good class in terms of respect and
discipline. They, with an average of 15 years, were very talktative but it is a
slight difficulty if we compare it to our classmates` cases.

The experience of being part of the learning proccess was very

demanding, we felt responsible for their knowledge and we had to plan carefuly
our classes in order to achieve all the objectives we set. We knew that this
process builds step by step, we mean that we had to knew very well our
students, their behaviour, their reactions, their interests, and their overall
characterisitics. We found some students which were not silly at all but they
were lack of stimulus. That`s why we centred on motivation for that cases, as
Anatole France quoted: “Nine tenths of education is encouragement”. After all
the results were good because we realized that those students finally
concentrated more in class, and wrote down almost all the contents, so we felt
satisfied in that sense.

Team teaching stage was a fundamental one because it served us as the

excercise previous to the real one, we mean the teaching stage. We were
progessively taking the role of models, of guides for those students, so when we
finally were alone in front of the class we were ready to face the new challenge.

Thanks mainly the class of Didactics with Patricio Calderón we learn

important aspects to make the class attractive, dynamic and meaningful. We
had to use the most quantity of resources to carry out our purpose, but we
enjoyed doing that. Although, always it is good to make a self-evaluation, and
we leant about our weaknesses as prospective teacher, and we know we have
to reinforce that aspects that don`t enable us to take the class in proper a way,
for example to gain students` respect and to reflect us as authorities inside the

Summing up, we gained substancial experience in this VISE III, it

definitely prepared us to face the real world of education, we know that we can
find a more difficult class in the future, but we will have to put in practice
everything we have learnd personally or through other experiences. Finally we
set a quote which we liked a lot because summarize the essence of education
that we believe:

“The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to
think - rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves,
than to load the memory with thoughts of other men.” (Bill Beattie)

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